Arab Revolutions and Border Wars 1980-2018
Arab Revolutions and Border Wars 1980-2018
Arab Revolutions and Border Wars 1980-2018
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The AraB Spring and Border wars in context
It was on the 17th of December 2010 that impoverished street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set
himself on fire and burnt himself later dying from his injuries. He had had the vegetables he
was selling from his unlicensed cart confiscated by Tunisian police and in a desperate protest
set himself alight. This act led to a wide scale protests about the corruption and indifference of
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Mass Tunisian protests led to the overthrow of Ben Ali by the
end of January, for the first time in human history, it was the use of mobile phones and social
network sights that spread the idea of revolution and protest across the region and start what
we call “The Arab Spring”. Mass protests at a range of different issues broke out in Algeria, Jordan,
Egypt, Syria and several other arab countries. Not all regimes were toppled, and many of the
uprisings or successful revolutions don’t bring the free or better conditions that peoples demand,
instead them ended in creating a platform for extremists like that of ISIS in Syria and to an extent
in Libya where anarchy was the result. In Egypt the removal of Mubarak was ultimately lead to a
military coup by the military under Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. By the end of 2011 Yemen’s government
was overthrown allowing the Shia Houthis take control of Sanaa and a large chunk of the country,
and leading to a bloody and disastrous war with neighboring Saudi Arabia. It is the great divide
and wrestling of power and influence between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran that is the back
drop to many proxy conflicts in the region. The government in Algeria would survive the Arab
Spring as they had already had a protracted civil war with Islamists between 1992 and 1998 in
which thousands of people had been murdered which still loomed large in the memory of many.
In Syria Assad fought peaceful protesters with the tanks and troops and then released Islamic
militants from prisons that make western support for the rebels more difficult.
This volume also examines the military equipment and recent history of states involved in boarder
wars such as Morocco, Turkey and Sudan. Morocco’s occupation of the former Spanish Sahara and
conflict with the Polisario is quite now, but ran for decades with little coverage from the outside
world. Sudan’s civil war with the Christian South led to the split of the country into Northern and
Southern states. While brutal campaigns of ethnic cleansing in Darfur got much attention in the
west but little action. Turkey’s long term obsession with containing Kurdish national aspirations
have led this now questionable NATO ally to attack the US assisted YPG in Northern Syria. Under
president Erdogan, Turkey has fallen out with Washington over a range of issues as her army
seems to be digging in for a long stay in Northern Syria. The destruction of ISIS in Iraq has led
to stability in that war weary country and a bedding down of democracy as witnessed in recent
elections that may be an example to other nations in the region, perhaps the era of the strong
man and dictator, while not entirely over, maybe receding, for it Mohamed Bouazizi sacrifice has
any lasting legacy, it maybe was the beginning of the end of decades of corruption, sectarianism
and misrule in the middle east, only time shall tell.
The Moroccan armed forces has a long and illustrious history dating back to the 11th century. During the
Spanish Civil war and World War thousands of Moroccans served with Franco and the Free French forces
respectively. With the dissolution of the French Protectorate in 1956, Morocco created its own Royal armed
forces, seeing minor skirmishing with neighboring Algeria and various UN peace duties and as part of
various western interventions in Zaire, Somalia and the Balkans. It was the departure of Spanish forces
from the Sahara in 1975 that would create the Moroccan armies longest and most challenging conflict.
The death of Franco saw Spain finally withdraw from the Sahara, this was seen by the then Moroccan
King Hassan as an ideal opportunity to take over this Phosphate rich territory, situation that he did by
initiating The Green March with thousands of Moroccans marching into the former Spanish Sahara. At first
the Moroccans involved Mauritania in the carve up of this territory but the indigenous Sahrawi people
were determined to fight this occupation and thus The Polisario Front came into being with the assistance
of neighboring Algeria. Using traditional “Ghazzi “ or hit and run tactics Polisario units launched long range
raids against Mauritania’s military, rail networks and power plants leading to French military intervention,
but eventually a Mauritanian withdrawal from Saharan territory leaving Morocco to fight on its own.
Polisario units launched similar attacks on isolated Moroccan garrisons and armed patrols in a conflict that
persisted for decades. The Moroccan forces were eventually to construct a gigantic defensive wall from the
Algerian boarder to the Atlantic coast in an attempt to neutralize Polisario raiders, along which, were dug
in tanks, APCs and sophisticated listening devices. The Royal Moroccan forces had the assistance of Saudi
Arabian finances and were able to procure a broad range of equipment from France, America, Austria,
South Africa and later Belarus. Since the UN sponsored ceasefire agreement of 1991 there has been a peace
with both sides attempting to boost their claims but not a lot of interest shown by the rest of the world in
the long standing Western Sahara conflict.
Moroccan Eland 90
Having purchased a small amount of second hand Panhard AML 90’s from France, Morocco began
procuring Eland 90 Mk7 from South Africa in 1976. These vehicles were accompanied by a number of
South African instructors who had experience of the type of search and destroy missions in Angola that
Morocco now attempted to apply in the Western Sahara. Further deliveries of Eland 90s and the Ratel
20 turreted Eland 20s were obtained in 1978 along side actual Ratels. Over 30 of the Elands were lost
in ambush to the Polisario front during various offensive actions and a number can be seen in Polisario
camps to this day.
