Chris Sample English United Kingdom Lumina Spark Full
Chris Sample English United Kingdom Lumina Spark Full
Chris Sample English United Kingdom Lumina Spark Full
Welcome 4
Introduction 5
Qualities Mandala 13
Valuing Diversity 33
Dear Chris,
Sample Practitioner
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power Notes
to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor Frankl
The intention of this Portrait is to raise your self‐awareness and help you
understand your behaviours. You can use this knowledge to become more
effective at making things happen and to improve your communication with
Focus on the observations in this Portrait that you think can really help you
develop. View this as an opportunity to work on improving yourself.
Your Inner Spark
When starting out on any new undertaking you always find yourself asking the big questions.
You aren't truly satisfied putting your whole self into a project until you understand the Why. As
a naturally abstract thinker you have a large capacity for coping with complexity and ambiguity.
You prefer to view a problem from as many different angles as you can. You find lateral
thinking comes easy to you ‐ you prefer thinking through many different options before being
asked to give your view. You probably enjoy conducting thought‐experiments while you consider
radically different concepts before reaching a conclusion. You do not like to be told that any
areas of your thinking are out of bounds.
Your Inner Spark
You are often seen as the "deep thinker" of a group. You sometimes have difficulty
understanding why others are not drawn to contemplating the conceptual aspects of thought; to
you it seems the most engaging aspect of an idea or plan. You are likely to be interested by
philosophy and especially the more theoretical aspects of politics.
Others may see you as "lost in thought" or even "impractical". Sometimes this may be because
they simply cannot operate at the same theoretical level as you, and sometimes their criticism
may be well‐founded. Telling the difference between these two responses may be a large part
of your development ‐ balancing self‐confidence and humility.
Without a leader a team is directionless. A good leader takes charge to turn even the most
fragmented group into a single team united under a common purpose. You often find yourself
drawn towards the roles that require these competencies.
When being led by another you more often than not feel dissatisfied, and think about all the
ways in which you could do better. When you do lead you feel as if you are finally in your
element! You enjoy the stakes holding key responsibilities, knowing that both success and
failure will ultimately fall on your shoulders.
Your desire to take charge may lead to friction with others, especially those that possess the
same desire. When you are in a team‐player role you are happy to work with others, but you
still tend to take on an informal leadership position. Your view will always be to unite and direct
people, and you may find you begin to do this unconsciously even without explicit authority.
In leading from the front you sometimes risk falling out of touch with members of your team.
This can lead to some of the less assertive team members being pushed to the side‐lines,
despite having valuable contributions to make. One criticism that may have been laid against
your leadership style is that you do not always bring a personal touch. One role a leader provides
is to ensure everybody is contributing at their best, and they can do this by openly engaging
with team members on an individual level.
Your Inner Spark
You are always frank and honest. You do not do this out of a lack of respect, but to convey
your meaning clearly and directly without confusion.
You comprehensively analyse situations before bringing your opinions to the fore. When you do
so, you communicate politely and courteously.
You like it when people are willing to follow their gut‐feeling and make decisive, instant
decisions, so that the discussion moves quickly and energetically.
Chris, you are a competitive leader. You are constantly looking for ways in which you can lead
others to success. You are happy so long as long as you and those with you are successful.
Within your own group you like to encourage a similar sense of competitiveness. You allow your
group the freedom to work effectively and you know that by fostering competition you can be
assured they will do their best to outperform each other, driving the group forward as a whole.
How you use the four archetypes
Your four archetypes: Notes
Inspiring Archetype
Commanding Archetype
Empowering Archetype
Conscientious Archetype
Inspiring Yellow is your favoured colour. You have a talent for spotting
underlying trends hidden within the facts and figures. You see that every
cloud has a silver lining. Problems contain new possibilities and ideas to be
explored. You use quite a large amount of Commanding Red energy as well.
You keep your feelings separate from the decision‐making process and you
don't allow your emotions to sway your judgement. You work well when you
are surrounded by competitors. Good opponents bring out the best in you.
