Mechanical Testing of Steel Products': Standard Test Methods and Definitions For
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products': Standard Test Methods and Definitions For
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products': Standard Test Methods and Definitions For
Copyright QASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
E23 Test Methods for NotchedBar Impact Testing of angles to the direction of the greatest extension of the steel
Metallic Materials6 during rolling or forging. The stress appliedto a transverse
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to tension test specimen is at right angles to the greatest exten-
Determine Conformance with Specifications7 sion, and the axisof the fold of a transverse bend test specimen
E 83 Practice for Verification and Classification of Exten- is parallel to the greatest extension (Fig. 1).
someter@ 4.2 The terms “radial test” and “tangential test” are used in
E 110 Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic material specifications for some wrought circular products and
Materials by Portable Hardness Testers6 are not applicable to castings. When such reference is made to
E 190 Method for Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Welds6 a test coupon or test specimen,the following definitions apply:
E 208Test Method for Conducting Drop-WeightTest to 4.2.1 RadialTest, unless specificallydefinedotherwise,
Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is perpen-
Steels6 dicular to the axisof the product and coincident with one of the
E 290 Test Method for Semi-Guided BendTest for Ductility radii of a circle drawn with a point on the axis of the product
of Metallic Materials6 as a center (Fig. 2(a)).
E 1595 Practice for Evaluating the Performance of Me- 4.2.2 Tangential Test, unless specifically defined otherwise,
chanical Testing Laboratories6 signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is perpen-
2.2 OtherDocument: dicular to a plane containingthe axis of the product and tangent
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, to a circle drawn with a point on the axis of the product as a
Division I, Part UG-84’ center (Fig. 2(a), 2( b), 2(c), and 2(4).
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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requirement is that the load shall be transmitted axially. This tension testing is usually provided by allowing extensions or
implies that the centers of the action of the grips shall be in prolongations on one or both ends of the forgings, either on all
alignment, insofar as practicable, with the axis of the specimen or a representative number as provided by the applicable
at the beginning and during the test, and that bending or product specifications. Test specimens are normally taken at
twisting be held to a minimum. For specimens with a reduced mid-radius. Certain product specifications permit the use of a
section, gripping of the specimen shall be restricted to the grip representative bar or the destruction of a production part for
section. In the case of certain sections tested in full size, test purposes. For ring or disk-like forgings test metal is
nonaxial loading is unavoidable andin such cases shall be provided by increasing the diameter, thickness, or length of the
permissible. forging. Upset disk or ring forgings, which are worked or
7.4 Speed of Testing- The speed of testing shall not be extended by forging in a direction perpendicular to the axis of
greater than that at which load and strain readings can be made the forging, usually have their principal extension along
accurately. In production testing, speed of testing is commonly concentric circles and for such forgings tangential tension
expressed (1) in terms of free running crosshead speed (rate of specimens are obtained from extra metal on the periphery or
movement of the crosshead of the testing machine when not end of the forging. For some forgings, such as rotors, radial
under load), or (2) in terms of rate of separation of the two tension tests are required. In such cases the specimens are cut
heads of the testing machine under load, or (3)in terms of rate or trepanned from specified locations.
of stressing the specimen, or (4)in terms of rate of straining the 8.1.3 Cast Steels- Test coupons for castings from which
specimen. The following limitations on the speed of testing are tension test specimens are prepared shall be in accordance with
recommended as adequate for most steel products: the requirements of Specifications A 703/A 703M or A78U
NOTE 2-Tension testsusingclosed-loopmachines(withfeedback A 78 lM, as applicable.
control of rate) should not be performed using load control, as this mode 8.2 Size and Tolerances-Test specimens shall be the full
of testing will result in acceleration of the crosshead upon yielding and thickness or section of material as-rolled, or may be machined
elevation of the measured yield strength. to the form and dimensions shown in Figs. 3-6, inclusive. The
7.4.1 Any convenient speed of testing may be used up to selection of size and type of specimen is prescribed by the
one half the specified yield point or yield strength. When this applicable product specification. Full section specimens shall
point is reached, the free-running rate of separation of the be tested in 8-in. (200-mm) gage length unless otherwise
crossheads shall be adjusted so as not to exceed %6 in. per min specified in the product specification.
per inch of reduced section, or the distance between the grips 8.3 Procurement of TestSpecimens-Specimens shall be
for test specimens not having reduced sections. This speed sheared, blanked, sawed, trepanned, or oxygen-cut from por-
shall be maintained through the yield point or yield strength. In tions of the material. They are usually machined so as to have
determining the tensile strength, the free-running rate of a reduced cross section at mid-length in order to obtain uniform
separation of the heads shall not exceed Yi in. per min per inch distribution of the stress over the cross section and to localize
of reduced section, or the distance between the grips for test the zone of fracture. When test coupons are sheared, blanked,
specimens not having reduced sections. In any event, the sawed, or oxygen-cut, care shall betakento remove by
minimum speed of testing shall not be less than %o the machining all distorted, cold-worked, or heat-affected areas
specified maximum rates for determining yield point or yield from the edges of the section used in evaluating the test.
strength and tensile strength. 8.4 Aging of Test Specimens-Unless otherwise specified, it
7.4.2 It shall be permissible to set the speed of the testing shall be permissible to age tension test specimens. The time-
machine by adjusting the free running crosshead speed to the temperature cycle employed must be such that the effects of
above specified values, inasmuch as the rate of separation of previous processing will not be materially changed. It may be
heads under load at these machine settings is less than the accomplished by aging at room temperature 24 to 48 h, or in
specfied values of free running crosshead speed. shorter time at moderately elevated temperatures by boiling in
7.4.3 As an alternative, if the machine is equipped with a water, heating in oil or in an oven.
device to indicate the rate of loading, the speed of the machine 8.5 Measurement of Dimensions of Test Specimens:
from half the specified yield point or yield strength through the 8.5.1 Standard Rectangular Tension Test Specimens-These
yield point or yield strength may be adjusted so that the rate of forms of specimens are shownin Fig. 3. To determine the
stressing does not exceed 100,000 psi (690 MPa)/min. How- cross-sectional area, the center width dimension shall be
ever, the minimum rate of stressing shall not be less than measured to the nearest 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) for the 8-in.
10,000 psi (70 MPa)/min. (200-mm) gage length specimen and 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) for
8. Test Specimen Parameters the 2-in. (50-mm) gage length specimen in Fig. 3. The center
8.1 Selection-Test coupons shall be selected in accordance thickness dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.001 in.
with the applicable product specifications. for both specimens.
8.1.1 Wrought Steels- Wrought steel products are usually 8.5.2Standard Round Tension Test Specimens-These
tested in the longitudinal direction, but in some cases, where forms of specimens are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. To
size permits and the service justifies it, testing is in the determine the cross-sectional area, the diameter shall be
transverse, radial, or tangential directions (see Fig. 1 and Fig. measured at the center of the gage length to the nearest 0.001
2). in. (0.025 mm). (See Table 1.)
8.1.2 Forged Steels- For open die forgings, the metal for 8.6 General-Test specimens shall be either substantially
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(!Tb A 370
full size or machined, as prescribed in the product specifica- gage marks may be used, intermediate marks within the gage
tions for the material being tested. length being optional. Rectangular 2-in. gage length speci-
8.6.1 Improperly prepared test specimens often cause unsat- mens, Fig. 3, and round specimens, Fig. 4, are gage marked
isfactory test results. It is important, therefore, that care be with a double-pointed center punch or scribe marks. One or
exercised in the preparation of specimens, particularly in the more sets of gage marks may be used, however, one set must
machining, to assure good workmanship. be approximately centered in the reduced section. These same
8.6.2 It is desirable to have the cross-sectional area of the precautions shall be observed when the test specimen is full
specimen smallest at the center of the gage length to ensure section.
fracture within the gage length. This is provided for by the
taper in the gage length permitted for each of the specimens 13. Determination of Tensile Properties
described in the following sections. 13.1 Yield Point- Yield point is the first stress in a material,
8.6.3 For brittle materials it is desirable to have fillets of less than the maximum obtainable stress, at which an increase
large radius at the ends of the gage length. in strain occurs without an increase in stress. Yield point is
intended for application only for materials that may exhibit the
9. Plate-wpe Specimen unique characteristic of showing an increase in strain without
9.1 The standard plate-type test specimen is shown in Fig. 3. an increase in stress. The stress-strain diagram is characterized
This specimen is used for testing metallic materials in the form by a sharp knee or discontinuity. Determine yield point by one
of plate, structural and bar-size shapes, and flatmaterial having of the following methods:
a nominal thickness of 3/16 in. (5 mm) or over. When product 13.1.1 Drop of the Beam or Haltof the Pointer Method-In
specifications so permit, other types of specimens may be used. this method apply an increasing load to the specimen at a
NOTE3-When called for in the product specification, the 8-in. gage uniform rate. When a lever and poise machine is used, keep the
length specimen of Fig. 3 may be used for sheet and strip material. beam in balance by running out the poise at approximately a
steady rate. When the yield point of the material is reached, the
10. Sheet-Type Specimen increase of the load will stop, but run the poise a trifle beyond
10.1 The standard sheet-type test specimen is shown in Fig. the balance position, and the beam of the machine will drop for
3. This specimen is used for testing metallic materials in the a brief but appreciable interval of time. When a machine
form of sheet, plate, flat wire, strip, band, and hoop ranging in equipped with a load-indicating dial is used there is a halt or
nominal thickness from 0.005 to Y4in. (0.13 to 19 mm). When hesitation of the load-indicating pointer corresponding to the
product specifications so permit, other types of specimens may drop of the beam. Note the load at the “drop of the beam” or
be used, as provided in Section 9 (see Note 3). the “halt of the pointer” and record the corresponding stress as
the yield point.
11. Round Specimens 13.1.2AutographicDiagram Method-When a sharp-
11.1 The standard 0.500-in. (12.5-mm) diameter round test kneed stress-strain diagram is obtained by an autographic
specimen shown in Fig. 4 is used quite generally for testing recording device, take the stress corresponding to the top of the
metallic materials, both cast and wrought. knee (Fig. 7), or the stress at which the curve drops as the yield
11.2 Fig. 4 also shows small size specimens proportional to point.
the standard specimen. These may be used when it is necessary 13.1.3 Total Extension Under Load Method-When testing
to test material from which the standard specimen or specimens material for yield point and the test specimens may not exhibit
shown in Fig. 3 cannot be prepared. Other sizes of small round a well-defined disproportionate deformation that characterizes
specimens may be used. In any such small size specimen it is a yield point as measured by the drop of the beam, halt of the
important that the gage length for measurement of elongation pointer, or autographic diagram methods described in 13.1.1
be four times the diameter of the specimen (see Note 4, Fig. 4). and 13.1.2, a value equivalent to the yield point in its practical
11.3 The shape of the ends of the specimens outside of the significance may be determined by the following method and
gage length shall be suitable to the material and of a shape to may be recorded as yield point: Attach a Class C or better
fit the holders or grips of the testing machine so that the loads extensometer (Note 4 and Note 5 ) to the specimen. When the
are applied axially. Fig. 5 shows specimens with various types load producing a specified extension (Note 6) is reached record
of ends that have given satisfactory results. the stress corresponding to the load as the yield point (Fig. 8).
12. Gage Marks NOTE4-Automatic devices are available that determine the loadat the
12.1 The specimens shown in Figs. 3-6 shall be gage devices may be usedif their accuracy has been demonstrated. Multiplying
marked with a center punch, scribe marks, multiple device, or calipersandothersuchdevicesareacceptable for useprovidedtheir
drawn with ink. The purpose of these gage marks is to accuracy has been demonstrated as equivalent to a Class C extensometer.
determine the percent elongation. Punch marks shall be light, NOTE5-Reference should be made to Practice E 83.
sharp, and accurately spaced. The localization of stress at the NOTE6-For steel with a yield point specified not over 80 O00 psi (550
MPa),anappropriatevalue is 0.005 in./in. of gage length. For values
marks makes a hard specimen susceptible to starting fracture at
above80 O00 psi,thismethod is notvalidunlessthelimitingtotal
the punch marks. The gage marks for measuring elongation extension is increased.
after fracture shall be made on the flat or onthe edge of the flat NOTE7-The shape of the initial portion of an autographically deter-
tension test specimen and within the parallel section; for the minedstress-strain(oraload-elongation)curvemay be influenced by
8-in. gage length specimen, Fig. 3, one or more sets of 8-in. numerous factors such as the seating of the specimen in the grips, the
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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from one scale to another or to approximate tensile strength. NOTE11-In TestMethod E 10,thevaluesarestatedin SI units
These conversion values have been obtained from computer- whereas in this section, kg/m units are used.
generated curves and are presented to the nearest 0.1 point to 16.1.2 The standard Brinell test using a 10-mm ball em-
permit accurate reproduction of those curves. Since all con- ploys a 3000-kgf load for hard materials and a 1500 or 500-kgf
verted hardness values must be considered approximate, how- load for thin sections or soft materials (see Annex on Steel
ever, all converted Rockwell hardness numbers shall be Tubular Products). Other loads and different size indentors may
rounded to the nearest whole number. be used when specified. In recording hardness values, the
15.2 Hardness Testing: diameter of the ball and the load must be stated except when a
15.2.1 If the product specification permits alternative hard- 10-mm ball and 3000-kgf load are used.
ness testing to determine conformance to a specified hardness 16.1.3 A range of hardness can properly be specified only
requirement, the conversions listed in Table 2, Table 3, Table4, for quenched and tempered or normalized and tempered
and Table 5 shall be used. material. For annealed material a maximum figure only should
15.2.2 When recording converted hardness numbers, the be specified. For normalized material a minimum or a maxi-
measured hardness and test scale shall be indicated in paren- mum hardness may be specified by agreement. In general, no
theses, for example: 353 HB (38 HRC). This means that a hardness requirements should be applied to untreated material.
hardness value of 38 was obtained using the Rockwell C scale 16.1.4 Brinell hardness may be required when tensile prop-
and converted to a Brinell hardness of 353. erties are not specified.
16.2 Apparatus-Equipment shall meet the following re-
16. Brinell Test
16.1 Description: 16.2.1 TestingMachine- A Brinell hardness testing ma-
16.1.1 A specified load is applied to a flat surface of the chine is acceptable for use over a loading range within which
specimen to be tested, through a hard ball of specified diameter. its load measuring device is accurate to 2 1 %.
The average diameter of the indentation is used as a basis for 16.2.2 Measuring Microscope-The divisions of the mi-
calculation of the Brinell hardness number. The quotient of the crometer scale of the microscope or other measuring devices
applied load divided by the area of the surface of the
used for the measurement of the diameter of the indentations
indentation, which is assumed to be spherical, is termed the shall be such asto permit the direct measurement of the
Brinell hardness number (HB) in accordance with the follow- diameter to 0.1 mm and the estimation of the diameter to 0.05
ing equation: mm.
HB = P/[(7rD/2)(D - .\/D2 - d2)] (4)
NOTE12-This requirement applies to the construction of the micro-
scope only and is not a requirement for measurement of the indentation,
see 16.4.3.
