By Stephen Chenault
Conversion: JASON VEY
Art Direction/ Cartography: PETER BRADLEY
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Art, artwork, cover art, cartography is copyright Peter Bradley of Ravenchilde Illustrations, 2018 or Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. All
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The adventure begins either on the banks of the river, in a canoe The Darkenfold is divided into regions. The most trafficked are
or at Bent’s Trading Post, whichever fits best for the Castle the Uplands where the town of Ends Meet stands. The Troll
Keeper. The Trading Post is a quiet refuge in the wilderness, Glades to the east are wild and deep. The Millorian in the
home to two retired adventurers, that allows for resupply and south and east and the Downs to the south mark the southern
rest. How and why the characters leave the Post is entirely up to boundaries. But, through it all, lays the River Basin.
them and circumstance, but the adventure carries them south
into the River Basin country. The River Basin is a long, narrow stretch of river country
carved out of the Darkenfold by the Mistbane River. It begins
roughly where the Watchita River feeds into the Mistbane and
OVERLAND ADVENTURE ends with the confluence of the Powder and Mistbane Rivers.
An over-land adventure is far less scripted than a dungeon or The river marks the southern boundaries, and the Inigg Gorge
city encounter. Rooting the evil out of a dungeon is simple, the northern. It is a wild country and home to all manner of
offering the most basic of struggles. Over-land is another animal creatures. It is said to be the haunt of the Og Aust god, Let, that
entirely. It pits the characters against all manner of hazards, from mighty stag, a lord of the ancient Ethvold and consort of the Val
the mundane to the extraordinary. A great deal of fun can be Eahrakun Tefnut. Few come here but those who desire peace,
pulled from the day to day arrangements. Marching orders are quiet, or refuge, or to be forgotten. It is dangerous and aside
constantly adjusted, dangers lurk everywhere. Night watches from the river, there is no easy avenue to civilization. There are
are, themselves, an adventure. no roads, towns, or villages . . . at least not ones that offer hope.
While running Harvest of Oaths, the Castle Keeper can hop The Mistbane River serves as the only easy avenue of egress to
from encounter area to encounter area with a simple “a few days this portion of the Darkenfold. Stalwart adventurers, traders,
later and you come to a path.” Or, they can travel the path less and travelers make their way along its slow moving course,
known and plunge into a day to day journey, where wandering seeking to travel from Ends Meet in the west to Haverstraw in
monsters become a real item of threat and can shift and guide the east, or seeking a quick way into the heart of the forest to try
the adventure into new avenues the CK may never have their hand at plundering its wealth in ancient treasures.
considered. It is strongly recommended that the CK follow this
latter course, marking time and distance on a sheet of paper, The trees in the River Basin are much like the other regions of
rolling encounters, requiring the players to explain how they the Darkenfold. Old oaks and beech, short, averaging about 60
travel, their watches, how they cross streams swollen with rain, feet high dominate the rolling valleys. Their wide, mountainous
set up camp, their marching order, and whatever other smaller canopies carry one into the other, and all blot out the sun and
items of note we all must struggle with while outdoors in the moon and keep the forest in a perpetual shadow. Beneath the
wild world. Here, a simple river crossing becomes a challenge canopies, what little light filters down, lances a soil enriched
and an adventure in and of itself. with thousands of years of deadfall, giving birth to a carpet of
thick mosses and broad leafed plants that grow along a forest
Over-land is the best type of adventure, because the variables, floor, rent almost impassable by tree roots, and tangle with long
from weather, to terrain to wandering monsters and planned creeping, black-veined vines.
encounters are almost countless.
By Boat
and forth between their master’s castle and the Post.
Travel downstream by boat is relatively easy. The wide, deep
water makes passage fast. Traveling at a normal speed, the WALK WATER CREEK
boat can cover about 20 miles per day. This takes into account
running into sand bars, and other normal stops and starts on a The Walk Water slips into the Powder from the west. Its
river. If the conditions are right, the characters can move much headwaters lie in the upper reaches of the Bolan Drops, a
faster, up to 36 miles per day. stretch of the River Basin dominated by moss covered boulders,
tangled grasses, large flat rocks jutting from the forest floor at
one angle or the other, and the usual spread of oak trees with a
By Land
heavy dose of sycamore growing throughout.
Traveling the banks of the Powder River overland is much more
difficult. On trails or paths it is normal, but off trail it can be The creek is shallow, rarely over a few inches deep, with a bed
arduous. The country is old, broken, and filled with natural marked by smooth, round stones and sand. Sprinkled amidst the
obstacles. These obstacles include fallen trees, deep ditches, normal brown and gray rocks are bright green stones, prized in
huge thorn patches, creeks, etc. These hazards are not encounter the far east for their beauty and magical qualities. When damp
areas, but do serve to slow the party down. The Castle Keeper and held in the light they become luminescent and cast back a
should make the party aware of the difficulty and why their pale, greenish light. The captured light remains in the stone half
movement is so slow. For example “The bramble catches on the as long as the stone was exposed to outside light source.
shoulder strap of your pack and as you step forward it jerks the
strap back, twists the pack around your torso and nearly pulls The Walk Water is long, stretching about 40 miles up into the
you off your feet.” That and similar descriptions make the trek River Basin country. The forest grows thick overhead, often
through the forest all the more real. hanging down to within 3 or 4 feet of the water. Travel on the
creek, by foot, is more difficult than in the forest that surrounds,
When on a trail, covering 15-16 miles a day is normal, assuming for the overhanging branches and the loose rock.
an average walking speed of roughly 3 mph, and 8 hours of travel
time with about 2 hours for meals and rest scattered throughout It is rumored to harbor gold in the sandy soil that flanks the
the day. On rougher terrain where trails haven’t been blazed, creek and lies beneath the water.
making 10 miles is a good day. If you don’t want to track whether For this reason it is the haunt of an old dwarf, Craigsbone by
the heroes are on difficult terrain or smooth, simply roll 4d4 to name. He has tramped much of the Powder River country,
see how many miles the party makes on any given day’s travel; on both banks and has settled into panning the Walk Water.
this should give a fair average. The trails leading out from He works closely with another dwarf, a cousin of his, Beric
Bent’s are few, and those that do exist are narrow. There is one Woodeneye (see Upon the Powder River), though Craigsbone
southern trail that the Green Wizard’s people use to move back rarely leaves the Walk Water.
TREASURE: The perytons slew and have half eaten a druid. trail itself peters off into the loamy grass, but is replaced
His body lies in the brush on the south bank where the perytons by a broad creek that meanders its way through, passing
originally were. He is wearing +1 leather armor (the perytons through the valley before it veers west just before the
have eaten around this, washing it in the gore of their kill), trail, on its leisurely way to the river beyond. Above it
a potion of superior healing, 42gp in assorted coin, four sets of all, on the eastern ridge stands a lonesome tower. Tall
iron manacles with slave colors. The druid’s clothes are an and gaunt, its gray stone seems out of place in the sea of
utter ruin, but his high hard boots are in good shape. A golden greens, the grasses and trees beyond. Vines crawl up its
armband lies in the muck and blood next him. It sports a carved flanks, clinging to the stone and carpeting its lower hall
image of a sickle upon it. in green before they slip into its dark windows.
