Passover Timeline

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Month of the Aviv KEY

Torah Yeshua

1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day/Friday 7th Day
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Preparation Day Shabbat

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Chodesh
Barley is Aviv

(New Moon)
Head of the Year
All days begin the evening before
and go to sunset on the day shown 1 2 3
Erev Shabbat Pesach Lamb is
dinner tonight in set aside and
Bethany. Yeshua observed.
annointed with
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Triumphal Yeshua in Temple during the day, Pesach/ First Day of Women bought & Weekly Shabbat
Last Supper
Entry into Mt. of Olives at night Passover UnLeavened prepared burial
Jerusalem Bread (High Day spices Resurrection
Yeshua on cross, Sabbath) after Shabbat!
dies at 3 pm HalleluYah!!
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Waving of First Last Day of
Fruits Approved UnLeavened
before the Father! Bread (Sabbath)
Omer Count: Omer Count: Omer Count: Omer Count: Omer Count: Omer Count: Omer Count:
1st day of 2nd day of 3rd day of 4th day of 5th day of 6th day of 7th day of
18 1st week 19 1st week 20 1st week 21 1st week 22 1st week 23 1st week 24 1st week
*Erev Shabbat dinner is on Friday night, which was the beginning of the 10th day of the month of the Aviv.

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