The Impact of Social Media On Consumers' Purchasing Behaviour in Malaysian Restaurants
The Impact of Social Media On Consumers' Purchasing Behaviour in Malaysian Restaurants
The Impact of Social Media On Consumers' Purchasing Behaviour in Malaysian Restaurants
Over the years, the dynamic advancement of technology has shaped the food and beverage
industry in Malaysia. Today, the huge shift in the industry has resulted in consumers
seeking readily accessible information. As such, various platforms, mostly social media, have
influenced consumers’ pre-purchase opinions before purchasing. Nevertheless, limited studies
have been conducted in Malaysia, focusing on consumers’ purchasing behaviour, specifically
in the food and beverage industry in Malaysia. Thus, this study examines the impacts of
social media on consumers’ purchasing behaviour in Malaysian restaurants. Therefore, this
study has incorporated recently proposed factors including E-WOM, social media and online
community marketing, higher accessibility of information, and online ordering system, which
stimulate the consumers’ purchasing behaviour in Malaysia. This study utilised the critical
review process of secondary sources to identify the determinants and measurements used in
the surveying instrument. Purposive sampling was applied to select the restaurants, whereas
the non-convenience random sampling technique was employed to collect data from 270
consumers over three months. Later, PLS-SEM was used to analyse the data. The results
proved that the electronic word of mouth (E-WOM), social media advertisement and online
ordering system significantly determined consumers’ purchasing behaviour. However, highly
accessible information via social media does not have a positive implication on consumers’
purchasing behaviour. The study is contributing much to the food and beverage industry.
Creative minds and innovative technology predominantly consume the world. Marketers
are continually strategising ways to convey their messages and convince consumers into
buying their products and services. With the inception of the 21st century, specialists have
anticipated that the internet would bridge the gap between consumers and marketing
organisations (Hamel & Sampler, 1998; Sotelo, 2017). Researchers such as Ward et al.
have anticipated that at the dawn of the 21st century, the internet and smart media would
be the leading shopping platforms for consumers (1998). In a similar vein, De Kare-Silver
School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events, Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management, Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia
2 School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events, Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management, Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia
School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events, Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management, Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
(2000) asserted that innovation would ultimately run with the consumers to visit stores. As
a result, it would be simple for individuals to buy their needs without setting off the original
spots of the products.
Business organisations believe that electronic media can help promote their services
and physical goods, which will eventually profit them. Weaver et al. (2017) and Porter
(2001) posited that companies have to rely on technology to survive the business sector.
The latest trends of marketing include digital marketing, which comprises of mobile - smart
marketing, social networking sites, mobile applications, and mobile website (Horner &
Swarbrooke, 2016). Subrahmanyam et al. (2008), in their research, claimed that people
frequently communicate with each other on social networking sites and mobile applications.
Additionally, Ostrow (2009) asserted that the use of social networking sites is increasing
daily. On the other hand, Statista (2018) confirmed that Facebook has allegedly housed 207
billion accounts, whereas Twitter had 330 million followers by the end of the third quarter
in 2017.
In the field of business, these social sites are essential to determine consumers’ purchasing
behaviour. Hence, Jones concluded that individuals use social media sites to convey their
insights and purplish data on the brands they purchase and the administration they utilise
(2010) Buyers use them to prescribe a brand or showcase associations with companions
and supporters. Therefore, the relationship between technology and consumers’ purchasing
behaviour is today’s top trending topics (Groß, 2015; Horner & Swarbrooke, 2016). D’Silva
et al. (2011) asserted that this relationship could affect marketers as well as consumers.
For example, marketers can build a personal connection with the consumers, whereas
consumers will get daily updates on products or services. The internet, social media and
mobile applications have adverse or positive impacts on the food and beverage industry and
its consumers. Consumers believe that marketers focus on both the quality and quantity of
advertising and its strength to attract consumers into the food and beverage industry.
Moreover, consumers are continually seeking information via word-of-mouth marketing
or social networking sites that can supply them with pre-purchase suggestions before
purchasing (Constantinides & Fountain, 2008; Mauri & Minazzi, 2013; Zhang et al.,
2017). As for the restauranteurs, revolutionising the marketing strategy can make or break
the brand entirely. Although there are benefits to digital marketing, risks are often involved,
especially when the majority of the food and beverage suppliers try to transform uncertainty
into an advantage for them (Mori et al., 2005).