The tower itself is about 60 feet high and sits upon the eastern
ridge overlooking the valley. The area around the tower is
The symbol of the sickle is that of the Green Wizard, feared and devoid of large vegetation. There are no trees in the immediate
hated by the denizens of the River Basin. The Green Wizard vicinity, only some shrubs and bushes. The tree line picks up
dwells further east upon the south bank of the Mistbane River. about 100 yards east of the tower on the ridge. Long ago there
He reportedly dwells in a castle, one that floats upon the air, and was a low wall at the tree line that blocked the forest from the
from there operates a bustling slave trade. His minions search tower itself, but that has fallen over and lies beneath the deep
the forest for antiquities, and pay for the endeavor by capturing green grasses.
the unwary and the native eschl (the wild humans that live in
the Darkenfold) and selling them into slavery in the east. There is a 30% chance that a hill giant, who dwells nearby, is
in the valley hunting, fishing or just wandering about. If he is,
RIVER BANK ROAD he is easy enough to notice as he pokes along the creek bed,
as he’s huge, and isn’t trying to be particularly stealthy. If, for
On the south bank of the Mistbane is the River Bank Road. some reason, he wanders into the valley while the party is at the
It is a road in name only. It runs from the castle of the Green tower, or they do not notice him when they first enter, he comes
Wizard, about 5 miles east of the confluence, to about a quarter to the tower if there is any noise.
of a mile west of the confluence. There it ends. It is about 15
feet wide, open and allows for quick and easy passage for its Though no forest spirit haunts the area, the tower is not
whole length. completely unoccupied. Some years ago a nefarious thief and
rogue, escaping the hangman’s noose in the town of Haverstraw,
Close to the Wizard’s tower, within a half mile or so, the road is fled up the Mistbane. By chance, he stumbled on Peckinsaw’s
watched by his minions. Trail and followed it into the forest, fleeing his pursuers, who,
unbeknownst to him, had long since given up the chase. He
THE PECKINSAW TRAIL found the watchtower and took up residence in it. It wasn’t long
There is one spur off the road, a few hundred yards west of the before he discovered the hill giant and settled into the tower
confluence, near where the perytons feed and the Rope Bridge. with no better guard he could imagine.
It is fairly easy to find, noticeable from the River Bank Road or
Soon thereafter, while chopping wood, he was bitten by a
the river itself. It leads south to a long low valley over which an
forest adder and died. His bones lie scattered about the wood
abandoned watchtower looms. The valley is a natural road into
pile where he was eaten by wolves. His belongings remained
the southern country below. The trail winds into it, emerging at
hidden in the tower, watched over by the one creature he
the southern end of the valley and leading into the Two Dogs
River County and the Downs. trusted to guard them: a mimic.
It is about a half day’s walk from the river to the watchtower. THE GROUNDS
The grounds are barren as noted. There is a well, a small
THE WATCHTOWER hobbled together cart, and a stack of wood neatly arranged.
The watchtower was built on a rise, on the northern end of Though there are no tracks about, the wood in the wood pile is
a north-south running valley. Long years ago the valley was only a month old. The well has a bucket and pulley rigged over
occupied by settlers, who planted crops and ran some livestock it allowing for use.
there. They built the watchtower as a place of refuge, but also
as a sign of strength. Though they have long since vanished, WELL: The well has good, clean, fresh water in it, and the pulley
and the valley returned to its natural state, the watchtower and system allows for easy extraction. The waterline is 50 feet down.
some few of their houses remain.
CART: The cart’s axle is broken and it is unusable.
The trail gives way to a broad, open valley flanked by two
WOOD PILE: The wood is fairly dry and burns nicely. An upright
ridges and covered in a deep, rich grass. The ridges to
the east and west rise suddenly, breaking free of the deep stump sits next to the wood pile. There is a key on it. The key
grass of the valley to push the forest floor up and arrest is to the tower door.
the approach of the Darkenfold, like a castle’s walls. The
checks in finding the ring, for it alerts them to the idea of other
items in the grass.
The tower consists of three floors and a roof. It is round, 60 feet
in diameter and owing to the vines that cover its flanks, relatively
easy to climb with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
The door opens to a dark, windowless room. The air is stuffy
but not unbelievably so. The rogue rarely used this floor, only
passing through it. There are bits and pieces of broken furniture
piled up along the walls, and some tattered pieces of clothing as
well. The broken haft of a halberd leans against the stair.
The room is relatively clean, with three open windows, though
some attempt at hanging curtains over them is clear for any
to see.
The rogue bedded down here. His pack and weapons lean
against the wall and his sleeping mat, a bed of grasses, and
blankets lies on the floor where he left it. Next to the bedding is
a bottle of wine and two goblets. The wine is still good, if a little
sweet. It is marked with the town symbol of Haverstraw. The
goblets are empty, though worth about 5gp apiece. The pack
has clothes in it, neatly folded, flint and steel, a whetstone,
and a coil of rope 50 feet long with grapple. There is a set of
magical thieves tools in there as well, which grant +1 to ability
checks to use the kit. There is a short bow, 12 arrows and a
thick-bladed knife by the pack.
THE BONES: Not far from the tree line, just east of the tower, THIRD FLOOR
lie the rogue’s bones. They are scattered about in the grass. His This floor is much like the second, with three windows, though
axe remains stuck in a log that he had been chopping upon. the windows are not covered. It is open, and the air fresh and
His clothing is long gone, but on his hand is a magical ring of clean.
regeneration. If a detailed search of the area is made it is found
on a successful DC 15 Wisdom (perception) check or a DC 13 Here lies the heart of the rogue’s treasure, the item he stole
Intelligence (Investigation) check. If the search is casual the that raised the town of Haverstraw against him. Hidden
check uses the Passive Perception scores of the PCs instead. If a beneath a pile of debris is a trunk, and within it the fruit of
detect magic is cast on the area, the ring is easy enough to find. his skills. However the trunk, and the debris, is not what it
seems. It’s a mimic, set here by the rogue to guard his treasure
There is a battle axe in the grass as well. It lies not far from and paid in flesh for its service. It has remained here even
the hand; if it is found first (DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) or after his demise, waiting patiently for its next meal. Though
Intelligence (Investigation)), the searchers have a +2 to their the mimic suspects the rogue is dead (for he would not have
Trade from the kingdom of Kayomar follows the Danau River
The village sits on the edge of the woods about a quarter of a
which skirts the Darkenfold and tumbles down into Lake
mile south of the tower. It consists of four abandoned houses
Volkstagg at the small town of Crossed Fork. Beyond the lake,
and a large communal barn. There is little left here but ruins.
the river becomes impassable. Because of this, goods shipped
The roof of the barn is completely fallen in leaving a mangled
down-river have traditionally been offloaded near the Red Mud
pile of splintered timbers and molded grasses.
River and ported to the Oth River, and carried on to the Bay
Of the houses, two are burned out by fire and a third suffered of Lothian. Haverstraw was built on the banks of the Oth to
the wrath of a fallen tree that has virtually bisected it. The accommodate this traffic.
fourth is largely intact with a decent roof and walls. Its door
At first it was a simple portage site. A few log structures, a
is gone, though to where, none can say, but inside, it is in
tavern and inn, the Bend Back, and several piers. Raids from
reasonable shape and the fireplace is intact and usable. The
the Darkenfold led the pioneers to build a wall. More people
chimney however is clogged with bird nests. Any fire lit in
settled as trade grew, and the town began to sprawl out. The
Maedrumaust Mountains supplied the young town with stone over the Congress. The Congress votes on all issues from taxes,
for their houses and cobbles for their streets. Soon, the town to war, to street repair to prices of commodities. The justiciar
was walled and watched over by stone towers. In order to keep delivers sentences and judgments in all criminal cases that do
back the Darkenfold, a low wall was built, the Running Wall. It not involve members of the Congress. Those cases are settled
stretched the length of the portage, from the town to the Danau by simple majority vote.
