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As he swam deeper, Mario bumped into Old Man

Octopops, who, like his friend, Mr. Quacky Duck, is very
fond of puzzles and weird games. (i) Firstly, Octopops
gives Mario to control three ‘squid’ pieces, while he
himself controls a single ‘shark’ piece. Initially, all four
pieces are placed somewhere along a straight line. They
take turns making moves, with Mario going rst. Each
move, a player is allowed to move one of his pieces a
distance of at most one unit along the straight line.
Octopops wins if his ‘shark’ piece can catch one of the
‘squid’ pieces. (ii) The same game is now played on a
two-dimensional plane instead of a straight line. The
rules are the same, except now Mario is given 20 ‘squid’
pieces. Can Octopops always win? Answer for both the

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Swimming further, he could feel something sucking the

water out of the sea. He saw a huge 6ft × 6ft hole
dug, which was pulling all the water. He has to ll it with
some 2 × 2 square tiles and some 4 × 1 rectangular
tiles. After arranging the tiles to cover the lava perfectly
without overlap, excess pressure caused one of the tiles
to smash. Unfortunately, the only spare tile is of the
other shape to the one smashed. Will Mario be able to
rear- range the remaining unsmashed tiles to perfectly
cover the hole again?

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Mario moves on to nd a way to get through the main

gates of Bowser’s chamber. He suddenly nds falling
through a trapdoor and lands on something hard. The
Devil Ghost Banshee , comes out and says, “This room is
a standard 8×8 chessboard. Each of its 64 square is
assigned a weight. These weights are assigned in such
a manner that weight of a square is an average of the
weight of the square that it is surrounded by.” Mario now
has to determine the weights of all 64 squares and for
that Banshee tells him the weights of X squares. What
could be the minimum value of X with which Mario can
deduce the weights of every other square?

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After crossing the chessboard path successfully, Mario
now enters a dungeon where the next clue to get into
the main chambers is hidden. In the dungeon, there is a
row of 10 rooms and the Devil Ghost Banshee is in one
of them. Each day, the ghost moves to an adjacent
room. Mario now has to nd the creature as soon as
possible. But the problem is, Mario can open only one
door in a day. What is the minimum no. of days that can
guarentee Mario catch the ghost ?

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After Mario catches the ghost, he questions Banshee of

how to enter Bowser’s chamber. He stutters and tells
him about the password that is hidden in the sacred
clock chamber. Inside the clock chamber, he saw 7
weird clocks hanging from the ceiling, and the Ban- shee
“You start reading when,
Begin the night or day then,
Around the clock you read time,
And the secret to out climb”

He saw stairs going upwards with a keyboard below

them, for typing the password to the castle. What is the

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Mario’s aim is to apply this ickable staff several times to

toggle the state of a single door. What are the possible
number of times Mario would have to use this staff to
achieve his aim?

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Now suppose, the staff toggles 15 consecutive doors

then with how many doors can you acheive his aim of
toggling a state of a single door ?

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Max reaches the bal, and walks in wondering why

Professor Maze had asked for him. "Oh, hello there Max"
the professor says when he sees Max. "I've got
something for you, but I seem to have misplaced it, I'm
going to need yout help nding it. "Professor Maze
continued "I kept the gift in a high security room. In the
room, there are 17 lockers in a row, each has a door that
you nd yout gift, you can keep it. Else, the door will
close automatically, and the gift will move to an adjacent
locker." Can he nd his gift? If so, what are the minimum
number of attempts required? Report your answer as the
sum of digits of the minimum attempts (eg. if number of
min. attempts is 15, answer 6 as 1 + 5 = 6 ). Answer
00 if he cannot nd his gift.

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If the lockers were arranged as shown below, what

would be the sum of the digits of number of minimum
attempts. Answer 00 if he can't nd the gift.
From the package, Professor Maze takes out a small
bag full of a pokéballs. “Take this Max, it’ll help you. I
have something else for you, I almost forgot. I have the
perfect pokémon for you. I think you’ll love him.” Max
excitedly takes the pokéball from Professor Maze, and
throws it releasing the pokémon. A small, yellow, mouse
like pokémon materializes. It’s a Pikachu! “Thanks prof! I
love him” he says as he rushes outside, prepared to
leave Pallet Town and begin his quest.