Klang Valley is centred in Kuala Lumpur and connected to several cities and towns
in the state of Selangor, Malaysia Klang Valley has a massive number of migrants from
other states within Malaysia and foreign workers predominantly from Indonesia, India, and
Nepal. The population in Klang Valley was 7.25 million in the fourth quarter of 2017 and is
expected to increase to a total of 10 million by 2020 and 20 million in 2030 with an annual
growth rate of 1.7% (Department of Statistics, 2017). The Malaysian Communications
and Multimedia Commissions stated that there are 19.2 million internet users in Malaysia,
and 15.6 million of them are active Facebook users. Therefore almost 64% of the national
population has somewhat been ingrained in the world of social media (2014). There have
been studies conducted on brand equity, brand loyalty, brand preferences, brand leadership
and the customer experience in the restaurant industry within Malaysia and worldwide,
Bolotaeva and Cata (2010), Safko (2012), Wollan, Smith, and Zhou (2010), Li and Shiu
(2012), Mhlanga and Tichaawa (2017), Hanaysha (2016).
Nevertheless, the relationship or influence of technology, specifically social media
advertising on Malaysians’ purchasing behaviour has not been explored extensively. Several
studies have focused on the influence of social media on customers’ experience and purchasing
behaviour in the restaurant sector. However, the international context of the previous research
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
might not be suitable for the Malaysian restaurant industry. Studies conducted by Safko
(2012) and Wollan, Smith, and Zhou (2010) highlighted that the relationship between
social media and customer experiences should be examined within the boundaries of cultural
and geographical context. It should not be generalised to other countries. This is because
the rate of social media network usage varies from one country to the other. Therefore, the
type of social media network in a particular country influences the customers’ experience
and purchasing behaviour differently in comparison to other countries (Li & Shiu, 2012).
As mentioned earlier, almost 64% of the total population are active social media users in
the study area. It is very substantial to have online reviews for the tourism industry on the
primary website as well as on another type of platforms that require managerial attention for
proper brand management (Saura, Palos-Sanchez & Reyes-Menendez, 2017). Nowadays,
online review sites and social media websites have become an essential source of information
for consumers and exert a strong influence on consumer purchase behaviour and decision
making (Reyes-Menendez, Saura & Filipe, 2019). Therefore, the current research aims to
understand the effects of technology on consumers’ purchasing behaviour in the Malaysian
restaurant industry. Also, it was essential to carry forward this research in Malaysian context
to understand the impacts of social media on local consumers to follow the trend in the
restaurant industry. We believe the proposed conceptual framework of current research is
very identical and will contribute enormously and will help to improve to the supply side
of the restaurants’ industry. The upcoming sections of the paper will comprise of literature
review with its proposed hypothesis, methods used for sample selection and data collection
will be discussed. The next section will include data analysis and results that will be examined
in detail. Finally, the paper ends with a discussion of research findings, an avenue for future
research and concluding remarks.
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
horizons and companies should avoid activities generate uncertainty and negative feelings in
customers who, in turn, speak negatively of companies and share their negative experiences
with the digital community by publishing negative content. Such negative feedback affects
the digital reputation of companies and generates negative perceptions of their offers and
discounts, thus reducing the profitability of its shares.
H1. E-WOM has a positive effect on consumers’ purchasing behaviour in the restaurant
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
Additionally, marketers can attain high levels of customisation by observing the contents
posted by community members. It will help provide marketers with an understanding of
consumers’ needs. As a result, they will be able to develop ground-breaking products and
services for consumers. It allows marketers to promote their start-up businesses to targeted
consumers (Chung & Buhalis, 2008; Rezaei, Ali, Amin & Jayashree, 2016).
Online communities are suitable mediums for building a close-knit relationship with
consumers. Zott et al. (2000) elaborated as the stickiness of a platform and its ability to
appeal to consumers and retain them. Which is done by developing consumer value such
as incentives for loyalty, customised products and services and trust (Zott et al., 2000).
