Do You Think The Way People Behave in Social Interactions Is More Like The Behavior of Animals or More Like Actors Playing A Role in A Theatrical Production? Why? Answer

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Do you think the way people behave in social interactions is more like the behavior of
animals or more like actors playing a role in a theatrical production? Why?


In social interaction, I think of people's behavior as acting like role actors in a production,
because you can see how actors behave, dress, and want to be or act like them.

Acting “like an animal” or “as a role actor as a stage piece” involving primitive impulses in
social interaction refers to the social sciences discussion of nature versus nurturing.
According to this discussion, behavior is primarily determined by either our "personality"
(biological predisposition or impulses) or our personality (external social factors).

In social interaction, the behavior of people is usually a combination of both 'animal' behavior
(nature) and 'role actor as a stage piece' (nurture). However, especially in modern society, the
behavior of people in social interaction is mostly Actors who play the role" In other words,
the behavior of a social interaction is determined by social factors rather than biological or
'animal' behaviors/impulses. This is because we employ different social personalities
depending on whether we are interacting with others. For example, your behavior or social
interactions with your boyfriend or girlfriend, your behavior and social interactions with
teachers, employers, and grandparents are significantly different. For the different people you
interact with, you wear different social masks or personas, like role actors in a play.

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