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Ravi Teja Talasila

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Ravi Teja Talasila





May 14, 1988

Prepared on 09/29/2020 by the

Society of Kabalarians
1160 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 1J1 Canada

Home Page of www.kabalarians.com

NR ID: 4237837 (Gender: M) [edit]

Ordered on 09/29/2020

Ver 12-SplitNR -Mar 2020

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Dear Ravi teja
Your Name Report is going to tell you about your personality—why you think and act the way you do and why you
attract certain experiences. The report will demonstrate the influence of each of the names you use and how they
interact to create the conditions in your life. Also, you will learn about your purpose, which was initiated by the
mathematical measurement of your birth date called your birthpath.

Did you know that your name determines not only your personality and family traits but the overall direction and
the eventual outcome in your life? What will your current names bring into your life? Find out and learn how you
can redirect these conditions to be more constructive and fulfilling.

Introduction Video: Some additional points to consider

As you read your Name Report, consider your life and the experiences you have attracted. This Report explains that
your names are the fundamental cause of your circumstances. If you want a better life, find out what a balanced
name will do for you.

For almost nine decades, our name specialists have counselled and assisted thousands of people around the world to
find success and happiness using a balanced name and applying mental freedom principles.

We would be happy to discuss your Name Report and answer your questions. Our Name Specialists can be reached
at 866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551.

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Office Team — Society of Kabalarians

P.S. You can also download a full PDF copy of your Name Report by clicking here.

Part 1: Your Life Purpose/Birthpath - May 14, 1988

With your first breath, your purpose became a part of you. Your purpose has specific universal qualities that should
be developed through your mind. We call your purpose your birthpath. It is measured from the month, day, and
year of your birth.

Whether your birthpath fully expresses depends upon your names, for the names create your personality and are
the compelling forces that shape your life. The birthpath is the purpose to be understood and consciously expressed
through a mind harmonized to that birthpath.

Birthpath For: May 14, 1988: [revise birthdate]

The date you were born indicates that you have a potential role as a teacher, leader, and specialist inspiring and
instructing others. The qualities of your inner nature include generosity, a love for humanity, and a desire to serve
and help others. To create a happy, healthy, and successful life, you must keep your emotions in check to avoid

feeling too much the tensions of living and the problems of others. Your compassion and appreciation of people
could allow you to do well in positions where you can serve and assist others such as in charitable institutions,
hospitals, in the legal industry, or in the educational system, to name a few.

You could find happiness in the business and financial world in an occupation assisting and serving others in some
way, such as a financial planner or family lawyer, in which you better their lives because of your efforts. Following
musical, artistic, dramatic, and/or design pursuits could encourage your creativity, originality, and imagination.

Your inborn love of independence and freedom could be nurtured in situations offering variety and opportunities for
self-expression. Within your potential are the appreciation of the outdoors and all the beauties of nature.

Although your birthpath indicates a role of being a compassionate provider for people, create opportunities to be on
your own at times for reflection to develop your creative talents through literary, musical, and/or artistic

The following analysis of your names and signature will show the inconsistency between the expression of your
personal nature created by your names of Ravi Teja Talasila and your birthpath qualities.

Birthdate incorrect?

Birth time around midnight?

Part 2: Analysis of Your Names

Why Names Matter

Watch Video At: https://youtu.be/ZmDnfjCE1iQ


Too many people suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and materially—all due to the lack of understanding of
the principles of name. Generally, people are aware that their diets and their physical habits affect their overall
health. Less are aware that balanced thinking is vital to their happiness, health, and fulfilment. Fewer still realize
that their names are the key to creating this necessary balance.

A Few Points to Recognize

In your Name Report, your names are analyzed using the 26-letter English alphabet. However the effect of your
names in English may be modified somewhat if, in addition, your names were created from a different alphabet. We
would be pleased to discuss this matter with you.

Middle names do not determine your personality traits and are not analyzed unless you are called by your middle
name. If your middle name is a part of your business signature, it would have an overall influence in your business
affairs and would be described in the business signature section.

Your First Name(s)

Your most used first name(s) reveals your personality—your desires, ideals, capabilities, goals, ambitions, potential
health sensitivities, the types of people you are drawn to, and the business and personal surroundings you seek.

