NFPA 70 Article 695
NFPA 70 Article 695
NFPA 70 Article 695
power sou rce for an elec tric motor driven fire pump shall be
ARTICLE 695 one 01· more of the following.
Fire Pumps (1) Electric Utility Service Connection. A fire pump sha ll be
permitted to b e supplied by a separate service, or from a
connection located ahead of a nd not within th e same cabinet,
695.1 Scope. enclosure, vertical switchgear section, or vertical switchboard
section as the se rvice d isconnecting means. The conn ection
(A) Covered. This article covers the instal lation of the follow- sha ll be located and arranged so as to minimize the possibility
ing: of damage by fire from within the premises and from exposing
(1) Electric power sources and interconnecting c ircuits hazards. A tap a head of the service disconnecting means shall
(2 ) Switching and control equipment dedicated to fire pump comply with 230.82(5) . Th e se rvice equipment shall com ply
drivers with the labeling requirements in 230.2 and the location
requirements in 230.72(B) . f20:9.2.2(1)]
Informational Note: Text that is followed by a reference in
brackets has been exu-acted from NFPA 20-2019, Stand(irdfor the (2) On-Site Power Production Facility. A fire pump shall be
I nstallation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection. Only editorial permitted to be supplied by an on-site p ower production
changes were made to the extracted text to make it consistent
facility. The source facility sha ll be located and protected to
with rhis Code.
minimize the possibility of d amage by fire. (20:9.2.2(3)]
(B) Not Covered. This article does not cover the following:
(3) Dedicated Feeder. A dedicated feeder shall be permitted
(1) The performance, maintenance, and acceptance testing where it is derived from a service connection as described in
of the fire pump system, and the internal wiring of the 695.3(A)(l ) . r20:9.2.2(3)]
components of the system
(2) The installation of pressure maintenance Uockey or (B) Multiple Sources. If reliable power can not be o btain ed
makeup) pumps from a source described in 695.3(A), power shall be supplied
by one of the following: (20:9.3.2]
Informational Note: For the installation of pressure mainte-
nance (jockey or makeup) pumps supplied by the fire pump (1) Individual Sources. An a pproved combination of two or
circuit o r another source, see Ar ticle 430. more of the sources from 695.3(A) .
(3) Tra nsfer equipment upstream of the fire pump transfer (2) Individual Source and On-site Standby Generator. An
switch (es) approved combination of one or more of the sources in
695.3(A) and an on-site standby generator com plying with
Informational Note: See NFPA 20-2019, Standard for the installa-
695.3( 0 ) . [20:9.3.4]
tion of Stationary Pumps for Fire Proll!ction, fo r further information.
Exception lo 695.J(B)(l) and (B)(2): An alternate source of power
695.2 Definitions. The definiti ons in this section shall only
apply within this article . shall not be required where a back-up enginc-driven fire pump, back-up
steam turbine-driven fire pump , or back-up electric motor-driven fire
Fault-Tolerant External Control Circuits. Those control pump with an independent power s01.1rce in accordance with 695.J(A)
circuits either e ntering or leaving the fire pump controller or ( C) is installed.
e nclosure, which if broke n, disconnected, or shorted will not
prevent the controller from starting the fire pump fro m all (C) Multibuilding Campus-Style Complexes. If the sources in
695.3(A) are not practicable and the installation is part of a
other inte rnal or external means and may cause the conu·oller
to start the pump under these conditions. multibuilding cam pus-style complex, feeder sources sha ll be
permitted if a pproved b y the autho rity having jurisdiction and
On-Site Power Production Facility. The normal supply of elec- installed in accordance with e ither 695.3(C)(l) and (C)(3) or
tric power for the site that is expected to be constantly produc- (C)(2) and (C)(3) .
ing power.
(1) Feeder Sources. Two or more feeders shall be permitted as
On-Site Standby Generator. A facility producing electric power more than one power source if such feeders are connected to,
on site as the alternate supply of e lectric power. It differs from or derived from, separate utility services. Th e connection (s),
a n on-site power production facility in that it is not constantly overcurrent protective device(s) , and disconnecting means for
producing power. such feeders shall meet the require m ents of 695.4(B) (l) (b).
