Crowns 1.60 - Single Pages - Free
Crowns 1.60 - Single Pages - Free
Crowns 1.60 - Single Pages - Free
All prices are in crowns, items Improvised (always Stabling (per night) 3c
can be sold for ½ their price. mark a dot after a fight) Bunkhouse (per night) 2c
Follow the page numbers to Light (dagger, axes, Inn (per night, provides
learn more on certain items. swords, maces, etc.) meals and refills 5c
Items with a ( ! ) take up 2 slots. ( ! ) Heavy (longsword, supplies for free)
great axe, maul, etc.)
( ! ) Polearm (halberd,
spear, glaive, etc.) Caches take up 6 slots when
Bottle, clay 1c
Sling (requires stones) 2c held by a person (2x3) and can
Bottle of Holy Water 30c hold up to 6 slots worth of
( ! ) Bow (requires
Bound Book, blank 150c 40c items. They have no usage dots.
Bucket, wood 3c ( ! ) Crossbow (requires Lockable Cache (crates,
70c 40c
( ! ) Chain, 10ft 25c bolts) chests, barrels, etc.)
Chalk, box 1c Stones, pouch 1c Open Caches (shelves,
Cooking Pots p.2 10c Arrows, quiver 10c weapon racks, etc.)
( ! ) Fishing Gear p.2 20c Bolts, quiver 10c Sack (not lockable, only
holds 4 slots of items)
Grappling Hook, hook 12c Silver Weapon (always
Hammer and Nails 5c mark a dot after a fight)
Hand Mirror, glass 150c p.8 Horse p.3 100c
Hand Mirror, steel 10c Warhorse p.3 500c
Improv. Shield (has
Healing Salve p.2 80c -
only one usage dot) Saddle p.3 75c
Holy Symbol, silver p.8 120c Saddlebags p.11 30c
Shield (round, kite,
Holy Symbol, wood p.8 4c 20c
tower, buckler, etc.) Animal Feed, 3 days 4c
Traps, small game p.2 3c Light Armor (linen,
( ! ) Instrument, master 400c leather, cloth, furs, etc.) p.1
Instrument, regular p.2 12c ( ! ) Heavy Armor Each transport type allows for a
Lockpicks 50c (plate, chain, etc.) max capacity of riders/caches
Manacles and Key 8c Noble Clothes p.8 500c Pricing is per rider/cache, per
Net, man-sized 12c Winter Cloak p.16 75c watch spent traveling, or 3 times
Oil, flask 25c Traveler’s Cloak p.16 30c the price per day spent
travelling if going long distances
Padlock and Key 20c
Buying a vehicle costs x100 the
( ! ) Rope Spool, 30ft 25c
Masterworks Weapons, price for transport and cannot
Scroll and Quill, case 20c Ammo, and Armor be done at every settlement
Tool (shovel, crowbar, (only mark a dot on a
10c Cart (carries 4) 5c
pickaxe, sledge, etc.) roll of 6 after a fight)
Tub of Lard 5c Carriage (carries 8) 8c
p.8 Coach (carries 12) 10c
Whistle 1c
( ! ) Wooden Pole, 6ft 2c Torches (unrepairable) 5c Armored Coach (carries
Lantern (can be refilled 10)
50c Riverboat (carries 12) 10c
p.7 with oil, can be worn)
Oil, mark a dot of oil to Sailing Ship (carries 12) 24c
Repair One Usage Dot 10% 40c
fully repair a lantern Large Ship (a lot) 40c
Crowns is a tabletop
1 Core Rules 11 Followers
roleplaying game for 2-10 1.1 Attributes 11.1 Hirelings
players. It is built to fulfill the 1.2 Time 11.2 Beast of Burden
fantasy of a dark age where 1.3 Travel 11.3 Mercenaries
magic is real, monsters prowl
the wilderness, and combat is
2 Rest & Healing 12 Warbands
deadly. Sometimes the best 2.1 Short Rests 12.1 Fortifications
plan is one where the dice 2.2 Long Rests 13 GMing Crowns
aren’t touched. 2.3 Full Rests
13.1 When to ask for
Your goal is to find crowns 3 Combat Saves
(gold coins) in the dangerous 3.1 Actions in Combat 13.2 Consequences
wilderness and bring them 3.2 Attack & Defense
back to settlements, the last 14 Making Adventures
4.1 Utility Actions
bastions of civilization. 4.2 Taking Damage 15 Dungeoneering
The following are all the 5 Character Creation 17 Wilderness Travel
original Kickstarter backers 17.1 Making Maps
6.1 Backgrounds
that made this possible:
18.1 Offroading
Special thanks to Peter Graff,
7 Inventory 18.2 Weather
Andrew, Ian McFarlin, Steven 7.1 Usage Dots
18.3 Wilderness
Lord, David, Javier A Verdin, 7.2 Storage Caches
Josh, Szymon, Jon Terry, Lee 7.3 Large Items
Smith, Randy fisher, John Di 7.4 Conditions 19 Language
Pietro Jr., Juergen barters, Ian 7.5 Storing Loot 19.1 Monsters
Wells, Rebecca, Mocharaid,
Bradly Hawkins, Obadiah 8 Combat Gear 20.1 Example
Psalter, InqMcThol, Steven 8.1 Armor Monsters
Warble, Erin Wendland, Chris 8.2 Weapons 23 Feats
Striker, Gus, McKay Brown, 8.3 Ammunition 24.1 Feats Chart
Bad Goblin Games, Brian 8.4 Coin Purses
Hum, David Buswell-Wilbe, 31 Magic Items
8.5 Noble Clothes
Hugo, Randy Smith, New 8.6 Bedrolls 32 Potions
Comet Games, Nikolas Barto,
8.7 Light Sources 33 Spells
Benjamin Griggs, Justin Moss,
Stefan, William Cosgrove,
8.8 Holy Symbols
35 Settlement
John “johnkzin” Rudd, Jonas 9 Grimoires & Spells 35.1 Going to Market
Schiott, Jared Rosenau, Guy 9.1 Dots & Recharging
Edward Larke, Jason Gabel, 36.1 Settlement
9.2 Casting Spells
and ParlainthTownie, Growth
9.3 Identification
36.2 Buying Property
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International
10 Advancement 36.3 Setting Up Shop
License: You are free to share 10.1 Experience 37 Factions
and adapt this material for Milestones
37.1 Building a Faction
any purpose as long as you 10.2 Gaining Feats
38.1 Faction Turns
give attribution. 10.3 Reward Amounts
38.2 Campaigns
Written by Reese R Surles.
