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101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

Synopsis of children’s book (no more than half a page)

Title of book: Mission Addition

Author and illustrator: Loreen Leedy
Year published: 1997

Brief synopsis:
Miss Prime, the teacher in Loreen Leedy's book, Mission Addition, prepares her classroom of animals to be
investigators in order to unravel mysteries through mathematical concepts. Methods and procedures required to
tackle addition challenges are taught throughout, for instance the book teaches children that addition is, gather things
and place them together. Miss Prime also explains to her detective’s essential rules in the book, such as an addition
phrase is considered a "fact" since it's always correct and hat the sum remains the same regardless of the order of the
two numbers. The book, Mission Addition is mathematically relevant as children learn to combine objects, separate
sets of objects, and keep records using various strategies to solve addition problems. Children also recognise and
understand basic vocabulary and symbols to solve challenges of addition. For example,
- The plus sign symbol: +
- The equal sign symbol: =
- That addends are numbers you add together in an addition problem.
- That a sum is the solution to an addition question.
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

Learning Area: Mathematics Class /Stage: Stage 1, Year 1

Topic: Addition & Subtraction 1 Date and Time:

Learning Outcomes

MA1-5NA: Uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers

 Use the terms 'add', 'plus', 'equals', 'is equal to', 'take away', 'minus' and the 'difference between'

 Recognise and use the symbols for plus (+), minus (–) and equals (=)

 Create, record and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers up to and including 9

 Create, record and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers from 11 up to and including 20

 Use concrete materials to model the commutative property for addition and apply it to aid the recall of addition facts, eg 4 + 5 = 5

PROCESS: (1-3 WM outcomes with at least 2 descriptors per outcome)

Communicating MA1-1WM: Describes mathematical situations and methods using every day and some mathematical language, actions,
materials, diagrams and symbols

 Model and record patterns for individual numbers by making all possible whole-number combinations

 Describe combinations for numbers using words such as 'more', 'less' and 'double'

Problem solving MA1-2WM: Uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems

 Use combinations for numbers up to 10 to assist with combinations for numbers beyond 10

 Choose and apply efficient strategies for addition

101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

Aim: Students will select and implement effective strategies for addition independently as well as in
small groups. Students will use communication and problem-solving skills to record and share a
range of whole number combinations including numbers to and beyond 10.

Procedure Engagement/ Introduction: (10 minutes)

Read Mission Addition to students. While reading:

Students will sit in a circle
 = on the floor.

 Get children to count out loud the separate groups of fingerprints Promote discussion around
the addition equation
e.g., 1,2,3,4,5. Then ask children, does anyone know how to read symbols.
this equation? Allow children to attempt to read the equation.
State, we put the 2 fingerprints and 3 fingerprints together and say
Ask students various
2+3=5. questions relating to the
 Provide 10 children with 10 red magnetic counters and 10 children
with 10 green magnetic counters. Select one child at a time for
the class example
 Hold up a rectangular small white board and ask a child with red
counters to stick as many counters as they wanted to onto one half Ensure that students
of the white board. understand this addition
strategy concept and process
before starting the activity.
 Get everyone to count the number of red counters together, then
ask Does anyone want to write this amount on the white board,
below the red counters?

 After a child writes numeral below choose another child with green
counters to stick as many counters as they wanted to onto the other
half of the white board. Count the green counters with the rest of
the class, then select another child to write the amount below the
green counters.

 Add the + sign between the two numerals and the = sign at the end.
Read the equations to the class.

 As a class add the red counters and green counters together by

counting them all together to solve the addition problem.

 Do one more class example and this time teach children to count
from the highest number when adding
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

Learning experiences: (25)

- Place children into pairs according to abilities, provide each pair

Teachers will place students
with a white board and a white board marker. Make sure in every
into pairs and provide
pair one student has red counters and the other has green resources for the lesson
- Allow children to find any space within the room with their pairs Teacher will explain the
and explain the task. lesson through step-by-step
- Student’s will be instructed to carry out an interesting task with instructions
their pairs. This task involves discovering which two combinations
Teacher will go around the
make 10 room to observe how
- Each pair takes turns placing their various counters onto the board students re going and to
and writes the number of counters, + sign and = sign below their assist pairs who are
counters as an addition equation. struggling.
- Students read out the equation to one another then attempt to
If a support or teacher aid is
work out if their combination adds to a 10 by counting them from
present, they will also be
the highest number of counters. support children throughout
- Children will use trial and error when attempting to work out the this exercise
different possibilities of two 1-digit numbers that = to 10 (friends of
- Students will be instructed to record their findings (combinations to
10) and any patterns they see onto a yellow laminated card