HB = Brinell hardness number,
P = applied load, kgf, 16.2.3 Standard BUZZ- The standard ball for Brinell hard-
D = diameter of the steel ball, mm,and ness testing is 10 mm (0.3937 in.) in diameter with a deviation
d = average diameter of the indentation, mm. from this value of not more than 0.005 mm (0.0004 in.) in any
NOTE10-The Brinell hardness number is more conveniently secured diameter. A ball suitable for use must not show a permanent
from standard tables such as Table 6 which show numbers corresponding change in diameter greater than 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.) when
to the various indentation diameters, usually in increments of 0.05 mm. pressed with a force of 3000 kgf against the test specimen.
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A 370
16.3 TestSpecimen- Brinell hardness tests are made on the heavier loads. The superficial hardness scales are as
prepared areas and sufficient metal must be removed from the follows:
surface to eliminate decarburized metaland other surface Major Minor
irregularities. The thickness of the piece tested must be such Scale Load, Load,
Symbol Penetratorkgf kgf
that no bulge or other marking showing the effect of the load
appears on the side of the piece opposite the indentation. 15T lhs-in. steel ball 15 3
16.4 Procedure: 30T %S-in. steel ball 30 3
45T %S-in. steel ball 45 3
16.4.1 It is essential that the applicable product specifica- 15N Diamond brale 15 3
tions state clearly the position atwhich Brinell hardness 30N Diamond brale 30 3
45N Diamond brale 45 3
indentations are to be made and the number of such indenta-
tions required. The distance of the center of the indentation 17.2 Reporting Hardness-In recording hardness values,
from the edge of the specimen or edge of another indentation the hardness number shall always precede the scale symbol, for
must be at least two and one-half times the diameter of the example: 96 HRB, 40 HRC, 75 HRlSN, or 77 HR30T.
indentation. 17.3 TestBlocks- Machines should be checked tomake
16.4.2 Apply the load for a minimum of 15 s. certain they are in good order by means of standardized
16.4.3 Measure two diameters of the indentation at right Rockwell test blocks.
angles to the nearest 0.1 mm, estimate to the nearest 0.05 mm, 17.4 Detailed Procedure-Cor detailed requirements of this
and average to the nearest 0.05 mm. If the two diameters differ test, reference shall be made to the latest revision of Test
by more than 0.1 mm, discard the readings and make a new Methods E 18.
18. Portable Hardness Test
16.4.4 Do not use a steel ball on steels having a hardness
over 450 HB nor a carbide ball on steels having a hardness over 18.1 Although the use of the standard, stationary Brinell or
650 HB. The Brinell hardness test is not recommended for Rockwell hardness tester is generally preferred, it isnot always
materials having a hardness over 650 HB. possible to perform the hardness test using such equipment due If a ball is used in a test of a specimen which shows to the part size or location. In this event, hardness testing using
a Brinell hardness number greater than the limit for the ball as portable equipment as described in Practice A 833 orTest
detailed in 16.4.4, the ball shall be either discarded and Method E 110 shall be used.
replaced with a new ball or remeasured to ensure conformance CHARPY IMPACT TESTING
with the requirements of Test Method E 10.
16.5 Detailed Procedure-Cor detailed requirements of this
19. Summary
test, reference shall be made to the latest revision of Test 19.1 A Charpy V-notch impact test is a dynamic test in
Method E 10. which a notched specimen is struck and broken by a single
blow in a specially designed testing machine. The measured
17. Rockwell Test test values may be the energy absorbed, the percentage shear
17.1 Description: fracture, the lateral expansion opposite the notch, or a combi-
nation thereof.
17.1.1 In this test a hardness value is obtained by determin-
19.2 Testing temperatures other than room (ambient) tem-
ing the depth of penetration of a diamond point or a steel ball
perature often are specified in product or general requirement
into the specimen under certain arbitrarily fixed conditions. A
specifications (hereinafter referred to as the specification).
minor load of 10 kgf is first applied which causes an initial
Although the testing temperature is sometimes related to the
penetration, sets the penetrator on the material and holds it in
expected service temperature, the two temperatures need not be
position. A major load which depends on the scale being used
is applied increasing the depth of indentation. The major load
is removed and, with the minor load still acting, the Rockwell 20. Significance and Use
number, which is proportional to the difference in penetration 20.1 Ductile vs. Brittle Behavior-Body-centered-cubicor
between the major andminor loads is determined; this is ferritic alloys exhibit a significant transition in behavior when
usually done by the machine and shows on a dial, digital impact tested over a range of temperatures. At temperatures
display, printer, or other device. This is an arbitrary number above transition, impact specimens fracture by a ductile
which increases with increasing hardness. The scales most (usually microvoid coalescence) mechanism, absorbing rela-
frequently used are as follows: tively large amounts of energy. At lower temperatures, they
Scale Major Minor fracture in a brittle (usually cleavage) manner absorbing less
Load, Load,
Symbol Penetrator
kgf kgf
energy. Within the transition range, the fracture will generally
be a mixture of areas of ductile fracture and brittle fracture.
B %S-in. steel ball 1O0 10 20.2 The temperature range of the transition from one type
C Diamond brale 150 10
of behavior to the other varies according to the material being
17.1.2 Rockwell superficial hardness machines are used for tested. This transition behavior may be defined in various ways
the testing of very thin steel or thin surface layers. Loads of 15, for specification purposes.
30, or 45 kgf are applied on a hardened steel ball or diamond 20.2.1 The specification may require a minimum test result
penetrator, to cover the same range of hardness values as for for absorbed energy, fracture appearance, lateral expansion, or
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25. Procedure Since the fracture path seldom bisects the point of
25.1 Temperature: maximum expansion on both sides of a specimen, the sum of
25.1.1 Conditionthe specimens to be brokenbyholding the larger values measuredfor each side is the value of the test.
them in the medium at test temperature for at least 5 min in Arrange the halves of one specimen so that compression sides
liquid media and 30 min in gaseous media. are facing each other. Using the gage, measure the protrusion
25.1.2 Prior to each test, maintain the tongs for handling test oneachhalfspecimen, ensuring thatthe same side of the
specimens at the same temperatureas the specimen so as not to specimen is measured. Measure the two broken halves indi-
affect the temperature at the notch. vidually. Repeat the procedure to measure the protrusions on
25.2 Positioning and Breaking Specimens: the opposite side of the specimen halves. The larger of the two
25.2.1 Carefully center the test specimen in the anvil and values for each side is the expansion of that side of the
release the pendulum to break the specimen. specimen.
25.2.2 Ifthependulum is not released within 5 S after Measure the individual lateral expansion values to
removing the specimen from the conditioning medium, do not the nearest mil (0.025 mm) and record the values.
break the specimen. Return the specimen to the conditioning 26. Interpretation of Test Result
medium for the period required in 25.1.1. 26.1 Whenthe acceptance criterion of any impact test is
25.3 Recovering Specimens-In the event that fracture ap- specified to be a minimum average value at a given tempera-
pearance or lateral expansion must be determined, recoverthe ture, the testresult shall be the average (arithmetic mean) of the
matched pieces of each broken specimen before breaking the individual test values of three specimens from one test loca-
next specimen. tion.
25.4 Individual TestValues: 26.1.1 When a minimum average test result is specified:
25.4.1 Impact energy- Record the impact energy absorbed The test result is acceptable when all of the below
to the nearest ft.lbf (J). are met:
25.4.2 Fracture Appearance: (1) The test result equals or exceeds the specified minimum Determine the percentage of shear fracture area by average (given in the specification),
any of the following methods: (2) The individual test value for not more than one specimen
(1) Measure the length and widthof the brittle portion of the measures less than the specified minimum average, and
fracture surface, as shown in Fig. 13 and determine the percent (3)The individual test value for any specimen measures not
shear area from either Table 7 or Table8 depending on the units less than two-thirds of the specified minimum average.
of measurement. If the acceptance requirements of are not
(2) Compare the appearance of the fracture of the specimen met, perform one retest of three additional specimens from the
with a fracture appearance chart as shown in Fig. 14. same test location. Each individual test value of the retested
(3) Magnify the fracture surface and compare it to a specimens shall beequal toorgreaterthan the specified
precalibrated overlay chart ormeasurethe percent shear minimum average value.
fracture area by means of a planimeter. 26.2 Test SpeciJjing a Minimum Transition Temperature:
(4) Photograph the fractured surface at a suitable magnifi- 26.2.1 Dejìnition of Transition Temperature-For specifica-
cation and measurethe percent shear fracture area by means of tion purposes, the transition temperature is the temperature at
a planimeter. which the designated material test value equals or exceeds a Determine the individual fracture appearance val- specified minimum test value.
ues to the nearest 5 % shear fracture and record the value. 26.2.2 Determination of Transition Temperature:
25.4.3 Lateral Expansion: Break one specimen at each of a series of tempera- Lateral expansion is the increase inspecimen tures above and below the anticipated transition temperature
width,measuredinthousandths of aninch(mils),on the using the procedures in Section 25. Record each test tempera-
compression side, opposite the notch of the fractured Charpy ture to the nearest 1°F (OSOC).
V-notch specimen as shown in Fig. 15. Plot the individual test results (ft.lbfor percent Examine each specimen half to ascertain that the shear) as the ordinate versusthe corresponding test temperature
protrusions have not been damaged by contacting the anvil, as the abscissa and construct a best-fit curve through the plotted
machine mounting surface, and so forth. Discard such samples data points.
since they may cause erroneous readings. If transition temperature is specifiedasthetem- Check the sides of the specimens perpendicularto perature atwhich a test value isachieved, determine the
thenotch to ensure thatnoburrswere formed onthe sides temperature at which the plotted curve intersects the specified
during impact testing. If burrs exist, remove them carefully by test value by graphical interpolation (extrapolation isnot
rubbingonemery cloth or similar abrasive surface, making permitted). Record thistransition temperature to the nearest
sure that the protrusions being measured are not rubbed during 5°F (3°C). If the tabulated test results clearly indicate a
the removal of the burr. transition temperature lowerthan specified, it is not necessary Measure the amount of expansion on each side of to plot the data. Report the lowest test temperature for which
eachhalf relative to the plane definedby the undeformed test value exceeds the specified value.
portion of the side of the specimen using a gage similar to that Accept the test result if the determined transition
shown in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17. temperature is equal to or lower than the specified value.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services If the determined transition temperature is higher 27.1.2 Specimen orientation with respect to the material
than the specified value, but not more than 20°F (12OC) higher axis.
than the specified value, test sufficient samples in accordance 27.1.3 Specimen size.
with Section 25 to plot two additional curves. Accept the test 27.1.4 Test temperature and individual test value for each
results if the temperatures determined from both additional specimen broken, including initial tests and retests.
tests are equal to or lower than the specified value. 27.1.5 Test results.
26.3 When subsize specimens are permitted or necessary, or 27.1.6 Transition temperature and criterion for its determi-
both, modify the specified test requirement according to Table nation, including initial tests and retests.
9 or test temperature according to ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Table UG-84.2, or both. Greater energies or lower 28. Report
test temperatures may be agreed upon by purchaser and 28.1 The specification should designate the information to
supplier. be reported.
27. Records 29. Keywords
27.1 The test record should contain the following informa- 29.1 bend test; Brinell hardness; charpy impact test; elon-
tion as appropriate: gation; FATT (Fracture Appearance Transition Temperature);
27.1.1 Full description of material tested (that is, specifica- hardness test; portable hardness; reduction of area; Rockwell
tion number, grade, class or type, size, heat number). hardness; tensile strength; tension test; yield strength
(Mandatory Information)
A l . l Scope nor for other bar-size sections, other than flats, less than 1 in.’
A l . 1.1 This supplement delineates only those details which (645 mm’) in cross-sectional area.
are peculiar to hot-rolled and cold-finished steel bars and are A1.3.2 Alloy Steel Bars-Alloy steel bars are usually not
not covered in the general section of these test methods. tested in the as-rolled condition.
A1.3.3 When tension tests are specified, the practice for
A1.2 Orientation of Test Specimens selecting test specimens for hot-rolled and cold-finished steel
A1.2.1 Carbon and alloy steel bars and bar-size shapes, due bars of various sizes shall be in accordance with Table Al.1,
to their relatively small cross-sectional dimensions, are cus- unless otherwise specified in the product specification.
tomarily tested in the longitudinal direction. In special cases
where size permits and the fabrication or service of a part A1.4 Bend Test
justifies testing in a transverse direction, the selection and A1.4.1 When bend tests are specified, the recommended
location of test or tests are a matter of agreement between the practice for hot-rolled and cold-finished steel bars shall be in
manufacturer and the purchaser. accordance with Table A1.2.
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crushing. A design that may be used for such plugs is shown in given in Test Methods E 8 or E 8M.
Fig. A2.1. The plugs shall not extend into that part of the A2.2.2.2 The width should be measured at each end of the
specimen on which the elongation is measured (Fig. A2.1). gage length to determine parallelism and also at the center. The
Care should be exercised to see that insofar as practicable, the thickness should be measured at the center and used with the
load insuch cases is applied axially. The length of the center measurement of the width to determine the cross-
full-section specimen depends on the gage length prescribed sectional area. The center width dimension should be recorded
for measuring the elongation. to the nearest 0.005 in. (0.127 mm),and the thickness
A2.2.1.2 Unless otherwise required by the individual prod- measurement to the nearest 0.001 in.
uct specification, the gage length for fumace-welded pipe is A2.2.3 Transverse Strip Test Specimens:
normally 8 in. (200 mm), except that for nominal sizes Y4in. A2.2.3.1 In general, transverse tension tests are not recom-
and smaller, the gage length shall be as follows: mended for tubular products, in sizes smaller than 8 in. in
Nominal Size, in. Gage Length, in. (mm) nominal diameter. When required, transverse tension test
Y4 and % 6 (150)
specimens may be taken from rings cut from ends of tubes or
Y8 and Y4 4 (100)
/8 2 (50) pipe as shown in Fig. A2.4. Flattening of the specimen may be
done either after separating it from the tube as in Fig. A2.4 (a),
A2.2.1.3 For seamless and electric-welded pipe and tubes or before separating it as in Fig. A2.4 (b),and may be done hot
the gage length is 2 in. However, for tubing having an outside or cold; but if the flattening is done cold, the specimen may
diameter of Ys in. (10 mm) or less, it iscustomary to use a gage subsequently be normalized. Specimens from tubes or pipe for
length equal to four times the outside diameter when elonga- which heat treatment is specified, after being flattened either
tion values comparable to larger specimens are required. hot or cold, shall be given the same treatment as the tubes or
A2.2.1.4 To determine the cross-sectional area of the full- pipe. For tubes or pipe having a wall thickness of less than Y4
section specimen, measurements shall be recorded as the in. (19 mm), the transverse test specimen shall be of the form
average or mean between the greatest and least measurements and dimensions shown in Fig. A2.5 and either or both surfaces
of the outside diameter and the average or meanwall thickness, may be machined to secure uniform thickness. Specimens for
to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) andthe cross-sectional area transverse tension tests on welded steel tubes or pipe to
is determined by the following equation: determine strength of welds, shall be located perpendicular to
A = 3.1416f ( D - f) (A2.1) the welded seams with the weld at about the middle of their
where: A2.2.3.2 The width should be measured at each end of the
A = sectional area, in.' gage length to determine parallelism and also at the center. The
D = outside diameter, in., and
thickness should be measured at the center and used with the
t = thickness of tube wall. in.
center measurement of the width to determine the cross-
NOTEA2.1-There exist other methods of cross-sectional area deter- sectional area. The center width dimension should be recorded
mination,such as byweighingofthespecimens,whichareequally to the nearest 0.005 in. (0.127 mm),and the thickness
accurate or appropriate for the purpose. measurement to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm).