Illustrated by Jacob Fleming. 39 Social Encounters
Inventory Art by Inked Gas.
Time is broken down into three scales for ease
This game requires a full set of polyhedral of understanding and coordination.
dice, and some starter knowledge of TTRPGs.
Rounds are the time it takes for one
character to act in combat, lasting
Each character has 4 attributes that measure about one minute
the character’s strengths and weaknesses. Turns are used during dungeon
exploration and take around 10
COR (coordination) minutes. 6 turns are equal to 1 hour
agility, melee skill, riding, balance Watches take about 36 turns or 6
SEN (senses) hours. There are 4 watches in a day.
reflexes, aim, accuracy, empathy They are used for resting and travel
VIT (vitality)
athleticism, endurance, constitution
WIL (willpower)
While on foot/ riding vehicles, you can travel
courage, spellcasting, charisma
6 miles per watch. In difficult terrain (jungle,
Characters also have resolve which is a tundra, heavy forest, etc.) you can only travel
measure of their ability to push through stress. 3 miles per watch.
While mounted on horses/ sailing ships, you
can travel 9 miles per watch. In difficult
When success or failure is uncertain and will terrain you can only travel 3 miles per watch.
cause consequences, make a save based on
an attribute as instructed by the GM.
Roll a d20. If you get equal or under the Player characters must mark one dot of rations
attribute’s value you succeed, otherwise you per day or gain the starving condition. Players
fail. A 20 always fails, a 1 always succeeds. must also spend 1 watch a day sleeping or
gain the exhausted condition (see Combat
Gear). This goes with player mounts as well,
Some items or abilities have modifiers (mods) eating animal feed.
to different rolls. Such as shields, which give +2 While asleep, characters are assumed to not
to SEN when defending. That mod is added have their pack on, or wearing/ holding any
(or subtracted) from the attribute, not the roll. items. However, all items are within an arm’s
So, in the case of the shield, the SEN attribute reach. Mounts would be tied up nearby,
would be 2 higher than it would normally be. although their saddlebags would not be worn.
Full rests take a week in the safety of a
Adventuring is a dangerous business, and settlement. Restore all resolve. Remove short,
sometimes it’s good to take a break. Resting long, and full rest conditions. A week’s worth
can restore resolve and clear conditions. How of food costs 35c per person at most taverns.
much depends on how long you rest for.
During a full rest, players gain 2 full rest
actions they can perform during their full rest.
Short rests take 1 turn (10 minutes). Restore
2d6 resolve. Clear short rest conditions. This is
the only rest than can be performed in a If the settlement has a smith or an armorer
dungeon or dangerous location. you can commission a masterwork item.
If a settlement has a temple or an abbey, you
can commission a silver weapon.
Long rests take 1 watch (6 hours) and includes
If a settlement has a tailor or an artist, you can
taking a much-needed break. This does not
commission noble clothes or a master
count as time spent sleeping. Return to full
resolve. Clear short and long rest conditions.
Each player may choose to mark one dot of a
healing salve to remove 1 wounded condition You learn some new information about your
per long rest and perform a long rest action. quest, your enemies, the environment, the
world, rumors, etc. It is encouraged that the
GM always have many of these handy.
Spend time cooking to remove a wounded Depending on the services in a settlement,
condition from the cook or another character different information may be available.
by marking a dot on their rations and
succeeding a COR or SEN save while having
cooking pots on their person.
Spend your time forming a warband (see
Warbands) or hiring followers (see Followers).
If a player character rolls a natural 1 while Melee attacks targeting unmounted targets
attacking, their attack becomes enhanced. If while the attacker is mounted are enhanced.
they roll a natural 1 while defending the Unless the rider has a polearm, riders cannot
enemy attack becomes impaired. target prone enemies while mounted.
On their turn, a player to attempt a utility Incoming damage first reduces a character’s
action as a main action. If you succeed a utility resolve. When all resolve is reduced to 0, they
action, you get what you want, and your turn become bloodied.
