Tomb of The Twilight Queen
Tomb of The Twilight Queen
Tomb of The Twilight Queen
Twilight Queen
Tomb of the
Twilight Queen
Devious traps and fabulous treasures abound
in this adventure for the world’s greatest
roleplaying game!
Adventure Overview
Tomb of the Twilight Queen is an adventure for the Fifth
Edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game. It is designed
for 1st- to 4th-level characters and is optimized for five
characters with an average party level (APL) of 3. This
adventure takes place in my WORLD OF ISKANDAR campaign
setting, but it can be easily transferred to any other fantasy
game world.
Chapter 1: Seeking a Tome
Chapter 2: Exploring the Tomb
The empire of Aaru flourished countless centuries ago, many
years even before the founding of ancient Iskandar. It was a
green, fertile land ruled by a reptilian people called the bakrog,
who became wealthy due to the abundance of precious stones
and metals.
For over a thousand years, Aaru was the most powerful
empire in the world. But its dominance finally came to an end,
beset by enemies on all sides and with its once-green fields
turned to desert by a magical pestilence.
One of the last rulers of Aaru was Queen Sankhara.
Historians call her the "Twilight Queen" because she
worshiped the Sky Mother in her twilight aspect. On Queen
Sankhara's death, she was buried beneath an enormous
obelisk per the customs of Aaru. Artificers then filled her tomb
with clever traps to discourage looters.
The empire of Aaru is long gone, with the land now deserted
except for a few hardy miners and merchants. Countless
treasure hunters have raided Sankhara's tomb over the
centuries, but there is reason to believe it still hides a few
The Bakrog
Aaru was ruled by a reptilian race called the bakrog, who are still the
most populous inhabitants of the island. They look similar to the
lizardfolk described in the Fifth Edition basic rules.
Chapter 1: Seeking a Tome
Summary. The characters meet Dr. Otho Ambitriax and travel
to Aaru in search of a valuable tome.
Getting Started
The adventure begins in the mighty city of Iskandar, though
you can substitute this with the home city of your campaign.
The characters are contacted by a goblin scholar called Dr.
Otho Ambitriax, who studies ancient history at a local
university called the Academy of Systematic Wisdom.
Otho Ambitriax
Otho is a goblin scholar (noble) who lectures in ancient studies at
the Academy. He wears a black smock, a wide-brimmed hat, and has
a rosewood cane. Otho is fluent in the ancient language of Aaru.
Motivation. Although born into wealth, Otho is first and foremost
a scholar. He loves nothing more than days spent in the library
poring over moldering old tomes. It is only the promise of a valuable
book that has convinced him to leave the Academy.
Mannerism. Otho is not a practical person and does not listen
very carefully to instructions. He also hates being wrong and is apt to
blame others for his mistakes. When annoyed, he tends to shake his
Otho offers the characters 100 gp each plus expenses to
accompany him on his expedition. The characters may also
keep 50% of all treasure found plus all magic items found. Otho,
of course, lays claim to The Book of the New Sky.
If the characters accept the offer, they take a ship, the Cunning
Wanderer, from Iskandar to the port town of Sandhaven on
Aaru. Otho secures a private cabin for himself but consigns the
characters to steerage. He is astonished if they expect anything
better. It takes about seven days to sail from Iskandar to
The largest settlement in Aaru, this busy port town sits on the fringe
of the great desert known as Burning Palms.
Population. 8,000 (70% bakrog, 20% human, 10% other).
Government. A hereditary council of elders, known as the Electors,
establishes the laws. One of their number, called the Legate, is
elected by them annually to manage civil affairs.
Defense. 50 guards, known as the “Sand Watch,” are responsible for
keeping the peace in town.
Commerce. The town exports iron, tin, and silver from nearby
mines, while importing many manufactured goods and luxuries. The
town also services the other settlements in Aaru, meaning caravans
frequently come and go.
Organizations. The most popular tavern is The Thirsty Lizard, while
The Date and Scarab is an inn favored by travelers. The elaborate
Temple of the Firmament, dedicated to the Sky Mother, is the most
important religious establishment.
Travelling to the Tomb
The tomb of Queen Sankhara is roughly 20 miles southeast of
Sandhaven, and rests beneath an enormous stone obelisk
amidst low, rocky cliffs. A human commoner named Mathi
drinks at The Thirsty Lizard and is willing to guide the party to
the tomb for 5 gp. Mathi refuses to enter the tomb itself,
believing it is under a curse.