Moroccan M109A5
The M109 replaced the AMX Mk F3 SPG 155mm in Moroccan service. The 109s extra
range over the F3 made it the ideal weapon for long range shelling and fire support
missions against Polisario positions. The Moroccan army has obtained M109s from
numerous sources including 70 A5s from the US in 2016, 43 A1s from Belgium, 40 A1s from
Switzerland along with 60 variants originally supplied by the US and used in the Western
Sahara conflict.
ALgeRian Army
After a bloody 8 year struggle for independence Algeria support for the FIS party or Islamic Liberation Front, the
achieved freedom in 1962. Algeria had not been considered election was quashed. The army and the DRS or military
a colony but an actual part of metropolitan France, the intelligence under General Mohamed “Toufik” Mediene
Algerian guerilla group the FLN or National Liberation now began a brutal war of oppression against the Armed
Front had fought a brutal campaign against military Islamic Group or GIA who conducted bombings and
and civilian targets. France for its part fought a ruthless massacres against civilian, expatriates and military targets.
counterinsurgency campaign. Subjected to bombing, Between 1992 and 1998 entire villages were slaughtered
brutality, torture and the use of other extreme measures by by both sides with an estimated 200,000 people killed
French paratroopers the FLN was soon subdued, however and 20,000 disappeared. The terror inflicted on the people
public opinion internationally and in France had turned of Algeria during these times has left deep scars but also
towards granting independence, in reaction to this the a fear of a recurrence of this dark period if the ruling FLN
OAS the Organization of the Secret Army a right wing anti- feels under threat again. For an over twenty years it was
independence group staged a coup in Algiers and in Paris said that General “Tofik” Mediene and the DRS actually ran
to return the Free French hero De Gaulle to power, a man Algeria with a government of the people likes Boutefilka
they assumed would be anti-independence, but De Gaulle showing them were a mere facade. With two thirds of the
seeing the destruction to France caused by the endless youth of Algeria too young to remember these dark times
conflict granted independence to Algeria. The first Algerian and desperate due to poverty, lack of housing or jobs
leader Ben Bella implemented a Socalist oriented regime opportunities it is perhaps only a question of time before
backed by the Cheif of the FLN army of liberation Houari the next generation of Algerians again demand change.
Boumedienne, a man who would imprison Ben Bella after While the population feels the despair of grinding poverty
he staged a coup in 1965 and remain in power till his death there has been no shortage of funds for the Algerian army
in 1978. Boumedienne set Algeria on a course of pragmatic and airforce sophisticated Russian Su-24s, SU-27 and MIG-
socialism but his rule was to be followed by a series of minor 29 SMT have replaced earlier Soviet designs while over 300
party candidates as the FLN was a synonymous for scam T-90SAs and 100 BMP-3S are in service. Algeria has in recent
and corruption. By 1991 the people of Algeria were hungry times introduced minor reforms but only time will tell if
for political change and forced elections on the ruling FLN. these are real or a pretence.
However when election results showed overwhelming
Algerian T-90 SA
The Algerian military signed a contract in 2014 with Rosoboron
export thus acquiring it’s first third generation battle tank. Equipped
with a 125 mm 2A46 smooth bore gun, thermal sights, Kontakt-5
ERA, laser warning receivers and Shtora ATGM jamming systems
these latest MBTs are seen as a match for Morocco’s M1 Abrams.
LiBya Civil War
To get a grasp on the recent history of Libya and it’s various conflicting groups one must go back
to the military coup of 1969. In this year little known Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi took power
and began the transformation of Libya into Islamic Socalist state or his version of it. While he
implemented housing, health care and educational programmes at home his erratic approach
to foreign policy quickly led to conflict with neighbouring Egypt in the 1977 border war and
a series of unsuccessful campaigns in fellow neighbouring Chad throughout the 1980s. Small
detachments of Libyan troops were also sent to try help Idi Amin during the sucessful Tanzanian
invasion of Uganda in 1979. Gaddafi longed for international recognition and insense wanted to
become a figure head of a global anti imperialist movement buying favour and donating arms
throughout the middle east and Africa. His arms shipments to the Irish Republican Army in the
late 80s and other guerilla groups around the world are well documented. The US conducted a
series of air-raids in 1986 in response to Libyan night club bombing in West Berlin in the same
year. Other out rages would follow over the years the worst being the Lockerbie bombings which
destroyed Pan-Am flight 103 over Scotland. Libya became further isolated but could obtain arms
form various nations. While Gaddafi stock piled millions of dollars worth of Tanks, APCs, SPGs
and fighter air craft from Russia, Europe, Brazil and North Korea he lacked the personnel to use
it properly. Gaddafi was never really in a position to be a conventional threat in the region. With
the Arab spring revolution came to many North African states, in Libya the uprising started in
Benghazi in February 2011. These protests were put down by the army with 290 shot, but only
spread to other cities such as Misrata, Al-Bayda and Tobruk soon these towns were firmly in rebel
hands. NATO air strikes quickly turned the tide against Gaddafi’s armoured forces destroying
Libyan T-72s and Palmaria SPGs on the move to Benghazi. The Libyan rebels took to their land
cruisers and pick ups with various light anti aircraft guns and brought the war to the capital
Tripoli, ultimately capturing and killing Gaddafi who had been found hiding in a drainage pipe, a
pitiful end for the once great dictator. Democracy did not break out in Libya however and various
factions now tried to take power uniting only briefly to defeat ISIS in the city of Sirte in 2016. Since
then Libya has been split between Egyptian backed Military strong man Field Marshal Hifter
and the House of Representatives, the Government of National Accord led by Al-Sarraj and the
General National Congress led by Al-Ghawil backed by hard line militas, not to mention Al Qaeda
and ISIS remnants. Whatever the outcome of Libya struggle remains to be seen at this time, but
the vast collection of pick ups, gun trucks, tanks and Mad Max vehicles will surely not remain idle
for long.