River, some 14 miles long. It stood 10 feet high and 5 wide.
MILITARY: Haverstraw has a strong economy that allows
During the Winter Dark, Haverstraw became a military them to field an unusually large fighting force, which they
outpost, one of several meant to hem in the Darkenfold. It was need because of their proximity to the Darkenfold. Generally
occupied mostly by men, but by some orcs and ungern as well there are 300 men and women under arms here. These are
(ungern do not figure into this particular module; their stats, if foot soldiers, with pikes, steel hauberks and helms. These are
needed or desired, can be found in the A2: Slag Heap module, augmented by about 20 light horse cavalry. These consist of the
or in the forthcoming Fifth Edition Monsters & Treasure of sons and daughters of the Congress; members are equipped as
Aihrde). When the Long Centuries ended, the garrison fled, their individual purses allow. In times of war, the town hires
many into the Darkenfold itself, to avoid being executed by mercenary soldiers to flesh out their ranks, whose numbers
the knights of Kayomar who were everywhere rooting out range from 3-500, depending on their need.
the evil of Aufstrag. The locals however gathered together,
declared themselves independent of any overlords and created ECONOMY: Haverstraw benefits from the southern trade that
the Congress of Notables. comes down the mighty Danau River from Kayomar. Because
the river becomes impassible at the Valley of the All Father, river
The town has since thrived, cornering trade from Kayomar and traffic stops where the Red Mud River enters the Danau. There
taxing anything that passes through the portage. The taxes are it is ported to Haverstraw, loaded back on boats and sent down
not unreasonable, so traffic continues to flow. But their wealth the Oth River and on to the sea. Haverstraw enjoys the revenue
has put them in direct conflict with the other towns of the Oth in the guise of boat and transport fees, taxes on movable goods,
River Valley, particularly Smythe and Hopkinsville. Several etc. It also has a small, but thriving slave market. As one of the
wars between the city-states have seen Haverstraw generally border towns they also enjoy the wealth that is plundered from
pitted against Hopkinsville and Smythe, but joined by the the Darkenfold by those able to bring it out.
fiercely independent people of Pettigrew, Crossed Fork and New
Edinburg, though the alliances are known to shift. RELIGION: The Congress makes regular sacrifices to the river
goddess, Tefnut, though there are a number of temples in the
The town consists mostly of stone buildings with slate shingles town to Ore-Tsar, Ealor, and other gods. The worship of the Og
and cobbled streets. There are four gates entering Haverstraw, Aust, the old Gods of the Darkenfold, has recently spread to the
all of which close one hour after the sun sets. The walls, 20 feet town, brought by proselytizing clerics from that wood.
high, are punctuated by 40 foot high watchtowers. The streets
LANGUAGE: The Vulgate is the common language spoken here
are well lit at night and patrolled.
and throughout the region.
The main tavern and inn remains the Bent Back, but others
MAJOR GUILDS: The trade guilds are heavily represented
thrive as well. The smaller Portage Way plays host to porters,
here. The Cult of the Swords, as well as many mercenaries, find
bargemen, and the like. The Underrime is a small dive that
a home in the ever turbulent Oth River Valley. Muddles Inc.
attracts nefarious characters and is generally a place to sell stolen
too thrives here.
goods. A halfling tavern, the Skull’s Cup, is more a gambling
house than ought else, rough, but with good food and drink. The town recently ran into trouble with the wizard Drusus
and the Four Magi. These Umbrians, magi from Aufstrag,
attempted to seize control of the town, for what purpose few
Human: 2600 +/- could guess. They succeeded for a very short while, but they
were overthrown and jailed. Many feared killing them as it was
Gnomes: 100 +/- believed that the wizard’s spirit might linger and haunt the
town. They were eventually forced to give their blood to an
Halflings: 150 +/- oath stone and then driven from the town. Several fled into the
Darkenfold (see below).
Dwarf: 50 +/-
Ethan has been plying the waters of the Darkenfold for many If the party heads up river, avoiding the Bolan Drops and the
years. He trades goods he buys in Petersboro and Haverstraw trail, they quickly run into a fog bank, thick with banshees. For
with whomsoever he encounters on the river. His boat is well more information on the Mistbane and the banshees refer to the
stocked with most supplies travelers would need: food, beer, adventure module Shades of Mist.
packs, clothes, rope, etc. When he spies a potential customer,
he uses his ring of detect alignment, determines their disposition BOLAN DROPS
and treats them accordingly.
As is known, the Darkenfold is divided into two distinct
Ethan engages the party, offering them wares from his store if geographic regions. The Northern Plateau consists of the
they need or to ferry them over the river (if needed). He offers Upplands, Troll Glade, and the Powder River Country. The
to join them for a meal as well (no matter what time of day it is) Southern Plateau consists of the Millorian in the west and the
but does not wish to do it on the south bank of the river, as it is Downs in the east, both comprising the heart of the Darkenfold.
too dangerous due to the proximity of the Green Wizard. It is not always easy to tell where one begins and the other ends
as the forest floor is broken by many lesser features. Alice’s
Ethan is neutral He carries a +2 longsword, a heavy crossbow
Bluff divides the two in the west, but the bluff is only 25-30
and a +2 mace. He wears elven chain beneath his cloak and
miles long. The line however travels from the Bluff east to the
carries a +2 ring of protection and a ring of detect alignment.
Hollow, curves south to the long line of hills known as Mount
He speaks vulgate (common), elf, dwarf, eschl and several
Judy and the Inigg Gorge. These last mark the northern fence
halfling dialects fluently.
of the River Basin country, a low, flat region that stretches from
Ethan is not intended as an antagonist, but if for some reason Mount Judy to the Mistbane, known as the Wingnut Bottoms
the PCs attack him or it is otherwise necessary to stat him out, or Wingnut Bottomlands.
Ethan has the abilities of a 14th level ranger and 15d8 hit dice
The Bolan Drops are part of this country. They are distinctive in
with abilities Str 18 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 9.
the River Basin from the Wingnut because, where that region is
Just about anything from the equipment list, except arms and flat, the Bolan Drops are not. The Drops are a series of ridges,
armor, is in his boat. He does carry plenty of arrows and bolts. each higher the further north one goes. The ridges themselves
Ethan is particularly talkative and answers questions put to him are roughly 40-60 miles long and run east-west, however, there
as honestly as he can. are multiple shorter ridges that fan out north and south and
along all points of the compass after that, making the entire
OATH STONE: He knows the story of Haverstraw, though not country one of broken hills and ridges with a general line of
that the stone was stolen. If shown the Oath stone, he is truly march on an east/west axis.
surprised and amazed and recommends that the party venture
to Haverstraw and return it. However he has this to say, “Such The ridges are cut and splintered by a host of deep gulches,
an artifact is a powerful tool. If it were to fall into the wrong hands, carved out of the land by years of rain and run off. Near the
it could mean death for the people of that river town.” top, along the ridge lines the gulches are filled with tangled
scrub, brush and small, dried up trees that eke a living out of
If asked, he explains that he is heading down river, he was only the sparse soil. Deeper in the gulches where the sun struggles to
waiting for the perytons to scatter. After, he intends to head up reach there are older trees, far older trees. These well-watered
the Powder in order to avoid the unusually thick mist that has treants feed on the rich soil and the water and grow fat, their
gathered just west on the Mistbane. girth at times a dozen feet or more. Their canopies are broad
and thick and hang low to the ground. Oak vines thrive here,
“Don’t go that way,” he explains. “Get off the river for awhile. Those crawling across the ground and coiling around the base of the
mists are dangerous. They are, filled with the lost spirits of elves old forest giants.
denied the Stone Fields of the dead. They are damned. No. You need
to head up into the Bolan Drops on the north bank, strike out on Travel in the gulches is a little easier, the ground is soft and
Reacher’s Trail, and bypass the river and the mists. The trail, though water plentiful, but anyone passing through feels the ominous
dangerous, is easy to navigate and will land you on the edge of the presence of the trees.