Optional Encounter
If you want an encounter on the way to the tomb, the party can
stumble into a nest of 1d4 sandy-colored constrictor snakes.
Alternatively, ask one player to describe an obstacle they
encountered on the journey, and then ask another player to
describe how they overcame it.
Ghost on a Cliff
The characters catch sight of the obelisk from about a mile
away. Read the following:
1 square = 5 feet
Chapter 2: Exploring the Tomb
Summary. The characters explore the tomb of Queen
Sankhara with Otho, searching for The Book of the New
Sky. Otho has the statistics of a noble, though he avoids
combat and other obvious dangers.
General Features
The tomb lies beneath a giant limestone obelisk. Except where
noted, the tomb has the following general features:
Atmosphere. The air is dry and dusty.
Ceiling. The flat ceiling is 10-feet-high in the corridors
and 14-feet-high in the chambers. It is covered in ancient,
peeling plaster.
Walls. The walls are made from limestone and are full of
chips and cracks. Painted bas-relief sculptures adorn
them and depict heroic episodes from the life of the
Queen. Serpents and stars are a common decorative
motif. The walls also have cuneiform inscriptions in the
language of Aaru, mostly praising the wisdom, strength,
and mercy of the Queen.
Floor. The floor is laid with broad, regular, limestone
Doors. The doors are a half-inch thick and made from
limestone. If a door has a handle, it is made of bronze.
Stairs. The stairs are made from blocks of limestone. For
every 10 feet of horizontal movement, you rise or fall 10
Lighting. The corridors and chambers are unlit.
1. Entry
Read the following:
There is a tall, dark entrance in the base of the obelisk, amidst a field
of sand, rubble, and the occasional sage bush. Stone doors, heavy
and worn, lay on the ground nearby.
The location has these features:
Entrance. The dark entrance is 10-feet-wide and leads to
a steep set of stairs. The top step has a Trap.
Doors. The stone doors were torn from their hinges long
ago by thieves. On the front of each door is a regal
carving of Queen Sankhara. In the image, she holds a
serpent in her hand.
A bakrog bandit lurks near the entrance. She is invisible,
having drunk a potion of invisibility as the characters
approached. She declares herself to be the ghost of the
Twilight Queen and warns the characters to flee or be cursed.
If the characters ignore her, she flees down the stairs to warn
the other bandits in location 2.
Anyone touching the top step must succeed on a DC 12
Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects of a confusion spell
(the bandit leaps over this trapped step when she retreats down
the stairs). Anyone examining the step and making a successful
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check notices a small arcane
symbol inscribed on it.
The bandit has a potion of healing attached to her belt.
2. Gallery
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Ceiling. The ceiling is arched and peaks 20 feet above
the floor. It is painted twilight purple and features a
Air. The air is hot and smoky.
Walls. The painted bas-relief sculptures on the walls
depict the Queen in various scenes, such as reigning at
court, inspecting a construction site, and distributing
Fire bowls. The fire bowls are made of iron, are 3-feet-
wide, and burn oil. Anyone touching a lit bowl must make
a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 1d2
fire damage. One of the bowls has a Secret.
There are 6 bakrog bandits here and a murderous bakrog
bandit captain named Kollakan, who has a dust mephit in a
clay tube. These notorious ruffians use the tomb as a base from
which to raid the local mining caravans.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Remove the bandit captain and the dust mephit.
Weak. Remove the dust mephit.
Strong. Add a dust mephit.
Very strong. Add 2 bandits and a dust mephit.
If alerted by the lookout from location 1, the bandits take cover
behind the columns and attack using their light crossbows. If
not alerted, the bandits are scattered across the gallery and
may be surprised. The bandit captain has these special tactics:
1st round. She pulls out a clay tube with a rubber stopper
and uses her action to open it. A dust mephit emerges from the
tube and flies into combat.
2nd round. She runs up the walls to the ceiling using her
slippers of spider climbing. From there, she throws daggers at
the intruders (she has six daggers in her belt).
Anyone examining the iron bowls notices scratch marks in the
floor near the northwest bowl, where it has been dragged back
and forth. Examining the wall behind this bowl and making a
successful DC 5 perception check reveals a small handle,
which opens the secret door.
