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Currículum de Guillermo Eduardo

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F I E L D SO F E X P E R T I S E : G E N E R A L A N D P R O J E C T
M A N A G E M E N T , S E N I O R H U M A N
R E S O U R C E S . O P E R A T I O N S , S A L E S , C U S T O M E R C A R E
C O R E B U S I N E S S : R E T A I L , T O U R I S M , H O S P I T A L I T Y , F I N A N C E , M A N U F A C T U R I N G ,
S T A R T U P , C O N S U L T I N G , E D U C A T I O N , A D V E R T I S I N G .


Aquaworld, Cancún QR | November 2017 - Dicembre 2020. (Core To keep our labor peace by resolving the conflicts of
business : retail, sales, tourism). human talent through neutrality and mediation.

Lead , manage, definition and execution of the Talent and employability for the business WHAT EXPECT
units in Quintana Roo, increasing 10% the employees satisfaction, Established the HR vision
My honesty and ethics, through a creative leadership,
and strategy, saving 2,500,000 MXN with ownership and accountability working with the
reducing obstacles and conflicts in the goals of the company,
HR staff. Responsible for providing proactive HR services to different business areas,
increasing the performance of all the executives positions.
allowing to decrease a 40% labor demands. Managing talent, maintaining a high level of
productivity by improving KPI´s, reduction of 26% of payment in extra hours and 0.56%
savings in payroll. Implement of a strategy to reduce the cost of the risk bonus, 40% less in MOST PROUD OF
cost of accidents and penalties with government´s offices. ( Protocols, NOM 35, Comisiones - Building exceptional teams by connecting, supporting
Mixtas, seguridad e higiene). None incidents or conflicts in the pandemic COVID 19. and helping people to deliver their best.
- Persistence and Commitment in supporting to different
Achievements in the initiatives of inclusion : wellness programs ( Viva Mexico, Alebrijes, types of companies and businesses to their 360
Limpieza de Canal); distinctive ESR, Top Companies, Moderniza, ECOTECH transformation
- Enjoy the different challenges that the roles of the HR,
SENIOR HRBP, OPERATIONS & ADMINISTRATION IN HR, SALES COACH. Customer Service and Commercial areas can bring and
EC Consulting | January 2015 - December 2017. (Core business : consulting, retail, create solutions that are beneficial in the business
startup, tourism, finance, insurance, manufacturing). environment

Headed the development and implementation of strategics, manage performance of

current ongoing staff and lead new programs for the employees performance, TECHNICAL SKILLS STRENGTHS
consultative approach with executives and senior staff. Headhunter. Customers: Emporio Black Board Thinker
Capistrano, Hstern, HJ Hinojosa, GIN Group, Fairmont Heritage; American Movil, CMI, (E.Learning) Doer
Clarovideo Taleo (Performance
Hands On
Review, 9 Box, Talent
Education First | February 2015 - December 2015. (Core business : retail, sales, SAP (HR, payroll, strategy
education). compensations). Proactive
Lead the Global HR function for the country (10 Offices under my supervision), new work JobVite (Recruitment Committed
culture and increased engagement of Managers in Talent management, through the 2.0.; Engineer Resilience
alignment of processes and the formation of new capacities reducing 5% the turnover Recruiting). Empathy
and increasing employee satisfaction in 5%, universities partnerships (branding). Work
with hiring managers (Rewards, Learning & Development, etc) LANGUAGES


Fairmont Hotels & Resorts | January 2014 - February 2015. (Core business : Italian Medium
hospitality, tourism).
Responsible for the recruitment, selection and hiring strategy, handling a headcount of
2000 employees and replacement stuff. Reducing the turnover 2% by identification and
development of High Potentials and Top Performers with cross training. Union and labor Master's in Organizational Management
relations with none conflicts in the contracts. Increase 4% on boarding process
University FUNIBER | Present
satisfaction. Project leader in the implementation of performance review by the TALEO
system obtaining 90% compliance Bachelor’s Psychology
UNIVA | 2005 -2009
EC Consulting | September 2007 - December 2013. (Core business : consulting, LET'S TALK!
retail, startup, tourism, finance, insurance, manufacturing).
Telephone: +52 5518879055
Lead performance excellence strategies with associates to deploy activities with key Email: memocarpinteyro@hotmail.com
stakeholders, monitor & review performance, define new ways of schemes for incentives,
LinkedIn: @memocarpinteyro
create and training programs linked to associate´s needs. Headhunter. Customers:
Faurecia; Constructora GH; GNP; Credichamba; Cinepop; Hotel Condesa Haus; Tennis Address 1: Circuito Almeria M6 L6 SMS 323 Gran
Court; Profesionales en Personal. Santa Fe 3. Cancún Q.R.
Address 2: Heroes Ferrocarrileros 41, Santa
HEAD OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Maria La Ribera, Mexico City
Euroamericana de Calzado | February 2008 - April 2011. (Manufacturing, retail, footwear)

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