Longwinter Referee Book - 1.0 - Digital 250dpi
Longwinter Referee Book - 1.0 - Digital 250dpi
Longwinter Referee Book - 1.0 - Digital 250dpi
Referee’s Book
Luka Rejec
2 Longwinter
Luka Rejec & Anna Urbanek
Fiona Maeve Geist and Jarrett Crader
The fine typohunters of the
Stratometaship. Merci.
WTF Studios
Refe ree ’s B o o k
Luka Rejec
4 Longwinter
How to Referee the Icebox 7 Escape 47 Mountains 82
Trying to Get Out 48 ♠1 Precarious Ridge 83
A ‘True’ History of Brezim 8 This Is Not Normal 49 ♠2 Sky-piercing Pinnacle 84
Questions ♠3 Shattered Crater 85
Winterwhite Aggrieved 12 for the Players 49 ♠4 Narrow Chimney 86
Winterwhite's Curse 14 How to Referee ♠5 Overhanging Cliff 87
Portents of a Survival Game 50
Winterwhite 15 The Problem ♠6 Deep Couloir 88
of Tools 51 ♠7 Sweeping Plateau 89
Factions in an Icy Hell 16 Survival Card Mechanic 52 ♠8 Cave-Riddled Shoulder90
Winterwhite 17 Card Actions 53 ♠9 Scree Slope 91
Baronials 20 ♠10 Titanic Terraces 92
Oldsettlers 22 Forests 54 ♠J Unstable Boulder 93
Wolffolk 24 ♣1 Abandoned Lookout 55 ♠Q Howling Saddle 94
Old Architects 28 ♣2 Old Hamlet 56 ♠K Chiseled Stairs 95
♣3 Isolated Facility 57
Days of White Snow ♣4 Alpine Rainforest 58 Icefields 96
and Red Ice 31 ♣5 Twisted Krummholz 59 ♦1 Powder Dunes 97
Days of Autumn 32 ♦2 Deep Snowfield 98
Days of Winter 36 ♣6 Black Forest 60
♣7 Mass Gravesite 61 ♦3 Mirror of Ice 99
Days of Deep Winter 40 ♦4 Sculptures of Rime 100
Body in the Snow 44 ♣8 Sacred Grove 62
Cache Under Ice 44 ♣9 Willow Swamp 63 ♦5 Frozen Slope 101
An Ancient Vault 45 ♣10 Shattered Woodland 64 ♦6 Rotten Snow 102
Memories ♣J Stormstruck Linden 65 ♦7 Ice Bridge 103
of Summer 45 ♣Q Wolffolk Forest 66 ♦8 Avalanche 104
♣K Needletooth Trees 67 ♦9 Ice Cave 105
♦10 Cruel Crevasse 106
Rivers 68 ♦J Staircase of Ice 107
♥1 Frozen Waterfall 69 ♦Q Grand Glacier 108
♥2 Hoar-Decked Gorge 70 ♦K The Iceworm Comes 109
♥3 Hot Spring 71
♥4 Choked Sandbar 72 🃏 Iron Teeth 110
♥5 Ice-Ringed Pool 73
♥6 Spiritual Confluence 74 🃟 Moonlit Dream 111
♥7 Abandoned Mill 75
♥8 Snowy Floodplain 76 Escape: Last Location 112
♥9 Icy Cascades 77 Presenting
the Escape 112
♥10 Bridges Old & New 78 Scoring the Escape 113
♥J Breached Dam 79
♥Q Lake and Island 80
♥K Subterranean Spring 81
6 Longwinter
Do not make this immediately clear to the players or the inhabitants of the
Brezim: announce it with portents and growing danger. Indeed, several of the
factions are straight-up distractions from the threat of Winterwhite, and the
squabbling locals will add more chaos to the mix.
As the trap closes, the environment becomes harsher. Travel becomes more
difficult. The weather kills faster. Food becomes scarcer. The baronials grow
weaker. The monsters grow stronger.
When the players decide to escape, it will be possible, but hard. They will lose
NPCs and friends along the way. Think of the movies “K2” and “Alive”. Or “The
Thing,” for that matter. The Escape section provides a mechanic to procedurally
generate the escape from the valley. Alternatively, it serves as a box of vignettes
and encounters for winter adventures in Brezim or another wintery setting.
8 Longwinter
A ‘True’ History
of Brezim
† a fictional vignette or interlude †
The snow is alive. A soft, cold spirit courses through them. Her lace threads the
world: watching, drinking, listening, stroking, soothing, killing. Her touch is soft
and icy. She is Winterwhite, the daughter of the Waterdrinker and the Northwind,
and she is a terrible god. An avatar of ice and hunger, of visions and death.
A hundred years ago Verdek and Ivan Greencorner came up the valley with four
hundred civilized soldiers. The oldsettlers met their muskets and maces with
bows and traps.
That first summer the Greencorners burned oldsettler villages and fields, tore
down the henges and crucified the men, bayonetted the babies and kidnapped
brides for themselves.
That first winter the oldsettler shamans called, and the wolffolk and the
skintakers came. Children and grandmothers crawled out of mass graves to
drown the soldiers in their own blood. One after another the wood-whispered
invader forts cracked and broke.
At last, the oldsettlers pushed the Greencorners to the great barrow hill between
the Rushka and the Krasna rivers.
The frozen ancestors claimed the kidnapped brides for themselves. The
skintakers took the enslaved and rode them. The oldsettlers howled to the moon,
for never could they be unfree.
The Greencorners retreated up that hill, among ruins like fangs and ribs. The
horde came for them. Their bullets ran out and they dropped their guns.
Skintakers whipped amalgamated horrors of flesh and wood across the old living
walls at the hill’s crown. Their swords grew as blunt as their maces as they
Winterwhite's History
Referee’s Book 9
staggered back into mist-laced bowel of the hill. Roaring worms of flesh and bone
battered down metal hatches and stone doors as the oldsettlers followed.
The last dozen soldiers fled deeper and deeper until they reached a white room
with black tapestries and an altar of crystal-clear ice. On the altar stood a white
bird with red eyes and a bloody beak.
The soldiers ignored it and heaved the mighty white stone door shut.
Ivan grunted and squinted as the doc tightened the tourniquet on his left leg.
A couple of the warriors inched towards the altar. The bird flapped into the air
and perched on a frost-rimed chandelier. Its talons left a bloody stain.
“Stop, fellowfolk,” said Mira Falconsbrood. “I’m as hungry as you, but eating the
magic white bird won’t do anything. The savages are coming for us with their
needle teeth.”
Verdek stepped under the chandelier and craned his head, “Bird! Who are you?”
“Oh, questions! I like that game,” said the bird. “I am the soft hand of winter, and
who are you?”
“We are the brothers Greencloak, rulers of this land,” announced Verdek.
Winterwhite's History
10 Longwinter
Verdek leapt onto the altar, windmilling his arms to keep his balance on the ice.
Mira reached out a hand to steady him.
“Get down here, you feathered mockery,” shouted Verdek. With his numb fingers
he fumbled for the throwing knife at his side. It wasn’t there.
His leg buckled under him and he fell hard onto the ice altar.
“Oh, Winterwhite, we beg you! Save us!” cried Mira, and plunged Verdek’s
throwing knife into his throat. “Accept our sacrifice! Accept our ruler’s youngest
kin! Accept our worship!”
The white stone cracked and the survivors crawled out from under the barrow as
winter squeezed the valley. For three months the winter did not let up. The
oldsettlers starved. The soldiers ate the dead.
That second summer Greencorner and his soldiers went to the cities to tell their
stories of oldsettler savagery and cannibalism.
That second winter the Emperor of the Republic bestowed a baronage on Ivan
Greencorner and a posthumous order of valour on his brother Verdek, who gave
his life to save his companions. At the same time the Generalissimo of the
Western City made Mira Falconsbrood the treasurer of the Brezim Burners.
That third summer Ivan and Mira returned to the valleys with the Brezim
Burners. White birch gibbets full of oldsettler savages greeted the first snows.
Every year after that, the gun and the axe pushed the savages further into barren
highlands and dark forests.
The whispered wood pallisades and the warding runes went up. The second
baron of Brezim sacrificed her youngest nephew to Winterwhite.
Winterwhite's History
Referee’s Book 11
The mule-roads were built. The third baron of Brezim sacrificed his twin sons to
Winterwhite. The great ancient silver mine was reopened. The fourth baron of
Brezim quietly sacrificed her younger sister to Winterwhite. Traders and
craftsfolk came. The fifth baron quietly sacrificed his baby niece to Winterwhite
and said she had died of measles. Guesthouses and spas opened. The sixth baron,
Soren Greencorner II, ascended to the silver-bone throne.
Soren did not sacrifice his daughter to Winterwhite. His vizier, old Negra
Falconsbrood, begged him to reconsider.
Soren refused and Negra soon died in an unfortunate motoring accident. Her
nephew, Ibrahim Falconsbrood, a well-travelled ethnologist from the Eastern
City, took her position.
Years passed and nothing happened, and Soren realized that the terrible family
stories of sacrificing their children to the laughing ice goddess were just
superstition and lies covering up the bestial cruelty of his ancestors.
He lobbied the Kings’ Council to open equal education to all children, regardless
of ethnicity. The industrialist conclaves supported him, and he achieved
a modicum of fame.
Then his daughter turned eighteen and Winterwhite sent her insistent dreams.
Winterwhite's History
12 Longwinter
Winterwhite Aggrieved
She smiles as she inhales the souls of the dead and covers their cold corpses with
a gentle shroud.
No—she is glad.
For then neither Firebringer nor Green Sun, neither Devil’s Grandfather nor
Doctor Love, can guard her prey against her.
