E-Learning Research and Applications

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E-learning: Research and applications

Article  in  Industrial and Commercial Training · April 2002

DOI: 10.1108/00197850210417528


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3 authors, including:

Angappa Gunasekaran
California State University, Bakersfield


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1. Scope of e-learning
E-learning: research Electronic learning (e-learning) is gaining an
and applications educational foothold all over the world. The
availability of electronic and Web-enabling
A. Gunasekaran technologies has tremendous influence on the
Ronald D. McNeil and success of e-learning (Kramer, 2000). The
Internet and network-centric computing give
Dennis Shaul a strong foundation for experimentation with
e-learning and extend traditional learning
methods through electronic and Web
technologies into new dynamic learning
models (Eckert et al., 1997; Colette, 2001).
The importance of advanced electronic
The authors technologies, such as the Internet, to
education has increased significantly during
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul
the past few years. For electronic learning
are all based in the Department of Management,
systems to make use of these technologies so
University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth,
as to be successful, effective and of a quality
Massachusetts, USA.
comparable with some of the traditional
educational learning systems, the electronic
Keywords learning systems must be designed and
Learning, Internet, Literature, Surveys, Success, Research constructed with care, using a scientific
approach which embraces well-designed
Abstract procedures and techniques (Colette, 2001).
The e-learning market covers the academic,
Emerging digital technologies and increasing interest in
corporate and consumer fields, and has a
the computerized delivery of higher education have led to
variety of segments, including content
e-learning through electronic mail, the Internet, the World
providers, technology vendors, and service
Wide Web (WWW), and multimedia. Issues such as the
providers. Morgan, Keegan & Co. estimate
confidence with which college faculty integrate
that expenditures on all forms of education
technology in their teaching, plagiarism and
now exceed $750 billion in the USA and $2
communication remain as important unresolved
questions. Considering these, the marketplace of learners
trillion world-wide, with revenue growth for
is not responding to e-learning as anticipated.
e-learning expected to outstrip that in all
Understanding the importance of information systems,
other sectors of the education industry (Cisco
and of efforts to ensure that faculty use technology, as
Systems, 2000; Fry, 2001). The US
well as recognition of the marketplace, a framework has
Department of Labor estimates that corporate
been developed for success with e-learning. Reviews the e-learning revenues are expected to increase
selected definitions of e-learning. A critical review of from US$550 million to US$11.4 billion, a
literature is provided with a view to developing a more projected 83 percent compound annual
practical framework for achieving success in e-learning. growth rate between 1998-2003 (Cisco
Also, some reported case experiences are briefly Systems, 2000). A venture capital provider
discussed. Suggestions for future research are presented. estimated the US market capitalization of the
listed corporations involved in e-learning as
US$50 billion, a figure which should reach
Electronic access
$US200 billion in three years (Lance, 2000).
The research register for this journal is available at Corporate and campus agendas have
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregisters started to recognize e-learning as having the
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is power to really transform the performance,
available at knowledge and skills landscape, so much so
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0019-7858.htm that the International Data Corporation
estimates that the corporate spend on
e-learning alone will increase from $1bn in
Industrial and Commercial Training
1999 to over $11bn in 2003 (Henry, 2001).
Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . pp. 44±53
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 0019-7858 Education and training is poised to become
DOI 10.1108/00197850210417528 one of the largest sectors in the world
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

