Placement Induction and Socialization

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Placement, Induction

and Socialization
• Placement involves assigning jobs to the selected candidates

• It is matching of what the supervisor has reason to think the

candidate can do which the job demands

• Most employees are put on a probation period after which

his/her employment is confirmed

• Only in rare cases an employee once placed, is asked to quit

from his/her job
•Job requirements
•Suitable qualifications
•Adequate information to the job incumbent
•Commitment & loyalty
Importance of placement
• It helps in reducing employee turnover.

• It helps in reducing absenteeism.

• It helps in reducing accident rates.

• It avoids misfit between the candidate and the job.

To New Hires
TS To Organization

Suitable Reduced cost time of hiring

Satisfied Improved quality of new hires

Productive Enhanced retention

Learn & grow Improved efficiency &

Orientation, Induction or
• It is welcoming a new employee to the organization

• It’s the task of introducing the employees to the organization &

its policies, procedures & rules

• Billimoria defines induction as “a technique by which a new

employee is rehabilitated into the changed surroundings and
introduced to the practices, policies and purposes of the
Objectives of Induction
• To reduce the initial anxiety all new entrants feel when they
join a new job in a new organization

• To familiarize the new employees with the job, people, work

place, work environment in the organization

• To facilitate outsider-insider transition in an integrated manner

• Creates a good impression

• To reduce the cultural shock faced in new organizations

Induction procedure
The procedure should basically follow these steps:

✔ Welcome to the organization and show him around the

workplace and facilities
✔ Give a brief profile of the company
✔ Provide details about various work groups and the extent of
unionism within the company
✔ Give an overview of the future training opportunities and
career prospects
✔ Clarify doubts, by encouraging the employee to come out with
✔ Introduction with his team & supervisor
Informal induction
• This is an unplanned induction programme.

• This may be simply an introduction to the new entrant about

the job and organization

• It may last for one hour or so and there can be two versions:

• Supervisory system
• Immediate supervisor conducts the induction

• Buddy or sponsor system

• Immediate supervisor assigns the responsibility of induction to an old
Formal induction
• It is a planned programme carried out to integrate the new
entrant into the organization

• This is usually carried out by large organizations

• It includes the following contents:

• Brief history of the organization

• Organizational mission, vision, objectives and philosophies
• Policies and procedures
• Rules and regulations
• Organizational structure and authority relationships
• Terms and conditions
• Welfare and safety measures
• It is a process of adaptation that takes place as individuals
attempt to learn the values and norms of work roles

• In fact, induction is only a part of socialization

• Induction is confined to the new recruits only ; whereas

socialization covers transfer and promotion as well
Phases of socialization process

• Pre-arrival

• Encounter

• Metamorphosis
• cases for placement induction.pdf

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