A2.2.2 Longitudinal Strip Test Specimens: A2.2.4 Round Test Specimens:
A2.2.2.1 For larger sizes of tubular products which cannot A2.2.4.1 When provided for in the product specification, the
be tested in full-section, longitudinal test specimens are ob- round test specimen shown in Fig. 4 may be used.
tained from strips cut from the tube or pipe as indicated in Fig. A2.2.4.2 The diameter of the round test specimen is mea-
A2.2 and machined to the dimensions shown in Fig. A2.3. For sured at the center of the specimen to the nearest 0.001 in.
fumace-welded tubes or pipe the 8-in. gage length specimen as (0.025 mm).
shown in Fig. A2.3 is standard, the specimen being located at A2.2.4.3 Small-size specimens proportional to standard, as
approximately 90" from the weld. For seamless and electric- shown in Fig. 4, maybe used when it is necessary to test
welded tubes or pipe, the 2-in. gage length specimen as shown material from which the standard specimen cannot be prepared.
in Fig. A2.3 (1) is standard, the specimen being located Other sizes of small-size specimens may be used. In any such
approximately 90" from the weld in the case of electric-welded small-size specimen, it is important that the gage length for
tubes. Specimens of the type shown in Fig. A2.3 may be tested measurement of elongation be four times the diameter of the
with grips having a surface contour corresponding to the specimen (see Note 4, Fig. 4). The elongation requirements for
curvature of the tubes. When grips with curved faces are not the round specimen 2-in. gage length in the product specifica-
available, the ends of the specimens may be flattened without tion shall apply to the small-size specimens.
heating. Standard tension test specimens, as shown in specimen A2.2.4.4 For transverse specimens, the section from which
No. 4 of Fig. A2.3, are nominally l%in. (38 mm) wide in the the specimen is taken shall not be flattened or otherwise
gage length section. When sub-size specimens are necessary deformed.
due to the dimensions and character of the material to be tested, A2.3 Determination of Transverse Yield Strength,
specimens 1, 2, or 3 shown in Fig. A2.3 where applicable, are Hydraulic Ring-Expansion Method
considered standard. A2.3.1 Hardness tests are made on the outside surface,
NOTEA2.2-An exact formula for calculating the cross-sectional area inside surface, or wall cross-section depending upon product-
of specimens of the type shown in Fig.A2.3 taken from a circular tube is specification limitation. Surface preparation may be necessary
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to obtain accurate hardness values. or adding rollers, the roller chain may be adapted for different
A2.3.2 A testing machine and method for determining the sizes of tubular sections.
transverse yield strength from an annular ring specimen, have
been developed and described in A2.3.3 through A2.3.5. A2.4 Hardness Tests
A2.3.3A diagrammatic vertical cross-sectional sketch of A2.4.1 Hardness tests are made either on the outside or the
the testing machine is shown in Fig. A2.6. inside surfaces on the end of the tube as appropriate.
A2.3.4 In determining the transverse yield strength on this A2.4.2 The standard 3000-kgf Brinell load may cause too
machine, a short ring (commonly 3 in. (76 mm) in length) test much deformation in a thin-walled tubular specimen. In this
specimen is used. After the large circular nut is removed from case the 500-kgf load shall be applied, or inside stiffening by
the machine, the wall thickness of the ring specimen is means of an internal anvil should be used. Brinell testing shall
determined and the specimen is telescoped over the oil resistant not be applicable to tubular products less than 2 in. (5 1 mm) in
rubber gasket. The nut is then replaced, but is not turned down outside diameter, or less than 0.200 in. (5.1 mm) in wall
tight against the specimen. A slight clearance is left between thickness.
the nut and specimen for the purpose of permitting free radial A2.4.3 The Rockwell hardness tests are normally made on
movement of the specimen as it is being tested. Oil under the inside surface, a flat on the outside surface, or on the wall
pressure is then admitted to the interior of the rubber gasket cross-section depending upon the product limitation. Rockwell
through the pressure line under the control of a suitable valve. hardness tests are not performed on tubes smaller than 5/16 in.
An accurately calibrated pressure gage serves to measure oil (7.9 mm) in outside diameter, nor are they performed on the
pressure. Any air in the system is removed through the bleeder inside surface of tubes with less than ‘/4 in. (6.4 mm) inside
line. As the oil pressure is increased, the rubber gasket expands diameter. Rockwell hardness tests are not performed onan-
which in turn stresses the specimen circumferentially. As the nealed tubes with walls less than 0.065 in. (1.65 mm) thick or
pressure builds up, the lips of the rubber gasket act as a seal to cold worked or heat treated tubes with walls less than 0.049 in.
prevent oil leakage. With continued increase in pressure, the (1.24 mm) thick. For tubes with wall thicknesses less than
ring specimen is subjected to a tension stress and elongates those permitting the regular Rockwell hardness test, the Su-
accordingly. The entire outside circumference of the ring perficial Rockwell test is sometimes substituted. Transverse
specimen is considered as the gage length and the strain is Rockwell hardness readings can be made on tubes with a wall
measured with a suitable extensometer which will be described thickness of 0.187 in. (4.75 mm) or greater. The curvature and
later. When the desired total strain or extension under load is the wall thickness of the specimen impose limitations on the
reached on the extensometer, the oil pressure in pounds per Rockwell hardness test. When a comparison is made between
square inch is read and by employing Barlow’s formula, the Rockwell determinations made on the outside surface and
unit yield strength is calculated. The yield strength, thus determinations made on the inside surface, adjustment of the
determined, is a true result since the test specimen has not been readings will be required to compensate for the effect of
cold worked by flattening and closely approximates the same curvature. The Rockwell B scale is used on all materials having
condition as the tubular section from which it is cut. Further, an expected hardness range of BO to B100. The Rockwell C
the test closely simulates service conditions in pipe lines. One scale is used on material having an expected hardness range of
testing machine unit may be used for several different sizes of C20 to C68.
pipe by the use of suitable rubber gaskets and adapters. A2.4.4 Superficial Rockwell hardness tests are normally
performed on the outside surface whenever possible and
NOTE A2.3-Barlow’s formula may be stated two ways: whenever excessive spring back is not encountered. Otherwise,
(1) P = 2StlD (A2.2) the tests may be performed on the inside. Superficial Rockwell
(2) S = PDl2t (A2.3)
hardness tests shall not be performed on tubes with an inside
diameter of less than Gin. (6.4 mm). The wall thickness
where: limitations for the Superficial Rockwell hardness test are given
P = internal hydrostatic pressure, psi, in Table A2.1 and Table A2.2.
S = unit circumferential stress in the wall of the tube A2.4.5 When the outside diameter, inside diameter, or wall
produced by the internal hydrostatic pressure, psi, thickness precludes the obtaining of accurate hardness values,
t = thickness of the tube wall, in., and tubular products shall be specified to tensile proper-ties and so
D = outside diameter of the tube, in. tested.
A2.3.5A roller chain type extensometer whichhas been
found satisfactory for measuring the elongation of the ring A2.5 Manipulating Tests
specimen is shown in Fig. A2.7 and Fig. A2.8. Fig. A2.7 shows A2.5.1 The following tests are made to prove ductility of
the extensometer in position, but unclamped, on a ring speci- certain tubular products:
men. A small pin, through which the strain is transmitted to and A2.5.1.1 Flattening Test- The flattening test as commonly
measured by the dial gage, extends through the hollow made on specimens cut from tubular products is conducted by
threaded stud. When the extensometer is clamped, as shown in subjecting rings from the tube or pipe to a prescribed degree of
Fig. A2.8, the desired tension which is necessary to hold the flattening between parallel plates (Fig. A2.4). The severity of
instrument in place and to remove any slack, is exerted on the the flattening test is measured by the distance between the
roller chain by the spring. Tensionon the spring may be parallel plates and is varied according to the dimensions of the
regulated as desired by the knurled thumb screw. By removing tube or pipe. The flattening test specimen should not be less
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(!Tb A 370
than 2% in. (63.5 mm) in length and should be flattened cold (100 mm) in length, and thus expanding the specimen until the
to the extent required by the applicable material specifications. inside diameter has been increased to the extent required by the
A2.5.1.2 Reverse Flattening Test-The reverse flattening applicable material specifications.
test is designed primarily for application to electric-welded A2.5.1.6 Bend Test-For pipe used for coiling in sizes 2 in.
tubing for the detection of lack of penetration or overlaps and under a bend test is made to determine its ductility and the
resulting from flash removal in the weld. The specimen soundness of weld. In this test a sufficient length of full-size
consists of a length of tubing approximately 4 in. (102 mm) pipe is bent cold through 90" around a cylindrical mandrel
long which is split longitudinally 90" on each side of the weld. having a diameter 12 times the nominal diameter of the pipe.
The sample is then opened and flattened with the weld at the For close coiling, the pipe is bent cold through 180" around a
point of maximum bend (Fig. A2.9). mandrel having a diameter 8 times the nominal diameter of the
A2.5.1.3 Crush Test- The crush test, sometimes referred to pipe.
asan upsetting test, is usually madeon boiler and other
A2.5.1.7 Transverse Guided Bend Test of Welds-This bend
pressure tubes, for evaluating ductility (Fig. A2.10). The
test is used to determine the ductility of fusion welds. The
specimen is aring cut from the tube, usually about 2% in. (63.5
mm) long. It is placed on end and crushed endwise by hammer specimens used are approximately 1% in. (38mm) wide, at
or press to the distance prescribed by the applicable material least 6 in. (152 mm) in length with the weld at the center, and
specifications. are machined in accordance with Fig. A2.13 for face and root
A2.5.1.4Flange Test- The flange test is intended to bend tests and in accordance with Fig. A2.14 for side bend
determine the ductility of boiler tubes and their ability to tests. The dimensions of the plunger shall be as shown in Fig.
withstand the operation of bending into a tube sheet. The test A2.15 and the other dimensions of the bending jig shall be
is made on a ring cut from a tube, usually not less than 4 in. substantially as given in this same figure. A test shall consist of
(100 mm) long and consists of having a flange turned over at a face bend specimen and a root bend specimen or two side
right angles to the body of the tube to the width required by the bend specimens. A face bend test requires bending with the
applicable material specifications. The flaring tool and die inside surface of the pipe against the plunger; a root bend test
block shown in Fig. A2.11 are recommended for use in making requires bending with the outside surface of the pipe against
this test. the plunger; and a side bend test requires bending so that one
A2.5.1.5 Flaring Test- For certain types of pressure tubes, of the side surfaces becomes the convex surface of the bend
an alternate to the flange test is made. This test consists of specimen.
driving a tapered mandrel having a slope of 1 in 10 as shown (a) Failure of the bend test depends upon the appearance of
in Fig. A2.12 (a) or a 60" included angle as shown in Fig. cracks in the area of the bend, of the nature and extent
A2.12 (6) into a section cut from the tube, approximately 4 in. described in the product specifications.
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be assembled in the testing equipment as outlined in A3.2.1.4, nominal bolt diameter at the short side of the hole. The hole in
and the proof load specified in the product specification shall the wedge shall have the following clearance over the nominal
be applied. Upon release of this load the length of the bolt shall size of the bolt, and its edges, top and bottom, shall be rounded
be again measured and shall show no permanent elongation. A to the following radius:
tolerance of +0.0005 in. (0.0127mm) shall be allowed Clearance Radius on
between the measurement made before loading and that made Nominal Bolt in Hole, Corners of
(mm) in. Size, in. Hole, in. (mm)
after loading. Variables, such as straightness and thread align-
ment (plus measurement error), may result in apparent elon- '/4to 7/2 0.030 (0.76) 0.030 (0.76)
gation of the fasteners when the proof load is initially applied. 9h S to 3/4 0.050 (1.3) 0.060 (1.5)
7/8 to 1 0.063 (1.5) 0.060 (1.5)
In such cases, the fastener may be retested using a 3 percent 1% to 1'/4 0.063 (1.5) 0.125 (3.2)
greater load, and may be considered satisfactory if the length 13/8 to 1% 0.094 (2.4) 0.125 (3.2)
after this loading is the same as before this loading (within the A3.2.1.6 Wedge Testing of HT Bolts Threaded to Head-For
0.0005-in. tolerance for measurement error). heat-treated bolts over 100 O00 psi (690 MPa) minimum tensile
A3.2.1.3 Proof Load-Timeof Loading-The proof load is to strength and that are threaded 1 diameter and closer to the
be maintained for a period of 10 S before release of load, when underside of the head, the wedge angle shall be 6" for sizes '/4
using Method 1. through 3/4 in. (6.35 to 19.0 mm) and 4" for sizes over 3/4 in.
(a) Method 2, Yield Strength-The bolt shall be assembled A3.2.1.7 Tension Testing of Bolts Machined to Round Test
in the testing equipment as outlined in A3.2.1.4. As the load is Specimens:
applied, the total elongation of the bolt or any part of the bolt (a) Bolts under l%in. (38 mm) in diameter which require
which includes the exposed six threads shall be measured and machined tests shall preferably use a standard %-in., (13-mm)
recorded to produce a load-strain or a stress-strain diagram. round 2-in. (50-mm) gage length test specimen (Fig. 4);
The load or stress at an offset equal to 0.2 percent of the length however, bolts of small cross-section that will not permit the
of bolt occupied by 6 full threads shall be determined by the taking of this standard test specimen shall use one of the
method described in 13.2.1 of these methods, A 370. This load small-size-specimens-proportional-to-standard (Fig. 4) and the
or stress shall not be less than that prescribed in the product specimen shall have a reduced section as large as possible. In
specification. all cases, the longitudinal axis of the specimen shall be
A3.2.1.4 Axial Tension Testingof Full Size Bolts-Bolts are concentric with the axis of the bolt; the headand threaded
to be tested in a holder with the load axially applied between section of the bolt may be left intact, as in Fig. A3.3 and Fig.
the headand a nut or suitable fixture (Fig. A3.1), either of A3.4, or shaped to fitthe holders or grips of the testing machine
which shall have sufficient thread engagement to develop the so that the load is applied axially. The gage length for
full strength of the bolt. The nut or fixture shall be assembled measuring the elongation shall be four times the diameter of
on the bolt leaving six complete bolt threads unengaged the specimen.
between the grips, except for heavy hexagon structural bolts (b) For bolts 1% in. and over in diameter, a standard %-in.
which shall have four complete threads unengaged between the round 2-in. gage length test specimen shall be turned from the
grips. To meet the requirements of this test there shall be a bolt, having its axis midway between the center and outside
tensile failure in the body or threaded section with no failure at surface of the body of the bolt as shown in Fig. A3.5.
the junction of the body, and head. If it is necessary to record (c) Machined specimens are to be tested in tension to
or report the tensile strength of bolts as psi values the stress determine the properties prescribed by the product specifica-
area shall be calculated from the mean of the mean root and tions. The methods of testing and determination of properties
pitch diameters of Class 3 external threads as follows: shall be in accordance with Section 13 of these test methods.
A, = 0.7854[0 - (0.9743/n)] (A3.1) A3.3 Speed of Testing
A3.3.1 Speed of testing shall be as prescribed in the
where: individual product specifications.