Libyan JVBT-55
The JVBT-55 were produced by ZTS Martin in former Czechoslovakia, these heavy lifting crane tanks
feature winches, plows and large crane along with tools required for engine repairs and vehicle recovery.
The JVBT was used by Libya for a number of years with at least one abandoned in Chad. Syrian forces
deployed some in Lebanon and towards the end of the civil war in Dara. Iraqi forces made major use of
these ARVs in the Iran-Iraq war recovering hundreds of their own and Iranian tanks. Iraqi variants have
been seen minus BTU bull dozers, with numerous fittings missing while one in Kuwait in 1991 had Chinese
side skirts.
Sudan Army
and SPLA Vehicles
North and South Sudan
Having gained independence from Britain in 1955 the Sudanese armed forces consisted of more
than 5000 members; this was quickly expanded to deal with an ongoing counter insurgency in
the South and West. Sudan, once the largest in Africa was effectively ruled in the north by Muslim
Arabs while the South was made up of Christian and Animist Africans. The Sudan military obtained
it’s first armed vehicles from Britain in the form of Saladins and Ferret armoured cars. Further arms
shipments were obtained from the Soviet Union, China and the United States leading to BTR-50s
operating side by side with Type 62 mountain tanks and V-100 commandos. During the Cold War,
Sudan was seen as a possible bulwark against Soviet expansion in neighbouring Ethiopia and the
United States provided advanced equipment such as M60 tanks and F-5E fighter aircraft. With
the end of the Cold War, Sudan underwent political change with the coming to power in a coup
in 1989 Omar Al Bashir, it was during the 90s that Osama Bin Laden was allowed a safe haven by
Khartoum. Sudan’s oil insured large scale purchases of Chinese armour such as the Type 85 ll, Type
59D and YW-531 APC’s to mention a few. Side by side with Chinese tanks and an assembly plant
in Khartoum, the South of the country gained independence in a referendum in 2011 ending
the North’s war in the part of the country but not in Darfur in the west. North Sudan continued
an eclectic pattern of procurement obtaining Cobra’s BMP-1 based APC and BTR-80 conversions
made in the Czech Republic, BTR-3 and T-72 AVs from Ukraine and Safir-74’s from Iran. Sudan
maintains and repairs her mixed fleet of MBT’s, IFVs and APC’s at the Military Industry Corporation
workshops in the centre of Khartoum and is now manufacturing a series of jeeps, APC’s and truck
based self-propelled guns.
Sudan M60 A1
One of a very small number of Sudanese M60A1 Pattons are reported still in service, delivered
during the 80s by the US as a counter to Soviet deliveries to Ethiopia. A number of these M60s
can be seen lined up decommissioned in Military Industry Corporation yards in Khartoum a
small number of M60s and other vehicles were deployed to the streets of the capital after a
failed mass raid on the capital by the Justice and Equality Movement “JEM” rebels in May 2008.
This Sudan People’s Liberation Army T-55 in Malakal 2013, bearing a type
of camouflage similar to that found on Sudanese Army tanks indicating it’s
probably a battle field capture. The side skirts and side stowage rack are
improvised affairs.
BMP-1 Cobra S
A Sudanese army Cobra S turreted BMP, these updated BMP-1s feature
BMP-2 side skirts and a low profile Cobra turret featuring a 2A42 30mm
cannon. Sudan purchased a number of these updated BMPs developed by
Slovakian company ZTS Special Trencin in late 1990s, Cobra S turrets were
also mounted on some Sudanese BTR-80s.