Your third colour archetype is Empowering Green. You can't give many
examples of times when you have used your Conscientious Blue energy. You
tend to be very serious when you are working and it is hard to distract you
from the task. You are a cautious person and you always look before you
Your eight aspects on the Spark Mandala
Chris, on your colour Mandala you can see eight aspects of your behaviour:
(1) The word 'mandala' means 'circle' in Sanskrit. In many different cultures over the
centuries, often through paintings, the symbolism of a circle has been used to help people
consider "who am I?" ‐ in fact, the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said "I knew that in
finding the mandala as an expression of the self I had attained what was for me the ultimate".
Chris Sample ‐ Your Spark Mandala
Your strengths and possible weaknesses
Chris, your natural strengths are:
You have a talent for finding trends and patterns. You have a knack for uncovering
hidden meanings and this allows you to understand what is really going on.
You are good at keeping your emotions out of the decision making process. You focus on
the objective truth at all times and you refuse to allow distractions to impact your
You are always looking to improve yourself and achieve new things. You don't like to rest
on your past accomplishments. Instead you seek new challenges and use them to allow
you to garner more achievements for yourself.
Your very direct approach has probably created some resentment. Some people find it
threatening to be confronted brusquely and not everyone is as open with their thoughts
as you can be.
You can get too caught up in your quest for personal achievement and neglect team
needs. This is a common risk and it is tricky to manage both simultaneously. Attempting
to do so can upset the balance between personal and team achievement and result in
neither being accomplished.
Even if you are certain that you are right and that your opponent is wrong, there is no
harm in taking a step back and leaving the debate for another day. The ability to
accommodate another person's point of view is important if you wish to work together
Take more time to do the research required to back up your ideas with solid evidence.
Even if people dispute your claims, they will find it hard to criticise you if you have the
facts to back up your conclusions.
Qualities Mandala
On the questionnaire you 'claimed' many qualities. The symbol shows your top 5.
There are other qualities that you did not claim and the bottom 5 are shown by the symbol.
Two quotes to inspire you
Whilst Victor Hugo's words might be food for thought to others, you've been
aware of the truth of this statement for some time. Other people might
scoff at the time you spend thinking about abstract concepts and new ideas,
but you're aware of the importance of devoting time to intellectual pursuits.
You know that what others call "daydreaming" can be just as important as
more visible efforts. Be assured, without your imagination and creativity,
planning processes would often stagnate.
As Sir Winston Churchill said, there is nothing wrong with tradition but you
ought to be mindful of his words concerning new views. Be open to the
possibility of change and embrace your imaginative side. The world cannot
move forward without originality and innovation. Allow yourself the freedom
to think creatively and explore your thoughts, you might be surprised at
what you come up with.
You primarily use your yellow archetype
Sometimes you place so much faith in your opportunistic instincts that it conflicts with
your desire to keep prior commitments
You can struggle to change your communication style to suit different situations
You don't share enough of your enthusiasm with those around you
You see yourself as a visionary with a strong imagination. Colleagues may view you as an 'ideas
machine' and will come to you when they need a fresh perspective. You can also help others
become more creative themselves. When people talk to you, some of your enthusiasm for a
subject may rub off on them!
You love big picture thinking and will always want to take a holistic view. Colleagues who cannot
see your vision will frustrate you. You should be aware that they in turn may be thinking "Why
do you always have your head in the clouds?".
Whatever the problem, you can always see possibilities and ways forward. This makes you
invaluable as a catalyst and source of good ideas within a team.
Your second archetype is red
You don't always follow through on the targets you set yourself
You can be too forgiving of people who don't try hard enough
Chris, you are a very competitive character with a burning desire to win. Being seen to be
successful is important to you and you are willing to do what it takes to maintain that image.
Sometimes when you win, others lose and this may not make you the most popular of people.
You are likely to relate to the 14th century Italian philosopher Machiavelli when he asserted 'if
you cannot be both loved and feared, then it is better to be feared than loved'.
You see no need to be modest about your own achievements and have a high opinion of your
own abilities. You are very skilled at promoting yourself within an organisation and you are not
ashamed of your success in this. It is important to you to be seen as highly competent.
