EC201 Network Theory 3-1-0-4 2016: Course Code Course Name L-T-P-C Year of
EC201 Network Theory 3-1-0-4 2016: Course Code Course Name L-T-P-C Year of
EC201 Network Theory 3-1-0-4 2016: Course Code Course Name L-T-P-C Year of
Prerequisite: Nil
Course objectives:
To make the students capable of analyzing any linear time invariant electrical network.
To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis.
To study the transient response of networks subject to test signals.
To develop understanding of the concept of resonance, coupled circuits and two port
Circuit variables and Circuit elements, Kirchhoff’s laws, Network topology, Mesh and node
analysis of network, Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform, Solution of differential
equations by using Laplace transforms, Transient analysis of RL, RC, and RLC networks, Network
functions for the single port and two ports, Parameters of two-port network, Resonance, Coupled
Expected outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to analyze the linear time invariant electrical circuits.
Text Books
1. Ravish R., Network Analysis and Synthesis, 2/e, McGraw-Hill, 2015.
2. Valkenburg V., Network Analysis, 3/e, PHI, 2011.
1. Sudhakar A,S. P. Shyammohan, Circuits and Networks- Analysis and Synthesis, 5/e, McGraw-
Hill, 2015.
2. Choudhary R., Networks and Systems, 2/e, New Age International, 2013.
3. Franklin F. Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, 2/e, Wiley India, 2012.
4. Pandey S. K., Fundamentals of Network Analysis and Synthesis, 1/e, S. Chand, 2012.
5. Edminister, Electric Circuits – Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill,2009.
Course Plan
Module Course content (48 hrs) Hours Sem.
Introduction to circuit variables and circuit elements, Review of 3
I Kirchhoff’s Laws, Independent and dependent Sources, Source 15
Network topology, Network graphs, Trees, Incidence matrix, 2
Tie-set matrix and Cut-set matrix
Solution methods applied to dc and phasor circuits: Mesh and node 3
analysis of network containing independent and dependent sources
II Network theorems applied to dc and phasor circuits: Thevenin’s 6 15
theorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Reciprocity
theorem, Millman’s theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem
The question paper consists of three parts. Part A covers modules I and II, Part B covers modules III and
IV and Part C covers modules V and VI. Each part has three questions. Each question can have a
maximum of four subparts. Among the three questions one will be a compulsory question covering both
the modules and the remaining two questions will be as one question from each module, of which one is
to be answered. Mark pattern is according to the syllabus with maximum 30% for theory and 70% for
logical/numerical problems, derivation and proof.