Egyptian Army
Following the Yom Kippur war of 1973, Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat made peace with Israel after decades of war at the
Camp David with Isreali Prime Minister David Ben Gurion and US president Jimmy Carter. For this move Egypt would
be expelled from the Arab league. Sadat was to be assassinated during a military parade in 1981 and replaced by his
vice president Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak was to remain in power from 1981 to 2011. Egypt sent troops to fight in the
1991 Gulf war and by this time Egypt was once again accepted back into the Arab league. while Mubarak privatized
large sections of the economy, he also jailed opposition politicians and his regime became associated with cronyism and
massive corruption. Inspired by a popular uprising in Tunisia, Egyptians flooded into Tahir square demanding the removal
of Mubarak, violence ensued and elections were held in which Egyptians voted for Mohamed Morsi and the until recently
the outlawed Muslim brotherhood party. Morsi began to try and side line the Mubarak era judiciary and grant himself
unlimited powers with the support of an Islamist dominated constituent assembly. After protests by anti-Morsi groups in
2013 the military under General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi launched a successful military coup.
What followed was a crackdown on the Muslim brotherhood, violence and instability, while the treat of ISIS materialized
in the Sinai with bombings and attacks on military, police and civilian targets. Sisi’s promise of security, stability and
economic prosperity in exchange for his authoritarian rule looks more and more illusory despite the massive power and
expenditure of the military.
In terms of equipment the Egyptian military is an interesting mix of older Soviet designs updated and adapted for
domestic use and modern Western designs. Egypt still fields T-54s, T-55s and T-62s alongside various M60 models and the
M1 Abrams. A wide range of SAM missiles from East and West are available including BUK-Ms, Hawks, SA 6, Chaparrals
and older SA-2s and SA-3s. The Egyptian air force operates Mirage 2000s, F16s and the ultra-modern Dassault Rafale
with Kamov KA 52s alongside many older Soviet and Western designs. The real challenge however in this most populous
nation in the Arab world will be opportunity and economic growth for a nation where many earn as little as 2 dollars a
day and over 75 percent of the population is under 25.
An Egyptian M109A2,
seen during Operation Bright Star in 2005 these US weapons form the bulk of
Egyptian SPG’s units backed up by M109/D30s and newer truck mounted SPG’s.
Egypt T-62
After the Yom Kippur war the Egyptian mounted two types of home produced
smoke rocket systems on a number of their T-62 tank turrets. The first batch
consisted of four large tube launched units per side and the second batch these
rectangular boxed variants with two per side.
Syrian 2S3
The 2S3 Self Propelled Gun is widely used by Syrian army regular units and
Republican guard units. The Akatsyia entered service in the USSR in 1971 and was
exported widely through out the globe, the 152mm gun has seen action in the
direct fire role in urban areas but also long range firing where it’s 18.5 km range is
acceptable given the rebels shortage of suitable counter battery fire power.
Syrian Arab Army T-55 with North Korean Laser range finder
This late model Russian built T-55 model 1970 features a T-62 style loader’s hatch.
It is interesting as it features a North Korean LRF but also has been fitted with an
early model D-10T 100mm tank gun, indicating Syrian armourers use what ever is
at hand in the repair depot .
Syrian BUK-M2
The BUK-M system is now infamous for the downing Boeing 777-200ER Malaysia
Airlines Flight 77 in July 2014. In Syrian service the BUK -M was used in April
2018 when American, British and French forces launched multiple cruse missile
attacks on Chemical weapon sites in Syria. Russia claimed that 29 BUK-M2Es hit 24
incoming missiles, claims denied by US DoD. In May of that year the Isreali Air Force
claimed to have destroyed a BUK system during operation House of cards.
Syrian T-62M
Russia delivered a substantial amount of T-62M and T-62M1s to the Syrian 11th armoured
division in 2015. These tanks, some with the anti-radiation cladding, had been developed to
fight /to survive a limited Nuclear war in Europe and had been deployed to East Germany in the
mid eighties. Later these tanks were to see action in Afghanistan, some seeing service with the
Taliban, Soviet variants were put into storage after the conflict only to be sent to Syria in batchs, a
recent develery being made on September 2018 with ERA armour clad T-62MVs included.
IraQ Modern Army.