Your third archetype is green
Your concern for other people's feelings can cloud your ability to make rational
Sometimes you place too much faith in other people's good intentions
In the heat of the moment, you sometimes ignore the feelings of other people in order to make
your point. That said, you have the ability to tune up your more concerned and sensitive side
when you think it is needed. When you do this you can display compassion and be very giving.
Equally, when you put your mind to it, you can notice what others are feeling and enter the
world of emotion! You are very aware of the need to see the world from another's point of view
but tend to do this more intellectually than emotionally.
Sometimes you worry that connecting with other people emotionally can take a lot of time.
However, deep down you know that all delivery is underpinned by the quality of personal
relationships and that taking the time to do this will pay dividends.
The archetype you use least is blue
Your more structured friends think you are not sufficiently organised
Your measured approach is very helpful when it comes to setting targets and focusing on how to
achieve a positive outcome. Your desire to think carefully before acting also ensures that you
bring an appropriate element of control to any work situation and this can help prevent issues
being overlooked. You will avoid big shows of emotion and normally remain calm, even when
under pressure. You tend to contain your emotions, which may mean others find you hard to
read (in fact, you give very little away!).
Chris, you are a serious minded individual and when at work would prefer not to have to
become involved in any frivolity. For you, work represents a job that needs to be done and you
want to avoid such light‐hearted distractions. You may often wonder why some of your
colleagues feel the need to act in a less than serious way.
You bring a reflective and considered approach to your work. One of your gifts is the ability to
conscientiously deliberate issues in your head. This allows you to evaluate alternatives by
thinking through relevant previous experiences and then utilise this past knowledge to inform
your decisions.
Recommendations to increase your 4 archetypes
Inspiring Yellow
Don't allow standard procedures to stop you from achieving your goals
Commanding Red
Empowering Green
Remember JFKs words ‐ "Ask not what your country can do for you ‐ ask what you can do
for your country" and every morning ask yourself "who can I help today?"
Don't feel that you always need to jump in and talk to influence people ‐ you may have
more influence if you listen first to direct your input
Conscientious Blue
Develop an effective filing system that works for you and helps you be more organised
Recommendations to temper your 4 colours
Inspiring Yellow
Plan in thinking time so that it doesn't interfere with your ability to deliver
Commanding Red
Instead of telling all the time, ask others how they would do tasks
Give others the benefit of the doubt, unless you have good reason not to
Empowering Green
Don't hide your light under a bushel ‐ be willing to claim the contribution you have made
to the team
Understand that you cannot please all the people all of the time ‐ be willing to balance
your natural empathy with some courage and backbone
Conscientious Blue
Put yourself in situations where you have to talk to people and make new friends ‐ it will
benefit you in the long run
Consider using your body language to express, and let others know, how strongly you feel
Your Archetype and Aspect Bars
Your use of the four archetypes
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
Green Red
40% 53%
Yellow Blue
76% 19%
Your use of the eight aspects which underpin the four archetypes
Extraverted Introverted
Sociable Observing
50% 72%
Demonstrative Measured
Takes Charge Intimate
Your 24 Qualities in detail
The 24 qualities that make up the aspects
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
Accommodating Tough
Strives for harmony and is willing to 1% 95% Argues forcefully and is comfortable
adjust their stance in a conflict with conflict
Collaborative 38% 98% Strong willed with a win/lose
Team player with a win/win mindset
Empathetic Logical
Considerate and in touch with other 64% 91% Objective and rigorously applies
people's feelings reason
Adaptable Purposeful
Works in passionate bursts towards 48% 8% Sets ambitious goals and then works
emergent goals diligently towards them
Conceptual Practical
An abstract thinker comfortable with 99% 2% Adopts a realistic and common
complexity and ambiguity sense approach
Imaginative Evidence‐Based
96% 1% Focused on observable facts and
A source of new and creative ideas
attentive to details
Radical Cautious
Embraces change and is willing to 1% 79% Resists change ‐ prefers to stick with
challenge tradition tried and tested methods
Sociable Observing
Friendly and energised by interacting 39% 65% Boundaried and energised by their
with others inner world
Demonstrative Measured
Enthusiastic and expresses positive 4% 93% Serious minded and contains
emotions positive emotions
Three perspectives on who you are
Your Three Personas Notes
In the following sections we will delve further into your persona. Up until this
point we have been displaying information drawn from all three of your
personas to give you an overall picture of who you are. Now we will explore
you in more detail. Most people recognise their underlying persona and their
everyday persona. This is because you can recognise your motivations and
day‐to‐day behaviour quite easily.