In general, social media marketing is a proactive platform that can connect with present
consumers and draw new consumers. It is performing a substantial role in influencing
consumers’ purchasing behaviour (Sigala, 2003; Chung & Buhalis, 2008; Bolotaeva & Cata,
2010). Saura, Reyes-Menendez and Palos-Sanchez (2019) confirmed in their research that
digital platforms has been confirmed routes to transfer the message from brands to their
customers. Also, these digital platforms help suppliers to get the customers purchasing
behaviour information which can results into improving the supplier - customer relationships.
H2. Advertising on social media has a positive effect on consumers’ purchasing behaviour
in the restaurant industry.
H3. High accessibility of information via social media has a positive implication on
consumers’ purchasing behaviour in the restaurant sector.
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
acquisition, interactivity, connectivity, brand research and feedback review (Vargo & Lusch,
2004; Varkaris & Neuhofer, 2017).
H4. The availability of the online ordering system has a positive effect on consumers’
purchasing behaviour in the restaurant sector.
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
The quantitative research method was adopted to test the hypothesis. As such, a comprehensive
questionnaire made up of three sections was used to examine information such as E-WOM,
social media advertisement, higher accessibility of information, online ordering system
and consumer purchasing behaviour. Part one of the questionnaire consisted of screening
questions that were designed to ensure respondents had the experience of using social media
to check out restaurant menus and advertisements. Moreover, the items also measured the
amount of time spent by consumers on social media daily. Therefore, the participants in this
study were experienced consumers who frequently used social media to survey restaurants
virtually before visiting them. Section two captured participants’ demographic data such
as gender, age, monthly income, education, and nationality. The final section of the
questionnaire was created to determine consumers’ views on the primary constructs of the
study. Thirty-three items were measured via a Five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly
disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
Additionally, the consumers’ purchase behaviour (four items) was adopted from four
independent variables and E-WOM (five items) was adopted from Word-of-mouth Marketing
Association (2008). Besides that, fourteen items regarding social media advertisements were
extracted from Lee (2013); Madni (2013) and the higher accessibility of information (seven
items) were adopted from Rein et al. (2005). Finally, three items about the online ordering
system were selected based on Kimes and Laque (2011); Kimes (2011).
Next, the purposive sampling technique was used to approach five different fast-casual
dining restaurants or cafes in Klang Valley, Malaysia. They were Humble Beginnings Café,
Wondermilk, Epiphany Coffee & Tabacco, Mukha Café and JC’s Pancakes. Three hundred
questionnaires were distributed to consumers who had visited the restaurants between
March and April 2019 via the non-probability convenience sampling technique. With a
response rate of 90%, 270 were returned, completed and found to be useful.
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
with a diploma, 31.5% with a degree and only 13.3% with postgraduate degrees. Survey
questionnaires were distributed among the permanent residents or those who have resided
in Malaysia for more than six months. Further, the result found out that there were 75.2%
of them were Malaysians, followed by Koreans (8.5%), Chinese (7.8%), Taiwanese (5.9%)
and Singaporeans (2.6%).
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
Items Loadings
Buzz marketing (Using entertainment or news to create WOM) influences consumer purchase decision. 0.814
Viral marketing (messages designed to be passed along, often electronically or by email) influences consumer
purchase decision.
Community marketing (forming or supporting such communities as user groups, fan clubs, and discussion
forums) influences consumer purchase decision.
Conversation Creation (things such as emails, promotions, entertainment or anything that is designed to create
WOM) influences consumer purchase decision.
Referral Programs (giving satisfied customers the change to spread the word with different tools) influences
consumer purchase decision.
Higher Accessibility of Information (AVE = 0.572; Composite Reliability = 0.867)
Do you think that with the social media sites, you are able to seek out products/services information
initiatively (actively)?
Do you have prejudgement (positive/negative) towards a particular product and/or service before an actual
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
Do you tend to seek out information that is consistent with your initial opinion/preference for a purchase? 0.698
Do you agree that information searching is easier via social media compared to mass media (e.g. TV, radio,
newspaper, and so on)?