If a bloodied character takes regular damage
Utility actions are the following: (including damage that carried over from
when they were pushed down to 0 resolve)
Expose. Make a SEN save, you must
they must attempt a VIT save minus the
have a weapon equipped and the
amount of damage they took over their
target must be within range of the
resolve. If they fail, they take critical damage.
weapon. On a success, the next
successful attack against the target If a bloodied character takes fear-related-
by an ally or the exposer is damage, follow the same rules as above but
enhanced. If unused, this effect ends with a WIL save. On a failure, the character
at the end of the exposer’s next turn. gains the panic condition.
Hinder. Make a COR save. On a
success, the next attack the target
makes is impaired. When a character takes critical damage, they
Push. Make a VIT save, target must gain the wounded condition, and must make a
be the same size or smaller than you WIL save.
and be in melee range. On a success,
the target is moved up to 5ft in any If they succeed, they press on. If they fail, they
direction. If this causes them to be fall incapacitated, gain the peril condition. If a
pushed into impassible terrain (a player’s entire pack is full of conditions, they
wall) they take 1d4 damage. fall incapacitated. Allies that see this must
Tackle. Make a VIT save, target must pass a WIL save or gain the panic condition.
be the same size or smaller than you A player can spend a dungeon turn (10
in melee range. On a success, you minutes) tending to the incapacitated player,
and the target are prone (melee removing one random condition from them,
attacks made against prone targets and restoring them to consciousness. This is
are enhanced, ranged attacks are not a short rest. If left untended for 6 turns (1
impaired). hour) they die.
Taunt. Make a WIL save, the target
must be within line-of-sight and
earshot. On a success, the target
must attack the taunter on their
next turn or have their next attack
The call to adventure is not limited to the
upper echelons of society.
11 Archon (leader) 41 Fire (brilliance)
12 Champion (reveler) 42 Loom (creative)
Each character has 4 attributes that measure 13 Maiden (beautiful) 43 Pearl (pure)
the character’s strengths and weaknesses. 14 Saint (wise) 44 Skull (reserved)
COR (coordination) 15 Student (curious) 45 Tower (rebellious)
agility, melee skill, riding, balance 16 Warlord (belligerent) 46 Wheel (industrious)
SEN (senses) 21 Eagle (proud) 51 Ivy (mysterious)
reflexes, aim, accuracy, empathy
22 Hound (loyal) 52 Juniper (usurper)
VIT (vitality)
athleticism, endurance, constitution 23 Ox (stubborn) 53 Oak (steadfast)
WIL (willpower) 24 Serpent (venomous) 54 Water Lily (graceful)
courage, spellcasting, charisma 25 Swine (humble) 55 Wildflower (joyful)
For each attribute, in order, roll 3d6. Ignore the 26 Warhorse (powerful) 56 Willow (depressive)
lowest roll and add the two remaining dice 31 Coronation (noble) 61 Basilisk (intense)
together for the value.
32 Festival (merry) 62 Dragon (passionate)
Add up all your attributes together. If the total 33 Harvest (generous) 63 Kraken (unrelenting)
is less than 32, you may reroll your lowest one.
34 Ill-Omen (unlucky) 64 Phoenix (adaptive)
You may swap any two values. 35 Prophecy (lucky) 65 Unicorn (selfless)
Roll on the born under the sign of… and 36 Sacrifice (martyr) 66 Wyrm (secretive)
physical details tables to get a few more
character details at random. (roll twice)
11 Athletic build 41 Bright eyes
12 Portly frame 42 Eye patch
Roll 1d6 for your starting resolve.
13 Scrawny build 43 Narrow eyes
Roll 1d6 for your starting crowns (gold coins).
14 Shorter than most 44 Spectacles
15 Slender frame 45 Tired eyes
16 Taller than most 46 Wide-set eyes
Cross reference your starting resolve and
crowns on the Backgrounds table to gain your 21 Balding 51 Foreign clothes
background and starting items. 22 Braided hair 52 Hooded cloak
Your background represents what you used to 23 Cropped hair 53 Multiple tattoos
be before you took up adventuring. You 24 Curly hair 54 Patchwork clothes
weren’t particularly good at it, otherwise you 25 Shaved head 55 Stylish clothes
would’ve stayed.
26 Wild hair 56 War paint
Then add the following to your inventory: 31 Broken nose 61 Cold voice
Torches 32 Button nose 62 Heavily accented
A weapon of your choice (and the 33 Perfect teeth 63 Lightly accented
appropriate ammo if it is ranged) or a
34 Rosy cheeks 64 Raspy voice
35 Scarred face 65 Soothing voice
Bold and italicized items in the Backgrounds
36 Sneering grin 66 Strong voice
list replaces a player’s starting torches.
