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Wall formwork


MANTO is a very robust and easy to handle

crane-set formwork system (80 kN/m2) for large-area
forming of walls.

At Work For You

A very versatile and heavy-duty system that is equal to very tough
challenges. The aligning panel clamps ensure flush and force-fit
connections and permit the transfer of large-area units by crane.

Product advantages MANTO®

Broad range of panel sizes up to a height of 3.30 m
Two stacked large panels form one unit with an astonishing 26 m² surface area
Also suitable for forming of single-sided walls
All panels can be used both horizontally and vertically and can be combined as needed

Strong and durable

High flexural strength due to 14 cm steel profile, concrete pressure 80 kN/m²
Fully galvanized steel frame and connection elements

Strong connection with the aligning clamp: 40 m² can be moved in a single crane pick
Easy and quick forming and stripping of shafts due to the MANTO shaft corner

Easy handling
Multi-purpose panels for easy forming of columns
MANTO shaft corner for a system-compatible shaft formwork

Easy and quick forming and stripping of shafts

 By using facade soldiers, the 16.73 m high walls of a terminal were

due to the MANTO shaft corner shuttered in two pouring cycles instead of three.
Technical specifications MANTO®
Product description Crane-set large area wall formwork
Panel widths 30 | 45 | 60 | 75 | 90 | 105 | 120 | 240 cm

Panel heights 120 | 270 | 330 cm

Multi-purpose panel 75 x 60 | 75 x 120 | 75 x 270 | 75 x 330 cm

Profile thickness 14 cm steel frame profile (closed)

Form lining Plywood (min. 280 g/m² coating) | ECOPLY full plastic composite sheet

Lining thickness Plywood = 18 mm | ECOPLY full plastic composite sheet = 19 mm

Average weight 55 to 75 kg/m² (including connection parts)

Max. concrete pressure 80 kN/m² (line 6, some line 7)

Corrosion protection Fully galvanized steel frame and connection elements

Relevant standards Complies with DIN 18216 | EN 1993

Standard connection Aligning clamp (aligned and flush connection)

Special connection Adjustable aligning clamp | Corner clamp

Inner corners 35/35 cm (with 2.50° play for easing)

Hinged corners From 60° to max. 175° angles

Outer corners Basic panel with outer corner clamps

Assembly/stripping times t = 0.20 – 0.40 h/m2 *

Special features • Large panels 240 | 360 | 480 x 270 cm

• MANTO shaft corner for easier forming of shafts
• High quality form lining on all panels
• Extensive accessory parts program

By using the mechanism of the shaft corner, the

formwork can be fully released from the concrete
in an instant, and it can then be lifted out by a
crane in one go. It is operated from above by
means of a readily accessible set-screw. No
special tools are required.

* Time calculation (average) by Hünnebeck

A special solution: Facade walers are used to ensured back anchoring of the horizontal loads and to enable the exact

alignment of the MANTO formwork in a desired inclined position.

14 cm

Application & Use

 Options from small
to large panels
 Single-sided wall
High flexural strength due to the 14 cm steel profile,

concrete pressure 80 kN/m²
 Column forms

MANTO® integrates with

 PLATINUM platform system
 Aligning struts
 Support frames

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