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Max starts on his way to Pewter Town, for the rst Gym
Battle. On the way, he bumps into a mysterious man
offering a chance at catching loads of Pokémon. “What
do I need to do?” asks Max. The mysterious man replies
“Here’s a map of Viridian Forest. You will begin at (8,10).
Every grid has an unique Pokémon. But if your position
is (a,b), you can only move to
(a, a + b), (a, a − b), (a + b, b), (a − b, b), (b − a, b)

and (a, b − a) . You can continue until you have no

Pokémon under your reach.” What is the sum of digits of
the maximum number of Pokemons Max can catch?

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Max is given a 3 × 3 chessboard. Max is asked to place

2 black rooks, 2 white knights and 1 white bishop on this
board in such a way that: a. each piece threatens one or
more pieces of the opponent b. each piece is protected
by another piece of its own colour c. each piece (except
the black queen is under attack by some opponent piece
Let the pieces be assigned numbers as follows:
Queen=9, Knight=3, Bishop=3, Rook=5 on black squares
and respective negative values on white squares. Find
out the ‘sum’ of all pieces in the arranged position.

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Now, Max is given another chessboard as shown in
gure 1. There is only one knight, and there are several
pawns. The set of moves a knight can make is shown in
gure 2. The knight can jump over a pawn, but cannot
land on a square that has a pawn in it. The pawns can
not move. Mr. Giovanni asks Max for the least number of
steps required to reach the position marked with an X.
What is the answer?
Max manages to answer both questions successfully.
Thoroughly impressed, Mr. Giovanni sticks to his word.
Now armed with 5 extremely powerful Pokémon, Max
sets out on his journey to conquer all the Pokémon
Gyms and earn his trip to Victory Road

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A long and exciting journey lay ahead! The rst stop was
at Cerulean City. Max made his way to the Gym to take
on Misty, the Gym Leader. However, to battle her, he rst
had to battle his way through a maze of trainers. The
rules and the map of the maze are given below.
Start from the top middle, in the direction of the solid
black arrow. Return to the top, in the reverse direction.
At each node, the angle of departure must be different
from the last i.e., never use straight, soft or sharp twice
in a At each node, the trainer is replaced once he/she is
beaten. How many trainers did he have to face before he
could battle Misty?
After battling his way through a horde of trainers, Max
nally made his way out of the maze. He now faced
Misty. He however got a brief break before he had to
battle her, to recover. Soon, the battle for the Cascade
badge began. The battle was intense, with Misty’s Staryu
recovering from everything Max was throwing at it. It
wasn’t until he discovered that water type had a
weakness towards electricity that Max got ahead. After
a thrilling battle, Max defeated Misty and earned the
Cascade Badge! Two badges collected, 6 more to go!
Next is a trip to Vermillon City. The path to the gym
however, is blocked by a tree. As Max stands there
wondering what to do, a bystander tells him they know a
trainer who can teach Pokémon to use Cut, which can
help him get to the gym. The trainer is however pre-
occu- pied with deciding an arrangement for the tents.
Max decides to help him to make his work easier.

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Attach a tent to each tree, in a horizontally or vertically

adjacent cell. Cells with tents do not touch each other,
not even diagonally. Numbers outside the grid indicate
the number of tents in that row or column.The
numbering of odd, even squares starts from the bottom
left corner. Odd rows are given the value of 1, and even
rows are given the value of 2. Similarly, odd columns are
given a value of 1, and even columns are given a value
of two. The value of a cell is the product of its row value
and column value. What is the sum of values of all cells
that have a tent in it?
Now having gured out the tent arrangement, the trainer
happily teaches Max’s Bulbasaur a new move, Cut. Now
armed with the new move, Max makes his way to the
Vermillon City gym after clearing the tree in front of it
using his new move. He now faces Lt. Surge and his
army of Electric pokémon. Despite not having an
outright advantage, Max battles it out and manages to
earn his Thunder Badge.
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It’s his 30th birthday, and his friends got him a cake with
30 lit candles. He tries to blow them out, but each time
he blows, he successfully extinguishes a random
number of can- dles, between one and the number that
remain lit. How many blows will it take, on average, to
extinguish them all? (approximate it to the nearest
whole number)

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Max has now reached Cinnabar Island. He notices that

there is a maze at the entrance of the Gym. A sheet of
instructions is stuck on the maze, which reads as
follows: You are currently at S. You have to reach F using
the following set of moves to enter the gym. One set of
move consists of the following in the exact order as
given. Start at S. Move one space in North, West, East or
South. Following that, move two spaces in any of the
four direction. Following that, 3 moves. Then 4, then 5.
How many sets of moves will you require to reach F?

