Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Structural design of linings requires a reliable prognosis of lining forces and deformations. In engineering
Received 15 October 2015 practice, both analytical and numerical solutions are popular to be employed to predict the system
Received in revised form 5 December 2016 behavior. This paper employs the commonly accepted analytical solutions to calculate the lining forces
Accepted 23 January 2017
and deformations for both shallow and deep tunnels, the results are compared to the numerical results
Available online 17 February 2017
for corresponding equivalent boundary conditions, initial conditions and identical material properties.
Afterward, more sophisticated constitutive models for soil/structure elements in conjunction with more
realistic construction aspects are taken into account. The comparison of the results of analytical and
Lining forces
Analytical solution
numerical solutions highlights the differences between these two well accepted methods as well as
Numerical analysis the effect of considering realistic features in numerical simulations. Moreover, the lining forces and defor-
Tunnel design mations obtained from plain strain condition are compared to the 3D numerical results. The results show
Soil-structure interaction that the analytical bedding model is able to reasonably predict the lining behavior for both shallow and
Arching effect deep tunnels even if the soil is assumed to be an elastic material. In numerical solutions, lining forces and
deformations depend to a large extent on the applied soil constitutive model and construction method.
The face support pressure, backfill grouting and arching effect cannot be captured appropriately in plain
strain condition, which leads to the discrepancy between the model responses obtained from 2D numer-
ical/analytical solutions and realistic 3D simulations.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction large extent on the cost of lining, this also contributes to the
importance of structural design of linings on short and long terms
Proper design of lining segments plays a pivotal technical and stability of the tunnel.
economical role in mechanized excavation for both shallow and Axial forces, bending moments and radial displacements are the
deep tunnels. For the conventionally driven open face tunneling most significant responses of lining segments during construction,
technique, stress release of soil domain after excavation has an which strongly depend on the confining pressure due to the
important impact on the structural design of concrete lining. surrounding soil stresses. As soil deformation and soil-lining
Nowadays, tunnel boring machines (TBM) have been widely interaction induce the variation of soil stresses applied on lining,
applied in tunnel construction, especially in urban areas where analysis of tunnel lining and its interaction with soil becomes even
the most important aim is to minimize the soil deformation. The more complex because of the dependence of such interaction on
behavior of lining segments is affected by the complex construc- the construction technology and schemes (El-Nahhas et al., 1992).
tion features, for example the sequential excavation process and In order to reliably predict the lining forces and deformations,
backfill grouting. Therefore, developing a framework to accurately finite element method (FEM) analysis has become a popular tool
predict the lining forces and deformations before tunnel construc- which can simulate staged construction procedures and reproduce
tion is essential for the purpose of structural safety and optimum the soil and structure behavior by using appropriate constitutive
design. Additionally, the cost of tunnel construction depends to a models. In engineering practice, the numerical modeling often
relies on the two dimensional (2D) analysis, since it is
⇑ Corresponding author. straightforward and cost-effective. For the numerical simulation
E-mail address: arash.alimardanilavasan@rub.de (A. Alimardani Lavasan).
of mechanized tunneling process in plain strain condition, it
0886-7798/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176 165
normally takes into account the tunnel construction process soil. A thinner lining is assumed by Voellmy (1937), however, his
including TBM excavation, backfill grouting and lining installation results do not comply with the equilibrium of forces since they
as well as the soil-lining interaction. Oreste (2007) developed a neglected the tangential components of soil pressure. In 1964,
special code within the FEM framework using hyperstatic reaction Schulze and Duddeck (1964a) published a complete and closed
method to consider the actual geometry of the lining support and solution which was applicable for shallow tunnels. After that,
the horizontal loads that are different from the vertical ones, it is Windels (1967) proposed a complete solution on the circular tun-
therefore able to analyze the mass-structure interaction in detail. nel in an elastic soil domain by also taking into account the geo-
Möller and Vermeer (2008) applied FEM to simulate the conven- metric nonlinearity and an approximation for the lining
tionally driven Steinhaldenfeld tunnel and Heinenoord slurry deformations. In 1982, an exhaustive and theoretically complete
shield tunnel, and studied the influences of constitutive model solution was finally achieved by Ahrens et al. (1982). Additionally,
and applied construction method on lining forces and ground Molins and Arnau (2011) and Arnau and Molins (2011) conducted
deformation. Zhang et al. (2015) analyzed the influence of multi- experimental and analytical study of the structural response of
layered soil formation on tunnel lining behavior by employing segmental lining based on an in situ loading test. Their approach
FEM, and the results show a good agreement between the numer- is able to asses a realistic consideration of the soil-structure
ical model responses and the real measurements. interaction.