economy. Merrill Lynch estimates global Young (2001) provides companies with the
expenditures of education and training at over inside knowledge they need in order to ask the
US$2 trillion. About one third of this right questions when entering discussions
spending is in North America, half in Europe with e-learning providers, so that they may
and the other developed market economies, make an informed decision about whether
and 15 percent in the developing world e-learning is realistically achievable within
(Clarke and Hermens, 2001). their specific organizations, building on the
E- and distance learning success is a mixed success of intranets and the Internet to share
bag. Technology has eclipsed the ability and information, deliver service and transact
motivation of institutions to support it. Many business with their customers and suppliers.
early adopters have failed. The marketplace Corporate intranets have proved to be
still demands traditional methods of delivery breakthrough models for communicating
of instruction. It is, however, apparent from information and providing services to
the literature and collective experience that employees on a world-wide basis. Extranet is
improved instructional delivery is necessary. the most common term used to identify this
Thus, technology, research and the extension of intranet-based applications and
marketplace are leading the academy to a services to identified external users (Young,
significant paradigm and cultural change 2001).
(Mangan, 2001). Intranets and extranets offer a very capable
Education and training facilities at a platform for delivering a comprehensive
distance have long been recognized as a learning and performance support
means of providing access to knowledge and environment, providing individual workers
learning facilitation to those for whom it with access to:
might otherwise be denied (e.g. persons . interactive self-paced multimedia
engaged in part-time employment or living in instruction;
remote rural communities). In recent years, . assessment of knowledge and skills;
the advent and widespread use of information . performance support materials such as
technology (IT) and, in particular, the mass references, job aids, etc.; and
popularization of the Internet/World Wide . online communication with instructors,
Web (WWW) have meant that opportunities experts and colleagues.
have been identified for developing distance
Within this Web-enabled environment,
learning activity into a more advanced online
individuals can access courses, individual
environment (Furnell et al., 1998). Alexander
topics and performance support resources any
(2001) believes that using technology in both
time ± from the office, at home and while
classroom and distance learning will produce
travelling. Standard Web browsers offer a
these advantages:
consistent and seamless user interface across a
. improving the quality of learning;
wide variety of workstation platforms and
. improving access to education and
networks (Young, 2001).
In the 1990s the textbook publishing
. reducing the costs of education; and
industry underwent a dramatic change. To
. improving the cost-effectiveness of
keep pace with the demand for educational
materials in all types of media, textbook
Organizations within both the public and the packages changed to include not only an
private sectors are adopting Web-based instructor's manual, but also 1,000 exam
technologies at an unprecedented rate. The questions, PowerPoint presentations for use
delivery of workforce learning and in lectures, CD-ROMs, and more.
performance support are among the most Increasingly, professors requested the
promising opportunities these technologies opportunity to create their own textbooks, or
offer for improving business operations. at least to include articles of their own
However, e-learning is growing at such a rate choosing in course-packs. Others sought
that, as in many other business areas, there materials available online (Antonucci and
are less scrupulous companies which are only Cronin, 2001). According to Antonucci and
interested in selling their product, whether or Cronin (2001), in the last few years the
not it is suitable for the purchasing number of adults seeking higher education
organization and its network capabilities. has exploded. The percentage of older
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

students in college and university programs experience, and a networked community of

rose sharply from 32 percent a generation ago learners, content developers and experts.
to 59 percent by 1999. The primary E-learning provides faster learning at reduced
alternative for students who find travel to a costs, increased access to learning, and clear
campus difficult has always been traditional accountability for all participants in the
correspondence schools. However, as of learning process. In today's fast-paced
2000, half of US households have access to culture, organizations that implement
personal computers at home or in the e-learning provide their workforce with the
workplace. The Internet is an incredible ability to turn change into an advantage.
resource for increasing access to learning. E-learning delivers accountability,
In a ``pure'' distance learning system those accessibility and opportunity. It allows people
learning are remote or at least seldom, if ever, and organizations to keep up with changes in
see those doing the teaching. They normally the global economy that now occur on
practice their study at times and in places Internet time. E-learning will be the great
which suit them and these times are quite equalizer in the new century. By eliminating
independent of times and places which suit barriers of time, distance, and socio-economic
the teachers or trainers. Nonetheless it is status, individuals can now take charge of
possible for those learning in a distance their own lifelong learning.
learning system to get help and advice. Countries and organizations must adapt to
Among the methods available for delivery of the demands of the Internet economy to stay
training to the learner are: ahead in an increasingly competitive world
. correspondence tuition; marketplace. The following are challenges:
. computer-based training (CBT); and . countries must educate their citizens;
. interactive video (IV). . businesses must train their workers; and
The use of distance teaching/learning
. educational institutions must offer
provides training ``round the clock'' and trains innovative programs.
There are two fundamental equalisers in life ±
large numbers quickly (Coffey, 1998).
the Internet and education. E-learning
A serious issue is that employers normally eliminates the barriers of time and distance,
rank skills and technical expertise as 6-8 on a creating universal, learning-on-demand
10-point scale. Generally interpersonal, team- opportunities for people, companies and
working and analytical skills are rated higher. countries (John Chambers, president and CEO,
Thus, electronic delivery of instruction may Cisco Systems (see http:/www.cisco.com/warp/
be limited to content and not be capable of
addressing those particular needs of
employers. Even so, it is possible to see In the information age, learning opportunities
differences in traditional instructional span a lifetime ± from childhood to
methodology and to measure them with the adulthood. Our skills and knowledge need
total catalogue of company needs. constant refreshing to keep up with new
The formation of the paper is as follows: technologies and trends. E-learning
The current Section presents scope of empowers us to know more and learn, learn
e-learning. Section 2 deals with the selected faster with less cost, and to harness the power
definitions of e-learning. A brief review of of information and knowledge. E-learning
selected literature on e-learning is presented results in greater productivity, increased
in Section 3. A framework for the success with profitability and enhanced employee loyalty.
e-learning along with critical success factors Overall, it provides information from a greater
(CSFs) is presented in Section 4. Finally, variety of sources, increased access to
Section 5 presents the summary of findings knowledge for lifelong learners, improved
and conclusions. quality of services, and rapid adoption of new
information and new programs.

