Relative Color Pickup of Three Different Knits and Predictive Dyeing Recipe Formulation
Relative Color Pickup of Three Different Knits and Predictive Dyeing Recipe Formulation
Relative Color Pickup of Three Different Knits and Predictive Dyeing Recipe Formulation
Relative Color Pickup of Three Different Knits and Predictive Dyeing Recipe
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2 authors, including:
Mdrashedul Islam
Central Michigan University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Pre-post Bleaching Behaviors of Cotton Knits Using Reductive and Oxidative bleaches View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Mdrashedul Islam on 09 April 2020.
Colors make the world attractive and pollute it with The knitted fabrics influx in casual apparel
worldwide demonstrated through the proceeding
pleasing venom [1]. Colors have been applied to
information compelled the researchers to focus on
improve the appearance of the surface since the
knitted materials. The global market of knitted products
prehistoric time. Historical records show that humans
extracted color from vegetables, fruits, flowers, animals was estimated $77.7 billion in 2017, and the Asian
and insects to dye the objects dating back to 3500 BC region was the contributor for 68.8% of the global knit
market [7]. Over the years, the growing knit apparel
[1]. Textiles industry is one of the biggest users of dyes
industry is replacing woven products continually [8].
for coloring the fabrics. However, the textile dyeing
On the other hand, knit production facilities do not
process is not as easy as it sounds and requires a lot of
require high investments as it is required for the woven
time and effort to create the uniform shade [2].
Uniformity in the shade is important for the textile industry. Low manpower, low energy consumption, and
product. Garments are made of different fabric automation have brought revolutionary changes in the
knit industry. In recent years, the reducing costs of knit
constructions (knitted or woven and their variations)
products has given it a comparative advantage over
that absorb dye differentially [3]. Several garments use
woven products without losing their quality [7]
both knitted and woven materials together. Woven
garments could have knitted cuffs or collars. Or,
The knitted structures were made of cotton problem, A.H. Munsell underlined “music is equipped
was used for the study because they are used most with a system by which it defines as each sound terms
widely globally. Statista also revealed that the global of its pitch, intensity, and duration” and in the same
cotton business increased from the last 30 years [9]. way he pointed out “color should be supplied with an
The apparel products made of cotton are comfortable to appropriate system based on the hue, value, and
human skin and famous for its moisture absorption Chroma” [11]. According to Munsell color system,
capacity. There are several dyestuffs to color cotton color was expressed by three variables: a) Hue; to
fabrics. Reactive dyes are the most common dyestuff express the saturation level of colors. b) Value; to
used for cotton dyeing because it renders an excellent express whiteness or darkness. c) Chroma; it expresses
colorfastness by creating covalent bonds with color [4]. depth of the color [16].
Several textile industries of Bangladesh use reactive
dyes in the coloration process. The revenue generated
by U.S. dye market from 2014 to 2018 is the highest in
history [10].
Cell-O- + Dye-Cl → Cell-O-Dye + Cl- Nayem, and Azim (2014) approached to dye cotton and
silk with natural curcumin in the presence of different
Ratte and Stephen started dyeing at neutral pH mordanting chemicals. They suggested that exhaustion
= 7. The salt is added in the dye bath to promote initial curcumin significantly relies on mordanting
exhaustion of dyes into the fiber. During this step, dyes performance [28]. Shimo and Smriti (2015) examined
do not react with cellulose and it facilitates fiber to fiber the relative color strength and color coordinates based
dye migration. Then the alkali is added in the dye bath on fabric GSM and the amount of dye concentration.
to promote the reaction between fiber and dyes [4]. They asserted that color strength and color coordinates
increased with the colorant concentration and GSM of
Relative color pickup the same knit structure [29]. Acharya et al., (2014)
introduced trimethyl-ammonium chloride (CHPTAC)
Sadeghi-Kiakhani and Safapour (2015) cationizer in salt-free reactive dyeing of cotton and
emphasized the salt-free dyeing of cotton fabric. They demonstrated that there is a pivotal effect of CHPTAC
used chitosan-poly (propylene imine) dendrimer hybrid concentration in the percent of color exhaustion [30].