Do you change your initial preference after searching relevant information via social media sites? 0.712
Are you likely to change your attitude towards a certain restaurant after you have read positive comments/
reviews/online articles etc. about it?
Are you likely to share comments/reviews/blog posts/related articles etc. to peers or friends via social media
after a visit to the restaurant?
Social Media Advertisement (AVE = 0.669; Composite Reliability = 0.863)
Do you search for related information on social media before a purchase? 0.659
Do you agree that, for instance, advertisements/blog posts/ FB pages/user reviews on social media influence you
to try new brands/products/services?
Do you agree that social media has provided more effective platforms for new products/services/brands to draw
consumers’ attention than mass media channels?
Do you agree that advertisements/ reviews/ blog posts etc. have higher credibility than advertisements/
editorials/ other marketing means on mass media?
Do you rely on information available on social media if you have uncertainties regarding a purchase? 0.743
It is easy to access the restaurant interactive menu through social media. 0.856
The information (e.g. ingredients, cooking process, etc.) through social media is very useful. 0.673
The social media interactive menu attracts me to try the restaurant. 0.631
Do you agree that feedbacks (reviews/comments/posts and so on) on social media affect your purchase? 0.652
Do you agree that social media provides an effective and powerful platform for consumers to communicate
with each other and with the companies?
Do you think that social media makes your decision making more complex? 0.659
The social media helps to check the reservation availability for online booking. 0.753
The interactive promotion of the restaurant through the social media influences consumer purchase decision. 0.853
Food promotion reminder through the social media influence consumer purchase decision. 0.603
Advertising appeal of restaurant promotions through the technology influence consumer purchase decision. 0.784
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
Table 5 shows the structural model path coefficient values of f-square denoting each
construct’s side effect. Consumer Purchasing Behaviour was the dependent variable.
E-WOM, Higher Accessibility of Information, Social Media Advertisement and Online
Ordering System were the independent variables. The path-coefficient b-values were used
to test the hypotheses, whereas t-values confirmed the significance level of the proposed
hypotheses. There were zero auto-correlation since the Durbin-Watson value was 1.94,
and the variance inflations factor was below 3. This proved an absence of multicollinearity
problems. Additionally, the ‘Higher Accessibility of Information (ß=0.018)’ did not have a
positive effect on ‘Consumer Purchasing Behaviour’ in the restaurant sector. As a result, the
proposed H3 hypotheses were rejected. However, the ‘E-WOM (ß=0.108)’, ‘Social Media
Advertisement (ß=0.584)’ and ‘Online Ordering System (ß=0.007)’ had positive effects on
‘Consumer Purchasing Behaviour and therefore hypotheses H1, H2 and H4 were accepted.
Moreover, all the independent variables jointly signalled a variance value (R2) of 72% for the
‘Consumer Purchasing Behaviour’. It is an acceptable value. Henseler et al. (2016) reckoned
the application of standardised root mean square (SRMR) as the appropriate model fit
criterion. The suggested value of SRMR is 0.08 or less for a good model fit. Hence the
current structural model has achieved SRMR = 0.0608, signifying an acceptable model fit.
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. VIII, Issue 3, (2020) 197-216
The present study also coincides with Mhlanga and Tichaawa’s claims that the influence of
social media on customers’ experiences and purchasing behaviour could be different because
of their gender and age group. Therefore, these results suggested that the segmentation of
millennials would be more successful in satisfying e-consumers’ purchasing behaviour on
social media in the field of Malaysian restaurants. Consequently, Yasin and David assert that
consumers’ method of interaction had been changing simultaneously with the advancement
of technology. Some methods have, therefore disrupted the diverse availability of information
sources because of their high-quality content and presentation (Yasin & David, 2014).
Furthermore, a wide variety of prices ultimately confuses the consumers’ access to
information on the information cloud. Sensing the global trends of competition, E-WOM
has also been considered as one of the major influential factors among consumers’ purchasing
behaviour. Due to the rapid technological advancement and the multiple platforms in social
media, potential consumers can easily be targeted with their initial knowledge about the
brand and the product (Tran, 2014). E-WOM messages have received plaudits from previous
users and have had shown positive repercussions on consumers’ purchasing behaviour
during the decision-making process (Dudovskiy, 2013). This is because the Malaysian
restaurant industry attracts tourists locally and globally as such social media plays a pivotal
role in uplifting these restaurants. After all, social media reviews and recommendations very
much influence tourists before purchasing. The findings of this paper support Court et al.