Wingnut Bottom Lands many miles to the west.”
He supplies directions to Reacher’s Trail but mentions that the
country is hunted by a number of creatures, including bugbears. Roll regular wandering monsters for the overland journey.
He has this to say specifically: Consult the chart at the end of this adventure.
“It is an old part of the wood and little traveled but for the eschl, the Regardless of what is or is not encountered, the nights here are
wild men. Be on your guard, for the forest is more aware than you filled with strange noises and lights. Some of these are normal
know. It is thoughtful and in places filled with resentment, for the insects and other creatures that creep and crawl about the
earth was once crowded with the voices of the trees when the Ethvold wood, but some will be will o’ wisps. These are unforgiving and
was young, and the forest here blames any and all for the loss.” altogether dangerous.
Within the wood, the trees are able to darken the forest within WILL O' WISPS: The trail is haunted by will-o-wisps. They
4 rounds, by turning their leaves inward and down. When they creep up from the gulches and lure victims into the darker forest
do this, it causes a slight creaking noise, and the light fails, where old, twisted oak live, treants of a foul disposition. There
dimming noticeably. When this happens all visibility drops to a the wisps slay their victims and devour them as is their wont.
few dozen feet. Beyond that it is completely dark and only those Within one day of entering Reacher’s Trail at least one will o’
who can see underground can see through the forest. wisp spies the party and begins following them.
The trees darken areas to push and drive victims forward and WILL O' WISP (CE Tiny Undead) HP 22 (HD 9d4), AC
down into the deep gulches where the old treants live. 19, Spd 50ft (fly). Str 1 Dex 28 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 14 Cha 11.
They also shape the land so that anyone attempting to track Perception 12(+2). Shock +4 (2d8 lightning). SA Darkvision
or find a trail must make a successful Wisdom (survival) check 120ft, Immune lightning, poison, exhaustion, grappled, para-
with a base DC 14. For every turn that has passed after leaving lyzed, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious, resist acid, cold,
Reacher’s Trail, increase the DC by 1, to a maximum of 25. fire, necrotic, thunder, and bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
from nonmagical; Invisibility (as an action; until consume life,
Once lost in the Drops the trees leave it to the will o’ wisps attacks, or loses concentration); consume life (bonus action: one
and treants to finish off victims. Consult the 5e Game Master’s creature at 0 hp must succeed at DC 10 Constitution save or
Guide concerning becoming lost. die; if it fails the Will-o-wisp regains 3d6 hp); ephemeral (can’t
carry or wear anything); Incorporeal movement (move through
REACHER'S TRAIL EAST END objects and creatures as difficult terrain; 1d10 damage if ends
turn in an object); Variable illumination (sheds bright light in
Leaving the north bank of the Mistbane, one follows Mander 5-20ft. radius at will, and dim light for the same distance be-
Creek up into the Bolan Drops. After a day’s travel the creek yond. Bonus action to alter the radius).
vanishes beneath the flat slope of a hill. Reacher’s Trail begins
at the top of that hill. TREANT (CG Huge Plant) HP 138 (HD 12d12+60),
AC 16, Spd 30ft. Str 23 Dex 8 Con 21 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha
The trail itself is long, crossing almost 40 miles of woodland. 12. Perception 13(+3). 2 Slam +10 (3d6+6) or Rock +10
It is unpaved, consisting of a broad dirt path beneath the (4d10+6; 60ft/180ft). SA false appearance, dmg x2 struc-
intertwining arched branches of the trees. tures/objects, animate trees 1/day.
As you climb up the steep slope of the hill the tree line
gives way to an open glade. On either side of the glade REACHER'S TRAIL WEST END
the trees pick back up as they crowd the edge of the The trail ends abruptly, giving way to a wide open slope that
glade. On the western edge a path opens up. Here the slides gently down into the forest again. From the trailhead here
trees are pushed back in ordered ranks of two columns one can see west for some miles, looking over the treetops. The
that wall in the path. Their branches grow on high and shadow of the Rhodope Mountains loom in the distance, and
the rise of the land to the north is noticeable. In the south, The Bottoms are open and going here is easier than in other
perhaps a mile away, is a large cut in the tree line, clearly a river sections of the wood. Elsewhere tree roots cling to the earth
of some size. It is the Mistbane. like gnarled fingers, coiled in and out of the ground, creating
many pitfalls and snares for the unwary; here however, the wet
earth allows the maples to sink deep and their roots are rarely
THE BOTTOMS exposed, creating a largely flat expanse of bottom land. The
Reacher’s Trail’s west end lies just north of the Mistbane, on aforementioned grass and moss creates an almost comfortable
the edge of the Wingnut Bottomland. Travel in the Bottoms is ground cover.
markedly different than in the Bolan Drops.
Despite this, the Bottoms are home to many thick-leaved
bushes, berries and thorny vines. These grow wild and deep in
the spring and summer, dying off in the fall. They are generally
The Wingnut Bottomland, or the Bottoms for short, extends thin stalked and do little to impede movement, though they do
from the Bolan Drops in the east, to the Lake of Nunt in the restrict visibility due to their large leaves.
west. It abuts the Inigg Gorge and Thistle Ridge in the north
and the Mistbane River in the south. As its name indicates, it The Bottoms are not without their dangers however. Many
is a low lying area that is as much a swampland as it is a forest. fallen trees have submerged in the soil, tripping up those who
The ground, as well as the flora, is very different in the Bottoms move too fast and feeding a fierce species of tusked boar. But the
than elsewhere in the Darkenfold. ground is the real enemy, for the wet earth plays host to small
grass-covered ponds, sink holes, quick sand and mud pits. Many
The ground in the Bottoms is moist and rich in nutrients. It plays fall afoul of these water traps and are consumed by the Bottoms,
host to a wide variety of mosses, grasses and smaller wetland their flesh adding to the soil’s thick nutrients.
shrubs. The moss in particular grows everywhere, carpeting the
ground, crawling up the boles of trees, and hanging in wads from TRAVEL: Travel is somewhat faster in the Bottoms. On a good
the branches overhead. Silver maples dominate the Bottoms, day 15 miles is possible. Of course if the region is flooded, as
spread out generously, allow easy passage between them. These frequently happens, travel is much slower, about 5 miles a day,
tall, silver-white trees, with high canopies and bright green often through water several inches to a foot deep.
leaves grow throughout, thriving on the ample water and rich
earth. Only a few of the forest’s more dour trees, the oaks, grow VISIBILITY: During the spring and summer months, visibility
in the Bottoms, and most of these lie in the north, along the is broken by the thick brush. Anyone attempting to hide in
edge of Thistle Ridge. There the oaks represent an old stand of the warmer months gains advantage to all stealth checks. All
trees and are very large and deep rooted. Wisdom (perception) checks suffer disadvantage.