Her white birds carry her dreams to her subjects, witting and unwitting.
They visited Soren, the baron of Brezim, and whispered, “Soren, your ancestors’
vow still binds you. The Lady remembers.”
They flew again. “Soren, your great uncle’s shadow begs you consider: the Lady
Winterwhite’s birds flew again, “Soren, summer is turning and the Day of All
Ghosts will come. Your vow-given ancestors will gather at the altar of ice to see
you renew your vow to the Lady.”
Soren drank the best vintages brought by long-haired traders from the
sun-kissed hills.
The birds left hoarfrost where they stepped. “Soren, tomorrow is the last day.
Pay your blood debt, or the Lady’s interest will be steep.”
Soren awoke on the Day of All Ghosts with a pounding headache and went
hunting. He bagged a five-tine stag on the ridge behind Gomiliy while his friend
Lazar Woolmaker bagged an incredible eight-tine hart. It was a good day.
When the sun set, Winterwhite sent her white birds to Northwind and
Waterdrinker. The birds announced that the winter of her content had come.
Winterwhite's History
14 Longwinter
Winterwhite’s Curse
The gods stitch our human world together, but they are not human.
The vow of Mira Falconbrood was simple: save us and we will give you our
youngest and bravest. The vow amused Winterwhite, but she took it seriously.
The vow has been broken, and now she will destroy everyone in the land she gave
to the Greencorners. It’s nothing personal—it’s just a vow.
This year the winter will not end. The north wind will blow. The snow will fall.
The rivers will freeze. The ice worms will crawl. Frost will choke the sky.
Darkness will come, and everyone in the valley will come to sleep with
After a year and one winter, the spring will come again. Winterwhite is not all-
powerful, after all, and the Firebringer would have words with her if she
overstepped her prerogative.
Winterwhite's History
Referee’s Book 15
Portents of Winterwhite
Portents will come. The foolish modern rulers will ignore them until it is too late,
of course, but these things must be done properly.
In the end, the sun will close its eye over Brezim, and darkness and cold and soft
silence will reign until the solstice next.
d30 Portents
1 White faces float beyond windows at night.
2 Pale icy ghosts crawl from frozen puddles to accuse the living.
3 White foxes dig holes in the cemeteries.
4 White crows land on the temples.
5 Frozen birds on the trees in the morning.
6 Fish frozen in streams.
7 Frogs turned to ice together with their ponds.
8 Tree trunks snapped open by the sudden cold.
9 Barrows ploughed open by upthrusting ice.
10 Tinkling laughter on the icy wind.
11 Crawling shadows leaving rime behind them.
12 White wolves whose shaggy manes drip hoarfrost.
13 Shattered corpses of birds frozen mid-flight.
14 Glaciers slither down mountainsides like icy worms.
15 Powdery snow refuses to melt.
16 A whistling wind steals voices.
17 Dead leaves crumble to snow.
18 Ornaments on the yule trees turn to ice.
19 Dead trees sweating ice.
20 Flowers of snow and vines of ice grow in gardens.
21 Hoarfrost spreading in starbursts from the graves of the recently deceased.
22 Fog and mist dropping suddenly to the ground as a thick layer of hoarfrost.
23 Frosted handprints and footprints on doors and windows.
24 Clouds freeze in place.
25 The sun crawling, purplish as though bruised.
26 The moon eclipsed by blackish ice.
27 The moon disappears.
28 The sky turns white, a milky dome, frost crawling up its sides.
29 The days grow shorter after the winter solstice.
30 The sun weeps ice.
Winterwhite's History
16 Longwinter
As the ice embraces Brezim, as the roads are cut, as the federation fades away, as
even the baron grows remote, it is the local ties, the bonds of blood, the cords of
clan, the love of land that may yet see communities through the cold and dark.
Perhaps, some will even see a way to appease Winterwhite.
Most of the tracks give no easy answers. Simply helping one side over another
will almost always merely lead to a different disaster.
Don’t worry too much about what is happening off-screen. Check for new
problems when the heroes arrive in a different location or after a week
spent in one place.
Also, while you should encourage the heroes to get involved, do make it clear that
they cannot fix everything. There is simply too much going on and the problems
are too systemic for an adventurer with an axe to fix, even an axe like Kolgar’s.
† force of nature †
Winterwhite is not a faction per se, she is a force of nature. The janus-face of
Summerbright, the daughter of Autumnwed, the mother of Springtimeborn. She
cannot be swayed or moved by the spasms and twitches of the short-cycle
mortals. Even if the world became a cinder, in the void her cold domains go on
and on, the ice promised in the shadow of every sun.
Yet, she is incarnate. She is flesh of a cold and calm sort. The dreams and
nightmares of mortal souls make her so, or perhaps she always was so, and
mortal lives are the fruit of her dreams and the whispers of her fellow gods.
She can be bargained with, she can be paid.
She is coming, and she will come. That cannot be stopped. But she is still
Angering Winterwhite
Killing her messengers, denying her dominion, bringing foreign gods like Doctor
Love into her collection, these things focus Winterwhite’s attention.
1 The Winterbird appears, the white bird with red eyes. A chill afflicts
the joints of those who see it and does not depart for days.
2 You awaken with a frost coating your face like a funeral shroud. The
frost does not melt at your touch or breath.
3 Ice crawls up from the ground overnight, freezing baggage and vehicles
stiff. Even fuel freezes in this unearthly cold.
4 Faces swirl and whirl in the icy fog, watching. The fog follows and
watches. Her many crystal eyes now refuse to close.
5 A crystal maiden appears, her body purest ice, her gown purest snow,
her lance purest cold. A gift of warmth appeases. Her lance freezes
limb or heart.
6 A globe of cold surrounds you, swirling with fragments of ice that
burns your lungs like the ash of a funeral pyre.
7 The silence of deepest winter surrounds you. All noise is muffled. Hope
begins to fall like nitrogen snow.
8 The world turns white and milky. From that liquid nothing swims the
Winterwyrm, all icicle teeth and freezing fronds. The cold is its sea, and
its bite drags you under. The warmth of your life now pays for your
sins. Your cold body now serves Winterwhite, your flesh like the
surface of a still pond, your eyes sparkling jewels, your voice her
tinkling laugh. And when winter ends you will end, an iceman melting
in the breath of Spring.
Listening to Winterwhite
Offering her tribute, building altars to her, sacrificing warmth and life to her,
accepting her as cruel but necessary, submitting to the cycle of the world, to her
and her sisters/mothers/daughters.
1 Despite the cold, the falling snowflakes feel gentle, even warm.
2 A nimbus of colours girds the wan sun and remains in the day, a
promise of Spring to come.
3 A gentle snowfall blankets the area, almost glowing in its virginity and
peace, refreshing souls and minds.
4 The Winterbird appears, tugging and cawing, red eyes rolling. It leads
to a fresh carcass, a sheltered cave, or a stack of cordwood.
5 The skies clear and a piercing ray of sunlight breaks through, its
brightness casting the world into pure relief, its warmth reviving cold
limbs, chasing away weariness.
6 From the fog a snowman appears, antlers on its head decked with
glitter, a wolf’s tooth necklace round its neck promising protection and
7 The tinkling of ice, the patter of droplets like a gentle symphony, leads
to a hidden hot spring surrounded by great banks of snow. With an
igloo, this could be a home.
8 A holy supplicant in white furs, ridden by the spirit of Winterwhite,
offers a way out of the winter, a cave and a potion and furs and
hibernation. With the deep winter sleep, one can pass by dreaming
Winterwhite’s dream.
9 “Say my names, accept my names. Gift me your name and write mine
into your own,” she whispers in your dreams. Those carrying the
names of the four-fold goddesses in themselves do not feel the cold so
10 The visions come, strong and bright, of a deep place, far beneath the
surface, hidden from sun and sky, wind and shoot. There, among the
roots, Mira Falconsbrood offers the baron’s blood to secure
Winterwhite’s blessing. The visions come, a century turns, the baron
Soren Greencorner ignores the bargain and does not pay Winterwhite.
The visions come, now the payment is due with interest. The visions
come, there atop Princessberg is Glaciergut, the Ice Spear. Those
wielding Glaciergut feel no cold, for they are the avatar of Winterwhite.
Spill the blood of the betrayer Soren Greencorner upon the ice. Spill
the guts of the promised child upon the snow. Satisfy the agreement,
then, perhaps, a new bargain can be made. A lesser punishment
exacted. Perhaps not quite a summer this year, for Winterwhite cannot
change the agreement of Firebringer and Earthbeater. A great
mountain far to the east will be made small this year. Its ash will bring
fiery sunsets and violet sunrises and snow in midsummer. But it will
not all be grinding ice and death. Those who accept the old cycles, who
are humble in the face of the impenetrable vastness of the cosmogons
will survive and learn.
† lords of this realm †
The powerful of Brezim. The landowners, the freeholders, the citizens, the militia
members. They differ from the oldsettlers in culture, dress, wealth, and
education, but to any visitor from a distant province, they are the same people.
Growing Stronger
Tightening control, gathering food and fuel, fortifying their settlements,
defeating the wolffolk, controlling the oldsettlers.
Facing Setbacks
Relinquishing power, losing settlements, being pushed out, losing battles,
oldsettlers rebelling, skintakers sowing dissent.
1 Isolated farmsteads are looted and torched, lone baronials are accosted
and robbed. Angry crowds gather, demanding action.
2 Water wells are poisoned and cholera breaks out. Witchcraft is
3 Fuel is stolen, stranding vehicles and making heating difficult. Watches
are set and inspections increase.
4 Granaries are plundered, leaving small communities hungry and
scared. Lynch mobs are formed to hunt down perpetrators.