A, = stress area, in.2,
D = nominal diameter, in., and A3.4 Hardness Tests for Externally Threaded Fasteners
n = number of threads per inch. A3.4.1 When specified, externally threaded fasteners shall
A3.2.1.5 Tension Testing of Full-Size Bolts with a Wedge- be hardness tested. Fasteners with hexagonal or square heads
The purpose of this test is to obtain the tensile strength and shall be Brinell or Rockwell hardness tested on the side or top
demonstrate the "head quality" and ductility of a bolt with a of the head. Externally threaded fasteners with other type of
standard head by subjecting it to eccentric loading. The heads and those without heads shall be Brinell or Rockwell
ultimate load on the bolt shall be determined as described in hardness tested on one end. Due to possible distortion from the
A3.2.1.4, except that a 10" wedge shall be placed under the Brinell load, care should be taken that this test meets the
same bolt previously tested for the proof load (see A3.2.1.1). requirements of Section 16 of these test methods. Where the
The bolt head shall be so placed that no comer of the hexagon Brinell hardness test is impractical, the Rockwell hardness test
or square takes a bearing load, that is, a flat of the head shall shall be substituted. Rockwell hardness test procedures shall
be aligned with the direction of uniform thickness of the wedge conform to Section 18 of these test methods.
(Fig. A3.2). The wedge shall have an included angle of 10" A3.4.2 In cases where a dispute exists between buyer and
between its faces and shall have a thickness of one-half of the seller as to whether externally threaded fasteners meet or
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exceedthehardness limit of the product specification,for except that the major diameter shall be the minimum major
purposes of arbitration, hardness may be taken on two trans- diameter with a tolerance of + 0.002 in. (0.051 mm).
verse sections through a representative sample fastener se- A3.5.2 Hardness Test- Rockwell hardness of nuts shall be
lectedat random. Hardness readings shall betakenatthe determined onthetoporbottom face of the nut. Brinell
locations shownin Fig. A3.6.All hardnessvaluesmust hardness shall be determined on the side of the nuts. Either
conform with the hardness limit of the product specification in method may be used at the option of the manufacturer, taking
order for the fasteners represented by the sample to be into account the size and grade of the nuts under test. When the
considered in compliance. This provision for arbitration of a standard Brinell hardness test results in deforming the nut it
dispute shall not be used to accept clearly rejectable fasteners. will be necessary to use a minor load or substitute a Rockwell
hardness test.
A3.5 Testing of Nuts
A3.5.1 Proof Load- A sample nutshall be assembled on a A3.6 Bars Heat Treated or Cold Drawn for Use in the
hardenedthreadedmandreloron a bolt conforming tothe Manufacture of Studs, Nuts or Other Bolting
particular specification. A load axial with the mandrel or bolt Material
and equal to the specified proof loadof the nutshall be applied. A3.6.1 Whenthebars, as received bythemanufacturer,
The nut shall resist this load withoutstripping or rupture. If the havebeen processed andprovedtomeetcertainspecified
threads of themandrelaredamaged during the test the properties, it is not necessary to test the finished product when
individual test shall be discarded. The mandrel shall be these properties havenotbeenchangedby the process of
threaded to American NationalStandardClass 3 tolerance, manufacture employed for the finished product.
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difficulties of measuring the reduced cross sections. exceed 15 turns per min. The mandrel diameter shall be
specified in the relevant wire product specification.
A4.6 Rockwell Hardness Test A4.7.3 The wire tested shall be considered to have failed if
A4.6.1 Onheat-treated wire of diameter 0.100 in. (2.54 the wire fractures or if any longitudinal or transverse cracks
mm) and larger, the specimen shall be flattened on two parallel develop which can be seen by the unaided eye after the first
sides by grinding before testing. The hardness test is not complete turn. Wire which fails in the firstturn shall be
recommended for any diameter of hard drawn wire or heat- retested, as such fractures may be caused by bending the wire
treated wire less than 0.100 in. (2.54 mm) in diameter. For to a radius less than specified when the test starts.
round wire, the tensile strength test is greatly preferred over the
hardness test. A4.8 Coiling Test
A4.8.1 This test is used to determine if imperfections are
A4.7 Wrap Test present to the extent that they may cause cracking or splitting
A4.7.1 This test is used as a means for testing the ductility during spring coiling and spring extension. A coil of specified
of certain kinds of wire. length is closed wound on an arbor of a specified diameter. The
A4.7.2 The test consists of coiling the wire in a closely closed coil is then stretched to a specified permanent increase
spaced helix tightly against a mandrel of a specified diameter in length and examined for uniformity of pitch with no splits or
for a required number of turns. (Unless other specified, the fractures. The required arbor diameter, closed coil length, and
required number of turns shall be five.) The wrapping may be permanent coil extended length increase may vary with wire
done by hand or a power device. The wrapping rate may not diameter, properties, and type.
A5.1 Notch Behavior If the anvil supports, the pendulum striking edge, or the
A5.1.1 The Charpy and Izod type tests bring out notch machine foundation bolts are not securely fastened, tests on
behavior (brittleness versus ductility) by applying a single ductile materials in the range of 80 ft.lbf (108 J) may actually
overload of stress. The energy values determined are quantita- indicate values in excess of 90 to 100 ft.lbf (122 to 136 J).
tive comparisons on a selected specimen but cannot be A5.2 Notch Effect
converted into energy values that would serve for engineering A5.2.1 The notch results in a combination of multiaxial
design calculations. The notch behavior indicated in an indi- stresses associated with restraints to deformation in directions
vidual test applies only to the specimen size, notch geometry, perpendicular to the major stress, and a stress concentration at
and testing conditions involved and cannot be generalized to the base of the notch. A severely notched condition is generally
other sizes of specimens and conditions. not desirable, and it becomes of real concern in those cases in
A5.1.2 The notch behavior of the face-centered cubic met- which it initiates a sudden and complete failure of the brittle
als and alloys, a large group of nonferrous materials and the type. Some metals can be deformed in a ductile manner even
austenitic steels can be judged from their common tensile down to the low temperatures of liquid air, while others may
properties. If they are brittle in tension they will be brittle when crack. This difference in behavior can be best understood by
notched, while if they are ductile in tension, they will be ductile considering the cohesive strength of a material (or the property
when notched, except for unusually sharp or deep notches that holds it together) and its relation to the yield point. In cases
(much more severe than the standard Charpy or Izod speci- of brittle fracture, the cohesive strength is exceeded before
mens). Even low temperatures do not alter this characteristic of significant plastic deformation occurs and the fracture appears
these materials. In contrast, the behavior of the ferritic steels crystalline. In cases of the ductile or shear type of failure,
under notch conditions cannot be predicted from their proper- considerable deformation precedes the final fracture and the
tiesas revealed by the tension test. For the study of these broken surface appears fibrous instead of crystalline. In inter-
materials the Charpy and Izod type tests are accordingly very mediate cases the fracture comes after a moderate amount of
useful. Some metals that display normal ductility in the tension deformation and is part crystalline and part fibrous in appear-
test may nevertheless break in brittle fashion when tested or ance.
when used in the notched condition. Notched conditions A5.2.2 When a notched bar is loaded, there is a normal
include restraints to deformation in directions perpendicular to stress across the base of the notch which tends to initiate
the major stress, or multiaxial stresses, and stress concentra- fracture. The property that keeps it from cleaving, or holds it
tions. It is in this field that the Charpy and Izod tests prove together, is the “cohesive strength.” The bar fractures when the
useful for determining the suceptibility of a steel to notch- normal stress exceeds the cohesive strength. When this occurs
brittle behavior though they cannot be directly used to appraise without the bar deforming it isthe condition for brittle fracture.
the serviceability of a structure. A5.2.3 In testing, though not in service because of side
A5.1.3 The testing machine itself must be sufficiently rigid effects, it happens more commonly that plastic deformation
or tests on high-strength low-energy materials will result in precedes fracture. In addition to the normal stress, the applied
excessive elastic energy losses either upward through the load also sets up shear stresses which are about 45” to the
pendulum shaft or downward through the base of the machine. normal stress. The elastic behavior terminates as soon as the
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A 370
temperature or the transition temperature of full-scale speci- not indicate the influence of some of the important processing
mens does not give the desired transition temperatures for factors that affect susceptibility to brittle fracture nor do they
Charpy or Izod tests since the size and notch geometry may be comprehend the effect of low temperatures in inducing brittle
so different. Chemical analysis, tension, and hardness tests may behavior.
A6.1 Scope within the tensile strength range of 40,000 to 85,000 psi (275
A6.1.1This methodspecifies a procedure for converting to 585MPa) andinthehot-rolled,inthe hot-rolled and
percentageelongation after fracture obtained in a standard normalized, orintheannealed condition, withorwithout
0.500-in. (12.7-mm) diameter by 2-in. (51-mm) gage length tempering.Note that the coldreduced andquenchedand
test specimen to standard flat test specimens % in. by 2 in. and tempered states are excluded. For annealed austenitic stainless
1% in. by 8 in. (38.1 by 203 mm). steels, the value a = 0.127 has been found to give satisfactory
A6.2 Basic Equation A6.3.2 Table A6.1 has been calculated taking a = 0.4, with
A6.2.1 The conversion data in this method are based on an the standard 0.500-in. (12.7-mm) diameter by 2-in. (51-mm)
equation by Bertella," and used by Oliver'' and others. The gage length test specimen as the reference specimen. In the
relationship between elongations inthe standard 0.500-in. case of the subsize specimens 0.350in. (8.89 mm) in diameter
diameter by 2.0-in. test specimen and otherstandard specimens by 1.4-in. (35.6-mm) gage length, and 0.250-in. (6.35-mm)
can be calculated as follows: diameter by 1.0-in. (25.4-mm) gage lengththe factor inthe
equation is 4.5 1 instead of 4.47. The smallerror introduced by
e = e o [4.47 (*)/L]~ (A6.1)
using TableA6.1 for the subsized specimens may be neglected.
where: Table A6.2 for annealed austenitic steels has been calculated
e, = percentage elongation after fracture on a standard test taking a = 0.127, with the standard 0.500-in. diameter by 2-in.
specimenhaving a 2-in. gage lengthand 0.500-in. gage length test specimen as the reference specimen.
diameter, A6.3.3 Elongation given for a standard 0.500-in. diameter
e = percentage elongation after fracture on a standard test by 2-in. gage length specimen may be converted to elongation
specimen having a gage length L and a cross-sectional for % in. by 2 in. or 1% in. by 8-in. (38.1 by 203-mm) flat
area A, and specimens by multiplying bythe indicated factor in TableA6.1
a = constant characteristic of the test material. and Table A6.2.
A6.3.4 Theseelongation conversions shall notbe used
A6.3 Application
where the width to thickness ratio of the test piece exceeds20,
A6.3.1 In applyingthe above equation the constant a is as in sheet specimens under 0.025 in. (0.635 mm) in thickness.
characteristic of the test material. The value a = 0.4 has been A6.3.5 While the conversions are considered to be reliable
found to give satisfactory conversions for carbon, carbon- withinthe stated limitations andmay generally beusedin
manganese, molybdenum, and chromium-molybdenum steels specification writing where it is desirable to show equivalent
elongation requirementsfor the several standardASTM tension
lo Bertella, C. A., Giomale del Genio Civile, Vol 60, 1922, p. 343.
specimens coveredin Test Methods A370, consideration must
II Oliver, D. A., Proceedings of fhe InsfifufionofMechanical Engineers, 1928,p. be given to the metallurgical effectsdependent on the thickness
827. of the material as processed.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
(!Tb A 370
Due to inherent physical characteristics of individual ma- hot-dip tinning or socketing with metallic material are too high,
chines, it is not practical to recommend a universal gripping over approximately 700°F (370”C), the specimen may be heat
procedure that is suitable for all testing machines. Therefore, it affectedwith a subsequent loss of strength and ductility.
is necessary to determine which of the methods of gripping Careful temperature controls should be maintained if such
described in A7.3.2 to A7.3.8 is most suitable for the testing methods of specimen preparation are used.
equipment available.
A7.3.2 Standard V-Grips with Serrated Teeth (Note A7.1). A7.5 Procedure
A7.3.3 Standard V-Grips with Serrated Teeth (Note A7.1),
Using Cushioning Material-In this method, some material is A7.5.1 Yield Strength- For determining the yield strength
placed between the grips and the specimen to minimize the use a Class B-1 extensometer (Note A7.3) as described in
notching effect of the teeth. Among the materials which have Practice E 83. Apply an initial load of 10 % of the expected
been used are lead foil, aluminum foil, carborundum cloth, bra minimum breaking strength to the specimen, then attach the
shims, etc. The type and thickness of material required is extensometer and adjust it to a reading of 0.001 inhn. of gage
dependent on the shape, condition, and coarseness of the teeth. length. Then increase the load until the extensometer indicates
A7.3.4 Standard V-Grips with Serrated Teeth (Note A7.1), an extension of 1 %. Record the load for this extension as the
Using SpecialPreparation of the Gripped Portions of the yield strength. The extensometer maybe removed from the
Specimen-One of the methods used is tinning, in which the specimen after the yield strength has been determined.
gripped portions are cleaned, fluxed, and coated by multiple A7.5.2 Elongation- For determining the elongation use a
dips in molten tin alloy held just above the melting point.
Class D extensometer ( Note A7.3), as described in Practice
Another method of preparation is encasing the gripped portions
E 83, having a gage length of not less than 24 in. (610 mm) (
in metal tubing or flexible conduit, using epoxy resin as the
bonding agent. The encased portion should be approximately Note A7.4). Apply an initial load of 10 % of the required
twice the length of lay of the strand. minimum breaking strength to the specimen, then attach the
A7.3.5 SpecialGrips with Smooth, Semi-cylindrical extensometer (Note A7.3) and adjust it to a zero reading. The
Grooves (NoteA7.2)-The grooves and the gripped portions of extensometer may be removed from the specimen prior to
the specimen are coated with an abrasive slurry which holds rupture after the specified minimum elongation has been
the specimen in the smooth grooves, preventing slippage. The exceeded. It is not necessary to determine the final elongation
slurry consists of abrasive such as Grade 3-F aluminum oxide value.
and a carrier such as water or glycerin. A7.5.3 Breaking Strength-Determine the maximum load at
A7.3.6 Standard Sockets of the Type Used for Wire Rope- which one or more wires of the strand are fractured. Record
The gripped portions of the specimen are anchored in the this load as the breaking strength of the strand.
sockets with zinc. The special procedures for socketing usually
employed in the wire rope industry must be followed. NOTEA7.3-The yield-strength extensometer and the elongation ex-
A7.3.7 Dead-End Eye Splices-These devices are available tensometer may be the same instrumentor two separate instruments. Two
separate instruments are advisable since the more sensitive yield-strength
in sizes designed to fit each size of strand to be tested.
extensometer, which couldbe damaged when the strand fractures, maybe
A7.3.8 Chucking Devices-Use of chucking devices of the removed following the determination of yield strength. The elongation
type generally employed for applying tension to strands in extensometermay be constructedwithlesssensitivepartsor be con-
casting beds is not recommended for testing purposes. structed in such a way that little damage would result if fracture occurs
NOTEA7.1-The number of teeth should be approximately 15 to 30 per while the extensometer is attached to the specimen.
in., and the minimum effective gripping length should be approximately 4 NOTEA7.4-Specimens that break outside the extensometer or in the
in. (102 mm). jawsandyetmeettheminimumspecifiedvaluesareconsideredas
NOTEA7.2-The radius of curvature of the grooves is approximately meeting the mechanical property requirements of the product specifica-
the same as the radius of the strand being tested, and is located 1/32 in. tion, regardless of what procedure of gripping has been used. Specimens
(0.79 mm) above theflat face of the grip. This prevents the two grips fromthat break outside of the extensometer or in the jaws and donot meet the
closing tightly when the specimen is in place. minimumspecifiedvaluesaresubjecttoretest.Specimensthatbreak
between the jaws and the extensometer and do not meet the minimum
A7.4 Specimen Preparation specifiedvaluesaresubjecttoretest as providedintheapplicable
A7.4.1 If the molten-metal temperatures employed during specification.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
NOTE A8.1-To minimize cumulative errors, whenever possible, values
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeSection VIII, A10.5.2.3A copy of the master forging record shall be
Division 2, latest edition. stored with the heattreatment record of the production forging.