Each bandit has 3d6 (11) sp on their person. There are several
old bedrolls in the northeast corner, with some useful items:
Barrels of water (2) Iron spikes (10)
Barrel of oil (half-full) Hammer
Rations (60 days) Grappling hook
Rope (50 feet) Crowbar
There is also a small, sturdy chest near the bedrolls. The chest
is locked, and the bandit captain has the key in her pocket. A
character using thieves’ tools can pick the lock with a
successful DC 13 Dexterity check. The chest contains 530 cp,
300 sp, 120 gp, and a potion of healing.
The bandit captain also has slippers of spider climbing on her
feet and is wearing a silver anklet worth 30 gp.
3. Garden of Repose
Read the following:
Light streams through an octagonal shaft in the tall, vaulted ceiling.
The floor is choked by plants and weeds, which all but hide a stone
pool in the middle of the chamber.
The location has these features:
Ceiling. The vaulted ceiling is 50-feet-high.
Walls. The walls are decorated with painted bas-relief
sculptures depicting trees and plants. A large, cuneiform
inscription in the wall opposite the entrance says,
“Garden of Repose” in the language of Aaru.
Pool. The stone pool is circular with 3-foot-high walls,
and the surface is covered by thick, green algae. The pool
has a Secret.
Ground. Anyone giving the ground a cursory examination
immediately notices a humanoid skeleton amongst the
weeds, alongside a rotting crossbow and a rusting
Scattered through the chamber are 10 awakened shrubs and
5 violet funguses. They are aggressive and attack any living
creature that enters the chamber.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Remove 5 violet funguses.
Weak. Remove 2 violet funguses.
Strong. Add 3 violet funguses.
Very strong. Add 5 violet funguses.
The pool is magical. Anyone drinking from it must roll on the
following table:
d10 Effect
1 You gain 2d6 temporary hit points.
Your Strength score changes to 21 for 1 hour. There is no
2 effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than
that score.
Your walking speed increases by 30 feet until the
following dawn.
You are automatically aware of any secret doors or traps
within 30 feet of you for 1 hour.
5 You gain a +1 bonus to AC until the following dawn.
For 1 hour, whenever you make an attack roll or a saving
6 throw, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the
attack roll or saving throw.
Any disease or poison affecting you is cured, and you are
immune to disease and poison until the following dawn.
You have a +10 bonus on the next Wisdom (Perception)
You are immune to the frightened condition until the
following dawn.
10 Your jump distance is tripled until the following dawn.
Searching the vegetation carefully
and making a successful DC 13
Wisdom (Perception) check locates
a potion of climbing near the
4. False Crypt
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Walls. The walls alternate between painted relief
sculptures and inscriptions, which contain Lore. The
walls have been severely damaged in many places over
the years by tomb raiders.
Sarcophagus. Snakes and stars are carved on the side of
the sarcophagus, which is completely empty. The lid sits
to one side, being badly worn and broken in half.
The inscriptions on the walls are in large cuneiform characters
(up to six-inches-high) and are decorated with fading paint.
They are in the ancient language of Aaru. Many of them have
an elegiac air, mourning the dead queen:
Bitterly we weep at night,
Tears are upon our cheeks.
The mountains themselves are mourning,
And the valleys are in despair.
Mighty warrior, peerless diplomat,
Serpent master, fearsome onomancer:
Our great Queen has departed—
Will we ever have joy again?
There are several poems dedicated to “Mother Sky”:
Mother Sky, all parent, ancient, and divine,
Heavenly, abundant, venerable, boundless.
Untamed, all-taming, ever splendid light,
All ruling, all honored, resplendent.
Immortal, ever still the same,
Starry, twilight shining, glorious Mother Sky.
There is also a hymn to death:
O Death, your realm unbounded
Extends over mortals of every kind.
The span of our days depends on you,
Your absence means life, your presence means doom.
You know the true name of every creature,
For in their name is power over their being.
None escape your destructive sweep--
You slay the vigorous and weak alike.
In you, we see the end of nature,
In you, our hopes come to naught.
This chamber has been scoured many times over the
preceding centuries, with every valuable item stripped away.
However, a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check
locates a bone tube amongst the rubble, which was
accidentally dropped by a recent tomb raider. It contains a spell
scroll (knock).
About Lore
The tomb is full of inscriptions, and sometimes a sample of these are
given under the “Lore” heading. These are mostly for color, but some
of the inscriptions contain subtle clues. All of the inscriptions are in
the language of Aaru, which Otho is fluent in.
5. Illusory Floor
Read the following:
The walls of this narrow corridor are decorated with sculptures that
depict people suffering all manner of cruel executions.