695.3 Power Source(s) for Electric Motor-Driven Fire Pumps. (2) Feeder and Alternate Source. A feeder sha ll be pennitted
Electric motor-driven fire pumps shall have a re liable source of as a normal source of power if a n a lterna te source of power
power. independent from the feede r is provided. The connection (s),
overcu rren t protective device(s), and disconnecting means for
Informational Note: See Sections 9.3.2 and A.9.3.2 from
such feeders shall meet the requirements of 695.4( B) (1) (b ) .
NFPA 20-2019, Standard for the installation of Stationary Pumps for
Fire Proll!ction, for guidance on th e d e te rminatio n of powe r (3) Selective Coordination. Ove rcurre n t protective device(s)
source reliability. shall be se lectively coordinated with all supply-side overcurrent
(A) Individual Sources. Where reliable, and where capable of protective device (s) .
carrying indefinite ly the sum of the locked-rotor current of the Selective coordination shall be selected by a licensed profes-
fire pump motor(s) and the pressure maintenance p ump
sional engineer or other qualified persons e ngaged prima i-ily in
mo tor(s) and the full-load cu rrent of the associated fire pump the design, installation, o r maintenance of e lectrical systems.
accessot)' eq uipment when connected to this power supply, the
The selection shall be documented and made available to those (b ) Feeder Sources. For syste ms installed under the provi-
authorized to design, install, maintain, and operate the system. sions of695.3(C) only, additional d isconnecting means and the
associated overcurrent protective d evice(s) shall be permitted.
JXxception: Selective coordination shall not be required between two over-
(c) On-Site Standby Generatm: ·where an on-site standby
current devices located in series if no loads are connected in parallel generato1- is used to supply a fi re pump, an additional discon-
with the downstream device. necting means and an associated overcurrent protective
(D) On-Site Standby Generator as Alternate Source. An on-site device(s) shall be permitted.
standby generator (s) used as an alternate source of power shall (2) Overcurrent D evice Selection. Overcurrent devices shall
comply with 695.3(D)(l) through (D) (3) . [20: ] complywith 695.4(B)(2)(a) or (B)(2)(b).
(1) Capacity. The g enerator shall have suffic ient capacity to (a) Individual Sources. Overcurrent p rotection for individ-
allow normal starting and running of the motor(s) driving the ual sources shall comply with the following:
fire pump(s) while supplying all other simultaneously operated (1) Overcurrent protective device(s) shall be rated to carry
load(s) . f20:9.6.l.l ] indefinite ly the swn of the locked-rotor curre nt of the
largest fire pump motor a nd the full-load current of a ll of
Automatic shedding of one or more optional standby loads
in o rder to comply with this capacity requirement shall be the o ther pump motors and accessory equipment.
permitted. [20: v\There the locked-rotor curre nt value does
not correspond to a standa rd overcw-rent device size, the
(2) Connection. A tap a head of the generator disconnecting next standard overcurrent device size shall be used in
means shall not be required. f20:] accordan ce with 240.6. The requirement to carry the
loc ked-rotor currents indefinitely shall not apply to
(3) Adjacent Disconnects. The requirements of 430.11 3 shall
conductors or devices other than overcu rrent devices in
n ot apply. the fire pump motor circuit(s) .
(E) Arrangement. All power supplies sha ll b e located a nd Exception: The requirement to carrj' the locked,rotor currents indefi-
arranged to protect against damage by fire from within the
nitely shall not apply to feeder overmrrent protective devices installed in
pre mises and exposing hazards. [ 20:9.1.4] accordance with 695.J(C).
Multiple power sources shall be arranged so that a fire at (2) Overcurrent protection sha ll b e provided by an assembly
one source does not cause an interrupti on at the other source.
listed for fire pump service and complying with the
(F) Transfer of Power. Transfer of power to the fire pump following:
controller between the individual source and o ne alternate a. The overcurrent protective device shall not open
source shall take place within the pump room . f20:9.6.4l within 2 minutes a t 600 percent of the full-load
current of the fire pump motor(s) .