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After winning the challenge fair and square, and winning

a Snorlax, Max nally reaches Viridian City. As he enters
viridian city, he notices that there is a Pokémon trainer in
front of the gym. I will only let you pass if you beat me in
my favourite game, he says. This is a game played with a
sequence of tiles, each labelled with two numbers. You
start at the rst the in the sequence and choose one
number from each tile that you stop at, according to the
following rules:
• At tile i, if you pick up the smaller number, you move on
to the next tile, i+1, in the sequence.
• At tile i, if you pick up the larger number, you skip the
next tile and move to tile i+2 in the sequence. The game
ends when your next move takes you beyond the end of
the sequence. Your score is the sum of all the numbers
you have picked up. For example, suppose you have a
sequence of four tiles as follows:
Then the maximum score you can achieve is 3, by
choosing the numbers that are circled. Now, you are
given the following tiles. What is the maximum score
you can make to ensure you beat the security guard?

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After beating the trainer in his own game, Max enters the
gym.Inside the Gym is an old man. “Oh, I’ve given up
battling. However, there is a problem. I seem to have
forgotten the passcode for the locker with my Gym
Badge. If you can open it for me, you can take the
badge.” “I had left these as hints, but I can’t gure them
out now”, he says as he hands Max a few sheets. Help
Max nd the passcode.
Hint: The nal passcode is an 8 letter word. How many
times in the nal word, does the letter B occur? Now that
the problem has been solved, the old man sticks to his
word and hands Max the nal badge. Having won all 8
gym badges, Max heads back home to take a break
before heading for Victory Road. Max’s parents are
elated hearing the news. Max now prepares to take on
the Elite Four in Victory Road, IIT Guwahati!

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Tony and Jarvis have successfully stopped the invasion
by closing the portal, but the buildings that are still
standing are crumbling and can fall anytime soon. To
get the city back to its place, four major organizations
have taken an initiative of providing relief fund by selling
a product where all the pro t will be used for relief
measures. Each of the four organizations has bought
500 units of the product each costing $0.03 (this cost
must be deducted before any pro t is made). Each
company was allowed to charge any amount for their
Using the clues given below, nd out which company
would make most of the pro t.
1. The least amount of pro t made was $ 11.30 less
than the maximum pro t amount
2. SHIELD made $3.80 more in pro t than the company
that sold its products at $0.075
3. The company that sold 219 products was not SHIELD.
4. Hammer Industries s-old its products for $0.07 more
per product than Stark Industries.
Hint: Remember to deduct the original cost of the
products from pro ts when it is calculated.

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According to the other problem, 2500 king pieces of

chess have to be placed on a 100 × 100 chessboard so
1. No king can capture any other one (i.e. no two kings
are placed in two squares sharing a common vertex
2. Each row and each column contains exactly 25 kings
Find the number of such arrangements. (Two
arrangements di ering by rotation or symmetry are
supposed to be di erent.)

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Black Widow and Hawkeye decide to have a pizza and

call the pizza house to order. The pizza house is at the
apartment number C2 and the Stark Tower is at H8 as
shown in the gure. The pizza delivery boy is on the call
with Black Widow and Hawkeye who are helping him to
get to the tower. Both of them give instructions to the
delivery boy alternatively (turn- wise), with each
instruction being to cross some number of apartments
horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Whoever gives the
nal instruction to the delivery person to reach the tower
wins. If Black Widow gets the chance to give the rst
instruction, nd out how many different rst move
choices does she have to win the game.
[Note: Two squares are neighbours if they have a
common boundary.]
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Ebony Maw, being one of the faithful servants of Thanos

comes to Earth. During his search for the time stone, he
gets himself engaged in a ght with the master of magic
Dr. Strange and Wong. Maw is going to throw n number
of spikes made of stone at them. Both the magicians
can break 1, 3 or 4 spikes with their one magic spell.
This attack by spikes being very easy to defend, both the
magicians decide to compete while destroying the
spikes. They decide to break the spikes turnwise with
Strange starting rst (i.e. 1st magician breaks either 1, 3,
or 4 spikes and then 2nd magician breaks 1, 3, 4 in the
remaining and then again 1st magician takes the turn).
The last magician to destroy the spikes completely wins.
Strange and Wong being very intelligent, play optimally.
If Maw throws 31 spikes at them, nd out who ends the
attack of the spikes (i.e. wins) and how many should he
break in his rst spell?
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Ebony Maw, being one of the faithful servants of Thanos