modern vehicles
Britain created what can be considered the foundation of the Ba’athist leaders including Saddam who was executed in 2006
modern Iraqi army in 1921, Iraq at the time being a British mandate did not stop Sunni, Shia or Al Qaeda from launching IED attacks,
over which they had installed King Fiasal. In 1958 Fiasal was removed bombings and sectarian murders. It was the marginalization of
in a bloody coup by Abd al-Karim Qasim who withdrew Iraq from the once dominant Sunni population by the Shia based Al Malaki
the pro American Baghdad pact and turned towards Moscow for goverment that would create the spark that allowed the once small
military aid and equipment. Qusim himself was assassinated by a force of Al Queada fighters under Abu Bake al-Baghdadi morph
group of Ba’athist officers in 1963. What followed was a period of into the Islamic state of Iraq and create a genocidal inferno that
instability and the retaking of power by the Ba’athist party again would consume central and northern Iraq. At first ISIS had the
in 1968, the general secretary of the party at the time being one support of many sidelined Sunni Iraqis as they stormed through
Saddam Hussein. During these years Iraq, though not a front line Fallujah, Mosul and a large swath of central and Northern Iraq. The
state would play a part in the 67 and 73 wars against Israel, sending Iraqi army fell back in disarray as their humiliation was broadcast
volunteers to fight in Syria. It was during the Iran-Iraq war however by ISIS on the Internet. The reality of life under ISIS didn’t take long
that started in 1980 when the now president Saddam Hussein to be brutally brought home to many Iraqis. Western airpower and
attempted to invade and take territory from neighboring Iran that the formation of mainly Shia based Popular Mobilization Forces
would see the biggest test and transformation of the Iraqi army. halted ISIS allowing critical time for goverment forces to launch a
Over the 8 year long war Saddam forces would expand massively series of offensives in central Iraq in 2015, while US and Peshmerga
aquiring vast amounts of modern equipment from around the forces liberated territory in the North of the country. Iraqi army
globe. Though the Iran Iraq war ended in an uneasy truce it did not armament and equipement has gone through numerous changes
limit Saddam’s regional ambitions incensed by Kuwait’s demand since 2003, with reforming in 2004/5 it’s armour consisted of likes
for repayments on massive war loans and lack of gratitude for of US M113s, second hand Hungarian T-72s and Greek BMP-1s. By
halting Khomeini’s revolution in the gulf he decided to invade and December 2008 Iraq was purchasing US M1A1 Abrams tanks and
keep Kuwait in 1991. Saddam’s forces were routed by a much more Ukrainian BTR-4 IFVs. In 2016 Iraq had returned to purchasing
advanced coalition force. What followed was crippling sanctions from Russia with large scale orders for T-90S and BMP-3s, now
and in 2003 after the 9/11 attacks an invasion and occupation that ISIS is effectively defeated and a long period of instability and
of Iraq by American led coalition forces. The Ba’athist party destruction is hopefully at an end it must surely be time for Iraq to
was disbanded as was the Iraqi army and it’s senior leadership, put aside it weapons for a while and rebuild it’s destroyed cities
eventually the army was reformed while the Americans fought and traumatized society.
an insurgency throughout Iraq. The capture and killing of many
IraQ Modern Army.
non regular
Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces vital struggle to retake Iraq from ISIS. The PMF has taken part
Formed by the Iraqi Government in 2014, the PMF consisted in most of the major engagements or retaking of towns and
mainly of fighters from seven Shia militia groups including cities since 2015 including the battle for Tikrit, Anbar province,
the Badr Organization and Kata’ib Hezbollah amongst others. Mosul and in 2017 in the battle with Kurdish forces in the
Christian and Sunni groups also joined as top Shia cleric Ali al- retaking of Kirkuk. The PMF have not been without criticism
Sistani called for the force to be non sectarian in his fatwa on after the battle for Tikrit and Mosul there were accusations of
Sufficency Jihad following the ISIS take over of Mosul in 2014 war crimes and revenge killings against local Sunni suspects.
and the subsequent massacre of 4,000 mainly Shia security PMF equipment comes from a series of sources including
personnel. At this vital time the Iraqi army and security forces Iranian T-72s, BMP-2s and modified BTR-50s, these vehicles
were in disarray and PMF at first helped defend Iraqi cities and bear tyical Iranian camouflage and are usually bedecked with
towns. As the tide changed and coalition forces airpower and Shia flags. American M1 Abrams, Humvees and M113s were
the Iraqi military began to go on the offensive against ISIS also in use with the PMF till US criticism caused an end to this
the PMF took the war to the occupied Sunni regions. In 2016 practice . The other important source of MBTs and APCs is the
Iraqi president Faud Masum approved a law that incorporated old tank grave yards of Al Taji, here mechanics have restore
the PMF into the countrie’s armed forces.The role of the PMF hundreds of old Saddam, and in some case pre Saddam era
in the struggle against ISIS can not be underestimated with vehicles to fight in the liberation of Iraqi territory. In early 2018
the force even creating a local Rambo like figure in the form the PMF was fully reorganised by its Commander and Chief
Kataib al-Imam Ali commander Abu Azrael. Such figures gave Haider al-Abadi giving it ranks and pay grades equivalent to
Iraqis military and civilans figures to rally around during the the Iraqi army.
Following the unification of North Yemen (a tradional tribal based state) and South Yemen (a
former Marxist secular state) in 1990 many in the South felt their oil reserves were being usurped
by the North, the situation went from bad to worse. In 1994 a civil war erupted as Northern forces
attacked and defeated the South, in October of that year a new electoral system would see
the election of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The story of the Yemen and it’s descent into chaos
is interlinked with Saleh and his urge to grasp on to power come what may. The Arab spring
brought ordinary people out on to the streets of North Africa and the Middle East demanding
change,an end to corruption and so it was on the streets of Yemen in 2011 Saleh must go they
demanded. It was decided Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi his assistant would replace him. Hadi
however was unable to deal with Southern separatists, Shia Houthis rebels and Saleh supporters,
not to mention massive unemployment, food shortages and suicide bombings. Saleh and his
supporters sided with the Houthis as they took over the capital Sanaa and attempted to take
control of the entire country. As the Houthis surged forward in 2015 Hadi fled to Saudi Arabia,
the Saudis in turn formed an alliance of Arab nations to attack the Shia Houthis, fearful of their
connection with Iran. Saudi air strikes and governmental chaos has ensued with various factions
commandeering old Russian built tanks, American APCs and South African IFVs. Houthis forces
have also begun to retaliate Saudi bombings of markets and civilian infastruture by launching
modified Scuds and SA-2 Guidelines at Riyadh.