(2009) and Sheenan’s (2010) assertations, that modern consumers are often influenced by
technology when it comes to searching for information before making purchase decisions.
Additionally, consumers build trust in E-MOW via reviews and recommendations shared
by friends and renowned people on social media. Moreover, the rapid expansion of the
internet and the programmatic enhancements of marketed products by the restaurants
had modified the way consumers receive information and exhibit an increase in numbers
quickly. Because consumers expect highly informative and accessible information, business
marketers are placing more efforts on technology-based intuitive information, rather than
conventional processing information.
This study also highlighted the impact of social media’s high accessibility rate on
consumers’ purchasing behaviour in Malaysian restaurants. These findings oppose the
conclusions made by previous studies (Gilly et al., 1998; Mangold & Faulds, 2009; Varkaris
& Neuhofer, 2017). Such a contrasting difference may be a result of the customers’ culture
and ethnicity, levels of trust, previous dining experiences or other experiences based on social
media information. Some customers might have realised that the images of the restaurant
atmosphere and the appearance of the menu items posted on social media differed from
their actual dining-in experience. Besides that, there would also be counterfeit promotion
information shared on social media.
The present study concluded that it is essential to adopt a technological platform in the
field of hospitality to attract consumers and further create an impact on their purchasing
behaviour. Due to the recent development of Information and Communication Technology,
consumers are ready to accept the technological advancement and integration of modern
technological innovations in the restaurant industry to race against a busy competitive
world. Although new sets of factors may arise and will be adopted by consumers in the
future, the internet will always be the pilot of their daily lives. The findings on managerial
contributions revealed that a significant number of Malaysians are often influenced to visit
restaurants that have social networking sites such as Facebook. Therefore, in comparison to
Kumar, J., Konar, R., Balasubramanian, K. (2020). JSOD, VIII(3), 197-216
mass media, social networking sites are more useful for new products, services or brands to
draw consumers’ Moreover, the current study also revealed that social networking sites have
higher credibility compared to advertisements and other marketing means on mass media.
Additionally, consumers take into consideration recommendations of friends (E-WOM)
before visiting a particular restaurant or purchasing an order online Besides that, restaurants
that use multiple channels for marketing lead to confusion because of un-updated information
or complete absence of information. It will eventually lead to flip-flopping opinions when
it comes to choosing a particular restaurant. It cannot be denied that consumers also pay
heed to the views of others without actually visiting the promotional channels used by
restaurants. So, the marketing strategies designed by restaurants should cater to consumers
from all walks of life. Restaurants should also highlight a product’s unique features and
revamp the online ordering environment to increase consumers’ purchasing intentions.
Therefore, the topics identified and proposed conceptual model in current research
makes a significant theoretical contribution in the research filed. The model will be very
useful for academic scholars, restauranteurs, policymakers, and practitioners. In conclusion,
this paper has explored the conceptual development of e-consumers’ purchasing behaviour
and decision-making in the context of Malaysian restaurants. The analysis proved that
e-marketing is still growing fast compared to traditional marketing. This paper also shows a
better understanding of e-consumers purchasing behaviours in the Malaysian context.
Although the results of the current study had shed light on several important issues,
some limitations need to be considered for future research. Firstly, the data was collected
from five restaurants only and were tested based on the convenience sampling method,
which may have produced generalised results. Additionally, this study mainly focused on four
dimensions such as E-WOM, higher accessibility of information, social media marketing,
and online ordering system to analyse consumers’ purchasing behaviour. Nonetheless, there
are other critical dimensions that the present study had disregarded, for example, pricing,
location and service quality. Moreover, the present research merely focused on consumers’
point of view. Future research may examine these factors from restauranteurs’ point of view
to gain a better understanding of the suppliers’ perspective in Malaysian restaurants. Lastly,
future research may want to include emotional factors such as personal touch, perceived
excitement and enjoyment to look after consumers’ purchasing behaviour in the restaurant
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