Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mazharul Islam Tusher on 28 February 2024.
With its novel bidirectional communication method, Neuralink, the brain-reading gadget created by Elon Musk, is poised to
transform human-machine relations. It represents a revolutionary combination of health science, neurology, and artificial
intelligence. Neuralink is a potentially beneficial brain implant that consists of tiny electrodes placed behind the ear and a small
chip. It can be used to treat neurological conditions and improve cognitive function. Important discussions are nevertheless
sparked by ethical worries about abuse, privacy, and security. It is important to maintain a careful balance between the
development of technology and moral issues, as seen by the imagined future in which people interact with computers through
thinking processes. In order for Neuralink to be widely accepted and responsibly incorporated into the fabric of human cognition
and connectivity, ongoing discussions about ethical standards, regulatory frameworks, and societal ramifications are important.
Meanwhile, new advancements in Brain-Chip-Interfaces (BCHIs) bring the larger context into focus. By enhancing signal
transmission between nerve cells and chips, these developments offer increased signal fidelity and improved spatiotemporal
resolution. The potential revolutionary influence of these innovations on neuroscience and human-machine symbiosis raises
important considerations about the ethical and societal consequences of these innovations.
Neuralink, Brain-Chip-Interfaces (BCHIs), Neurology, Brain-Reading Device.
ACCEPTED: 02 February 2024 PUBLISHED: 23 February 2024 DOI: 10.32996/jcsts.2024.6.1.22
1. Introduction
Humans have been trying to uncover the brain signal for a very long time. Researchers were attempting to establish communication
with the brain, which is our body's power source. Neuralink, which was incredibly unrevealing, finally shines some light to connect
the globe with something new. Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology has gained prominence in scientific and technological
discourse since the launch of Elon Musk's Neuralink, an innovative project at the intersection of neuroscience and AI. Established
in 2016, the goal of the Neuralink project is to create a cutting-edge brain chip that will allow for direct brain-to-device connection.
This technology has potential uses in both medical and cognitive domains. Neuralink's mission, driven by the goal of attaining
human-machine symbiosis, has generated enthusiasm as well as ethical questions. This introduction explores the technological
underpinnings of Neuralink, its possible uses, and the moral questions raised by this revolutionary project.
Copyright: © 2024 the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Published by Al-Kindi Centre for Research and Development,
London, United Kingdom.
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JCSTS 6(1): 200-203
2. Methodology
Elon Musk's plan to develop Neuralink involves a multifaceted approach combining materials science, neurosurgery, and
computational neuroscience and develop the brain-computer interface (BCI). The central element of Neuralink's methodology is
the implantation of ultra-thin electrodes, referred to as "threads," that connect or go directly into the brain. These threads are finer
than human hair and are designed to penetrate neural tissue with minimal damage, enhancing precision and reducing the risk of
adverse reactions.
The surgical procedure for implantation is a critical aspect of the methodology. The aims of Neuralink are to minimize invasive
approaches and utilize a robotic system that ensures precision during the placement of electrodes. Musk has emphasized the
importance of developing a surgical technique that is both safe and efficient, minimizing trauma to the brain and enabling a faster
recovery process for the patient.
Materials science plays a crucial role in Neuralink's methodology to ensure the longevity and biocompatibility of the implanted
device. Musk has highlighted the use of biocompatible materials and advanced encapsulation techniques to address concerns
related to the long-term effects of implantation, reducing the risk of tissue damage or rejection.
The computational aspect involves the development of sophisticated algorithms for decoding neural signals. Neuralink aims to
create a system capable of accurately translating the complex patterns of neural activity into meaningful information. Hence, a lot
of effort needs to be included to understand and interpret the neural code associated with different thoughts, sensations,
interpretations, and movements.
3. Structure of Neuralink
3.1 Threads
Neuralink contains a gold thin-film trace encapsulated in a polyimide primary substrate and dielectric. The two main sections of
the thin film arrays are the "sensor" area, which interfaces with custom chips for signal amplification and acquisition, and the
"thread" area, which houses electrode contacts and traces. High-throughput production is made possible by wafer-level
microfabrication, which patterns ten thin-film devices with 3072 electrode contacts in each wafer [Musk et al. 2019].
There are 48 or 96 threads in each array, and each thread has 32 separate electrodes. Flip-chip bonding is the method used to
attach integrated chips to the contacts in the sensor area. The goal is to achieve a high channel count while minimizing tissue
displacement in the brain through the maintenance of a small thread cross-sectional area. Stepper lithography and other
microfabrication techniques are used to form metal films with submicron resolution [Musk et al. 2019].
