05 - Autonomous Vehicles
05 - Autonomous Vehicles
05 - Autonomous Vehicles
riverless-vehicle properly skeptical that the current wave vehicle-based infrastructure. Nor were
technology has been of excitement over the Google car and vehicle manufacturers interested in the
other driverless-vehicle prototypes will technology, which they saw as adding
a gleam in the eye of yield anything tangible. cost and little benefit to the users.
futurists since not long after Yet, it appears that advances in Consumers, who for decades subscribed
microprocessors, sensors, cameras, to romantic notions that driving was
the Model T revolutionized our
GPS and other technologies will “cool,” did not push for technology that
surface-transportation system. finally make driverless vehicles a viable would take the steering wheel from
GM’s Futurama exhibit at the 1939 part of our transportation system— their hands.
World’s Fair featured driverless vehicles. and soon. Driverless vehicles will
For decades, researchers labored to fundamentally alter our transportation Out from behind the wheel
bring the vision to reality. Many system. Infrastructure providers Much has changed and those
of the driverless-vehicle prototypes such as highway authorities and changes mean widespread deployment
contemplated “dumb” vehicles and private companies will face profound of driverless-vehicle technology is
“smart” infrastructure. Magnetic challenges and opportunities that all but inevitable. A rapidly growing
or electronic guide ways built into match those faced a century ago when class of consumers value connection
highways would control vehicles while we shifted to primary reliance on the with the Internet more than the
the occupants presumably relaxed and automobile for surface transportation. “freedom” to drive day after day
fiddled with their transistor radios. Despite the safety and other benefits on often-congested highways. For
Given the many unmet promises likely to result from driverless-vehicle these people—perhaps most of us by
over the decades that driverless vehicles technology, highway authorities did now—driving is the distraction that
were just around the corner, many are not invest in building such driverless- keeps us from texting and otherwise
Driverless-vehicle innovators are not waiting for transportation authorities to build “smart” highway infrastructure. They are confident
that the pressure of innovation will prompt infrastructure providers to deliver technology to the roadway. Graphic courtesy of GM.
connecting via the Internet. There are about 1.25 million fatal vehicle development of driverless-vehicle
is thus a groundswell of demand for accidents annually in the world. technology are infrastructure providers
vehicles that will free up the occupants Such accidents are the leading cause such as highway authorities. State
for Internet connectivity and spare of death worldwide among 15- to departments of transportation are
them the mundane task that driving 29-year-olds. The cost of vehicle neither focused on nor invested in
has become. accidents in the U.S. alone is more driverless-vehicle technology. It took
Auto manufacturers are responding than $250 billion annually. Most of the dramatic splash of the Google
to this powerful consumer trend by these accidents are preventable using car to force the U.S. DOT to re-
using driver-assist technologies to driverless-vehicle technology. examine its multidecade commitment
distinguish their brands. Vehicles
are being equipped with self-parking
features, collision-avoidance systems
and lane-deviation correction Conspicuously absent from the forces driving
technology. Auto manufactures are
the development of driverless vehicles are infrastructure
starting to roll out in consumer
models semiautonomous technology
packages. This is the intermediate step
providers such as highway authorities.
to driverless vehicles.
Demand for driverless vehicles is
also coming from fleet operators, In many metropolitan areas, to incremental improvements, but no
heavy-equipment users (e.g., mining, highway capacity is not keeping up driverless vehicles. The U.S. DOT still
agriculture) and the military, all of with population growth and the does not have a central office devoted
which would benefit from driverless- increase in vehicle-miles traveled as to automated vehicles. Whether
vehicle technology in different ways. For a result of such growth. Efforts to the U.S. DOT will embrace such
example, existing technology developed build out of the resulting congestion technology in race-to-the-moon-like
by Volvo allows trucks to platoon by by physically expanding existing fashion or continue slowly down its
traveling only a few feet apart. The highways are underfunded and path of incremental improvements
improved aerodynamics results in fuel ultimately self-defeating. Driverless- and resulting irrelevancy on the
savings of more than 10%. vehicle technology offers a means to transportation technology front
New market entrants such as Google increase highway capacity within the remains to be seen.
and a host of university-affiliated existing highway footprint at less cost.
research centers around the world All of these trends are converging Vehicles in the lead
are working on the next steps that and will push driverless vehicles over The tepid response of transportation
will yield a fully autonomous vehicle the finish line. Doing so will allow authorities to driverless-vehicle
that can travel from point A to point consumers to stay connected and make technology is history repeating
B without occupant intervention. driving time more productive time. itself. Henry Ford and the network
The Google car has logged roughly Fleets will be more efficient. Safety of vehicle-technology innovators a
500,000 miles successfully, and other will improve. Major new markets in century ago did not wait to introduce
autonomous vehicles are rolling out hardware and software will develop, the automobile until far-sighted
and being tested all over the world. while some existing industries (e.g., governments built superhighways.
