28 Semiconductors Formula Sheets Getmarks App

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Semiconductors : Electrical properties of which lie between conductor and insulators.
Semiconductors are materials that have a small energy gap of the order of 1eV. At 0K (absolute zero), the
semiconductors behave like insulators.
Intrinsic Semiconductors (pure) : Semiconductor which are free from inpurity.
Intrinsic Semiconductors have an equal number of electrons in conduction band and holes in valence band
ne = nh
where ne = number of electrons per unit volume
nh = number of holes per unit volume
ne × nh = ni2
ni = intrinsic charge carrier density or intrinsic charge carrier concentration
Doped or Extrinsic Semiconductors : Semi conductors doped or added with certian impurity to increase its
N-Type : In N type of semiconductor electrons are majority charge carriers and holes are minority charge
P Type : In P type semiconductors holes are majority charge carriers whereas electrons are minority charge
Semiconductor Devices
The P-N junction Diode :
P side of P-N junction has holes as a majority charge carriers and electrons as a minority charge carriers whereas
N side has electrons as a majority charge carriers and holes as a minority charge carriers. holes diffuse from P
side to N side whereas electrons diffuse from N side to P side.
Ei Potential barrier
+ +
+ +
P-type N-type

Depletion layer
Forward bias

breakdown i saturation
s current)
Forward bias voltage
reverse bias

P-N Junction Characteristics


Dynamic Resistance :
Where V denotes a small change in the applied potential difference and i denotes corresponding small
change in current.
Dynamic Resistance is equal to the reciprocal of the slope of the i-V characteristic.
Photodiode : When a light of proper wavelength falls on the junction, new electron-hole pairs are created. The
number of charge carriers increases and hence the conductivity of the junction increases. If the junction is
connected in some circuit, the current in the circuit is controlled by the intensity of the incident light.
Light-emitting Diode (LED) : When a conduction electron makes a transition to the valence band to fill up a
hole in P-N junction, the extra energy is emitted as a photon. If the wavelength of this photon is in the visible range
one can see the emitted light. Such a P-N junction is known as light emitting diode (LED).
Zener diode : A diode operated in Zener break down mode is called Zener diode. In this type of mode of
operation current increases rapidly but voltage remains almost constant. Thus it is used to obtain constant voltage

P-N Junction as a Rectifier : PN Junction can be used to convert A.C into unidirectional current. (DC)
(a) Half wave rectifier

~ R Output


t t

Input wave form Output wave form

Average out put current =

where Io = amplitude of the input current
R.M.S. Value of output current =

(b) Full Wave rectifier


If VA > VC > VB D1 Conducts
If VB > VC > VA D2 Conducts

V t V

Input wave form Output wave form

Average output current =

R.M.S. Value of output current =
Junction transistor
It has three terminals
(a) Emitter (b) Base (c) Collector
Emitter is heavily doped, collector is moderately doped and base is thin and lightly doped.
Collector Collector


Emitter Emitter
A transistor can be operated in three different modes. Common-emitter, common collector and common base.



+ –

Common Base
Common Emitter


+ –

Common Collector
Transistor as an Amplifier

1. Common base :
In this type amplifier, base to emitter junction is forward biased whereas base to collector is reverse biased
Transistor parameter
I I c
Current again  0 ; AC current gain 
IE I e

v0 I0 Rout R
Voltage gain  Av   = Current gain × Resistance gain    0
vi I E Rin Ri
Where Ro = Resistance of the output circuit
Ri = Resistance of the input circuit
Power gain =  2 × Resistance gain
2. Common emitter amplifier
I c
Current gain 
I b
Voltage gain (Av) = Current gain × Resistance gain =  × Av

Power gain = 2 × Resistance gain

Resistance gain =
Transistor used as an oscillator converts D.C. into A.C.
Amplifier section is just a transistor used in common-emitter mode.


1 1
f0 
2 LC

LC Network
Part of output energy is sent back in phase to input circuit. This is also called positive feed back.
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