Ridge Collision Tectonics in Terrane Development: Pergamon
Ridge Collision Tectonics in Terrane Development: Pergamon
Ridge Collision Tectonics in Terrane Development: Pergamon
271-278, 1994
Copyright © 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd & Earth Sciences & Rc,scmc~ Institute
Pergamon Prinlcd in Great Britain. All rights rc~rv~l
0895-9811/94 $7.00 + 0.00
Abstract--Some allochthonous terranes form along active continental margins when slivers of forearc crust (or more extensive
crust) are displaced along arc-parallel strike-slip faults. Such faults can be generated or reactivated in response to either oblique
subduction or ridge collision (collision between an oceanic spreading ridge and the leading edge of the forearc). The mechanical
and thermal effects of ridge collision are important factors in the origin and crustal development of some forearc sliver terranes.
Some of the effects of ridge collision are well illustrated in the South American forearc near the Chile triple junction (46° S) where
the Chile Rise is colliding today. Impingement of the Chile Rise, in conjunction with oblique subduction, has caused an elongate
forearc sliver terrane to move northward away from an extensional zone at the collision site. The terrane is bounded on the east by
the arc-parallel Liquifle-Ofqui fault system (LOF) which coincides roughly with the forearc-arc boundary, and on the south by the
Golfo de Penas extensional basin. Fault fabrics, recent seismicity, and paleomagnetic results indicate a component of right-lateral
strike-slip movement on the LOF. Neotectonic geomorphology and pre- and post-seismic vertical strain data from the 1960 Con-
cepcfon earthquake indicate a west-down dip-slip component of movement. Three-dimensional finite element models of ridge
collision in this region substantiate these shear strains and development of an arc-parallel fault at about 150-200 km from the
Development of the forearc crust during Miocene and younger collision also involved intrusion of silicic magmas and emplace-
ment of the Pliocene(?) Taitao ophiolite within about 15 km of the trench. The ophiolite and the silicic magmas constitute anom-
alous additions to the forearc crust, and record tectonic events leading to the origin of the allochthonous terrane carrying them.
Similar ophiolite/silicic plutonic associations may help unravel the origins of other allochthonous terranes.
Resumen--Algunos terrenos aloctonos son formados en margenes continentales activas cuando fragmentos de la corteza de la
zona de el frente de arco (o m ~ extensa eorteza) son desplazadas a lo largo de fallas rumbo-deslizantes paralelas al arco. Tales fal-
las pueden ser generadas o reactivadas en respuesta a una colisi6n oblicua o la colisi6n entre un centro de expansi6n oceanico
(ridge) y el borde de el frente de arco (forearc). La mecfmica y efecto termal de la colisi6n son factores importartantes en el origen
y desarrollo de algunos terrenos en las zonas de frente de arco. Algunos de estos efectos son bien ilustrados en las zonas de frente
de arco cerca de el punto triple de Chile (46° S) en Sur America. Donde la colisi6n ocurre actualmente en relaci6n con una sub-
ducci6n oblicua, la cual a causado un elongado terreno en la zona del frente de arco que se desplaza hacia el norte alejandose de
una zona de extensi6n en el sitio de colisi6n. El terreno es limitado al este pot el sistema de fallas de Liquifie-Ofqui (LOF) que
aproximadamente coinside con el iimite arco-frente de arco y por el sur por la cuenca extensional de el golfo de Penas. Resultados
de sismicidad, paleomagnetismo y fabrica indican un componente de movimiento de rumbo lateral-derecho para LOF. La geomor-
fologfa neotect6nica y datos de esfuerzo vertical pre- and post sismo del terremoto de Concepci6n de 1960 indican un componente
de movimiento hacia abajo en un piano inclinado hacia el oeste (west-down dip-slip component). Modelos tridimensionales de
colisi6n en esta regi6n pruevan el desarrollo de esfuerzos y fallas paralelas al arco 150 - 200 km de la fosa.