comes to Earth. During his search for the time stone, he
gets himself engaged in a ght with the master of magic
Dr. Strange and Wong. Maw is going to throw n number
of spikes made of stone at them. Both the magicians
can break 1, 3 or 4 spikes with their one magic spell.
This attack by spikes being very easy to defend, both the
magicians decide to compete while destroying the
spikes. They decide to break the spikes turnwise with
Strange starting rst (i.e. 1st magician breaks either 1, 3,
or 4 spikes and then 2nd magician breaks 1, 3, 4 in the
remaining and then again 1st magician takes the turn).
The last magician to destroy the spikes completely wins.
Strange and Wong being very intelligent, play optimally.
What is the maximum number of spikes (n < 50) for
which Wong always wins?

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During their search for the reality stone on the planet

Knowhere, all the members decide to divide and search
individually for the stone. After traveling for some
distance, Star-Lord suddenly spots three of his friends:
Gamora, Drax and Rocket pointing their guns at each
other. Matis explains to him that Thanos has obtained
the stone and has changed the reality by disguising
himself as one of them and the other two being his
friends. Mantis says that the three of them decided for
shooting truel (duel with 3 members). They will decide
who goes rst by lottery method and each person is to
wait for their turn before ring at either of the other
people. After the rst round of shots red, they will
proceed in the same order until there is one person
standing. Mantis further says that they know that Rocket
is 100% accurate, Gamora is 80% accurate, and Drax is
50% accurate in his/her shooting. On each person’s turn,
he can choose either of the two others to shoot or just
skip his turn if required. Assuming that all three of them
are intelligent and logical thinkers, Thanos would have
chosen the best form as a disguise who has the highest
chance of survival. Mantis hands Star-Lord a gun and
asks him to kill Thanos. Can you help Star-Lord in
deciding whom he has to target in order to kill Thanos?

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What is the probability of Thanos survival in their

shooting truel (Note: Consider the lottery method
probabilities in deciding the turns also)?
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The Mad-Titan has ordered Ebony Maw to take his ship

to destroy the Earth. The ship is equipped with 3 Laser
Guns each of different type. Iron-Man, Vision, and War-
Machine are searching for the weak spot to destroy
them. Each Laser Gun denotes a non-negative inte- ger,
all 3 integers are different. Each of the heroes is given a
gun of their own and each of them res at one of the
rival guns of the ship in one single round. The points are
awarded depending upon the integer corresponding to
the gun he shoots in that round. Friday, an AI created by
Tony helps to distribute the Laser Gun between three of
them before each round. After a number of rounds
( ≥ 2) Iron-Man has 20 points, Vision has 10 and War-
Machine has 9. We know that in the last round Vision
has hit the gun corresponding to maximum integer.
If the points assigned to the guns are x, y and z
(xgtygtz), Then nd out which of the three has red the
Laser Gun corresponding to the integer value y in the
rst round and z in second round?

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Thor, Rocket, and Groot arrive on Wakanda to reinforce

the Avengers. Thanos has divided his army into n
squads (n is even). Each i-th squad has ai outriders.
Rocket with his weapons and Thor with his newly forged
Stormbreaker, have decided to make alternate moves to
kill the outriders, with Rocket taking the rst shot. On
each of their turns, they must choose exactly non-

empty squads and independently kill some number of

outriders from each of the chosen squads. They can
remove a different number of outriders from the
different squads in a single turn. The rst person unable
to make the kill is regarded as the loser in their challenge
(i.e When there are less than nonempty squads).
Each squad, in the beginning, can have outriders ≤ 15

and > 0 .
Given the starting con guration tell who will kill the last
outriders to win the challenge. Given n=10 and the
number of outriders in the squad be :
6, 13, 11, 6, 6, 13, 15, 11, 11, 11

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Thor, Rocket, and Groot arrive on Wakanda to reinforce

the Avengers. Thanos has divided his army into n
squads (n is even). Each i-th squad has ai outriders.
Rocket with his weapons and Thor with his newly forged
Stormbreaker, have decided to make alternate moves to
kill the outriders, with Rocket taking the rst shot. On
each of their turns, they must choose exactly non-

empty squads and independently kill some number of

outriders from each of the chosen squads. They can
remove a different number of outriders from the
different squads in a single turn. The rst person unable
to make the kill is regarded as the loser in their challenge
(i.e When there are less than nonempty squads).