(CS-PPI) instead of traditional textile dyeing salts. The Hasan et al., (2015) revealed that the cotton and silk
study suggested that the amount of CS-PPI cationizing fabric dyed with Lawsone extracted from henna leaves
agent affects positively on dye exhaustion percentage provides better color coordinates and depth in the shade
[19]. Khatri et al., (2012) reported that the color depending on the used mordant [31]. Sufian et al.,
exhaustion of cellulosic fiber relies on the dye diffusion (2016) compared conventional Remazol reactive dye
into the fiber polymer system and the degree of and Avitera reactive dye for better color yielding. They
diffusion depends on the amount of electrolyte found the quality of dyes greatly affected color
concentration and temperature of the dye bath [20]. exhaustion and levelness [32]. Kamruzzaman et al.,
Zhang et al., (2015) examined that the cotton fabric (2016) have shown that the relative color exhaustion
dyed with Hemicyanine fluorescent dye in presence of depends on the optimum use of soda ash and sodium
PMA (poly-maleic acid) crosslinking agent possessed hydroxide in the reactive dyeing process [33].
an undeniable fluorescence effect. However, they found
that the amount of PMA crosslinking agent also Most of the previous studies suggested that the
contributed to wrinkle resistance property [21]. Fu et investigation regarding relative color exhaustion has
al., proclaimed that dyeing in a nonaqueous medium in been done based on pretreatment, dyeing auxiliaries,
the D5-suspension system significantly improves color dyeing condition, dyes type, and process. Table I
pickup compared to the traditional reactive dyeing provides summary of scholarly literature on relative
process. Additionally, this process minimizes the risk of color exhaustion regarding pretreatment, additives,
dye-hydrolysis [22]. Tang et al., (2014) stressed that the conditions, dyes and processes. However, the authors
creation of polymer layer on the knit fabric surface by inferred that there is a gap in the study of color
applying dye attracting nanoparticles enhances color exhaustion and knit structures. From the findings of
exhaustion [23]. Ali et al., (2015) informed that the Shimo and Smriti (2015) regarding GSM (grams per
application of cationic starch (Q-TAC) in the reactive square meter) and color strength [29] and literature
dyeing process instead of salt augments the dye review the author developed the following hypothesis.
exhaustion [24].
Hypothesis 1: Color exhaustion depends on the
Zhao, Feng, and Wang (2014) stated that the type of knit structure in the same dye bath
color exhaustion of cellulase enzyme treated flux fabric
improves compared to untreated fabric. Dyeing bath TABLE I
temperature, temp and PH increases color exhaustion to Previous scholarly works on relative color exhaustion
a certain extent [25]. Bhuiyan et al., (2017) investigated
the dyeing properties of jute fiber with natural dye Covered
henna after carrying out the treatment by chitosan Study Description
solution and assessed that chitosan treated fabric
appeared darker in shade compared to untreated fabric
[26]. Bouzidi et al., (2016) endeavored to dye wool
fabric with a natural colorant extracted from Relative
Scouring and
Limoniastrum monopetalum stems. They found that color Pretreatment
color exhaustion and evenness depend on the exhaustion
optimization of the color extraction process from the Enzymatic treatment
natural source. Besides that, different types of mordants
contribute to the different depth of shades [27]. Hasan,
Cationization TABLE II
Fabric Specification
Yarn GSM
Type Composition
Soda Count Mean SD
Dyeing SJ 30/S 100% BCI Cotton 153.829 2.835
auxiliaries Rib 30/S 100% BCI Cotton 445.782 11.299
Fleece 30/S 100% BCI Cotton 293.882 3.792
other auxiliaries
The color difference of the dyed specimens
Dyeing was measured by using CM-2500d spectrophotometer,
Temperature which is a handheld portable instrument [39]-[42]. The
researchers used CIELAB color measurement system to
Time estimate the color difference among different shades.
Organic Chemicals
Inorganic Traditionally fabrics are collected in „grey
form‟ directly from the manufacturer, which means the
Plasma treatment fabrics have not been subjected to any kind of wet and
chemical treatment previously. The outer layer of
Innovative cotton contains cuticle or hydrophobic layer, so it is
Process Supercritical fluid necessary to remove that hydrophobic layer from the
treatment fabric surface to make it dyeable. The process is called
scouring. On the other hand, cotton has an inherent
natural color that makes it slightly yellowish. This
III. MATERIALS inherent color creates problems in light shade dyeing
process since it contributes to the final appearance of
The investigation compared color exhaustion the shade. Therefore, it is a good practice to remove the
of three different knit constructions (single jersey, rib, natural color from the surface of cotton for the
and fleece) for cotton dyeing. Reactive dye was chosen standardization of dyeing process. The treatment for
for the study as it is the most widely used dyestuff in removal of the natural color of cotton is called
textile dyeing, produces even shades with excellent bleaching and it whitens the fabric surface. The
color fastness, and the process is less complex [4]. following table III contains a list of chemicals that were
Fabric used for the experiments. The chemicals chosen for the
Fabrics were purchased from one of the study was acquired from the local market. Most of the
leading knit product exporters of Bangladesh. To add textile industries use Hydrogen Peroxide (50%) as
reliability and validity in experimentation results, the bleaching chemical for cotton [43]. However, this
fabrics were produced by using threads of the same chemical was not available in the local market since it
yarn size and fiber content. The manufacturer used causes skin burn and lung cancer [44]. CLOROX was
„indirect yarn numbering system‟ or „English cotton used instead of Caustic Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide,
count‟ to express the yarn size which refers to the and available in the local market. CLOROX contains
number of hanks in one pound of cotton [34]. All knit both Caustic Soda and Sodium Hypochlorite (instead of
types were made from 100% BCI cotton, where BCI Hydrogen Peroxide) for combined scouring and
stands for „Better Cotton Initiative‟, and it also means bleaching purpose [45]. The dyeing process requires
that the cotton cultivation was carried out without any salt to promote initial exhaustion, color, and soda ash to
hazardous chemicals [35]-[36]. Table II below lists the facilitate reaction between dyes and fiber. Finally,
details about fabrication [37], yarn size [34], vinegar was used for neutralization purpose.