El emplazamiento de la ofiolita de Taltao (plioceno?) y la intrusi6n de magmas silicieos estan tambien en relaci6n con el desar-
rollo de corteza en el frente de arco y colisi6n durante el tiempo Mioceno y m ~ reciente. La ofiolita y los magmas silicicos con-
stituyen adisiones an6malas a la corteza de el frente de arco y registran eventos tect6nicos primarios al orig6n de el terreno
aloctono. Similares asociaci6n ofiolita / plutones silicicos pueden ayudar a entender los origenes de otros terrenos aloctonos.
Address all correspondence and reprint requests to Eric Nelson, Dept. of Geology, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 8040 I.
P r e s e n t e d a t the Fifth Circum-Pacific T e r r a n e Conference, Santiago, Chile, 11-14 N o v e m b e r 1991.
site, with stress field, slip line, and strain solutions, were Mechanical Effects of Ridge Collision
performed to test the applicability of the indenter model to
Mechanically, impingement of the Chile Rise has
faulting kinematics in the forearc. Finally, the various caused large scale deformation of the forearc upper crust.
effects of ridge collision are summarized and shown to Forsythe and Nelson (1985) proposed an indenter kine-
impart a distinct geologic history on the allochthonous ter- matic model in which an elongate forearc sliver (Chiloe
rane (forearc sliver). block) is moving northward, away from an extensional
zone at the collision site (Fig. 3). Two major tectonic fea-
tures accommodate this movement: 1) normal faults in the
Chile Triple Junction Golfo de Penas basin, and 2) the Liquifie-Ofqui fault sys-
tem (Fig. 2). The crustal sliver, which can be considered
The Chile triple junction, separating the Antarctic, an allochthonous terrane, is bounded on the east by the
Nazca and South American plates, marks the site where arc-parallel LOF which coincides roughly with the
the actively spreading Chile Rise is entering the forearc-arc boundary or, in places, with the arc axis. The
sediment-filled Chile trench (Fig. 2). Spreading ridge seg- LOF is mapped primarily as a system of subparallel linea-
ments are approximately parallel to the trench, and conver- ments linked with listric (in plan view) splays (Fig. 2).
gence vectors are approximately 0-30 and 22 ° from the Although the history of movement on the LOF is poorly
boundary normal south and north of the triple junction known, both dip slip (down-to-the-west) and strike-slip
respectively (Minster and Jordan, 1978; Fig. 2). Conver- (right lateral) displacements are suggested by field evi-
gence rates north and south of the triple junction are dence, seismicity, and paleomagnetic studies. Right-lat-
approximately 9 cm/yr and <2 cm/yr respectively (Minster eral slip (possibly as old as Oligocene) is suggested by
and Jordan, 1978). Offshore geological and geophysical field studies on mylonitic rocks near the northern mapped
data indicate that the triple junction has migrated north extent of the fault system (Herv6, et al., 1979). Garcia et
along the continental margin over the last 15-20 Ma (Her- al. (1988) proposed, on the basis of paleomagnetic studies
ton et al., 1981; Cande et al. 1987), and that at least two in the region north of Puerto Montt, right-lateral offset
short ridge segments have collided with the forearc in the along the LOF of 400-500 km at least since 50 Ma. They
region of the triple junction over the past 6 Ma. Much of also noted that vertical-axis block rotations associated
the variation in the morphology of the continental shelf with this shear affect rocks as young as 3-4 Ma, indicating
and slope is thought to reflect the response of the continen- very recent activity on the fault system. In the region
tal margin to the collision of ridge and transform segments between Puerto Montt (42 ° 30' S) and Puerto Cisnes (44 °