5 Small hamlets are attacked, baronials are shot, supplies are stolen.
Baronial refugees flock to bigger settlements.
6 Oldsettlers rise up against their masters, killing them in their beds,
taking over isolated manors, burning farmsteads and plantations
closer to the towns. Baronials start executing oldesttlers
7 Wolffolk skintakers raid remote hamlets, kidnapping livestock and
baronials alike for food. Baronials gather together for defence,
oldsettlers are evicted and tortured.
8 Wolffolk shamans awaken the cold dead, spreading terror and fear. As
the baronials, retreat many oldsettlers join in the plunder.
9 The skintaker high chief Añelo di’Usta demands all the oldsettlers rise
up against the baronials. Many take up the high chief’s call—rebellion
and violence flare. Settlements burn. Dead oldsettlers and baronials
alike are pulled back to shambling revenance.
10 Fortresses fall to the dead and the monsters and the wolffolk.
Desperate baronials leave behind the weak and the sick, retreating to
citadels and vaults. Bands load up with supplies and try for the edges
of the frozen hell that Brezim has become. The Greencorners are lost in
the chaos, and it seems impossible to appease Winterwhite now.
† those who were first † those who are last †
Growing Stronger
Taking back their lands, regaining control, throwing off bonds, finding freedom.
1 The old songs echo through the hamlets. Even baronials make the sign
of the three-and-four in secret.
2 A quiet mob raids the chamber of records and burns the deeds of land
and service. Serfs quietly stop wearing their bond amulets. Baronials
take their guns out of their cases.
3 Oldsettler self-protection societies come into the open. Bands with
illegal carbines and sharp axes patrol districts and hamlets.
4 Landless labourers and servants occupy empty chalets and summer
cottages. Skirmishes break out as the militia fails to evict them.
5 The most disliked baronial landlords are hunted down, tortured, and
strung up by their heels. Their freed serfs and labourers sing and
dance all night, while they slowly freeze. Scared baronials start
attacking individual oldsettlers.
6 Organized oldsettler rebels raid isolated militia outposts, evicting the
outnumbered soldiers into the snow without coats or weapons.
7 Oldsettlers choose chiefs and declare baronials must take the furs or
leave the hamlets. Scores are settled. Baronials desperately try to send
word to the federal troops stationed south of Brezim in Iron Forum.
8 Baronials are evicted from the countryside; many starve or freeze to
death. Accusations fly. Then fire arrows. A village burns. Moderate
oldsettlers begin to argue with the more extreme chiefs.
9 A workers’ uprising seizes the town. Baronials and betterfolk are
hunted through the streets like animals. The mayor’s family is taken to
a remote farmhouse and accidentally executed before being dumped
into a cistern to hide the evidence. Pitched battles divide Brezim.
10 A gun factory or cache is captured. The purges become more savage.
Captured baronials are given a taste of their own medicine and
enslaved. Moderate oldsettler chiefs are murdered at the event later
remembered as “the bloody breakfast.”
Facing Setbacks
Hunted, beaten, exiled, mutilated, manipulated, betrayed.
† the dark savagery of the human heart made flesh and fur †
It looks like the wolffolk are allies of Winterwhite, for they come with her winter.
They come down from their high and deep, cold and dark fastnesses. They drive
drakes and giants, demons and monsters.
But they are no allies of winter. They are the mirror of civilization, the abyss of
Amimami, the subconscious terror of the baronials made flesh in their
oppression. The long winter, the dark night, has simply given them the
opportunity they have been waiting for for so long. They are the oppressed
whose yearning for freedom and dignity has become a thing of twisted envy,
hatred, despair, greed, longing, hunger, loathing, self-destruction mixed with
unrequited love—the anti-eros, the thanatos that comes forth in this long dark.
Growing Stronger
The nights lengthen, the cold grows more bitter, the fires go out, the living
dwindle. Indeed, the deeper Winterwhite’s winter becomes, the stronger the
wolffolk become.
Facing Setbacks
Tracked down by rightmakers, hunted down, burned out of hideouts, stopped
with piety and prayers to the old gods.
Old Architects
† aliens or ancestors? †
In truth, the Old Architects are a red herring. The ghost of a faction, the false
promise of a powerful past now dust. The ones returned to life are echoes and
reverberations of heroes and villains who hoped to cheat death, and now in this
cataclysm of Winterwhite, they hope to sneak out into the world once more.
Growing Stronger
Awakening, spreading from their vaults, finding helpers and allies, expanding
their influence.
1 Seeking lights appear in the night sky. The glow blisters and burns.
2 Steam boils off the snow as old engines come to life in deep vaults. A
caustic ash falls as the engines misfire in a different atmosphere.
3 Lithe machines dressed in strange fabrics come forth and promise new
saviours and better masters. Their kisses steal memories.
4 Slippery weapons of crystal and plastic that fire bolts of heat are gifts
for their supporters. The warmth of the weapons causes hair to fall out
and fingers to shorten.
5 Tunneling machines open new tunnels that promise warmth and
safety in the bowels of the earth. The food provided by the machines
rots teeth and makes limbs shorter, stubbier.
6 Glassy-eyed old architect mummies promise survival in exchange for
love and bodily fluids to revive them. As they fill with juice once more,
their odour grows vile and nauseating.
7 Bloated old architects wrapped in machine suits offer access to warm
vaults and underground farms in exchange for new bodies. Within
their suits, their bodies are collapsing into nutritious gelatin.
8 Old architects implanted in new bodies stumble about and flail, made
strange, their connection to their selves tenuous. The bodies glow with
a viridity that belies their shambling gait. Cold-adapted lichens and
mosses grow in their presence.
9 Furry cocoons of green and blue swaddle the metamorphosing
architects. A sour smell, like rotten vegetables, surrounds them. Spores
from the cocoons provoke fits of coughing and eat away at lungs.
10 The cocoons sublime into ice and nothing remains on this low plane.
The old architects’ machines, left alone, wind down into hibernation
again, packing themselves away.
Facing Setbacks
Sickening, not adapting, being hunted, misunderstanding the world.
1 The air burns and chokes the old settlers. Their servants lie where they
fell, freezing gently. Thawed, spores emerge, carrying a hemorrhagic
plague that kills some and disfigures many.
2 The ice rises and throttles the old machines. The worldclock will not
turn back. Fuels and lubricants spill, poisoning land and limb.
3 The skintakers’ curses crawl and clamber through the tunnels. As the
old architects awaken their bones and skins are stolen. A kindly
abmortal goes to sleep, a six-fingered abomination rips out of their
strange fabric suit, thirsty for livers and spleens, mind burning with
the wolffolk’s hatred.
4 Unsettled in these modern times, a baronial militia guns down the old
architects with impunity and breaks into their vault. They throw out
the strange machines and mutating field emitters but keep the thermal
engines. If moles they need be, then heavily armed moles they will be.
5 Cheated and robbed, a naked old architect emissary wanders through
the snow. Their chest implant keeps them warm despite the ice, its
glow turning bowels to so much bloody glue.
6 Oldsettlers angry at the poisoned gifts seize the old architects in the
night and throw them into the icy river. Armed with glowing guns,
swaddled in bandages, they ravage the land about them.
7 Betterfolk terrified of these usurpers launch a daring raid into their
large vault, following the tunnels of the burrowing machines. There
they uncover grandiose plans and evil conspiracies. The detonation of
an atomic heat engine brings down a whole mountain flank and sends
a plume of poison spreading across the land.
8 Starving and decomposing old architects fan out across the land,
promising anything in exchange for their salvations. Strange radiation
weapons, melting explosives, and disease follow them.
9 As the last corpses liquify their spores are lofted high on the fires of
their burning vaults. Those who breathe them choke, cough blood, and
become strange, plant-like, inhuman.
10 The remaining possessed begin ululating and screaming in the old
architect tongues. Their flesh ripples and grows mossy. Spores flicker,
flare, and gutter out. Nothing sentient remains of them, a dead end. No
plague of the dead, merely a misfire, a distraction.
Longwinter covers 100 days—3 months and change—that take the Barony of
Brezim from late autumn to the dark year of Winterwhite’s curse, when the sun
is obscured until the solstice returns again. You can use the three months as an
actual calendar or as a random table to generate weather and events.
Where events are large-scale, encounters affect only the heroes. Like the weather,
the encounters are also split by month and time of day to model how
Winterwhite’s curse changes the land.
Roll encounters every watch. Until half-way through the second month, there are
two daytime watches and two nighttime watches. After that, as the darkness
gathers, there is only one daytime watch per four watches.
Some encounters inflict stat loss. A stat is any number on a character sheet—
health refers to any health stat. In a D&D-type game, the stats are Str, Dex, etc.,
while health is usually hp. One point of damage should suffice in most games that
do not have ready access to infinite healing. If you are using 5e, Longwinter
assumes gritty healing rules.
Days of Autumn
Before Winterwhite tightened her grip, autumn seemed normal. It was cold.
It rained. Sleet and leaves fell. Start your icebox here if you want a slow lead up
to winter. Use the standard map.
