AT-D868UV Programming Guide 1.29b

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide


The AnyTone D868UV radio is a VHF and UHF radio with both Digital
DMR (Tier I and II) and Analog capabilities. It offers a total of 4,000
channels (Analog and Digital), 10,000 Digital Talk Groups, and up to
150,000 contacts, as well as multiple DMR ID numbers (Radio ID’s) for
a single radio. With the enhanced capabilities of the AT-D868UV radio,
this Programming Guide will help users to understand all aspects of
how to program and set up the radio for maximum usability.

Please note that the AT-D868UV radio may have a locked key-board upon arrival.
The FCC requires per 47CFR90.203 that an unauthorized user shall not be able to
enter any frequencies and transmit on a frequency not authorized. Frequencies should
only be programmed by service or maintenance personnel. This Guide is primarily
provided for such service or maintenance personnel. For such person to open up the
keyboard, press the “Menu” key and the “*” (star) key.

The software which programs the radio frequencies and all other user defined
aspects of the operation is called a “codeplug”. Creating a codeplug is a ‘bottom up’
process where the lowest (common) elements must be created first, then built upon
until a fully functional codeplug, that can be loaded into a radio, has been created. The
AT-D868UV radio has unique software for both creating the codeplug and writing it into
the radio for use. When you start creating a new codeplug, many lists and groups are
populated with single entries, which may be used as placeholders for initial creation of
lists. The programming software (also called CPS) allows to “import” and “export”
most of the programming parameters for the creation of large amount of input data to
the radio – for example large lists of contact names.


The programming cable for the AT-D868UV radio is typically provided by AnyTone.
There are several different types of programming cables available, and the one to use
has a very small USB connector. Others use an electronic circuit inside the USB
connector, and will not work. Make sure the computer has the correct driver for the
cable – see the Device Manager on your PC.

If you do not see this USB port driver, you should install the USB driver from the file
USB_VirtualComPortDriver v2.0.1.2313 folder as an Administrator to your computer.
Select the x64 or x86 version depending on the operating system of the computer you

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

Open the Device Manager, and then double click on the “Ports” to display the driver
(GD32 Virtual Com Port) and right click on the driver to open PROPERTIES. This will
display the details of the driver, and under Port Settings update the “Bits per second”
to 128,000 for faster read and write to the radio.

Note: Before you start any programming work read the current file from the radio into
your PC so you have a baseline and something to start with.

The Computer Programming Software (CPS) for the AT-D868UV radio may be updated
from time to time to correspond to the firmware version used for the radio, and the
AnyTone website will offer those updates at
So the CPS D868UV Setup 1.26.exe should be used for a radio with firmware V1.26 or
V2.26 and so on. Do not mix versions of the CPS with non-matching firmware versions.

Install the CPS Programming software on your computer, and when you read (or write)
software to or from the radio, it asks the question if you want to read only the “other
data” – which is all programming parameters of the radio, and/or the “Digital Contact
List”. The DMR contact list could contain over 90,000 names, and as a result consume
up to 5 minutes to read or write to the radio.

If you are living in an area where you may be the first to have to generate the codeplug
with all your local repeater frequencies, there may be a codeplug for the AnyTone
D868UV radio from another geographical area which has most of the basic data as a
starting point. The Minnesota DMR websites may be a good place to start looking for
the codeplug which has all the DMR ID’s already in the codeplug. That would save you
a lot of time to use this codeplug as a start, and then update your local frequencies.
Also, check if the “Contact Manager” made by N0GSG is available for this radio.

If the TOOL menu Mode Select shows up when you open the
Programming software, just click “OK” as it is a requested
option by a few users in California. If this option is selected
you may use the identical name for multiple Contact names
and Channel names.

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The AT-D868UV program looks like an excel spreadsheet once opened, and the left
side defines the many aspects of programming. Open the DIGITAL CONTACT Talk
Group tab on the left side and double click on the first line (Line No. 1). The Digital
Contact List typically contains the DMR Talk Groups which the user may want to use.

Start to program all applicable DMR Talk Groups (TG uses Group Call) you which to
monitor or talk on. This list of Talk Groups may include up to 100+ different groups. A
list of world wide Talk Groups can be found at

The Talk Group list can also be generated by exporting the original radio Digital
Contacts Talk Groups and then add in to that list in an excel format. In the Programming
Software there is import and export features in the taskbar – open the TOOL menu and
do an “export”. This opens up a new screen where you click on “Digital Contact”. A new
screen shows up where you define where to save the list on your PC.

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

In the .csv format you can paste all or your required Talk Groups from the DMR-MARC
website into the spread sheet. You get the format from the original radio Codeplug you
just exported.

Once all TG’s are entered, the Contact List should be “imported” back into the
Programming Software the same way you exported the file. Click on TOOL menu, and
then “import” and in the new window click on Digital Contacts and select the .csv file you
want imported.