(G) Power Source Selection. Se lection of power source shall
be performed by a transfer switch listed for fire pump service . b. The overcurre n t protective device shall not open with
a re-start transient of 24 times the full-load curre nt of
f20: 10.8 .1. 3.1 J
the fire pump motor (s) .
(H) Overcurrent Device Selection. An instantaneous trip c. The overcurrent protective device shall not open
circuit breaker shall be permitted i.n lie u of the overcurrent within 10 minutes at 300 percent of the fi.tll-Ioad
devices specified in 695.4(B) (2) (a) (1 ), provided that it is part current of the fire pump motor (s) .
of a transfer switch assembly listed for fire pump service that d . The trip point fo r circuit breakers shall n ot be fie ld
complies with 695.4(B) (2) (a) (2) . adjustable. (20:]
(b ) On-Site Standby Generatm·s. Overcurren t protective
(I) Phase Converters. Phase converters shall not be permitted
devices b etween an o n-site standby generato r a nd a fire pump
to be used for fire pump service. [20:9.1.7] controller shall be selected a nd sized to allow for instantan eous
695.4 Continuity of Power. Circuits that supply electric pickup of the full pump room load, but shall not be large r than
motor-driven fire pumps shall be supervised from inadvertent the value selected to comply with 430.62 to provide sh ort-
disconnection as cove1-ed in 695.4(A) or (B) . circuit protection only. (20:9.6.1.ll
(A) Direct Connection. The supply conductors shall directly (3) Disconnecting Means. All disconnecting devices that are
connect the power source to a listed fire pump controll et~ a unique to the fire pump loads sha ll comply with ite ms
listed combination fire pump controller and power transfer 695.4(B) (3) (a) through (B) (3) (e) .
switch, or a listed fire pump power transfer switch. (a) Features and Location - Normal Power Source. The
disconnecting means for the normal power source sha ll comply
(B) Connection Through Disconnecting Means and O vercur- with all of the following: (20:9.2 .3.1 ]
rent Device.
( 1) Be identified as suitable for use as service equip ment.
(1) Number of Disconnecting Means. (2) Be locka ble in the closed position. The provision for lock-
(a) General. A sing le disconnecting means and associated ing or adding a lock to the d isconn ecting m eans shall be
overcurrent protective device(s) shall be permitted to be installed on or at the switch or circuit breaker used as the
installed bet\veen the fire p ump power source(s) and o ne of disconnecting means and sha ll remain in place with or
the following: [20:9.1. 2] with out the lock installed.
(l) A listed fire pump controlle r (3) Not be located within the same e nclosu re, panelboard,
switchboard, switchgear, or motor control ce nte 1~ with or
(2) A listed fire pump power transfer switch
without common bus, that supplies loads o ther tha n the
(3) A listed combination fire pump controller and power
transfer swi tch fire pump .
(4) Be located suffici ently remote from other building or loads shall be calcula ted in accordan ce with Article 220, includ-
other fire pump som·ce disconnecting means such that ing demand facto1·s as applicable .
inadvertent operation at the same time would be unlikely.
(1) Size. Transformers sha ll be rated at a m111 1mum of
Exception to 695.4(B)(3)(a): For a multibuilding campus-style 125 percent of the sum of the fi re pump motor(s) a nd pressure
comp!.ex(s) installed under the provisions of 695.3(C), only the require- ma intenance pump(s) m otor loads, and 100 pe rcent of the
ments in 695.4(B)(3)(a)(2) shall apply for normal power source remaining load supplied by the transformer.