In the realistic tunneling process, the excavation procedure In cases where the lining responses from analytical and numer-
changes the primary stress field at the tunneling face (ITA, 1988). ical solutions differ expensively, Behnen et al. (2015) pointed out
Furthermore, the soil stresses on lining segments are influenced that a design strategy based on simple or comprehensible analyti-
by the sequential excavation process and 3D arching effect of the cal models in combination with the valuable knowledge of experi-
soil towards the end of tunnel. Despite of the popularity of 2D enced engineers should be preferred instead of relying on the
numerical analysis, its deficiencies, that face support in front of complex computational models. In this study, different commonly
TBM, the sequential excavation process and the inclination of the accepted analytical methods are compared firstly in order to eval-
tunnel cannot be modeled, are inevitable. Within this framework, uate their applicability. Afterward, the FE-models for tunneling
the use of 3D FEM analysis is essential if one wants to correctly simulation and corresponding hierarchical modeling strategies
evaluate the influence of staged excavation process on lining struc- are illustrated. By doing so, the results of analytical and numerical
ture responses. Hudoba (1997) studied how the lining structures solutions are compared for equivalent boundary conditions, initial
react under static loading of the surrounding soil during tunneling conditions and identical material properties. Subsequently, more
process using both 2D and 3D computing models. Galli et al. (2004) sophisticated constitutive models for soil/structure elements in
modeled tunnel excavation and lining installation in both 2D and conjunction with more realistic construction aspects are taken into
3D models, they showed that 3D discretization of soil-tunnel sys- account. The comparison of the results of analytical and numerical
tem is essential to analyze the soil deformation and stresses in solutions highlights the differences between these two well
the lining elements. accepted methods as well as the effect of considering realistic fea-
Although FEM analysis is a powerful tool in simulations of engi- tures in numerical simulations. Additionally, the difference
neering problems, uncertainty in model responses is unavoidable between lining forces and deformations calculated via 2D and 3D
due to the complex tunnel construction procedures, limitations FE-models is also discussed.
of employed FEM techniques and the insufficiency of constitutive
models themselves. Additionally, it costs many resources to obtain
the input parameters to be used in numerical model, while running 2. Analytical solutions
the sophisticated model is time-consuming, especially for complex
3D tunneling model. For the preliminary design of lining segments, An overview of different contributions to structural design
analytical solutions can be used to give a good insight into the models for tunnel linings is given in Table 1. General agreement
dominant processes. The analytical solutions are developed on of these analytical models lies on the following basic assumptions:
the basis of 2D idealization of tunnel construction. An overview (1) the analytical solutions are sufficient to consider only a cross-
of the contributions to analytical solutions is given in Table 1. section, which means plain strain condition is assumed; (2) the
The list and the following brief discussion are, of necessity, incom- cross section of the tunnel is assumed to be circular; (3) the soil
plete. Schmid (1926) was probably the first who proposed an ana- stresses on the lining segments are assumed to be equal to the pri-
lytical solution for thick lining segments in contact with elastic mary stresses in the undistributed ground; (4) there is a bond
between the lining and the ground, it takes into account the soil-
lining interaction; and (5) the material behavior of soil and lining
is generally assumed to be elastic. In Germany two main categories
Table 1
Brief overview of the contributions to structural design models of linings.
of structural models for mechanized tunneling have been proven
and established for usual applications: the continuum models
Reference Description (see Fig. 1(a) and (b)) preferred for deep tunnels and the bedding
Schmid (1926) First to analyze the elastic continuum with models (see Fig. 1(c)) preferred for shallow tunnels.
