University of Malakand Chakdara, Dir Lower

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University of Malakand Chakdara, Dir


Name Muhammad waseem

Roll No: 381
Semester: 8th
Department: English
Subject of Assignment: criticism ii
Submitted to: Sir shawkat

• Assignment topics,
• 1)critically apply Wordsworth,s theory of poetry to one of hispoes)
• 2)Apply Coleridge disagreements and agreements with Wordsworth theory
of poetry to "Ode on the immortality"
• Answer(1)

• For finding the Wordsworth theory in his poems, first of all, we are going to
discuss his theory of poetry. here we will write the main points regard to
Wordsworth theory and then we will point out the same points in his
• Walliam wordsworth is khown to be high priest of nature.he is one of the
greatest writter of romantic age.He along with semuel taylor coleridge
wrote "lyrical ballad"in 1998, a collection of poem ,generally consider to
have marked the begining of english romantic movement in english
litreture.The preface of this book is also khown as central work of romantic
litrary theory and english criticism.If we look at wordsworth contribution in
english litreture ,we find him primarily a poet ,not a critic. In preface of
lyrical ballad wordsworth present his theory of peotry.this theory of poetry
2deal with poetry,nature of poetry,themes,process of poetry
creations,nature of poets and diction of poetry etc.

• Wordsworth defination of poetry.;

• Wordsworth belive that poetry" is spontaneos overflow of intense
emotion,or fowerful feeling which takes it,s origin from emotions
recollected in tranquility"
Worsworth nature of poetey
Wordsworth theory shows his whole philosphy about the nature of
poetry,creation process of poetry ,the subject matter of poetry.He also
highlights the diction use for poetry in his theory.According to him,poetry is a
spontanous overflow of powerful feeling which mean,s that poetry can only
produced when the poet is in the poetic mood.By poetic mode he means that
he must be in grip of powerful emotions.he says that in poetic mood he
spontiously wrote out his emotions which we called poetry. “Poetry is born not
in the mind but in the heart overflowing with feelings”.
Wordsworth defination of poet;
• Wordsworth also define poet in his theory.he says poet is a man speaking
to men,endowed with more lively sensibility.According to wordsworth a
poet must be the person of great khowlege of human nature,having more
comprehensive soul as compare to common people.poet is the man
pleased with his own passion,voilation and spirit of life . Wordsworth also
highlights the creational process of poetry.he says that a poet look at the
nature which lead to arousing his emotions,then in state of tranquility he
recall his emotions.
Purpose of poetry;
• “Poetry divorced from morality is valueless”.
• Poetry must serve the purposes of life and morality. Any subject can be
gracefully treated yet Wordsworth supported occurrences and characters
from low and natural life. Such rudimentary interests in rustic settings are
connected with, "the lovely and perpetual types of nature"
• Wordsword diction of poetry;
• Wordsworth also talks about the diction of poetry in his theory.According
to him the language of poetry should be rustic,and simple so that common
men understand it. According to him it is not the high class language but
the emotions,imagination which leads to the soul of people.there should be
difference between poetry and prose language.the theme of poetry should
be common man ,human nature,low and rustic life. Now we will critically
apply wordsworth theory to one of his famous poem" daffodils"


• I wandered lonely as a cloud

• That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

• This is a discriptive poem in which the poet expresses his happiness after
enjoying the beuty of deffodils.the theme of the poem is the glorification of
nature and human nature solitude.The poem shows how the beuty of
nature e.g the beutifull daffudil,the beuty of blowing wind which makes the
daffudils move and dance,enable the poet to get happiness from the
theme is nature and human center so it is the same idea and subject
matter as of his theory of poetry.
• he enjoy the present scene and capture it in his mind ,which can be remind
when he feel wordsworth argument about the poet and poetic
procedure is visible to us,which states a poet remind his imagination in
state of tranquility. The language use in this poem is so sample and rustic
that even with a single read we can understand philosphy,and message
which he want to we can say the language use itself the
wordsworth argument which is about the diction.
• While reading the poem we can see the rich use imagination and imegery
which leads to the great satisfaction and arousion of emotions.
• This use of imagimations is also practical step of his theory of poetry.while
discussing the beuty of beuty of daffodils,the poet do not present it only for
his own sake but he relate it to the beuty of life.
• The use of the beuty of nature is typically of wordsworth ,what attracts
him is only the beuty.He consider the nature beuty as the dwelling of
supreme being ,that is why he gets the spiritual treatment from
nature.same the case with reader ,if someone sad his poetry,will also go
through the same experience.
• Here this peom shows a clear moral message about nature beuty and man
relation with nature which lead him to heartly this way we
can say the poem convey the same purpose as what should be according to
• in this poem wordsworth says that he recall the scene of daffodil and start
▪ In short we can say that he uses the simple language ,the great
imagination which only a poet can do ,the imagery .All these
qualities makes him able to convey his feeling to the readers.
●According to wordsworth a poet is a man of great khowlege and great
comprehension in daffodil same is the case with poet who gloriffing
the beuty of nature with so experience and deep insights that a common man
never able to do so and with many reading it still look fresh and cool.A
common man never have such a deep insight as wordsworth has in this poem
to describe the beuty of daffodils and nature. So in conclusion the poem
language is simple rustic. There is use of imargery,great imaginatins,deep
insight of poet to the beuty of nature which are all the same is his argument
about the poetry.

