Survey Methodology B Wocover PG
Survey Methodology B Wocover PG
Survey Methodology B Wocover PG
Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Survey Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Survey for Rural Electrification ................................................................................................... 2
5. Reconnaissance Survey ............................................................................................................... 2
6. Cost cum Feasibility Survey......................................................................................................... 3
7. Various Stages of Survey Work ................................................................................................... 3
8. Planning of Survey Work ............................................................................................................. 3
9. Foot by Foot Survey .................................................................................................................... 4
a. General .................................................................................................................................... 4
b. Field Book ................................................................................................................................ 4
c. Field Surveys ........................................................................................................................... 5
d. Field Sketches.......................................................................................................................... 5
e. Survey Guidelines while route selection................................................................................. 5
f. Route Marking at Site ............................................................................................................. 6
10. GPS Survey-Horizontal Control and Profile Survey ................................................................. 7
11. Profile Survey .......................................................................................................................... 7
12. Survey Sheets, Pegging Plans & Layout Plans ......................................................................... 8
13. Sample Data Sheet of MV Network ........................................................................................ 9
14. Sample Data Sheet of LV Network .......................................................................................... 9
15. Preparation of Estimates ...................................................................................................... 10
16. As Built Drawings .................................................................................................................. 10
a. Preparation of as built drawings: .......................................................................................... 11
b. Approval of as built drawings: .............................................................................................. 11
17. Summary of Survey Activities ............................................................................................... 11
18. Safety Health and Environment ............................................................................................ 12
Survey Methodology
1. Introduction
In line with Employer Requirements this Method Statement is prepared as a guideline for execution
team to do Survey work for the proposed electrification route
2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to ensure validation of survey work already done by employer and
to notify any deviations from existing survey route and for final assessment of quantities and
development of field working documents
3. Scope
This method statement covers the survey work to be executed in lot 2B, Line 12 Line: Nakifuma-
Nagojje, Walusubi-Katogo, Mbaliga-Namele, and Nakasajja –Kyampis)
The feasibility of electrification viz availability of power supply, suitability of the terrain and of
the structures to suit the electrical clearances.
A realistic assessment of the cost of the project
The financial viability of investment
To ascertain the above details a route is surveyed for rural electrification. The surveys may
either be ‘Reconnaissance Survey ‘or a detailed Foot by Foot, ‘Cost-cum-Feasibility Survey
‘Survey as the circumstances call for.
Aspects of chosen routes are further examined in detail for its suitability for electrification.
Once the route of the lines is fixed, various types of approvals are to be organized by
From the railway authorities for Railway Crossings
From the competent Forest Authorities for routing of the line in Forest areas.
From the State level Power Tele – communication Coordination Committee (PTCC).
In addition if there are urban development Airport and similar other areas falling in the route
of the line, permission has to be obtained.
Sometimes private gardens/orchards may fall on the route and require free cutting and details
of trees are to be marked and Compensation be got fixed from Revenue Authorities and paid
to the owner.
5. Reconnaissance Survey
This is a rapid survey examining the salient and vital points leaving the details to be worked out in
detailed Foot by Foot Survey. The survey covers the following items:
b. Field Book
A surveyors field book is required to be maintained in which all the details obtained during
the survey should be entered. These details are transferred to field sketches. Such sketches
are then sent to drawing office to enable preparation of survey plans. The entries in the field
book should be dated and progress in accordance with increasing route kilometers. Details
entered should include important features such as where embankment changes to level
ground or level ground to lower area or vice versa should be recorded as these are essential
in ascertaining the pole heights required for design of structures. Other features to be noted
are as below:
Buildings, huts, platforms and any other structures and those may be affected
Continuous running drains, fencings, pipes, cables, either on surface or buried underground
should be recorded.
Water tanks, Fuel Tanks and Fuel Stations.
Metallic circuits, electrical low or high voltage lines or signal and telecommunication cables
running parallel to proposed electrification route.
Height of lowest and upper conductor and earth wire of existing power lines, Voltage Rating
adjacent to route.
Over line structures such as flyovers, over bridges, foot over bridges, their vertical clearances
and horizontal distance from proposed line route.
Curves, Railway Crossings, level crossings, location of any gate lodges
Tunnels and their profiles
Details of Roads, Rivers, Canals and Forests crossing
Details of Trees, Plants affected and which may result into compensation issues
Identification of polluted locations: Areas adjacent to factories, power houses having high
ambient pollution particles should be identified and recorded.
Swamps and Rocky Ground locations.
Visible nature of ground shall be noted such as any Paddy fields, crops, seismic disturbance,
and cultivation with name.
While surveying the positions of straight, angular, end pole, Transformer poles and multiple
pole structures are to be considered
c. Field Surveys
To ensure accuracy in physical measurement of existing structures, width, steel tape or fiber
glass/plastic coated tapes to be used for measurement
d. Field Sketches
The data recorded in the field book by surveyor to be promptly transferred to field sketches as the
survey proceeds so as to ensure full details are recorded and another visit to the site for the items left
out is obviated. In the basic form, field sketch book may contain horizontal and vertical lines. All details
should be neatly recorded as this forms basic document for preparation of survey sheets. All distances
should be in meters.
The route selected for a distribution line shall be such that it will give the lowest cost
considered over a period of years, consistent with accessibility for easy maintenance, etc. This
includes many considerations such as original cost, tree trimming and compensation, freedom
from vehicular damages future development and availability for services.
The lines should be routed wherever possible to avoid natural obstacle such as steep hills or
valley’s, swamps, lakes, thick forests, rivers, etc. Lines should be so located at a safe distance
from buildings and from possible fire, proximity to traffic and other hazards. Line shall not
cross school play grounds, cemetery, except under special circumstances. Lines should be
away from the buildings containing explosives.
Transportation contributes a major portion of construction cost. As such while finalizing the
route alignment, it may be ensured that due to transportation cost should be as low as
The areas to be avoided as far as possible are:
Rough and difficult country side.
Urban Development area.
Restricted access for transport vehicles.
Abrupt changes in line routes.
Difficult crossing – river, railway.
Proximity to aerodromes.
Natural hazards like steep valleys, hills, lakes, gardens, forests, playgrounds, etc.
Pole position near canals, drainage pipe, water pipes, culverts, marshy land to be avoided
Photograph of Peg marking - work executed at REA TANESCO by M/s MBH Power Limited
in year 2015
Profile drawings will be prepared in the scale of 1:2000 and maps into 1:10000 and 1:50000 Sample
format of profile study as below:
GPS Survey Checking of Profiles Gradient of overhead lines, span and tension
Survey Compile the data gathered and forward to Pegging Plans, Layouts, Profile drawings,
Documentation design team to develop documentation Consumer Base Details, Bill of quantities.