Safety concerns are an additional taxi driver) will face obsolescence. Instead, they rolled out the horseless
driver for the development of Conspicuously absent from carriage in the existing environment,
driverless-vehicle technology. There this list of the forces driving the dirt roads and all, confident that
consumer demand would prompt
infrastructure providers to build the
roadways and associated structures
that were necessary to optimize the
use of the automobile.
Driverless-vehicle innovators in a
similar fashion are not waiting for
transportation authorities to build
out “smart” highway electronic
infrastructure before rolling out
their driverless vehicles. They are
introducing driverless vehicles to the
existing infrastructure environment,
GM’s Super Cruise does adaptive cruise control and lane centering, using cameras and confident the pressure of innovation
sensors to automatically steer and brake in highway driving. Graphic courtesy of GM. will prompt infrastructure providers
to deliver technology and changes Destination unknown a subscriber model may accelerate the
to roadway architecture that will Speculation about where driverless- proliferation of vehicle types, which
optimize such vehicles. vehicle technology will take us reads will pose a challenge to licensing
At some time after the successful like it is lifted off the pages of science authorities that are comfortable with
introduction of driverless-vehicle fiction, and deservedly so. This is the current limited range of vehicle
technology, “smart” infrastructure transformative technology. types allowed on our highways.
will likely assume some of the load Driverless-vehicle technology will Driverless-vehicle technology gives
currently being built into onboard- make highway travel safer. This will new transportation options for the
vehicle-technology platforms. It allow vehicles to morph from their many millions of people in the U.S.
may be more efficient to build some current, tank-like safety protective alone who because of age (young and
functions into the roadway rather design to lighter vehicles that will old) or physical infirmity are incapable
than equipping each vehicle with the consume less fuel. Lighter vehicles in of driving a vehicle currently. This
full set of electronics and software turn may accelerate the shift to electric cohort will be growing rapidly as Baby
necessary for driverless vehicles. At a and other propulsion technologies, Boomers pass into old age and struggle
minimum, roadway electronics may which will have infrastructure to keep their prized mobility.
provide a backup when inclement implications (e.g., charging stations). Highway efficiency is low with
conditions such as snow render Some predict that because consumers humans behind the wheel. The spacing
onboard sensors ineffective. can summon driverless vehicles from between vehicles required because
This time, infrastructure providers remote parking areas, they will no of human physiological limits of
will have to focus on providing new longer be inclined to buy and own a perception and reaction time leaves
and better ways of communicating single one-size-fits-all vehicle. Instead, much of the highway empty. Driverless-
pertinent information to the electronic they will subscribe to vehicle-sharing vehicle technology will allow the gap
“brains” built into vehicles, and services that allow them to order up between vehicles to shrink significantly,
vice versa. When onboard and vehicles in real-time that fit their which will markedly increase the
infrastructure technologies work needs, such as a single-seater for a solo carrying capacity of our existing
together, the full potential of driverless- shopping trip or a large van for a family highways. Such technology may even
vehicle technology can be realized. trip. This shift from an ownership to allow the creation of more lanes in
the existing footprint, although the development, improved walking and transportation-infrastructure providers
very concept of lanes may be rendered biking transportation options and have functioned. Change is hard,
obsolete by this new technology. enhanced community amenities. but inevitable if it turns out that
If the carrying capacity of existing Driverless-vehicle technology may consumers—and voters—embrace
roads can be markedly increased displace public transit in some areas, driverless-vehicle technology, which
through driverless-vehicle technology, as people will prefer the flexibility of they seem likely to do.
then the unrelenting pressure to build a driverless vehicle over a bus, while From a technical perspective,
new roads and expand existing roads at the same time allowing population transportation-infrastructure providers
to address congestion will lessen if not densities along highway corridors to must figure out how infrastructure
cease altogether in many areas. When increase significantly, making those can assist the deployment of driverless-
vehicle technology.
This will require
highway authorities
Highway efficiency is low with humans behind the wheel. The spacing to understand how
between vehicles required because of human physiological driverless vehicles “see”
and how infrastructure
limits of perception and reaction time leaves much of the can be customized to
make it more visible to
highway empty . Driverless-vehicle technology will allow the such vehicles, especially
gap between vehicles to shrink significantly, which will markedly during inclement
conditions such as
increase the carrying capacity of our existing highways. snow or fog that may
confound onboard
technology. Making
infrastructure more
putting together long-range capital areas more hospitable for public transit. visible to vehicles—not necessarily to
plans, transportation authorities need There is active ongoing debate whether the naked eye—by giving infrastructure
to begin considering the possibility driverless-vehicle technology, including elements such as bridge piers an
that investing in infrastructure and platooning capabilities, will displace electronic signature will help optimize
organizational practices that facilitate or at lease make less attractive both highways for travel by driverless vehicles.
the deployment of driverless-vehicle passenger rail and air travel between There may be ways to improve existing
technology may be a better investment cities that are a short haul apart. visual elements, such as lane markings,
than pouring dollars into lane widening In sum, driverless-vehicle technology so that driverless-vehicle technology
and new highways. will have a profound effect on how we works better.
