Hebrew Feasts: The Key and Calendar That Unlocks One'S Understanding of The Sanctuary Message-Part Six
Hebrew Feasts: The Key and Calendar That Unlocks One'S Understanding of The Sanctuary Message-Part Six
Hebrew Feasts: The Key and Calendar That Unlocks One'S Understanding of The Sanctuary Message-Part Six
Benjamin Table of
Shewbread Judah
Manasseh Incense
Ark of the Laver
Covenant Altar of
Sacrifice Issachar
Ephraim Menorah
(Joseph) Most Holy Holy Place Outer Court
Gershon Levi
Moses and
Sanctuary Complex and Tribe Camp Sites
Rosh Hashanah, is both the end of the Jewish festival calendar, AND
the beginning of the Jewish civil calendar year. It is the New Year
under the civil calendar. So, this marks both the end of the old and
the beginning of the new.
Feast of Trumpets
Messiah (Court) Life Priest (Holy Place) King
(Most Holy)
Seven Churches (1-3) 7 Seals (4-6) Seven Trumpets(8-10) Rev 11 -20 Rev 21,22
Death Rev 1:18 Rev 5:6 Rev 8:2 Rev 11:18,19 Rev 21:3
Rev 1:5
Resurrection/ Spirit into all Earth Trumpets/Altar of Incense Ark of Covenant Tabernacle with men
Tishrei 1 Tishrei 10 4 days Tishrei 15 6 days Tishrei 21 Tishrei 22
Rosh Shemini
Yom Kippur Latter Rain Tabernacles Succos (7 days)
Hashanah Atzeres
New Heavens
and Earth
And also to the literal drought during the time of Jezebel who caused literal Israel to apostatize with paganism (Luke 4: 25).
Scenes Relating To The Second Coming Of
Jesus Christ
Matthew 21:1-13
Who Else Knew Of The Preparations Of The
Hebrew Feasts Of Trumpets…Jerusalem?
Matthew 16:21
How many denominations (religious groups) were there in
Jerusalem during Christ’ time?
Did Those Four Denominations Deceive The
People By Their Beliefs System?
John 9:22