2. Definitions of e-learning
3. Literature survey on e-learning
e-learning is Internet-enabled learning.
Components can include content delivery in The literature available on e-learning has
multiple formats, management of the learning been reviewed under the classification of
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

theory of e-learning and practice of as other mission-critical organization-wide

e-learning. The articles are reviewed for their initiatives. Most of all, e-learning needs to be
contribution and their critical issues. Also, compelling to the audience it targets, offering
some of the deficiencies are highlighted with the learner a resource that is seen to be
the objective of developing a framework for appealing, valuable and productive to their
success with e-learning. goals and aspirations.
The concept of a learning organization has
3.1 Theory of e-learning been given much attention in the organization
The conceptual framework and some theories literature for over a decade. Patterson (1999)
of e-learning are discussed to provide a better discusses the ideas of learning organizations
understanding of e-learning including and applies it to universities, suggesting that
distance learning. The purpose of linking they adapt to the changing environment and
distance learning is that e-learning is an that they become learning universities. The
integral part of distance learning. author identifies developments in national
The traditional view is that live training is policies, increases in student numbers and
the only suitable means of delivering sales and demands for increased efficiency as factors
management training. Companies fail to necessitating change. He also outlines the
consider distance learning as an alternative- idea that universities are making cross-
or-addition-to, so that management and staff sectoral alliances, lessening the distinction
development programs can be even more between university and non-university
effective. The principal advantages of distance
sectors. A range of models (Contract,
learning are flexibility, cost savings, and more
Brokerage, Collaborative, Validation, Joint
efficient use of time and staff motivation. It
Program, Dual-Sector Institution, Tertiary
can be more effective ± people learn at their
university, Metamorphic, merger, federal
own pace and retain more information, staff
models) and modes of integrating post-
are far more likely to accept ownership and
secondary education into university education
learners are more proactive. For the company,
are discussed, using case examples for each of
acceptance of the merits of the training and
the model types. He concludes that the
development message at all levels brings
emerging comprehensive universities
positive changes to company culture and
developed from strategic alliances are
philosophy, introducing the concept of being
organizations that both learn and
``a learning organization'' and providing the
further advantage of boosting staff morale and institutionally foster learning.
motivation (Tarr, 1998). Multi-campus/large-scale distance learning
Innovation is often the result of interaction initiatives increase the complexity of issues,
of various subjects, technologies, people and and affect the impact of various quality factors
organizations, and it is the learning that is that must be considered in the design and
derived from such interaction that underpins implementation of programs. The impact and
innovative activity. SMEs are better able to interactions of distance education quality
innovate when they are part of clusters, factors differ when designing large-scale
because it is through the networking process versus smaller-scale distance learning
and the management of externalities (key programs. Vines (1998) presents various
elements in clustering) that they develop new quality considerations within a large-scale
products, processes and services (Mitra, model, and looks at how decisions were made
2000). to ensure quality in the design of the
Daniel (1997) and Johnstone (1992) California Virtual University (CVU).
believe that the use of information and Alexander and McKenzie (1998) reported
communication technologies (ICT) in that e-learning would fail for the following
teaching and learning will provide at least part reasons:
of the solution to many of these issues. They . overly ambitious in terms of desired
argue that technology provides the most outcomes for the budget and time
fertile ground for growing these key available;
ingredients of university renewal; lower costs . utilized particular information
and unique attractions. Henry (2001) argues technologies for their own sake, without
that successful implementation of e-learning sufficient regard for appropriate
requires the same management commitment learning design;
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

