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Excel For Models: 005 Pasting Shortcuts

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Excel for Models

005 Pasting Shortcuts

Formula Sheet

Ctrl + C Copy selection
Ctrl + X Cut selection
Ctrl + V Paste copied or cut selection
Ctrl + R Fill right (paste selected cell contents right across selection)
Ctrl + D Fill down (paste selected cell contents down across

Alt + E + S + A All
Alt + E + S + F Formulas
Alt + E + S + V Values
Alt + E + S + T Formats
Alt + E + S + C Comments
Alt + E + S + N Validation
Alt + E + S + H All Using Source Theme
Alt + E + S + X All Except Borders
Alt + E + S + W Column Widths
Alt + E + S + R Formulas and Number Formats
Alt + E + S + U Values and Number Formats

Alt + E + S + D Add
Alt + E + S + S Subtract
Alt + E + S + M Multiply
Alt + E + S + I Divide

Alt + E + S + B Skip Blanks

Alt + E + S + E Transpose

5 A Simple Model
Excel for Models
005 Minimum Requirements

Functions in Basic Integrated Financial Statement Model:

Financial Statements
=SUM( ) Sum all selected values
=AVERAGE( ) Average all selected values
=IF( ) Returns one of two provided inputs based on a logical test
=MAX( ) Returns the largest value

Keyboard Shortcuts: Formatting

Formatting w Ctrl
Ctrl + 1 Open all format options
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Format as number
Ctrl + Shift + 2 Format as time
Ctrl + Shift + 3 Format as date
Ctrl + Shift + 4 Format as currency
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Format as percentage
Ctrl + Shift + 6 Format as scientific number
Ctrl + R Fill right
Ctrl + D Fill down

Formatting w Alt
Alt + I + R Add row
Alt + I + C Add column
Alt + H + 9 Reduce decimal place
Alt + H + 0 Add decimal place
Alt + Enter Start a new line in the same cell

2 A Simple Model
Excel for Models
005 Minimum Requirements

Keyboard Shortcuts: Home Tab

Alt + H Go to Home tab
Alt + H + H Choose a fill color
Alt + H + H + N Remove fill color
Alt + H + B Add borders
Alt + H + F + F Change font
Alt + H + F + S Change font size
Alt + H + F + C Change font color
Alt + H + 9 Reduce decimal place
Alt + H + 0 Add decimal place

Alt + H + A + C Align center
Alt + H + A + L Align left
Alt + H + A + R Align right

Columns & Rows

Alt + H + O + W Adjust column width
Alt + H + O + I Auto adjust column width
Alt + H + O + H Adjust row height
Alt + H + O + A Auto adjust row height

Alt + H + 6 Indent
Alt + H + 5 Remove indent

3 A Simple Model
Excel for Models
005 Minimum Requirements

Navigation Shortcuts & Function Keys:

Ctrl + Arrow Key Move to edge of data
Shift + Arrow Key Expand selection with arrow keys
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key Move to edge of data and highlight all cells
Ctrl + Page Up Move between tabs
Ctrl + Page Down Move between tabs
Ctrl + Home Move to beginning of worksheet
Ctrl + End Move to end of worksheet
Ctrl + [ Select direct precedents
Ctrl + Shift + [ Select all precedents
Alt + Tab Alternate between windows
Ctrl + Space Select column
Shift + Space Select row
Ctrl + Shift + Space Select entire worksheet

Function Keys
F1 Display Excel Help (you may learn to hate this key…)
F2 Edit active cell / Move insertion point
F3 Paste a name
F4 Repeat last action / Cycle through cell references
F5 Display Go To box
F6 Switch between worksheet, ribbon, task pane and zoom
F7 Check spelling
F8 Activate “extend mode” (expand selection with arrow keys)
F9 Calculate all worksheets

4 A Simple Model
Excel for Models
005 Minimum Requirements

Format for Print Shortcuts & View Shortcuts

Alt + P + R + S Set print area (select area prior to using shortcut)
Alt + P + S + P Page setup (useful after setting print area)
Alt + W + I Page break preview
Alt + W + L Normal view
Alt + W + P Page layout view
Ctrl + F2 Display print preview area
Ctrl + P Print

Alt + W + F + F Freeze panes / Unfreeze panes
Alt + A + G + G Group selection (columns or rows)
Alt + A + U + U Ungroup selection (columns or rows)
Alt + V + Z Change zoom
Ctrl + ~ Switch between formula view and regular view

5 A Simple Model

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