The location has these features:
Sculptures. The sculptures are gruesome. One repeated
scene shows a victim sewn into a bag full of snakes.
Floor. The place marked “X” on the map is a Trap.
When the characters come within 10 feet of the place marked
“X,” a ghostly bakrog dressed in purple robes appears. In the
language of Aaru, it says:
“I am the spirit of Tahicha, Vizier of Sankhara, Queen of Aaru. Turn
back now and leave with the Queen’s blessing. Proceed, and Mother
Sky will cast you down and erase your name from the land!”
There are bones and old clothes at the base of the pit. Making
a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check locates 15 gp
and a spell scroll (cure wounds).
6. Dark Descent
There is a 4-foot-diameter hole in the floor at this location,
which descends 60 feet to the corridor below. A permanent
darkness spell fills the entire length of this shaft.
60 feet
7. Chapel of the Twilight Sky
The closed door is made from variegated blue marble and has
no handle. When someone comes within five feet of it, a gentle
voice says, in the language of Aaru, “This is the Chapel of the
Twilight Sky. Please declare your intention.”
Saying the word “worship,” in any language or context,
causes the door to open. It can also be opened with a knock
spell or forced open with a successful DC 13 Strength check.
As a final resort, the door can be destroyed (AC 17, 22 hit
points, immune to poison and psychic damage).
Once the door is open, read the following:
The door opens about midway up a large, spherical room, with the
purple walls decorated by a starfield pattern, and inscribed with
large cuneiform letters. A dim golden sphere hangs in the middle of
the chamber and casts a flickering light.
The location has these features:
Gravity. The chamber has no gravity, and anyone
stepping into it finds themselves floating in the air. Flying
creatures can direct their movement, but others need to
leverage themselves (by pushing off the wall, for
Golden Sphere. The sphere is 2-feet-wide and is very hot.
Anyone coming within 10 feet of it must make a
successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw every round
or take 1d6 fire damage. Touching the golden sphere
teleports the character to just outside the barred entrance
of location 9.
Inscription. The inscription on the wall contains a
When anyone enters the room, they cast a flickering shadow
on the wall. These shadows grow larger, multiply, and start to
move ever more energetically of their own accord as the
moments tick by. 5 minutes after the first person enters the
chamber, 7 shadows peel off the wall and attack.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Remove 4 shadows.
Weak. Remove 2 shadows.
Strong. Add 1 shadow.
Very strong. Add 3 shadows.
The inscription around the
outside of the chamber is
written in the language of
Aaru and says, “We pay
homage to you, Mother Sky,
whose mighty frame is
without limit.”
Saying these words in the
original tongue causes the
golden sphere to stop
glowing and the shadows to
all disappear. While not
glowing, the sphere is cold
and does not inflict fire
damage. This lasts for 10
8. Second False Crypt
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Statues. The bronze serpent statues are 6-feet-high.
Walking between them sets off a Trap.
Walls. The walls are completely covered with electrum
leaf, which glitters like gold in the light. There are some
cuneiform inscriptions on the wall containing Lore.
Sarcophagus. There are serpentine patterns carved on
the side of the sarcophagus. The lid is sealed with lead
and requires a successful DC 13 Strength check to open.
Using a crowbar gives advantage on that roll. Inside is a
potion of poison in a crystal bottle.
Anyone walking between the statues is struck by lightning
bolts hurled from the serpent mouths. The victim must make a
DC 13 Constitution saving throw. A target takes 3d6 lightning
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
The trap can be nullified in one of the following ways:
Casting dispel magic on a statue.
Joining the statues together with a metal object, causing
them to short circuit.
Toppling one of the statues over at the base using a
crowbar and a successful DC 13 Strength check.
The inscriptions on the walls are in large cuneiform characters
and are written in the language of Aaru. They are mostly
funerary texts, and include the following hymn to the Sky
Great Sky, Mother of all,
The world arose from you:
You are a bounteous parent,
The source and completion of all,
Your ample bosom and encircling arms
Hold nature together as one.
Ethereal, earthly, ever-changing, unchanged
Twilight azure and full of all forms,
Glorious Mother Sky!
Peeling the electrum leaf off the walls takes 1d4+1 hours and
the material is worth 90 gp when done.
9. False Treasury
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Walls. The walls are covered with relief sculptures of
monkeys, owls, ravens, and bees.
Bars. The thin bronze bars can be bent to admit a
medium-sized creature with a successful DC 13 Strength
check. Touching them triggers a Trap.