BOAR (Unaligned Medium Beast) HP 11 (HD 2d8+2), AC able to run as fast as any adult, but for only half the time. She
11, Spd 40ft. Str 13 Dex 11 Con 12 Int 2 Wis 9 Cha 5. Percep- speaks her own language. She has an inherent ability to detect
tion 9(-1). Tusk +3 (1d6+1). SA Charge (if moves at least anyone’s alignment at will. She can also see into other planes
20ft and hits with tusk, victim takes 1d6 extra damage and must and as a result can, once per week, contact other planes as per
make DC 11 Strength save or fall prone), Relentless (Recharge the spell. The planes she can contact are limited to the Wretched
long or short rest; if damage of 7 or less would reduce to 0 hp, Plains, Endless Pools, and Stone Fields. When contacting other
instead boar is reduced to 1 hp). planes she is communicating with the god Heth.
The boar does not immediately attack. Being a temperamental Illpah belongs to the Manute people, a small band of about 80
beast it slew Illpah’s mother for no other reason than to show men, women and children. They are presently in the vicinity,
its dominance. It is not actually feeding on the corpse, it only several miles from the tragic scene. They are unaware of the
appears to be doing so. It is continuing to gore the body however, mother and child’s absence.
and is slowly disemboweling it.
Illpah is small, about 3 feet high with long, black hair. Her eyes
If anyone comes within 20 feet of the boar, it attacks, rushing to are bright green, an unusual trait in her people. Her skin is dark
gore its opponents. olive color, bordering on brown. She is a comely child, though
rarely smiles or laughs. Humor in the child is so rare that it
During any battle with the boar Illpah does not run away, nor terrifies her people when she does laugh.
does she cower. She fully expects to be slain by the boar and join
her mother on the Arc of Time so, if a battle erupts, she ignores ILLPAH'S FATE: Illpah has no idea where her people are. If
it and she moves to prepare her mother for the afterlife. asked she waves vaguely in a westerly direction. They are, in
fact, north of her, working their way toward Thistle Ridge and
AVOIDING THE ENCOUNTER If the party avoids the child the Bolan Drops. A ranger in the party can attempt to back-
and boar and moves on, the girl remains near her mother’s body. track the child. They can pick up her and her mother’s trail on a
The boar does not kill her, but eventually grows tired of the successful Wisdom (survival) check (DC 15). Keeping the trail
body and moves on, and by nightfall the girl will have become is not easy, however. The eschl are known for their abilities to
the victim of another vicious beast, such as a nakal dragon. move and hide in the forest. Every three hours a fresh tracking
check must be made. Failure means the trail is lost. If there is
RESCUING THE CHILD: Illpah evinces no surprise upon seeing
no hero with proficiency in survival in the party, they can only
the party. She doesn’t move or speak until the boar is engaged.
guess at the direction the eschl have traveled.
Once the party attacks, the child walks over to the body of her
mother and begins preparing her for her journey. She lays her The band is presently about 10 miles north and west, though
out, rolling her over on her back, straightening her legs, and the trail leads any trackers on a wild circuitous route that covers
placing her arms at her sides. She collects thorns from the brush almost 12 miles of forest, requiring roughly 15 hours of travel
and pins her mother’s eyes open. All the while, she speaks to her and five tracking checks.
in soft tones. If any can understand her speech she is reassuring
her mother with the following words: If anyone in the party offers to take the child, she joins the party
and follows them wherever they go, whether after her people or
“Momma, have no fear for I have set you right in the world and you with the party on their adventures.
will not walk with broken step. Momma, have no fear for I have put
your arms to rest and Nunt may not grab you. Momma, have no fear If told to stay and she is abandoned, she remains behind. She
for I have pinned your eyes open and Nunt will not deceive you with does not look or act disappointed, only watches intently as the
his lies. Momma, have no fear for Heth will take you and guide you party leaves. If she is left behind, as noted above, a nakal dragon
upon the River of Erde.” attacks and kills her at dusk.
If anyone engages the child, she speaks to them in clear, concise ILLPAH RETURNED TO HER PEOPLE: If the party manages
tones. However she only speaks the eschl tongue. Unless to take the child back to her people by back-tracking her trail,
someone in the party speaks eschl, a comprehend languages is they first encounter a band of warriors who begin to flank them.
cast, or the party has some other means of interpreting the The warriors are seen on a Wisdom (perception) check (DC
child’s language, they cannot understand her, nor she them. 17). If they see the girl, they shout to her by name, without
coming out. Illpah then communicates that the people are kind
If she is engaged while she is preparing her mother’s body, Illpah and bringing her back.
stops, holds up her hand and speaks in her own tongue asking
the party to stop. She then continues her work. When she is At this point one of the chieftains emerges and engages the
done, she walks away from the body and sits down. She will party. Upon learning of their good intentions he’ll offer them
follow the party if she is asked or appropriate non-threatening food and rest with the band, inviting them to their camp. There
gestures are made for her to do so. She has no fear of them if the party is surrounded by the tribe, who come out to see the
they are good, otherwise she refuses to go. strangers that have rescued Illpah.
Illpah is chaotic good, with the statistics of a commoner, except The path you are on gives way to a wide-open space
as follows: She has no weapons, nor any skills to fight. She is beneath the trees. A stream tumbles through the camp
The eschl welcome the strangers and feed them a wide variety
of roots, fruits, berries and cooked meats. They continually
thank them for returning Illpah to their band and offer to tattoo
the party with bands markings. Anyone who accepts the tattoo
gains proficiency in the survival and nature skills, permanently,
from its magic. Those already proficient in these skills add
double their proficiency bonus on all ability checks that use
them in the future.
The eschl allow the party to stay with them as long as they like,
but they are moving west, toward the Bolan Drops in the next
few days.
the earth 20 feet beyond the dome of the tree. She built a bed of Merovina has hung here for the better part of a year. Any and
thrush leaves and limbs, a table from a large slab of stone and in all who have seen her, have left her to her fate, not knowing
time decorated the wall with shelves and cupboards. On these what strange happenstance led her to this fate. Her flesh is not
she lined her poultices, salves, potions and elixirs. decayed, though the wounds are raw, as if they were recently
made. Her clothes however, show the signs of age.
There Merovina lived for many years, her only company, the
dark hearted tree that was her home. Anyone who approaches her notices that she is breathing, if
only barely, upon a successful Wisdom (medicine) check (DC
Merovina had two great joys. The first was to fish. She enjoyed 12) or DC 15 Wisdom (perception). She cannot speak, but if
fishing upon the banks of the Mistbane River and the small she is spoken to, she opens her eyes and attempts to plead with
creeks and ponds around her forest domicile. But more than them, through facial expressions and arm gestures, to cut her
this, she loved to lure people to her home, lull them into down.
senselessness with charms or poultices, and devour their souls.
She buried their lifeless bodies in the mossy ground around her Without her voice she has no ability to use her spell-like abilities.
house, calling on them when and if she desired, for amusement She is able to mask her alignment however, and unless a dispel
or protection. magic is cast upon her any attempt to discover her alignment
reveals only that she is neutral.