Important: If your legal name is different than your most used name of Ravi teja we would encourage to add
your legal first name to your Name Report so you can get an analysis this name as it is a very important influence in
your life. For example:

Most used first name: Joe

But legal first name: Joseph

Add and analyze my legal first name

Ravi teja [edit/add name]

The name of Ravi teja influences you to be refined and inspirational, and to think deeply about life. You have a
restless urge for knowledge and a need to serve a worthwhile purpose. You have a clever and analytical mind and
could be brilliant in areas that hold your interest such mathematics or science. It is difficult for you to accept advice
from others or any interference with your choices.

Your independent nature, the need for freedom from restrictions, and your kinship to the out-of-doors could lead you
to seek occupations in forestry, fishing, aviation, or as a game warden, etc. You desire peace and tranquillity, but
more often attract turbulence and chaotic experiences that are bitter. It is not easy for you to maintain harmony in
close relationships.

You crave love and understanding and are easily hurt or offended. Instead of expressing your deeper feelings so that
others may understand you, you withdraw into moods of depression, jealousy, and unhappiness, and distance
yourself from those who care. It is often only through writing that you can express your higher ideals, or convey
your deep appreciation for those you love. It is difficult for you to cope with discordant situations or heavy

Nervous tension could lead to insomnia, or have a negative impact on your health. Sensitivity in the stomach and
solar plexus, or heart and respiratory problems, could result. Also, you could experience accidents due to your
impulsive nature.

The weaknesses of the your current first name of Ravi teja can be offset with a first name balanced to your

A balanced first name will free your mind to pursue your natural calling. You will find your thinking expanding,
changing, and becoming creative in new ways.

You will start to attract progressive opportunities to help you fulfil your purpose and to find success in every area of
your life.

Your Surname(s)
The family name is the influence of your background, your home environment, the quality of thoughts of the family,
the desires, ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, and the hereditary traits.

Surname qualities are modified or intensified depending on the first names given and used.

Talasila [edit/add name]

Your surname of Talasila creates a very friendly, happy, and spontaneous family. They love parties, social activities,
and entertaining. They are very expressive and their home life is usually in a commotion, for they are always stirring
up excitement and playing pranks on one another. They say things just for the sake of an argument and thoroughly
enjoy the humour and fun it creates. They are artistic, musical, and creative, and respond to inspirational and spur of
the moment experiences. They dislike system, order, routine, or monotony. They are spendthrifts; it is difficult for
them to save and thus their lives lack stability and accumulation. Tending to scatter their efforts, they are not
practical or interested in technical, mathematical occupations or tasks where system and detail are required, unless
their other names bring out this influence. This name can cause emotional outbursts and hurt feelings; thus they
must learn to control their impulsive, overly talkative, and emotional nature. They forgive and forget easily, and
display their feelings very quickly. Love is their motivating force and they are very affectionate, giving, and
inspirational. They can be over emotional and indulge their appetites causing over-weight problems or skin and liver

This surname of Talasila has limitations and it is not in harmony with your first name and birthdate. It is another
influence that could create confusion and lack of good health over time. All hereditary characteristics are carried
down each family through the surname.

A balanced last name harmonized to a balanced first name and to your date of birth of May 14, 1988 will give you
the optimum benefits so that you can achieve the success of your goals and your life's purpose.

Your Combined Names(s) Create Your Destiny

Your combined names sum up your life - your financial status, successful accomplishments, the environments you
attract, and the state of your health. You combined names create your destiny - your experiences and the
circumstances that become part of your life.

Ravi teja Talasila [edit/add name]

Your combined names of Ravi teja Talasila tend to draw you into the business world in a leadership role where you
organize the efforts of others and handle finances. You attract good opportunities that would allow you to achieve
your goals but, of course, success depends on the effort you are willing to put forth. These names do bring financial
accumulation to a degree but spoil opportunities for personal fulfilment. Your associations likely have practical,
material values and think in terms of money, power, and station. These names could also affect your health in the
reproductive organs.

The destiny that you experience has not allowed your full potential to express.