Each squad, in the beginning, can have outriders ≤ 15

and > 0 .
If Thor lands the last attack, what is the minimum and
maximum sum of a, b, c, d? Outriders in the Squads
8, 15, 8, 13, 8, 15, a, b, c, d

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With teams divided to get back the in nity stones,

Captain America and Tony are going after the Tesseract
containing the space stone. They have realized that the
tesseract is secured in a two-level cage, each level
containing 9 sections. The tesseract is somewhere in
the two central sections, which is surrounded by
security guards in the surrounding 16 sections, 8 on the
upper level and 8 on the lower level. While the guards
start marching towards the cage, Cap and Tony get hold
of three of the guards outside and obtain the following
information about the arrangement of the security in the
cages :
1. All 16 sections must be occupied.
2. No section can hold more than 3 guards.
3. Each of the four outer sides (total of both levels) must
hold 11 guards.
4. The whole upper leve-l must hold twice as many
guards as the whole lower level.
Although 3 fewer guards than expected have reached
the cage, all the guards were able to house in the cage in
conformity with the four conditions.
Help Cap and Tony to nd out how many total guards
were marching for the security (including the 3 they
captured in the beginning).

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With teams divided to get back the in nity stones,

Captain America and Tony are going after the Tesseract
containing the space stone. They have realized that the
tesseract is secured in a two-level cage, each level
containing 9 sections. The tesseract is somewhere in
the two central sections, which is surrounded by
security guards in the surrounding 16 sections, 8 on the
upper level and 8 on the lower level. While the guards
start marching towards the cage, Cap and Tony get hold
of three of the guards outside and obtain the following
information about the arrangement of the security in the
cages :
1. All 16 sections must be occupied.
2. No section can hold more than 3 guards.
3. Each of the four outer sides (total of both levels) must
hold 11 guards.
4. The whole upper leve-l must hold twice as many
guards as the whole lower level.
Although 3 fewer guards than expected have reached
the cage, all the guards were able to house in the cage in
conformity with the four conditions.
If the sum of the guards in the 8 corner cells for the
present arrangement is N and that of the original
arrangement if the 3 guards were also present is M,
what is M + N?

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At the same time, Black widow goes to Vormir to get the

soul stone. She is stopped by Red skull who says that
she can obtain the stone only if she plays a logic game
with him. He starts explaining the rules of the game as
follows: There are two piles of pebbles, each pile less
than equal to 15 pebbles. The two players take turns
picking up pebbles.
1. You can pick up any or all the pebbles in one pile, or
2. You can pick up pebbles from both piles, but only if
you take the same number from each pile.
The player who takes the last pebble wins. Winning
positions include (1, 0) (Meaning 1 pebble in the rst
pile, none in the second) and (n, n). You pick up,
respectively, 1 pebble (rule 1) and 2w pebbles (rule 2).
(1, 2) is a losing position: But though (1, 2) loses, not
only (1, 0) and (1, 1) but any other (1, n) wins. A player
simply picks up (n — 2) pebbles from the second pile,
leaving (1,2). There are many other losing positions
other than (1,2). Help her nd all such losing positions.
What is the total sum of the differences of the two
numbers of all the distinct losing pairs?

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After overpowering the heroes, Thanos seizes the

gauntlet, but Stark steals the Stones back just before he
could make a snap. Tony now has all the stones with
him. He has to arrange the given stones as shown in
Fig.1 to Fig. 2 on his gauntlet in order to make them
work properly. Each of his move consists of sliding a
stone around the other stones, without disturbing them,
to a new position in which it touches two other stones
always. The stones must remain at on the surface of
gloves all the time. What is the minimum number of
moves Tony should make to arrange the given stones as
desired so that he can perform the snap and settle
things once and for all?

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Jafar has managed to trick Aladdin into his evil and

vicious plan of obtaining the power of the Genie by
sending him inside the Cave of Wonders. Unaware of
Jafar's plan, Aladdin promises to bring him the magic
lamp. To get the magic lamp the Cave of Wonders or
Tiger's Cave test the intelligence of the person that
enters in it. Going further into the cave Aladdin nds
himself surrounded by various challenges from time to
time. Let’s see whether Aladdin survives the cave's test
or not.Aladdin is searching for the lamp and during his
search, he comes across a door guard- ed by a spirit. In
order to get past the door, the spirit challenged Aladdin
in a game of chess. The chessboard being old is broken
into 4 pieces each of size 3 by 3. Apart from that, some
squares are of the wrong colour with j-th square of the i -
th row of k-th piece of the board has colour ak,i,j . The
spirit wants Aladdin to change the colour of some
squares in such a way that he recolours the minimum
number of squares and the obtained pieces form a valid
chessboard. Every square has a different colour from
each of the neighbouring side by side squares in a valid
board. Its size should be 6 by 6. Aladdin can move the
pieces but he cannot rotate and ip them.
What is the minimum number of colours Aladdin should
recolour to obtain a valid chessboard and get past the

