04 - TDS Flowcable
04 - TDS Flowcable
04 - TDS Flowcable
A powdered admixture for the production of non-shrink, high strength grouts for post-tensioned
cables and fixing anchors or bolts in concrete or rock
Fig. 1
Section of sheath of post-tensioned cables filled with a cement paste showing bleeding water.
Fig. 2
Section of sheath of post-tensioned cables filled with a cement paste containing FLOWCABLE . No bleed water is
*Typical examples of properties of cement pastes containing 6% of Flowcable
Type of Water % by Flow-Cone Test Bleed water Expansion Setting times
cement weight of at 2 days
cement flow
0 30 1 hour (% by volume) (µm/m) Initial Final
OPC 36 15 13 22 less than 0.2% 0.40 5 hours 7 hours
30 mins 15 mins
Compressive Strength
1 day 20-40N/mm²
28 days 50-70N/mm²
• Absence of shrinkage, and expansion ranging impermeable and, therefore, highly durable. On
from 200 to 800 µm/m depending upon the the other hand, the high cohesion and fluidity of
type of cement used. the fresh mix, together with freedom from
• Initial setting time in excess of 3 hours at shrinkage, prevents the formation of voids which
+30°C. are often responsible for the penetration of
• High early and ultimate strengths: depending aggressive agents.
on the type of Portland cement used,
strengths can range from 20 to 40 N/mm² at 1 Fig. 2 shows a representative section of a sheath
day and from 50 to 70 N/mm² at 28 days. filled with a grout containing FLOWCABLE®.
Slightly lower values are obtained if pozzolanic
or slag cements are used. Packaging
• High bond to steel: after 7 days the value is in FLOWCABLE® is supplied in 15kg bags.
excess of 15 N/mm².
Mixing instructions
Owing to its high flowability, a cement grout made Introduce approximately 25 litres of water per
with 6% by weight of FLOWCABLE assures the 100kg of cement into the mixer.
complete filling of sheaths, especially among the
strands of cables. This ensures maximum
protection of steel against corrosion caused by
aggressive agents. As this high flowability is
obtained with a low water / cement ratio, the
hardened cement paste is dense, compact,
Start the mixer and add FLOWCABLE® (6% FLOWCABLE® is a chloride free product, which is
by the weight of cement) followed by the specially important in the case of cables.
cement. However, chlorides can be introduced into a mix if
brackish water or special types of cement are
Mix for 3 minutes until a plastic and homogeneous used. Therefore, the use of drinkable water
mixture is obtained. Add approximately 7 litres of (generally containing less than 40 mg/l of chloride)
water and mix for a further 2 minutes until the and chloride-free cements (Cl lower than 0.06%
grout is flowable, without lumps and the flow cone by weight of cement) is recommended. Though
empties in approximately 20 seconds. If a high all Portland, pozzolanic or slag cements may be
speed mixer is used (about 1500 r.p.m.) the total employed, the use of Portland cement Type I and,
mixing time can be reduced from 5 to 3 minutes. preferably, Type III, is recommended in cold
The amount of mixing water necessary by weight weather.
of cement and FLOWCABLE® is approximately
34% but can range from a minimum of 30% to a Storage
maximum of 38% depending upon the cement Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on
used. Finely ground cement usually requires a pallets protected from rainfall. Avoid excessive
higher amount of water. The grout thus obtained compaction. Do not use if the bag is damaged or
can generally be pumped for at least 2 hours, has been opened for more than 1 month.
unless the cement used shows a rapid or false
set. Failure to comply with the recommended storage
conditions may result in premature deterioration of
Yield the product or packaging. For specific storage
Approximately 68 litres of highly flowable grout are advice consult BASF's Technical Services
obtained by mixing 100 kg of cement, 6 kg of Department.
FLOWCABLE® and 34 litres of water.
Safety precautions
Precautions As with all chemical products, care should be
The temperature of walls and spaces where the taken during use and storage to avoid contact
grout is to be pumped should be between +5 and with the eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which
+40°C for optimum results. If the temperature is can also be tainted with vapour until product fully
outside this range, consult your BASF-UAE cured or dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin
representative. immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek
immediate medical attention. Keep away from
children and animals. Reseal containers after use.
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional
information contact your local BASF
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.
As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.