composition, and fabric weight [38] represented as
Table III
List of Chemicals
Chemicals TABLE V
Recipe for dyeing (Step 3)
CLOROX 10 g/l
Acetic acid 2 g/l Chemicals
Process parameters Salt 100 g/l
Time 60 min Red 3% owf*
Temperature 98° C Yellow 3% owf*
M: L 1:20 Blue 3% owf*
Soda Ash 20 g/l
Dyeing (Step 3)
Acid 1 g/l
The bleached specimens were then immersed Process parameters
in dyeing water and the required amount of salt was
added. The temperature was raised to 60°C and the Time 60 min
color solution was dosed slowly by taking time. The Temperature 65° C
slow addition of color ensured uniform distribution. P H
9 to 10
The temperature was again raised to 65°C and the
required amount of soda ash was dosed slowly. After M: L 1:20
dosing, 65°C temperature is maintained continuously *owf = on the weight of fabric.
for 60 min. Then the dyeing solution was dropped, and
specimens were neutralized (Table V). Dyeing with the revised recipe (Step 5)
Measurement of color difference (Step 4) The measured E for rib and fleece were then
added with the main recipe for step five. Broadbent
The color differences E) were measured by (2001) informed that the reactive dye is prone to
comparing CIELAB values of single jersey, rib, and hydrolyze by reacting with water molecules, this causes
fleece such as S1 vs R1, R1 vs F1, and F1 vs S1 (This waste of dyes [4]. Considering hydrolysis effect of
was the first part of the investigation). The point to be reactive dyes, authors decide to add two more activities
noted, the readings of CIELAB values were taken only for step five such as main recipe + 0.8 E, and main
from the face side of samples. However, this study used recipe + 1.2 E (Table VI). All the activities of step
CIELAB color system using RYB model, since all the five were explained in step 1 (Sampling and recipe
Dyeing with adjusted recipes (Step 5)
CIELAB values of knits (dyed in the same bath at step 3)
Table IX
CIE LAB: Measurement of color difference (ΔE)
Comparison ΔL ΔL2 Δa Δa2 Δb Δb2 ΔE
SJ vs Rib 1.88 3.52 -0.75 0.56 -1.34 1.80 2.42
SJ vs Fleece -0.67 0.45 -0.35 0.12 -0.62 0.38 0.98
Comment 1 Single jersey is lighter than rib, and shade difference is visible at a glance.
Single jersey is darker than fleece, and shade difference is not visible to
Comment 2 human eyes.
Rib vs SJ -1.88 3.52 0.75 0.56 1.34 1.80 2.42
Rib vs Fleece -2.55 6.48 0.40 0.16 0.72 0.52 2.68
Comment 3 Rib is darker than single jersey, and shade difference is visible at a glance.
Comment 4 Rib is darker than fleece, and shade difference is visible at a glance.
Fleece vs SJ 0.67 0.45 0.35 0.12 0.62 0.38 0.98
Fleece bs Rib 2.55 6.48 -0.40 0.16 -0.72 0.52 2.68
Fleece is lighter than single jersey, and shade difference is not visible to
Comment 5 human eyes.
Comment 6 Fleece is lighter than rib, and shade difference is visible at a glance.
were varied significantly for the knitted structures as
discussed earlier. However, from t-test (at 95%
Hypothesis Testing confidence level) analysis, authors uncovered that the
higher GSM did not always pickup more color
Hypothesis 1: Color exhaustion depends on the type of compared to lower GSM. The statistical analysis
knit structure in the same dye bath. stressed that µL (Single Jersey) > µL (Rib), µL (Fleece)
> µL (Rib), and µL (Single Jersey) >/ µL (Fleece).