NOTE: If you import a Talk Group list with duplicate TG numbers, then the Receive
Group Call List set-up will not function correctly, and may shut down the Programming
software if you try to set up your Receive Groups.

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The next step is to fill the radio with all possible contacts
you may ever encounter. By doing this, the radio will for
each contact you make display the name, DMR ID, Call
sign etc. of the individual you are connected with. The
DMR-MARK list is steadily growing and you may have
to pare it down to your needs. See page 29 for an
alternate display emphasizing the Call Sign instead of
the name of the caller. Section 5.0 – 7.0 in this Guide
provides optional ways to create the contact list.
The Contact List is a “look-up” table for the radio to display all the details of the
contacted person instead of only the DMR ID number. Individual entries are not allowed.

A master list of DMR contacts is available at the new radioid website:
This database of contacts can be directly used for DMR ID’s and imported into the radio
as required. Download the list and open it up as an excel spreadsheet. From the DMR
database, in the .csv spreadsheet, select the country, the DMR ID’s you want to copy
over to your radio as shown below.

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In the CPS Programming Software open the TOOL menu

and do an “export”. This opens up a new screen where you
click on “DMR ID List” and on the second screen select
where you want to save it on your PC. This list is divided in
sections to accommodate up to 150,000 ID’s. So if your list
you work in the .csv format is more than 20,000 names,
when loaded into the radio, they will split up and be
distributed between the several lists in the radio.

So now that you have both the DMR database and the radio
original database open, copy the list of DMR ID’s you want from the DMR database into
the radio .csv file. Then back to the TOOL menu, and “import” so you can import the
entire .csv DMR ID list into the radio. Note: You have to enter “Private Call” in all the
CALL TYPE columns of the radio .csv database before loading it into the radio. The No.
column can be left blank.

This is how it looks before being loaded into the radio – make sure the columns agree
with the order of the ones from the radio Programming Software

Once loaded into the radio, this is what it looks like

After you have created the Contact List in the radio Programming software, please
save it on your PC so that you do not have to re-do this step. Depending on the size of
the Contact list you decide to use, it may take some time to load and read with your PC
– a full world 80,000 contact list may take 5 minutes to load into the radio!

Note: Any .cvs file being loaded back into the D868UV radio must be correct and have
no stray information in any cell outside the ones being used by the radio. If the “import”
seems to not work – check the .cvs for any inconsistency. The Contact database,
downloaded from DMR-MARK, is not necessarily correct for each entry and have been
found needing cleanup to work with the radio.

Note: The CPS has a new feature under “Digital” called Friends List where you can
create a list of your special contacts. Search entering a DMR ID and build a Friends
Member List so that you will hear a tone when those people come on the air.

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STEP 3 - RADIO ID LIST (Multiple Radio ID’s)

The AT-D868UV radio will allow multiple DMR Radio ID numbers to be used with the
radio. This feature will allow one radio to be used for example as a Commercial Radio
with its own DMR ID, and at the same time also be used as an Amateur radio with
another DMR ID. Double click on a line and enter the data in the separate window. Click
“OK” when done to save the data you entered.

The multiple DMR ID numbers will later

show up when programming the various
frequencies used by the radio. So the
radio can be used on multiple types of
networks and be defined as appropriate
for each network – Government,
Commercial, and/or Amateur.

NOTE: If you download a CodePlug from

the Internet for your radio, you must enter
your DMR ID as per above before you
load this CodePlug into the radio.


Typically a scan list is created with one ‘channel’ for each repeater on slot 1, and one
for the slot 2 channels. Initially just create an ‘empty’ scan list (with a name) to use
during the channel creation step. Create the Scan list name that relates to your set of
channels. In the Scan List menu, click on line No. 1 and open the Scan Edit window.
NOTE: A channel number refer to the Channel Matrix (excel format) number No. to
the very left of the matrix – there you can reference the DMR Talk Group for a

Please note – when you want to change the scan list using the Menu on the radio,
go to Scan List > Scan List > select the TG list you want > then go to bottom of the
list and “Select Current List” to make the one you selected become the new scan list.
Then go back to Scan List and select “Scan On/Off” and turn the scan on.

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Scan List Name: Name it so it relates to the scan channels

Available Channels: Will list the channels you create
Scan Channel Memb.: Move over the channels you need scanned to this area
Priority Channel select: Select the priority channel or off
Priority Channel 1: Sets which channel is priority 1
Priority Channel 2: Sets which channel is priority 2
Revert Channel: During scanning, when there is no call received, press the
PTT key to transmit on this channel.
Look Back Time A: During scanning, it will scan the priority channel when
check the look back time A every time.

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Look Back Time B: Only for analog use. During scanning, when the priority
channel has signal but with incorrect CTCSS/DCS, it will
scan the priority channel when check the look back time B
every time.
Dropout Delay Time: Only for analog use. When scanning with a signal and
starting a transmit, after release the PTT key, the radio will
resume scanning after reaching the Dropout Delay Time.
Dwell Time: Only for analog use. When press PTT key to transmit,
after release of the PTT key, the radio will resume
scanning after reaching the Dwell Time.