A10.5.2.4 The essential variables, as set forth on the heat
A10.4 Terminology treat record, shall be controlled within the given parameters on
A10.4.1 Dejnitions: the production forging.
A10.4.1.1 master chart- arecord of the heat treatment A10.5.2.5 The temperature of the quenching medium prior
received from a forging essentially identical to the production to quenching eachproduction forging shall be equalto or lower
forgingsthat it will represent. It is a chart of timeand thanthe temperature of the quenching medium prior to
temperature showingthe output from thermocouples imbedded quenching the master forging.
in the forging at the designated test immersion and test location A10.5.2.6 The time elapsed from opening the furnace door
or locations. toquenchfortheproduction forging shall not exceedthat
A10.4.1.2 program chart- themetallized sheet usedto elapsed for the master forging.
program the simulator unit. Time-temperature data from the A10.5.2.7 If the time parameter is exceeded in opening the
master chart are manually transferred to the program chart. furnacedoor to beginning of quench, the forging shall be
A10.4.1.3 simulator chart- a record of the heat treatment placed back into the furnace and brought back up to equaliza-
that a test specimen had received in the simulator unit. It is a tion temperature.
chart of time and temperature and can be compared directly to A10.5.2.8All forgings represented bythesamemaster
the master chart for accuracy of duplication. forging shall be quenchedwith like orientation to the surface of
A10.4.1.4 simulator cycle- one continuous heat treatment the quench bath.
of a set of specimens in the simulator unit. The cycle includes
A10.5.2.9 All production forgings shall be quenched in the
heating from ambient, holding attemperature, and cooling. For same quenchtank,with the same agitation as the master
example,asimulated austenitize andquench of a set of forging.
specimens would be one cycle; a simulatedtemper of the same
A10.5.2.10 Uniformity of Heat Treat Parameters-(I) The
specimens would be another cycle.
difference in actual heat treating temperature between produc-
A10.5 Procedure tionforgingsand the master forging used to establish the
A10.5.1 Production Master Charts: simulator cycle for them shall not exceed 225°F (214°C) for
A10.5.1.1 Thermocouples shall be imbedded in each forg- the quench cycle. (2) The tempering temperature of the
ing from whicha master chart is obtained. Temperature shall be production forgings shall not fall below the actual tempering
monitored by a recorder with resolution sufficient to clearly temperature of the master forging. (3) At least one contact
define all aspects of the heating, holding, and cooling process. surface thermocouple shall be placed on each forging in a
All charts are to be clearly identifiedwithall pertinent production load. Temperature shall be recorded for all surface
information and identification required for maintaining perma- thermocouples on a Time Temperature Recorderandsuch
nent records. records shall be retained as permanent documentation.
A10.5.1.2 Thermocouples shall be imbedded 180 deg apart A10.5.3 Heat-Cycle Simulation:
if the material specification requires test locations 180 deg A10.5.3.1 Program charts shall be made from the data
apart. recorded on the master chart. All test specimens shall be given
A10.5.1.3 One master chart (ortwo if required inaccor- the same heating rate above, the AC1, the same holding time
dance with A10.5.3.1) shall be produced to represent essen- and the same cooling rate as the production forgings.
tially identical forgings (same size and shape). Any change in A10.5.3.2 The heating cycle above theAC1, aportionof the
size or geometry (exceeding rough machining tolerances) of a holding cycle, and the cooling portion of the master chart shall
forging will necessitate that a new master cooling curve be be duplicated and the allowable limits on temperature and time,
developed. as specified in (a)-(c), shall be established for verification of
A10.5.1.4 Ifmorethanone curve is required permaster the adequacy of the simulated heat treatment.
forging (180degapart)and a differencein cooling rate is (a) Heat Cycle Simulation of Test Coupon Heat Treatment
achieved, then the most conservative curveshall be used as the f o r Quenched and Tempered Forgings and Bars-If cooling
master curve. rate data forthe forgings and bars and cooling rate control
A10.5.2 Reproducibility of Heat Treatment Parameters on devices for the test specimens are available, the test specimens
Production Forgings: may be heat-treated in the device.
A10.5.2.1All information pertaining to the quenchand (6) The test coupons shall be heated to substantially the same
temper of the master forging shall be recorded on an appro- maximum temperature as the forgingsor bars. The test coupons
priate permanent record, similar to theoneshowninTable shall be cooledat a rate similar to and no faster than the cooling
A1O.l. rate representative of the test locations and shallbe within 25°F
A10.5.2.2All information pertaining to the quenchand (14°C) and 20 S at all temperatures after cooling begins. The
temper of theproduction forgings shall be appropriately test coupons shall be subsequently heat treated in accordance
recorded, preferably on aform similar tothat used in with the thermal treatments below the critical temperature
A10.5.2.1. Quench records of production forgings shall be including tempering and simulated post weld heat treatment.
retained for future reference. The quench and temper record of (c) Simulated Post Weld Heat Treatment of Test Specimens
the master forging shall be retained as a permanent record. (for ferritic steel forgings and bars)-Except for carbon steel (P
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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Number 1, Section IX of the Code) forgings and bars with a simulator chart, and on the corresponding nonconformance
nominal thickness or diameter of 2 in. (5 1 mm) or less, the test report.
specimens shall be given a heat treatment to simulate any A10.5.4 Reheat Treatment and Retesting:
thermal treatments below the critical temperature that the A10.5.4.1 In the event of a test failure, retesting shall be
forgings and bars may receive during fabrication. The simu- handled in accordance with rules set forth by the material
lated heat treatment shall utilize temperatures, times, and specification.
cooling rates as specified on the order. The total time at
A10.5.4.2 If retesting is permissible, a new test specimen
temperature(s) for the test material shall be at least 80 % of the
shall be heat treated the same as previously. The production
total time at temperature(s) to which the forgings and bars are
forging that it represents will have received the same heat
subjected during postweld heat treatment. The total time at
treatment. If the test passes, the forging shall be acceptable. If
temperature(s) for the test specimens may be performed in a
it fails, the forging shall be rejected or shall be subject to reheat
single cycle.
treatment if permissible.
A10.5.3.3 Prior to heat treatment in the simulator unit, test
specimens shall be machined to standard sizes that have been A10.5.4.3 If reheat treatment is permissible, proceed as
determined to allow adequately for subsequent removal of follows: (1) Reheat treatment same as original heat treatment
decarb and oxidation. (time, temperature, cooling rate): Using new test specimens
A10.5.3.4 At least one thermocouple per specimen shall be from an area as close as possible to the original specimens,
used for continuous recording of temperature on an indepen- repeat the austenitize and quench cycles twice, followed by the
dent external temperature-monitoring source. Due to the sen- tempering cycle (double quench and temper). The production
sitivity and design peculiarities of the heating chamber of forging shall be given the identical double quench and temper
certain equipment, it is mandatory that the hot junctions of as its test specimens above. (2) Reheat treatment using a new
control and monitoring thermocouples always be placed in the heat treatment practice. Any change in time, temperature, or
same relative position with respect to the heating source cooling rate shall constitute a new heat treatment practice. A
(generally infra red lamps). new master curve shall be produced and the simulation and
A10.5.3.5 Each individual specimen shall be identified, and testing shall proceed as originally set forth.
such identification shall be clearly shown on the simulator A10.5.4.4 In summation, each test specimen and its corre-
chart and simulator cycle record. sponding forging shall receive identical heat treatment or heat
A10.5.3.6 The simulator chart shall be compared to the treatment; otherwise the testing shall be invalid.
master chart for accurate reproduction of simulated quench in A10.5.5 Storage, Recall, and Documentation of Heat-Cycle
accordance with A10.5.3.2(a). If any one specimen is not heat Simulation Data-All records pertaining to heat-cycle simula-
treated within the acceptable limits of temperature and time, tion shall be maintained and held for a period of 10 years or as
such specimen shall be discarded and replaced by a newly designed by the customer. Information shall be so organized
machined specimen. Documentation of such action and reasons that all practices can be verified by adequate documented
for deviation from the master chart shall be shown on the records.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE 1 Multiplying Factors to Be Used for Various Diameters of Round Test Specimens
Standard Specimens
Size Standard to
0.500 in. Round 0.350 in. Round Round 0.250 in.
Actual Actual Actual
Area, Multiplying Area, Multiplying Multiplying Area,
Diameter, Diameter,
imp imp Factor Factor imp Factor
in. in. in.
0.490 0.343
0.1886 5.30 0.0924 10.82 0.245 0.0471 21.21
0.491 0.344
0.1893 5.28 0.0929 10.76 0.246 0.0475 21 .O4
0.492 0.345
0.1901 5.26 0.0935 10.70 0.247 0.0479 20.87
0.493 0.346
0.1909 5.24 0.0940 10.64 0.248 0.0483 20.70
0.494 0.347
0.1917 5.22 0.0946 10.57 0.249 0.0487 20.54
0.495 0.348
0.1924 5.20 0.0951 10.51 0.250 0.0491 20.37
0.496 0.1932 5.18 0.349 0.0957 10.45 0.251 0.0495 20.21
(0.05)A (20.O)A
0.1940 0.497 20.05
(0.05)A (20.O)A
0.1948 0.498 19.89
(0.05)A (20.O)A
0.1956 0.499
0.1963 0.500 0.0511 19.58
0.1971 0.501
0.1979 0.502
0.503 0.1987 5.03 0.356 0.0995 10.05
(0.l)A (10.O)A
0.504 0.1995 0.357 0.1001 5.01 9.99
(0.2)A (5.0)A (0.l)A (10.O)A
0.2003 0.505 4.99
(0.2)A (5.0)A
0.2011 0.506
(0.2)A (5.0)A
4.95 0.2019
4.93 0.2027
4.91 0.2035
4.90 0.2043
A The values in parenthesesmay be used for ease in calculation of stresses, in pounds persquare inch, as permitted in Note5 of Fig. 4.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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TABLE 2 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Nonaustenitic SteelsA (Rockwell C to other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell C Brinell Knoop
Scale, 30N Scale 45N Scale,
45-kgf Approximate
0-kgf Scale, Hardness, Hardness, 15-kgf 30-kgf
Load, Diamond Hardness 3000-kgf
Load 60-kgf Load' Tensile
Diamond Number Load,
Ball 10-mm Over Strength,
Penetrator Diamond
Penetrator ksi
68 940 ... 920 85.6 93.2 84.4 75.4 ...
67 900 ... 895 85.0 92.9 83.6 74.2 ...
66 865 ... 870 84.5 92.5 82.8 73.3 ...
65 832 739 846 83.9 92.2 81.9 72.0 ...
64 800 722 822 83.4 91.8 81.1 71.O ...
63 772 706 799 82.8 91.4 80.1 69.9 ...
62 746 688 776 82.3 91.1 79.3 68.8 ...
61 720 670 754 81.8 90.7 78.4 67.7 ...
60 697 654 732 81.2 90.2 77.5 66.6 ...