Yemeni T-34/85
Another World War Two era war winner the T-34/85 is truly a museum piece. In the hands of Yemen’s factions
the T-34/85 has seen action more as a mobile gun than tank with crews firing the main gun by command
wire through the side pistol port, indicating perhaps a certain nervousness about firing the elderly gun from
inside the tank. The mix of post war road wheels is noteworthy.
Turkey has by and far one of the largest armies in the region, appeal. Erdogan became prime minister in 2003 going on to
positioned as it is between Europe and the middle east it is become the first directly elected president in 2014. In July
also a key NATO member. Turkey had a long imperial history 2016 a coup attempt by small groups of tank troops made it
of military conquest though out North Africa and the Balkans seem that Erdogan might end up like his various successors
in the cusp of the Ottaman empire, an empyre that, by the but scores of his supporters came out onto the streets and
late 1800s, was well and truly in decline and referred to as “the the coup was foiled. What followed was the arrest of 10.000
sick man of Europe”. It was the key figure of Mustapha Kemal thousands of soldiers, 30.000 Judges and Gulenists and the
Ataturk, and his fellow young Turks who had fought with firing of 160.000 people in various state institutions. Allowing
distinction at Gallipoli and later in Turkish war of independence Erdogan to break the power of the army in Turkish politics
in 1920s that decided that Turkey needed to cast off the Sultan it seems for once and for all perhaps? Only time shall tell.
Abdul Hamid’s corrupt and authoritarian rule and replace it Erdogan’s some what erratic approach to foreign policy and
with a secular Republic which was established in 1923. It was the Kurds have seen mixed results for the military. In 2015 he
this legacy that the Turkish military have tried to ensure, not declared that the long running truce with the PKK was over
always too smoothly. Turkey’s recent domestic history is one and instructed the military to launch attacks against Kurds in
where the military dominated the civil government with more Turkey and Syria in retaliation for a series of car bombings in
than 4 sucessful coups since the 1960s. In 1960 Prime minister Turkey at a time when Kurds were desperately fighting ISIS.
Adnan Mender was removed from power and executed for As early as 2013 various Turkish border cities had become
treason, with the military effectively controlling politics till staging points and logistic hubs for militants on their way to
1965. Wide spreed economic and civil unrest in 1971 saw the join ISIS, with wounded militants getting treatment in Turkish
military once again step in to restore what they saw as law hospitals and the wide spread sale of ISIS oil through Turkish
and order. Forcing the then prime minister Suleyman Demirel front companies, this passive support for such a group led to
to resign, Turkey was to have 11 prime ministers in the 1970s. bewilderment among Western allies. As of 2017 the Turkish
Clashes between right wing and left wing groups broke our military launched Operation Euphrates Shield to secure a
on the streets in 1980 as further political turmoil ensued large area of Syrian territory between Afrin and Manjib. In early
thousands of assassinations followed and the military again fighting with ISIS and then the YPG the Turkish military lost a
imposed martial law and dissolved the government. Cheif number of Leopard 2s, M60A3s and Israeli updated Sabras.
of staff Kenan Evren became president with thousands of This operation was followed up by oddly named Operation
people arrested and dozens executed. The Islamic orientated Olive branch in 2018, when Turkish armour and troops were
Welfare Party and it’s political sucess in the mid 90s became a backed up former Jihadists took the YPG controlled city of
growing concern for the military and in 1997 during what is Afrin, a group who were working with coalition forces fighting
referred to as the postmodern coup they introduced various ISIS. Erdogan seems determined to create a Sunni buffer zone
decrees targeting religious and conservative groups in Turkish in Northern Syria as a means of blocking Kurdish consolidation
society forcing the then Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan in the region. On the ground it seems that Turkish Leopards
to resign. In 1999 the now president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Sabras will be patrolling for many years to come yet if
was jailed for reading an Islamic poem and banned from their intervention in Cyprus in 1974 is anything to go by.
