Adult Med Surgical Assessment Tool
Adult Med Surgical Assessment Tool
Adult Med Surgical Assessment Tool
General Information
Indentification: Patient was a 53 year old, Caucasian female who appeared to be at the
stated age. She is a 5’4” and 90 lbs female with brown shoulder length hair and brown
eyes. Her upper and lower extremities were bilaterally symmetrical with no obvious
deformities, body fat was evenly distributed, posture was slouched, limbs and trunk were
proportionate to body height, and had a slight non offensive body odor.
Her admission date was November 5, 2010 for a pneumothorax, with chief complaints of
Psychological Presence: Her dress was weather appropriate and her overall groom was
moderate. Her mood and manner was very anxious but also very compliant. She
demonstrated a lot of hesitation with topics of family history and abuse. Her speech
pattern was clear and understandable; her rate, pitch and volume all varied normally. Her
Distress: Her breathing was effortless without any notable wheezing but did demonstrate
a productive cough. During the assessment I was able to notice that while she was
speaking she was beginning to become breathless with short sentences. She did
demonstrate signs of emotional distress and anxiety with her current medical condition
Chief Complaint: This is a 53 year old Caucasian woman who presented to the
emergency room (ER) with complaints of shortness of breath (SOB) and left-sided chest
History of Present Illness: Patients states that she has been symptomatic with the SOB
and lightheadedness for the last 2 years due to her history of COPD. The symptoms are
provoked by many activities including walking and climbing stairs. She state that her
condition has severely disabled her and she fully relies on her oldest son for day to day
activities. At about 2pm on 11/12/2010 she’s walking up stairs from doing laundry and
she became very short of breath, with a sharp “deep” pain in the left side of her chest. She
could not catch her breath and became very anxious and agitated. She denies falling for
and fainting episodes, but her son noticed her condition and called the paramedics. Upon
assessment and evaluation in the ER her heart rate was rapid at 110 Beats per minute and
a respiration was 30, and was very cyanotic. Upon further evaluation it was determined
that the patient had a Pneumothorax and a chest tube was warranted. After placement of
the chest tube by the ER physician in the left flank an X-ray was done to ensure
placement, the patient had immediate relief and was admitted to the floor for further
Past Medical History: COPD, CHF, HTN, depression, infective endocarditis, C-diff.
Allergies: NKDA
Family History: Father- Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure. Mother- High Blood
Pressure and Mental illness (could not specify). Grand mother- “Died from Stroke”.
Social History: Was married for 32 years, relations then became “very abusive” and
decided to get divorced. She has two sons 25 and 20. They 20 year old is in the navy and
she claims that at one point they were in a altercation and her struck her in the ribs which
resulted in multiple rib fractures. She claims that she no longer is in contact with this son.
She describes her other as being her “life line”, claims that he is very helpful and really
takes good care of her. She does reside with her oldest son in the area in a 3 story home.
Other than her two sons she claims to have no contact with any other family and states
Cardiovascular: Heart rate was irregular 52 BPM, able to auscultate s1-s2 sounds
and all sights, no murmurs or friction rubs noted. Pulses, +3 carotid, +1 radial, absent
posterior tibial, +1 dorsalis pedis, and PMI absent. Normal capillary refill, negative
Respiratory: Normal respiration rate was 16 BPM, depth was shallow, chest
raised and fell symmetrically with respirations. There was no use of accessory muscles
or nasal flaring. Her lung sounds were clear in all fields, however I was able to palpate a
significant amount of crepitus in the left flank around her pneumothroacentesis site. She
did produce yellow viscous sputum with her cough. She was on three liters of O2 nasal
Patient was awake, alert, and oriented times 3 with a GCS of 15. PERLA. Able
to demonstrate hand grasps bilaterally. She had no deep tendon reflex in her patellar
tendon and had a +1 reflex in her biceps tendon bilaterally. Was also able to demonstrate
She had no contractions with slouched posture and normal gait. Was able
to demonstare flexion, and extension in shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees,
ankles and toes. While also being able to abduct and adduct her shoulders and hips. She
Her skin was grayish pale complection, warm and dry bilaterally. She had
normal skin turgor with no lesions or moles. Large areas of ecchymosis on all extremites
was appreciated probaley related to the heparin therapy. She had a large are a heald skin
graft in the coccyx area that she described as beig from purposely being placed on a hot
stove as a child. Her dressing from her chest tube on her left flank was clean dry and
Her stomach had normal contour and was symterical with a scar in the
suprapubic area measuring about 6-8 inches. I was able to hear hyperactive bowel sounds
in all four quadrants, no masses or nodules were noted upon plapation and also denies
any pain or tenderness with palpation. She denies any diarrhea or constipation with her
Patient was cotinent with both bowel and bladder and claimed to have
Nursing diagnosis
With the patients chief complaint being “severe SOB with all activites” , and her
significant history of COPD, I was able to formulate a nursing diagnosis that would
enable the patient and myself to establish a focal goal that would involve treating and
preventing the SOB during activites, while also teaching the patient different techniques
to avoid becoming SOB, early signs and symptoms, and what causes her to become
symptomatic. One of the nursing diagnoses tat I feel best fit for my patient would be
Alog with respiratory problems that my patient was expericnng, I believe that she
was experiencing a significant amount of stress, depression, and anxiety. She was going
in to detail about the serious history of physical abuse she had experienced from her
parents, ex-husband, and youngest son. She was very hesitant to discuss in detail at first
but slowly began to open up and share specific events in her past. She seemed very
disturbed while discussing her past and had very negative connotation on life and what
she expects.