(2) Overcurrent Protection. The transformer size, the feeder
(b ) Features and Location - On-Site Standby Generatm: The size, and the overcurrent protective device(s) sha ll be coordina-
disconnecting means for an on-site standby generator(s) used ted such that overcurrent protection is provided for the trans-
as the alternate power source shall be installed in accordance former in accordance with 450.3 and for th e feeder in
with 700.10(B)(5) for emergency circuits and shall be Lockable accordance with 215.3, and such that the overcurrent protec-
in the closed position. The provision for locking or adding a tive device(s) is selected or set to carry indefinitely the sum of
lock to the disconnecting means shall be installed on or at the the locked-rotor current of the fi re pump motor(s) , the pres-
switch or circuit breaker used as the d isconnecting means and sure maintenance pump m otor(s), the full-load cu rre nt of the
shall remain in place with o r without the lock installed. associated fire pump accessory equipment, and 100 percent of
(c) Disconnect Marking. The disconnecting means shall be the remaining loads supplied by the transformer. The require-
marked "Fire Pump Disconnecting Means." The letters shall be ment to carry the locked-rotor currents indefinitely shall not
at least 25 mm (1 in. ) in height, a nd they shall be visible with- apply to conductors or devices other tha n overcurrent devices
out opening enclosure doors or covers. f20:9.2.3. l (5) l in the fire pump motor c ircuit(s) .
(d) Controller Marking. A placard shall be placed adj acent
to the fire pump controller, stating the location of this discon- 695.6 Power Wiring. Power circuits and wiring methods shall
comply with the requirements in 695.6(A) through Q) , a nd as
necting means and the location of the key (if the disconnecting
means is locked) . [20: permitted in 230.90(A) , Exception No. 4; 230 .94, Exception
(e) Supervision. The disconnecting means shall be super- No. 4; 240.1 3; 230.208; 240.4(A); and 430.31.
vised in the closed position by one of the fo llowing methods: (A) Supply Conductors.
(1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station sig nal
(1) Services and On-Site Power Production Facilities. Service
device conductors and conductors supplied by o n-site power produc-
(2) Local signaling service that causes the sounding of an tion facilities shall be physically routed outside a building(s)
audible signal at a constantly attended point
and shall be installed as service-enu·ance conductors in accord-
(3) Locking the disconnecting means in the closed position ance witl1 230.6, 230.9, and Parts III and IV of Article 230.
(f) Sealing of disconnectin g mea ns and approved weekly Where supply conductors cann ot be physically routed outside
recorded inspections when the disconnecting means are loca-
of buildings, the conductors shall be permitted to be routed
ted within fenced e nclosures or in buildings under the conu·ol throug h the building(s) whe re installe d in accordan ce with
of the owner f20:] 230.6(1) or (2) .
695.5 Transformers. Where the service or system voltage is
Exception: The supply conductors within the fire pump room shall not
different from the utilization voltage of the fire pump motor, be required to meet 230. 6( 1 ) or (2).
u·ansformer(s) protected by disconnecting mean s and overcur-
rent protective devices shall be permitted to be installed Informational Noce: See 250.24(C) for roucing che grounded
bet\veen the system supply and the fire pump controller in conduccor co che seivice equipme nt.
accordance with 695.5(A) and (B), or with (C) . Only trans- (2) Feeders. Fire pump supply conductors on the load side of
formers covered in 695 .5(C) shall be permitted to supply loads
the final disconnecting means and overcurrent device(s)
n ot directly associated with th e fi re pump system. permitted by 695.4(B), or conductors tha t con nect directly to
(A) Size. v\There a transformer supplies an elecu·ic motor an on-site standby generator, shall comply with all of th e follow-
driven fire pump, it shall be rated at a min imum of 125 percent ing:
of the sum of the fire pump motor(s) and pressure mainte- (1) Independent Routing. Th e conductors shall be kept e ntirely
nance pump(s) motor loads, and 100 percent of the associated independent of all other wiring.
fire pump accessory eq uipment su pplied by the transformer. (2) Associated Fire Pump L oads. The cond uctors shall supply
only loads that are d irectly a~sociated with the fire pump
(B) Overcurrent Protection. The primary overcurrent protec-
tive device(s) shall be selected or set to carry indefinite ly the system.
sum of the locked-rotor current of the fire pump motor(s) and (3) Protection from Potential Damage. The conductors shall be
protected from potential damage by fire, structural fa il-
the pressure mainte nance pwnp motor(s) and the full-load
curre nt of the associated fire pump accessory equipment when ure, or operational accident.
connected to th is power supply. Secondary overcurre nt protec- ( 4) Inside of a Building. Where routed through a build ing, the
tion shall not be permitted. The 1·equire ment to carry the conductors shall be protected from fire fo r 2 hours using
locked-rotor curre nts in definite ly sha ll not apply to conductors one of the fo llowing me thods:
or devices other than overcurrent devices in the fire pump a. The cable or raceway is encased in a minimum 50 mm
motor circuit (s) . (2 in.) of concrete.