59 674 634 71O 80.7 89.8 76.6 65.5 351(2420)
58 653 615 690 80.1 89.3 75.7 64.3 338 (2330)
57 633 595 670 79.6 88.9 74.8 63.2 325 (2240)
56 613 577 650 79.0 88.3 73.9 62.0 313 (2160)
55 595 560 630 78.5 87.9 73.0 60.9 301(2070)
54 577 543 61 2 78.0 87.4 72.0 59.8 292 (2010)
53 560 525 594 77.4 86.9 71.2 58.6 283 (1950)
52 544 512 576 76.8 86.4 70.2 57.4 273 (1880)
51 528 496 558 76.3 85.9 69.4 56.1 264 (1820)
50 513 482 542 75.9 85.5 68.5 55.0 255 (1760)
49 498 468 526 75.2 85.0 67.6 53.8 246 (1700)
48 484 455 51O 74.7 84.5 66.7 52.5 238 (1640)
47 471 442 495 74.1 83.9 65.8 51.4 229 (1580)
46 458 432 480 73.6 83.5 64.8 50.3 221(1520)
45 446 421 466 73.1 83.0 64.0 49.0 215 (1480)
44 434 409 452 72.5 82.5 63.1 47.8 208 (1430)
43 423 400 438 72.0 82.0 62.2 46.7 201(1390)
42 412 390 426 71.5 81.5 61.3 45.5 194 (1340)
41 402 381 414 70.9 80.9 60.4 44.3 188 (1300)
40 392 371 402 70.4 80.4 59.5 43.1 182 (1250)
39 382 362 39 1 69.9 79.9 58.6 41.9 177 (1220)
38 372 353 380 69.4 79.4 57.7 40.8 171(1180)
37 363 344 370 68.9 78.8 56.8 39.6 166 (1140)
36 354 336 360 68.4 78.3 55.9 38.4 161 (1110)
35 345 327 35 1 67.9 77.7 55.0 37.2 156 (1080)
34 336 319 342 67.4 77.2 54.2 36.1 152 (1050)
33 327 311 334 66.8 76.6 53.3 34.9 149 (1030)
32 318 301 326 66.3 76.1 52.1 33.7 146 (1010)
31 310 294 318 65.8 75.6 51.3 32.5 141(970)
30 302 286 31 1 65.3 75.0 50.4 31.3 138 (950)
29 294 279 304 64.6 74.5 49.5 30.1 135 (930)
28 286 271 297 64.3 73.9 48.6 28.9 131(900)
27 279 264 290 63.8 73.3 47.7 27.8 128 (880)
26 272 258 284 63.3 72.8 46.8 26.7 125 (860)
25 266 253 278 62.8 72.2 45.9 25.5 123 (850)
24 260 247 272 62.4 71.6 45.0 24.3 119 (820)
23 254 243 266 62.0 71.O 44.0 23.1 117 (810)
22 248 237 26 1 61.5 70.5 43.2 22.0 115 (790)
21 243 231 256 61.O 69.9 42.3 20.7 112 (770)
20 238 226 25 1 60.5 69.4 41.5 19.6 110 (760)
A This table gives the approximate interrelationshipsof hardness values andapproximate tensile strengthof steels. It ispossible thatsteels of various compositions and
processing histories will deviate in hardness-tensile strengthrelationship from the data presented in this table. The data in this table should not be used for austenitic
stainless steels, but have been shown to be applicable for ferritic and martensitic stainless steels. The data in this table should not be used to establish a relationship
between hardness values and tensile strength of hard drawn wire. Where more precise conversions are required, they should be developed specially for each steel
composition, heat treatment, and part.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE 3 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Nonaustenitic SteelsA (Rockwell B to other Hardness Numbers)
TABLE 4 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Austenitic Steels (Rockwell C to other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell C Scale, 150-kgf Rockwell A Scale, 60-kgf
Load, Diamond
Penetrator Load, Diamond
Penetrator 15N Scale,
15-kgf Load, 30N
45-kgf Load,
48 74.4 84.1 66.2 52.1
47 73.9 83.6 65.3 50.9
46 73.4 83.1 64.5 49.8
45 72.9 82.6 63.6 48.7
44 72.4 82.1 62.7 47.5
43 71.9 81.6 61.8 46.4
42 71.4 81 .O 61 .O 45.2
41 70.9 80.5 60.1 44.1
40 70.4 80.0 59.2 43.0
39 69.9 79.5 58.4 41.8
38 69.3 79.0 57.5 40.7
37 68.8 78.5 56.6 39.6
36 68.3 78.0 55.7 38.4
35 67.8 77.5 54.9 37.3
34 67.3 77.0 54.0 36.1
33 66.8 76.5 53.1 35.0
32 66.3 75.9 52.3 33.9
31 65.8 75.4 51.4 32.7
30 65.3 74.9 50.5 31.6
29 64.8 74.4 49.6 30.4
28 64.3 73.9 48.8 29.3
27 63.8 73.4 47.9 28.2
26 63.3 72.9 47.0 27.0
25 62.8 72.4 46.2 25.9
24 62.3 71.9 45.3 24.8
23 61.8 71.3 44.4 23.6
22 61.3 70.8 43.5 22.5
21 60.8 70.3 42.7 21.3
20 60.3 69.8 41.8 20.2
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE 5 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Austenitic Steels (Rockwell B to other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell B Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Scale, 100- Brinell Brinell Hardness, Rockwell A Scale, 15T Scale, 30T Scale, 45T Scale,
kgf Load, %S- 3000-kgf Load, 60-kgf Load, 15-kgf Load, 30-kgf Load, 45-kgf Load,
Diameter, mm
in. (1.588- 10-mm Ball Diamond Penetrator l,, %S-in. (1.588- %S-in. (1.588-
mm) Ball mm) Ball mm) Ball mm) Ball
1O0 3.79 256 61.5 91.5 80.4 70.2
99 3.85 248 60.9 91.2 79.7 69.2
98 3.91 240 60.3 90.8 79.0 68.2
97 3.96 233 59.7 90.4 78.3 67.2
96 4.02 226 59.1 90.1 77.7 66.1
95 4.08 219 58.5 89.7 77.0 65.1
94 4.14 213 58.0 89.3 76.3 64.1
93 4.20 207 57.4 88.9 75.6 63.1
92 4.24 202 56.8 88.6 74.9 62.1
91 4.30 197 56.2 88.2 74.2 61.1
90 4.35 192 55.6 87.8 73.5 60.1
89 4.40 187 55.0 87.5 72.8 59.0
88 4.45 183 54.5 87.1 72.1 58.0
87 4.51 178 53.9 86.7 71.4 57.0
86 4.55 174 53.3 86.4 70.7 56.0
85 4.60 170 52.7 86.0 70.0 55.0
84 4.65 167 52.1 85.6 69.3 54.0
83 4.70 163 51.5 85.2 68.6 52.9
82 4.74 160 50.9 84.9 67.9 51.9
81 4.79 156 50.4 84.5 67.2 50.9
80 4.84 153 49.8 84.1 66.5 49.9
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TABLE 6 Brinell Hardness NumbersA
(Ball 10 mm in Diameter, Applied Loads of 500, 1500, and 3000 kgf)
Diameter Brinell Hardness Number Brinell Hardness Number Diameter Brinell Hardness Number Brinell Hardness Number
of Indenta- Diameter Diameter
tion, mm 500-1500-
3000- of Indenta. 500-
3000- Oftion, mm
Indenta- 500-
3000- of Indenta. 500-
kgfkgf kgfkgf kgfkgf kgf kgf kgf
tion, mm kgf
tion, mm
kgf kgf
Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load
2.00 158 473 945 2.60 92.6 278 555 3.20 60.5 182 363 3.80 42.4 127 255
2.01 156 468 936 2.61 91.8 276 551 3.21 60.1 180 361 3.81 42.2 127 253
2.02 154 463 926 2.62 91.1 273 547 3.22 59.8 179 359 3.82 42.0 126 252
2.03 153 459 91 7 2.63 90.4 271 543 3.23 59.4 178 356 3.83 41.7 125 250
2.04 151 454 908 2.64 89.7 269 538 3.24 59.0 177 354 3.84 41.5 125 249
2.05 150 450 899 2.65 89.0 267 534 3.25 58.6 176 352 3.85 41.3 124 248
2.06 148 445 890 2.66 88.4 265 530 3.26 58.3 175 350 3.86 41.1 123 246
2.07 147 441 882 2.67 87.7 263 526 3.27 57.9 174 347 3.87 40.9 123 245
2.08 146 437 873 2.68 87.0 261 522 3.28 57.5 173 345 3.88 40.6 122 244
2.09 144 432 865 2.69 86.4 259 518 3.29 57.2 172 343 3.89 40.4 121 242
2.10 143 428 856 2.70 85.7 257 514 3.30 56.8 170 341 3.90 40.2 121 241
2.11 141 424 848 2.71 85.1 255 510 3.31 56.5 169 339 3.91 40.0 120 240
2.12 140 420 840 2.72 84.4 253 507 3.32 56.1 168 337 3.92 39.8 119 239
2.13 139 416 832 2.73 83.8 251 503 3.33 55.8 167 335 3.93 39.6 119 237
2.14 137 412 824 2.74 83.2 250 499 3.34 55.4 166 333 3.94 39.4 118 236
2.15 136 408 81 7 2.75 82.6 248 495 3.35 55.1 165 331 3.95 39.1 117 235
2.16 135 404 809 2.76 81.9 246 492 3.36 54.8 164 329 3.96 38.9 117 234
2.17 134 401 802 2.77 81.3 244 488 3.37 54.4 163 326 3.97 38.7 116 232
2.18 132 397 794 2.78 80.8 242 485 3.38 54.1 162 325 3.98 38.5 116 231
2.19 131 393 787 2.79 80.2 240 481 3.39 53.8 161 323 3.99 38.3 115 230
2.20 130 390 780 2.80 79.6 239 477 3.40 53.4 160 321 4.00 38.1 114 229
2.21 129 386 772 2.81 79.0 237 474 3.41 53.1 159 319 4.01 37.9 114 228
2.22 128 383 765 2.82 78.4 235 471 3.42 52.8 158 317 4.02 37.7 113 226
2.23 126 379 758 2.83 77.9 234 467 3.43 52.5 157 315 4.03 37.5 113 225
2.24 125 376 752 2.84 77.3 232 464 344 52.2 156 313 4.04 37.3 112 224
2.25 124 372 745 2.85 76.8 230 461 3.45 51.8 156 311 4.05 37.1 111 223
2.26 123 369 738 2.86 76.2 229 457 3.46 51.5 155 309 4.06 37.0 111 222
2.27 122 366 732 2.87 75.7 227 454 3.47 51.2 154 307 4.07 36.8 110 221
2.28 121 363 725 2.88 75.1 225 451 3.48 50.9 153 306 4.08 36.6 110 219
2.29 120 359 719 2.89 74.6 224 448 3.49 50.6 152 304 4.09 36.4 1 o9 218
2.30 119 356 712 2.90 74.1 222 444 3.50 50.3 151 302 4.10 36.2 1 o9 217
2.31 118 353 706 2.91 73.6 221 441 3.51 50.0 150 300 4.11 36.0 108 216
2.32 117 350 700 2.92 73.0 219 438 3.52 49.7 149 298 4.12 35.8 108 215
2.33 116 347 694 2.93 72.5 218 435 3.53 49.4 148 297 4.13 35.7 107 214
2.34 115 344 688 2.94 72.0 216 432 3.54 49.2 147 295 4.14 35.5 106 213
2.35 114 34 1 682 2.95 71.5 215 429 3.55 48.9 147 293 4.15 35.3 106 212
2.36 113 338 676 2.96 71 .O 213 426 3.56 48.6 146 292 4.16 35.1 105 211
2.37 112 335 670 2.97 70.5 212 423 3.57 48.3 145 290 4.17 34.9 105 210
2.38 111 332 665 2.98 70.1 210 420 3.58 48.0 144 288 4.18 34.8 104 209
2.39 110 330 659 2.99 69.6 209 417 3.59 47.7 143 286 4.19 34.6 104 208
2.40 1o9 327 653 3.00 69.1 207 415 3.60 47.5 142 285 4.20 34.4 103 207
2.41 108 324 648 3.01 68.6 206 412 3.61 47.2 142 283 4.21 34.2 103 205
2.42 107 322 643 3.02 68.2 205 409 3.62 46.9 141 282 4.22 34.1 102 204
2.43 106 319 637 3.03 67.7 203 406 3.63 46.7 140 280 4.23 33.9 102 203
2.44 105 316 632 3.04 67.3 202 404 3.64 46.4 139 278 4.24 33.7 101 202
2.45 104 313 627 3.05 66.8 200 401 3.65 46.1 138 277 4.25 33.6 101 201
2.46 104 311 621 3.06 66.4 199 398 3.66 45.9 138 275 4.26 33.4 1 O0 200
2.47 103 308 616 3.07 65.9 198 395 3.67 45.6 137 274 4.27 33.2 99.7 199
2.48 102 306 611 3.08 65.5 196 393 3.68 45.4 136 272 4.28 33.1 99.2 198
2.49 101 303 606 3.09 65.0 195 390 3.69 45.1 135 271 4.29 32.9 98.8 198
2.50 1 O0 301 601 3.10 64.6 194 388 3.70 44.9 135 269 4.30 32.8 98.3 197
2.51 99.4 298 597 3.11 64.2 193 385 3.71 44.6 134 268 4.31 32.6 97.8 196
2.52 98.6 296 592 3.12 63.8 191 383 3.72 44.4 133 266 4.32 32.4 97.3 195
2.53 97.8 294 587 3.13 63.3 190 380 3.73 44.1 132 265 4.33 32.3 96.8 194
2.54 97.1 291 582 3.14 62.9 189 378 3.74 43.9 132 263 4.34 32.1 96.4 193
2.55 96.3 289 578 3.15 62.5 188 375 3.75 43.6 131 262 4.35 32.0 95.9 192
2.56 95.5 287 573 3.16 62.1 186 373 3.76 43.4 130 260 4.36 31.8 95.5 191
2.57 94.8 284 569 3.17 61.7 185 370 3.77 43.1 129 259 4.37 31.7 95.0 190
2.58 94.0 282 564 3.18 61.3 184 368 3.78 42.9 129 257 4.38 31.5 94.5 189
2.59 93.3 280 560 3.19 60.9 183 366 3.79 42.7 128 256 4.39 31.4 94.1 188
4.40 31.2 93.6 187 5.05 23.3 69.8 140 5.70 17.8 53.5 107 6.35 14.0 42.O 84.O
4.41 31.1 93.2 186 5.06 23.2 69.5 139 5.71 17.8 53.3 107 6.36 13.9 41.8 83.7
4.42 30.9 92.7 185 5.07 23.1 69.2 138 5.72 17.7 53.1 106 6.37 13.9 41.7 83.4
4.43 30.8 92.3 185 5.08 23.0 68.9 138 5.73 17.6 52.9 106 6.38 13.8 41.5 83.1
4.44 30.6 91.8 184 5.09 22.9 68.6 137 5.74 17.6 52.7 105 6.39 13.8 41.4 82.8
4.45 30.5 91.4 183 5.10 22.8 68.3 137 5.75 17.5 52.5 105 6.40 13.7 41.2 82.5
4.46 30.3 91.0 182 5.11 22.7 68.0 136 5.76 17.4 52.3 105 6.41 13.7 41.1 82.2
4.47 30.2 90.5 181 5.12 22.6 67.7 135 5.77 17.4 52.1 104 6.42 13.6 40.9 81.9
4.48 30.0 90.1 180 5.13 22.5 67.4 135 5.78 17.3 51.9 104 6.43 13.6 40.8 81.6
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE 6 Continued
Diameter Brinell
Hardness Number Brinell
Hardness Number Diameter Brinell
Hardness Number Brinell
Hardness Number
of Indenta- Diameter Diameter
tion, mm 500- 1500- 3000- Indenta.