Table VIII shows that though single jersey, Figure 2 showed that even though GSM was higher for
rib, and fleece are made of cotton, they have fleece (293.882), it was lighter than single jersey
significantly different L*, a*, b* values in the dyed (153.829).
samples. Results from One-Way Analysis of Variance
revealed that L* values of three types of knits differed
significantly (F2, 12 = 39.837, p<.000). Single Jersey
(55.88) was lighter than rib knit (54.01) but darker than
the fleece (56.55) tested for the investigation.
Differences were also significant for a* values (F2, 12 =
4.085, p<.044). Rib (21.24) and fleece (20.84) were
more reddish than the single jersey (20.49). Results
from the comparison of b* values also demonstrated
significant difference by knit construction (F2,
12=19.893, p<.000). Both rib (3.56) and fleece (2.83)
were yellower than the single jersey knit (2.22).
Significant differences in L*, a*, b* values as measured
by spectrophotometer and tested by ANOVA
demonstrated that the color exhaustion relies on the knit
structures in the same dye bath. Hypothesis I was Fig 2: GSM vs the amount of dye intake.
accepted. Previous literature did not report any
information on the proposed relationship. Recipe development for step five (from Table X, and
Table XI)
The second part of the study was started from
Next, One-Way Analysis of Variance also
step five. It included shade correction activities where
disclosed that GSM of the three different knits differed
CIELAB value of single jersey was considered the
significantly (F2, 12 = 2130.892, p<0.000). Single
target shade for other two knit structures. The shade
jersey had the lowest mean GSM (153.829), rib had the
difference percentage was calculated by the following
highest mean GSM (445.782), and fleece was in the
equation. Table X represents shade difference among
middle (293.882). Besides that, the CIELAB values
three different knits and was obtained from Rib is 3.64 Reddish
spectrophotometer. Fleece is 1.70 Reddish
Fabric % Comment on Δb
Shade difference
Rib is 60.47 Yellowish
Fleece is 27.89 Yellowish
Comments on rib and fleece shade with respect to single The obtained shade difference between the
jersey target and specimens were then employed in the recipe
correction Table XI, and the dyeing recipe was adjusted
Fabric % Comment on ΔL by three pre-mentioned activities of step five; main
Rib is 3.36 Darker recipe + ΔE, main recipe + 0.8 ΔE, and main recipe +
1.2 ΔE at table XII. The rib and fleece specimens were
Fleece is 1.20 Lighter
dyed with these recipes for the second part of the study.
Fabric % Comment on Δa
Recipe correction for rib and fleece (from table X)
Color Main recipe ΔE (for rib)
= Main recipe - 3.36 % of main recipe - 3.64 % of main recipe
Red = 3 - 0.101 - 0.109
= 3 - 0.21
= Main recipe - 3.36 % of main recipe - 60.47 % of main recipe
Yellow = 3 - 0.101 - 1.814
= 3 - 1.915
= Main recipe - 3.36 % of main recipe - 0% of main recipe
Blue = 3 - 0.101 - 0
= 3 0.101
Color Main recipe ΔE (for fleece)
= Main recipe + 1.20 % of main recipe - 1.70 % of main recipe
Red = 3 + 0.036 - 0.051
= 3 - 0.015
= Main recipe + 1.20 % of main recipe - 27.89 % of main recipe
Yellow = 3 + 0.036 - 0.837
= 3 - 0.801
= Main recipe + 1.20 % of main recipe - 0% of main recipe
Blue = 3 - 0.036 - 0
= 3 + 0.036
Table XII
Adjusted recipes for rib and fleece (from table XI)
Rib Main Recipe ΔE Main recipe + ΔE Main recipe + 0.8ΔE Main recipe + 1.2ΔE
Red (%) 3.000 -0.210 2.790 2.832 2.748
Yellow (%) 3.000 -1.915 1.085 1.468 0.702
Blue (%) 3.000 -0.101 2.899 2.919 2.879
Fleece Main Recipe ΔE Main recipe + ΔE Main recipe + 0.8ΔE Main recipe + 1.2ΔE
Red (%) 3.000 -0.015 2.985 2.988 2.982
Yellow (%) 3.000 -0.801 2.199 2.359 2.039
Blue (%) 3.000 0.036 3.036 3.029 3.043
Measurement of color difference (single jersey vs rib dyed with adjusted recipe)
was to find the closest rib shade that matches with the swatch. Figure 3 radar chart is a visual representation of
target (single jersey). Considering that Table XIV was shade closeness with the target.
created by measuring color differences between single
jersey and rib (dyed with adjusted recipe). Table XIV Table XV showed CIELAB values of fleece
shows that the color difference is higher for rib (dyed specimens dyed with adjusted recipes. The mean and
with main recipe + 1.2ΔE) and rib (dyed with main standard deviation were calculated. In later, the mean
recipe + ΔE). On the other hand, rib (dyed with main values were used to compare the color difference
recipe + 0.8ΔE) is the closest one with the target between target (single jersey) and fleece specimens
(Table XVI).