Encounters of Autumn
D00 Day Night
01 The Dragon, flying surreally (L20). The Dark Father, spirit of the First Baron (L15).
02 Older Thing, flesh machine, moaning (L10). UndeadTroll,drawnfromitsunquietrockyrest(L13).
03 Forest Spirit, gracefully patrolling (L8). Wild Spirit,looking for mad fools to possess (L11).
04 Woodland Wyrm, crawling for prey (L7). SkeletonThing,eyesafirewithcalcifiedpassion(L9).
05 Mountain Apes, playing games (L6). Night Wisps,flickering with the red of decay (L7).
06 Aurochs, browsing cooly (L5). Werewolves, prowling and hungry (L6).
07 Bears, stuffing themselves (L5). HeartOwl,lookingforsoulsandlovestosteal(L5).
08 Dire Lynx, stalking prey (L4). Dire Wolf, howling for hell (L4).
09 Wild Boars, digging nuts and roots (L3). Wolves, hunting fools (L3).
10 Deer, a herd nervously awaiting winter. LonelyDead,beggingtobenearlight,food,life(L2).
11 Gnome Monkeys, squirreling food (L2). GnomeMonkeys,engagedinbloodysacrifice(L2).
12 Mountain Goats, giving the evil eye (L1). Fairies, promising lies with mirror eyes (L1).
13 Wolffolk, shying from humans (L3). Foxes, laughing and bewitching.
14 Rabbits, multiplying. ScurryingRodents,fearfulandhungry.
15 Oldfolk, serfs slinking (L1). Changelings, singing like dogs in the night (L2).
16 Baronial, freesettlers working holdings (L1). Oldfolk separatists,pretending to be cultists (L1).
17 Outlander, craftsmen and tourists (L1). Wolffolk skin-takers, looking for skins (L3).
18 Baronial, official patroleurs keeping peace (L2). Baronial cultists, appeasing old gods (L1).
19 Cityfolk, merchants or specialists (L1). Baronial smugglers (L2).
20 Baronial, families, picking mushrooms. Baronial Dark Rangers (L3).
21–30 Interaction: roll 1d20 twice. Interaction: roll 1d20 twice.
31–40 Corpse: roll 1d10+10. Corpse: roll 1d10+10.
41–60 Traces: roll 1d20. Traces: roll 1d20.
61–70 Hunger: use food or lose 1d4 health. Dark: use lamp or lose 1 stat.
71–80 Terrain: use survival gear or lose 1 stat. Dark: use lamp or survival gear or lose 1 stat.
81–90 Heat: use water or lose 1d4 health. Cold: eat meal or lose 1d4 health.
91–95 Soothingrest:spend1d6hourstoregain1d6of 1stat. Soothingrest:spend1d6hourstoregain1d6of 1stat.
96 Wonderful spot: regain 1d6 of one stat. Wonderful spot: regain 1d6 of 1 stat.
97 Panorama: advantage to 1 mental check. Friendly spirits: temporary +1d4 to 1 mental stat.
98 Delicious berries: [+] to one physical check. Friendly bear: temporary +1d6 health.
99 Forgotten goods, barely used. Useful? Forgotten cache. A trove of supplies.
I needed this! A common item of the I really needed this! A common or rare item of
00 player's choice. the player's choice.
Days of Winter
As the winter descends on Brezim, the mule-roads begin to fight travellers and
the passes out are cut. Start the icebox here if you want to go straight to the
survival horror as the sun fails to be reborn at the winter solstice.
Encounters of Winter
D00 Day Night
White Giant, beard of rime,
01 The Dragon, flying nervously (L19). eyes of silver fire (L20).
02 A Giant, skin dead ice (L16). Frozen undead horde (L18).
03 Shaggy Bone Spirit, confused (L13). Crawling Glacier Wyrm (L16).
04 Ice Wyrm, stalking (L10). Winter Spirit, possessive (L14).
05 Great White Birds, cruel (L7). Skeleton Troll, dripping ice and acid (L12).
06 Desperate Snow Apes (L6). White Shadows, stealing breath (L10).
07 Hoary wired ghouls (L5). Skintaker Shamans, riding great beasts (L8).
08 Snow Vultures (L5). Werewolves, stealing the young (L6).
09 Ice-threaded Worms (L4). Dire Wolves, eyes aglow (L5).
10 Savage Boars, bloodthirsty (L4). Frigid oldsettler ghoul children (L3).
11 Dire Lynx, leaving (L4). Ice-stiff Salamanders (L2).
12 Savage Wolves (L3). Great White Bats (L1).
13 Ape-cat Hunters (L3). Two-legged Foxes, performing magic (L2).
14 Elk, rutting (L3). Sad Dead, splintering and decaying (L2).
15 Oldfolk, hunting (L2). Oldfolk, saboteurs (L3).
16 Oldfolk, rebels (L2). Oldfolk, runaways (L1).
17 Baronial, trappers (L2). Wolffolk, assassins (L4).
18 Wolffolk, spies (L4). Baronial, possessed cultists (L2).
19 Baronial, patroleurs (L2). Baronial smugglers (L2).
20 Baronial, vigilantes (L3). Baronial Dark Rangers (L4).
21–30 Interaction: roll 1d20 twice. Interaction: roll 1d20 twice.
31–40 Corpse: roll 1d10+10. Corpse: roll 1d10+10
41–60 Traces: roll 1d20. Traces: roll 1d20.
61–70 Hunger: use food or lose 1d4 health. Dark: use lamp or lose 1 stat.
71–80 Terrain: use survival gear or lose 1 stat. Dark: use lamp or survival gear or lose 1 stat.
81–90 Cold: eat meal or lose 1d4 health. Cold: eat meal or lose 1d4 health.
Soothing rest: spend 1d6 hours to regain Soothing rest: spend 1d6 hours to regain
91–95 1d8 of 1 stat. 1d8 of one stat.
96 Healing shrub: regain 1d6 of one stat. Healing shrub: regain 1d6 of one stat.
Frightened spirits whisper warnings:
97 Awesome vista: [+] to two mental checks. temporary +1d6 to one mental stat.
Frozen ‘meat’: advantage to two physical Frozen potion of the bear: restores 1d6
98 checks. health.
Frozen well-armed corpse. Ammunition
99 Beast-torn corpse clutching an heirloom. and survival equipment.
I needed this! A common item of the I really needed this! A common or rare item
player's choice. of the player's choice.
Unless Winterwhite is appeased, deep winter weather continues for the next
twelve months. Desperation mounts until the folk embrace the blue sleep. Or flee.
Random Items
Referee’s Book 45
Random Items
46 Longwinter
The Escape
48 Longwinter
This section concerns itself entirely with how to run a death march through a
frozen wasteland. It builds on the ideas hinted at in the previous chapters,
mentioning the wider calamity of a year without summer. It deals with getting
out of Brezim and the conditions prevalent in a frozen winter wasteland.
Its simplest use is as a resource for your maginuclear winter game, pillaging it for
encounters, NPCs and locations using a card deck to pick likely spots.
Alternatively, you can test your on-the-fly, seat-of-the-pants chops by using the
cards mechanic. It’s actually quite simple, but would really benefit from proper,
custom cards, so the players could actually see the titles and the pictures and use
those to make decisions about where they are going.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 49
Siras and siros attend the baron Soren Greencorner in the Rudvey fortress.
Attend, or hole up there? They have brought wagons and servants and militias.
They have requisitioned wood and oil, furs and silver. For security, for
Workers and peasants gather beer halls and village manors, faces grave as they
count their supplies and their duties, thoughts grim as they read the nobles’
Oldfolk swaddle themselves in furs and disappear into the deep woods, to die or
to plot. Some smile at the baronials’ discomfort, others look uneasy, a few talk of
the old demon, the death that comes with the cold sleep, the harsh measure of
“This is not normal,” everyone knows and does not have to say.
Confirm that they are correct. This is not normal. Now that they think about it,
the signs were there for a while. Everyone is asking themselves, “Who is
responsible? Why is this happening? Does it even matter? Is survival not the
priority now? How bad will it get?”
The Escape
50 Longwinter
Because the antagonist is impersonal, there isn’t a big boss to beat, there is no
expectation of a climactic confrontation, there is no emotion contained in the
antagonist, and there is nobody actively trying to thwart the heroes. The
antagonist simply is.
This means that as a referee, you can’t simply keep raising the stakes, introducing
new enemies, and developing a plot, because that makes the antagonist personal.
You also don’t have a villain to play, you cannot embody the winter to deliver a
scathing speech, to tug on heartstrings with a nuanced childhood story, or even
to deliver a lazy, “you haven’t seen the last of meeeee!”
Second, the emotion of the story. A survival story is about fear and hope, terror
and relief. Life and death are possible outcomes, but it is the emotions we play
with. Do not ask for characters’ emotions directly. Narratively, as referee, focus on
their sensations. Sight, sound, smell, temperature, pressure, wind, movement,
The Escape
Referee’s Book 51
acceleration. Focus on the physical, embodied sensations; on what and how the
characters’ bodies experience the winter. Give them clear, physical options, “You
are clinging to the slick, cold rock, but see no way further up. Do you drop back
down into the deep, pillowy snow, or try to jump across to the opposite face of the
crack? If you fail the jump, you will hit the hard, sharp rock and tumble down,
banging knees and elbows.” Ask them if their character’s heart is racing, if their
palms are sweaty, if there is a knot in their belly, if their muscles are burning, if
their knees hurt. Ask them how their character reacts to a blow, to a fall.
As supplies run low, as the cold draws in, as injuries accumulate, the emotion
will follow.
This is, of course, something to discuss with players. If they insist on keeping
their supernatural superpowers, ask them to narrate a fictional reason why they
are suspending them for this adventure, or suggest they create a different
character to use for this adventure instead.
Honestly, an entire party of characters who can fly or teleport or ignore extreme
cold will make this survival adventure pretty useless.
From here on out, I assume that the heroes your players are using may surpass
peak human physical aptitude, yet are not the equal of a superhero.
The Escape
52 Longwinter
Get a deck of ordinary playing cards, the ones with hearts and diamonds, clubs
and spades. These will generate the narrative framework of the survival
adventure. Show them to the players and explain this mechanic to them, so they
understand this adventure and how it works.
