Survey Methodology B Wocover PG

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Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Survey Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Survey for Rural Electrification ................................................................................................... 2
5. Reconnaissance Survey ............................................................................................................... 2
6. Cost cum Feasibility Survey......................................................................................................... 3
7. Various Stages of Survey Work ................................................................................................... 3
8. Planning of Survey Work ............................................................................................................. 3
9. Foot by Foot Survey .................................................................................................................... 4
a. General .................................................................................................................................... 4
b. Field Book ................................................................................................................................ 4
c. Field Surveys ........................................................................................................................... 5
d. Field Sketches.......................................................................................................................... 5
e. Survey Guidelines while route selection................................................................................. 5
f. Route Marking at Site ............................................................................................................. 6
10. GPS Survey-Horizontal Control and Profile Survey ................................................................. 7
11. Profile Survey .......................................................................................................................... 7
12. Survey Sheets, Pegging Plans & Layout Plans ......................................................................... 8
13. Sample Data Sheet of MV Network ........................................................................................ 9
14. Sample Data Sheet of LV Network .......................................................................................... 9
15. Preparation of Estimates ...................................................................................................... 10
16. As Built Drawings .................................................................................................................. 10
a. Preparation of as built drawings: .......................................................................................... 11
b. Approval of as built drawings: .............................................................................................. 11
17. Summary of Survey Activities ............................................................................................... 11
18. Safety Health and Environment ............................................................................................ 12
Survey Methodology

1. Introduction
In line with Employer Requirements this Method Statement is prepared as a guideline for execution
team to do Survey work for the proposed electrification route

2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to ensure validation of survey work already done by employer and
to notify any deviations from existing survey route and for final assessment of quantities and
development of field working documents

3. Scope
This method statement covers the survey work to be executed in lot 2B, Line 12 Line: Nakifuma-
Nagojje, Walusubi-Katogo, Mbaliga-Namele, and Nakasajja –Kyampis)

4. Survey for Rural Electrification

After having narrowed down the choice of routes which may be considered for electrification, it is
essential to further examine the chosen route in detail for its suitability for electrification in following

 The feasibility of electrification viz availability of power supply, suitability of the terrain and of
the structures to suit the electrical clearances.
 A realistic assessment of the cost of the project
 The financial viability of investment
 To ascertain the above details a route is surveyed for rural electrification. The surveys may
either be ‘Reconnaissance Survey ‘or a detailed Foot by Foot, ‘Cost-cum-Feasibility Survey
‘Survey as the circumstances call for.
 Aspects of chosen routes are further examined in detail for its suitability for electrification.
Once the route of the lines is fixed, various types of approvals are to be organized by
 From the railway authorities for Railway Crossings
 From the competent Forest Authorities for routing of the line in Forest areas.
 From the State level Power Tele – communication Coordination Committee (PTCC).
 In addition if there are urban development Airport and similar other areas falling in the route
of the line, permission has to be obtained.
 Sometimes private gardens/orchards may fall on the route and require free cutting and details
of trees are to be marked and Compensation be got fixed from Revenue Authorities and paid
to the owner.

5. Reconnaissance Survey
This is a rapid survey examining the salient and vital points leaving the details to be worked out in
detailed Foot by Foot Survey. The survey covers the following items:

 Assessment of existing load demand

 Availability of Electric Power
 Details of the section covering the terrain, existing installation, building and structures, signal
and telecom installation. This is normally done by a joint inspection by the officers of
concerned discipline such as electrical engineering, civil engineering and signal and
 An idea of length of route to be equipped with disconnectors, Load Break switches Auto
reclosures and Distribution Transformers.
 The information collected by this rapid survey yields a fairly accurate idea of the volume of
rural electrification work. For obtaining an estimate within 10 -20% of its cost, the Unit cost is
derived from a recently completed project on cost per unit of work or per route kilometer

6. Cost cum Feasibility Survey

In this survey, teams conduct Foot by Foot Survey of the proposed route and prepare the survey plans
followed by Pegging Plans and Layouts. The team examines clearance of the route, existing facilities,
structures, obstructions, existing power lines, road/river crossings, any infrastructure developments,
constraints and probable solutions considering most effective, practicable and economical way

7. Various Stages of Survey Work

 Planning of Survey Work
 Foot by Foot Survey
 Observations, Measurements, Data Gathering and Guidelines.
 Route Marking
 GPS Survey
 Profile Survey
 Preparation of pegging plans
 Preparation of Overhead layout plans.
 Preparation of Profile Drawings
 Preparation of Estimates