Once all done, click on “OK” to save this set-up.


NOTE: Once you use the radio and with the up/down key switch between zones,
holding the key down for up or down rapidly switches the zones instead of repetitively
pushing it to switch.

Create a ‘Zone’ name (that relates to the name of the scan list in the step above) and
leave empty for the time being. Creating a ‘Zone’ allows you to put your configured
‘channels’ into logical groups. You can use the same ‘name’ for these (as your Scan List
names) to help you keep things straight in your mind, they are in two different sections,
so there is no conflict. You will need to create a zone in order to select the group of
channels you will be adding. Naming choice is up to you, and the ‘Zones’ do not have a
limit of 16 channels on this radio. You can name each zone by the geographical
location or any other name you wish. Add your channels in the order you wish them to be
accessed by the channel select knob or menu selection. Please note that you are able to
sort the order of the channels or move one up or down to better reflect where you want
it when turning the channel knob. You may wish to use a name for your zones that
relates to its ‘Scan Lists’.

In the Zone menu, double-click on Line No.1 to open the Zone Edit window.

The green up and green down arrow in the picture below allow re-sorting the Zone list
names to achieve a different order.

The below sample for MN State allows scanning the same channel but from several
different repeaters so that when driving around the city there is always an available
connection. Other set-ups for scanning uses one repeater and scans all programmed
Talk Groups on that repeater.

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A Channel: The channel the radio starts up with for channel A

B Channel: The channel the radio starts up with for channel B

A typical display when the radio is in dual receive

mode and you listen to two channels (A plus B). The
upper A channel with the larger text is the TX
channel. You can on the display see what channel
number you listen to (CH-83 and CH- 19), what Talk
Group T2 and an Repeater with a different
frequency. On the top bar the ColorCode C11 is also
displayed. The date line may from time to time
change and show sequentially the TG, last call
person name, and time if you are in dual mode. In
single mode the bottom of the display will show this

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You can leave this blank if all you want to do is to listen to the same channel as you
transmit on. Then under Channel set-up in the section below you select “NONE” for the
Receive Group List.

If you want to listen to more TG’s besides the TG set up in the Channel set-up, add the
TG in the Receive Group Call list, then under Channel set-up in the section below you
select the list number. You can program up to 64 TG’s per receive group.

Note: If the Talk Group List contains a TG with the same number as another one, then
this Receive Group List will not work.

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The AT-D868UV offers programming of 4,000 channels for UHF and VHF. To start
double click on the first line No.1 to open the Channel Information programming window
for that channel:

The Channel Information Edit window contains several options which will be explained

Channel Name: the name of the channel (typically name of repeater and TG)
Receive Freq.: the VHF or UHF frequency
Transmit Freq.: the VHF or UHF frequency
Channel Type: Select Analog, Digital, Mixed Analog or Mixed Digital
Transmit Power: Select one of four levels 6W/2.5W/1W/0.5W
Wide Narrow: Select the bandwidth of transmit
TX Permit: Selects PTT transmit criteria – typically Same ColorCode
Scan List: Select which Scan List to start scanning from
TX Prohibit: Check if the frequency is a listening channel only
Alone: Check if the “alone” emergency function should be allowed
Talk Around : Check for RX freq. the same as the TX freq. (Simplex).

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Contact: Select the Talk Group you want for this frequency
DMR/Radio ID: Select which of the DMR ID’s to use for this channel
Color Code: Select which ColorCode is related with this channel
Slot: Select which slot (1 or 2) applies to this “Channel”
Receive Group List: If programmed select which Talk Groups you want to listen
to, or select NONE to listen to only the programmed Talk
Group for the transmission (TX and RX TG the same)
Digital Encryption: Select Off or which of 32 numbers to use for encryption
Encryption Type: Select which types to use (Normal or Enhanced).

TX Prohibit: Check if no transmit on this frequency / TG

Work Alone: Check if you want the radio to make an emergency call if you
do not do it within a set time.
Talk Around: Check if you are not using a repeater and want simplex
Through Mode: Check if TX and RX use different frequencies w/o repeater
Simplex TDMA: Check if working without repeater and using 2 slots
TDMA Adaptive: Check if for adaptive slot selection between slot 1 and 2
Call Confirmation: Check if the receiver has to transmit before accepting private
Ranging: Check if you want to allow 2 radios to check distance
between them.

CTCSS/DCS Decode Select Off or CTCSS or DCS and tone frequency
CTCSS/DCS Encode Select Off or CTCSS or DCS and tone frequency
Squelch Mode: Select how to use the squelch
Optional Signal: Select Off, DTFM, 2Tone or 5Tone
2Tone ID: Select 2 Tone ID
5Tone ID: Select 5 Tone ID
PTT ID: Select off, at start, at end or both
2Tone Decode: Write how to decode
Custom CTCSS: Enter value when requiring a custom CTCSS tone

Once completely filled in, click OK to save this Channel. There is also an option to first
“export” the channel data into a .csv file, and then work the entry of most data in the
excel format. Then save it and “import” back into the codeplug. For large channel data
entries, this may be the easiest method where copy and paste function will allow easier
generation of a lot of channels.