In every case, lower numbers are less challenging, higher numbers are more
challenging. Aces are mixed, offering great opportunities and great risks. Jokers
are random.
To escape and “win” the players have to collect a set of cards: three of a kind (e.g.,
three kings) or four in a row (e.g., 2,3,4, and 5 of diamonds); or deplete all the
location cards (not very likely). The higher value their set, the better their escape
result (three queens give a better result than three sixes). Not all the player
characters have to survive for this to happen!
Generate and play the adventure using watches (6 hour periods, 4 to each day)
and actions. Each watch a different player chooses the group’s action. Some
actions may spend additional watches. Track cold, weather, events, and
encounters using the Longwinter calendar as normal.
Play starts with all the cards in the deck. During play, cards will be placed into
three additional areas: the discard pile, the misfortune pile, and the players’ card
collection. If at any time there are not enough cards in the deck to draw from,
shuffle the discard pile and add it to the bottom of the deck.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 53
Player Actions
Travel: this is the basic action required to win the game. The player deals three
cards from the deck onto the table. River and Forest cards (hearts and clubs) cost
one additional watch. Mountain and icefield cards (spades and diamonds) cost
two additional watches. The player chooses where the group will travel and
marks that card. The referee then generates the challenge with the remaining
card on the left, and the character(s) encountered with the remaining card on the
right. Both of these cards are then added to the discard pile.
The referee next resolves challenges, weather, events, and encounters for that leg
of the journey. When at least one member of the group overcomes the challenges
and reaches the location, that card is added to the players’ card collection.
Rest: this is how the player characters recover health and heat. It requires
shelter from the weather. The player then draws a card from the deck and places
it face-up on the misfortune pile (if there isn’t a misfortune pile yet, this creates
a new one).
Build Shelter: if no shelter is available, it takes one watch to scout out a suitable
location and reinforce it with snow and branches to provide a place to rest. The
player then draws a card from the deck and places it on the misfortune pile, as
with the rest action.
The referee then shuffles the whole misfortune pile and adds it to the bottom of
the deck.
The Escape
54 Longwinter
† forests and brush † resource challenges † natural characters †
The Escape
Referee’s Book 55
♣1 Abandoned Lookout
The mule-road snakes along the rugged mountain flank. Dark fir forests rise
above, cliffs and tumbled rocks collapse into torrents below. A blackened bunker
complex dusted in snow keeps dead-eyed watch atop an outcrop. The road
continues through a tunnel carved beneath.
� Spilled Grain
The sack did its best to hold the grain in, but step after weary step, another few
grains tumbled down. Now, after a watch’s walking, the sack is empty.
� Cautious Patrol
Two baronial soldiers in padded greatcoats, armed with walking spears and
Redyard leadspitters. Both are also decked with holy stones of the Three Avatars.
The Escape
56 Longwinter
♣2 Old Hamlet
Feral orchards choke the old hamlet. Collapsed Oldsettler homes now resemble
burial mounds under the snow. A few Baronial-style log cabins have been built
among the gap-toothed megaliths of an old sacred circle. Nobody is home.
† Moderate cooking test to make unpalatable meals from the spoiled food.
† Difficult medicine test to make antibiotic paste from one of the moulds.
� Inquisitor
A silent masked figure in red and white furs. Their skis are nearly as sharp as the
knife at their belt. Their long rifle is an ancient, intricately scoped Zuleiman. Looped
around one wrist, they wear an inquisition rosary.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 57
♣3 Isolated Facility
Black pines choke the dale and creep up the hillsides, reclaiming oldsettler
pastures and rude shielings on the lower fells. Rusted barbed wire tangled with
blackberry brambles creates a wall around a series of log cabins built over the
ruins of an Architect facility.
� Frozen Water
With a loud pop, like a gun misfiring, a water bottle’s side bursts open. All the
water has turned to ice.
† It will take fire or a watch carrying it close to the body to melt it again.
� Licensed Explorers
Four figures draped in ropes and exploration gear. They have a Whiteeyes
Institute license for a bunker on the Dimnaya. Carefully concealed, they carry
baronial Redyard revolvers.
The Escape
58 Longwinter
♣4 Alpine Rainforest
Buttresses of limestone rise along the steep slope of the mountain, funnelling
humid air into the constricted valley. Great firs and spruces challenge the hills for
height. Vines and beard lichens deck the trees. Mists roll among the dark trunks.
� Sole-Less
Glue and gum have become brittle in the cold, and after a particularly rough
descent, the soles of several shoes start flapping.
� City Slicker
A stumbling man in a heavy parka and bespoke city shoes is making for the valley.
His marten fur cap smells strongly of pomade. Despite the stubble on his cheeks,
his curled moustaches still follow the last Eastern City fashions. He keeps
mumbling about a hotel in Pey Holzey. His watch is a jewelled TPK Scheephouse
with seven complications.
† Obol Fastfoot.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 59
♣5 Twisted Krummholz
The violent winds along the long slope gnarl the red pines into crawling dwarfs.
Layer upon layer of ancient wood creates a tangled maze of trees barely as tall
as a shepherd. As the snow grows thicker, it covers the krummholz in a
treacherous blanket.
� Tinderless
Only damp coal and a foul odour remain of the kindling. The box of matches is
nearly empty. The lighter is nearly dry.
� Wolffolk Scout
A slender oldsettler man in light white furs and white cloak, carrying a recurved
bow of bone, sinew, and old architect spring steel. He does not feel the cold, and
his pupils are feral. When he runs, his feet do not sink into the snow. Wolves and
dogs love him.
The Escape
60 Longwinter
♣6 Black Forest
Dense woods of witch spruce cover the slopes and highlands like an
impenetrable blanket. They block sun and moon, wind and snow. A carpet of dry,
sour needles muffles all sound below.
� Frayed Rope
The wet, the ice, the rock, all have taken their toll. The fibres of the ropes are
frayed and worn.
� Dead Skinwalker
A bulky oldsettler swathed in tattered furs. Their face is covered in a skin
mask. One cold white eye looks out. A chill walks with them. They are polite to
outlanders, but coldly mock baronials. “Ah, your greed, you crossed the blue-
mouthed lady. You will see her revenge. She will eat you cold.”
The Escape
Referee’s Book 61
♣7 Mass Gravesite
Lumpen bearded oaks and silver-needled spruces are reclaiming this plateau.
Dense brambles and stands of staff-grass choke sinkholes filled with shattered
limestone. Oldsettler wicker wheels and tin triangles mark small dolmens built
discreetly by the corpse-filled sinkholes.
� Wet Powder
Snow falling from the trees gets into the ammunition. Arrows warp, bullets
freeze together, and the powder is damp.
The Escape
62 Longwinter
♣8 Sacred Grove
A marshland of juniper and grassy hummocks covers the gentle hill-top
depression. Mossy mounds mark ancient earthworks. Sixty blood cedars
arranged in five circles form the sacred grove. The bark is marked with angular
Oldsettler runes.
� Torn It Seems
Stumbling through brambles, down gravel slopes, and past broken shreds of
barbed wire, tears gape in parkas and pants.
� Wolfmother
A slender red wolf with hazel eyes. She walks at a distance and watches, carefully.
Her wolffolk family is curious how the baronial newsettlers will deal with this
calamity. Within her belly, she carries an old architect dagger that can sing at
strange frequencies and cut the hardest rock. When she needs it, her paw
becomes a ghostly human hand that reaches right into her own body and
withdraws the blade.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 63
♣9 Willow Swamp
A forest of bent and broken willows lies beneath the snow. Ice and desiccated
cane reeds crunch underfoot. Mulchy ridges and ditches alternate. Deep pools
hide beneath surprisingly thin skins of ice.
� Blunted
Crampons, ice axes, and picks are blunted and pitted from traversing ice and rock.
Disadvantage to climbing checks and damage with these tools and weapons.
� Good Boy
A wheezing boy in fine greatcoat out looking for help for his nanny who has come
down sick. He has a respiratory condition. His cheeks are rosy and he is well-fed.
In his chalet, the nanny is in the last stages of starvation. The larder is well
stocked with meat and frozen stew. The corpses of the butler and the footman
have been neatly butchered, wrapped in canvas bags, and stored in the ice cellar.
The Escape
64 Longwinter
� Spilled Fuel
Perhaps it was the last tumble down the gully, among the ice boulders and
broken trunks. The oil cans have punctured and soaked through the packs. The
coal bin has spilled. The bundle of wood has come loose.
� Political Prisoner
Two figures. A bulky city officer packing a Fifthface revolver and a weedy
aristocrat in a fur-lined parka. The officer agrees: the witness needs to stay alive.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 65
♣J Stormstruck Linden
Boulders piled with turf and loam glisten through the snow. They shoulder aside
smaller trees and create a clearing around a mighty linden. Six woodsfolk could
not encompass it with outstretched arms. Its trunk is marred by a great lightning
scar. Its long branches have been broken by ice. A wooden womb opens within.
� Crunch
Everything was packed so carefully, but packs shift during travel. Falling back
onto the pack, a sickening crunch resounds. Something fragile, complicated, and
irreplaceable has broken.
� The Filmmaker
A bedraggled figure with cases of crystal-film. It records snow apes using tools to
excavate an Old Architect vault.
The Escape
66 Longwinter
♣Q Wolffolk Forest
Spruce and pine and oak crowd close. Their branches obscure the sky, their roots
obscure the ground. Bronze spikes remain where the Wolffolk sacrificed to the
Devil’s Grandfather and the Earthbeater.
� Bad Medicine
You open the first aid pack. It’s full of rags, but no medicines. Somebody ripped
you off.
† Referee saves this challenge and plays it the next time medicines are used.