of 500- 1500- 3000- Of mm
Indenta- 500- 1500- 3000- of Indenta. 500- 1500- 3000-
kgf kgf kgfkgf kgf kgf tion. mm
kgf kgf kgf tion. mm
kgf kgf kgf
Load Load Load
Load Load Load
Load Load Load
Load Load
4.49 29.9 89.7 179 5.14 22.4 67.1 134 5.79 17.2 51.7 103 6.44 13.5 40.6 81.3
4.50 29.8 89.3 179 5.15 22.3 66.9 134 5.80 17.2 51.5 103 6.45 13.5 40.5 81.0
4.51 29.6 88.8 178 5.16 22.2 66.6 133 5.81 17.1 51.3 103 6.46 13.4 40.4 80.7
4.52 29.5 88.4 177 5.17 22.1 66.3 133 5.82 17.0 51.1 102 6.47 13.4 40.2 80.4
4.53 29.3 88.0 176 5.18 22.0 66.0 132 5.83 17.0 50.9 102 6.48 13.4 40.1 80.1
4.54 29.2 87.6 175 5.19 21.9 65.8 132 5.84 16.9 50.7 1 o1 6.49 13.3 39.9 79.8
4.55 29.1 87.2 174 5.20 21.8 65.5 131 5.85 16.8 50.5 1 o1 6.50 13.3 39.8 79.6
4.56 28.9 86.8 174 5.21 21.7 65.2 130 5.86 16.8 50.3 1 o1 6.51 13.2 39.6 79.3
4.57 28.8 86.4 173 5.22 21.6 64.9 130 5.87 16.7 50.2 1O0 6.52 13.2 39.5 79.o
4.58 28.7 86.0 172 5.23 21.6 64.7 129 5.88 16.7 50.0 99.9 6.53 13.1 39.4 78.7
4.59 28.5 85.6 171 5.24 21.5 64.4 129 5.89 16.6 49.8 99.5 6.54 13.1 39.2 78.4
4.60 28.4 85.4 170 5.25 21.4 64.1 128 5.90 16.5 49.6 99.2 6.55 13.0 39.1 78.2
4.61 28.3 84.8 170 5.26 21.3 63.9 128 5.91 16.5 49.4 98.8 6.56 13.0 38.9 78.O
4.62 28.1 84.4 169 5.27 21.2 63.6 127 5.92 16.4 49.2 98.4 6.57 12.9 38.8 77.6
4.63 28.0 84.0 168 5.28 21.1 63.3 127 5.93 16.3 49.0 98.0 6.58 12.9 38.7 77.3
4.64 27.9 83.6 167 5.29 21.o 63.1 126 5.94 16.3 48.8 97.7 6.59 12.8 38.5 77.1
4.65 27.8 83.3 167 5.30 20.9 62.8 126 5.95 16.2 48.7 97.3 6.60 12.8 38.4 76.8
4.66 27.6 82.9 166 5.31 20.9 62.6 125 5.96 16.2 48.5 96.9 6.61 12.8 38.3 76.5
4.67 27.5 82.5 165 5.32 20.8 62.3 125 5.97 16.1 48.3 96.6 6.62 12.7 38.1 76.2
4.68 27.4 82.1 164 5.33 20.7 62.1 124 5.98 16.0 48.1 96.2 6.63 12.7 38.O 76.O
4.69 27.3 81.8 164 5.34 20.6 61.8 124 5.99 16.0 47.9 95.9 6.64 12.6 37.9 75.7
4.70 27.1 81.4 163 5.35 20.5 61.5 123 6.00 15.9 47.7 95.5 6.65 12.6 37.7 75.4
4.71 27.0 81.0 162 5.36 20.4 61.3 123 6.01 15.9 47.6 95.1 6.66 12.5 37.6 75.2
4.72 26.9 80.7 161 5.37 20.3 61.0 122 6.02 15.8 47.4 94.8 6.67 12.5 37.5 74.9
4.73 26.8 80.3 161 5.38 20.3 60.8 122 6.03 15.7 47.2 94.4 6.68 12.4 37.3 74.7
4.74 26.6 79.9 160 5.39 20.2 60.6 121 6.04 15.7 47.0 94.1 6.69 12.4 37.2 74.4
4.75 26.5 79.6 159 5.40 20.1 60.3 121 6.05 15.6 46.8 93.7 6.70 12.4 37.1 74.1
4.76 26.4 79.2 158 5.41 20.0 60.1 120 6.06 15.6 46.7 93.4 6.71 12.3 36.9 73.9
4.77 26.3 78.9 158 5.42 19.9 59.8 120 6.07 15.5 46.5 93.0 6.72 12.3 36.8 73.6
4.78 26.2 78.5 157 5.43 19.9 59.6 119 6.08 15.4 46.3 92.7 6.73 12.2 36.7 73.4
4.79 26.1 78.2 156 5.44 19.8 59.3 119 6.09 15.4 46.2 92.3 6.74 12.2 36.6 73.1
4.80 25.9 77.8 156 5.45 19.7 59.1 118 6.10 15.3 46.0 92.0 6.75 12.1 36.4 72.8
4.81 25.8 77.5 155 5.46 19.6 58.9 118 6.11 15.3 45.8 91.7 6.76 12.1 36.3 72.6
4.82 25.7 77.1 154 5.47 19.5 58.6 117 6.12 15.2 45.7 91.3 6.77 12.1 36.2 72.3
4.83 25.6 76.8 154 5.48 19.5 58.4 117 6.13 15.2 45.5 91.o 6.78 12.o 36.O 72.1
4.84 25.5 76.4 153 5.49 19.4 58.2 116 6.14 15.1 45.3 90.6 6.79 12.o 35.9 71.8
4.85 25.4 76.1 152 5.50 19.3 57.9 116 6.15 15.1 45.2 90.3 6.80 11.9 35.8 71.6
4.86 25.3 75.8 152 5.51 19.2 57.7 115 6.16 15.0 45.0 90.0 6.81 11.9 35.7 71.3
4.87 25.1 75.4 151 5.52 19.2 57.5 115 6.17 14.9 44.8 89.6 6.82 11.8 35.5 71.1
4.88 25.0 75.1 150 5.53 19.1 57.2 114 6.18 14.9 44.7 89.3 6.83 11.8 35.4 70.8
4.89 24.9 74.8 150 5.54 19.0 57.0 114 6.19 14.8 44.5 89.0 6.84 11.8 35.3 70.6
4.90 24.8 74.4 149 5.55 18.9 56.8 114 6.20 14.7 44.3 88.7 6.86 11.7 35.2 70.4
4.91 24.7 74.1 148 5.56 18.9 56.6 113 6.21 14.7 44.2 88.3 6.86 11.7 35.1 70.1
4.92 24.6 73.8 148 5.57 18.8 56.3 113 6.22 14.7 44.0 88.0 6.87 11.6 34.9 69.9
4.93 24.5 73.5 147 5.58 18.7 56.1 112 6.23 14.6 43.8 87.7 6.88 11.6 34.8 69.6
4.94 24.4 73.2 146 5.59 18.6 55.9 112 6.24 14.6 43.7 87.4 6.89 11.6 34.7 69.4
4.95 24.3 72.8 146 5.60 18.6 55.7 111 6.25 14.5 43.5 87.1 6.90 11.5 34.6 69.2
4.96 24.2 72.5 145 5.61 18.5 55.5 111 6.26 14.5 43.4 86.7 6.91 11.5 34.5 68.9
4.97 24.1 72.2 144 5.62 18.4 55.2 110 6.27 14.4 43.2 86.4 6.92 11.4 34.3 68.7
4.98 24.0 71.9 144 5.63 18.3 55.0 110 6.28 14.4 43.1 86.1 6.93 11.4 34.2 68.4
4.99 23.9 71.6 143 5.64 18.3 54.8 110 6.29 14.3 42.9 85.8 6.94 11.4 34.1 68.2
5.00 23.8 71.3 143 5.65 18.2 54.6 1 o9 6.30 14.2 42.7 85.5 6.95 11.3 34.O 68.O
5.01 23.7 71.0 142 5.66 18.1 54.4 1 o9 6.31 14.2 42.6 85.2 6.96 11.3 33.9 67.7
5.02 23.6 70.7 141 5.67 18.1 54.2 108 6.32 14.1 42.4 84.9 6.97 11.3 33.8 67.5
5.03 23.5 70.4 141 5.68 18.0 54.0 108 6.33 14.1 42.3 84.6 6.98 11.2 33.6 67.3
5.04 23.4 70.1 140 5.69 17.9 53.7 107 6.34 14.0 42.1 84.3 6.99 11.2 33.5 67.O
APreparedby the Engineering Mechanics Section, Institute for Standards Technology
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
#Tb A 370
TABLE 7 Percent Shear for Measurements Made in Inches
NOTE1-Since this table is set up for finite measurements or dimensions A and B , 100% shear is to be reported when either A or B is zero.
r -
Dimension A, in.
- -
B, in. 0.05 0.12 0.10 0.14 0.20 0.24 0.22 0.30 0.40
- - -
0.05 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 88 84
0.10 96 92 90 89 81 82 84 76 68
0.12 90 88
95 86 77 79 81 71 61
0.14 86 89
84 94 73 75 77 66 55
0.16 87 94
85 82 69 72 74 61 48
0.18 83 80
85 93 65 68 72 56 45 48 42
0.20 84 92
81 77 61 65 68 5245 48 42 36
0.22 91 82 79 75 57 61 65 4740 43 29
0.24 77 81
73 90 65 54 57 61 42 30 23
0.26 75 79
71 90 62 50 5446 58 37 33 25 16
0.28 73 77
68 89 59 46 50 55 32 28 10
0.30 88 71 76
66 56 42 47 52 27 23 13 3
0.31 88 70
65 55 40 45 50
25 20 10
NOTE1-Since this table is set up for finite measurements or dimensions A and B , 100% shear is to be reported when either A or B is zero.
Dimen- Dimension A, mm
5.5 9,4.0
4.5 mm
1.0 8.0 109.5
1 .o 99 98 98 97 96 96 95 94 94 93 92 92 91 91 90 89 89 88 88
1.5 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81
2.0 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88 86 85 84 82 81 80 79 77 76 75
2.5 97 95 94 92 91 89 88 86 84 83 81 80 78 77 75 73 72 70 69
3.0 96 94 92 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62
3.5 96 93 91 89 87 85 82 80 78 76 74 72 69 67 65 63 61 58 56
4.0 95 92 90 88 85 82 80 77 75 72 70 67 65 62 60 57 55 52 50
4.5 94 92 89 86 83 80 77 75 72 69 66 63 61 58 55 52 49 46 44
5.0 94 91 88 85 81 78 75 72 69 66 62 59 56 53 50 47 44 41 37
5.5 93 90 86 83 79 76 72 69 66 62 59 55 52 48 45 42 38 35 31
6.0 92 89 85 81 77 74 70 66 62 59 55 51 47 44 40 36 33 29 25
6.5 92 88 84 80 76 72 67 63 59 55 51 47 43 39 35 31 27 23 19
7.0 91 87 82 78 74 69 65 61 56 52 47 43 39 34 30 26 21 17 12
7.5 91 86 81 77 72 67 62 58 53 48 44 39 34 30 25 20 16 11 6
8.0 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 O
TABLE 9 Charpy V-Notch Test Acceptance Criteria for Various Sub-Size Specimens
Full Size, 10 by 10 mm Y4 Size, 10 by 7.5 mm Y3 Size, 10 by 6.7 mm
% Size, 10 by 5 mm %Size, 10 by 3.3 mm V4 Size, 10 by 2.5 mm
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE A l . l Practices for Selecting Tension Test Specimens for Steel Bar Products
NOTE 1-For bar sections whereit is difficult to determine the cross-sectional area by simple measurement, the area in square inches be maycalculated
by dividing the weight per linear inch of specimen in pounds by 0.2833 (weight of 1 in.3 of steel)or by dividing the weight per linear foot of specimen
by 3.4 (weight of steel 1 in. square and 1 ft long).
Thickness, in. (mm)Width, in. Hot-Rolled Bars Cold-Finished Bars
Under 7 8 (16) Up to 1%(38), incl Full section by 8-in. (203-mm) gage Mill reduced section to 2-in. (51-mm) gage
length (Fig. 4). length and approximately 25% less than
test specimen width.
Over 1% (38) Full section, or mill to 1% in. (38 mm) Mill reduced section to 2-in. gage length
wide by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length (Fig. and 1% in. wide.
78 to 1% (16 to 38), Up to 1% (38), incl Full section by 8-in. gage length or ma- Mill reduced section to 2-in. (51-mm) gage
excl chine standard % by 2-in. (13 by 51-mm) length and approximately 25% less than
gage length specimen from center of sec- test specimen width or machine standard
tion (Fig. 5). by 2-in. (13 by 51-mm) gage length
specimen from center of section (Fig. 5).
Over 1 (38) Full section, or mill 1 in. (38 mm) width Mill reduced section to 2-in. gage length
by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length (Fig. 4) or and 1% in. wide or machine standard lh
machine standard %by 2-in. gage (13 by by 2-in. gage length specimen from mid-
51-mm) gage length specimen from mid- way between edge and center of section
way between edge and center of section (Fig. 5).
(Fig. 5).
1 (38) and over Full section by 8-in. (203-mm) gage Machine standard lh by 2-in. (13 by 51-
length, or machine standard lh by 2-in. mm) gage length specimen from midway
(13 by 51-mm) gage length specimen between surface and center (Fig. 5).
from midway between surface and center
(Fia. 5).
Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, and Octagons
Diameter or Distance
Between Parallel Hot-Rolled Bars Cold-Finished Bars
Faces, in. (mm)
Under 7 8 Full section by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length on ma- Machine to sub-size specimen (Fig. 5).
chine to sub-size specimen (Fig. 5).
78 to 1% (16 to 38), excl Full section by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length or ma- Machine standard % in. by 2-in. gage length specimen from
chine standard %in. by 2-in. (13 by 51-mm) gage center of section (Fig.5).
length specimen from center of section (Fig. 5).
1 (38) and over Full section by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length or ma- Machine standard % in. by 2-in. (13 by 51-mm gage length
chine standard in. by 2-in. (13 by 51-mm) gage specimen from midway between surface and center of sec-
length specimen from midway between surface and tion (Fig.
center of section (Fiq. 5).
Other Bar-Size Sections
All sizes Full section by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length or pre- Mill reduced section to 2-in. (51-mm) gage length and ap-
pare test specimen 1% in. (38 mm) wide (if possible) proximately 25% less than test specimen width.
by 8-in. (203-mm) gage length.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE A1.2 Recommended Practice for Selecting Bend Test Specimens for Steel Bar Products
NOTE1-The length of all specimens is to be not less than 6 in. (150 mm).
NOTE2-The edges of the specimen may be rounded to a radius not exceeding %6 in. (1.6 mm).
Thickness, in. Width, in.
I”\ I”\
Recommended Size
Up to ’h (13), incl u p to Y4 (19), Full section.
incl Full section or machine to not less than
Over Y4(19) Y4 in. (19 mm) in width by thickness of
Over %(13) All Fullsection ormachine to 1 byin. (25
by 13 mm) specimen from midway be-
tween center andsurface.
Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, and Octagons
Diameter or Distance
Between Parallel Recommended Size
Faces, in. (mm)
to 1% (38), incl
UpFull section.
Over 1%(38) Machine to 1 by %-in. (25 by 13-mm) specimen
from midway between center and surface.
TABLE A2.1 Wall Thickness Limitations of Superficial Hardness Test on Annealed or Ductile Materials
for Steel Tubular ProductsA
(“T” Scale (%e-in. Ball))
ad, (mm) Wall Thickness, in.
Over 0.050
Over 0.035 30
0.020 and over (0.51) 15
A The heaviest load recommended for a given wall thicknessis generally used.
TABLE A2.2 Wall Thickness Limitations of Superficial Hardness Test on Cold Worked or Heat Treated Material
for Steel Tubular ProductsA
(“N” Scale (Diamond Penetrator))
(mm) Wall Thickness, in. Load, kqf
Over 0.035
Over 0.025 30
0.015 and over (0.38) 15
A The heaviest load recommended for a given wall thicknessis generally used.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
TABLE A6.1 Carbon and Alloy Steels-Material Constant a = 0.4. TABLE A6.2 Annealed Austenitic Stainless Steels-Material
Multiplication Factors for Converting Percent Elongation from Constant a = 0.127. Multiplication Factors for Converting Percent
lh-in. Diameter by 2-in. Gage Length Standard Tension Test Elongation from lh-in. Diameter by 2-in. Gage Length Standard
SpecimentoStandardby2-in.and 1% by 8-in. FlatSpecimens Tension Test Specimen to Standard 'h by 2-in. and 1% by 8-in.
1 %by 1 %by Flat Specimens
Thickness, %by Thickness
2-in. 8-in. 8-in. Y2 by 1%by
in. in. Thickness, Thickness,
Specimen Specimen Specimen 2-in. 8-in. 8-1n.
in. in.