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Abu is Aladdin's pet monkey and above all is his best

friend. On their way to nd the lamp and were passing
over a Lava lake through a wooden bridge. Abu,
mischievous as always started jumping on the bridge
side-ropes and suddenly his foot slips and he landed
onto a 5 × 5 square matrix B oating on the lava. In
order to keep his balance, Abu transforms the given
matrix to another matrix A using an operation T: Choose
any two neighbouring numbers and add the same
integer (x) to them. If matrix B is transformed from
matrix A, nd the number x?
[Note: Two squares are neighbours if they have a
common boundary.]
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After receiving the lamp, Aladdin and Abu are on their

way to get out from the cave when they found a statue
of Sir Hussain, one of the most powerful Royal General
to walk on Earth. Below the statue is written a real life
problem that Sir Hussain solved and in order to get out
of the cave one must solve this riddle. Aladdin out of
options starts reading the riddle- Once upon a time in
the Kingdom far far away lived Sir Hussain, the chief
Royal General. He was very proud of his men and he
liked to invite the King to come and watch drill exer-
cises which demonstrated the ghting techniques and
tactics of the squad he was in charge of. But time went
by and one-day Sir Hussain had a major argument with
an old witch (there were rumours that the argument
occurred after the general spoke badly of the witch
ying techniques. That seemed to hurt the old witch
very deeply). As the result of the argument, the witch put
a rather strange curse upon the general. It sounded all
complicated and quite harmless: "If the squared
distance between some two soldiers equals to 5, then
those soldiers will con ict with each other!" The drill
exercises are held on a rectangular n × m eld, split into
nm square 1 × 1 segments for each soldier. Thus, the
square of the distance between the soldiers that stand
on squares (x1 , y1 ) and (x1 , y2 ) equals exactly
2 2
(x1 − x2 ) + (y1 − y2 ) . Now not all nm squad
soldiers can partici- pate in the drill exercises as it was
before the old witch curse. Unless, of course, the general
wants the soldiers to ght with each other or even
worse. For example, if he puts a soldier in the square (2,
2), then he cannot put soldiers in the squares (1, 4), (3,
4), (4, 1) and (4, 3) — each of them will con ict with the
soldier in the square (2, 2).
Find the sum of maximum number of soldiers that can
be simultaneously positioned on this eld for each of the
following cases
i) 1002 2
ii) 451 2
iii) 780 2
iv) 121 2

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After receiving the lamp, Aladdin and Abu are on their

way to get out from the cave when they found a statue
of Sir Hussain, one of the most powerful Royal General
to walk on Earth. Below the statue is written a real life
problem that Sir Hussain solved and in order to get out
of the cave one must solve this riddle. Aladdin out of
options starts reading the riddle- Once upon a time in
the Kingdom far far away lived Sir Hussain, the chief
Royal General. He was very proud of his men and he
liked to invite the King to come and watch drill exer-
cises which demonstrated the ghting techniques and
tactics of the squad he was in charge of. But time went
by and one-day Sir Hussain had a major argument with
an old witch (there were rumours that the argument
occurred after the general spoke badly of the witch
ying techniques. That seemed to hurt the old witch
very deeply). As the result of the argument, the witch put
a rather strange curse upon the general. It sounded all
complicated and quite harmless: "If the squared
distance between some two soldiers equals to 5, then
those soldiers will con ict with each other!" The drill
exercises are held on a rectangular n × m eld, split into
nm square 1 × 1 segments for each soldier. Thus, the
square of the distance between the soldiers that stand
on squares (x1 , y1 ) and (x1 , y2 ) equals exactly
2 2
(x1 − x2 ) + (y1 − y2 ) . Now not all nm squad
soldiers can partici- pate in the drill exercises as it was
before the old witch curse. Unless, of course, the general
wants the soldiers to ght with each other or even
worse. For example, if he puts a soldier in the square (2,
2), then he cannot put soldiers in the squares (1, 4), (3,
4), (4, 1) and (4, 3) — each of them will con ict with the
soldier in the square (2, 2).
Find the sum of maximum number of soldiers that can
be simultaneously positioned on this eld for each of the
following cases
i) 53 × 81