� Orderlies
Three brothers in matching winter uniforms, patched and mended. Wide-eyed,
teeth chattering. They talk of ice ghoul worms awakening the dead. Their axes
are notched. Their rifles are short on ammunition. They were orderlies at the
Painted Tree spa.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 67
♣K Needletooth Trees
Worms of ice crawl up from the ground. They embrace the trees. Leaves become
diaphanous frosted wisps. Needles become sharp and hard as crystal teeth.
With every breath of wind, the forest rattles and wheezes with the laughter of
dead shamans.
� Machine Dies
Engines seize, ice fractures clockwork, rust destroys firing pins. A machine
breaks down.
� Secret Cultist
Baronial official, growing gaunt under voluminous winter coat. Dragging books,
compass, telescope, and chalk. Befuddled and confused. Hears a deep, promising
voice, “she has kept her bargain.”
† Maya Ogrerider.
The Escape
68 Longwinter
♥ Rivers
† valley bottoms † water † social challenges † sometimes, helpful characters †
The Escape
Referee’s Book 69
♥1 Frozen Waterfall
The valley closes in from all sides. Towering buttresses and walls of slick blue-
black flysch heavy with dead weeds and ominous icicles frame the pale sky. At
the very end, mounds of ice pile up at the bottom of what was a waterfall but is
now a crazily shattered ice cliff.
† The location is safe on three sides and advantages defenders, but leaves
no easy retreats.
† It is sheltered from the wind.
� Hubris
This will be easy. Easier than you know. Hardly an inconvenience.
� Proof of Horror
A skeletal man comes stumbling out of the woods in a bear-fur cloak much too
big for him. Ice dusts his unkempt beard. There is fear in his eyes. He carries
sheaves of lumographs depicting oldsettler corpses, their bones knitted together
with sinews of ice and muscles of cold clay, crawling out of a lichpit.
The Escape
70 Longwinter
♥2 Hoar-Decked Gorge
Past the mountain’s shoulder, the slope becomes steep and nigh impassable. The
path stumbles, carving through steps made for giants of earlier times, into the
gorge. There it worms forward, inching through tunnels and carven galleries.
Water rushes below, the sky is lost beyond the overhanging rocks and hoar frost.
� Desperation
A terrified old man, Yivo Fivecorner, is walking in circles. Tracks lead to a small
holdfast hidden in a gorge. “They’ve thrown me out!” he weeps, “they say they
don’t have enough, but I know they do! I helped lay those stores, I know they
have enough!”
Eleven baronials, five adults and six children, are hidden in the holdfast of
Drisley. There used to be twenty, but together they decided there were only
enough supplies for half of them. The old and sick chose the deep sleep. Yivo
changed his mind and fled back, begging to be let back in. They did not let him in,
and he has become convinced in his fear of death, that it was all a plot.
There are fifty sacks of food at the holdfast. Enough for the remainder to barely
survive the longest winter in living memory, no matter how harsh. Too bad the
winter will last a whole year instead of just one season.
� Hungry Hunter
A muscular woman, swaddled in a downy parka, squats in a dugout snow
shelter. She is trying to grill a rabbit on a weak fire. She is oblivious with hunger.
† Zuzana Brokenspear.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 71
♥3 Hot Spring
An intrusive igneous rock rises from the slope like the prow of a landship. The
path makes a looping detour past this mass, obscuring the way beyond. A
steaming hot rivulet forces its way out, burbling from beneath the rock, carving
through sand and snow to join the ice-covered river downslope. A small bridge
crosses the rivulet.
� Mother’s Mercy
A weeping figure struggles along the gritty snow. They drag a flimsy sled, laden
with bundles. She is Iva Redend and the bundles are her two frozen children.
They died in a cold snap one night. One of the children is missing a leg. Her
husband was killed by the wolffolk that raided her hamlet. She has no food left,
but she still has five flasks of lamp oil and three survival supplies.
The Escape
72 Longwinter
♥4 Choked Sandbar
The river braids itself into steaming streams around an ice-rimmed sandbar. The
sandbar is thick with reeds and shrubs matted beneath snow and ice. Up-stream
and down the river collects itself, a swift and deep barrier to crossing once again.
Icy fog curls among the bearded thickets crowding the pebbled banks of the river.
� Trapped Travellers
Two terrified travellers approach, gesturing that they are peaceful. Harson
Longflanks and Brita Builderschild praise Greencorner and beg your help. While
gathering supplies, their sled fell into a crevasse, trapping their friend Orso
Flamemane within. Without help, Orso will die.
† It will take a watch to help them, and this watch’s journey is lost.
† They have 3 sacks of supplies and give 1 for assistance.
� Doctor Sawbones
A bedraggled doctor and a dead man with an amputated leg. The doctor is tired and
very hungry. She has a hidden revolver.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 73
♥5 Ice-Ringed Pool
A natural rock dam compounded by the efforts of generations of beavers creates
a large pool. The path around is treacherous, climbing among boulders and
stunted pines. The ice covering the pool is thin and fragile in the centre. Trout
and carp have congregated here, safe beneath the ice.
� House-Clan in Hiding
A one-eyed leit dragging a sled piled with supplies. She has a Kaiserlich
shotgun with a pearl stock. Her house-clan is excavating an Old Architect
† Duwin Redwater.
The Escape
74 Longwinter
♥6 Spiritual Confluence
The path descends into a frozen marsh. Ahead rise the eroded remains of a
moraine carved in half by the outflow of the waters. A deathly cold smaller
stream joins the main river at a confluence marked by sand and gravel beds.
Grotesque, geometric wooden totems rise from the beds and the waters,
watching over this place.
� Sick Oldsettlers
Wicker and snow huts huddle beneath an overhang. Large icicles form a feeble
barricade. They are fleeing Winterwhite, too, but they are sick with dysentery
and infectious. Without care, there is a 50% chance any one of them might die.
With care, they will all survive and recover within 1d6+4 days. They have two full
sacks of food.
Voz Lindling is old and suspicious, they remember the stories of the first
baronials. Kol Oakling is pregnant and determined, her will is indomitable. Arz
Buckling is young and reckless. Without guidance, he will do something foolish.
� Amateur Researcher
A young man on skis and wearing a very warm winter suit. The goggles on his
winter-mask keep fogging because of a defective air filter. He carries a couple of
volumes of research notes on winter corpses. He has the keys to a small chalet
around his neck. His hand cannon is the latest Zuleiman model.
† Viktor Bluntstone.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 75
♥7 Abandoned Mill
A low dam of ice-slick boulders and gravel traverses the river, creating a
shallow lake. The empty-eyed bulk of a fortified mill stands at the water’s edge.
The disconnected mill wheel spins lazily. Poles stick out of the rude dam to
help travellers.
† Hard charisma test for the leader, or a new leader is chosen and this
watch’s journey is lost.
† From now on the old leader makes charisma tests with disadvantage,
their confidence shattered.
� Vengeful Descendant
An oldsettler woman dressed in an inquisition greatcoat. Her iron hair is bound
with snow ape bone buckles. She carries a long Ironbaron rifle and a notched
pole-shovel. Her eyes are haunted, her mouth is set hard.
† Runa Vicaria.
The Escape
76 Longwinter
♥8 Snowy Floodplain
The valley broadens and fills out. Alluvial terraces bracket a field of mud, water,
and ice. A thick blanket of snow covers this treacherous terrain. The plain is
studded with clumps of dead canary grass and snow-bound swamp willows. The
tracks of wild animals and other things traverse the expanse.
† Easy test or refuse to travel when the cloak of Moon’s Inkbrother is upon
the land.
† If cajoled into travelling at night, a fearful character is disadvantaged.
� Opportunistic Rebels
Three oldsettler youths in fur caps and heavy coats dragging a dead buck on a
sled. One of them was wounded by a baronial police pistol. Their accents are
heavy. None of them is wearing a citizenship tablet around their neck.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 77
♥9 Icy Cascades
The valley rises steeply across a series of stone ribs. The waters have carved a
series of bowls and channels. Floods have left massive boulders piled with
broken trees. Slippery round shells of ice now cover everything.
† The strongest and the weakest in the group make moderate tests.
† If the weakest fails, they want to be left behind.
† If the strongest fails, they want to leave the laggards behind.
� A Rightmaker
A rider on a shaggy mountain pony, dressed in thick white snow ape furs. Their
necklace of snow ape tusks has a three-stone pendant of the Avatars. A cavalry
sabre hangs by their side, and they casually grip a Kaiserlich carbine. They have
two boxes of holy Earthbeater shot. Their baronial has a heavy Bridge accent.
† Zalo Cityson.
The Escape
78 Longwinter
� Cabin Fever
There is nobody else. The world stretches. Vast. Empty. Everybody else must already
be dead. Locked in ice. Are these sorry fools truly the last this world can offer?
� Bunker Seeker
A striding, long-limbed figure, swaddled in linens and leathers under a wolf-fur
cloak. Their walking staff is tipped with battered steel. They keep consulting an
old architect compass. It leads to a deep bunker. Under their furs, they have an
old Zuleiman carbine.
† Roy Sevenmonth.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 79
♥J Breached Dam
The sweeping curves of an ancient dam embrace the valley like the wings of a
great white eagle. The heart of that curve is breached by an ancient gash. The
oldstone of the dam is worn smooth by erosion. Ice coats the boulders of the
alluvial fan. River willows and the woody skeletons of sunroots cluster about
the dam.
† The enclosed location and vegetation advantage those who want to hide.
† The dam blocks wind, providing relief.
† Moderate test or begin hoarding and stealing food from the group.
† If there is no food, perhaps it is time to sacrifice the weakest?
