Pidato Muharram Inggris

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Assalamu'alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Dear Mr. Chairman of RT 011

I respect the father / mother of the citizens of rt 011
I respect the organizing committee and the audience who
have been present at the 1st anniversary of Muharram that
we are carrying out this

On this occasion we intend to give a little understanding to

all of us about the events of 1 Muharram

Happy audience,

Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population

in the world because Islam is a religion that is widely
embraced by its people. Like other religions, muslims also
have memorial days that are then designated by the
government to be a national holiday. One of them is the 1st
anniversary of Muharram which is the first day of the new
year according to the calculation of the Islamic calendar.
Surely we as Muslims must understand the meaning and
origin of its determination so that our knowledge increases
about what is our habit.

Happy audience,

The 1st anniversary of Muharram is carried out according to

the calculation that refers to the circulation of the moon as
a reference. Hijri year which is the term for the year in Islam
is calculated by the Month Sinodic cycle where the total
days in one year is 354, 36708 days or fewer compared to 1
year in the Calendar AD. The determination of hijri calendar
and 1 Muharram was done during the time of Caliph Umar
Bin Affan. At that time Caliph Umar was reprimanded for
writing a letter without any number of years in it. In the end
Caliph Umar decided to set the year in which the events of
The Prophet's Hijra as an early milestone in Islam and the
naming of the Islamic calendar. In the event of the migration
of the Prophet (s) only the year is used as a reference
because the month in which the event occurred is not in the
month of Muharram. [sc:ads]

Happy audience,

Perhaps some of us ask about why the events of Hijrah were

made as the name of the year in the Islamic calendar. The
reason is because the entry of Muslims from Mecca to
Medina is a momentum where Muslims are sovereign and
recognized by international law. Islam's sovereignty at the
time made it a formal government, formal law, and a series
of other state attributes. Even since then the ruling on
qishah and hudud for the perpetrators of crimes began to
apply. This condition continued and made Islam successful
until the leadership of the Rasyidin Khulafaurs was replaced
by the Caliphs of the Umayyads, Abbasids, and Ottomans. At
that time the glory of Islam occupied up to a third of the
Earth. Unfortunately, it all ended in the 20th century AD or
the 14th century in the Hijri year due to the fall of the
Ottoman Turkish caliphate by Musthapa Kemal Ataturk. He
became a puppet whose government was controlled by
Jews and an international evil conspiracy. Apart from the
series of events that occurred afterwards, Hijrah became
the starting point of the rise of Islam so that the naming in
the calendar that applies in Islam places the word Hijri in it.

Happy audience,

The arrival of 1 Muharram which is the first month in hijri

calendar should bring a new spirit to us. Based on the
events behind the naming in that year, the same civility
must be practiced in daily life. As we know that the event of
the hijra of the Prophet saw is an incident where the Prophet
who at that time was in Mecca traveled to Medina for the
first time. Like someone who occupies a new territory, the
acceptance of the community becomes uncons certain. But
what happened to the Prophet (pbuh) is something
extraordinary. How not, when entering Medina The Prophet
(pbuh) was greeted with joy by almost all Muslims in Medina.
It illustrates how the Prophet (pbuh) became a leader who
was loved for his moral perfection, until those who had
never met even happy with his presence. This story became
so soulful and recorded in the history of all time.

Happy audience,

There is no denying that the figure of the Prophet (pbuh) is a

leader of perfect character. When Aisha Radhiyallahu'anha
was asked about the morals of the Prophet( s), then she
replied that the morals of the Apostle is the Qur'an which
means everything related to the behavior and words of the
Apostle is in accordance with what is in the Qur'an. Even the
Prophet (pbuh) got the nickname as Al-your'an walking. The
perfection of the Apostle's morality is evidenced when
becoming a leader in Medina where the Prophet (pbuh)
guarantees the safety of the infidels, so that they can live
safely. This attitude reflects the morality of the Prophet
(pbuh) who always be fair and fulfill his promise and clearly
describe what is in the Qur'an. The accuracy that the
Apostle exemplified is appropriate for us to practice in our
daily lives. As a leader, these two attitudes are one of the
keys that must be applied in order to create security for the
country. Fair means the leader must give rights according to
his obligations to everyone and not side to one side. As for
keeping the promise, it is not resentful of the promise that
has been spoken.

Happy audience,

It is fitting that the Islamic new year makes us more eager

to be better than the previous year. We need to note that the
awareness and understanding of the wisdom contained in
the feast of 1 Muharram should be greater than the feast
itself. Don't get caught up in the euphoria as happens in the
usual New Year's celebrations.

That's all I can say. For the mistakes I made I apologize and
to God I ask forgiveness.

Wassalamu'alaikum. Wr. Wb.

First of all let us pray our praise to Allah swt. Furthermore, shalawat and greetings may
always be poured out to the junjunan nature namely the Prophet Muhammad Saw.
Happy audience.
The 1st of Muharram has arrived. We welcome its presence as the Islamic New
Year,Hijri New Year, we should be grateful to Allah swt. because we are still given age
and health so that we can enter this hijri new year safely and prosperously.
The month of Muharram which is the beginning of the Hijri year is a glorious and
praiseworthy month. The Prophet himself mentioned that the month of muharram is the
month of Allah. Therefore in welcoming the hijri new year let us improve our good deeds
in accordance with the meaning contained in the Hijri year, namely the name of the year
in which Caliph Umar bin Khattab has set it so that all Muslims always remember the
events of the Hijra Apostle to uphold the religion of Islam.
God is all-merciful. fatir verse 37:
ٍ ِ‫ِين مِنْ َنص‬
‫ير‬ َّ ‫ر فِي ِه َمنْ َت َذ َّك َر َو َجا َء ُك ُم ال َّنذِي ُر ۖ َف ُذوقُوا َف َما ل‬Jُ ‫أَ َولَ ْم ُن َعمِّرْ ُك ْم َما َي َت َذ َّك‬
َ ‫ِلظالِم‬
"Have we not lengthened your life for a while to think, and has not a warner come to
The verse above instructs us that everyone who is given longevity should think about
what he has done in the past, or in other words reflect on what he has done.
Then from that reflection people will improve themselves about wrong deeds must be
changed in order to be true and the less should be added in order to be perfect, so on
so that our practice becomes more perfect.
Finally let us always pray that at the time of entering the hijri new year we will always be
guided to a straight path by God. It is not the way of those who anger him. Amen ya
robbal 'alamin.
Happy Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1441 Hijiriyah. Let's welcome the new year with
the spirit, faith, and laughter that is increasing to Allah SWT.
Thus the speech from me, sorry if there is a mistake. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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