(C) Feeder Source. \\There a feeder source is provided in
accordance with 695.3(C), transformers supplying the fire
pump syste m shall be permitted to supply other loads. All oth er
b . The cable or raceway is a listed fire-resistive cable listed means of connection. Twist-on, insulation-piercing-type,
system. and soldered wire connectors shall not be permitted to be used
for this purpose .
Informational Note No. I : Fire-resistive cables are tested to
ANSI/UL 2196-2017, Slandard for Fire Test for Circuit fn/Rgrity (E) Loads Supplied by Controllers and Transfer Switches. A
of Fire-Resistive Power, lnslrnrnentalion, Control and Data Cables. fi r·e pump controller and fire pump power· transfer· switch, if
Informational Note No. 2: The listing organization pro\~des provided, shall not serve a ny load other than the fire pump for
information for fire-resisti ve cable systems on proper instal- which it is intended.
lation requireme nts to maintai n the fire rating.
(F) Mechanical Protection. All wiring from e ngine controll ers
c. T he cable or raceway is a listed electrical circuit and batteries shall be protected against physical damage and
protective system. shall be installed in accordance with the controller and engine
manufac turer's inso·uctions.
Informational Note No. I: Electrical circuit protective
systems cou ld include, but are not limi ted to, thermal barri- (G) Ground-FauJt Protection of Equipment. Ground-faul t
ers or a protective shaft and are tested in accordance with protection of equipment shall not be installed in any fire pump
UL 1724, Fire 7ests for Electrical Cirrnit Protection Sysll!ms.
power circuit. f20:9.l.8.l ]
Informational Note No. 2: The listing organization provides
(H) Listed Electrical Circuit Protective System to Controller
information for electrical circuit protective systems on
proper installation requireme nts to maintain the fire rating. Wiring. Electrical c ircuit protective system installation shal l
comply with any resu·ictions p rovided in the listing of the e lec-
Exception to 695.6(A)(2)(4): The supply conductors located in the trical circuit protective system used, and the following a lso shall
elect1ical equipment room where they originate and in the fire pump apply:
room shall not be required to have the minimum 2-hour fire separa-
(1) Ajunction box shall be instal led ahead of the fi re pump
tion orfire-1-esistance rating unless otherwise requii-ed by 700.1 O(D)
conu·oller a minimum of 300 mm (12 in .) beyond the
of this Code.
fire-rated wall or floor bounding th e fire zone.
(B) Conductor Size. (2) Where required by the manufacturer of a listed e lectrical
circu it protective syste m or b y the listing, or as required
(I) Fire Pwnp Motors and Other Equipment. Conductors elsewhere in this Code, the raceway between a junction
supplying a fire pump motor(s), pressure maintenance pumps, box and the fi re pump cono·oller sha ll be sealed at the
and associated fire pump accessory equipment shall have a junction box end as required and in accordance with the
rating not less than 125 percent of the sum of the fi re pump instructions of th e manufacturer. [ 20:9.8.2 ]
motor(s) and pressure mainte nance motor(s) full-load (3) Standard wiring betwee n the junction box and the
current(s), and 100 percent of the associated fire pump acces- conu·olle r shall b e permitted. f20:9.8. 3l
sory equipment.