II) 2 × 103

III) 1 × 104

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Agrabah, the city of mystery, enchantments and the

nest merchandise located on the side of the river
Jordan. It is under the rule of the king named Sultan.
Aladdin lives in a hovel with his monkey Abu where he
has spent most of his childhood. Now it’s time to explore
more about this mysterious city! Festival season is going
in Agrabah and the people are going crazy to see various
sorcerers, craftsmen etc. who are visiting the city to
showcase their magic. A large crowd has gathered
around a Card-master who is asking a logical riddle to
the crowd. Whosoever succeeds in solving the riddle
gets a reward. He arranges the cards of rst 20 natural
numbers and lists down the difference between two
consecutive numbers (value on right card minus value
on the left card) of the arrangement, which are 19 in
number. The difference is given as
-11 8 -7 -2 11 -4 12 -15 11 3 -13 9 -1 -3 6 -10 -3 5 9
What is the rst number of his arrangement of cards
from the left?

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Festival season is going in Agrabah and the people are

going crazy to see various sorcerers, craftsmen etc. who
are visiting the city to showcase their magic. A large
crowd has gathered around a Card-master who is asking
a logical riddle to the crowd. Whosoever succeeds in
solving the riddle gets a reward. He arranges the cards
of rst 20 natural numbers and lists down the difference
between two consecutive numbers (value on right card
minus value on the left card) of the arrangement, which
are 19 in number. The difference is given as
-11 8 -7 -2 11 -4 12 -15 11 3 -13 9 -1 -3 6 -10 -3 5 9
Find the sum of the numbers at odd places of the
arrangement of the cards?

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Festival season is going in Agrabah and the people are

going crazy to see various sorcerers, craftsmen etc. who
are visiting the city to showcase their magic. A large
crowd has gathered around a Card-master who is asking
a logical riddle to the crowd. Whosoever succeeds in
solving the riddle gets a reward. He arranges the cards
of rst 20 natural numbers and lists down the difference
between two consecutive numbers (value on right card
minus value on the left card) of the arrangement, which
are 19 in number. The difference is given as
-11 8 -7 -2 11 -4 12 -15 11 3 -13 9 -1 -3 6 -10 -3 5 9
The city is beautifully lightened up with candles and
diyas and the vibes of happiness and joy were coming
from all the directions. Aladdin and Abu are also
enjoying the festival when they nd a very interesting
game of balloons. In ated balloons are arranged in a
straight line and are marked with English Upper case
letters. The player can perform the following action any
number of times (including zero): Choose any one of the
balloons from the straight line and replace the letter on it
with any other Uppercase English letter.
Note that even if the replaced letter occurs S multiple
times, only the chosen occur- rence of this letter is
Find the sum of the minimum number of operations
required to convert the given balloon line to balanced
ones. Let's call a balloon line balanced if all characters
that occur in this balloon line occur the same number of
Line 1: ABAAACDHIAACKIOA (16 letters)

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Jasmine, the princess of Agrabah is enjoying the festival

with her father. Since child- hood, Jasmine has been
very fond of shooting games and she has become really
good at it. After hitting at various shops she nally found
a shooting place. The shopkeeper is smart and has
changed the rules of the game. The shopkeeper has
placed a sequence of n water balloons each with an
integer written on it. The rules of the game are that the
shooter can choose any balloon of the sequence (let's
denote on it as ak) and remove it by shooting. During
this step, all elements equal to ak − 1 and ak + 1
should also be shot down and removed from the
sequence. This step will give the player ak score. At
each step, only one occurrence of ak is deleted. The
player should apply this step, again and again, to get as
much score as possible.
Example Seq: 1 2 3
In the rst step choose element 3, delete it and delete
3 − 1 = 2 and 3 + 1 = 4 (4 not avail- able). The
remaining array contains element only 1. now pick this
and the array becomes empty now. therefore, maximum
score obtained is 3 + 1 = 4

Given seq: 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 5 4 6 3 2 9 9 8 8 2 3 3 5 1 5
Find the maximum score that Jasmine can get?

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Walking down the alluring streets of Paris Jasmine gets
attracted to a Vintage shop. The squad enters the shop
and they found out a lot of amazing vintage stuff and
decided to buy some. The shopkeeper offered them to
take the products for free if they are able to solve his
riddle. He stated that a person has 2 cubes on his desk.
Every day he arranges both the cubes so that the front
faces show the current day of the month. Different faces
of both the cubes are coloured in 6 different colours.
What can be the maximum possible sum of the product
of numbers appearing on the same coloured face?