It was this latter action that led to her end. After poisoning a
young halfling up from the deep south, she invited the wrath of MEROVINA, GREEN HAG (NE Medium Fey) HP 82 (HD
his people. Finding her fishing upon the banks of the Mistbane 11d8+33), AC 17, Spd 30ft. Str 18 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 13
they peppered her with arrows from afar. She tried to flee but, Wis 14 Cha 14. Perception 15(+5). Arcana +3, Deception
finding this impossible, she turned to fight. This proved fruitless +4, Perception +5, Stealth +3. Claws +6 (2d8+4), Wild
and they fell upon her with axe and sword. After she was shape (as druid; giant eel shape only); Illusory appearance
subdued, they took out her tongue, cut off her hands and feet (Look like another creature of her general size and humanoid
and fed it all to the giant gar that hunt that mighty river. They shape. The illusion ends with bonus action or if she dies. The
then strung her up in a tree, hanging over the slow-moving changes don’t to hold up to physical inspection or with DC 20
water for all to see. Intelligence (Investigation) check), Invisible passage (invisibil-
ity as per spell at will as action). SA Amphibious, innate spell
FINDING THE CROOKED HOUSE casting (Cha, save DC 12, at will: Dancing lights, minor illu-
sion, vicious mockery), mimicry (animal sounds and humanoid
The Crooked House lies about 2 miles north of the Mistbane
voices. DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals imitations)
upon the western edge of the Wingnut Bottoms. The trail that
leads from one to the other is not difficult to see. Merovina used As noted, Merovina is not dead. She is very much alive and
it for years, passing from one spot to the next. The characters, desires to be cut loose and hit the water beneath her, alter into
passing through the Wingnut country, should stumble upon the a giant eel, go deep into the water and heal herself. If she is
trail. They can go north to the house, or south to the river. If cut down she attempts to make for the water, acting as if she
they go south see The Hanging Tree below, if they go north, see is thirsty. As soon as she touches the water, she alters form and
Merovina’s House. wiggles her way into the river. She is very large, about 9 feet long
and roughly 100 pounds of pure muscle.
Either way the journey is easy and without mishap.
MEROVINA, GREEN HAG (as giant eel) HP 11 (HD
THE HANGING TREE 2d8+2), AC 14, Spd 30ft, 30ft (swim). Str 10 Dex 18 Con
The path opens up onto a river bank a few feet above the 13 Int 13 Wis 14 Cha 14. Perception 15(+5). Arcana +3,
Mistbane. The bank is dominated by a large tree, whose Deception +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6. Bite +6 (1d8). SA
branches extend over the river. Merovina hangs from this tree. Slippery skin (advantage on checks to escape a grapple; oppo-
She is not dead, only seems so. nents have disadvantage to grapple); Quick riposte (as a reac-
tion, may make a bite attack).
The path gives way to a wide, open bank, overlooking
the lethargic waters of the Mistbane. The burbling river Anyone can attempt to stop her but doing so after she assumes
laps the pebble strewn shore and the feet of a massive eel form is difficult and any grapple checks are made at
quaking aspen, whose silver white bark and dark green disadvantage due to her slippery skin. This results in a wicked
leaves stand in contrast to all the forest green around it. bite. Anyone holding her must make a strength check each
But it is not the aspen’s bark that draws your attention, round to keep her from the water.
but rather the lonesome body that hangs from the tree.
Once in the water she goes deep, sinking into the mud and heals
A woman, shorn of her feet and hands, hangs from a
herself. She waits until her rescuers leave to return to her house,
branch, just over the shore. Her bloody stumps are
but regardless, her embarrassment at being seen strung up is too
naked and raw, her face torn in a grimace of pain. There
much for her to handle so that she tracks the characters down
seems little decay about her, though her clothes are
and attempts to kill them if she can.
ragged and worn.
20 Baneberry, berries – Save or suffer stomach cramps, BEYOND THE BOTTOMS
vomiting and diarrhea for one day. The Bottoms end just south of the Lake of Nunt. Here the
21 Hellebore, paste, or jelly - Causes melancholy and Low River Country begins. This is a dangerous place within
weakness, act as ray of enfeeblement unless successful the Darkenfold, sandwiched between the evil that resides in
save is made. the Lake of Nunt and the distant Gurthap Falls that mark the
22 Hops - For making beer. beginning of the Upplands.
23 Bryony, liquid - Causes one to fall asleep for 4-8 The character’s path should lead them out of the Bottoms and
rounds unless a successful save is made. into the Low River Country.
24 Yew, salve - Makes one itch and become nervous.
Disadvantage to all ability checks for 1d6 minutes THE HARVEST OF OATHS
unless a successful save is made.
The Wingnut Bottoms give way to a country slightly higher
25 Apple Jelly in elevation, the Low River Country and the Lake of Nunt.
26 Ivy, salve - Causes skin irritation for 2-4 days. All The lake is name for the god of death of the same name and
combat actions at -1 unless a successful save is made. some believe he dwells there still. However, its most irksome
27 Dropwort, liquid - Causes confusion as the spell of inhabitant is the wizard Drusus, the very same whose name lies
the same name unless a successful save is made. upon the oath stone.
28 White Poppy, liquid - Save or fall into a coma for 4-8
days. Can only be woken by remove curse or similar THE LOW RIVER COUNTRY
spell. The Low River Country includes a huge swath of forest that
29 Apple Butter begins at Gurthap Falls, follows the course of the Watchita River
to the Mistbane, angling bank north and east to Mount Judy and
30 Foxglove, small pills - Dissolves in liquid. Causes
the Hollow and back again to Gurthap Falls. The ground here
headaches and thirst unless a successful save is made.
rises only a scant dozen feet or so from the Wingnut Bottoms, but
31 Gelsemium, gas - Breathing it causes respiratory does so quite dramatically on the north-east axis to Mount Judy.
paralysis for 4 rounds. Victim cannot breathe and is
immobilized unless a successful save is made. The ground here rarely floods but does serve as something of
32 Copal, liquid - Makes one susceptible to charm. a watershed from the higher plateau to the north. In the rainy
Save or suffer disadvantage on all saves against season, the many creeks and streams swell, the depressions fill
enchantment effects for 24 hours. with water, and the whole area becomes a water-logged land
where travel for anything heavy is difficult. The rain and water
33 Clove, cloves - Makes someone of the preferred give birth to a plethora of plants, from trees to bushes, deep
gender seem desirable, trustworthy and kind unless grasses, clinging mosses and the like.
a successful save is made. Victim is charmed by the
next person of the preferred gender encountered. Travel in the Low River Country is slow, generally allowing one
34 Grape Jam to move 6 miles a day. If it rains the ground becomes soggy and
the bushes hang low, decreasing visibility and slowing movement
35 Gardenia, liquid - Removes the effects of minor
to 4 miles per day.
potions, elixirs and poultices.
36 Witch Hazel, paste - One drop on the tongue allows From Merovina’s lair to the Lake of Nunt should take several days.
user to know alignment as spell for the standard One of the region’s most ferocious predators is the iris dragon.
37 Paul’s Pot, thick liquid - Save or hallucinate for 24 WHEN IT RAINS
hours. All attacks, saves and ability checks are at Allow for a few days of travel into the Low River Country. The
disadvantage. characters should run normal encounters, a pack of iris dragons
38 Mugdart, liquid - Causes a curse to be placed upon if the CK is so inclined. The forest is thick and movement slow
the recipient, as the bestow curse spell. and difficult. Insects are constant and annoying, hounding the
characters at every term. On the third day it begins to rain.