(I) Junction Boxes. Where fire pump wiring to o r from a fire
(2) Fire Pwnp Motors Only. Conducto rs supplying only a fire pump controller is routed through a junction box, the fo llow-
pump motor shall have a minimum ampacity in accordance ing requirements shall be met:
with 430.22 and shall comply with the voltage drop require-
me n ts in 695.7. (1) The junction box shall be securely mounted. f20:9 .7( l ) l
(2) Mounting a nd insta lling of a jun ction box shall not
(C) O verload Protection. Power cirettits sha ll not have auto- violate the enclosure type rating of the fire pump control-
matic protection against overloads. Except for protection of ler(s) . (20:9.7 (2)1
transformer primaries provided in 695.5(C) (2), branch-circuit (3) Mounting and installing of a jun ction box shall not
and feede r conductors shall be protected against short circ uit violate the integ rity of the fi re pump con troller(s) and
only. vVhere a tap is made to supply a fire pump, the wiring s ha ll not affect the short-circuit c urre n t rating of the
shall be u·eated a5 service conductors in accordance with 230.6. conu·o lle r(s) .
The applicable distance and size reso·ictions in 240 .2 1 shall not (4) As a minimum, a Type 2, drip-proof enclosure Uunction
apply. box) shall b e used whe re installed in th e fire pump room.
The enclosure shall be listed to match th e fire pump
Exception No. 1: Conductors between storage batteries and the engine
controller enclosure type rating. (20:9.7(4) ]
shall not require overcurrent protection or disconnecting means.
(5) Te rminals, junction blocks, wire con nectors, and splices,
Ji.xception No. 2: For an on-site standby generator(s) rated to produce whe re used, shall be listed. (20:9.7(5)]
continuous current in excess of 225 percent of the jilll-load amperes of (6) A fire pump controller or fire pump powe r transfer
the fi·1-e pump motor, the conductors between the on-site generator(s) and switch, where provided, sha ll not b e used as a junction
the combination fi?-e pump transfer switch controller or separately moun- box to supply other equipm ent, including a pressure
ted transfer switch shall be installed in accordance with 695.6(A)(2). maintenance Uockey) pump(s).
The protection provided shall be in accordance with the short-circuit (J) Terminations. VVh ere raceways or cable a re terminated at a
current rating of the combination fire pump transfer switch controller or fire pump controller, the following r·equire ments shall be me t:
separately mmmted transfer switch. (1) Raceway or cabl e fittings listed a nd ide ntifie d for use in
(D) Pump Wiring. All wiring from the controllers to the pump wet locations shall be used.
motors shall be in rig id metal conduit, inte rmediate m etal (2) The type rating of th e raceway or cable fittings shall be at
conduit, e lecu·ica l me tallic tubing, liquidtight flexible metal least eq ual to that of the fire pump con troller.
conduit, or liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit, listed Type (3) The installa tion inso-ucti ons of the ma nufacturer of the
MC cable with an impervious covering, o r Type MI cable. Elec- fire pump controller sha ll be fo llowed.
o·ical connections at mo tor terminal boxes shall be made with a
(4) Alterations to the fire pump controller, other than race- (B) Sensor Functioning. No undervoltage, phase-loss,
way or cable terminations as allowed elsewhere in this frequency-sensitive, or other sensor(s) shall be installed that
Code, shall be approved by the authority having jurisdic- automatically or ma nually prohibits actuation of the motor
tion . contactor. (20:
695.7 Voltage Drop. Exception: A phase-loss sensor(s) shall be permitted only as a part of a
listed fire pump controller.
(A) Starting. The voltage at the fire pump controller line
terminals shall not drop more than 15 percent below normal (C) Remote Device(s). No re mote device(s) shall be installed
(controller-rated voltage) under motor starting conditio ns. that will prevent automatic o peration of the transfer switc h.
r20:10.s .i.3J
l!.xception: This limitation shall not apply for emergency run mechani-
cal starting. {20:9.4.2] (D) Engine-Drive Control Wrring. All wiring between the
controller and the diesel engine sha ll be stran ded and sized to
(B) Running. Th e voltage at the load te1-minals of the fire con tinuously carry the charging o r control currents as required
pump controller sha ll not drop more than 5 percent be low the
by the controller manufacturer. Such wiring shall be protected
voltage rating of the motor connected to those terminals when against physical damage. Controlle r manufacturer's specifica-
the motor is operating at 115 percent of the foll-load cmTent tions for distance and wire size shall be fol lowed. (20: 12.3.5. l ]
rating of the motor.