The channel set-up can also be created by first exporting the original channel set-up in
the radio, and then as a .csv excel file edit, copy and paste as many channels and
frequencies you need. As each repeater being programmed may have the same Talk
Groups, working all of this in a excel format and then importing it all back into the radio
is the most efficient method of building a large channel database for the radio.

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Note: working the .csv file for channels, the No. column either should be empty, or show
sequential numbers starting with 1 for channel 1, 2 for channel 2 etc.


The AT-D868UV radio basic configuration set-up is done in the Optional Setting
window. This page contains a lot of important information for the radio operation. A new
lay-out was implemented with update 1.29

Once the Optional Setting window is open, there are several sub-sections to program.
The above window shows all the 16 sub menus available in the Optional Settings.

Work Mode

Display Mode: Defines what the radio display will show when in receive mode –
frequency or channel name
VFO/MEM A: Select VFO or MEM for the “A” upper channel
MEM Zone A: Selects any of the programmed Zones to start on power up.
VFO/MEM B: Select VFO or MEM for the “B” lower channel
MEM Zone B: Selects any of the programmed Zones

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Main Channel Set: Select the “A” or “B” channel to become the main channel
Sub-Channel Mode: Select Off if only the “A” channel will be used; On for both A and B


VOX Level: Select Off or 1 to 3

VOX Delay: Select how many seconds of delay
VOX Detection: Select built-in mic or external mic or both

Squelch Tail Eliminate (STE) for simplex radio to radio only

STE Type CTCSS: Select Off, Silent or a selected tone phase shift
STE When No Signal: Select Off or 55.2 Hz or 259.2 Hz


FM VFO/MEM: Select VFO or Memory

FM Work Channel: Select the FM channel to listen to (after set-up done)
FM Monitor: When in FM mode select On if the radio shall receive calls

Power Save

Auto Shutdown: Select Off or minutes before auto shut-down

Power Save: Select Off or 1:1 or 2:1 for saving power

Key Function

Key Lock: Select Manual or Auto key lock function

PF1 Short Key: Select from several functions for the radio key below PTT
PF2 Short Key: Select from several functions for the radio key 2 below PTT
PF3 Short Key: Select from several functions for the orange radio key
P1 Short Key: Select from several functions for the P1 radio key
P2 Short Key: Select from several functions for the P2 radio key
PF1 Long Key: Select from several functions for the radio key below PTT
PF2 Long Key: Select from several functions for the radio key 2 below PTT
PF3 Long Key: Select from several functions for the orange radio key
P1 Long Key: Select from several functions for the P1 radio key
P2 Long Key: Select from several functions for the P2 radio key
Long Key Time: Select how many seconds to hold the key for Long duration
Knob Lock: Select Off or On to lock the knobs function
Keyboard Lock: Select Off or On to lock the keyboard
Side Key Lock: Select Off or On to lock the side keys (PF1 – P2)
Forced Lock Key: Select Off or On when all others are locket to prevent unlock.

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Note: One of the 5 external programmable keys
can be programmed to become the “Ranging”
key. When pushed just after receiving a call, will
initially display 2 screens while making a short
GPS transmission, and after a few seconds
display who called, the position and distance of
the incoming caller if both radios are receiving
GPS satellite position information. This can be
very helpful to identify where the person you are
talking to is located.


TOT: Max Total Time of Transmit or Off

Frequency Step: In VFO mode, selects the frequency steps
Language: Select language for the programming software
SQL Level A: Set the squelch level for the “upper” channel – set at 1
SQL Level B: Set the squelch level for the “down” channel – set at 1
TBST: Tone Pulse Freq. Selection to open certain repeaters – to
initiate this tone push the PTT + PF1 key below the PTT together to send tone!
Select TX Contact: When On, the radio DMR ID can be changed from keyboard
Analog Call Hold Time: Select how long a call is held for Analog reception.
Call Channel maintained: Set to Off or On allows a transmit on the sub-channel B if
done within 5 seconds after the call carrier was dropped
Show Last Call on Launch: Select Off or On to show last call on channel change
Priority Zone A: Select Off or which zone should become priority
Priority Zone B: Select Off or which zone should become priority