politics for a time, his Justice and development party however
went from strength to strength as his appeal to Islamic
conservatives and Turkish nationalist had major mainstream
Peshmerga forces,
Those who face
The Peshmerga Kurdish fighters of Northern Iraq have a long Union of Kurdistan between 1994 and 1997. This internal fighting
tradition of independence and rebellion dating back to the Ottaman was put aside when the US decided to invade Iraq and remove
and British empires. In more modern times the Iraqi kurds and the Saddam in 2003 after the 9/11 attacks PUK Peshmerga forces played
Peshmerga fighters found themselves pawns in the Shah of Iran and a major role in the new conflict not only with fighting in the North
Saddam’s proxy conflict during the 1970s. During the Iran-Iraq war of Iraq but also in the intelligence gathering that led to the capture
the Kurds received support and equipment from the new regime in of Saddam Hussein. The new reality of post Saddam Iraq saw the
Tehran, fighting Iraqi forces in the mountains of the North. Saddam’s Iraqi Kurds getting a Kurdistan Regional Government allowing them
reaction to this betrayal was to launch the Anfal campaign in 1986, a large degree of autonomy from Baghdad. With the explosion of
this saw the wide spread use of chemical weapons against Kurdish ISIL in 2014 the Peshmerga were soon in action defending the Iraqi
towns and villages. In all up to 182,000 Kurds were killed while over Kurds from the Islamic state. At first Peshmerga forces had to rely
4,000 villages were destroyed. The most infamous attack was that on on old Saddam era T-55s, T-62s, ZSU-57mm, MT-LBs, these outdated
the town of Halabja in 1988 where up 5,000 civilans were gased on and worn out old vehicles were quickly joined by indigenous home
the orders of Ali Hassan al-Majid or Chemical Ali. made APCs, US MRAPs, Humvees and even a number of German
Dingos along with batches of ATGMs. Having successfully fought
Having been viciously punished by Saddam’s forces during the Anfal off ISIL and captured Kirkuk the Kurdish President Masoud Barzani
campaign, the Peshmerga along with the Shia of Southern Iraq decided to hold a referendum on independence in 2017. This action
rose up again at the end of the 1991 Gulf War, thinking the western caused a split with Baghdad, a cut off from the regional government
powers would support them. Republican Guard units and helicopters funds and the attack and retaking of Kirkuk by Iraqi and PMF forces
of the Iraqi air force attacked and retook towns like Kirkuk causing an in October of that year. As in the past the Iraqi Kurdish leadership
exodus of terrified Kurds into Turkey and Iran, fearful of massacres may have misjudged their timing but there can be no doubting that
and renewed chemical weapon attacks. To make matters worse there the Peshmerga are in a stronger position than ever before and are
followed a civil war between Kurdish forces with Massoud Barzani’s seen by many in the Western coalition as a strong and reliable ally.
Kurdish Democratic Party fighting and Jalal Talabani’s Patriotic
Kurdish YPG, People’s
Protection Units
The YPG was formed in 2004 as the armed wing of the Democratic The YPG’s success in action unnerved president Erdogan of Turkey and
Union Party, a Kurdish left wing organization. It’s female wing is the many in the Turkish military establishment, leading them to attack
YPJ or Woman’s Protection Unit. Initially it was simply designed to the YPG whom they accuse of supporting the outlawed kurdish PPK
protect Kurds against Arabs in Kurdish areas of Northern Syria, but it in Turkey. Operation Euphrates Shield saw Turkey take Manjib from
rapidly expanded with the out break of the Syrian Civil War. In 2012 the YPG in 2016 and Operation Olive branch was launched to capture
as Syrian forces abandoned the city of Kobani, YPG units took control Afrin and the surrounding area from the YPG in 2018. The YPG are by
of it and other towns in the region. By late 2012 the YPG was under far the most democratic and western in outlook of any units fighting
attack by a number of Syrian Jihadist rebel groups including Al-Nusra in the region as such they have attracted foreign volunteers from
front, Ghuraba Al-Sham amongst others. These attacks were a rallying all over the world in a manner that similar to Republican volunteers
call for Syrian Kurds, strengthening the YPG’s appeal. In 2014 the YPG during the Spanish Civil war. It is probably this appeal and the recent
collaborated with the Free Syrian Army to try and resist ISIL in Raqqa referendum for independence by Iraqi kurds that stirs up fears in
province. ISIL proved extremely strong at the time besieging Kobani various reactionary regimes with Kurdish populations in the region.
on the Turkish border. Despite predictions of an ISIL victory and no
Turkish help whatsoever, the YPG with American air power managed
to save Kobani. The YPG was to prove a major allie to the West and the
US in particular in the fight against ISIS /ISIL, despite this the YPG was
not and has not been a major recipient of major military aid and has
had to depend on captured Syrian army vehicles and ISIL equipment
in various states of disarray to build a hedge collection of mainly
hybrid APCs and uparmoured MBTs.
