Fiber Analysis: Quantitative: AATCC Test Method 20A-2017
Fiber Analysis: Quantitative: AATCC Test Method 20A-2017
Fiber Analysis: Quantitative: AATCC Test Method 20A-2017
again and let stand for another 15 min; rite: Weigh accurately a 0.5-1.5 g portion mL reagent/g of sample) and shake fre-
shake for a third time (see 17.6) and then of the clean, dry, prepared specimen and quently over a period of 15 min (see
filter the mixture through a fritted-glass record the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. 17.9). Decant the supernatant liquid into
crucible which has been oven-dried, Transfer into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. a dried, weighed, fritted-glass crucible,
cooled in a desiccator and weighed to 0.1 Add 50-150 mL of sodium hypochlorite add another equal portion of 90% formic
mg. Wash into the crucible any residue reagent (100 mL reagent/g of sample). acid to the flask and agitate for an addi-
left in the flask using three 10 mL ali- Use a wrist shaker or stir the specimen tional 15 min. Filter the contents of the
quots of 70% sulfuric acid. Apply suction vigorously in this solution for 20 min flask through the crucible, rinse with two
to drain the excess liquor from the fiber making sure the temperature is main- 50 mL portions of 90% formic acid and
residue after the addition of each aliquot. tained at 25 ± 1°C (use constant tempera- drain with the aid of suction. Wash the
Wash the residue in the crucible with 50 ture bath) (see 17.8) and then filter residue with 50 mL of water and then al-
mL of sulfuric acid (1:19), then with wa- through a dried weighed, fritted-glass low it to soak in 25 mL of ammonium hy-
ter until the filtrate is neutral to litmus. crucible. Wash thoroughly with sodium droxide (8:92) for about 10 min. Wash
Disconnect the suction and add to the bisulfite (1%) followed by water and re- the residue thoroughly with water until
crucible about 25 mL of ammonium hy- move the excess water by suction. After the filtrate is neutral to litmus. Drain the
droxide (8:92); allow the fiber residue to the final washing, apply suction to re- residue with the aid of suction and dry in
soak for 10 min before applying suction move excess water and dry in an oven at an oven at 105-110°C to constant weight.
to drain it. Wash the residue with about 105-110°C to constant weight. Record Record the weight of the dried residue to
150 mL of water, allowing it to soak in the weight of the dried residue to the the nearest 0.1 mg.
the water for about 15 min. After the final nearest 0.1 mg. 12.7 Method No. 7, Dimethylforma-
washing, apply suction to remove excess 12.6 Method No. 6, 90% Formic acid: mide: Weigh accurately a 0.5-1.5 g por-
water and dry the crucible and fiber resi- Weigh accurately a 0.5-1.5 g portion of tion of the clean, dried, prepared speci-
due in an oven at 105-110°C to constant the clean, dry, prepared specimen and men and record the weight to the nearest
weight. Record the weight of the dry resi- record the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. 0.1 mg. Transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer
due to the nearest 0.1 mg. Transfer into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. flask. Add 50-150 mL of dimethylforma-
12.5 Method No. 5, Sodium hypochlo- Add 50-150 mL of 90% formic acid (100 mide reagent (100 mL reagent/g of sam-
*Depending on type
**Compatible for triexta
PS = PARTIALLY SOLUBE (Method not applicable)
SS = SLIGHTLY SOLUBLE (Usable but correction factor required)
NA = Not Applicable ND = Not Determined
Section 11.2 contains details of table use.
ple). Agitate for 20 min keeping the tem- tering crucible. Dry the crucible and resi- flask cover. Heat to the boiling tempera-
perature at 98 ± 1°C. Decant the liquid due in air then in an oven at 105-110°C to ture and stir with a magnetic stirrer for 20
from the undissolved residue, add a fresh constant weight. Record the weight of the min. Decant the liquid from the undis-
portion of dimethylformamide and agi- dried residue to the nearest 0.1 mg. solved residue. Rinse well with 70% iso-
tate for a few more minutes. Repeat the 12.9 Method No. 9, Alkaline Metha- propanol, and repeat the decanting and
decanting and agitation process one more nol: Weigh accurately a 0.5-1.5 g portion agitation process. Filter the undissolved
time rinsing well with 70% isopropanol, of clean dried, prepared specimen and residue by suction through a dried,
and then filter the undissolved residue by record the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. weighed, fritted glass filtering crucible.