Digital Function

Group Call Hold Time: Select hang time for a Group Call
Person Call Hold Time: Select hang time for a Private Call
Prewave Time: Select the time to wake-up the radio from a power save
Wake Head Period: Select the time for the preamble – 200 mS recommended
Filter own ID in miss call: Select Off or On then the radio will not remind of a miss call
when receiving a call with same ID.
Digital Remote Stun/Kill: Select Off or On to allow remote shut-down of a radio
Digital Monitor: Select Off or Single or Dual Slot to allow promiscuous mode
Digital Monitor CC: Select Any or Same to allow same Color Code monitor
Digital Monitor ID: Select Any or Same to allow monitor for a DMR ID
Monitor Slot Hold: Select Off or On to monitor Slot continuously
Remote Monitor: Select Off or On to allow other radio to check this radio
SMS Confirmation: Select Off or On to allow an SMS to be confirmed
recommend On if sending SMS
SMS Format: Select M (Motorola) or H (Hytera) format for SMS messages

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Power On

Power-on Interface: Select Default, Custom Char. or Custom Picture at start-up

Power-on Display Char.: Enter your unique characters for the start-up display
Power-on Password: Select On or Off
Power-on Password Ch.: Write in keyboard characters to unlock the radio

Alert Tone

SMS Alert: Select which notification you want when receiving an SMS
Call Alert: Select which notification you want when getting a digital call
Dig Call Reset Tone: Select Off or On, Digital call has a group call hold time and a
private call hold time to prevent voice missing after the call.
When set Digi Call Reset Tone is On, it will beep when the
hold time terminates.
Call Tone: Select if you want a tone confirming Digital and/or Analog
repeater connection at the start of a call
Key Tone: Select Off or On if you want a tone for pressing a key
Idle Channel Tone: Select Off or On if you want a tone when a channel is idle
Startup Sound: Select Off or On if you want a tone when powering on
Volume Change Prompt: Select Off or On to show a volume screen when changed
Key Tone Vol. Level: Select Adjustable (volume knob) or a level from 1 - 15
The programming also allows you to program the tone frequency for the Idle Channel
Tone, the Call Tone and the Call Reset Tone as well as the duration of those tones.


Brightness: Sets the display brightness – 5 is the brightest

Auto Backlight Duration: Sets the time the display is on or “Always” for always on
Menu exit time: Set the time the Menu selection is left on - minimum 5 sec
Time Display: Select Off or On to show current time at top of LCD screen
Last Caller: Select Off or what to display on the screen
Call Display Mode: Select Name or Call Sign as primary display
Call Sign Display Color: Select Red or Black for how to display the call sign
Call End Prompt Box: Select Off or On to add a display box indicating end of call
Current Contact Display: Select Off or On for rotating display of all data on LCD


GPS: Set On or Off (can also be changed under Menu)

Get GPS Positioning: Select Off or On to allow other radio to check this radio
Time Zone: Set the GMT time zone for the radio
Ranging Interval: Select from 5 to 255 sec for checking received GPS position
Ranging Display: Select meters or feet for the ranging display
GPS Template Inform.: Select Off or On to include a GPS message (written below)
to be part of the GPS TX data

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VFO Scan

VFO Scan Type: Select TO – 5 sec stop, CO – 2 sec stop or SE stops scan
VFO Scan Start UHF: Set start frequency for a UHF Analog scan
VFO Scan End UHF: Set stop frequency for a UHF Analog scan
VFO Scan Start VHF: Set start frequency for a VHF Analog scan
VFO Scan End VHF: Set stop frequency for a VHF Analog scan

Auto Repeater

Auto Repeater: When On, changing the TX frequency via keyboard, will also
change RX with correct offset.
Auto Repeater UHF: Set to Off or set the offset for the RX frequency for UHF
Auto Repeater VHF: Set to Off or set the offset for the RX frequency for VHF


Record Function: Select Off or On to record each TX and RX internally

Record Delay: Select 0 to 5 sec to eliminate a short TX being recorded


Maximum Volume: Select 1 > 8 for higher max volume – 8 is max

Max Headset Volume: Select Indoor, or 1 > 8 for max volume for a headphone
Mic Gain: Allows increasing the mic sensitivity from 1 to 5 times
Enhanced Audio: Set to On for increased high pitch voice or Off for normal.

Once all the parameters have been programmed, click on “OK” to save what you have


Go back to your Scan List, add the ‘ON’ channels for slot 1 and 2 to this list from the
just created group of channels. You may also implement the alternative method,
understanding the limitations.


Go back to the Zone List you previously created and add in the first 16 channels of the
most recent group you added. Most radios can only have 16 channels in a Zone, so
pick the ones you want. If you need more, then you create another Zone List and add
the ones missing. If the Talk Group is in the less used second zone, you will need to
change zones and channel to reply (unless you set a sufficient delay in scanning).
With this method, your scan list will scan all active talk groups on any channel, then
you rotate the channel selector to that talk group to respond.

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Analog and Digital alarm settings can be programmed via above set-up.


With the radio attached to the USB port on your computer, you can access Embedded
Message information about the radio. To change or add any of the information it
requires a separate software package from AnyTone only provided to dealers.


Add a zone for your analog channels, and then add each repeater as a channel.
Name your zone by its function or geography (choice is yours). Optionally you can also

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create scan lists for your analog channels and assign a scan list to a group of channels
or an entire zone.