Roof. Anyone examining the roof notices it is full of holes.
These are harmless.
Anyone touching the bronze bars with their exposed flesh must
make a successful DC 13 Constitution save each round or take
1d6 lightning damage.
The coins are made of wood and painted gold. They are
Getting Here
Characters who are teleported here from location 7 appear outside
the barred entrance. They do not appear inside the treasury itself.
Design Notes
M.T. Black
10. Embalming Chamber
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Shelf. There are half a dozen stone jars on the shelf, each
filled with ancient viscera. Alongside them are the rusting
remains of wicked-looking surgical tools, as well as
various bits of debris.
Mummy. Rotting bandages are wrapped around this
dried-out husk of a corpse.
Glass Vat. The large glass vat has a valve at the bottom
that has long since rusted solid.
One of the stone jars contains a fully preserved brain which is
possessed by the spirit of its former owner. This being has
telepathic ability and whispers disquieting threats into the
minds of the characters, such as:
“Be patient… they are coming.”
“Soon, you will be as I am now.”
“First, they will remove your brain using a hook thrust
through your nose. Next, your torso will be opened, and
the internal organs removed for preservation…”
Destroying the jar releases the spirit to the next world, and the
whispering ceases.
The glass vat above the table once held embalming fluid, but
now contains a black pudding. This hideous ooze rarely
bothers to leave its home. It won’t attack unless someone
begins investigating the mummy on the stone bench, in which
case it spills over the sides of the glass vat and falls on its victim.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Replace the black pudding with a gray ooze.
Weak. Replace the black pudding with an ochre jelly.
Strong. The black pudding has 110 hit points.
Very strong. The black pudding has 130 hit points.
In a cavity under the table is a silver death mask which
functions as a helm of comprehending languages when worn.
Searching the shelf and making a successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check locates a potion of healing, and a spell
scroll (knock) amidst the debris.
11. Gift Closet
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Ceiling. The domed ceiling is 15 feet high at its apex.
Sculpture. The alabaster tree sculpture is about 3 feet
high and sits on a small dais. Polished recesses in the
carved branches hold 10 flaming garnets.
Anyone removing a garnet from the sculpture must make a DC
13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they age 2d6
years. This effect happens even if they use a tool or magic to
remove the gem. The aging can be completely reversed with a
remove curse spell.
The garnets are worth 50 gp each.
12. Hall of Warriors
Read the following:
Rows of warrior statues fill this imposing hall, each one carved from
milky alabaster. Heroic battle scenes decorate the walls, while a
rotting odor hangs in the air.
The location has these features:
Statues. There are 30 alabaster statues in rows of 3.
Sculptures. The bas-relief sculptures on the walls depict
extremely violent battle scenes. The only part of them
that is painted is the blood, meaning the sculptures are
mostly white with splashes of garish red.
When the characters are halfway across the room, the
alabaster statues begin bleeding, with dark red blood running
down from their heads. After 2 rounds, a bloody skeleton (6 hp,
shortsword only) erupts from each statue and pursues the
party. These creatures were the Queen’s enemies in life and
have been cursed to protect her tomb in death.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Remove 18 skeletons.
Weak. Remove 9 skeletons.
Strong. Add 6 skeletons.
Very strong. Add 12 skeletons.
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals one of
the skeletons has a gold toe ring with the following inscription
in the language of Aaru, “Better to stumble with toe than with
tongue.” It is worth 10 gp.
13. Gallery of Sculptures
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Pedestal. The limestone pedestal is 3 feet high and has
fluted sides.
Handbell. The handbell is completely made of gold,
including the handle.
Sculptures. The bas-relief sculptures on the alcove walls
are magical. To activate the magic, a character must
stand in the alcove while someone rings the gold bell.
The northeast, northwest, and southeast sculptures have
Traps. The southwest sculpture has a Secret.
Three of the sculptures have magic traps.
Northeast. This sculpture shows the queen throwing
coins to pleading crowds, their arms stretched out toward
her. Activating the sculpture causes the sculpted arms to
reach out and grab the target, who must succeed on a DC
13 Dexterity saving throw or be grappled (escape DC 13).
Until the grapple ends, the target takes 4 (1d6)
bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns. The
arms each have AC 13 and 5 hit points. If an arm is
destroyed, a new one emerges to replace it. Once the
target drops to 0 hit points, the arms retract.