. no change in the assessment of learning to strongly believes that the core of its
suit the changed learning outcomes; competitive advantage is the up-to-date skills,
. commenced software development knowledge and commitment of its employees,
without adequate planning; world-wide. Consequently, the Learning and
. failed to prepare students for Performance Centre was created at the
participation in learning experiences such inception of the company and has been
as working in groups; and charged with providing the learning solutions
. failed to obtain copyright clearance. that individuals and organizations within the
The US Institute has proposed a series of company need for success. Harrod and
benchmarks for ensuring e-learning quality Townsend (1998) describe the approach that
and evaluating program effectiveness for has been adopted to link learning and
higher education and policy. These include a development to business needs, to deliver
documented technology plan, with password learning opportunities where and when they
protection, encryption, back-up systems and are needed via technology, and to access the
reliable delivery; established standards for impact of learning programs on business
course development, design and delivery; results.
good facilitation of interaction and feedback; KnowledgePool (http://www.
and the application of specific standards for knowledgepool.com), the e-learning, IT and
evaluation (Cisco Systems, 2000). business skills training company, is further
It is the judgement of Cooke and Veach expanding its Internet-based training with the
(1997) that integrating communication can introduction of a preferred learning style
enhance information systems learning from evaluator through its training site.
an enterprise management view (e-mail) KnowledgePool, in partnership with Insights
capability provided by the Internet with Learning and Development Ltd, now offers
paper-based material. Furthermore, students an online evaluation system that
development of a balanced integration of explores their individual strengths and
electronic and paper-based material as a weaknesses. The Insights Discovery System
distance education package is recommended Evaluator and Report assesses personality,
for consideration within other disciplines. decision-making and communication styles.
Through the evaluation system, students are
3.2 Practice of e-learning equipped with the knowledge of their
Garrison and Borgia (1999) focus on the preferred learning styles before embarking on
development of an Internet-based distance any training. KnowledgePool provides a
learning model for teaching the introductory variety of features and resources through its
course in the Finance Department at Florida training service that are applicable to each
Gulf Coast University (FGCU). In this learning style. A tele-coaching session with an
Internet-based course students are required to accredited insight facilitator can also be
participate in a ``boot'' for the first weeks, purchased to help students understand the
which covers only the most complex aspects report and how it can help their job search or
of the course. After the initial period, the training needs.
course is completely Web-based in design. ``E-learning has predominantly been a `one-
The Web page for this course (http:// size-fits-all' approach'', says Paul Butler, chief
www.tmag.com/sgarrison/courses/fin3240d/ executive officer of KnowledgePool. ``We
index.html) contains a variety of pedagogical believe that the preferred learning style
materials to help students learn and evaluator will not only help individual
comprehend course content. students learn more effectively, but also
Since separating from the AT&T motivate them to learn by building a ``road-
Corporation in 1996, Lucent Technologies, map'' based on their individual psychological
Inc. has become one of the world's leading type, and their learning preference.''
designers, developers and manufacturers of Butler adds: ``By suiting students'
communications systems, software and personalities and providing the motivation
products. A key business imperative for inherent to their learning styles, we believe
Lucent Technologies, of course, is to keep that students are more likely to utilize, retain
abreast of its ever more aggressive global and seek additional learning when these tools
competition. The leadership of Lucent and methods are applied.''
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