Closure: (10min) When the pack-up music

is played, students are
- Play ‘pack away’ song reminded that they just
have a quick time to
clean up and come
- Ask all students to return to the floor together to the floor. This
is a part of their routine. 
- Consider each question individually, giving the pairs time to
formulate an answer after each. Each person from a pair will take Children return with their
turns answering the Qu’s. combination findings and
sit with their pairs.
Reflection questions:
Facilitate student’s
1. When do you think it might be useful to use addition? (E.g., adding discussion of addition
groups of things together, solve simple everyday problems using 1–2-digit applied in daily life. Help
numbers). explain the relevance and
importance of
2. What was one combination to 10 did your pair find? understanding addition.

3. Did you find any combination that added to a whole number beyond
10? If so, which combination was that?

4. What maths did you use to find friends of 10??

Students take turns
sharing one combination
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

5. What was something challenging for your pair? to 10 to their classmates

and attempt to reflect on
6. Can you show the class how many combinations to 10 you both found various summary Qu’s
Lastly students will use
7. Was there any pattern you both noticed? collaboration to arrange
themselves as a
- Have 10 children stand up and have a go at creating an addition sentence combination sentence.
that adds to 10 using themselves as a replacement of counters this time.
Children would need to work together to work out how they will split
themselves up into a combination to form 10.

- Repeat this with another set of 10 children.

Assessment - Observation of students during activity, were children implementing words like 'more', 'less' and
'double' throughout this addition experience

- Annotated photos of students participating in using counters for adding certain numbers together and
showing collaboration throughout

- Anecdotal evidence from children’s discussion and reflection, presenting how learners checked if their
addition solutions added to 10.

- Observation notes will describe children’s reasoning approaches when working across combinations.

- Digital photographs of the addition sentence and counters implemented for working out.

Resources White boards

White board markers
Red and green magnetic counters
Yellow laminated paper
Addition Mission book
Potential for
differentiatio Emergent
n and
integration  Adjust rules to finding a combination to 7 only instead of 10

 Utilising groupings of fruit cards to assist with counting various combinations

101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

 Form their own equations while using this addition strategy.


 Adjust rules to finding combinations to 20

 Utilise 2-digit numbers to form addition sentences and to work out their solutions

 (Provided with more counters)

Integrate with science, (measure the height of a plant and recording its growth weekly.)
on Evaluation:

Was using two coloured counters effective in teaching groupings for working out addition problems?

What percentage of the objectives were met, and were there any surprises? Were children able to
connect what they learned in class to their daily lives?

Was the lesson arranged to accommodate a variety of learning styles?

Was collaborating in pairs effective?

Was the lesson's timing sufficient for the activity? Was the nature of the lesson sufficient for first-
grade students?

Is there enough time for debate and contemplation in my schedule? What would I do differently if I were
to use this lesson again?

Where do I follow the students to next?

Justification (500 words)

Mathematics educational strategies for learners should emphasize mental growth by including
incentives to facilitate (Haylock & Thangata, 2007): (a) problem-solving tactics; (b) deductive
reasoning, that incorporates scientific and sequential rationalization; (c) creativity, that is
distinguished by divergent and inventive thought processes; and (d) deductive approach, that
results in the enunciation of concepts.

Children's mathematical teaching methods can foster an enthusiasm about mathematics by

including incentives for them to (Haylock & Thangata, 2007): (a) appreciate a feeling of
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

accomplishment that arises from addressing the problem or a mathematical puzzle; (b) get
their curiosity piqued by conceptualizing their own queries and analyzing numerical contexts;
and (c) participate in small-group games that include mathematical concepts.

Occasionally, in order to answer a mathematical puzzle, there is need to use rational and
formal reasoning, a process known as deductive reasoning. The learning experience
described in the lesson plan was meant to foster the inductive reasoning approach among the
students. Occasionally, an intuition that contributes to a solution can involve innovative,
divergent, and experimental thought. Thus, the argument about mathematics' significance by
Haylock & Thangata (2007), asserts that studying mathematics fosters imagination. Thus,
mathematics serves as a critical context for designing practical problem-solving techniques
that have the ability to be applied to all spheres of human life. However, children have many
chances to 'search for trends' when studying mathematics. This entails inductive reasoning
that results in the formulation of generalizations, assertions on what is really true. The method
of formulating a general rule or theory based on a set of particular instances and then applying
it to other instances is central to mathematical reasoning.