The radio allows a set of addresses for the Analog mode. Open the Analog Address
Book and click on the first line to open the Analog Address Book Edit window.

The Call ID reference the DTMF or 5Tone number programmed under its menu


The radio has a function to send SMS messages from your radio to other Digital
Contacts. There is an opportunity to create advanced SMS messages and have them
stored in the radio. Open the Prefabricated SMS window, and click on the first line to
open the Prefabricated SMS Edit window.

Here you can program SMS messages and store in the radio – see below.

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You can edit the Encryption code as desired but this should not be used in the USA.


The radio offers a comprehensive alarm system to protect the user of the radio under
several conditions. Open the Alarm Setting to gain access to the Emergency
Information Edit window.

Analog Alarm

Emergency Alarm: Select from Alarm, Transpond + Background, Transpond + Alarm,

or Both
ENI Type Selected: Select from None, DTMF or 5Tone
Emergency ID: When ENI Type choose DTMF or 5Tone, you should edit the DTMF
or 5Tone firstly, then choose the required number in this column
Alarm Times: Select after what time the alarm should be initiated
Duration of TX: Select the duration of the Alarm transmission
Duration of RX: Select the duration of listening mode after an alarm reset
Emergency ENI: Select which channel the Alarm should be sent out on
Emergency Ch.: Select which channel to use
Emergency Cycle: Select Continuous or a time
NOTE: A channel is the No. on the Channel Menu line for the selected frequency.

Work Alone

Response Time: Select the time for the radio to respond to an Alarm trigger
Warning Time: Select the duration if a warning transmission

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

Response: Select Key or Voice for a response to reset

Digital Alarm

Emergency Alarm: Select one of 4 options for how to initiate an Alarm

Alarm Time: Select after what time to initiate the Alarm
Duration of TX: Select the duration of the Alarm transmission
Duration of RX: Select the duration of listening mode after an alarm reset
Emergency ENI: Select which channel the Alarm should be sent out on
Emergency Ch.: Select which channel to use
Emergency Cycle: Select Continuous or a time
Number: Channel number from the Channel Menu No. line
Name: Enter the name and license number you want transmitted.
City: Enter the location of your position to be transmitted
Call Type: Select the type of call you need for an Alarm
Call Tips: Select how you want the alarm to respond.

Enter OK to save.


Displays the USB COM port information


The Hot Key programming offers 3 sub-windows within the Hot Key Edit window.

Analog Quick Call

The Call ID refer to the DTMF, 2Tone or 5 Tone set up under separate menu

State Information

Allows text messages to be entered and made available for digital calls and can be
selected when using Hot Key’s functions

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

Hot Key

The Hot Key window allows set-up of a keyboard key to access a function. See page 12
in your AT-D868UV Operating Manual for more details.


The programming of Analog channels are done the same way as for the digital
channels. Analog and digital channels can be mixed, but will be easier to find if
programmed as a separate group at the end of all digital DMR channels. Exporting and
working all this in the .csv format will allow to sort the channels before loading into the
radio, so that the digital channels appear first, and the analog following rather than

If you by means of this Guide feel confident to program digital channels, entering your
analog channels should be very easy.


The AT-D868UV radio comes with a special programming cable. This cable requires
the computer to find a driver so that it will work correctly – most computers will find this
driver automatically when inserted into the USB connector and radio for the first time.
Per note on page 1 please update the read and write speed of the driver.

Select if you want to write just the “Other Data” (all radio parameters) and/or Digital
Contact List when loading the CodePlug into the radio. Write the file to your radio.
Save the file to your PC with a name that you will remember. You may wish to use

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version numbers in your file naming to help you with progressive updates. At some point
you may ‘break’ your CodePlug by setting something differently and this may affect the
radio operation. It helps to be able to ‘go back’ to an earlier working version. Some
CodePlug Programming Software (CPS) may also require that you update the clock in
the radio by another function, be sure to do this if you want an accurate time display!

2.0 TOOL Pull-down Menu

The pull-down TOOL menu offers several unique features such as listening to all
recorded information, importing and exporting file data to an excel format for separate
programming, mode function, extended settings, firmware updating, adding a boot
image, and default channel settings.


The radio Menu under “Record” has to be set under Record Switch to On for the radio
to record all conversation. A maximum of 3 hours of recordings are offered with the
standard radio – options exist for up to 300 hours. Recordings can be played back
directly from the radio. A new feature is to “loop” playback to hear all recordings, one
after the other. The list of recordings can also be accessed from the TOOL menu in the
CPS. Once the List of Recordings is opened, click on “Read Record Data” to import a
list of all recorded data stored in the radio. The recording can then be saved to your
computer or played to hear what was said.


This feature allow importing to an excel spreadsheet each of the programming features
so that all the features of excel can be used to build and enhance a CopePlug. Some
details are described above in the Contact Information section.