1 1 Occultist Grimoire Holy symbol, wood
1 2 Noble Noble Clothes 100 extra crowns
1 3 Officer ( ! ) Heavy Armor Follower: Loyal soldier
1 4 Messenger Horse Lantern
1 5 Pilgrim Holy symbol, silver Bottle of holy water
1 6 Burglar Lockpicks 20 extra crowns
2 1 Courtier Noble Clothes 30 extra crowns
2 2 Brigand Light Armor Follower: Lacky
2 3 Mercenary Light Armor Polearm
2 4 Far Traveler Traveler’s Cloak Lantern
2 5 Lamplighter Lantern ( ! ) Lamp stick (6ft pole)
2 6 Merchant 20 extra crowns Follower: Bodyguard
3 1 Poor Knight ( ! ) Heavy Armor Horse
3 2 Physician Healing Salve Holy symbol, wood
3 3 Blacksmith Lead Apron (light armor) Hammer (tool)
3 4 Librarian Lantern Book, forgotten lore
3 5 Oil Squeezer Oil, flask Cooking pots
3 6 Chef Cookpots Latest creation (rations)
4 1 Militia Light Armor Shield
4 2 Stable Hand Horse Saddle
4 3 Hunter Bow Quiver, arrows
4 4 Prison Guard Shield Manacles and key
4 5 Fisher ( ! ) Fishing Gear Net, man-sized
4 6 Bard Instrument, regular Follower: Backup Singer
5 1 Ranch Hand Horse Whistle
5 2 Woodcutter ( ! ) Lumber Axe (heavy) Tub of Lard
5 3 Sailor Grappling hook, hook ( ! ) Rope spool, 30ft
5 4 Carpenter Crowbar (tool) Hammer and nails
5 5 Brewer Cookpots Bottle of Ale
5 6 Trapper Traps, small game Sling
6 1 Miner Lantern Pickaxe (tool)
6 2 Street Thug Heavy weapon Bottle of ale
6 3 Bricklayer Sledgehammer (tool) Bucket, wooden
6 4 Swineherd ( ! ) Crook (6ft pole) Follower: Stubborn pig
6 5 Farmhand Tub of Lard Dried crop (rations)
6 6 Scribe Book, forgotten lore Chalk
( ! ) takes up 2 slots
Bold and italicized items replace a player’s starting torches
Adventurers carry items in their inventory slots
(one item per slot). Items are 1” squares, that are
printed and cut out on thick paper. If playing
online, write down the different items on paper.
The inventory is split into two sections: supply counters and inventory slots. Supply counters
are for matches, rations, and an adventurer’s bedroll, to keep track of these common items.
Inventory slots come in three types: hand slots, worn items, and pack slots.
Items in hand slots are carried in the character’s hands, and may be used on their turn
Items that are in worn slots are carried on the character (in pockets, scabbards, on the
back, etc.) and can be swapped into their hands freely on their combat turn
Items in the character’s pack slots are tucked away and require more time to retrieve
in combat. A character can spend a main action to swap any items in their hands or
worn into their pack, as well as pull items out of their pack.
Most items have three dots. Sacks and lockable caches Conditions are placed in a
Exceptions to this rule are work the same as pack slots, character’s pack slots (the
specifically noted in the Prices taking a main action to specific slot is chosen by the
for Gear section. When all rummage through during player). One condition/item
three dots are marked the combat. per slot, conditions must stay
item is either depleted or in pack slots. Conditions can
Open caches can be accessed
destroyed. A dot can be only be removed when their
as part of a quick action.
erased (repaired) from clear condition is met.
weapons/armor/shields by
See Taking Damage when a
paying 10% of the item’s
pack is full of only conditions
original cost (minimum of 1c). Items larger than one slot
may be stored however the
Most items mark dots when
holder wants. Whether
used in a way that could wear
sideways or up-and-down. Banks & goldsmiths in
them down or use its
settlements can store crowns
resources. If unclear if an item Characters can push/pull
and other treasure.
would be depleted by use, roll items that take up to their VIT
a die. Some items have in inventory slots. Such as See Full Rests and
special rules for marking dots. sacks of loot or heavy stones. Settlements for more.
In combat, you can mark a Ranged weapons require the
dot on the weapon you are appropriate ammo to be worn
using to reroll an attack roll. to fire them. Ammo can be
refilled from other ammo
items, on a dot per dot basis.
Always mark a dot after
using this in a fight
Deals d6 damage Each slot can hold up to 200
crowns. The first 100 crowns
Main hand
are kept in a coin purse, and
do not take up a slot.
Can be thrown up to VIT * 3ft
Deals d6 damage
Mark a dot anytime the
Main hand/ Off hand holder gets messy. Nobles
When a melee weapon, don’t start with a Reason to
armor, or ammunition is used Doubt someone wearing this.
Deals d10 damage
in combat, roll a 1d6. On a 5-
6, mark a usage dot. Both hands
Anytime you sleep outside
roll a 1d6. On a 5-6, mark a
Melee range is considered dot on your bedroll. Doing so
You can mark a dot on armor
10ft for the wielder, and they without a bedroll causes you
you are wearing (or shields
have -2 to-hit while indoors to wake up with 0 resolve.
you are wielding) to reduce
incoming damage by 2. Deals d10 damage
Both hands
When lighting a light source,
Increases SEN by 2 when mark a dot on your matches.
defending in combat Deals d6 damage Light sources mark a dot after
Worn 120ft range 6 turns (one hour) of use.
Torches must be relit after
Requires stones, pouch marking a dot, while lanterns
Reduces all incoming Main hand do not need to be relit.
damage by 1 Lanterns can be worn while
still providing light.