More than 20 different thread and electrode configurations are included in the arrays, including "on-probe references" designs
that place reference electrodes either on different threads or on the same threads as recording electrodes. The thread dimensions,
which include multiple insulation and conductor layers, range from 5 µm to 50 µm in width and a nominal thickness of 4-6 µm.
For pre-insertion handling, threads of about 20 mm in length are coated with parylene-C, which forms a film that is later removed
by the surgical robot (Figure 1). Every thread ends with a 16×50 µm² loop to make threading the needle easier. Optimizing probe
performance for neural recording in the brain is the main goal of the design [Musk et al. 2019].
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Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip: A Review on ‘Brain-Reading’ Device
Figure:1 our cutting-edge polymer probes. (A) Probes with "Linear Edges," with 32 electrode connections separated by 50
μm. (B) "Tree" probes placed 75 μm apart and featuring 32 electrode connections. (C) A larger magnification of each electrode
to highlight their tiny geometric surface area for the thread design in panel A. (D) Electrode impedance distribution (measured
at 1 kHz) for PEDOT (n = 257) and IrOx (n = 588) surface treatments. IrOx stands for iridium oxide, PCB for printed circuit
board, and PEDOT for poly-ethylenedioxythiophene [Musk et al 2019].
We now have great hope that the field of neurological disease research and rehabilitation can greatly benefit from the application
of brain-chip interfaces, or BCHIs. Advances in BCHIs are expected to lead to more effective treatment approaches for diseases like
paralysis, Parkinson's disease, cancer cell pre-detection, and other various cases. Paralyzed people can control their internal parts
by using wireless communication if the scientists can implement Neuralink technology [Flesher et al. 2016]. It accomplishes this by
utilizing cutting-edge circuitry and incredibly thin electrodes [Musk et al. 2019]. As BCHIs continue to improve in signal fidelity and
spatiotemporal resolution, this could further our understanding of brain circuits and lead to the development of more
individualized and flexible treatment plans [Hodak et al. 2019]. Moreover, adaptive brain activity modulation and real-time
monitoring may be made possible by the integration of BCHIs with machine learning algorithms to provide a flexible and dynamic
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method of managing disease [Musk et al. 2019]. Though morality remains a crucial factor, there appears to be a bright future for
BCHI application in illness rehabilitation. The lives of those suffering from neurological disorders can be greatly enhanced by them.
1. Memory Recover and Truth Verification: BCHIs can be used to examine the brain activity linked to recalling memories.
Evaluating brain patterns associated with memory recall may help evaluate the veracity of witness statements and
identify dishonest behavior [Farahany et al. 2014].
2. Identification Brain Response: Using BCHIs to analyze emotional responses may be helpful for criminal investigations.
An individual's responses to interrogation or confrontation may be revealed by alterations in brain activity linked to
emotions such as stress, anxiety, or fear. Again, hopefully, successful implementation can cure psychological patients.
3. Analize Particular Brain Patterns: Studies aimed at identifying brain patterns connected to deceit or criminal intent
may aid in the creation of prediction models. Also, this can be used to detect some birth faults. However, care must
be taken to prevent biases and incorrect interpretations of brain data [Greely et al. 2013].
If scientists can successfully implement Neuralink, it could have a significant impact in the future. However, legal frameworks need
to be considered in order to guarantee the ethical and open application of this technology in the criminal justice system. In
addition, the long-term effects must be considered.
6. Conclusion
The researchers have made an attempt to project and portray how Elon Musk’s Neuralink installation is integrated with state-of-
art technologies and some possible future research areas, for instance emulation of the brain using machine learning from neural
device data. Such development would give some food for thought to what would happen next in terms of understanding neuro
sensation. Consequently, an aggressive research market would gain confidence and momentum to further deep down into neuro
analysis and its applications.
There are some key findings regarding the technical review of Elon Musk’s Neuralink in possible ways of how data generated by
the device could be manipulated so machines could be fed them in a structured way. The orchestration of data generated by brain
chips, smart watches, and medical devices is crucial for the future emulation of the human brain.
However, the technical analysis and prediction of Brain-Chip-Interfaces (BCHIs) were brainstormed in a limited way because there
was no real access to such devices. The analysis assumed some future security concerns due to the implication of BCHIs, but there
is no such real life example of it.
Overall, these findings would carry a crucial role when it comes to having a simplistic interpretation of how spike based data drive
Brain-Chip-Interfaces (BCHIs) could leave the layouts for potential AI applications.
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