� Oldfolk Guides
Two young women hunters in sturdy parkas with long rifles and knives. They are
tracking a snow lion that has been plaguing their hamlet. Their faces are marked
with baronial tattoos marking criminal oldsettlers. Their bodies are covered in
Green Sun tattoos. Their teeth are unusually sharp.
The Escape
80 Longwinter
� Dark Despair
The sun is waning. The Suncatcher is wrapping it. Winterwhite has enlisted the
Amimami, the Eater of Virility. She has bribed the Green Sun to stay away. This
ice will never end. Best to end it all, to embrace the long sleep now, before the
Eaters come.
† Easy test or lose all aura and charisma points, and decide to give up.
When a character is healed, they recover the will to continue.
† A character without aura or charisma has to be led by rope or hand and
has no volition.
� Finer People
An old woman and two bulky young men. Two ponies pull a sleigh with supplies
among which the old woman is nestled. The men wear baronial military parkas,
the woman wears sable fur. They are leaving their chalet for the hot springs of
The Escape
Referee’s Book 81
♥K Subterranean Spring
The valley ends in a dizzying cliff. Mosses grow thick on the undersides of sharp
boulders. Cold mist fills the air. Paths reduce to chiseled toe-holds. The river
emerges from a square-sided crevasse at the foot of the cliff.
† Middling test or flee the party and the Angelhunt’s bone-smashing kiss.
� Final Services
A sinewy oldsettler man on skis pulling a corpse on a sled. The corpse was Runo
Whitetower, his coat is stuffed with legal documents, bonds, and deeds to his
holdings in Ta Krasney. The oldsettler is taking his dead master to the family
crypt in Rudvey.
The Escape
82 Longwinter
† mountains † slopes † physical challenges † dangerous characters †
The Escape
Referee’s Book 83
♠1 Precarious Ridge
The shoulder of the mountain rises and narrows until it suddenly falls away. On
one side, a cliff plummets to the valley below. On the other, a smooth expanse of
frozen snow plummets like a flight of doves into a dark, ice-bearded forest. Ahead
the ridge is sharp as a knife, the blown snow and ice overhanging the cliff.
� Exposed Traverse
A knife-edge ridge connects two mountains. Gusts blow shards of ice across the
lip. It is a dangerous crossing, a fall would be deadly.
† Difficult agility test to cross and set a guide rope. Secure the first climber,
† Alternatively, lose a watch going around.
The Escape
84 Longwinter
♠2 Sky-piercing Pinnacle
The roof of the sky stretches limitless above. The mountains and valleys open
around. Snowfields, cliffs, and ridges surround the pinnacle, their patterns
laid bare.
� Ice Wall
Climbing across the slick, slippery surface is slow and dangerous going. A fall
would be disastrous.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 85
♠3 Shattered Crater
The top of the mountain is a bowl of fractured rock splinters. Many of the
splinters are black and glassy, testament to a recent explosion. The bottom of the
bowl is flooded with snow and ice. A frozen pool lies beneath.
� Two Skintakers
Two peasants with luminous complexions, wearing light parkas. Their
snowshoes are light but strong. They carry heavy bundles of kindling, pitch,
torches, fuel, and rags. Their eyes glow with warmth. One has a bundled fox pelt,
the other an eagle skin.
The Escape
86 Longwinter
♠4 Narrow Chimney
A narrow crack zig-zags up the mountain, splitting one flank from the other. It is
dark and irregular, protected from wind and snow by overhanging rocks and
lodged boulders.
� Gruelling Avalanche
Trees and rocks and ice fill the valley like a plug. Each slow step drags.
� Baron’s Cousin
Woman in winter armour on skis, with two sabres and a filigreed Ironbaron
hunting rifle. Blood marks on her cheeks call Fourface to watch her way and
guard her on her diplomatic mission.
† Ivana Tealcorner.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 87
♠5 Overhanging Cliff
The hulking cliff cuts the world in half. It is pitted with rusted bolts. Within its
hard granite, the ancients have excavated small cells.
† Climbers and anyone at the bottom of the cliff are severely disadvantaged.
† The cliff is extremely exposed to wind.
� Militia Massacre
Three baronials in heavy furs, flying a village militia flag. They are dragging a sled
loaded with lamp oil and supplies. One is injured—an ice ghoul bite. They are
suspicious of outsiders.
The Escape
88 Longwinter
♠6 Deep Couloir
A clean-scraped gully ascends steeply up the flank of the mountain. Snow and
boulders accumulate at the bottom. Avalanches are common after snowfalls.
� Freedom Fighters
Four oldfolk in looted armour, flying a freedom flag. They are dragging a sled
loaded with lard, butter, and ammunition. One is injured—a sabre cut. They
carry dented Zuleimans.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 89
♠7 Sweeping Plateau
A broad flat plain of hard limestone dotted with lonely granite megaliths forms
the top of the mountain. Harsh winds clear snow and dirt away. Spectacular ice
forms grow in the lees of the megaliths.
† Dey Mugay.
The Escape
90 Longwinter
♠8 Cave-Riddled
A ring driven clean through the curtain of the mountain’s shoulder greets
visitors. Further down-slope the cracked rock of the formation is eaten away by
spiral caves and splintered chambers.
� Spraying Waterfall
This mass of water is too large to freeze. It sends spray and mist across the path.
Crossing, you will get wet.
† Moderate agility test to traverse with oiled cloths and umbrellas without
getting soaked.
† Alternatively, a watch to detour lower down the valley.
† Runa Wreya.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 91
♠9 Scree Slope
The long open slope mixes fallen rocks, chunks of ice, and snow. Rockslides and
avalanches regularly scour the slope. Careful travellers can traverse
surprisingly quickly.
� Terrifying Gales
Tearing the trees, scouring snowy slopes, Northwind’s spawn bear the curse of
† Moderate agility test to not fall in the gale, easy strength test to hold onto
carried objects.
† Alternatively, wait a watch under cover until the wind abates.
� Proof of Possession
A short man, broad, carrying a clockwork automaton of ancient make strapped
to his back. He fingers his Kaiserlich carbine nervously. “At the Institute. We had
papers. I have to get it back.” The automaton repeats phrases and sometimes
makes rude gestures with its six-fingered appendages.
The Escape
92 Longwinter
� Blinding Fog
Suncatcher’s offering to Winterwhite creeps from the crevasses, billows off the
rivers, rises from the wet snow, shrouding the world in white. Visibility becomes
non-existent, the world fades to white.
† Difficult thought test to avoid getting lost (draw a new challenge and lose
one random card from the players’ card collection).
† Alternatively, wait 1d4 watches for the fog to lift.
� Two Strangers
Two figures, one tall, one wide. The taller wears a turban under its parka. Tattoos
of Fourface and the Three Avatars adorn their skins. The taller has a bone needle,
the shorter has an Ironbaron shotgun and brace of axes. “We’re safe so long as we
carry word to Waterdrinker,” they hope.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 93
♠J Unstable Boulder
A spectacular boulder forgotten by its glacier rests at the lip of a cliff. Paths wind
around and under it. Hundreds of simple pebble stupas disappear beneath the
gathering snow.
� Freezing Rain
Rain falls like the cruel tears of the Devil’s Grandfather, freezing as soon as it hits
ground or branch or hand. Soon tree branches and snapping and falling with the
weight of the ice.
� Monkey Gnome
A tiny figure, swaddled in furs, with the face of a shrivelled old person. Its smile
reveals large canines and a nest of tentacles instead of a tongue. “I’ve seen the
Devil’s Beggars, I have,” chuckles the Monkey Gnome.
The Escape
94 Longwinter
♠Q Howling Saddle
Two fang-peaked mountains meet in a pass worn smooth by the natural wind
funnel. The uplift has left striated bands of rock twisted like salted worms. Hewn
steps and rusted pitons mark the way.
� Smuggling Supplies
Three bulky figures, packing heavy Kaiserlich pistols and whipping a tired horse
dragging a sleigh. The sleigh is full of salt and oil. Smugglers. “We’ve no business
with you, you’ve no business with us. Leave and everyone gets along.”
The Escape
Referee’s Book 95
♠K Chiseled Stairs
A staircase switchblades up cliff and couloir to cross the mountain range. Ancient
galleries and tunnels with mysterious eroded bas reliefs make passage easier.
Panoramic platforms thick with drifted snow surprise travellers.
� Winterwhite’s Breath
The silence rings like a clear bell. Nothing moves. Like gunshots, sap-filled trees
explode. Birds on the wing fall to the ground. The chill comes, hard and more
brutal than anything yet experienced.
† Stella Slingstringer.
The Escape
96 Longwinter
† locations on the high ice † supernatural challenges † terrifying characters †
The Escape
Referee’s Book 97
♦1 Powder Dunes
The relentless wind has scoured the high meadow of snow, piling the powder up
in drifts taller than a house. Frozen snow and ice gravel hide the rocks and grass.
Light scatters in floating chips of ice. Dry escarpments pen the snow dunes.
† Anyone moving across the dunes is immediately visible, travel over the
powder drifts is difficult.
† The wind is exceptionally harsh on the snow.
� Firestarters
Five baronials in fur and armour. Greased. Silent. Hooded. They carry rope and
pitch and Kaiserlich carbines and fire starters. “Have you seen any of those
savages? They brought this upon us, with their wicked demons. We’re bringing
them some justice in return.”
The Escape
98 Longwinter
♦2 Deep Snowfield
Trees, boulders, and houses, everything is swallowed in a silent blanket of heavy
snow. The landscape is alien, silent, and white. Digging down, more snow. As
sunlight strikes the snow, it becomes soft and clinging, when night returns it
freezes to a crust.
