Overcurrent Protection Exercise

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

Exercise: modelling for overcurrent protection

Diagram. Low Voltage:

Figure N° 1: Low Voltage Diagram

Network Data


X(1) B(1) R(0) X(0)

Length Cable/ R(1) B(0) Irmax
Name Type (Ohm/... (uS/... (Ohm/... (Ohm/...
(…) Overhead (Ohm/…) (uS/..) (A)
) ) ) )
LTRMOT1 N2XSY 1X500 10kV 0.07 Cable 0.046 0.096 231.0 1 1 231.0 739
DE 9 9


Vector Sr Vr1 Vr2 Zcc(1) R(1) Zcc(0) R(0) Grounding Grounding

Name Type
Group (MVA) (kV) (kV) (%) (%) (%) (%) Winding N° 1 Winding N° 2

TR2 - Dy1 5 34.5 4.16 6.45 0.49431 5.805 0.44488 - Direct

TR2-2 - Dy1 0.5 4.16 0.48 5 0.4975 4.2 0.4179 - Imp. Re2=3.2 Ohm

Tapchanger Tapchanger Bus Bar Tap Tap Tap Tap Delta V Vset Srmin Srmax
On-load Operation Side Controlled. Ope. Min. Nom. Max. (%) (%) (MVA) (MVA)
TR2 1 Primary Secondary 3 1 3 5 -2.5 100 5 5
TR2-2 0 Primary Secondary 3 1 3 5 -2.5 100 0.5 0.5

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples


Pole Scaled Values

Sr Vr Ir Sr LF Scaling
Name Type HP PF Effic. Ia/Ir Pairs Poper Qoper
(MVA) (kV) (kA) (%) Type Factor
of stator (MW) (Mvar)
MOT1 - 3000 3.186* 4 0.4598* 0.733 0.958 6.5 4 0.556 PQ oper 1.86816* 1.73368* 0.8

MOT2 - 150 0.143* 0.46 0.1797* 0.84 0.93 6.6 3 2.083 PQ oper 0.09624* 0.06216* 0.8

* These parameters are calculated by NEPLAN.

Enter the following protections:

TR2-2 Primary side (FUS_TR2-2): FERRAZ A055D 5R (150A)

TR2-2 Secondary side (CB TR2-2): Cutler Hammer Digitrip RMS 310 MDL 800 Amp.
Short delay setting at 2.

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

TR2 Primary side (OC TR2): SEL 651R. Use the following settings

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

MOT1 (OC MOT1): SEL 710. Use the following settings

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples


Create the motor starting characteristic for MOT1

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

Create the cable damage curve for LTRMOT1. Enter 177 for Q [mm2] and 250º for Temp.
at end of SC. Use ANSI Standard:

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

Create the damage curve and the inrush current for the transformer TR2.

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples


Set up and run a short circuit simulation on NMOT1 with the following parameters:

Go to “Diagram” and modify the colors of the curves. Add the damage curves, in order to
have the whole overview of the system.

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

You can also modify the settings of the devices in order to have selectivity. Assign a figure
number and a title for the diagram:

You also can export the figure in order to have a quick results graphic

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

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Modelling Overcurrent Protection – Examples

Using several groups of settings

If the overcurrent relay has several settings groups, you can enable/disable them by using
the following option

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