Specimen Specimen Specimen
0.025 0.574 ... 0.800 0.822
0.030 0.596 ... 0.850 0.832 0.025 0.839 ... 0.800 0.940
0.035 0.614 ... 0.900 0.841 0.030 0.848 ... 0.850 0.943
0.040 0.631 ... 0.950 0.850 0.035 0.857 ... 0.900 0.947
0.045 0.646 ... 1.o00 0.859 0.040 0.864 ... 0.950 0.950
0.050 0.660 ... 1.125 0.880 0.045 0.870 ... 1.o00 0.953
0.055 0.672 ... 1.250 0.898 0.050 0.876 ... 1.125 0.960
0.060 0.684 ... 1.375 0.916 0.055 0.882 ... 1.250 0.966
0.065 0.695 ... 1.500 0.932 0.060 0.886 ... 1.375 0.972
0.070 0.706 ... 1.625 0.947 0.065 0.891 ... 1.500 0.978
0.075 0.715 ... 1.750 0.961 0.070 0.895 ... 1.625 0.983
0.080 0.725 ... 1.875 0.974 0.075 0.899 ... 1.750 0.987
0.085 0.733 ... 2.000 0.987 0.080 0.903 ... 1.875 0.992
0.090 0.742 0.531 2.125 0.999 0.085 0.906 ... 2.000 0.996
0.100 0.758 0.542 2.250 1.010 0.090 0.909 0.818 2.125 1.o00
0.110 0.772 0.553 2.375 1 .o21 0.095 0.913 0.821 2.250 1.O03
0.120 0.786 0.562 2.500 1.O32 0.100 0.916 0.823 2.375 1.O07
0.130 0.799 0.571 2.625 1.O42 0.110 0.921 0.828 2.500 1.010
0.140 0.810 0.580 2.750 1.O52 0.120 0.926 0.833 2.625 1.013
0.150 0.821 0.588 2.875 1.O61 0.130 0.931 0.837 2.750 1.016
0.160 0.832 0.596 3.000 1.O70 0.140 0.935 0.841 2.875 1.019
0.170 0.843 0.603 3.125 1.O79 0.150 0.940 0.845 3.000 1 .o22
0.180 0.852 0.610 3.250 1.O88 0.160 0.943 0.848 3.125 1.O24
0.190 0.862 0.616 3.375 1.O96 0.170 0.947 0.852 3.250 1.O27
0.200 0.870 0.623 3.500 1.104 0.180 0.950 0.855 3.375 1.O29
0.225 0.891 0.638 3.625 1.112 0.190 0.954 0.858 3.500 1.O32
0.250 0.910 0.651 3.750 1.119 0.200 0.957 0.860 3.625 1.O34
0.275 0.928 0.664 3.875 1.127 0.225 0.964 0.867 3.750 1.O36
0.300 0.944 0.675 4.000 1.134 0.250 0.970 0.873 3.875 1.O38
0.325 0.959 0.686 ... ... 0.275 0.976 0.878 4.000 1.041
0.350 0.973 0.696 ... ... 0.300 0.982 0.883 ... ...
0.375 0.987 0.706 ... ... 0.325 0.987 0.887 ... ...
0.400 1.o00 0.715 ... ... 0.350 0.991 0.892 ... ...
0.425 1.012 0.724 ... ... 0.375 0.996 0.895 ... ...
0.450 1.O24 0.732 ... ... 0.400 1.o00 0.899 ... ...
0.475 1.O35 0.740 ... ... 0.425 1.O04 0.903 ... ...
0.500 1.O45 0.748 ... ... 0.450 1.O07 0.906 ... ...
0.525 1.O56 0.755 ... ... 0.475 1.011 0.909 ... ...
0.550 1.O66 0.762 ... ... 0.500 1.014 0.912 ... ...
0.575 1.O75 0.770 ... ... 0.525 1.017 0.915 ... ...
0.600 1.O84 0.776 ... ... 0.550 1 .o20 0.917 ... ...
0.625 1.O93 0.782 ... ... 0.575 1.O23 0.920 ... ...
0.650 1.101 0.788 ... ... 0.600 1.O26 0.922 ... ...
0.675 1.110 ... ... ... 0.625 1.O29 0.925 ... ...
0.700 1.118 0.800 ... ... 0.650 1.O31 0.927 ... ...
0.725 1.126 ... ... ... 0.675 1.O34 ... ... ...
0.750 1.134 0.811 ... ... 0.700 1.O36 0.932 ... ...
0.725 1.O38 ... ... ...
1 0.750 .O41 0.936
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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TABLE A8.1 Recommended Values for Rounding Test Data
Test Quantity Data Ranqe Rounded ValueA
Yield Point, up to 50 O00 psi, excl (up to 50 ksi) 100 psi (0.1 ksi)
Yield Strength, 50 O00 to 100 O00 psi, excl (50 to 100 ksi) 500 psi (0.5 ksi)
Tensile Strength 100 O00 psi and above (100 ksi and above) 1000 psi (1.0 ksi)
O to 10 %, excl 0.5 %
1O % and above 1%
O to 10 %, excl 0.5 %
Reduction of Area
1O % and above 1%
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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- Prolongatiton
and Rot-
Longitudinal Test
( b ) Hollow Forgingo.
frolongation ,
Tangential Test
Tongential Test
(d)Ring Forgings.
FIG. 2 Locations of Test Specimens for Various Types of Forgings
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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Standard Specimens Specimen Subsize
Plate-Type, Sheet-Type,
%-in. Wide
1 %-in. Wide %-in. Wide
in. mm in.
&Gage length (Notes 1 and 2) 8.00 i 0.01 200 i 0.25 2.000 i 0.005 50.0 i 0.10 1.000 i 0.003 25.0 i 0.08
W-Width (Notes 3, and 5, 6) 1 ’/2 + ‘/a 40 + 3 0.500 i 0.010 12.5 i 0.25 0.250 i 0.002 6.25 i 0.05
- ’/4 -6
T-Thickness (Note 7) thickness of material
R-Radius of fillet, min (Note 4) lh 13 Y2 13 ’/4 6
L-Over-all length, min (Notes 2 and 8) 18 450 8 200 4 1 O0
A-Length of reduced section, min 9 225 2’/4 60 1’/4 32
&Length of grip section, min (Note 9) 3 75 2 50 1’/4 32
>Width of grip section, approximate 2 50 Y4 20 Y8 10
(Notes 4,10,and 11)
NOTE1-For the 1Yz-in. (40-mm) wide specimen, punch marks for measuring elongation after fracture shall be made on theflat or on the edge of the
specimen and within the reduced section. Either a set of nineor more punch marks 1 in. (25 mm) apart, or one or more pairs of punch marks 8 in. (200
mm) apart may be used.
NOTE2-For the Yz-in. (12.5-mm) wide specimen, gage marksfor measuring the elongation after fracture shallbe made on the Yz-inch (12.5-mm) face
or on the edge of the specimen and within the reduced section. Either a set of three or more marks 1.0 in. (25 mm) apart or one or more pairs of marks
2 in. (50 mm) apart may be used.
NOTE3-For the three sizes of specimens, the ends of the reduced section shall not differ in width by more than 0.004, 0.002or 0.001 in. (0.10, 0.05
or 0.025 mm), respectively. Also, there may be a gradual decrease in widthfrom the ends to the center, but the width at either end shall not be more than
0.015 in., 0.005 in., or 0.003 in. (0.40, 0.10 or 0.08 mm), respectively, larger than the width at the center.
NOTE &For each specimen type, the radii ofall fillets shall be equal to each other with a tolerance of 0.05 in. (1.25 mm), and the centersof curvature
of the two fillets at a particular end shall be located across from each other (on a line perpendicular to the centerline) within a tolerance of 0.10
in. (2.5
NOTE5-For each of the three sizes of specimens, narrower widths ( W and C) may be used when necessary. In such cases the width of the reduced
section should beas large as thewidth of the material being tested permits; however, unless stated specifically, the requirementsfor elongation in a product
specification shall not apply when these narrower specimens are used. If the width of the material is less than W, the sides may be parallel throughout
the length of the specimen.
NOTE6-The specimen may be modifiedby making the sides parallel throughout the length of the specimen, the width and tolerances being the same
as those specified above. When necessary a narrower specimen may be used, in which case the width should be asgreat as the width of the material being
tested permits. If the width is 1% in. (38 mm) or less, the sides may be parallel throughout the length of the specimen.
NOTE7-The dimension T is the thickness of the test specimenas provided for in the applicable material specifications. Minimum nominal thickness
of 1%-in. (40-mm) wide specimens shall be 3/16 in. (5 mm), except as permitted by the product specification. Maximum nominal thickness of %-in.
(12.5-mm) and Y4-in. (6-mm) wide specimens shall be Y4in. (19 mm) and Y4 in. (6 mm), respectively.
NOTE8-To aid in obtaining axial loading during testing of Y4-in. (6-mm) wide specimens, the over-all length should be as the material will permit.
NOTE9-It is desirable, if possible, to make the length of the grip section large enough to allow the specimen to extend into the grips a distance equal
to two thirdsor moreof the length of the grips. If the thickness ofYz-in. (13-mm) wide specimensis over Ya in. (10 mm), longer grips and correspondingly
longer grip sections of the specimen may be necessary to prevent failure in the grip section.
NOTE10-For standard sheet-type specimens and subsize specimens the ends of the specimen shall be symmetrical with the center line of the reduced
section within 0.01 and 0.005in. (0.25 and 0.13 mm), respectively. However, for steelif the ends of the %-in. (12.5-mm) wide specimen are symmetrical
within 0.05 in. (1.0 mm) a specimen may be considered satisfactory for all but referee testing.
NOTE11-For standard plate-type specimens the ends of the specimen shallbe symmetrical with the center line of the reduced section within0.25 in.
(6.35 mm) except for referee testing in which case the endsof the specimen shall be symmetrical with the center line of the reduced section within 0.10
in. (2.5 mm).
FIG. 3 Rectangular Tension Test Specimens
NOTE1-The reduced section may have a gradual taper from the ends toward the center, with the ends not more than 1 percent larger in diameter than
the center (controlling dimension).
NOTE2-If desired, the length of the reduced section may be increased to accommodate an extensometer of any convenient gage length. Reference
marks for the measurement of elongation should, nevertheless, be spaced at the indicated gage length.
NOTE3-The gage length and fillets shall be as shown, but the ends may be of any form to fit the holders of the testing machine in such a way that
the load shallbe axial (see Fig.9). If the ends areto be held in wedge grips itis desirable, if possible, to make the length of the grip section great enough
to allow the specimen to extend into the grips a distance equal to two thirds or more of the length of the grips.
NOTE&On the round specimens in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, the gage lengths are equal to four times the nominal diameter. In some product specifications
other specimens may be provided for, but unless the 4-to-1isratio maintained within dimensional tolerances, the elongation values maybenot comparable
with those obtained from the standard test specimen.
NOTE5-The use of specimens smaller than 0.250-in. (6.25-mm) diameter shall be restricted to cases when the material to be testedis of insufficient
size to obtain larger specimens or when all parties agree to their use for acceptance testing. Smaller specimens require suitable equipment and greater
skill in both machining and testing.
NOTE6-Five sizes of specimens often used have diameters of approximately 0.505,0.357,0.252,0.160, and 0.113 in., the reason being to permit easy
calculations of stress from loads, since the corresponding cross sectional areas are equal or close to 0.200, 0.100, 0.0500, 0.0200, and 0.0100 in.’,
respectively. Thus, when the actual diameters agree with these values, the stresses (or strengths) may be computed using the simple multiplying factors
5, 10, 20 50, and 100, respectively. (The metric equivalentsof these fixed diameters do not result in correspondingly convenient cross sectional area and
multiplying factors.)
FIG. 4 Standard 0.500-in. (12.5-mm) Round Tension Test Specimen with 2-in. (50-mm) Gage Length and Examples of Small-Size
Specimens Proportional to the Standard Specimens
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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NOTE1-The reduced section may have a gradual taper from the ends toward the center with the ends not more than 0.005 in. (0.10 mm) larger in
diameter than the center.
NOTE2-On Specimen 5 it is desirable, if possible, to make the length of the grip section great enough to allow the specimen to extend into the grips
a distance equal to two thirds or more of the length of the grips.
NOTE3-The types of ends shown are applicable for the standard 0.500-in. round tension test specimen; similar types can be used for subsize
specimens. The use of UNF series of threads(Y4by 16, Yz by 20, Ya by 24, and Y4 by 28) is suggested for high-strength brittle materials to avoid fracture
in the thread portion.
FIG. 5 Suggested Types of Ends for Standard Round Tension Test Specimens
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3
m in. mm in.
&Length of parallel Shall be equal toor greater than diameter D
-Diameter 0.500 i 0.010 12.5i 0.25 0.750 i 0.015 20.0 i 0.40 1.25 i 0.025 30.0 i 0.60
R-Radius of fillet, min 1 25 1 25 2 50
A-Length of reduced section, min 1 '/4 32 1 '/2 38 2'/4 60
L-Over-all length, min 3Y4 95 4 1 O0 6% 160
&Grip section, approximate 1 25 1 25 1 3/4 45
>Diameter of end section, approximate Y4 20 1 '/8 30 1 Y8 48
&Length of shoulder, min '
/4 6 '
/4 6 5h6 8
&Diameter of shoulder 78 i 7/64 16.0 i 0.40 ' 7 16 i '/S4 24.0 i 0.40 17/16 i 7/64 36.5 i 0.40
NOTE 1-The reduced section and shoulders (dimensions A, D, E, F; G, and R ) shall be shown, but the ends may be of any form to fit the holders of
the testing machine in such a way that the load shall be axial. Commonly the ends are threaded and have the dimensions B and C given above.
FIG. 6 Standard Tension Test Specimens for Cast Iron
- """_"_ I
v) I
v) I
?! I
/." """""_"
Strain I
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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A n
om = Specified O f f sei
FIG. 9 Stress-Strain Diagram for Determination of Yield Strength
by the Offset Method
f .5.1000)Ce"ln o(
ANVIL Suuporl
Shear Area
Cleavage A r e a
NOTE1-Measure average dimensions A and B to the nearest 0.02 in. or 0.5 mm.
NOTE2-Determine the percent shear fracture using Table 7 or Table 8.
FIG. 13 Determination of percent Shear Fracture
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FIG. 15 Halves of Broken Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen Joined for the Measurement of Lateral Expansion, Dimension A
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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c 6 25 .
RANGE 0 0 1 - 2 5 0
FIG. 17 Assembly and Details for Lateral Expansion Gage
FIG. A2.1 Metal Plugs for Testing Tubular Specimens, Proper Location of Plugs in Specimen and of Specimen in Heads of Testing
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NOTE1-The edges of the blank for the specimen shall be cut parallel
to each other.
FIG. A2.2 Location of Longitudinal Tension-Test Specimens in
Dimensions, in.
Specimen No.
1 i 0.015
9'2 l%s approximately 2 i 0.005 2% min
2 Y4 i 0.031 1approximately 2 i 0.005 2% min
4 i 0.005 4%min
1 3 i 0.062 1% approximately 2 i 0.005 2% min
4 i 0.005 4% min
1 4 '/2 i '/8 2 approximately 2 i 0.010 2% min
4 i 0.015 4%min
8 i 0.020 9 min
FIG. A2.4 Location of Transverse Tension Test Specimens in
Ring Cut from Tubular Products.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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Gage Length
Hydraullc -Pressure i r i e 3
FIG. A2.6 Testing Machine for Determination of Transverse Yield
Strength from Annular Ring Specimens
FIG. A2.7 Roller Chain Type Extensometer, Undamped
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FIG. A2.10 Crush Test Specimen
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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NOTE 1-Metric equivalent: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
Pipe Wall Thickness (0, in.
Test Specimen
Thickness, in.
Up to 3/8, incl t
Over 3/8 Y8
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Hardened rollers, 1 3 ' ' d l a m may be
substltuted for J i gshoulders - .,
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
c = Clearance of wedge hole
d = Diameter of bolt
R = Radius
T = Thickness of wedge at short side of hole equal to one-halfdiameter of bolt
FIG. A3.2 Wedge Test Detail
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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2.i 0305' Gogc Lenplh'for
Elongallon aller F r a c t u r e
Reduced Section
1.000 f0.005"
A \Rad$min
Gage Length
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
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B 112 radius
1/2 radius
~ D nom
Section 6-6 Section A-A
X=Location of Hardness Impressions
FIG. A3.6 Hardness Test Locations for Bolts in a Dispute
FIG. A4.1 Wedge-Type Gripping Device
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FIG. A4.2 Snubbing-Type Gripping Device
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of anypatent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 1O0 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual
reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585
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