How To Install The CPS For The Anytone AT-D868UV and How To Use NØGSG Contact Manager Program With Anytone Files
How To Install The CPS For The Anytone AT-D868UV and How To Use NØGSG Contact Manager Program With Anytone Files
How To Install The CPS For The Anytone AT-D868UV and How To Use NØGSG Contact Manager Program With Anytone Files
2017 brought new excitement to the Amateur DMR operator’s world - the Anytone AT-D868UV.
The AT-D868UV can handle everyone’s needs. It is fully programmable from the keypad. Plus,
the factory is VERY open to product enhancement suggestions.
Let’s get started.
Once you have determined your com port number, start the cps.
Set the com port before any read/writes can be done. This is done by clicking the Com Port
Selection Icon on the Task bar
This will open the following window for your selection:
This will open an Explorer Box. You want to select the .dcf extension. I show both the. rdt and.
dcf versions in my screen shot. Make sure to select the. dcf version.
Once you have used Contact Manager to your satisfaction, save the file and re-open it in CPS:
Open your modified codeplug and load into your radio and enjoy!!!