Your three persona positions
Your Three Personas on the Lumina Mandala
Chris, when it comes to your underlying persona you see yourself as a Big Picture Thinker, who
uses a lot of yellow energy. Coming up with creative ideas is something that comes naturally to
you. Your everyday persona tends to be Introverted, infused with green energy. Other people
recognise that you have a lot of control over your emotions and that you decide when and
where you will express how you are feeling.
Chris, your overextended persona is mainly Introverted with a lot of green energy. When you
are in the mood to be serious you can come across as emotionally shut off and hard to connect
with on a personal level.
Your Three Personas
Chris, you have a preference for using Outcome Focused Yellow blended
with Big Picture Thinking and Extraverted energy
Being analytical comes naturally to you and you often find yourself thinking
things through in a logical manner. You prefer to take time to go through a
rational process of elimination before you accept assertions, whether they are
your own or the assertions of others.You enjoy taking a public role when
influencing groups. You find that you naturally look for ways in which to get
your point across through other people and you can be very persuasive.
Chris, you most often use Outcome Focused Green blended with
Introverted and Big Picture Thinking energy
Making new connections and getting to know people is not your forte.
However, there are many occasions when you have to interact with groups and
you have nurtured your ability to network effectively. You don't always like the
way things are. However you often find that it is better to work with the
status quo than to waste time looking for ways around it. Whilst it may not be
your personal preference, others see you as a traditional person who is quite
resistant to change.
Chris, when your overextended persona emerges you may notice that you
use more Introverted Green blended with Inspiration Driven and Outcome
Focused energy
You don't make a personal commitment to complete something very often but
when you do it is normally because someone has put you under great pressure.
You can then become so obsessed with keeping your word that you ignore
everything else. You use your logic a lot of the time to guide your actions and
decisions. However, your rational mind seems to short circuit when you find
yourself in stressful situations. You start reacting in an emotional and
uncontrolled manner. You usually keep your personal life separate from work,
but when you are under pressure you find it hard to compartmentalise your
Your Archetypes split by Persona
Your use of the four archetypes split by persona
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
21% 61%
Green Red
86% 58%
56% 41%
77% 26%
Yellow Blue
77% 35%
46% 25%
Archetype by Persona Overview
Inspiring Archetype
Commanding Archetype
Conscientious Archetype
Empowering Archetype
Empowering Archetype
Inspiring Archetype
Commanding Archetype
Conscientious Archetype
Empowering Archetype
Inspiring Archetype
Commanding Archetype
Conscientious Archetype
Your Aspects split by Persona
Your use of the eight aspects which underpin the four archetypes, split by persona
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
2% 98%
People Focused Everyday Outcome Focused
Accommodating Tough
Collaborative 44% 97% Competitive
Empathetic Logical
36% 43%
43% 16%
52% 36%
71% 28%
Big Picture Thinking Down to Earth
Conceptual 85% 18% Practical
Imaginative Evidence‐Based
Radical Overextended Cautious
41% 2%
69% 61%
Extraverted Introverted
Sociable 46% 94% Observing
Demonstrative Measured
Takes Charge Intimate
39% 59%
Your Underlying Qualities
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
Accommodating Tough
Strives for harmony and is willing to 6% 93% Argues forcefully and is comfortable
adjust their stance in a conflict with conflict
Collaborative Competitive
6% 86% Strong willed with a win/lose
Team player with a win/win mindset
Empathetic Logical
Considerate and in touch with other 12% 98% Objective and rigorously applies
people's feelings reason
Adaptable Purposeful
Works in passionate bursts towards 37% 19% Sets ambitious goals and then works
emergent goals diligently towards them
Conceptual Practical
An abstract thinker comfortable with 96% 24% Adopts a realistic and common
complexity and ambiguity sense approach
Imaginative Evidence‐Based
97% 1% Focused on observable facts and
A source of new and creative ideas
attentive to details
Radical Cautious
Embraces change and is willing to 3% 48% Resists change ‐ prefers to stick with
