Polyseal PS+: 2 Part Gun Grade Polysulphide Sealant For Wide Joints

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Polyseal PS+

2 part gun grade polysulphide sealant for wide joints

Highly flexible, non-staining joint sealant with excellent recovery for wider joint.


Certificate No. CL17020460

► Highly resilient with excellent recovery characteristics
► Provides permanent and uniform watertight seal
► Non-staining
► Excellent resistance to fatigue and stays flexible throughout
its service life–won’t become brittle, caulk or crack due to
ultra violet exposure

TDS_Polyseal PS+_GCC_0519
► Prevents uncontrolled cracking by allowing expansion and
contractions during temperature changes
► Excellent adhesion to most common building substrates
► Good resistance to ageing. Retains joint soundness once
► Resistance against mild chemicals, hydrocarbon fuels, sea
► Non-toxic. Can be used in potable water applications,
swimming pools 1

blasting or solvent cleaning may be required to expose aclean

flexible non toxic and sound substrate. The compressible joint filler shall be cut
back to expose a uniform joint depth.
Polyseal PS+ is a two component non slumping, chemically The primer Polyprime PS* shall be applied to clean, dry
curing sealant for wide joints. It is based on a liquid surfaces prior to the installation of backer rod. The primer
polysulphide polymer which when mixed with the hardener, Polyprime PS* shall be applied to clean, dry surfaces prior to
cures to form a tough, flexible and non staining rubber the installation of backer rod.
like seal. Polyseal PS+ is specifically designed to be used
as a watertight seal for overhead moderate movement Back-up material
joints and joints with widths greater than 30mm. Polyseal A bond breaking backing rod (Polyrod)* shall be inserted into
PS+ has excellent adhesion to concrete, stone, metals and all movement joints to avoid a three sided adhesion. For static
other common building substrates. The cured sealant has and joints where the depth is not sufficient for the use of the
good resistance to most environmental chemicals & resists backing rod, a bond breaking tape may be applied to prevent
deterioration on prolonged exposure to UV. The sealant has the three side adhesion.
a movement accomodation factor (MAF) of ±25%. MIXING & APPLICATION
Fields of application Polyseal PS+ is available in a ready to mix container with all the
components packed in a single tin. The material shall be mixed
– overhead and vertical movement and control joints
thoroughly with a slow speed drill (300-400 rpm) fitted with a
– joint width between 30mm and 50 mm flat bladed paddle for 2-3 minutes till a uniform colour and
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS consistency is achieved. DO NOT PART MIX. Since the base and
the curing agent ratio controls the ultimate physical properties
Joint preparation like adhesion, durability and strength, one complete kit has to
The joint surface must be clean, dry and free from oil, loose be mixed at a time. The side and base of the container shall be
particles, cement laitance and other contaminants which may periodically scrapped with a scrapper to ensure that the curing
affect the adhesion. A thorough wire brushing, grinding, sand agent is properly dispersed and blended in the mix. Load the
sealant immediately into the barrel gun by a heavy duty follower HEALTH & SAFETY
plate. Start extruding into the joint firmly by maintaining an As with all construction chemical products caution should be
even pressure on the trigger off the gun. Vertical joint sealing exercised. Contains manganese dioxide. Refer the product
shall commence from the bottom of the joint and continued MSDS for full details. Which is corrosive and may cause burns
to the top. Overhead sealing shall start from one end of the to skin if handled without proper protection. Protective clothing
joint. Once the sealant has been installed a suitable rounded such as gloves and goggles should be worn. Treat any splashes
tool soaked in a soapy water solution can be used to achieve a to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any
smooth hour glass profile. Any masking tape applied should be of the products be accidentally swallowed, do not induce
removed immediately after the sealant is installed. vomiting, but call for medical assistance immediately
Remove all excess sealant with a scraper. Any spillage can be
Polyseal PS+ 2.5L pail
cleaned using Polysolvent. Clean all tools and equipments
using similar solvent immediately after the tooling. Hardened Polyprime PS 1L pail
materials can be removed mechanically only. Polyprime NP 1L pail
LIMITATIONS Polysolvent 5L & 20L pails
Polyseal PS+ is not recommended for: Ancillaries/equipments Polyrod barrel gun,
follower Plate
– Movement joints having MAF >25%
– Damp and contaminated surfaces TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
– Asphalt pavements PROPERTIES VALUES TEST
– Over painting (paint compatibility with sealant shall be STANDARDS
checked prior to painting) Color Grey -
– Joint >50mm width
TDS_Polyseal PS+_GCC_0519

Density, [g/cc] 1.6±0.05 ASTM D 1475

JOINT DESIGNS Viscosity Thixotrophic
The width of the joint should be a minimum of 4 times the paste -
anticipated movement. Joints with cyclic movement should have Shrinkage Negligible ASTM C 531
a width to depth ratio of 2:1 for butt joints and 1:1 for control Application life, [minutes] >120 BS 4254
and lap joints. The joint depth shall not exceed the width.
Shore ‘A’ Hardness 20-35 ASTM D 2240
COVERAGE Tack free time, [hours] 5 ASTM C 679
2 Length of joints in meters filled per 1 L of Polyseal PS+ Adhesion to concrete, [N] >25 BS 4254
Depth [mm] Width [mm] UV resistance @300, [hours] No deterioration ASTM G 154
20 25 30 40 50 Suitability with potable water Non toxic BS 6920
10 5 Chemical resistance pH 2.5 to 11.5
15 3.3 2.6 2.2 hydrocarbon fuels
20 2.5 2 1.6 1.25 veg. oil, sea water
25 1.6 1.3 1 0.8 Initial cure @ standard
condition, [hours] 24 -
30 1.1 0.8 0.66
Full cure @standard
40 0.6 0.5 condition, [days] 7 -
50 0.4 Application temperature, [°C] +5 to +40 -
# Calculation based on theoretical coverage. Actual material Service temperature, [°C] -20 to +80 -
consumption at site will vary depending on the wastage.
All values given are subject to 5-10% tolerance
Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant
Polyseal PS+ complies with the requirements of: BS EN ISO guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as well as
11600:2003 + A1:2011 (formerly BS 4254), BS 5212: Part 1, the respective standards. The aforementioned characteristics are based on practical
experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible uses which go
BS 6920, ASTM C 920 [Type M, Grade NS, Class 25 USE T]. beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our written confirmation. All
data given was obtained at an ambient and material temperature of +23°C and 50
STORAGE & SHELF LIFE % relative air humidity at laboratory conditions unless specified otherwise. Please note
that under other climatic conditions hardening can be accelerated or delayed.
Store in a cool, dry place and keep away from all sources of The information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the handling
heat and sunlight. In tropical climates, store in air condition and use of our products, is based on our professional experience. As materials and
conditions may vary with each intended application, and thus are beyond our sphere
rooms. The shelf life is up to 12 months in un-opened conditions of influence, we strongly recommend that in each case sufficient tests are conducted
and if stored as per recommendations. Excessive exposure to to check the suitability of our products for their intended use. Legal liability cannot be
sunlight, humidity and UV will result in the deterioration of the accepted on the basis of the contents of this data sheet or any verbal advice given,
unless there is a case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. This
quality of the product and reduce its shelf life. technical data sheet supersedes all previous editions relevant to this product.

Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.; PO Box: 293, Umm Al Quwain, UAE

Tel:+971(6)76 70 777; Fax:+971(6)76 70 197; henkelpolybit@henkel.com
Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.; PO Box: 5911, Dammam-31432, KSA
Tel:+96613808 4061 / 62, Fax: +966 13 812 1164; polybitdammam@henkel.com

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