CIELAB values of fleece (dyed with adjusted recipe)
Measurement of color difference (single jersey vs fleece dyed with adjusted recipe)
Fig 4: Color different between single jersey and fleece Red = R0 [1 + m (L/L0 – a/a0)] %
(dyed with adjusted recipe). Yellow = Y0 [1 + m (L/L0 – b/b0)] %
Blue = B0 [1 + m (L – L0)/L0] %
One-Way Analysis of Variance showed that R0 = Initial dyeing recipe for red color.
L* values of fleece (dyed with adjusted recipe) varied Y0 = Initial dyeing recipe for yellow color.
significantly (F2, 12 = 35.5105, p<0.000). Fleece [dyed B0 = Initial dyeing recipe for blue color.
with main recipe + ΔE] (58.406) was lighter than rib L0, a0, b0 = CIELAB value of target.
[dyed with main recipe + 0.8ΔE] (56.718) but darker L, a, b = CIELAB value of the dyed specimen.
than rib [dyed with main recipe + 1.2ΔE] (59.648) in m = Recipe adjustment factor
the final assessment. The variations were not
noteworthy for a* value (F2, 12 = 2.5806, p< 0.1169) However, sometimes fabrics are dyed in a
where fleece [dyed with main recipe + 0.8ΔE] (20.678) single color or combination of two colors instead of all
was less reddish than fleece [dyed with main recipe + these three colors. In this case, it is reasonable to use
ΔE] (21.376) and fleece [dyed with main recipe+ only the equation of that color or colors to formulate the
1.2ΔE] (21.522). The b* values demonstrated adjusted recipe. Finally, at the end of assessment one
significant difference (F2, 12= 5.4633, p< 0.0206 where can easily find out what value m produces the closest
fleece [dyed with main recipe + 0.8ΔE] (2.360) was shade to the target.
more yellowish than fleece [dyed with main recipe +
ΔE] (1.980) and fleece [dyed with main recipe + 1.2ΔE] VI. LIMITATION
(1.788). Hence, the color difference is significant
among these three shades. The objective of the study was to compare
color exhaustion based on different knit structures and
Table XVI was built based on the color to develop a framework of recipe formulation that
difference between single jersey and fleece (dyed with would facilitate the creation of more accurate shade.
adjusted recipe). It shows that the color difference is Even though the study conveyed by mimicking
higher for fleece (dyed with main recipe + 1.2ΔE) and industrial dyeing process, there were some limitations.
fleece (dyed with main recipe + ΔE). On the other hand, Most of the textile dyeing industries in Bangladesh uses
fleece (dyed with main recipe + 0.8ΔE) is the closest Sodium hydroxide (crystal) and Hydrogen peroxide
one with the target shade. Figure 4 radar chart is a (50%) for combined scouring and bleaching action.
visual representation of shade closeness with the target. Unfortunately, these chemicals are not allowed to sell
in traditional market as they are harmful to human
Predictive dyeing recipe formulation framework health and environment. The reported study used
CLOROX to bleach the cotton knits that consists of
Predictive dyeing recipe formulation is an Sodium hypochlorite and Sodium hydroxide [45].
essential job for dyeing masters before any kind of bulk Vinegar was used instead of acetic acid to neutralize the
dyeing process as they want to ensure uniformity and bleached and dyed fabric.
quality of the shade. Figure 5 represents the workflow
to develop predictive dyeing recipes for a dye-house IR [48] and Rota [49] dyers are widely used
master in a laboratory setting. At the end of the final for laboratory dyeing purpose, as it circulates the
assessment, the recipe of matched shade can be used in dyeing liquor within dye-pot for color levelness in the
bulk dyeing process. final shade. Consequently, the automatic control system
of these laboratory dyers maintains uniform rotational
speed, temperature, pressure and dyeing time. However,
the dyeing process is carried out in a small dyeing bowl The dyestuffs selected for the study was
for this study where specimens were continuously purchased from the local market and all of them were
steered by the investigators during the coloration reactive dyes with three fundamental colors (red,
process and the temperature was controlled by using yellow, and blue). Sufian et al., (2016) showed that the
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