8. Planning of Survey Work

At least 48 hours advance intimation shall be provided to concerned work In charge/engineer of
client before commencement of survey activities and same will be reconfirmed one day before
starting of work. As per the experience gained, per day approximately 7 KM - 8 KM of field survey
work can be completed. To monitor the progress of survey work, preparation and finalization of plan
a progress chart is essential. Weekly progress report depicting the details of survey personnel, work
completed, issues noted or deviations from existing survey data shall be submitted. An indicative
survey work programme is mentioned as below:
9. Foot by Foot Survey
a. General
In order to prepare the design for overhead electrification layout forming the basis of project
construction work a detailed Foot Survey of the route proposed for electrification is taken up. The
survey forms the basis of survey sheets. These sheets are prepared to scale. On these sheets OHE
structures are marked. These plans called a pre pegging plan are then verified at site and modified to
site conditions and finalized. The final plan thus issued is called the Pegging Plan and forms the basis
for estimation of quantities, cost estimates and schedule of quantities for construction work. Plans for
modification of existing distribution lines are also prepared based on these survey plans. Preparation
of accurate detailed survey plan therefore cannot be overemphasized

b. Field Book
 A surveyors field book is required to be maintained in which all the details obtained during
the survey should be entered. These details are transferred to field sketches. Such sketches
are then sent to drawing office to enable preparation of survey plans. The entries in the field
book should be dated and progress in accordance with increasing route kilometers. Details
entered should include important features such as where embankment changes to level
ground or level ground to lower area or vice versa should be recorded as these are essential
in ascertaining the pole heights required for design of structures. Other features to be noted
are as below:
 Buildings, huts, platforms and any other structures and those may be affected
 Continuous running drains, fencings, pipes, cables, either on surface or buried underground
should be recorded.
 Water tanks, Fuel Tanks and Fuel Stations.
 Metallic circuits, electrical low or high voltage lines or signal and telecommunication cables
running parallel to proposed electrification route.
 Height of lowest and upper conductor and earth wire of existing power lines, Voltage Rating
adjacent to route.
 Over line structures such as flyovers, over bridges, foot over bridges, their vertical clearances
and horizontal distance from proposed line route.
 Curves, Railway Crossings, level crossings, location of any gate lodges
 Tunnels and their profiles
 Details of Roads, Rivers, Canals and Forests crossing
 Details of Trees, Plants affected and which may result into compensation issues
 Identification of polluted locations: Areas adjacent to factories, power houses having high
ambient pollution particles should be identified and recorded.
 Swamps and Rocky Ground locations.
 Visible nature of ground shall be noted such as any Paddy fields, crops, seismic disturbance,
and cultivation with name.
 While surveying the positions of straight, angular, end pole, Transformer poles and multiple
pole structures are to be considered

c. Field Surveys
To ensure accuracy in physical measurement of existing structures, width, steel tape or fiber
glass/plastic coated tapes to be used for measurement

d. Field Sketches
The data recorded in the field book by surveyor to be promptly transferred to field sketches as the
survey proceeds so as to ensure full details are recorded and another visit to the site for the items left
out is obviated. In the basic form, field sketch book may contain horizontal and vertical lines. All details
should be neatly recorded as this forms basic document for preparation of survey sheets. All distances
should be in meters.

e. Survey Guidelines while route selection

Survey of the proposed route of line
The first step to be taken prior to the design or construction of any line is to conduct survey of the
country over which the line is to pass. Topography map of the area which would indicate town’s roads,
streams/river, hills, railway lines, bridges, forest areas, telephones telegraph and power lines may be
taken and the approximate route of the line marked on it. Before finalizing the route. The proposed
or selected route should be practicable, economical, and as close as possible to the road for easy
maintenance and approach during the construction, Route in direction of possible future load and
angle points should be less.