(Cande et al., 1987; ODP Leg 141). Also, a number of 45' S), Cembrano (1990) and Herv6 et al. (in press)
magmatic and tectonic phenomena in the Andean forearc mapped Tertiary(?) mylonitic fabrics and Miocene grani-
near the triple junction are believed to be near-field effects toids and ophiolitic rocks along the LOF. These features
of these Pliocene and younger ridge collisions (Nelson and are consistent with an origin by protracted transtensional
Forsythe, 1989)• wrench faulting• Near the southern end of the LOE in the
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~_. ' . ' • " ~•' ........ :.'.. : ..'.• " ~ i... t// \
I \ I
• : ":..'. SAM
• '. / / / \ / \ f \
I\1~ \ //J i
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, \ ~ , .,\
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Fig. 3. Perspective block diagram illustrating ridge collision and associated tectonic features in South American plate• See Fig. 2 for
SAES 7/3-4- D
triple junction region, aftershocks from the 1960 Con- Finite Element Models
cepcion earthquake (Fig. 8; Plafker and Savage, 1970;
Three dimensional finite element modeling was per-
Chinn and Isacks, 1983; Cifuentes, 1989), and recent seis-
formed, using the program MCS/NASTRAN (Schaeffer,
micity (unpublished data) suggest recent motion on the
1988), for this ridge collision setting in order to model the
LOF. Chinn and Isacks (1983) determined a strike-slip
development of arc-parallel faults. Local and regional
focal plane solution for a 1965, Ms=6.0, earthquake (or
scale models were constructed (Fig. 5), and loads were
aftershock) along the trace of the LOE Lastly, the pattern
applied in order to simulate both indenter and oblique sub-
of curved fault splays along the LOF (Fig. 2) are inter-
duction tectonics. The range of parameters used is given
preted as Riedel (R) shears (see Petit, 1987; Sylvester,
in the Appendix. The number of finite elements varied
1988), and are consistent with a component of right-lateral
from 500 to 700, with more than 2000 grid points. Both
slip on the fault system.
stress and strain solutions were generated in both static
Geomorphic features along the LOF on the Istmo (Isth- and transient cases (Fig. 6).
mus) de Ofqui (Fig. 1), including a major topographic The predicted regional stress field in the forearc region
break (Figs. 4, 7b), a -10-20 m-high Quaternary fault is shown in Fig. 6a. Maximum horizontal stress (GH-max)
scarp, and sag ponds suggest a component of down-to-the- trajectories are normal to the trench in the triple junction
west slip and protracted activity. In addition, ductile region, but become subparallel to the trench to the north.
deformation fabrics with right-lateral slip indicators Approximately 150 km east of the trench t~lt.raax-trajecto-
exposed along the fault in this same region (unpublished ries change orientation from NNE to ENE, and eventually
data; E Herv6, pers. comm.) may record an older slip his- become EW at the eastern boundary of the model. Poten-
tory. Thus the LOF appears to have had a long, possibly tial right-lateral faults, drawn at 30 ° counterclockwise
complex, history, part of which may be related to ridge from GH-max,show a pattern consistent with the geometry
collision and oblique subduction. of the LOF in the South American plate about 150-200 km
The forearc sliver is bounded to the south by the Golfo east of the trench, i.e., generally north-trending but curv-
de Penas, which has been interpreted as a pull-apart basin ing to the west towards the south near the triple junction
(Fig. 2; Forsythe and Nelson, 1985). The Golfo de Penas (Fig. 6a). In addition, the pattern of maximum shear stress
is the largest embayment on the continental shelf of Chile, contours in plan view (Fig. 6b) shows a similar pattern.