Worn Deals d8 damage
300ft range
Increases SEN by 2 when Requires arrows, quiver Undead, fiends, and unholy
defending in combat monsters must make a MOR
Both hands save to willingly enter within
Main hand/ Off-hand
30ft of a character
holding/wearing a holy
Deals d8 damage, +5 to-hit,
symbol. If it is made of silver,
Only has one usage dot two main actions to reload
their save has -5. Mark a dot
Increases SEN by 2 when 240ft range for each successful save. Deal
defending in combat 1d4 damage to the unholy
Requires bolts, quiver
Main hand/ Off-hand monster for every save, use
Both hands the wielder’s WIL to wound.
When someone holding a grimoire in their
hand speaks the grimoire’s power word it
unleashes the spells inside, causing magical
See Spells for a list of example spells.
Battles between warbands, or monsters large Some strongholds are made up of multiple
enough to threaten an entire warband on their layers of fortifications. However, a stronghold
own (such as dragons or krakens) work the cannot have more than one of the same type
same as battles between individuals (including of fortification, except towers.
utility actions for warbands led by players). A tower may be added to any fortification,
Attacks made by warband-scale entities to a doubling that fortification’s resolve, and
non-warband scale targets are enhanced and costing double that fortification’s cost. It takes
are considered quick actions. Any damage half the number of days to build.
done to warbands from non-warband scale
creatures is ignored unless it is particularly
destructive or large scale (like a fireball). Barricade 1d6 250c Resolve
Lumber walls 2d6 1000c 14
Stone walls 4d6 3000c 56
When a warband takes critical damage, their
Tower * * *
leader must make a WIL save (or MOR save if
the leader is not a player) with the damage
they are taking in this attack acting as a
negative modifier. On a failure, the warband is Repairing a hurt or destroyed fortification, or
routed, they disperse (due to casualties or restoring an ancient one, requires laborers
fleeing), and gain the injured condition. equal to half the fortifications maximum
resolve, and restores 1 resolve per day.
Warbands recover resolve and shake off
Oftentimes the defending warbands act as the
conditions like individuals do with short, long,
repairmen during days without enemy attack.
and full rests.
The GM should only ask for saves when the
The following are best practices for GMing players are trying to avoid the possible
Crowns. consequences for their actions.
COR saves. Avoid consequences
While the players are off on adventure, the through coordination or stealth
world they behind progresses. Threats SEN saves. Avoid consequences
develop, schemes come to fruition, and NPCs through reflexes or empathy
get married and have kids. See Factions. VIT saves. Avoid consequences
through strength or endurance
WIL saves. Avoid consequences
through force of will or charisma
Players normally should not need to roll for
social interactions unless they are trying to
avoid consequences. See Social Encounters.
The consequences players suffer or that they
will be rewarded by should be telegraphed
SEN saves to view a room are not necessary and partially explained before they roll.
unless the players are trying to avoid Create multiple failure states. Maybe if the
consequences. For example, an adventurer players fail a roll, what they want still happens,
making a SEN save to not be ambushed. but so does an additional consequence.
Damage. d4 damage is minor, d6 is
Give the players warnings when danger is dangerous, d8 could wound a level
near, through sounds, smells, or sight one character, anything above is
A potentially fun moment is the players Conditions. The exhausted or panic
admitting, “we’re walking into an ambush” conditions are good-old reliables
before getting ambushed and losing the fight. Lose time. Waste a turn in the
A potentially upsetting moment is the players dungeon, causing torches to burn
getting ambushed without warning and then low and wandering monsters to
losing the fight. make visits
Mark dots. Mark 1-3 dots on an item
Do not pull punches, but don’t shoot chickens
Make noise. If in a dungeon, roll a
with buckshot. Get a feeling for what your
wandering monsters check
players can and can’t handle.
This action should lead to a few things: Once the players reach the dungeon, they can
begin the final descent (see Dungeoneering).
Some locals, either in town or out in
the wilderness, that can be
interviewed for more information The extraction phase is very important, it
Some documents (from the local involved the difficulty of getting the treasure
temple/abbey), artwork/artefacts out of the dungeon.
(from the local tailor/artist or a
noble/aristocrat), or a story from The dungeon should still be dangerous, but a
oral tradition different kind of dangerous. If there was a final
Another place to get better research climatic situation (such as a boss fight, or a
An interesting locale that requires ritual that was stopped) perhaps these
exploration monsters/traps only become activated post
climax (such as newly risen undead, bandit
The amount of information needed to further reinforcements, falling rocks, ect).
the plot should given after the first full rest
action, however, try to have more This phase could be used to clean out the
information on hand in case they do want to dungeon, turning it into a base-of-operations
do more research or multiple players research for the players. In this case, the original threat
simultaneously. will have been squashed, but a new (or
changed) threat will have taken its place.
A good investigation should always lead to
more questions that the players can only Alternatively, the climax may have caused the
answer through exploration. dungeon to wither and a timer is set (the floor
is crumbling into nothingness, a fire is
Questions like: spreading, oxygen is low this far underground,
What’s causing the dead to rise? ect) creating a race for the exit.
What kind of treasure lies inside? Whatever the case, the players will have to
Why isn’t it used anymore? make decisions as to what to bring with them,
Why is this place so important? they cannot take everything.
When exploring a dungeon, roll a d6 for a
Dungeons are areas of the world where wandering monsters every three turns. On a
treasure is stashed, hazards persist, and 6, an encounter occurs. On a 5, an omen
adventure awaits. See Social Encounters for occurs (signs or hints of an enemy, roleplayed
greater encounter diversity in your dungeon. as if an encounter were about to occur). This
They are made up of rooms (distinguished encounter could involve traps or monsters.
areas) which come in 4 sizes, which are You can either roll to determine which it is or
referred to in some dungeon actions. do what’s best for the situation.