 The route selected for a distribution line shall be such that it will give the lowest cost
considered over a period of years, consistent with accessibility for easy maintenance, etc. This
includes many considerations such as original cost, tree trimming and compensation, freedom
from vehicular damages future development and availability for services.
 The lines should be routed wherever possible to avoid natural obstacle such as steep hills or
valley’s, swamps, lakes, thick forests, rivers, etc. Lines should be so located at a safe distance
from buildings and from possible fire, proximity to traffic and other hazards. Line shall not
cross school play grounds, cemetery, except under special circumstances. Lines should be
away from the buildings containing explosives.
 Transportation contributes a major portion of construction cost. As such while finalizing the
route alignment, it may be ensured that due to transportation cost should be as low as
The areas to be avoided as far as possible are:
 Rough and difficult country side.
 Urban Development area.
 Restricted access for transport vehicles.
 Abrupt changes in line routes.
 Difficult crossing – river, railway.
 Proximity to aerodromes.
 Natural hazards like steep valleys, hills, lakes, gardens, forests, playgrounds, etc.
 Pole position near canals, drainage pipe, water pipes, culverts, marshy land to be avoided

Locations of Electric Poles and Transformers

In locating poles on lines, the following general principles are to be kept in mind:-

 Keep spans uniform in length as far as possible.

 If possible, location to have horizontal grade.
 By locating the poles on high places short poles can be used and will maintain proper ground
clearance at the middle of the span.
 In extremely hilly or mountainous country, poles are located on ridges hereby increasing the
spans without greatly increasing the pull on the conductor. This is possible because the sag
can be made very large maintaining the required ground clearance.
 Poles should not be placed along the edges of cuts or embankment or along the banks of
creeks of streams.
 Cut – point for a section could be up to 1.6 km length (except in special cases), where Double-
pole structures are to be provided to take tension of the conductors.
 Transformers should be proposed at load locations. Avoid the locations, where the
transportation of transformer is inconvenient.
 It should be ensured that any crossing should be at 90 degree angle to which enables to keep
short span and to maintain clearance.
 If possible, Highway and Railway Crossings should be avoided.
 Double pole structure should be used for river crossing and large spans. In case of large span
to maintain safe clearance, long supports with additional stays are used.
 While carrying out survey of overhead lines, provision of proper number of supports with
sufficient heights and stays should be done.
 Route should be such that the amount of tree cutting can be reduced.

f. Route Marking at Site

 Location of structures (poles) are marked with Pegs buried in the ground. These pegs will be
colored in red for easy visibility and shall be projected at least 300mm-400mm above ground.
At angle locations, no. of Pegs may be increased i.e. 04 nos. and spaced at 5M apart.
Electrification route area may pass through Forests/Plantation/Trees; in such case for
identification of route besides burying the Peg in ground an additional color of band can be
suspended / wrapped at tree branches, around 1.5 M from ground. Trunk of tree shall also be
marked with Red/Yellow Color paint for easy identification of route.
 There may be the instances where difficult to fix the Peg mark at actual location, in such cases
the pegs will be installed at nearby location in such position that these can be traced with an
accuracy of 100MM and suitable coordinates shall be recorded. Such identification can be
taken from fixed/permanent structures so that in the event of any Peg mark missing that could
be traced easily.
 While crossing of roads, river, and canals, deep /undercut areas, big physical structures the
Peg marks will be installed at both ends. In rocky areas or locations such as road where it is
difficult to fix Pegs, identification will be done with the help of red or yellow color paint with
at least 02 coats to preserve its visibility.
 Way leaves shall be marked with yellow color of band with minimum width of 10MM at both
sides spaced at 15M from the center of route

Photograph of Peg marking - work executed at REA TANESCO by M/s MBH Power Limited
in year 2015

10. GPS Survey-Horizontal Control and Profile Survey

Horizontal control survey will be done by using high precision duel frequency GPS receivers and GPS
points will be established within 5MM of accuracy. The satellite images of multispectral 0.6M or better
spatial resolution at least 1KM wide band (at least 500M wide on either side of center line) will be Geo
referenced to National GPS Grid system in the Real Time Kinematics and indicative line route will be
plotted on Geo referenced imagers. Coordinate system for survey shall be UTM 1960 Zone 36N
referenced to Clarke 1880 ellipsoid.

11. Profile Survey

Profile study is an important aspect of surveying, such a study fixes the location of OH Structures/
Poles, Span length to be adopted and clearance from adjacent structures or under any over line
structures along the conductor. Height leveling of the longitudinal section will be done by electronic

Profile drawings will be prepared in the scale of 1:2000 and maps into 1:10000 and 1:50000 Sample
format of profile study as below:

Photographs of Survey at Malawai and Tanzania, work executed by M/s MBH

Power Ltd

12. Survey Sheets, Pegging Plans & Layout Plans

 The preparation of survey sheets in design office proceeds serially as field sketches are
received there. These should be prepared in the sheets of standard metric sizes with the top
sheet having standard proforma, legend and letter sizes.
 Auto cad 2010 or latest version shall be used for development of survey drawings. Survey
results shall be marked on 1:50000 Map. Data in soft form in the form of CD or any other
electronic media shall be available.
 During the inspection, any pre-pegging plan from previous surveys reports, if available shall
be verified and if required, modified to suit the field conditions will be done. Site verified plan
is finalized as Pegging Plan and is available for use of field work and for estimation of
quantities. Prior to taking up field work, pegging plan is verified with execution team. The plan
actually followed up for field work incorporating further details such as type of pole, anchor
location (stay arrangement), degree of Angle poles, span of poles are linked in survey sheet
and becomes the OHE Layout Plan. This plan is also the record to be kept for proper
maintenance of equipment after commissioning.
 On completion of all installation work and incorporating any site modifications or changes the
Completion Plan/As Built Plan are submitted.
13. Sample Data Sheet of MV Network
Pole Pole Dist. Deflec- Chg. S. No. Northing Easting Elevation
No. Type tion Section of

1 LP 100.1 0+100 9316603.636 293578.78 785.522

2 SAP 89.70 -56.78 0+190 4 9316693.334 293578.12 786.02

3 LP 90.02 0+280 9316742.096 293502.445 787.87

14. Sample Data Sheet of LV Network

Pole ID Deflection No. Northing Easting Elevation Distance No. of
of Consumers

Trafo. 9321411.763 292414.025 857.02 0 5

LV1 9321365.147 292402.831 857.377 49.2 Nil

LV2 9321339.018 292353.341 859.201 50,1 2

Sample Profile Drawing of Survey Work Executed by M/s MBH Power Limited
at REA Tanzania

15. Preparation of Estimates

After survey and finalization of the extent of work jointly agreed upon by the contractor and
employer the specifications and quantum of the work are finalized.

16. As Built Drawings

As built drawings are the drawings prepared by contractor after completion of installation work.
These needs to incorporate all changes made during construction in the original drawings and will be
subsequently checked and approved by the employer/engineer or his representative of the contract.
Following will be the procedure for preparation of as built drawings:

a. Preparation of as built drawings:

When construction of electricity distribution network is complete and accepted by “Engineer” the
contractor will prepare as built drawings. The contractor will collate all the official notes regarding
any change in the design issued during construction period and will incorporate these in the as build
drawings. The contractor will also be visiting to site to ensure all such changes are reflected in
drawings. Once the drawings have been prepared, they will be sent to the respective “Engineer” to
the contract for review and approval.

b. Approval of as built drawings:

Upon receipt of as built drawings, “Engineer” will verify the drawings with the official notes issued
time to time regarding any change of design and office record of actual construction accomplished.
These drawings should also be checked on site against installed work. Once satisfied with the
submission, The Engineer or his representative will accept these drawings, keep record and will be
circulated to all concerned.

17. Summary of Survey Activities

Stage of Survey Survey Activities Deliverables

Planning Meeting with stakeholders, Collection of Survey Work schedule

documentation and execution Planning

Foot by Foot Data gathering Information about existing structures, power

Survey lines, crossings, obstructions, constraints

Existing Data Validation Validation of proposed route and suitability

for installation of pole structures and

Peg Marking Details of type of structures such as

intermediate, angular, double poles,
equipment’s locations, span

GPS Survey Checking of Profiles Gradient of overhead lines, span and tension

Coordinate recording Checking of GPS Coordinates along the line

route for poles, equipment’s

Survey Compile the data gathered and forward to Pegging Plans, Layouts, Profile drawings,
Documentation design team to develop documentation Consumer Base Details, Bill of quantities.

Execution Phase Measurement of final GPS coordinates of Development of As Built Documentation

installed poles/equipment’s
18. Safety Health and Environment
 PPE must be worn by every person on the work site. At a minimum must include Safety
Helmet, Safety Shoes and Reflecting Jacket.
 In addition to any other PPE’s required as per work nature should be used.
 A safety Tool Box must be delivered by site engineer prior to start of work by survey team.
 Contact details, address and other details of nearest hospitals must be available with team.
 Any unforeseen situation, accident must be reported immediately to concerned work In
charge coordinator.
 Team members must have mobile phone for communication.
 Smoking or Fire Work is prohibited in the vicinity of flammable materials
 Travel safety rules to be followed.
 Work to be done in such a way that minimum disturbance to communities and interference
with traffic.

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