(E) Electric Fire Pump Control Wiring Methods. All elecu-ic
695.10 Listed Equipment. Diesel engine fire pump control- motor-driven fire pump control wiring shall be in rigid metal
lers, e lectric fire pump controllers, e lectric motors, fire pump conduit, intermediate metal conduit, liquidtight flexible me tal
power transfer switches, foam pump controllers, and limited
conduit, electrical metallic tubing, liquidtight flexible nonme-
service controllers shall be listed for fire pump service . tal lic conduit, listed Type MC cable wi th an impervious cover-
(20: , , ] ing, or Type MI cable.
Fire pump controllers and transfer switches shall not be
(F) Generator Control Wiring Methods. Con trol conductors
perm itted to be reconditio ned. installed be tween the fire pump power tra nsfer switch a nd the
695.12 Equipment Location. standby generator supplyi ng the fire pump during normal
power loss shall be kept e ntirely inde pende nt of all other
(A) Controllers and Transfer Switches. Electric motor-driven wiring. The integrity of the generator remote start circuit sha ll
fire pump controlle rs and power transfe r switches shall be loca- be monitored for broken, disconnected, or shorted wires. Loss
ted as close as practicable to, and within sigh t of, the motors of integrity shall start the ge ne rator(s) .
that th ey control.
Informational Note: See NFPA 20-2019, Standard for the l nstalla-
(B) Engine-Drive Controllers. Engine-drive fire pump control- tio11 of Stationary Pttmpsfor Fire Protection, Section, for more
le rs shall be located as close as is practical to, and within sig ht information on fau lt-lOle rant external control circuits.
of, the engines that they control.
The control conductors shall be protected to resist potential
(C) Storage Batteries. Storage batteries for fire pump engine damage by fire or structural failure. v\There routed throug h a
drives shall be supported above the floor, secured against building, the conductors shall be protected from fire for
displacement, and located where they are not subject to physi- 2 h ours using one of the fo llowing methods:
cal damage, flooding with water, excessive temperature, or (1) The cabl e or raceway is encased in a minimum 50 mm
excessive vibration. (2 in .) of concrete.
(D) Energized Equipment. All energized equipment parts (2) The cable or r aceway is a listed fire-resistive cable syste m.
shall be located at least 300 mm (12 in.) above the floor level. Informational Note No. I : Fire-resistive cables are tested lO
ANSI/UL 2196-2017, Standard for Fire Test for Cirr::11it Integiit)' of
(E) Protection Against Pump Water. Fire pump controller and
Fire-Resistive Power, Instrttmentation, Control and Data Cab/,es.
power transfer switches shall be located or protected so that
they are not damaged by water escaping from pumps or pump Informational Note No. 2: The listing organization provides
connections. info rmation fo r fire-resistive cable system s on proper installation
requirements to maintain d1e fire rating.
(F) Mounting. All fire pump control equipment shall be
mounted in a substantial manne r on noncombustible support- (3) The cable or raceway is protected by a listed e lectrical
ing structures. circuit protective syste m.
695.14 Control Wrring. Informational Note No. 1: Electrical circuit protective systems
could include, bur are not limited to, thermal barriers or a
(A) Control Circuit Failures. External control circuits that protective shaft and a re tested in accordance with UL l 724, Fire
extend outside the fire pump room shal l be arranged so that Tests for E/,ecl1ical Circuit Protection Systems.
failure of any external circ uit (open or short circuit) shall not Informational Nole No. 2: The listing organization provides
prevent the operation of a pump(s) from all other internal or information for electrical c ircuit protective system s on proper
external means. Breakage, disconnecting, shorting of the wires, installation requiremenrs lo maintain the fire rating.
or loss of power to these circuits could cause continuous
695.15 Surge Protection. A listed surge protection device shall
running of the fire pump but shall not preven t the control-
ler(s) from starting t he fire pump (s) due to causes other than b e installed in or o n the fire pump controller.
these external control circuits. All control conductors within
the fire pump room tha t are n o t fault tolerant shall be protec-
ted against physical damage. (20:,]