considering the soil-lining interaction Commonly, the analytical continuum model consists of a
Voellmy (1937) The continuum model, omission of the tangential
components of soil pressure
homogenous elastic circular ring embedded in a plane 2D-
Bull (1944) The bedding model for shallow tunnel, tedious continuum (see Fig. 1(a)). Herein, the idealized primary stress state
calculation is obtained from equilibrium of vertical and horizontal forces
Engelbreth (1961) The continuum model with closed form induced by earth pressures. The vertical component of lining load
Schulze and Duddeck The bedding model with complete and closed
(rv ) is modeled as an uniformly distributed load on top and bot-
(1964a) solution
Windels (1967) The continuum model with complete solution tom of the tunnel. This lining load is depth independent and deter-
Ahrens et al. (1982) The exhaustive and theoretically complete solution mined based on the soil stress at the depth of tunnel axis. The
Bakker (2003) Unidimensional model without considering the horizontal load (rh ) is also applied as a constant pressure, its mag-
soil-lining interaction nitude is defined as the vertical earth pressure multiplied by the
Kim and Eisenstein Using correction factors considering the non-linear
(2006) ground behavior
coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (K 0 ), namely
rh ¼ K 0 rv . To compute the internal forces on lining, it is necessary
166 C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of different analytical solutions: (a) the continuum model with Cartesian coordinates, (b) the continuum model with polar coordinates and (c)
the bedding model.
to transform the vertical and horizontal earth pressures into radial given by Voellmy (1937). These equations have been modified
and tangential load components (see Fig. 1(b)). Therefore, the Four- and transferred to derive internal forces and radial deformations
ier transformation can be employed to respectively split the radial by Schulze and Duddeck (1964a).
and tangential forces acting on the circular ring and the contin- Duddeck and Erdmann (1985) pointed out that it is rather diffi-
uum. Generally, two different analytical solutions can be distin- cult to decide whether continuum or bedding model is more
guished: (a) full bond takes into account both, radial and appropriate for the individual tunnel under consideration. They
tangential bond between the soil and lining; (b) tangential slip recommended that the design engineer may choose either the con-
assumes only the radial bond between soil and lining, and the tan- tinuum model (for moderately deep tunnel) or the bedding model
gential load component does not affect the lining behavior. In con- (for shallow tunnel without reduction of the ground pressure at the
crete lining design the model of the circular ring embedded in an crown) for the structural design of linings. In this paper, the contin-
elastic continuum serves as an adequate analytical model for deep uum model and bedding model are both employed to calculate the
tunnels. It takes into account the arching effect due to a fully lining axial forces, bending moments and radial displacements. It
embedded ring and allows for tensile forces in springs to minimize should be noted that the analytical solutions are not able to cap-
loads on the lining. Consequently lower deformations and lining ture the effects of TBM excavation, grout injection and three
forces occur which constitute the minimum level of lining forces dimensional arching effect. Generally the idealization of loads
at all. In case of shallow tunnels the idealizations, more or less sim- around the lining of the bedding model is comparable to the
plifications, of the continuum model (e.g. soil-structure interac- approach of the continuum model. A deeper discussion can be
tion) strongly underestimate deformations and lining forces so found in Schulze and Duddeck (1964b) and Schulze and Duddeck
that this model might be inappropriate. For more details, one is (1964a). In both analytical models a homogenous ring does not
referred to Ahrens et al. (1982). represent a segmental ring perfectly but delivers satisfactory inter-
In general, the bedding beam model employs linear or nonlinear nal forces for practical applications aiming to estimate range and
springs whose stiffnesses are assumed to be equal to the prede- trend.
fined subgrade moduli (K s ¼ Es =r, where Es is the constrained mod- As mentioned before, the analysis of lining forces and deforma-
ulus of the surrounding soil and r is the radius of the tunnel). These tion depends on the loading action and soil stress condition. If the
moduli are specifically obtained with respect to the alternative soil stresses would not depend on the lining deformation and there
modeling approach. For instance, in case of deep tunnels a reason- would not be any interaction, it would be relatively easy to calcu-
able mechanical model assumes fully embedded circular rings and late the stresses on lining segments and henceforth the axial forces,
elastic springs. Generally, the bedding model is derived from a cir- bending moments and lining deformations. Bakker (2003) assumes
cular ring embedded in an elastic domain assuming tangential slip that the vertical deformation of tunnel which is needed to derive
for soil-structure interaction. Accordingly, fully embedded crowns vertical equilibrium of the system, gives a stress increase at tunnel
lead to tensile stresses in the elastic springs (crown of the tunnel). crown that is equal to the stress relieve at the tunnel invert. Even
Consequently, the lining is locally unloaded. In practice this is though it is known that in practice that the stress relieve at the
related to the soil arching effect that results in lower bending invert might be higher than the stress increase at the crown.