We can assist you in making positive changes to find your best possible level of success and happiness. Take
advantage of your free 15-minute telephone consultation for additional support to learn more about yourself.

Your Nickname(s)

None entered.[edit/add name]

Important: All your names have influence depending on how much they are used. If you have a nickname(s), click
the link below to add it:

Analyze my nickname(s)

Your Business Signature(s)

Important: If your business signature is different than your most used full name of Ravi teja Talasila we would
encourage to add your business signature(s) to your Name Report so you can get an analysis of these names as they
are a key influence on your business affairs and success.

Analyze my business signature(s)

Ravi teja Talasila [edit/add name]

To the extent that you use the business signature of Ravi teja Talasila, it would bring opportunities for success but
would demand an aggressive approach. This signature takes you into positions of where you have direction and
control of finances and people, but where you work independently. Business activities take a dominant position in
your life leaving little time for cultural pursuits.

Your Birth Name

None entered. [edit/add name]

Important: Your birth name (even though not used ) has a definite influence because it is the name you were legally
registered as. If your birth name is different than your current legal name click the link below to add your birth

Analyze my birth name

Part 3: Current Destiny Created by Your Combined Names

Your combined names of Ravi teja Talasila create the overall conditions in your life, which we call your destiny.

Your names have allowed a certain degree of accomplishment and success; however, there are definite drawbacks
and conflicting influences that will spoil your long-term personal happiness and fulfillment, and business success.

These conditions will continually occur (despite your best efforts) and will limit your success in life as long as you
use these names. See the detailed descriptions below.

Ravi teja Talasila

Your combined names of Ravi teja Talasila bring opportunities for positions where you would have some
direction and control of material values and finances but a first name could limit the ability to take advantage of
them. You are drawn amongst people who tend to measure everything according to its dollar value and worth. Your
combined name brings many responsibilities and opportunities in management and administration which would
create financial stability and settled conditions. Although this is a strong, positive destiny, it can tend to impose on
your personal life as you become very involved in business. Your personal life could suffer and bring
misunderstandings and unhappiness as it is difficult to keep the balance. The strengths and weaknesses in your first
and last names will enhance or limit the success you will achieve personally and in business endeavours. Any over-
indulgence could affect the generative organs. A balanced name in harmony with your birthpath will create the right
desires and experiences through which to attract the best opportunities to express the beauty and success in the
development of your inner purpose.

Important Points on the 8 Destiny of your name of Ravi teja Talasila

by Dhorea Delain - Senior Name Specialist

Simple changes can make a world of difference!

If you balance your name and business signature in harmony with your birthpath you will find these conditions
changing to greater stability and happiness and you will be able to fulfil your ideals and reach the success you

Part 4: Recommendations for Ravi Teja Talasila

If you continue to use the names of Ravi Teja Talasila, you will experience these
obstacles, limitations, and restrictions described in the Name Report above.

Find out how a Kabalarian Balanced Name can transform your life. Request a free
information package.

What Will a Kabalarian Balanced Name Do?

Create Balance Between Body, Mind, and Spirit
Enhance Strengths
Allow Improved Relaxation
Be Happier
Build Vibrant Health
Create Mental Freedom
Generate Greater Business Success
Enjoy Harmonious and Meaningful Relationships

Your First Name:

Your Last Name:

Your Email:

Watch Video At: https://youtu.be/UzWZunphyRM

15-minute Free Support Call

Take advantage of a free extended analysis of your names and birth date or to discuss any questions you may have
regarding your Name Report. Call to speak to our of our name specialists.

866-489-1188 toll-free from anywhere in North America

604-263-9551 for international locations

Hours are from Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Pacific Time.

Society of Kabalarians

Thought for the Day

Every situation holds a lesson to be learned. –Alfred J. Parker

The secret of success in life of each spiritual prophet was humility and
humbleness and the burning desire and urge to surrender his own
personality or self into the common cause of human progress. –Alfred
J. Parker

The wind does not talk with more gentleness to giant oaks than to the smallest leaf of grass. –Kahlil

Universal Love is based on understanding. –Alfred J. Parker

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Link to master list of quotes


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