The Insights Discovery Learning Styles campus, so that each offering from that
Assessment is a ten-question evaluator by campus has consistency, and to simplify this
which students rate various characteristics. method of delivery for a wide variety of
Insights provides a report based on those proficiencies. Webb (2000) comments that:
answers. At its most simplistic level, Insights ``The technological tools of this generation
defines four psychological styles, each with its are tremendously effective in enhancing the
own approach to learning: distance education course, but they are just
(1) Cool blue. Cautious, precise, deliberate, that, the tools for delivering a better distance
questioning and formal. Learning style: course. Technology is not the purpose for
theoretical, give me the details, offering a distance course, but it is an
intellectual, thorough processing excellent enhancement''. The author has used
research. the following steps in developing a distance
(2) Fiery red. Competitive, demanding, learning course using computers:
determined, strong-willed and (1) Is the course capable of standing alone as
purposeful. Learning style: action- a valid learning experience for multiple
oriented, get to the point, practical learner profiles?
action, mediate, fast. (2) Can you clearly define the learner profiles
(3) Earth green. Caring, encouraging, sharing, and what the course offers to them?
patient and relaxed. Learning style: (3) Is the course clearly developed in your
reflective, give me time to review mind with objectives and goals that are
structured activities, stands back, compatible within this medium?
cautious. (4) Have you successfully delivered this
(4) Sunshine yellow. Sociable, dynamic, course in the traditional classroom, so
demonstrative, enthusiastic and those standards for measurement are
persuasive. Learning style: experiential, available for you?
get me involved, interactive, spontaneous (5) Have you set up a clear process for
and sociable. acquiring points in order to achieve grade
success for the students?
``If we are moving to a world of independent
(6) What process will you use to reach the
learners, then we must teach them how to
non-performers in a timely fashion, so
learn'', said Doug Upchurch, managing
that your concern and actions to express
director of Insights. ``The key to improving e-
and enforce that concern are documented
learning with a preferred learning style
and reasonable?
evaluation is to then provide learning
(7) How will you deliver your talents as a
components within the training that cater for
mentor and guide to these learners?
each style, and we believe that
(8) What will you consider to be the proofs of
KnowledgePool is a leader within this space.''
your success beyond completion of the
KnowledgePool's e-learning service aims to
course requirements?
help each of the preferred learning styles and
. 24  7 online, industry-certified, live
mentors or ``e-structors''; 4. A framework for the success with
. real-time chat forums; e-learning
. extensive, continually updated database
Many people think that EC is just having a
of frequently-asked questions;
Web site, but EC is much more than that.
. dynamic test-preparation assignments
There are dozens of applications of EC such
with real-time response;
as home banking, shopping in online stores
. mentor-monitored message boards; and
and malls, buying stocks, finding a job,
. downloadable training materials.
conducting an auction and collaborating
Blackboard.com is used by a large number of electronically on research and development
university systems in many states to facilitate projects.
both on-campus enhancement of courses and In a recent survey almost 40 percent of
the delivery of distance courses. It has an companies were either using or planning to
impressive track record, particularly in the use online learning in the next 12 months.
state of California, as a simple way to The research, commissioned by BT and
regularize distance course formats across a Futuremedia for Solstra, examines attitudes
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

towards online learning among human- The Web site specifications should include
resource and training managers in clear and structured documentation on the
organizations with more than 500 employees. site's possibilities, search service, updated
The study reveals that 21 percent of firms documentation on the students, and
are using or implementing online learning, interaction spaces (shared workspace,
with a further 18 percent planning to do so in monitoring people, online annotations, news
the next year. Of the companies already using groups, mailing lists, adaptive interface,
online learning, more than 30 percent say that communication of events, glossary of terms,
they have seen a fairly significant return on electronic bulletin, software repository,
investment. Some 53 percent, however, say documentation).
that it is too early to tell. The number of firms It has been emphasized that it is possible to
using intranets has soared by 21 percent in support all aspects of the educational process
the last 12 months, to 72 percent today. The to at least some degree within an online
distance learning scenario. At a high level, the
numbers with access to the Internet have
key elements can be seen to include the
remained constant at around 86 percent.
following (Thomas, 1997):
General awareness of the Internet as a means
. provision of learning materials;
of delivering online learning has tripled from . providing facilities for practical work (e.g.
8 percent in 1998 to 24 percent today. Some
43 percent of human-resource managers have . enabling questions and discussion;
seen online learning in action. . assessment; and
Awareness of the benefits of online learning . provision of student support services
is high, but there is still a strong perception (advising).
that it would leave staff feeling isolated. Some
61 percent voiced concerns over this, A framework for the application of the
compared with 65 percent in 1998. But the Internet in e-learning is summarized in
feeling that online learning would be Table I.
Larson and Bruning (1996) in their study
unsuitable for group work has been overcome,
determine the effectiveness of using distance
with 52 percent now seeing the collaborative
learning technology to teach mathematics.
benefits that online learning can bring.
Researchers used qualitative research
The framework should include the
methodology to explore perceptions in an
following steps (Boticario and Gaudioso,
interactive collaborative satellite-based
mathematics course. Their findings indicate
(1) Develop an interactive and online
that the distance learning format gave
resource model that should consider the
teachers access to more resources, is useful for
stakeholders at various levels including
under-achieving students, and is an effective
lecturers, students and tutors in the
way to implement national curriculum and
distance process. instruction standards. A professor at
(2) Develop significant and active learning by
California State University at Northridge
stimulating student participation in the divided a statistics class, teaching one group
use of the different resources. traditionally in class and another in an online
(3) Improve and ensure the procurement of version of the course using a WWW site,
the most relevant information and the e-mail, and an electronic chat room
establishment of the most significant (McCollum, 1997). The students who took
communications for each user type by the online course performed better than the
providing quick, efficient personalized others.
access. In contrast with promising experiences at
(4) Promote new ways of communication numerous online educational centers, it has
that facilitate the establishment of proved increasingly difficult to meet a wide
working groups of students and lecturers variety of demands of different users, as well
with common interests by increasing the as inadequate structuring and the dispersion
flow of information between all the of Web sources. These sources include news
protagonists participating in the process. groups, mailing lists, different kinds of pages
(5) Stimulate the use of technological such as those of institutions, those containing
resources available among users. courses, FAQs, lecturers' personal pages,
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