challenge tradition tried and tested methods
Sociable Observing
Friendly and energised by interacting 39% 50% Boundaried and energised by their
with others inner world
Demonstrative Measured
Enthusiastic and expresses positive 27% 79% Serious minded and contains
emotions positive emotions
Your Everyday Qualities
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
Accommodating Tough
Strives for harmony and is willing to 4% 74% Argues forcefully and is comfortable
adjust their stance in a conflict with conflict
Collaborative 59% 92% Strong willed with a win/lose
Team player with a win/win mindset
Empathetic Logical
Considerate and in touch with other 82% 97% Objective and rigorously applies
people's feelings reason
Adaptable Purposeful
Works in passionate bursts towards 78% 15% Sets ambitious goals and then works
emergent goals diligently towards them
Conceptual Practical
An abstract thinker comfortable with 98% 15% Adopts a realistic and common
complexity and ambiguity sense approach
Imaginative 84% 8% Focused on observable facts and
A source of new and creative ideas
attentive to details
Radical Cautious
Embraces change and is willing to 27% 83% Resists change ‐ prefers to stick with
challenge tradition tried and tested methods
Sociable Observing
Friendly and energised by interacting 85% 68% Boundaried and energised by their
with others inner world
Demonstrative Measured
Enthusiastic and expresses positive 2% 96% Serious minded and contains
emotions positive emotions
Your Overextended Qualities
The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of
over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.
Takes Charge to
Intimate to Passive 41% 88%
Empathetic to Logical to
75% 13%
Emotionally stretched Argumentative
Structured to Rigid
Flexible to Chaotic 25% 44%
Spontaneous to
88% 71% Reliable to Hesitant
Imaginative to Evidence‐Based to
81% 2%
Fantasist Lost in the details
Your 24 Qualities in detail
Valuing Diversity
Recognising your psychological opposite
Chris, everyone has encountered people whose personas are the opposite of their own...
It is likely that you will be able to remember a time, or in fact several times, whilst you have been
working, when you have encountered people who appeared absolutely alien in their modes of
thinking and in the way they get things done. These people probably had a very different set of
persona scores to your own. Have a look at the mandalas below and compare your own to that of your
psychological opposite.
No matter who you are, there are many positives and negatives which can be drawn from working
with your psychological opposite. One main strength of working with someone so unlike yourself is
that you complement each other's weaknesses. Your strengths will be very useful in helping your
opposite deal with areas where they have 'blind spots' and vice versa. As long as your communication
remains good and you ensure nothing is misinterpreted you can have a very effective working
relationship as there will be very few problems that at least one of you cannot handle.
However, it is also possible that you can encounter difficulties when working with your opposite. You
may start to see them as the answer to all of your problems and place too great a weight of
expectation upon them. Try to develop your weaker qualities yourself. You should also try to aid your
psychological opposite's growth in dealing with their own "blind spots". Another problem which often
occurs is a breakdown in communication; because you think in very dissimilar ways it is easy for ideas
to get lost in translation.
One way you and your psychological opposite could work well together is that you can get stuck in
your ways and your opposite is very quick to pick up on this. They can prompt you to look for positive
alternatives to getting stuck in a rut. On the other hand, you and your opposite could encounter
problems because you like to discuss things on a philosophical level and you may see your opposite as
stuck in the daily grind.
Working with your Opposite
What is good about working with your opposite:
Your opposite feels most comfortable when they have all the facts
established and they can back up their claims with solid proof. When
working together you can use their skill to provide tangible support
for your arguments.
Your opposite has a talent for keeping things balanced and avoiding
conflict. You may find that your working relationship is very
Your opposite is very good at keeping you motivated and positive
about your ability to achieve your goals. Without this encouragement
you might find it hard to stay optimistic in the face of setbacks.
