Questionaire9electronic &chance

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Which of the following best explains electronic music?
Music is based on electric instruments.
Music is created through manipulation of sounds from machines and the environment.
Music is different in every performance because of the random techniques of
Music requires improvisation techniques.
Who is the composer known for electronic music?
Claude Debussy
John Cage
Edgard Varese
Arnold Schoenberg
John Cage's 4'33" composition became famous for this 20th century music style.
Which music style is this?
Chance Music
Electronic Music

He is known as the Father of Electronic Music. Who is he?
Claude Debussy
Arnold Schoenberg
John Cage
Edgard Varese

This composition used the "Prepared Piano Style" where screws and pieces of
wood or paper were inserted between the piano strings to produce different
percussive possibilities. Who is the composer of this music?
Claude Debussy
Arnold Schoenberg
John Cage
Edgard Varese
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Electronic Music?
Broad genre
Cold or clinical
Sound crafting

The French line of the Electronic Music wherein the music is recorded
electronically but produces acoustic sounds.
Musique Complete
Musique Concrete
Elektronishe Musik
The German line of the Electronic Music wherein the music is electronically
produced and recorded.
Musique Complete
Musique Concrete
Elektronishe MusikW
Chance Music is also known as _______.
Game Music
Gambling Music
Alliance Music
Aleatory Music
A well-known American Composer and Music Theorist.
John Cage
Witold Lutosławski
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Henry Cowell
Which of the following is synonymous to the Latin word “Alea”?
Music Book
Which of the following is a composition of John Cage?
Pierrot Lunaire
Symphony No. 40
Piano Concerto No. 5
Uses of unconventional methods of producing sound from the voice or orchestral instruments are
generally referred to as _________________________.
 a. aleatory music
 b. extended techniques
 c. musique concrète
 d. process music
 e. shakuhachi
Music composed by the manipulation of tape-recorded "live" sounds is known as
 a. Klangfarbenmelodie
 b. musique concrète
 c. overdubbing
 d. third stream music
 e. chance music
A(n) _________________________ helped a composer produce serial music in an electronic studio.
 a. Darmstadt
 b. Stockhausen
 c. tape loop
 d. biwa
 e. alea
John Cage was one of the leading figures in the employment of _________________________ in
 a. synthesizers
 b. total control
 c. jazz
 d. mathematics
 e. indeterminacy
John Cage was one of the leading figures in the employment of _________________________ in
 a. synthesizers
 b. total control
 c. jazz
 d. mathematics
 e. indeterminacy
What is electronic music and chance
Electronic & chance music. CHANCE MUSIC It is a style wherein the piece always
sounds different at every performance because of the random techniques of production,
including the use of ring modulators or natural elements (sounds) that become a part of
the music.

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Consequently, what is the difference between chance music and electronic music?

Electronic music uses a electronic device such as amplifiers, speakers and etc. to

produce music while the chance music uses the sound of nature thats why it is
called chance.

Secondly, what is electronic music used for? The electronic musical instruments

were used to reproduce existing music and for public performance instead of
producing a new song. Some of the instruments, such as the Telharmonium, were able
to synthesize sounds of orchestral instruments.

In this regard, is electronic music real music?

If an artist performs live no matter what their medium, surely this makes them
a real musician. However, if a computer and software eliminates the chance of mistakes
or makes every performance potentially identical, then EDM can't be considered to
be real music or the artists that compose it real musicians.

Why is it called Chance music?

Aleatoric music (also aleatory music or chance music; from the Latin word alea,

meaning "dice") is music in which some element of the composition is left to chance,
and/or some primary element of a composed work's realization is left to the
determination of its performer(s).

37 Related Question Answers Found

How do you make a chance song?
How it is done: draw a list of elements to be used. determine some rules/limits in using them. to
make choices, use a chance procedure such as: flip coins. throw dice. I Ching (Cage) computer
program modeling I Ching (Cage/Hiller) use impurities in manuscript paper to determine where the
notes are.

What is another name for chance music?

Aleatory music

What is the characteristics of chance music?

The features of Aleatoric/Chance music: The term Aleatoric/Chance Music is simply used to
describe works that gives the performer a certain amount of freedom with regard to the sequencing
and repetition of particular parts throughout a piece of music. One feature of Chance Music is;
Musical Dice Games!

Who invented electronic music?

American electronic music In the United States, electronic music was being created as early as
1939, when John Cage published Imaginary Landscape, No. 1, using two variable-speed turntables,
frequency recordings, muted piano, and cymbal, but no electronic means of production.

What does atonal mean in music?

Definition[edit] Atonal music is a generalizing term used to define music that seems to lack a clear
tonal center. Nearly all music in the western classical tradition is considered 'tonal': that is, its
harmonic structure is primarily triadic and hierarchically organized around a prominent tonal center.

Who is the father of chance music?

John Milton Cage Jr. A pioneer of indeterminacy in music, electroacoustic music, and non-standard
use of musical instruments, Cage was one of the leading figures of the post-war avant-garde. Critics
have lauded him as one of the most influential composers of the 20th century.

What do you call when a composer records different sounds that

are heard in the environment?
A soundwalk is a recording made by the composer as they move through a chosen environment,
listening and recording the sounds they hear along the way.

Is EDM considered music?

Electronic dance music (EDM), also known as dance music, club music, or simply dance, is a broad
range of percussive electronic music genres made largely for nightclubs, raves and festivals.

Why is it called electronic music?

They called it “Musique concrète” because they used natural, concrete sounds. Sometimes
composers used synthesizers which were machines that could make electronic music in real time.
They sounded more like normal instruments than the sound effects on a tape recorder.

Is Edm an art?
The term EDM encompasses a field of music far too vast to not be considered art. For every carbon
copy dance song you here, there's an equally beautiful composition that just happens to be

What is real music?

Real Means “Sounds a Certain Way” When people talk about real music, it just means music from
the past that sounds a certain way. Nothing makes some music more real than any other music.
Music is a preference.

What is the purpose of electronic music?

Electronic music. Electronic music, any music involving electronic processing, such as recording and
editing on tape, and whose reproduction involves the use of loudspeakers.

Is EDM bad for your brain?

EDM is something scientifical which provokes the flow of dopamine in the brain to a greater extent ,
dopamine is the one responsible for delivering pleasure.. So start deep diving into the ocean of EDM
to keep yourself pleased . So it's no way “harmful to you brain.”

Answer:Electronic Music is music that uses electronic musical

elements, digital instruments or circuitry-based music technology. While
the Chance Music or also known as Aleatoric Music is music that some
primary element of the composed work's realization is left to the
determination of its performers.

Write a reaction paper explaining the following

elements of the performance.

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