Beyond the wights, there is nothing guarding her house. Anyone
taking the jars can easily abscond with them. However, while A gentle rain begins to fall. It is cool and serves to
many of them have magical effects, the exact mixtures of the scatter the insects who have been your ever constant
potions and poisons are as important to their function as the companions. The water is too light at first to cling to
magic, if not more so. As such, only an identify spell, or a DC 25 you, but rather rolls off of cloaks and packs. But soon
Intelligence (nature) or (poisoner’s kit) check can fully discern within half an hour it picks up, the rain begins to fall
the contents of each jar. steady and hard. Within a few minutes, the skies seem
to open up and the rain falls in torrents. Visibility is cut
in half, the ground turns viscous, clinging on with each
miles north from where you stand, there is a break in There, he built a cabin of sorts and a palisade around it. When
the forest. It gives way for many miles in all directions, the first flood came, he learned the hazards of the water and
indicating some large open area, whether a grassland, a built his second house upon stilts 15 feet above the ground.
lake, or human habitation is not easy to discern. Other houses followed until a small complex stood just off the
northeastern shore of the lake.
The lake is dominated by red maple trees. Upon a successful
Wisdom (survival) or Intelligence (nature) check (DC 15) any Thus Nunt found him. The god, woken from his long slumbers,
anyone with forest skills recognizes these trees, and knows that rose to the surface of the water and spoke with Drusus. The
they commonly grow along the banks of lakes and ponds. From wizard was amazed and fearful, for Nunt’s demeanor is cold and
this they can infer that the break is actually a lake. distant and he cares for little but his own melancholy. Drusus
called him Master and sought to glean knowledge from the god.
Assuming they travel north, continue on to the Lake of Nunt, But Nunt of the Val Eahrakun was not fooled by the wizard’s
if they plunge west, heading for the next river (which is, in fact, duplicity, and he knew his thoughts even before the wizard
the Watchita) refer to the adventure module Falls the Divide. spoke them. Unaware of this, Drusus believed that he had
snared the forest god in his web. Regardless, it amused Nunt
THE LAKE OF NUNT to give Drusus power. To this end he gave the wizard a book,
Incantations, Enchantments, Charms, and Spells As Collected by
In the long ago Days Before Days, Nunt came to Aihrde. His
Pappilion filled with spells for the wizard to begin again.
path was a lonesome one, for his mind was twisted with visions
of the River of Erde, which is the path the dead must travel. Thus Drusus began again. As time passed, however, his bitterness
His thoughts were lost in the gloaming of life. At some point, grew. He has thought long upon the poverty of his journey and
he came to the Ethvold and there, beneath the cold dark eaves places the blame on Haverstraw and all her people. It is there
of that vast forest he found a sanctuary. He settled beneath the that he wishes to return in order to put her people in bondage or
waters of the lake that now bears his name and took the guise beneath the earth in cold tombs. He believes his tomes and staff
of a large white fish. Settling upon the bottom of the lake, he remain there, in the town’s treasures. To this end, he sits upon
became a conduit from this world to the next. the banks of the lake and ponders. For without the oath stone,
he can do little in the way of revenge.
Or so the legends say.
What is known is that the Lake of Nunt lies deep in the Low CROSSING THE LAKE
River Country and is visited by few. The land about is dangerous, Drusus dwells in a cabin upon the northern shore of the lake.
prone to flooding and filled with all manner of predacious It is difficult to see from across the lake and will not be readily
beasts, dark hearted trees, and fae whose lust for distraction has available unless the characters approach across the lake or
led more than a few to their untimely deaths. around it. The lake itself is still and clear.
The lake itself is large, some 8 or 9 miles from east to west and The forest gives way, opening up to a large lake whose
half again the size from north to south. The waters are still, cool shores are hemmed in on all sides by the Darkenfold.
and deep, the center of the lake being roughly 420 feet from the It is wide and clearly deep, for the lake’s center turns
surface. Very little plant life grows along the lake’s edge, and a dark blue. Little disturbs the placid waters, and the
the pebbly beaches that surround it afford little purchase. The whole scene seems to belie the danger of the forest that
plants that do grow are devoured by fish before they become creeps up to the very water’s edge. A few crows, black
much more than a small shoot. For this reason the lake remains as night, take flight from the trees to your right and
the same size, year after year, swelling during the rainy season, sweep off, over the lake in a leisurely manner, cawing
and losing only a little during the dry. to one another as they go. Their flight draws your eyes
to a small column of white smoke that rises gently from
Few creatures find purchase here, a dozen types of fish, frogs, and
the far northern shore. It holds in a steady column until
turtles. Beyond that, the giant carp keep all at bay, devouring the
snatched by a wind high above the trees and carried
young of anything that attempts to settle in the lake itself. For
away to what adventures none may say.
this reason the lake offers good fishing for those brave enough to
eat fish from the lake where a god of death is purported to dwell. CANOE: Wherever the characters come out on the lake, they
find a large canoe tied off to a tree. It bobs in the water about 12
DRUSUS feet from shore. It was put here by the eschl, who come to the
After Drusus was driven from Haverstraw he wandered the lake to sacrifice to Nunt. Crossing out over the water the place
wastes of the Darkenfold, penniless, without his staff or any of their offerings in the lake, make their prayers and leave.
his ancient tomes. Like a dried leaf upon the water’s flow, he
There are paddles in the canoe. It sits 5 people, assuming there is
was carried first south and then west into the deeper reaches
not much in the way of armor and other very heavy equipment.
of the wood. What adventures he had he tells few, if any, but
Assuming the characters’ desire is to approach the cabin, they
at last he found himself upon the banks of the Lake of Nunt,
can cross the lake in the canoe, or walk around it as they see fit.
utterly penniless and alone.
FIGHTING FOR IT: He will not attack the party, deeming them APPENDIX A: NEW MONSTERS
too strong and his spells too weak, unless of course the party is
very weak. If he is attacked, he fights only so long as he thinks DRAGON, IRIS WYRM
he can win, otherwise he seeks to escape into the forest as
quickly as he can. The smallest of dragons, the iris wyrm is light green in color,
thin and lithe. Broad, leaf-like scales cover its long form; its
TRICKING THE PARTY: What he really wants to do is convince legs shaped like vines, and its head, long and thin is yellow. It
the party to go to Gurthap Falls and the castle that lies there. has small claws, used to cling to the sides of trees, branches, or
He mentions that it is filled with wealth, though probably much rocks. The iris dragon’s tail, long and thinning to a small taper,
danger as well. His hope is that they are all killed there, or at the serves a similar purpose. It has razor sharp teeth that deliver a
very least, weakened so he can slay them. stinging bite, but its real weapon is the dew claw it possesses on
each forward claw. This long appendage, several inches longer
NOTE: Gurthap Falls is covered in the adventure module C5 than its other claws, carries potent venom.
Falls the Divide.
SWAMP DWELLERS. Iris dragons dwell in tropic, sub-tropic
Drusus is lawful neutral. He has few worldly possessions. He jungles and temperate deciduous forests. They are very social,
carries a +2 dirk, his spell book “Incantations, Enchantments, pack oriented dragons, and travel in family groups of up to 10.