Northwest. This sculpture depicts the queen as a very old
person dispensing wisdom to her advisors in a cherry
orchard. Activating the sculpture causes the target to age
by 3d6 years. The effect is permanent unless neutralized
by a remove curse spell.
Southeast. This sculpture shows the queen surrounded
by powerful warriors with tall shields. Activating this
sculpture causes a wall of force (as per the spell) to
spring up and block the alcove entrance, trapping the
target there. The wall remains until the secret door is
opened in the southwest alcove.
The sculpture in the southwest alcove shows the Queen dead
and lying on a bench beneath a purple sky. Winged serpents
hover over her body. Activating the sculpture causes the wall
to disappear, revealing the passage behind it.
The gold bell is worth 20 gp. It has no magical power if
removed from the gallery.
14. Chamber of Nobles
Read the following:
The lids are heavy and can only be opened with a successful
DC 13 Strength check. Starting northwest and moving
clockwise, they are inscribed: Baarsat, Onnash, Gunatha, and
Ujulha. These were beloved vassals of the Queen.
The sarcophagus against the northwest wall contains a
mummy that attacks when released. Every other sarcophagus
contains a non-animate, mummified body.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Replace the mummy with a ghoul.
Very strong. The mummy has 90 hit points.
Each body has a gilded death mask, worth 50 gp. The
individual sarcophaguses, starting with the northwest and
moving clockwise, have the following treasures:
A short sword +1 with a sapphire pommel stone. The
bearer of this blade can take the Dash action as a bonus
action once per day. The name Marantatti is inscribed on
the blade, meaning “Death Step” in the language of Aaru.
2 healing potions in bronze gourds.
A spell scroll (remove curse) in a wooden scroll case.
Keoghtom's Ointment (3 doses) in a crystal jar with a
silver lid. The container is worth 10 gp.
15. Vertical Room
Read the following:
A bronze chain hangs from the roof of this circular shaft and
descends into the darkness. The walls are made of limestone and
painted various shades of purple, resembling the twilight sky.
The location has these features:
Shaft. The shaft is 40 feet deep. At the bottom of the shaft
is an exit leading to the west.
Chain. The chain is made of bronze and reaches all the
way to the floor. It hangs down about 7 feet from the edge
of the top passage, so a character must either leap across
the gap (a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check is
required to grab the chain), or somehow hook and pull
the chain to the passage. Touching the chain triggers a
Anyone touching the chain with bare hands must make a DC
13 Constitution saving throw every round. The target takes
1d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or 1 lightning damage
on a successful save.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. The shaft is 30-feet deep.
Very strong. The shaft is 60-feet deep.
16. Second Gift Closet
Read the following:
The walls of this domed chamber are painted with golden coins of
every size and shape. A yellow silk rope hangs from a neat hook in
the middle of the ceiling.
The location has these features:
Ceiling. The domed ceiling is 15-feet high at its apex.
Rope. The silk rope is unbreakable. Pulling it reveals
Treasure but also triggers a Trap. It must be pulled
directly down to activate its magic.
Pulling the rope once causes 25 gp to materialise near the
ceiling and shower down over the occupants. Pulling the rope
a second time causes 50 gp to shower down.
Pulling the rope a third time causes 3 swarms of insects (gold-
colored scarabs) to appear and shower down over the
occupants. The trap resets once per day at dusk.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Remove 2 swarms of insects.
Weak. Remove 1 swarm of insects.
Strong. Add 2 swarms of insects.
Very strong. Add 2 swarms of insects. All swarms have 40 hit points.
17. False Welcome
Read the following:
The door is locked with an arcane lock and has no handle. It
can be opened with a knock spell or it can be destroyed (AC 17,
22 hit points, immune to poison and psychic damage).
When the characters come within 10 feet of the door, a ghostly
bakrog dressed in purple robes appears—the same one
encountered in location 5. In the language of Aaru it says:
18. Chantry of Curses
Read the following:
This location has these features:
Atmosphere. It is very cold.
Walls. The walls are decorated with painted relief
sculptures of the Queen leading armies into battle and
subduing her enemies.
Statue. The alabaster statue depicts a two-faced figure
wearing a robe. Each face is pointed toward an alcove,
and the low chanting emerges from the statue's open
mouths. The statue has a Secret.
Alcoves. In each alcove is a thin, silvery screen which is a
window into a tiny demi-plane. Through each screen can
be seen a bakrog floating in a gray void, one male and the
other female. Both creatures are alive and can also see
the party. The female (who is in the south alcove)
frantically gestures toward the statue, while the male (in
the north alcove) silently roars at the party. The silvery
screens are cold to the touch, cannot be moved, and are
immune to all damage.