Table I Application of the Internet in e-learning

E-learning strategies and
Learning areas Internet applications technologies
Arts Online classes for arts classes such as language, E-mail, interactive and animated video
improving vocabulary and writing skills on the WWW, exchanging files
Business Business courses on Internet, group projects, virtual E-mail, WWW, chat room, news
company tours groups
Engineering Engineering classes on online, virtual laboratory, virtual E-mail, WWW integrated CAD,
design, team learning and group projects hyperlinks, and 3D navigation
Science Virtual laboratory, design of experiments, collaborative E-mail, WWW, Internet chat room
Medicine Simulation of surgical operations, diagnosis, chat room WWW, WebMD, Internet
Agriculture Treatment of crops from time to time, training and E-mails, WWW for training and
education using WWW education, multimedia application
Law and justice Practice of law online, communication, simulation games EDI, EFT, WWW and Internet

practical exercises, distance learning factors for developing e-learning

assessment tests (Boticario and Gaudioso, environment.
2000). In a few years' time, current computer
Furnell et al. (1998) consider the technology will be outdated. Clearly, the
requirements for information security within availability of broadband technology will
the domain of online distance learning. A increase the online learning options by
generic module structure is presented which making use of videoconferencing, advanced
represents a high level of abstraction of the animation techniques, and virtual scientific
different stages of the educational process. laboratories. Electronic books have become
They discuss the main security issues that more prevalent. Learning opportunities will
must be considered at each stage.
expand further (Antonucci and Cronin,
A framework is critical for developing the
2001). There is no doubt that e-learning has
capacity strategy to deliver e-learning courses.
an important role to play across all business
Provision of the following support and
sectors. In addition to its cost-effectiveness,
development mechanism constitutes an
its main advantages are its flexibility, its
integral part of an e-learning initiative
convenience to users, its wide reach, its easy
(Alexander, 2001):
. a vision for e-learning at the institution; accessibility, its consistency and its
. development of a technology development repeatability. The objectives of e-learning are
plan; dependent on the quality of the teaching
. development of faculty workload policies process and the effectiveness of online access.
which relate to e-learning; Several script languages and Internet-
. maintenance of a reliable technology oriented languages have been used to embed
network; interactivity into Web pages (Hall, 1998),
. facility for providing technology support including Java and JavaScript. Among them,
to staff and students; Java is the most powerful tool to make Web
. market research support; and pages interactive. This is because it is a proper
. provision of time release for faculty
object-oriented language, platform-free, and
engaged in e-learning developments.
has more functionality than its competitors.
Actually, programming the Web with Java
remains the hottest topic of recent years, in
5. Summary of findings and conclusions
both the academic world and the computer
In this article, an attempt has been made to industry. Java applets embedded into Web
study the definition of e-learning, to review pages can be run on all kinds of computer
the literature available on e-learning with the systems, so long as machine-dependent Java
objective of bringing pertinent factors to the virtual machines have been installed
fore and to suggest a set of critical success (Tian, 2001).
E-learning: research and applications Industrial and Commercial Training
A. Gunasekaran, Ronald D. McNeil and Dennis Shaul Volume 34 . Number 2 . 2002 . 44±53

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Alexander, S. (2001), ``E-learning developments and Kramer, B.J. (2000), ``Forming a federated virtual
experiences'', Education + Training, Vol. 43 Nos 4/5, university through course broker middleware'', in
pp. 240-8. Proceedings: LearnTec 2000, Heidelberg.
Alexander, S. and McKenzie, J. (1998), An Evaluation of Lance, D. (2000), ``Venture capital viewpoints and
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