2.3 MODE

The Mode Selection allows the CPS software not to check for Channel names and
Contact names to be identical. This feature has been requested by the California
Amateur clubs due to the amount of repeaters they cover. Add a check to allow same
Contact and Channel numbers.


This menu is available under the TOOL pull-down

as “eXtended”, and define which parts of the Talk
Group information in Step 1 above will be displayed
on the LCD display screen during reception of a
call. If nothing is selected, then the Name of the TG
is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and if any
of the items in this menu is selected those will be
displayed at the bottom of the display.

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide


If you have the Firmware Update Software (described in section 4.0 below) installed on
your computer, this is a direct way to access this firmware.


The TOOL menu in the CPS has an option to replace the Boot Image to something you
desire. Here are the options:

 Open Image – accepts JPG images from

your photos or files (size not critical as
software will re-size)
 Open Bin – opens a .bin image file
 Save Bin – saves the image you opened to
a .bin file
 Read – read your loaded image file from the
radio (if you loaded one)
 Write – write your new image file to the radio


This TOOL Menu accesses the first channel of your list of channels.


This function is used to export the codeplug to a format .dcf which can be read by the
Contact Manager described in section 6.0 below where it then can be fully manipulated.
The CPS can import the .dcf file just as it can a .csv file.


The Model pull-down menu allows to check which of the 10 frequency bands the radio is
programmed for. To check – read in the current codeplug with the CPS, and open the
Model > Model Information to see what Band the radio is set for. Changes can only be
done by the manufacturer here.

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide


On the top row of the LED display the following indications can appear:

 Reception bars left side is showing signal strength

 Within a square “L/M/H/T” transmit power levels showing from Low to Turbo
 Speaker = Digital Monitor is turned on for 1 or 2 slots (promiscuous mode)
 Microphone = You have turned On the recording feature of the radio (3 hours)
 GPS symbol gray = no GPS signal received, red = GPS signal received
 “A” indicates a set-up for Automatic Power Off
 CC11 for Digital reception shows the ColorCode for the primary channel
 DCS or CTC for Analog reception indicates a tone signaling squelch
 The date line changes and shows sequentially date/last heard/current TG
 DIG/ANA CH-796 – shows the channel type and number of the channel.
 T1 or T2 time slot shown for the digital channel used as “A” and/or “B”
 R next to a digital channel = repeater with different RX and TX frequency. A red
R indicates reversed RX and TX frequencies.

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NOTE: Please follow procedures very carefully and make sure you use correct
version of firmware – check radio DEVICE INFO for your version (1 or 2)!

The AT-D868UV radio is a newly designed DMR radio, and AnyTone may from time to
time issue updates to the operating system (firmware) for the radio. The firmware
update is done in a similar manner as loading a codeplug into the radio – it requires the
programming cable.

Obtain the firmware updating software from AnyTone:


Run this program to install a small program to allow the download of the firmware into
the radio. It will install QXCodePro_Update_dpinst 1.02 on your computer. Open this
program and you will see the following window. This could also be accessed via the
TOOL menu if you have the above program installed on your computer.

NOTE: The AT-D868UV radio may from time to time be significantly updated with
features which may require a different firmware compared to earlier manufactured
radios. A recent update now offers an optional memory chip inside the radio for up to
300 hours of voice recording. This model goes under Version 2 (Hdw V.1.10) compared
to the original radio being Version 1 (Hdw V. 1.00). The firmware for those different
radios is also identified with V1.19 or V2.19 for example and will be supported forever.
Please check your radio’s Menu under Settings and Device Info for version number
before loading any firmware into the radio. Also – save your CodePlug before you do a
Firmware update!

Make sure that Com Speed is set to 921600, and place a checkmark in the Duplex box.

Download your 3 firmware files from
and note that you need to determine what version of the radio
you own so you select the 3 correct files: V1.xx, or V2.xx and
place the correct files in the same folder as the above program.

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

Click on “Open Update File”, and open the “D868UV_xxxxx.spi” file and you should

Connect the radio (powered of) to the programming cable and

connect it to the computer USB port.

Power on the radio while holding the top orange,

and the PTT button pushed in – the red LED on the top of the
radio should start blinking.

Click “Write” and the firmware should load into the radio. You will see the progress on a
separate display on your computer. The radio will re-start after the firmware has been

Most firmware updates may specify that

a Radio System Reset must be done before
continuing – see below for how to do this.


NOTE: Do not do this without having your codeplug saved on your computer!

If the AT D868UV radio becomes un-operative, there is a solution to reset the entire
radio. This is not recommended if the radio operates ok, but can become a final solution
for a major problem. Also – after some firmware updates this may be a required

To reset the radio, power it on while holding the PTT and the PF1 button below the
PTT at the same time. The radio may ask you to confirm that you want to perform a full
reset – reply Confirm. The radio will start up with a note on the display stating MCU
Reset, Please Wait – and do not turn the radio off while it restarts.