The statue’s plainsong chant is in the language of Aaru. It says,
“Cursed are the enemies of Queen Sankhara of Aaru. They
shall know loss and misery until the end of all days.”
Blocking a mouth of the statue with something like thick
wool muffles the chant, causing the silver screen the mouth is
facing to shatter and the inhabitant to be expelled. Destroying
the statue (AC: 10, 30 hit points) shatters both screens at once.
If released, the bakrog in the north alcove is a berserker (no
weapons or armor) who attacks the party immediately. The
bakrog from the south alcove is a noble who sits and sobs. She
is deeply confused and upset.
She can only speak the language of Aaru. With coaxing, she
tells them that she has no name as it was taken from her by
magic. She and the other bakrog, her brother, were nobles who
staged a rebellion against the Queen. As punishment they were
trapped here, cursed to maintain a lonely vigil until the end of
the world.
The nameless bakrog has one warning for the characters—
do not tell the Queen or her servants their names. The Queen
is an onomancer, and knowing a true name gives her great
power. At your discretion, the nameless bakrog can join the
party. Otherwise, she collapses into a deep slumber which lasts
a full day.
19. Hall of Shooting Stars
Read the following:
The ceiling and walls of this huge room are painted purple and
decorated with stars, while the sunken floor is covered in mist. A
series of flat-topped pillars lead from the entrance to a platform at
the far end, atop which sits a huge bronze serpent with glittering red
The location has these features:
Bronze Serpent. This sculpture is 8-feet high and depicts
a coiling snake. Its eyes are set with two enormous
garnets. It is a Trap and has a Secret.
Atmosphere. The air is wet and has a sour smell. The
occasional slobbering growl emerges from the mist
Floor. The floor is 20 feet below the level of the entrance
and is covered in mist to a height of 6 feet.
Ceiling. The distance from floor to ceiling is 40 feet.
Pillars. The pillars are 4 feet wide, have smooth sides,
flat tops, and are level with the entry. They are roughly 7
feet apart.
When anyone enters the room, the red eyes of the serpent light
up and it begins shooting small balls of blazing red light at the
nearest creature within line of sight, making one attack per
round. It cannot attack anyone hidden by the mist on the floor.
A character wishing to dodge the attack must make a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw, taking no damage on a success and
1d6 fire damage on a failure. If a character is standing on a
pillar and fails the save by more than 5, they fall off the pillar to
the floor below. A character that does not attempt to dodge the
attack takes 1d6 fire damage.
When someone steps on the platform the serpent rests upon,
it ceases shooting and its eyes grow dim.
There is a ghast roaming about in the mists, and it immediately
pursues anyone on the floor. It wears a ring of jumping and
uses it to bound into combat from a distance.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Replace the ghast with a ghoul.
Strong or very strong. Add a ghast.
Anyone examining the serpent sculpture notices a red patch of
metal on its breast. Pressing this patch causes the sculpture to
slide aside, revealing the passage behind it.
A search of the floor and a successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check locates a few old bones and 23 gp. The
ghast wears a ring of jumping. The garnets in the serpent
statue are worth 50 gp each and may be easily prised out of
their sockets. They cease to be magical when this is done.
Fifth Edition Jumping Rules
When you make a long jump, you cover a number of feet up to your
Strength score if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before
the jump. When you make a standing long jump, you can leap only
half that distance. Either way, each foot you clear on the jump costs a
foot of movement.
20. Crypt of the Queen
Read the following:
The location has these features:
Pit. The pit is octagonal in shape and 60-feet deep.
Walls. The relief sculptures on the walls depict the Queen
gloriously ruling over her empire. They also show the
Queen’s death in bed, her funeral procession through a
great city, her embalming, and her entombment.
Ceiling. The ceiling is 50-feet high.
Sarcophagus. The sarcophagus sits on a floating
platform of stone. It is made of cloudy crystal and has a
Secret inscribed upon the lid. Opening the lid requires a
successful DC 13 Strength check. Failing that, the lid can
be destroyed (AC 17, 22 hit points, immune to poison and
psychic damage), but some of the contents may take
damage at your discretion (see Treasure).
