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Cytoskeleton 13.4.20

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Eucaryotic cells contain protein fibers that are involved in

structural support
maintains shape of cell
provides anchorage for organelles
cell locomotion
cilia, flagella, etc.
organizes structures &
activities of cell
In addition, a large number of accessory proteins, including the motor proteins,
are required for the properties associated with each of these filaments

Each type of filament has distinct mechanical properties and dynamics, but
certain fundamental principles are common to all.
Cytoskeleton Structure

network of fibers extending throughout cytoplasm

3 main protein fibers



intermediate filaments
Evolutionary perspective

Proteins that make up the fibers are very similar in all

living things

from bacteria to humans

tubulin (all cells)

actin (eukaryote cells)

Means that they are both ancient and essential for life
There are three main types of fibers in the

1. Microfilaments (actin filament: 5-9 nm),

2. Microtubules (25 nm diameter),
3. Intermediate filaments (10 nm).

Some functions of actin filaments are:

- to provide mechanical strength to the cell by forming a band under the plasma membrane
- link transmembrane proteins to cytoplasmic proteins
- form contractile ring during cytokinesis in animal cells
- cytoplasmic streaming
- generate locomotion in cells such as white blood cells and amoeba
- Interact with myosin to provide force of muscular contraction
Microtubules participate in a wide variety of cell activities. Most involve motion that
is provided by protein “motors” that use ATP. They determine the positions of
membrane-enclosed organelles and direct intracellular transport. The migration of
chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis takes place on microtubules that make up
the spindle fibers.
Intermediate filaments provide mechanical strength and resistance to shear stress.
There are several types of intermediate filaments, each constructed from one or
more proteins characteristic of it.

Keratins are found in epithelial cells, hair and nails

Nuclear lamins form a meshwork that stabilizes the inner nuclear membrane
Neurofilaments strengthen the long axons of neurons
Vimentins provide mechanical strength to muscle and other cells
Molecular structure of actin

G-actin F-actin

( Garland Science Molecular Biology of the Cell 2008)


Microfilaments – actin filaments.

They are built from molecules of a globular protein – actin.
Actin and accessory proteins

Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)

Actin binding proteins (ABPs)

3 groups:

 banding and cross linking proteins

 regulatory proteins: Organisation of
polymerization/depolymerization, actin filaments
severing proteins,capping proteins

 Motor proteins
- sliding on MF (myosin) Sliding
Cross-linking proteins I.

Contractile bundle Parallel bundle

Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)

Actin and muscle movements
• In muscle cells, thousands of actin filaments are arranged parallel to
one another.
• Thicker filaments, composed of a motor protein, myosin, interdigitate
with the thinner actin fibers.
– Myosin molecules walk along the actin filament, pulling stacks of
actin fibers together and shortening the cell.
An a,b-tubulin heterodimer is the basic structural unit of microtubules. The
heterodimer does not come apart, once formed. The a and b tubulins, which
are each about 55 kDa MW, are homologous but not identical. Each has a
nucleotide binding site. a-Tubulin has a bound molecule of GTP, that does not
hydrolyze. b-Tubulin may have bound GTP or GDP.

A microtubule is a hollow cylinder about 25 nm in diameter. Along the

microtubule axis, tubulin heterodimers are joined end-to-end to
form protofilaments, with alternating a & b subunits. Staggered assembly
of 13 protofilaments yields a helical arrangement of tubulin heterodimers in
the cylinder wall.

GTP must be bound to both a and b subunits for a tubulin heterodimer to

associate with other heterodimers to form a protofilament or microtubule.
The structure of a microtubule and its subunit

The tubulin subunits assemble head-to-tail to create polar filaments

Figure 1. Conventional kinesin motor proteins translocate along the microtubules in the positive
direction, while the dynein motors step along the microtubules in the opposite direction.

- +

pigment cells
Microtubular systems in the cells

-Centrosome Interphase cell

-Cilia / flagellum

Basal body

Dividing cell spindle

-Mitotic system


- Vesicular transport axon

• Microtubules of mitotic spindle and kinetochore
How motor proteins can organise the position of cell
organelles (ER, Golgi) ?

(Hirokawa, N. Science 1998, 279:519

Cilia and Flagella
Role of the dynein arms in beating cilia

Telescopic effect Beating

• Intermediate filaments
Structure of an intermediate filaments

Parallel dimer




Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)

Mechanical characterization of cytoskeleton components

intermedier filament
i.e. vimentin

= rupture

actin filament

Role of intermedier filaments

Buffer against external mechanical stress

Tissue specificity !!!

Epithel – keratin
Connective tissue
} vimentin-like
Glial protein

Neurones(axon) - neurofilaments

Nucleus – lamines (A,B,C) →(lamina fibrosa)

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