Finally, in terms of academic growth, when children study mathematics, they acquire a 'strong
mode of communication.' Mathematics is a language in and of itself, incorporating
terminology, characteristic patterns of spoken and written language, a variety of diagrammatic
instruments, and a distinctive means of representing and manipulating ideas by symbols. The
lesson plan requires the teacher to ask the learners to link the arithmetic terms to their
associated symbols. In mathematics, children use this vocabulary to express their ideas and
to illustrate, and later to validate or assert, their hypotheses. The mathematical language is a
recurring theme in this novel.
Haylock, D., & Thangata, F. (2007). Key concepts in teaching primary mathematics. Sage

Justify your pedagogical decisions and how your planned lessons reflect best practice in the
teaching of mathematics.

Useful tips

 The justification should be written in paragraph format, not dot points.

It should be written as a brief essay.

 Research what ‘pedagogical decisions’ means

 Provide examples from your lessons, justifying the effectiveness of

101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

your choices

 Research what constitutes ‘best practice’ in the teaching of

mathematics. What have you done in your lessons that exemplifies this? How does the
literature support this?

Make sure all resources are included in the reference list, cited in APA
referencing style, and in alphabetical order with hanging indents.

Learning Area: Mathematics Class /Stage: Stage 1, Year 1

Topic: Addition & Subtraction 2 Date and Time:

Learning Outcomes

MA1-5NA: Uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers

 Use the terms 'add', 'plus', 'equals', 'is equal to', 'take away', 'minus' and the 'difference between'

 Recognise and use the symbols for plus (+), minus (–) and equals (=)

 Select and use a variety of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving one- and two-digit numbers

 Use and record a range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving two-digit numbers, including:

  the jump strategy on an empty number line


Communicating MA1-1WM: Describes mathematical situations and methods using every day and some mathematical language, actions,
materials, diagrams and symbols

 explain or demonstrate how an answer was obtained for addition and subtraction problems, e.g. show how the answer to 15 + 8
was obtained using a jump strategy on an empty number line
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

 recognise which strategies are more efficient and explain why

Reasoning MA1-3WM: Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained

 explain or demonstrate how an answer was obtained for addition and subtraction problems, e.g. show how the answer to 15 + 8
was obtained using a jump strategy on an empty number line

 recognise which strategies are more efficient and explain why

101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

 Provide each child with an iPad and have the jump strategy online
activity ready
 Children will be instructed to press play and
begin the activity Teacher will
 An addition sentence of 2-digit numbers is provide students
provided at the top, and the first 2-digit with an iPad each
number is displayed on a number line
 Students would need to attempt to work Teacher will explain
out the jumps they would need to take the lesson through
from that number displayed on the number step-by-step
line to solve the addition problem.
 A selection of +10, -10, +1, -1 and more are Teacher will go
provided below for children to choose from around the room to
when working out their jumps observe how
 After each jump students would then need students are going to
select the resulting number from options
below, this would assist them to keep track If a support or of
the number which they are on. teacher is present,
 Once students take the right number of they will assist
jumps and the solution is found, green ticks children throughout
would display on the screen then a new this exercise
question would come up
 Children will continue having a go at various addition questions using
this jump strategy

Closure: (10min)

- Play ‘pack away’ song

- Ask students to return to the floor
When pack-up music
- Consider each question individually, allowing children is played, students
time to formulate an answer. have a quick time to
clean up and come to
Reflection questions: the floor.

- Which addition sentence did the jump method assist Teacher facilitates
you with the most? and why? student’s discussion
- Which is easier for you to think about in your head: a of addition applied in
jump strategy or a vertical addition? (where numbers daily life. Help explain
are lined up in columns) the relevance and
- Why is it useful to solve two-digit problems without importance of
the use of a pencil or paper? understanding
(Consider whether you may need to add two-digit addition.
numbers without using a calculator or paper in real
life.) Teacher selects
- What has the jump technique reminded you of in the students to answer
reflection Qu’s and
forms a class
brainstorm of
- Create a class Brainstorm with children’s answers
children’s ideas
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

of these reflection Qu’s

101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2


 Observation of students during activity, were children implementing words like, 'add', 'plus', 'equals',
'is equal to', 'take away', 'minus' and the 'difference between'

 - Annotated photos of students participating in using a range of mental strategies to solve addition
problems involving two-digit numbers, including: the jump strategy on an empty number line

 Anecdotal evidence from children’s discussion and reflection ideas, presenting how learners
understood the concept of jumping from 10’s and 1’s.