moments. However, the arching effect is normally neglected in Within this framework, Bakker (2003) calculates axial forces (N),
case of shallow tunnel (the overburden is less than twice the diam- bending moments (M) and radial displacements (ur ) based on the
eter of the tunnel). To ensure appropriate bending moments the strength of materials:
crown is modeled to be unbedded in the analytical method (see
ðrv þ rh Þ ðrv rh Þ
Fig. 1(c)). In mechanized tunneling, the unbedded crown happens N¼ rþ rcosð2UÞ ð1Þ
2 2
when the ring leaves the TBM or due to loosening of the surround-
ing soil during excavation (Schulze and Duddeck, 1964a). After
ðrv rh Þ 2
that, the crown, due to inward deflections, is subjected to the soils M¼ r cosð2UÞ ð2Þ
total weight but not embedded anymore. This results in larger
bending moments in the crown. Hereby, the size of the unbedded
ð rv þ rh Þ r 2 ð rv rh Þ r 4
zone (about 100°) is characterized by transition of inwards to out- ur ¼ cosð2UÞ ð3Þ
2 E l Al 12 El I l
wards radial deformations and the positions of longitudinal joints
of a segmental lining. The analytical bedding model in this paper is where rv and rh are respectively vertical and horizontal stresses at
based on the original equations for elastically embedded tubes the depth of tunnel center, r is the radius of tunnel, U is the
C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176 167
orientation angle representing the position of observation points reduction of the adjacent soil strength. Here the shear strength of
(see Fig. 1(a)), El Al and El Il are normal stiffness and flexural rigidity the contact elements is 40% less than that of embedding soil.
of linings respectively. In the 2D plain strain condition, the simulation of staged exca-
It should be noted that Bakker’s method assumes that soil stres- vation, face support pressure and backfill grouting are not straight-
ses are known and their values are constant during tunnel excava- forward. Since the soil/structure elements in the direction of
tion. The lining segments are regarded to behave as a linear elastic tunnel axis cannot be associated to the progressive excavation,
material. This simple form of lining forces and deformations gives a only soil excavation and lining installation are modeled in 2D sim-
straightforward insight into the mechanism of load-bearing behav- ulation. Moreover, this tunneling problem is conducted in the nor-
ior, one can easily distinguish the key parameters that govern the mally consolidated and fully dry soil deposit. By doing so, it is
lining forces and radial displacements. Moreover, if the soil and lin- sufficient to conduct the comparison of lining forces and deforma-
ing properties are known, the preliminary design can also be con- tions obtained by analytical and numerical solutions. However, the
ducted. In this study, this simplified analytical solution is analytical solution appears to be insufficient for realistic structural
presented as the basic model in the section of results and design due to the fact that many other aspects that play an impor-
discussions. tant role in structural design of linings, are neglected. These factors
have been taken into account in the 3D numerical model to study
3. Numerical solution their influences on the model responses.
The commercially available FE-code PLAXIS (version 2013) is As seen in Figs. 2(b) and 3(b), the 3D models are generally the
used in this paper to simulate the mechanized excavation of syn- extrusion of 2D model in the direction of the tunnel axis. The width
thetic shallow and deep tunnels. Due to the symmetry of the of single precast concrete lining segments are assumed to be equal
model, only half of the model is discretized to optimize the compu- to 1.5 m. Thus, TBM advances 1.5 m in each step of the staged exca-
tational cost of the numerical solution. The diameter of tunnel (D) vation. To avoid the collapse of the soil body in front of TBM, face
is assumed to be equal to 8.5 m for both shallow and deep tunnels. support pressure is applied (Anagnostou and Kovári, 1994; Broere,
By conducting a series of trial analyses, the appropriate size of the 2001). This face support is numerically simulated through a depth
model domain and appropriate mesh discretization were deter- dependent laterally distributed load on the front soil elements. The
mined in a way that model responses are not influenced by bound- value of face pressure is determined with respect to the vertical
ary conditions and domain discretization (Zhao et al., 2015). The stress arisen from the weight of soil deposit, and its gradient is
geometry and mesh discretization for shallow and deep tunnels 12 kPa/m related to the unit weight of bentonite suspension. The
are respectively shown in Figs. 2(a) and 3(a). As can be seen, it is grouting pressure is applied as depth dependent distributed load
assumed that the crown of shallow and deep tunnels are located at the tail of the TBM (Bezuijen and Talmon, 2008; Talmon and
at the depth of 1D and 5D, respectively. Bezuijen, 2009) (see Fig. 4). The value of grouting pressure is rec-
The concrete lining segments are modeled by using structural ommended to be higher than the face pressure at the same depth
triangular elements which obey isotropic linear elastic constitutive (Teil 5, 2012), in this research the value of grouting pressure is
behavior. The material properties for lining elements are given in defined by increasing the face pressure for 50 kPa at tunnel crown.