and marine seismic profiles across this basin show recently The results of transient finite element modeling show a
active normal faults bounding graben structures (Fig. 2; pattern of vertical strain north of the triple junction in
Mordojovich, 1983; Forsythe and Nelson, 1985). The which maximum uplift occurs along the leading edge of
strike of these faults is approximately perpendicular with the continent, and maximum subsidence occurs approxi-
that of the LOF along the eastern margin of the Golfo de mately 160-200 km east of the trench (Fig. 6c). This pat-
Penas, suggesting that the normal faults represent exten- tern of vertical strain is consistent with field data within
sion fractures (or T-fractures) consistent with right-lateral the forearc sliver: uplift along the western margin and sub-
slip on the LOF (see Sylvester, 1988, Fig. 6). sidence along the eastern margin (Fig. 7b). Elevations
\\\\\ bound the southern end of the forearc sliver. This interpre-
tation is supported by three lines of evidence: 1) the geom-
I etry of the LOF and normal faults within the Golfo de
Penas, 2) the orientation of modeled stress trajectories in
I I the region of the triple junction (Fig. 6), and 3) the coinci-
dence of the southern boundary of aftershocks from the
1960 Concepcfon earthquake with the Golfo de Penas
Fig. 5. Geometry of local finite element model, a) Block diagram
showing schematic representation of finite elements in 3-D mod- (Plafker and Savage, 1970; I. Cifuentes, pets. comm.).
els. Plates: ANT = Antarctic, NAZ = Nazca, SAM = South The LOF is interpreted as a complex zone of strike-slip
American. b) Plan view of load application along leading edge and dip-slip faulting that coincides with the magmatic arc
of forearc. (or forearc-arc boundary), and bounds the eastern margin
of the forearc sliver.
Vertical strain data in the forearc and arc have been
modeled in terms of movement along the subduction slab-
continent interface, but may also reflect movement along a
steeply-dipping eastern boundary of the proposed forearc
sliver. Plafker and Savage (1970, their Fig. 12) modeled
the vertical strain pattern during and following the 1960
Concepcfon earthquake as related to movement on a con-
vex-upward subduction slab-continent interface fault that
increases in dip down the slab. The observed zone of
b) major uplift was related to thrust motion at the trench. The
adjacent zone of subsidence was related to "elastic exten-
sion and horizontal attenuation of the crust immediately
behind the fault block" (p.1023), implying that a forearc
.2I sliver is somehow detached from the continent along its
eastern boundary. However, they noted (p. 1024) "[the
down-dip] curvature [of the thrust fault] is not indicated by
the spatial distribution of aftershocks...", and were unable
a) to explain the slight uplift east of the zone of subsidence.
Although their model neglected the effects of strike-slip
motion on the vertical deformation, they noted that there
CHILB ~TRENCH was evidence for a component of lateral slip along the
Barrientos and Ward (1990) presented a variable slip
plane model for the subduction slab-continent interface to
explain the vertical strain pattern. Their slip plane dips
20 °, is 900 km long and terminates at the Peninsula Taitao,
Fig. 6. Results of finite element models, a) Solution showing tra- and extends over 400 km down dip; most of the slip is con-
jectories of maximum horizontal stress (OH.max, short lines) and centrated in the upper 150 km of the slab (Barrientos and
orientations of potential right-lateral faults (heavy dashed lines; Ward, 1990, their Fig. 6). Their model shows two north-
30° to ~JX-max). b) Contours of maximum shear stress (units in
south belts of relatively high, but variable, dip slip on the
MPa). c) Contours of vertical strain (in meters). Arrows in b and
c show approximate location of triple junction (indenting oceanic fault plane separated by a belt of no dip slip (Fig. 8). This
ridge). belt of no dip slip (essentially the belt of zero elevation
a) v
..... 43.5"-44.5"
.. J
l,J,.I "1. ,.°°*°°°'
VE =Sx Valen~n
~nlzunfla LOF
Fig. 7 a. Profiles of elevation change along two transects north of the triple junction following 1960 Concepcion earthquake (from Bar-
rientos and Ward, 1990). b. Topographic profile from triple junction to the east, crossing the Liquifie-Ofqui fault system. See Fig. 2 for
location of profile line.
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Range of parameters used in finite element models
COEFF. IXl0 4 - IXI0 15/K 1×104 - IXl0 15/K 1×104 - IXl0 15/K