Small Room (around 15ft x 15ft) Monsters start 2d6 x 15ft away from the
Medium Room (around 30ft x 30ft) players, headed their direction. Roll 2d6 on the
Large Room (around 50ft x 50ft) table below to know the enemy’s disposition.
Huge Room (anything bigger than a
large room)
2-3 Actively hunting down the players
4-6 On alert, but not actively hunting
When exploring a dungeon, a player can
perform one dungeon action per turn. Non- 7-9 Wandering and not suspecting trouble
player party members (unless they are 10-12 Mostly oblivious in pursuit of a task
specialists doing their specialty) cannot
perform dungeon actions.
Dungeon actions take about 10 minutes, and Unless the players are moving recklessly,
different party members can perform traps should be hinted at during exploration.
different dungeon actions at the same time. Traps are best used as puzzles and hazards.
While performing dungeon actions, characters When a trap is triggered, roll a d6. Only on a 5-
hands must be free, placing their items on the 6 does the trap go off.
ground or in their pack. Because of this, it is
suggested some players stay on-guard, not To disarm a trap the players can make a COR
performing actions as to keep their weapons save with +2 if they have helpful tools. The
ready. Most actions can be performed by trap goes off if they fail. This takes a turn.
multiple players at the same time.
After (or before) performing a dungeon
If the players become reckless in their actions
action, the party can move one small room for
(such as making excessive noise, running or
free. This does not apply to turns spent
sprinting in the dungeon, or doing something
moving the whole time.
to bring unwanted attention to themselves)
Some common dungeon actions are: they are more likely to encounter resistance.
2-3 Hostile
4-6 Unfriendly
7-9 Unsure
10-12 Talkative
7 Resolve, MOR 15, DEF 2
Attacks: soul devour d8 ignores armor
Critical damage: give player panic
Intelligent undead, immune to exhaustion
Only hurt by silver or magical weapons
Wants to feed on the souls of the living
Wraith Powers (d6)
1 Commander, wears spectral plate armor 2
Doom, players must succeed a WIL save
or gain panic
3 Rally, can summon 1d3 shadow skeletons
4 Rot, mark a dot when attacking this wraith
5 Sorcerer, innately knows one spell
6 Wraithblade, d10 ignores armor
Requires -
Feats are passive abilities that are bought by Costs 500xp (500xp) (750xp)
player characters by using experience. This May be bought three times
can be done during the Prepare & Train full As a new long rest action, this character can
rest action (see Full Rests). spend time repairing a single weapon, armor,
Some feats can be bought multiple times, the shield, or ammunition. The item cannot be
price of these subsequent buys will be put in magical, silver, or a masterwork. They may
parenthesis next to the original price in order. erase one dot from the selected item.
These feats are clearly marked. If bought twice:
Spending current experience in this does not You may erase two dots from a single item or
detract from the character’s lifetime erase one dot from two separate items.
experience. Lifetime experience can only ever If bought three times:
go up, and it used to measure your level. Instead of erasing two dots from a single item
Some feats grant more abilities as their holder or one dot from two separate items, you can
increases their attributes, either by levelling erase one dot from a silver or masterwork
up or by using magic items, potions, etc. item.
Requires -
Costs 500xp
This character always builds barricade
fortifications that has 6 resolve and can do so
in 2 days, or a barricade fortification that have
3 resolve in 1 day. Gain +5 when performing
saves that involve carpentry, creating
barricades, or nailing doors shut.
If the character’s COR is 10 or above:
Building a lumber wall fortification with 12
resolve takes 10 days, or a lumber wall with 6
resolve takes 5 days. A lumber wall tower can
be constructed in 10 days.
Requires -
Costs 500xp
This character can ignore polearms having -2
to attack indoors.
If the character’s VIT is 10 or above:
They can also wield heavy melee weapons in
one hand if their other hand does not have a
shield, light weapon, or grimoire.
Requires 10 SEN Requires -
Costs 500xp Costs 350xp
Gain +5 on SEN saves involving searching a When attempting to break out of restraints,
room for secrets and detecting traps, as well such as ropes, chains, manacles, or from being
as other detective actions. held by another being, gain +5 to that roll. This
feat can apply to other similar situations as
well, although only physical situations and not
Requires 10 COR social situations. Having this feat may allow
Costs 500xp (500xp) you to attempt things that non-Escape Artists
May be bought twice can’t.
When making a dual-wielding attack, this
character can roll the damage dice twice and
keep the highest number. Requires 10 SEN
Costs 500xp
If bought twice:
Gain +5 on SEN saves involving trying to read
If both the initial roll and the reroll in a dual-
someone else’s emotions (they must be
wielding to-hit save would hit, the attack is
human) or when trying to determine how
someone really feels about a specific subject.
On a success, this character does not get a
specific answer, but multiple clues (at least 2)
that can lead them to the right answer.
If the character’s SEN is 15:
You have reached an expert level of reading
people and can directly tell if a human is lying
or not. You even expanded into the world of
demi-humans, gaining the previous ability
when interacting with sapient demi-humans.