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Sitting on the banks of the river, Aladdin and his friends

see a group of sailors preparing their boat to sail south.
Genie had never been to the south and this makes him
interested in their sail and he wants to know where they
were heading. Using his magical powers, he gathers
everyone together and places a magical hat on some of
the sailor’s head (i.e at least one person has a hat). The
hat is magical as it can be seen by other people, but not
by the wearer of the hat himself. The sailors nd out
about the hat and in order remove the hat, those ( and
only those who have a hat) must dunk themselves
underwater at exactly mid- night.
If ai number of sailors dunk their hats on i-th day, nd the
sum of ai x i for all the days till all the hats are removed.
If there are 50 men and 7 hats nd the sum.

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Someone in the city has committed a crime and it is

found n people are involved in this mess. Aladdin and
Genie are inquiring the accused to nd out the truth.
Both of them know that more than half of the people are
good people. A good person will always tell the truth but
the bad one always lies. They ask the question in a step.
A step consists of asking one person at a time of what
he thinks about other people is good or bad. Find the
minimum number of steps required to nd at least one
good person if n is 89

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It’s almost mid of July and the temperature has hit a

record high of 46 and reports have indicated that still, 2
weeks are remaining for monsoon showers. Aladdin,
Genie and Jasmine decided to participate in a
Swimming competition to get some relief from this
scorching heat. They have a bib placed on their back
with positive integers written on it and the 3 integers
being different. Every time they reach the end of the pool
a round is completed and the bib is removed. The same
bibs are shu ed and are again placed on their backs.
The sum of the numbers on the bib after a number of
rounds ( ≥ 2) is 20 for Aladdin, 10 for Genie and 9 for
Jasmine. It is given that during the last round Genie
carries the blip with the biggest number. Find out total
number of rounds

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After spending a lot of time with Aladdin, Jasmine has

nally told his father Sultan that she is in love with him
and she wants to marry him. Sultan invited his future
Son in Law to his palace to have a conversation with
him. After a long conversation, they both started feeling
hungry. Sultan has a habit of testing the appetite of his
guest and the same is going to happen with Aladdin.
This time he decides to have a candy eating competition
and orders his servant to place n candies on the table.
Both of them alternately take the candies. A move of
taking a candy consists of eating one candy or half of
the candies on the table (the “lesser half” if there are an
odd number of candies). At least one candy must be
eaten in each move. The loser is the one who eats the
last candy. for what n, the player has a winning strategy?

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Agrabah never sleeps peacefully! A robbery has taken

place at Agrabah's palace the previous night and one of
the most precious treasures, a rare diamond is missing.
Information received from the sources has pointed out
that Essos, an allied nation is behind this robbery.
Aladdin and Genie left for Essos as soon as they heard
the news. On reaching there they nd out that the
diamond is guarded by a two-level cage, each having 9
sections. The guards placed there have to occupy 16
sections, 8 on the upper level and 8 on the lower. (The
two central sections are set aside for storing weapons).
There are 4 conditions for placing guards:
1. All 16 sections must be occupied.
2. No section can hold more than 3 guards.
3. Each of the four outer sides (total of both levels) must
hold 11 guards.
4. The whole upper level must hold twice as many
guards as the whole lower level.
Although the cage facility received 3 fewer guards than
expected. The facility placed the guards in conformity
with these four conditions. The Aladdin asked Genie to
bring back the diamond but in order to do so, Genie
needs some information. He needs to nd out how
many guards were expected?

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Aladdin is remaining with his last wish. Being very
generous he wants to set Genie free by giving him his
freedom. But there are certain conditions that are
placed on the lamp before one can set Genie free. The
lamp asks a riddle and if Aladdin is able to solve this
riddle then Genie will be free. Aladdin knowing the risk
involved is ready to solve the puzzle.
The lamp asks
Main track AB and two small branches AD and BD form
a railroad triangle. When a locomotive goes from A to B,
backs into BD, and moves forward out of AD, it has
reversed its direction on AB. In how many moves does
the engineer move the black car to BD and the white car
to AD, and return the locomotive to face right on AB. The
dead end beyond the switch at C can only hold the
locomotive or 1 car. Each coupling or uncoupling is 1

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If the engineer is willing to reverse the nal position of

his loco- motive on AB he can solve the problem in How
many moves.

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