Genetics - Student Sample

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5 Student Edition

Why are

living things PL
different from
one another?
Lesson 1: Unit 8.5, Lesson 1, Initial Model 4

Lesson 2: Muscle Protein Questions 6

Reading: How Muscles Contract 9
Unit 8.5, Lesson 2 , Model Update 10
Comparing Muscle Gallery Walk Data 12

Lesson 3: Unit 8.5 - Organizer for Obtaining and Evaluating Information 16

Reading: Version 1: Carbs or Protein with Exercise (Study 2) 17
Reading: Version 2: Carbs or Protein with Exercise (Study 2) 18
Exit Ticket - Role of Protein and Exercise in Building Muscle 19
Reading: Version 1: How to Build Muscles 20
Reading: Version 2: How to Build Muscles 21

Reading: Version 1: Effect of Resistance Exercise on Muscles 22
Reading: Version 2: Effect of Resistance Exercise on Muscles 23
Version 1: Protein’s Effect on Muscles
Version 2: Protein’s Effect on Muscles
Version 1: Greek Yogurt and Resistance Training (Study 1)
Version 2: Greek Yogurt and Resistance Training (Study 1) 27
Lesson 5: Family Phenotype Graphic Organizer 28
Chromosomes in Sex Cells 29
Karyotype of Lorenc’s Muscle Cell 30

Lesson 6: Guiding Questions for Chromosome and Protein Data 31

Version 1: Function of the Myostatin Protein 33
Version 2: Function of the Myostatin Protein 36
Reading: Version 1: New Protein Linked to the Heavily Muscled Phenotype 39
Reading: Version 2: New Protein Linked to the Heavily Muscled Phenotype 40

Lesson 7: Unit 8.5, Lesson 7, Gotta-Have-It Checklist 41

Lesson 8: Traditional Pedigree Graphic Organizer 42

Using Pedigrees to Make Predictions 43
Student Support for Probability Work 51

Lesson 9: Reading: Interview with Penny, Cattle Farmer 57

Reading: Interview with Wilbur, Cattle Breeder 58
Reading: Raising Heavily Muscled Cattle to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Cattle 60
Instructions for Bird Breeder Simulation 62
Bird Breeder Simulation Results 63

2 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company Unit 8.5 Student Edition

Lesson 12: Lab Version 1: Extracting Genetic Material 65
Lab Version 2: Extracting Genetic Material 68

Lesson 13: Flower Diagram 71

Reading: How Do We Get New Tulip Variations? 72
Unit 8.5, Lesson 13 - Exit Ticket 74
Breeding Tulips 76

Lesson 14: Asexual Reproduction Notes 79

Unit 8.5, Self-Assessment for Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information 80

Lesson 15: Reading: Two Examples of Environmental Influences on Trait Variation 82

Explaining Environmental Effects 84
Planaria Study Data 85

Lesson 16: Data Collection: Wheat Kernels 91
Reading: Color of Wheat Kernels
Wheat Kernel Environmental Factors Investigation
Steps for Using Probability to Make Predictions
Reading: Arm Span Length 101
Arm Span Histogram Instructions 102
Arm Span Reading and Modeling 104

Lesson 17: Reference Images for Redwoods Assessment 106


Used in Multiple Lessons:

Progress Tracker 107
Notice and Wonder 108

Unit 8.5 Student Edition ©Carolina Biological Supply Company 3

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Unit 8.5, Lesson 1, Initial Model

Develop an initial model to explain this question: What do you think caused this animal to get such big
muscles compared to typical animals?
1. Choose a type of animal we have seen that had an individual with extra-big muscles. Sketch that animal

in the top of each box, with typical muscles on the left and with extra-big muscles on the right.
2. If you could view the muscle cells in the muscle tissue from both animals with a microscope, how

would they compare? Draw and/or write in the ovals what you would expect to see.
3. On the lines below, explain how you think the animal on the right got those extra-big muscles and the

other one did not.

Typical animals
PL Extra-big muscled animal

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4 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 1

. xplain how the animal on the right got those extra-big muscles but another animal did not.


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Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 1 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company 5

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

Muscle Protein Questions

Part 1: Use words and/or drawings to record ideas from the video animation and the
written text (with diagrams).

Written text with labeled

Video animation

What ideas

muscles do
we figure
out from PL
this source?

How does
(shape) of

the myosin
and actin
affect their
(how they
do their

©Carolina Biological Supply Company 1

6 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2

Part : ntegrate ideas from both so rces to answer these estions.