The land-use implications from travel, what we can do while traveling Communications capabilities either
driverless-vehicle technology could be and the shape of our built environment. built into vehicles or in the smart
profound. Some predict that by making phones consumers carry into vehicles
auto travel more enjoyable, driverless- Benefits of investing are increasing rapidly along with
vehicle technology will encourage in the future driver-assist technologies that will
more driving and urban sprawl. Yet, Driverless-vehicle technology ultimately lead to driverless vehicles.
by markedly increasing the carrying challenges the existing business model Infrastructure providers must figure
capacity of existing highways and of transportation providers that has out what they want to communicate to
reducing the need for on-site parking, been in place for decades. That business vehicles operating on their systems and
driverless-vehicle technology will allow model is based on public authorities how. Information such as the precise
greater density development along delivering “dumb” infrastructure that location of work zones and congestion
highway corridors, possibly resulting in is utilized by human drivers in direct spots will need to be collected and
less vehicle use. control of vehicles. This system has distributed electronically.
The cumulative impact of these stable parameters for things such as At the same time, infrastructure
developments could be that the traffic-flow numbers that result from providers need to figure out what
proportion of land devoted to the interaction of those elements. A information they want to harvest from
roads and parking will shrink in stable legal and organizational regime passing vehicles. Existing smart-phone
commercial and residential areas. Just has grown up around these parameters. apps, for example, turn vehicles into
as railroads today carry more freight By supplanting the onboard human data-collection devices for roadway
on fewer rails and have excess right- operator and shifting vehicle control conditions, using information about
of-way available for sale as a result, over to electronics, driverless-vehicle sudden swerves and bumps to identify
the footprint of highways, streets technology changes those elements roadway hazards and maintenance needs.
and parking may shrink, freeing up and thus destabilizes the legal and Current driverless-vehicle prototypes
space for commercial and residential organizational regime in which such as the Google car do not depend
ideal for:
> HOV Access Gate
> Highway On-Ramp Control
> Bridge & Tunnel Closure
Write in 811
From a technical perspective, the deployment of driverless-vehicle technology will require highway authorities to understand how driver-
less vehicles “see” and how infrastructure can be customized to make it more visible to such vehicles.
With these challenges come real Infrastructure providers that are Improved highway safety will reduce
opportunities for the intensification innovative and adapt to the likely health-care costs.
of residential and commercial demand for infrastructure that The mobility enhancements associated
development along highway corridors communicates in ways both active and with driverless-vehicle technology will
as a result of the higher traffic flows passive with increasingly smart and allow more people in a metropolitan
that will result from the deployment ultimately driverless vehicles will thrive. area to participate in the labor markets
of driverless-vehicle technology. Those providers who have expectations and civic life. These regions will capture
This densification will be a source of of living on an ever greater volume of a greater share of the new industries
demand for infrastructure providers. highway construction—as opposed that undoubtedly will grow to support
A possible delinking of buildings and to creative highway repurposing—are driverless-vehicle technology.
residences from parking lots will result likely to have those expectations dashed. Driverless-vehicle technology is being
in changes to the built environment. Likewise, metropolitan regions that deployed in stages with every new
If on-site parking lots shrink or even embrace driverless-vehicle technology automobile model year and through
become obsolete, how will the freed-up will get a leg up on those regions whose the concerted efforts of innovators
land be used? How might “valet” areas transportation systems remain stuck such as Google. As happened a
be developed near shopping malls and in the 20th century. Those innovative century ago when the automobile was
office buildings so people can summon regions will be more attractive to introduced, technological innovation
driverless vehicles? Building types in the connected persons who make up was much faster on the vehicle side
highway corridors will certainly change if much of today’s creative class. Such than the infrastructure side. However,
driverless-vehicle technology allows much technology will free up major blocks in coming decades infrastructure
greater density along such corridors. of time when people no longer have to providers and highway authorities
Just as it was difficult in 1910 to pay attention to the pedestrian task of will face many challenges responding
foresee the many infrastructure changes driving. Some of that freed-up time to and enhancing driverless-vehicle
associated with the automobile that will result in productive work and, at a technology. These same challenges are
would occur over the next few decades, minimum, enhance the relative quality really opportunities to help reshape our
including superhighways, the explosion of life in the region. built environment and transportation
of suburban development, and even gas More effective use of existing system in the 21st century in a very
stations, it is difficult to predict how highways will free up capital for positive way. TM&E
the built environment will change as a other uses and allow more intensive
result of driverless-vehicle technology. development along those highways, Bamonte is general counsel at the North
What seems quite possible is that the adding to the tax base and local gross Texas Tollway Authority, Plano, Texas. He
changes will be equally profound. domestic product. can be reached at tbamonte@ntta.org.