Some problems you might encounter:
You may find that there is a lack of trust between you and your
psychological opposite as they believe you put your own interests first,
even if doing so hinders shared goals.
Your opposite's desire to always find an answer to people's problems is
very hard for you to stomach. You see it as wishy‐washy and a way of
avoiding a proper resolution.
Some ideas to build your working relationship:
It is important for you to build trust between yourself and your team
members. When working with your opposite, you can demonstrate
trust by focusing on mutually achieving your goals to ensure combined
Seeing Yourself in Others
Recognising your mirrored self
You may find that you instinctively recognise when you are working with people who possess the
opposite qualities to your own. Because they are so dissimilar to you they are easier to
recognise as you find inconsistencies in the way you tend to work together. However, it may be
more difficult for you to recognise when you are having trouble working with someone who is
very similar to you.
Once again, there are pros and cons to this working relationship. When you are working with
someone who works in a manner akin to your own it can be very successful. Your strengths
mesh and you have an intuitive understanding of how you both think things through. You can
resolve issues before they arise by accommodating your partner's preferences prior to them
being voiced and vice versa.
One example of how you might find working together very easy is that you are both
comfortable working with ideas. You can engage in valuable discussions about theories at an
abstract level and neither of you will feel out of your depth. Then again, here is an example of
how you and your mirrored self might have trouble working together. You might get into a
competition with your partner that goes beyond friendly rivalry and you may feel real
antagonism towards each other.
Working with your Mirrored Self
What is good about working with your mirrored self:
You can both be extremely logical when you need to be. Your minds
work in the same way when analysing a problem. If you have to
discuss your findings you don't need to reformulate your words. You
can convey your thoughts instantly, secure in the knowledge that your
partner will fully understand your meaning.
You both enjoy finding patterns in seemingly random data so you find
it easy to communicate your thoughts when it comes to sifting
through information.
Your Communication Preferences
How you prefer to communicate with others:
You enjoy discussing abstract ideas, because it is in the abstract that
you are most comfortable.
You appreciate people who take you seriously whilst still allowing you
to reflect on situations and report back in your own time.
You get a lot out of talking to people about things you find interesting
and feel enthusiastic about.
What is likely to irritate you in other people's communication:
When people ask you to explain your ideas in a practical way you are
likely to become annoyed. Some people find it hard to understand
that you are unable to determine the practicality of your ideas.
You find people who try to encourage you to take a more team
focused approach annoying. You believe that to do well, you must
focus on your own needs.
It annoys you when people dismiss valuable evidence, whether it's data
or opinions. You feel that everyone deserves a say in a conversation,
so that all information can be considered carefully.
You don't like it when people challenge the practicality of your ideas.
You are a visionary ‐ you view it as your job to create the ideas and
someone else's to make them happen.
Creating a High Performing Team
Here are some ways you can be effective in building high performing teams:
Your ability to handle complexity can be put to good use when
explaining issues to others. By breaking things down to simpler
concepts, you can take the whole team forward.
Other team members appreciate you for the clarity of your reasoning.
When you explain something, you go through it step by step in a
logical fashion.
Here are some blind spots you might encounter when it comes to working in
a team:
You find it hard to concentrate on work that needs great attention to
detail. If your results are incorrect they can affect the conclusions of
the whole team.
You are not always a skilled diplomat and at times you may have
caused offence. Although your intention is to say something helpful, it
is not always received that way.
By sticking to your guns over the ways things should be done, others
may see you as stubborn and pig‐headed.
Sometimes you avoid using humour in conversations with others,
where a little light heartedness would probably help.
Here are some suggestions to improve your teamwork:
If you know you can be a bit forgetful, take care to write down
clearly what you need to do, including when you have to do it by.
Keep a checklist to make sure you don't let the team down.
As someone who is comfortable speaking, use that skill to bring others
into the conversation and listen to their ideas and views.
Consider the impact of your ideas on the place they will be brought to
life. Work with others to establish what can and what can't actually be
Keep focused on the goal, not just on the journey. There's no point in
having everything on the checklist ticked off if the product is
delivered a week late.
Lumina Spark Portrait
Lumina Learning
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