1. fter reading the te t watch the ideo a second time Did you notice or
understand any part(s) of the ideo better the second time because of
something you read or saw in the te t? f yes what?

2. What new ideas do you ha e about proteins now?

3. n one or two sentences of your own words summari e how muscle cells
contract (pull together): What is a claim you can ma e about how muscles


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Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company 7

Part : onsider how integrating information from both so rces hel ed clarif o r
nderstanding of how m scles wor .

. What is an idea you would ha e missed about muscle cells and how they
function if you had used only one source?

ell one ad antage of using multiple sources both ideo and te t that helped
you deepen your understanding of this information

©Carolina Biological Supply Company

8 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Reading: How Muscles Contract

Skeletal muscles are the type of muscles that connect to and move
different bones in the body. Skeletal muscles are made up of
bundles of muscle fibers that cause the muscles to look stringy.
Muscle fibers are long, round cells that are made up of thick and
thin strands that give muscles their striped appearance.
The muscle contraction begins when the brain sends a signal
through nerves. This signal causes the thick and thin strands to slide
past one another. The thick strands are made up of a protein called myosin. The thin strands are made up of a
protein called actin. These different strands are anchored at opposite ends. This allows the whole muscle fiber to
contract (pull together) when actin strands slide along the myosin strands. Although the action between the

strands is described as “sliding,” the myosin protein actually pulls the actin protein along its length. The round side
of the myosin protein, known as the head, extends and attaches to the actin protein.

This model of myosin and actin However, myosin and actin

molecules has been “filled in” to molecules, like all proteins, are If we move even closer, we can see
the structure of how the atoms are
make the whole molecules easier to made up of many atoms
arranged that gives these proteins
see. (represented in this image as tiny their unique shape. The shape of
spheres arranged and connected each protein structure allows them
to connect and fit tightly together
along one of their edges.

Once the myosin is attached, it pulls along the actin protein, shortening the muscle fiber. The myosin will then “let
go” of the actin protein. Then the myosin protein is free to either repeat the pulling process or stay unattached and
allow the muscle to relax.

©Carolina Biological Supply Company 1

Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company 9

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Unit 8.5, Lesson 2, Model Update

Now that you have figured out how extra-big muscle tissue is different from typical muscle tissue, you can
update your initial model. (Your teacher will return this page to you so you can keep it in your science
1. For this comparison, like for our initial model, you may decide what animal to consider of those we
have observed so far. Sketch that animal with typical muscles on the left and with extra-big muscles on
the right.
2. When you zoom in on the muscle cells in the muscle tissue from the extra-big-muscled animal, draw
how the cells would compare to the typical animal’s cells that are already drawn in for you.

Typical animal
PL Extra-big-muscled animal

©Carolina Biological Supply Company 1

10 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2

3. ow do muscles from extra-big-muscled animals compare to typical ones Check all that are true,
based on the evidence you found today.

______ Bigger muscles have bigger cells (they have a greater area) than typical muscles.

______ Bigger muscles have more cells than typical muscles.

______ Bigger muscles have more mass than typical muscles.

. What uestion(s) are you still wondering about


©Carolina Biological Supply Company

Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2 ©Carolina Biological Supply Company 11

Source #
um er of muscle cells: Catfish Area of muscle cells: Catfish


©Carolina Biological Supply Company

Khalil, K., Elayat, M., Khalifa, E., et al. (2017). Generation of… Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)...
Scientific Reports, 7, 7301.

©Carolina Biological Supply Company

Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2

Source #2
Catfish (typical) Catfish (extra-muscled)
Age: 1 month Age: 1 month

A muscle sample image from the top of the body A muscle sample image from the top of the body

Unit 8.5 Student Edition • Lesson 2

Khalil, K., Elayat, M., Khalifa, E. et al. Generation of Myostatin Gene-Edited Channel Catfish ( tal r s
Khalil, K., Elayat, M., Khalifa, E. et al. Generation of Myostatin Gene-Edited Channel Catfish ( tal r s

©Carolina Biological Supply Company

p n tat s) ia ygote n e tion of C /Cas9 yste . i ep 7, 7301 (2017).
p n tat s) ia ygote n e tion of C /Cas9 yste . i ep 7, 7301 (2017).

25 µm = 0.025 millimeters
Khalil, K., Elayat, M., Khalifa, E., et al. (2017). Generation of… Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)...
Scientific Reports, 7, 7301.

©Carolina Biological Supply Company 2


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