(Question 2)" Apply coleridge,s agreements and disagreements with

wordsworth theory of poetry to " ode on the immortalitity"

Ans● wordsworth and coleridge are khown to be the poineers of

romanticism.They worked togather and contribute very greatly to romantic age
.They were the best poets and friend of their time .But along with some
agreement they do not hold same views
,regard the poetry.
Here are some agreements and disagreements of both the poet regart poetry.

1)Agreements":colridge and wordsworth both the poets,were completly

dissatisfied with neoclassical poetry.Both felt that neoclassical poetry do not
produce the qualities which produced pleasing effects to the heart and soul of the
Coleridge agreed with wordsworth on the purpose of poetry and the idea, that
nature and senses of common life close to nature were fitting subject of poetry.
Although they were the two best friend of their time ,they do not hold the
same view on the nature,funtion,and creation of poetry.
Coleridge is khown to be a harse one critic of wordsworth.he criticise
wordsworth,s theory of poetry in his famous work "biographia literia"
Colridge opposes worsworth for his theory and language of poetry.he does not
accept his poetry definition.he says that recollected emotion actually mean,s
fancy so they are not the imaginations.he says that wordsworth simple emotions
can,t be raw material for poetry creation,but in his opinion it is the deep
contemplation or imagination which motivates a poet to create poetry.
He also reject the role of nature in creative mind of poet and says that nature
does not have any influence in creative mind of a poet,so criticise wordsworth for
his poetic creation.
Colridge also disagrees with wordsworth theory of poetic diction.he believe that
poetic language should be suitable to the manner and matter of poetry.The
language of poetry should be philosipical and rich ornamental.poet must use the
figurative language to convey his message effectivaly.
He says that wordsworth totally reject the importance of figurative language
expressions, which is not acceptable.he says that wordsworth, himself has failed
to maintain his diction even in most of his poems.he critise wordsworth for the
lack of psychlogical deepness ,that is why he says tahy most of his poem are not
constructed logical appeal.
Coleridge also disagrees the wordsworth mysticism.he belive that nature is itself
cold and lifless.
Colerigde disagree wordswoth with of poet and he says that a poet should be an
educatd person and a philospher.he says that poetry must deal with supernatural
,extra ordanary ,mysterious element of human nature.poetry must deal not only
with nature but also the psychology of humans.
Colridge agreements and disagreements to “ode to immortality” regard to
wordsworth theory of poetry;
Coleridge views of wordsworth poetic theory seems of his own virtual
analysis.. to some extent he trying to hold the same position as wordsworth mind
kept. But , obviously each mind have own perspective of life which trying to
various from others. Wordsworth in his theory dominated nature. Simplicity of
language, nature and life and views that mostly poetic mind inspired form truly
nature . He denies form the philosophical thinking, elegant language used and
from pure figurative language used. And the above points was highlighted by
coleridge that these views is not in the poetic theory of wordsworth but if we
critically analyse his poem, ode to mortality . In this poem wordsworth used
figurative language, philosophical views towards life . And his poem he used
patterns like iambic pentameter, tetrameter, and trimeter. According coleridge
wordsworth in his poetry stress over the simple language and easy concept that
readers get the idea easily but in his poem he used epigrapg as well . Such is in
the starting of the poem."The child is father of the man;

And I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety. ".

He also used other sort of fugitives in his poem even again and again he talks
about simplicity. These include alliteration, caesura, metaphor, personification,
anaphora, and enjambment. Alteration in the first occur first time in the poem is;
Shouts,” “shouts,” and “Shepherd. At the last line ;hath” and “heart” .
1. Repetition: it is the repetition of vowel sounds in the same line. For
example, the sound of /i/ in ‘In years that bring the philosophic mind’ and the
sound of /ou/ in ‘Shout round me, let me hear thy shouts, thou happy Shepherd-
Anaphora: It refers to the repetition of a word or expression in the first part of
some verses. For example, ‘Thanks to’ in the last stanza of the poem emphasizes
the point of being grateful.
“Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fear
3. Consonance: it is the repetition of consonant sounds in the same line. For
example, the sound of /n/ in ‘The innocent brightness of a new-born Day’ and the
sound of /l/ in ‘A single field which I have looked upon’.
4. Enjambment: wordaworth has used this figure of speech too.It is defined
as a thought in verse that does not come to an end at a line break; instead, it
continues the next verse or line. For example,
“To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.”
6. Imagery: Here in this poem we can see the rich use of imagery is
used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses. For example, ‘Of
splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower’, ‘Earth fills her lap with pleasures of
her own’ and ‘The Rainbow comes and goes’.

Wordsworth agree with the affection of nature on human mind but in the
following lines the nature is not change but he grows up and his inner balance not
affected by nature as an childhood that's why there he violated his own theory.
grove, and stream,

The earth, and every common sight,

To me did seem

Apparelled in celestial light,

The glory and the freshness of a dream.

It is not now as it hath been of yore;—

Turn wheresoe’er I may,

By night or day.

The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

In the fifth stanza of the poem the poet trying to views life very philosophically
that Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. He seems to vived the possibility of
presence of soul before birth.Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting".
Coleridge analyse that simplicity lies in the mind of common masses that they
haven't any versatile personality to think philosophically but a poet should have a
personality which is elegant, versatile that's why he disagree with wordsworth
but we critically analyse this poem so can get the idea that wordsworth mind
itself not that much simpl as he want to be because in this poem he talks about
mortality that our birth is given for mortality which seems to be very identical of
sharp men mind.

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