� Ice Troll
A giant figure, three meters tall, swathed in fur and painted robes. A troll of
Winterwhite, its blood is leeching acid, its breath is soul-stealing frost. Upon its
back, a sacrifice to Winterwhite squirms weakly. “The hamlet has paid, this child
will spare them for this month.”
The Escape
Referee’s Book 99
♦3 Mirror of Ice
The heavy layer of snow has melted and frozen so many times that the surface is
now a slippery mirror of ice. Piles of frozen snow and lonely broken trees break
the surface. Breaking the icy surface or building
� Mother Ghoul
A ragged figure, swathed in torn canvas, missing an arm. Its flesh is blue. Ice
worms squirm within its wounds, animating it. It is searching for its children,
“They ran away, with the sleigh, with the light, without me. They can’t leave me
like this!”
† Manya Oldschild.
The Escape
100 Longwinter
♦4 Sculptures of Rime
The forest flash-froze in a blizzard. Beards and streaks of ice deck every leaf and
branch. Flowers of ice grow upon the corpses of small creatures caught outside.
Every step sets off a tinkling, jangling orchestra as delicate ice crystals explode.
� Oldfolk Soldiers
Three winter soldiers on a sled, armed to the teeth. Their furs are leached white,
their faces tattooed with the old animals, from before the Purification. “Have you
seen where those invaders are hiding? We’ll smoke them out, the thieves of our
land, the killers of our forebears.”
The Escape
Referee’s Book 101
♦5 Frozen Slope
The north-facing slope deceives the eye. A smooth, sharp expanse of frozen snow
draped over the mountain like a table cloth. Making an impression in the snow
is difficult. A single misstep and a walker will accelerate into the cliff-ringed
valley below.
The Escape
102 Longwinter
♦6 Rotten Snow
The south-facing valley is swaddled in pock-marked snow. Meltwater glistens
and scars open up in the rotten snow. Every step the snow threatens to give way,
swallowing the walker to their waist. Loud noises or explosions could easily
trigger an avalanche.
� Riddle of Worms
A wood henge hung in hoar and ice tops an eroded kurgan. Glistening icy cocoons
hang heavy on the henge, pregnant with ice ghoul worms. When the worms
emerge, they will dig deep into the kurgan, awakening the bones of the century-
dead oldfolk, and perhaps even some of the far older bonethrone centaurs from
the time of the hungry khan. The ice ghouls melt into clumps of bone and rotted
flesh when the temperature is above freezing.
� Sacrificial Party
Seven bent figures, their furs spattered with blood. All are weeping. They do not
feel very cold. “We paid our price twice over. Perhaps Winterwhite will spare us
The Escape
Referee’s Book 103
♦7 Ice Bridge
Two slopes nearly touch above a deep blue gorge. Several chunks of ice cemented
with snow form a natural bridge across the gap. The snow on either side is well-
trodden and icy. Four megaliths stand askew, streaked with ice and snow. The
capstone lies nearby, cracked in the fall.
† Speaker-to-Northwind, It-that-hides-pain.
The Escape
104 Longwinter
♦8 Avalanche
The valley is filled with a plug of ice gravel, churned snow, boulders, shattered
trees, and probably bodies. The slopes above are swept clean by the avalanche’s
passage. Icy scarps, bare rock, and tree stumps remain exposed.
� Necrodancer’s Ritual
Upon a barrow three wizened and tattooed oldfolk, stripped naked and glowing
red in the snow, dance the massacred women and children of the May Tornay
tribe awake from their graves. Iceworms elongate and thread the bones,
becoming cold nerves for the dead, while frozen clay flows to become cold
sinewy flesh. The risen dead caw like the Winterbird and thirst for outlander
flesh, keen to avenge their deaths.
� Rag Children
Four ragged children, flesh turned blue, wounds stitched with icy silk, eyes
empty and white. Ice ghouls, animated by Hollowfear. “Mother gave us to
Winterwhite, what will you give to Winterwhite?”
The Escape
Referee’s Book 105
♦9 Ice Cave
The face of the mammoth glacier looms above. A wall of slowly advancing ice.
Rills carve through the snow before it, where the water from a warm
subterranean spring forces its way from beneath the ice. Ice caves riddle the
underbelly of the glacier, offering passage to clearer terrain beyond.
As the circle draws tighter, those within find it harder and harder to avoid the red
mist (the aura tests grow harder and harder every hour). Anything that dies
within the circle rises again as a hoar ghoul (one level stronger than it was in life).
� Dead Hero
A hero in fine Western City armour. Skin cold and blue. “Come now, give a body,
awaken the sleepers.”
† Odilo Kolgarschild.
The Escape
106 Longwinter
Following the edge of the crevasse leads to more icefields. On the next travel
action, the players must pick an icefield (diamond card).
If they do not pick an icefield, they have not yet reached the edge of the crevasse.
The referee puts a random challenge and character into play, but the players do
not get a travel card. The next travel action proceeds as normal.
� Possessed Prophet
A man, stumbling, half-crippled with pain, burning with fever. One eye glows
bright, the other tears with panic. “I have come! I am the prophet of fire! I have
returned from the vault of purification!” He is quite mad.
† May Qizey.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 107
♦J Staircase of Ice
A cascade of ice blocks the size of houses tumbles from the overflowing corrie.
The blocks form a titanic staircase damming the valley and ascending the
mountain flanks. A lake thick with floating ice is forming behind this fresh plug
in the valley.
† Moderate endurance test to cross the magical cold trail without suffering
a point of hurt (or fatigue).
† Alternatively, spend a watch waiting for it to dissipate or finding a path
around it.
� Traveller in Time
A scrawny young thing in heavy robes with a bloody sword of ancient make. Its
blade glistens like opal, and when it shimmers, it hews through stone. Upon his
shoulder rests a white bird with blood-red eyes. “This was never about you. Go
along now.”
† Carl Foundling.
The Escape
108 Longwinter
♦Q Grand Glacier
As far as the eye can see, all is white and blue. Black knives of sharpened rock
peek above the ice at the edges of the glacier. The ice is covered in layers of snow
that hide crevasses and pits. Downslope the ice stretches and breaks apart as
begins to slide into the settled valley below.
† Elvir Dustheart.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 109
† Difficult aura test to silence the quaking fear and awareness that draws
the angelhunt.
† Alternatively, alcohol and stupefaction also work, but at a cost of 1d4-1
† Nix Zeykey.
The Escape
110 Longwinter
🃏 Iron Teeth
In shadows, at the edge of sight, the ghostly blue light warns the traveller that
they are entering a Purification Zone. Iron teeth jut from the ground, pitted and
worn, still giving off the warning warmth of the glowdeath. A hellish vault, older
than history, must be nearby. Worm-like tunnels offer a shortcut from this place.
� Mists of Confusion
Cool, rainbow mists descend from the sky like curtains of hazy light. They douse
the glowdeath and the world. It is as if gods peer in through the luminous worm-
tunnels from another side.
† Embrace the confusing mists. Lose 1 watch, suffer 1 hurt. Draw a random
location card to replace an existing one. The travellers find themselves
there, barely remembering the hallucinatory journey they undertook.
† Moderate test. Run swiftly from the hazy mists. Avoid the winter madness.
Recover 1 hurt.
The Escape
Referee’s Book 111
🃟 Moonlit Dream
The moon shines through a sudden fracture in the heavy-clouded sky. Its beams
dance bright across a great net, in its middle a jewelled spider. Miss Netmaker’s
blessing for the brave.
† Easy test to snatch the spider. The spider lets the party overcome one
challenge or enlist the help of one character without effort. If the hero
fails their test, they suffer 3 hurt.
� Fourface’s Tangle
Great trees and stones grown together, bent beneath a weight of snow, create an
unusual hall. Its walls are ice and wood, while within a great solemn shield of
bronze and bone serves as an altar to the Three Avatars under the
Worldwatcher’s Four Faces.
� Mother Mercy
A werewolf, shaggy and tall, loping quietly through the mist. It is decked with
bandoliers and holds a Zuleiman shotgun in a firm, professional grip. Its eyes
hold no malice, “Remember, when the gods fight, it’s us mortals do the dying.”
The Escape
112 Longwinter
“A mild breeze announces the end of Winterwhite’s reach. The snow does not end
yet, but in the still winter land, the sound of dripping, melting ice can be heard. A
bird trills. The smell of woodsmoke. A crofter? A federal outpost? Help is at hand.”
Then make a final encounter check and describe the last challenge. If the last NPC
is helpful, they can be ignored. You can remind the players that only one of them
has to get out for them to “win”.
6-10: A gruelling escape leaves the heroes scarred and hurt. What nightmares of
Winterwhite plague your dreams? Why do you feel like something darker stirred
beneath the ice? How do you cope with your trauma? Were there many you
betrayed on the way? Why will nobody believe you, when you talk of ice ghouls?
11-20: A painful journey, full of grim memories. What happened to those you left
behind? Was there more you could have done? What will search parties find
when the ice lets up? Will anyone believe the icy plague ever happened? Do you
have any proof?
30-40: A hard journey has made you stronger. What have you learned of this
valley? What truths were buried in the histories, behind the oldfolk? What will
happen now to the struggle of the valley’s peoples? How will you prove the
depths of darkness and terror that have gripped the realm? Did you help anyone
survive on your way? Is there someone else who might come after you?
41-50: A heroic escape. Who did you find when you made your way out? Is there
somebody they could help you save? What proof of strange ancient pacts and
cultists do you have? Can you save anyone else? Will there be a mission to save
more innocents? How is your journey immortalized? How is the radio-play
recounting your deeds titled? How accurate is it?
Then thank them for playing, and have a warm drink against Winterwhite’s chill.