daesh (ISIS)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant In 2014 taking Anbar province and the city of Mosul overwhelming
ISIL is a fanatical offshoot of Al Qaeda and Sunni fighters who took part a much larger group of demoralised goverment troops over 3000
in the insurgency against US and coalition forces following invasion of whom were butchered. ISIS’s growing success in Syria and Iraq
and occupation of Iraq in 2003. Initially it was led by Jordanian Abu changed it to ISIL or Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant and with
Musab Al-Zarqawi who had learnt his field craft fighting the Soviets it came the realization of a new Caliphate. The new Caliphate or
in Afghanistan. Zarqawi’s group of Sunni group al-Tawhid wal-Jihad religious state attracted fighters from all over the Middle East aswell
took part in numerous suicide bombings and hostage executions, as Europe and the Caucasus. ISIL forces captured vast amounts of
with a particular focus on targeting Shias and their religious shrines. modern equipment in military bases through out Syria and Iraq and
This policy was designed to spark off a religious civil war between with the help of former Ba’athist logistic officers from Saddam’s army
Iraq’s majority Shia and minority Sunni population. Killed in a US and were remarkable adept at moving munitions and equipment
airstrike in 2006, Zarqawi’s group was largely defeated by the US throughout their expanding Caliphate as their war on conquest
backed Sunni awakening, where various Sunni tribes and groups expanded up into Kurdistan. On video footage released through
such as the Sons of Iraq fought against the insurgents. In 2011 US social media and the internet ISIL showed its forces in large amounts
forces withdrew from a now seemly stable Iraq. On the domestic of captured Humvees,T-55s, BMP-1s aswell as many types of Mad
front Shia Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki fueled Sunni resentment as Max vehicles as they rampaged through towns and hinterland of
this once powerful religious group under Saddam Hussein became the region. It was at this point ISIS over extended itself attacking
more and more marginalized in the new democratic Iraq. Malaki’s the Kurds and ethnic minority Yazidis. The use of horrific violence,
resistance to share power and his crack down on protesting Sunnis beheading, grotesque human rights violations and the ISIL inspired
only added to the growing sectarian tensions creating fertile ground attacks in the West galvanised US and it’s allies to launch air strikes
for the remnants of Zarqawi’s group now known as the Islamic state in Iraq in support of Kurdish and Iraqi ground firces, while Russian
in Iraqi. Under the new leadership of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, fighters aircraft bombed ISIL and rebel territory in Syria. ISIL’s Caliphate
were sent to neighboring Syria to fight in the expanding civil war which seemed unstoppable in 2014 was nearly entirely destroyed
in 2012, while at home they attacked Iraqi prisons freeing Jihadists by 2018, but this group has given birth to off shoots across the
and continued sectarian attacks and bombings. After building up globe with ISIS/ISIL affiliates fighting in Libya, Egypt, Philippines
his forces in Syria and Iraq al-Baghdadi’s group launched an all out and Afghanistan. It remains to be seen what form ISIS or Daesh
offensive. takes in the future, now that it’s Caliphate has been consigned to
the dustbin of history.
A Syrian T-72AV reversed back into a destroyed An interesting sub variant, in the Syrian T-72 versions,
building of note on this variant is the mix of ERA is this T-72M1 with ERA tiles randomly added by the
or Explosive Reactive Armour tiles, and good old crew in a fairly haphazard fashion. Of particular interest
fashioned eastern front passive armour in the form is the later Sarab 2 anti-missile box with its curved
of spare RMSH tracks hanging from the front of the front and the Viper sight in the gunner’s unit.
vehicle. Of note is the Sarab 1 box in conjunction with
the Viper sight system, another new Syrian update
hosed in the original gunner’s TPN -1-49-23 night sight
A Syrian Arab Army T-62 Model 1967 with early Smooth model 62 turret featuring
an indigenous wind sensor unit, an attempt to improve the accuracy of the main
gun over 900 metres.
Overhead shot of the rear two diesel fuel cells on the T-62.
These examples are missing their metal tubing fuel lines and
filler caps.
A late model T-55AMV in Syrian service during the civil war, the
ERA reactive armour blocks are still in neat rows on this vehicle,
indicating that it’s only recently gone into service. Of note is the
Russian KDT-2 LRF fitted to the AMV variant.
A Syrian Arab Army T-55AM variant, this version has rubber side
skirts, a KTD-2 laser range finder, smoke grenade launchers and
enhanced engine but doesn’t mount any ERA as on the AMV
variant. To add extra protection the crew have resorted to the old
sand bag routine.
2. The full length of the MTU -20 on display, these bridge layers
are no doubt useful in the Civil war where groups like ISIS have
destroyed so much of the infastruture including bridges.
3-4. A rear and front view of the ZSU-57, this twin barreled SPAAG
is obsolete as an AA gun but is ideal for urban combat middle east
style. The ZSU-57 is still used by the Syrian Arab and Peshmerga
This 2S3 in it’s realitivly fresh green livery and regime flag is a new
delivery from Russia.Older Syrian 2S3 are either painted Sand all
over or green and sand camouflage.
A well worn and rusty ex Iraqi 2S3, a good study on how Syrian or
older Iraqi SPGs would look after being on active service for a few
Front view of the the 2S3 turret showing to good effect the 152mm barrel and recoil housing to the front of which is positioned the driver’s compartment.
2. Detail shot of the right hand side 2S3 road front right
hand side road light and metal guard.
The rear of the ZSU-23-4 contains the V6R 6 cylinder 4 stroke airless
water cooled engine, to the right it’s hatch completely rusted is the
access point for the vehicle’s auxiliary power unit.
A side rear shot of the Shilka turret showing the RPK-2 Gun Dish in
stowed position behind which are the access hatch for the vehicle’s
electronics system.