Requires -
Costs 500xp (500xp) (1000xp)
When cooking during a long rest, as well as
removing 1 wounded condition from
themselves or another character, they can
mark an additional ration dot (that is 2 ration
dots in total) to remove 1 wounded condition
from another the character including
themself. Always succeed the COR save or
SEN save associated with cooking.
If bought twice:
Instead of removing 1 wounded condition
from two separate characters, you can remove
2 wounded conditions from one character.
If bought three times:
This character can choose to spend an extra
ration (that is 3 ration dots in total) to remove
1 wounded condition from a third character.
Requires 10 WIL Requires -
Costs 1000xp Costs 500xp (750xp)
You are a natural “heat sink” for arcane power. May be bought twice
If a spell miscasts, you get one chance to When this character would mark a dot on their
reroll one of the power dice. If you are armor because they are reducing incoming
targeted by a hostile spell, you may reroll any damage by 2, they roll a 1d6. On a 6, the dot is
amount of its power dice once. not marked.
If bought twice:
On 5-6, the dot is not marked.
Requires 10 VIT
Costs 1000xp
Gain +2 on VIT saves this character makes Requires -
when to avoid gaining the wounded condition Costs 500xp (500xp) (750xp)
due to taking critical physical damage. May be bought three times
When this character is mounted and attacking
unmounted targets who are smaller than the
Requires 10 WIL
mount, they gain +1 on to-hit and damage
Costs 500xp (750xp) (750xp)
May be bought three times
If bought twice:
Gain +2 on WIL saves involving your
This bonus extends to attacking other
follower’s loyalty when you’re around and on
mounted targets and targets that are as large
WIL saves performed to form a warband.
or larger as the mount as well.
If bought twice:
If bought three times:
All previous bonuses increase to +5, and this
All bonuses increase to +2.
character gains +2 on WIL saves involving
keeping their warband from becoming routed.
If bought three times:
All bonuses increase to +5.
Requires - Requires 10 COR
Costs 500xp (1000xp) Costs 500xp (750xp) (750xp)
May be bought twice May be bought three times
Gain +2 on COR saves to pick locks with lock If this character is attacked in melee, they
picks. succeed in defending, and they have a melee
weapon in their hand, they can attempt to
If the character's COR is 10 or above:
riposte. To do this, after taking damage, they
This character may also now attempt a bust
perform an impaired attack against their
the lock roll, this is a VIT save. If they succeed,
attacker. This can only be done successfully
the lock is broken, and not enough sound is
once per round.
made to warrant a wandering monsters roll,
and the goods inside are not hurt (if the lock is If the character's COR is 15 or above:
on a cache). On a successful riposte, this character rolls
their weapon’s normal damage die.
If bought twice:
Lock picking bonus increases to +5, gain a +2 If bought twice:
bonus for busting the lock (if eligible). Gain +2 to perform the riposte COR save.
If bought three times:
Increase the riposte bonus to +5.
Requires -
Costs 750xp (500xp) (1000xp)
May be bought three times
Requires -
When this character attacks humans or Costs 350xp
generally humanoid creatures, they gain +1 to-
If this character is holding a melee weapon,
hit and +1 damage.
they can perform an impaired melee attack (a
If bought twice: quick jab or a hit with the weapon’s pommel)
They also gain +1 on WIL saves to ignore panic by spending a quick action. This can only be
and peril caused by humanoid schemes and done successfully once per round.
on VIT saves made to wound humanoids.
If the character's COR is 10 or above:
If bought three times: If a pommel strike defeats their target, this
All bonuses increase to +2. character gain back their quick action.
Requires 10 SEN
Costs 350xp
This character always acts first in combat if
they are not ambushed and they gain +2 to
initiative saves permanently.
Requires -
Costs 500xp
The following use of “on their person” refers
to items being held or worn by the character.
This character can move one item from their
pack onto their person, swap one item from
their pack with one on their person, store one
item on their person into their pack, or do any
of those with items in/on caches, bodies, or
the environment without it costing an action.
Requires -
Costs 350xp
When off-roading the GM rolls with -1. When
travelling the wilderness or a complex (not
dungeons), the party cannot be ambushed.
Requires -
Costs 750xp (750xp)
May be bought three times
When you successfully defend from an attack
with a shield, you can reduce the incoming
damage by 1.
If the character’s SEN is 10 or above:
If an adjacent ally is targeted by an attack that
you can see coming, you can make a SEN save
to get in front of them with your shield, forcing
the attack to target you instead of your ally.
If bought twice:
Increase the bonus to SEN defense saves to 3
while wielding a shield.
Requires 10 VIT
Costs 500xp
If this character deals critical damage to an
enemy with armor while wielding a melee
weapon, their armor is reduced by 1.
Requires 10 WIL Requires 10 WIL
Costs 1250xp Costs 500xp (500xp) (750xp)
During the full rest they gain this feat, this May be bought three times
character can transfer the power of a grimoire When commanding a warband, the warband
into a spell cage. Through a process of gains +1 to-hit and damage.
memorization, alchemy, ritual, and sheer
If the character’s WIL is 15 or above:
willpower, they create a cage in their minds to
This character is an expert commander,
trap spell spirits like that of a grimoire (called a
pushing their fighters onwards to take on
spell cage). The grimoire they worked with’s
overwhelming odds. Give the warband this
spell may now be cast from this character’s
character is commanding +2 to perform all
mind, by shouting the power word, with the
utility actions.
same rules as normally casting a spell.