Resources - iPad
- Smart board
- One’s and Ten’s cube

Potential for Emergent

n and
integration - Utilise the one’s cubes and the ten’s cubes throughout the activity.


- Adjust game to addition with


- Integrate with English, (reading groups lesson and writing sentences)

on Evaluation:

Was using the one’s and ten’s cubes effective for emergent learners while they attempted the addition
jump strategy activity

What percentage of the aims were met, and were there any surprises? Were children able to join what
they learned in class to their daily lives?

Was the lesson organised to accommodate a variety of learning styles?

Was collaborating in pairs effective?

Was the lesson's timing appropriate for the activity? Was the kind of lesson appropriate for first-
grade students?

Was there sufficient time for debate and observation in my program? What would I do differently if I
were to use this lesson again?
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

Where do I follow the students to next?

Justification (500 words)

Learning is a unique and emotional endeavor. Learning occurs both throughout the brain and
in the body. The brain interprets and comprehends knowledge dependent on years of
education and practice. The brain develops and creates fresh information, binds it to
previously acquired knowledge, and retains it. Constructivism is a school of thought about
learning that is focused on this method of building information and understanding from
previous knowledge. Constructivism is a critical philosophy of mathematics learning. Each
instructor and each pupil encounter similar obstacles (Amador, 2014). They are particularly
intimidating in mathematics and other vertically arranged fields. The evaluation process at the
end of this lesson is intended to help the students avoid the pitfalls of constructivism such as
forgetting the content. A math course at each grade level requires that students are familiar
with and appreciate the prerequisites—the material of prior math courses and earlier sections
of the current math course. This is always an erroneous assertion. We are aware that certain
students do not retain or remember any about what they are learned in education.

Adapting is similar to offloading, but relies less heavily on curricular content for lesson
delivery. Adaptation results in a mild emphasis on curricular activities, worksheets, and
pedagogical measures. An example may be an instructor who uses curricular resources to
facilitate a dialogue about equations and then inserts her own discussion questions in the
discourse to advance mathematical comprehension. As adaptation happens, the instructor
and the curricular materials decide instructional paths, with the teacher and the curricular
materials sharing design responsibilities. Analyzing and adapting resources has been
declared a requirement for successful teaching, particularly though mathematics curricula are
of good standard and reform-oriented. Teachers adjust resources to help facilitate student
learning by suggesting insertions, deletions, or substitutions in the materials.

When teachers take credit for lesson design and dictate instructional paths with no, if any,
focus on curricular content, the pedagogical method promotes improvisation. As teachers
improvise, they construct instructional activities or pedagogical moves that deviate from
curricular materials (Roche et al., 2014). Typically, teachers improvise as they come upon
options for additional teaching in the classroom outside those recommended by the program
and possess the skills necessary to accept instructional design accountability. An instructor-
created plan asking students to formulate their own strategy for solving equations is an
illustration of how the teacher deviated from the curricular resources to mentor students based
on her own subject experience. The foregoing degrees of artefact appropriation run the gamut
from offloading to adjusting to improvising and function as an analytical framework for
evaluating a teacher's capacity to mobilize resources for teaching.

Amador, J. (2014). Mathematics pedagogical design capacity from planning through teaching.
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 18(1).
101580 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1 Lesson Plan Assignment 2

Roche, A., Clarke, D. M., Clarke, D. J., & Sullivan, P. (2014). Primary teachers’ written unit
plans in mathematics and their perceptions of essential elements of these.
Mathematics Education Research Journal, 26(4), 853–870.

Justify your pedagogical decisions and how your planned lessons reflect best practice in the
teaching of mathematics.

Useful tips

 The justification should be written in paragraph format, not dot points.

It should be written as a brief essay.

 Research what ‘pedagogical decisions’ means

 Provide examples from your lessons, justifying the effectiveness of

your choices

 Research what constitutes ‘best practice’ in the teaching of

mathematics. What have you done in your lessons that exemplifies this? How does the
literature support this?

Make sure all resources are included in the reference list, cited in APA
referencing style, and in alphabetical order with hanging indents.

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