After a re-start the radio will display the setting for time zone, the date and the time. Use
the up-down key to set the current time zone. Move to the year by pushing the P1 key.
Set the year, and use the P1 key to move forward each step. Once done, click the
Menu key to save the time zone, date and time.

You may now see the Chinese language. If it starts with Chinese, click Menu, scroll
down to the grey cogwheel globe and click Menu, click Menu 1 more time (Radio Set)
and scroll down to item #11 (Language) and click Menu and select English.

The codeplug has also been replaced as part of the system re-set, so you need to re-
load your codeplug into the radio to make it work the way it should. Please remember to
update your DMR ID number and the start-up display if you use a codeplug from the

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide


NOTE: This is a very rare update but may be require to be done!

Download 3 firmware files from AnyTone:

With a different QX Code Update software V1.02, “Open Update File” and open the
D868_1G_ICON_Vx.x.spi file

Connect the radio (powered off) to the programming cable and then to the computer
USB port.

Power on the radio while holding the PTT and the button with the two lines below the
PTT. The radio should display UPDATE MODE on the front display.

Make sure you have selected the correct COM PORT as it may be a different one from
the one used above. Click “Write” and the firmware should load into the radio showing
the progress.

Turn off the radio, and power it back on to restart it.

5.0 CPS Programmer – Programming Software Helper for AT D868UV

A German Amateur Klaus DL5MCC has developed a comprehensive software program

to help with coduplug programming for several types of DMR radios, now also the
D868UV radio. His software can be downloaded from:
Download the two software files and open the CPSProgramer_xxxxxx.exe This small
program first of all will allow you to convert the DMR-MARK contact list to the format
needed by the D868UV radio. Download the database from:
Then in the CPSProgrammer use the pull-down menu Convert CSV and select Convert
Contacts CSV – once opened you see a new window where you under “Select
Contacts CSV” open the downloaded contacts database which may be in a .cgi format,
but that is ok. Make sure the “Target” displays AT-D868UV. Then at the bottom of the
open window, click Convert CSV, and you will see the program operate for a while
converting all the contacts to the D868UV format.

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

After the conversion, Save the file in a place so you can open it under the D868UV
Programming Software as a file to Import for all the Contacts. This makes updates of
the Contact List very easy and quick. Please note that this program changes the
position of the “name” and the “call sign” in the excel .csv program so that the display on
the radio will emphasize the Call Sing instead of the Name as follows:

CPS Programmer display Normal D-868UV display

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

The 1.23 version of the CPS allow selection which format as shown above you like:
Open the Optional Settings > Digital Function > Call Display Mode to set the radio
display to either of above formats.

6.0 Contact Manager - CodePlug Converter Help for the AT-D868UV

A US Amateur Tom N0GSG has created a Contact Manager piece of software which
can convert an .rdt codeplug software from several different radios to the D868UV
specific format. This software can also update the contact list with all the 90,000+ DMR
names and help to input this into the radio. This software is available at his web site

Please note that saved .rdt

codeplug files saved directly
from the CPS software may
not work correctly with the
Contact Manager. The CPS
version 1.26 or later offers
under TOOLS > Export Data
Conversion File the option to
export the codeplug into a
.dcf file which the Contact
Manager can open and work
correctly with. This process
is required for all of the
D868UV codeplug programs
generated after CPS version

The best feature of the Contact Manager is the conversion of for example the TYT MD-
2017 codeplug (or any other similar dual band codeplug ending in .rdt) to the AnyTone
D868UV format. Here is what you do:
 Open the Contact Manager 2,50 or later.
 In AnyTone CPS program save the original “blank” codeplug from the radio.
 Now open the “blank” AT D-868UV codeplug you just saved in Contact Mgr.
 You may see some errors, but ignore them for the moment
 Then click the Structural Imports
 Select all checkmarks and click Import Selected Structures…
 Select the TYT MD-2017 codeplug you want to use for the conversion
 You will see a window telling what you have imported for the D868UV codeplug

 To add any missing DMR ID’s click Import Contacts from DMR-MARK Database
 Click Entire Database (WW) and the program loads 90,000+ names
 Or type a country in the search area and click “search” if you do not want all.
 Click Add All Records and you will add any missing DMR contact

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AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide

 Click Done Searching to complete the addition into the codeplug

 Update the Radio DMR-MARK ID Number on the top right with your number
 Save the new D868UV codeplug so you can open it with the CPS program

You need to review the Optional Settings in the CPS to make it unique for your needs.
Then load it into the D868UV radio and you have a new codeplug originally made for
another radio!

7.0 Custom Digital Contact Wizard

Marshall Dias W0OTM is offering a Contact Wizard on-line program which can
download contact names for the AnyTone D868UV radio sorted from the entire list, by
country only, or even by State alone and then it will generate a .csv file you can load
into the AnyTone Programming Software (CPS) via the TOOL submenu > Import >
Contacts. The on-line help can be found at:

Select the radio, then click on Step 2 and then Step 3 to create your .csv file.

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