If bought twice:
To recharge the spell, this character must do a
The warband also gains +1 on WIL saves to
version of the spell’s recharge condition as
ignore peril and on VIT saves to injure targets.
decided between them and the GM. If this
condition would deal them damage (such as If bought three times:
bathing in fire), it doesn’t until the spell is fully All bonuses increase to +2.
recharged (high intensity exposure, such as
from a dragon’s breath weapon, may recharge
the spell faster). Requires -
This character permanently gains the Costs 350xp
unhinged condition, which reduces all of their Gain +5 on VIT saves to ignore the effects of
WIL saves by 2. They also gain strange the weather while traveling.
mannerisms dealing with the spell spirits
dwelling in their head. This is permanent.
Requires -
Costs 500xp (750xp)
Requires 10 WIL May be bought twice
Costs 1000xp (1250xp)
When this character would mark a dot on their
May be bought twice
weapon because they are rerolling an attack,
Gain +2 to WIL saves to resist peril and panic. they roll a 1d6. On a 6, the dot is not marked.
Gain an additional +1 to those same WIL saves
for every condition you have that is not panic, If bought twice:
peril, or crazed. On a 5-6, the dot is not marked.
If bought twice:
Starting bonus increases to +5. Requires -
Costs 500xp (350xp) (750xp)
May be bought three times
Requires -
When attacking an enemy that is holding a
Costs 500xp (1000xp)
grimoire or innately knows magic, gain +1 to-
May be bought twice
hit and damage.
Gain +2 to saves involving disarming and/or
building traps, with an additional +2 if you If bought twice:
have relevant, useful tools. Gain +1 on WIL saves to ignore panic or peril
manifested by spells, magic, or magic effects.
If bought twice:
All bonuses increase to +5. If bought three times:
All bonuses increase to +2.
Magic items are imbued with supernatural Magic items do not lose dots due to use in
powers, either due to their construction, or combat (unless they are ammo). They cannot
enchantments placed on them. There are be repaired by mortal means. Instead of
multiple types of magic item, as seen below. marking a dot when they are overused (such
The requires section shows what kinds of as armor reducing more damage by marking a
items can have that magical effect. dot) they roll a 1d6. Only on a 5-6 mark a dot.
Requires armor, cloak, Requires armor, cloak, shield Requires melee weapon
arrows, bolts, holy symbol, Body armor sewn of dragon This weapon thirsts for the
holy water, weapon scales, a sign of power blood of its enemies
A relic, fallen from heaven, once This item gives the wearer When this weapon’s wielder
wielded by angels immunity from a damage deals critical damage to an
This item will glow like a light type relative to the color of enemy, they regain resolve
source when within 120ft of the scales (red is fire, blue is equal to the damage dealt
an undead, fiend, eldritch, or lightning, etc.). If shield, the over the enemy’s resolve.
otherwise unholy creatures. If immunity is given whether or
armor, cloak, or a holy not the user successfully
symbol, unholy creatures defends. If cloak, the wearer
who attack the wearer are also gains an additional +2 to Requires melee weapon
impaired. If a weapon or SEN defense saves in combat. Legend says, nothing bites
ammo, attacks against unholy harder than a vorpal blade
creatures are enhanced. When this weapon
Requires bolts, crossbow, successfully deals critical
heavy armor, melee damage to an enemy, that
Requires arrows, bolts, weapon, shield enemy must succeed a rally
heavy armor, melee save or else take double
Masterfully crafted in the lost damage.
weapon, shield forges of the dwarf lords
A metal, forged using the spell This item never marks dots
spirits of primordial fire unless put under extreme
Immune to damage through stress or if a 6 is rolled when
heat or fire. If armor or shield, overused. If heavy armor, the
the wearer shares that wearer gains +2 to VIT saves
immunity. If a weapon or to resist becoming wounded
ammo, the wielder can use a after taking critical damage.
quick action to have the item
light on primordial fire,
making attacks enhanced.
Requires arrows, bow, cloak,
melee weapon, light armor
Perfectly balanced, silent as a
Requires arrows, bolts, thief in the night
melee weapon
If armor or a cloak, the wearer
The strange metal of the faerie
gains +5 to stealth or hiding
This item is treated as if it is related COR saves. If a
silvered but does not suffer weapon or arrows, gain +2 to-
silver’s problems with dots. hit enemies.
Potions are bottles (sometimes glass, Potions can be drank as a quick action, giving
sometimes clay or metal) with alchemical the drinker the potion’s effects. Every potion
fluids inside. The creation of these potions is has about three uses in it. Each use can be
complex, and the art has been lost to time, used individually or drank all at once to
save for a handful of hermitic alchemists lengthen the effect. Every potion (even two of
spread across the entire globe. the same kind) is unique in color and taste.
As players adventure, they will bring wealth to If the new service was not already in the
the settlements they visit. To represent this, settlement it is now and is treated like any
settlements should grow bigger overtime, other. Although they cannot have special
gaining new services, and creating new links to items, grimoires, treasure, potions, etc.) Once
adventure. New interesting characters can join the cost has been made in profit, the business
the cast, and foreign rulers seek to control the “settles in” and all services it provides to
power of the settlement. players are half priced from now on.