When the characters enter the room, the spirit of Queen
Sankhara appears above the sarcophagus. She is a ghost with
the following additional ability:
Cruel Appellation. As a bonus action, the Queen can cast a
curse on a creature if she knows its true name (rather than a
nickname or pseudonym). The target must make a successful
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be knocked prone and have its
speed reduced to 0 until the start of the Queen’s next turn.
In combat, the Queen has advantage on initiative while in the
crypt. She uses Cruel Appellation at the start of each of her
turns, targeting anyone foolish enough to give Tahicha their
true name in location 17. She also employs these tactics:
1st round. She demands the intruders leave and uses
Horrifying Visage to scare them off.
2nd round. She says, “Defend me, my servants!” A giant
skeletal snake slithers out of the black pit (use statistics of a
giant constrictor snake with type undead, immunity to poison
damage). Her servant Tahicha, a specter, then appears in the
doorway. Both creatures attack following the Queen’s turn on
this and subsequent rounds.
3rd round. The Queen drifts across from her sarcophagus
and attempts to possess a strong martial character. Once
successful, she uses that body to attack the rest of the party.
Adjusting the Encounter
Very weak. Remove the skeletal snake. The ghost has 18 hit points.
Weak. Remove the skeletal snake. The ghost has 25 hit points.
Strong. The ghost has 60 hit points.
Very strong. The ghost has 80 hit points. The skeletal snake has 75
hit points.
Inscribed on the lid of the crystal sarcophagus, in the language
of Aaru, is this message:
At any time, in the twilight of days, in the days to come, in the days
hereafter, let no-one disturb this sarcophagus. Do not disdain it but
bless it. Pour a libation upon it and say, “May the name of the Queen
be blessed! May her spirit soar in the sky above, and may she drink
the pure waters.”
Inside the sarcophagus are the mummified remains of Queen
Sankhara and the following items:
Gem-encrusted gold death mask (500gp)
Gold statue depicting the Queen (200 gp)
Gold slippers (50 gp)
Staff of the Python
Wand of Secrets
The Book of the New Sky (see below)
The Book of the New Sky
This thick, ancient tome has a cover made of rotting wooden panels.
The pages of stained, pale vellum contain dense columns of
cuneiform characters and illustrated vignettes. They describe the
funerary rites of Aaru.
This is the only copy of the book known to exist. A knowledgeable
collector or a wealthy wizard might pay 2,000 gp for it. Translated, it
is found to contain several antique spells unknown to the modern
world (if required, the DM may select these from the 5E core books).
Otho is ebullient at finally obtaining The Book of the New Sky.
He chatters about it incessantly on the return journey to
Iskandar, which is otherwise uneventful. He cheerfully pays
what he promised the party.
You may wish to use Otho as an ongoing patron, especially
since he is wealthy. There are further artefacts that Otho
wishes to track down, as well as ruins and other sites he wants
investigated. He is also well-connected with the city elite and
can put the characters in touch with other patrons.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the many people
who helped playtest this adventure:
Adam Hawk Hooj19 Nathaniel “Gib”
Adele Irlam Igor 'Hycur' Faria Gibson
Alex Tomarelli James McLeod Nathaniel Foster
Amy West Jay Dennis Nicholas Maurer
Andy Dempz Jessica Bell Nicholas Whitney
Arielzim Boca de Jonas Hammond Nikki Weeden
Pagode Joseph Bennett Oiva
Athanasios Josh Bushen Other Bork
Maravelias Joshua Foster PhiranaPlant
Aziz Kandis Cowen Rikkinator
Ben Bushnell Karl Forder Rodrigo Silva
Bloodmage96 Kettu Rueben M.
Boltoff Leith ‘Noodle’ Ryan Blitch
Brad Riegner Brownlee Sally Page
Brett Reed Lord Sir Railgun Sam Chrisman
Chris (termsofuse) Dishwasher Samuel McShannock
Chris Canniff Louise Mueller Steve Pundt
Christian Towler Luis Gonzalez The Ninth Octopus
Connor McKinely luluciana Consortium
Dakota Wright Lunger Hockum Trent Lucas
Daniel K. Alter Marshall Averil Ty Pundt
DayByDave Matt Fish Venomslinger
Donnie Garcia Matt Phillips Walter Srebalus
Donnie Hargadon Michael Houlahan Wsegundo
Fenrir Mike “Styyv” Hackett
Gabriel "Morfeu" Minogoo
Harry Jenkinson MontyGlu
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Tomb of the Twilight Queen v1.0 Copyright 2021, M.T. Black Games.