Charms and Spells as Collected by Pappilion,” four black pearls The creature is moderately intelligent, with the older ones able
worth 500gp, his clothing and other odds and ends. He does to speak elf, the vulgate, or any other tongue with which it has
keep locate object and detect thoughts memorized. If a battle does had long exposure. The dragon takes up residence near water
occur he should be rolled up as a 12th level wizard with ability or cave entrances, trails and the like; anywhere that creatures
scores Str 10 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 19 Wis 12 Cha 12. may stop to find food or shelter. They take shelter in the trees
and shrubs, disguising themselves as plants. When their prey
Spell’s in Drusus’ Book: 0: acid splash, blade ward, friends, enters the area, they wait for it to come within range of one of
mage hand, prestidigitation. 1st: burning hands, chromatic
orb, comprehend languages, disguise self, expeditious retreat,
floating disk, mage armor, magic missile, shield, unseen servant.
2nd: darkness, detect thoughts, invisibility, locate object, rope
trick, shatter, web. 3rd: gaseous form, hypnotic pattern, stinking
cloud, sending, water breathing 4th: arcane eye, locate creature,
phantasmal killer 5th: animate objects, cloudkill 6th: arcane
gate, eyebite.
Encounters are governed by region. Though the adventures in Shades of Mist are of mid-level range the Darkenfold is a forest
filled with limitless adventure possibilities.
Encounter Upplands/Troll Glades Millorian/ Downs Powder Mistbane River Basin
Alligator - - 01-02 01-04
Allip* 1 1 - 05-06
Ankheg 2 - 02-03 -
Assassin Vine 3-5 2-3 04-06 07-10
Barghest, Devil* - 4 - 11-12
Basilisk 6 5 - -
Bear, brown 7-9 6-8 07-10 13-15
Behir 10 9 11-12 16-17
Blink Dog 11-13 10-11 - -
Boar 14-16 12-14 13-16 18-20
Centaur 17 15-16 17 -
Centipede, Giant 18-20 18-21
Chimera 21 17-18 22 21-22
Cockatrice 22-23 19-21 - -
Demi-Human 24-26 22-23 23-26 22-25
Dragon 27 24 27 26-28
Dryad 28-29 25-26 28-29 29-31
Ettercap 30-31 27-28 - -
Ettin 32 29-31 30-31 -
Frog, Giant 33-34 32-33 32-34 32-34
Fungus, Violet - 34 35-37 35-37
Giant 35-36 35-37 38-40 -
Gorgon 37 38 - -
Hag, Night 38 39 41 38-39
Harpy 39-40 40-41 42-43 40-42
Herd Animal 41-43 42-44 44-45 -
Human 44-46 45 46-49 43-46
Humanoid 47-49 46-48 50-51
Hydra - 49-51 - -
Jaculus 50 52-54 52-53 -
Lamia - 55 - -
Lammasu - 56-57 - -
Lion 51-53 58-60 54-55 47-49
Lizard Folk 54-55 61-63 - 50-53
Lycanthrope 56-57 64-65 56 54-56
Manticore 58-59 66-67 57-58 -
Naga, Dark 60-61 68 - -
Nymph 62-63 69 59 57-60
This book is published under the Open Game License (OGL) version 1.0a by permission of Wizards of 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the
the Coast, Inc. The Open Game Content appearing in this book is derived from the 3.0 System Reference work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
Document, copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and the 5.1 System Reference Document, Copyright 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
2016 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All contents, excluding the OGL, is property of and copyright 2018 Troll You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. originally distributed under any version of this License.
DESIGNATION OF OPEN GAME CONTENT: The following is designated Open Game Content pursu- 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game
ant to the OGL v1.0a: all stat block information of characters, monsters, and traps that appears in the Content You Distribute.
parenthetical following the character, monster, or trap, including the names of items and spells; and the
general names of monsters, but not any unique named NPC, character, or monster, appearing in any 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name
table or preceding any stat block. Also, the following open game content related words, phrases, and of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
abbreviations wherever they appear: Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con), Intelligence
(Int), Wisdom (Wis), Charisma (Cha), Class, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Assassin, Barbarian, Monk, Wizard, 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with
Illusionist, Cleric, Druid, Knight, Bard, Paladin, Race, Demi-human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Haling, respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation
Half-Orc, Hit Dice (HD), Hit Points (HP), Alignment, Lawful Good (LG), Lawful Neutral (LN), Lawful then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
Evil (LE), Neutral (N), Neutral Good (NG), Neutral Evil (NE), Chaotic Good (CG), Chaotic Neutral 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and
(CN), Chaotic Evil (CE), Level, “to hit”, Damage, Experience Point, Saving Throw, Player Character fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
(PC), Non-player Character (NPC), Turn Undead, Spell, Arcane, Divine, Magic, Spell Resistance, Item, termination of this License.
Equipment, Armor, Weapon, Potion, Rod, Staff, Wand, Scroll, Ring, Wondrous Item, Artifact, Cursed,d4,
d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d%, round, and turn. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: Product identity is not Open Game Content. The follow-
ing is designated as product identity pursuant to OGL v1.0a(1)(e) and (7): (A) product and product 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
line names, including 5th Edition Adventures, Aihrde, World of Aihrde, Shades of Mist, Lands of Ursal,
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Darkenfold, Amazing Adventures, Castles & Crusades, Victorious: Steampunk Adventure in an Age of
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Super Mankind; (B) logos, identifying marks, and trade dress; (C) all artwork, logos, symbols, graphic
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
visual representations; (D) logos and trademarks, including Castles & Crusades, Castle Keeper, SIEGE
engine, Amazing Adventures, Victorious and Troll Lord Games, identifying marks and trade dress, or System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as product identity by the owner of the Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
product identity, and which specifically excludes the open game content; (E) the story, storylines, plots, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, depictions, likenesses, concepts, world and campaign System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
descriptions, proper names of the characters, creatures, groups, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
personas, likenesses, skills, items, deities, and special abilities other than those designated as open game
content above, as well as places, locations, settings, and environments and their descriptions and other
accompanying text, though not their stat blocks.
Fifth Edition Role Playing: Amazing Adventures, Copyright 2018,
Troll Lord Games; Author Jason Vey.
All text, artwork, and maps appearing in this book is property of and copyright 2018 Troll Lord Games. All
Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Keeper, Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades
and Troll Lord Games logos, and products published by Troll Lord Games are Trademarks of Troll Lord
Amazing Adventures, Limited Preview Printing, Copyright 2012, Troll
Games. All Rights Reserved. Lord Games; Author Jason Vey.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a: The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Amazing Adventures, 1st Printing, Copyright 2012, Troll Lord Games;
Author Jason Vey.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/ or trademark owners who have contributed
Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works
and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition,
Amazing Adventures, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2015, Troll Lord Games;
extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may Author Jason Vey.
be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast,
publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord
and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody
the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including trans-
lations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2006,
Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; arti- Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
facts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, art-
work, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd Printing, Copyright 2007,
and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other
trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Iden- Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 4th Printing, Copyright 2009,
tity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names,
mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated
Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means
to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 5th Printing, Copyright 2009,
Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the
Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 6th Printing, Copyright 2014,
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
distributed using this License. Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 7th Printing, Copyright 2017,
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord
a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 2nd Printing Copyright
Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/ or You have sufficient 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 3rd Printing Copyright
include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modify- 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
ing or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide, Copyright 2010, Troll Lord
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to com- Games; Author Davis Chenault & Stephen Chenault.
patibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element
of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide, 2nd Printing, Copyright
or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. 2015, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis Chenault & Stephen Chenault.
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership
of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all Harvest of Oaths, Copyright 2018, Troll Lord Games, Author Stephen
rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. Chenault.