suction through a dried, weighed fritted Add 18 g of reagent grade sodium hy- Dry the crucible and residue in air and
glass filtering crucible. Dry the crucible droxide in a pellet form to 200 mL of then in an oven at 105-110°C to constant
and residue in air and then in an oven at methanol (dissolution of the NaOH is weight. Record the weight of the dried
105-110°C to constant weight. Record mildly exothermic) in a 250 mL Erlenm- residue to the nearest 0.1 mg.
the weight of the dried residue to the eyer flask. Heat to 65°C mixing thor- 12.11 Method No. 11, 4% Lithium
nearest 0.1 mg. oughly. Add specimen and stir using a Chloride in N,N-Dimethylacetamide:
12.8 Method No. 8, N,N-Dimethylace- magnetic stirring bar and flask cover. Af- Weigh accurately a 0.5-1.5 g portion of
tamide: Weigh accurately a 0.5-1.5 g por- ter 5 min of immersion, decant the liquid the clean, dried, prepared specimen and
tion of clean, dried, prepared specimen from the undissolved residue, rinse using record the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg.
and record the weight to the nearest 0.1 70% isopropanol and then filter the un- Transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
mg. Transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer dissolved residue by suction through a Add 50-150 mL of 4% lithium chloride
flask. Add 50-150 mL of N,N-dimethy- dried, weighed, fritted glass filtering cru- in N,N-dimethylacetamide reagent (100
lacetamide reagent. Agitate for 20 min cible. Dry the crucible and residue in air mL reagent/g of sample). Agitate for 180
keeping the temperature at 70 ± 1°C. De- and then in an oven at 105-110°C to con- min keeping the temperature at 65 ± 1°C.
cant the liquid from the undissolved resi- stant weight. Record the weight of the Decant the liquid from the undissolved
due, add a fresh portion of the N,N- dried residue to the nearest 0.1 mg. residue, add a fresh portion of 4% lithium
dimethylacetamide and agitate for a few 12.10 Method No. 10, Xylene: Weigh chloride and agitate for 5-10 min. Repeat
more minutes. Repeat the decanting and accurately a 0.5-1.5 g of clean, dried, pre- the decanting and agitation process one
agitation process one more time rinsing pared specimen and record the weight to more time rinsing well with 70% isopro-
well with 70% isopropanol, and then fil- the nearest 0.1 mg. Transfer to a 250 mL panol, and then filter the undissolved res-
ter the undissolved residue by suction Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50-150 mL of xy- idue by suction through a dried, weighed
through a dried, weighed fritted glass fil- lenes under a fume hood and cover with a fritted glass filtering crucible. Dry the
software and a digital image capture board when their midpoint falls within the 10-
digitally capture the cross-sectional image. cm circle central located in the field. Ex- where:
Using a mouse or stylus trace around the clude from measurement those fibers that Xi is content of fiber i, percent (by
captured cross-sectional images. Use the cross another fiber at the point of mea- weight)
image analysis software to store the result- surement and those that are shorter than Ni is relative number of fibers of type i
ant cross-sectional areas. If there are not 150 µm. A minimum of 100 fibers of each Ai is average area of fiber images of
sufficient fibers on the slide to provide 100 type present should be measured. Calcu- fiber i
of each type, prepare another slide as de- late the mean cross-sectional area of each D2i is the mean of diameter squared of
fibers of type i
D π/4 is the mean cross-sectional
area of round cross-section fibers
Table III—Comparative Scale for Fineness of Various Textile Fibers in Micrometers (µm) of type i
Si is specific gravity of type i fiber
IWTO Super Fine Wools Grades
Σ(Ni × Ai × Si) is sum of the respective
‘X’ Value Average Fineness µ ‘X’ Value Average Fineness µ N × A × S products for each fiber
Super 80’s 19.5 ± 0.25 Super 150’s 16.0 ± 0.25 type in the blend
Super 90’s 19.0 ± 0.25 Super 160’s 15.5 ± 0.25 Σ(N × D2i π/4 × S) is sum of the re-
Super 100’s 18.5 ± 0.25 Super 170’s 15.0 ± 0.25 spective N × D2i π/4 × S products
Super 110’s 18.0 ± 0.25 Super 180’s 14.5 ± 0.25 for each fiber type in the blend
Super 120’s 17.5 ± 0.25 Super 190’s 14.0 ± 0.25 See Table V for specific gravity values.
Super 130’s 17.0 ± 0.25 Super 200’s 13.5 ± 0.25
Super 140’s 16.5 ± 0.25 Super 210’s 13.0 ± 0.25 15. Report
15.1 Report the percentage fiber con-
tent by weight of the sample analyzed.
State if nonfibrous content has been re-
moved or if results are based on other
than oven-dry weights.