Table 2. The grouting pressure linearly increases from tunnel crown to
The interaction between soil and structure elements is simu- invert with gradient of 15 kPa/m which is determined based on
lated with reference to in-built interface elements (Brinkgreve the unit weight of the grout material.
et al., 2013). The mechanical behavior of the soil-structure contact The staged excavation process is modeled via a step-wise
elements is modeled by Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model, the material procedure, where the progressive advancement of TBM is
strength of contact elements is determined by considering a achieved by a sequential of 1.5 m soil excavation in each step.
Fig. 2. Geometry of shallow tunnel for (a) 2D model and (b) 3D model.
168 C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176
Fig. 3. Geometry of deep tunnel for (a) 2D model and (b) 3D model.
Fig. 4. Different variants used to model the tunnel construction process considering the shield excavation, backfill grouting and lining installation.
C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176 169
soil deformations. This plays an important role in the accurate pre- Parameter Description Value Unit
diction of system behavior. In this study, applying the hierarchical u 0
Friction angle 35 [°]
modeling strategy aims to evaluate the effects of constitutive mod- w0 Dilatancy angle 5 [°]
els, construction procedures and the soil-structure interaction. c0 Cohesion 10 [kN/m2]
Eref Secant stiffness in triaxial test 35,000 [kN/m2]
3.3.1. Hierarchical constitutive models for granular material Eref Tangent stiffness for oedometer loading 35,000 [kN/m2]
According to Kim and Eisenstein (2006), a good estimation of Eref Unloading-reloading stiffness 100,000 [kN/m2]
lining forces and deformations should take into account the elastic pref Reference stress 100 [kN/m2]
m Exponent power 0.7 [–]
deformation as well as plastic behavior of the soil. In this study, an
Rf Failure ratio 0.9 [–]
elasto-plastic constitutive model is employed to reproduce the soil
mur Poisson ratio 0.2 [–]
behavior. However, in the existing analytical solutions, the soil is c Soil unit weight 17 [kN/m3]
assumed to be elastic material for the purpose of simplicity. In
order to evaluate the applicability of analytical methods, an elastic
constitutive model is also employed in FE-model. To be specific,
three hierarchical constitutive models are employed. Namely (a) 3.3.2. Hierarchical tunnel construction procedures
Linear elastic model with constant stiffness (LE), (b) Modified lin- Kasper and Meschke (2004) reviewed the development of
ear elastic model with stress dependent stiffness (LEM), and (c) numerical simulation of mechanized tunneling and generated a
Hardening soil model (HS). Generally, LE model is sufficient to con- 3D model which takes into account the soil domain, ground water,
duct the comparison of numerical model and the analytical solu- shield machine, face support, hydraulic jacks, tail void grouting,
tions. Since LE model is not sufficient to capture the realistic tunnel lining installation and soil-structure interaction. Since lin-
plastic behavior of soil, employing a sophisticated constitutive ing forces and deformations are affected by each component of
model such as HS model is essential. HS model is used for different tunnel construction method, uncertainty of model response
types of soils in the framework of isotropic hardening plasticity. increases inevitably by considering all these components. Möller
Moreover, LEM model as an intermediate model, is employed to and Vermeer (2008) found that appropriate method of modeling
consider the fact that soils have larger elastic stiffnesses under grout injection yields more realistic soil deformation and structural
higher stress levels. forces. Within this framework, the 3D FE-model in this study takes
In LE model, there are only two constitutive parameters, namely into account the sequential excavation process, face support, grout
Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio m. In this study, the values of injection, lining installation and soil-structure interaction.
elastic parameters are assumed to be E = 35,000 kN/m2 and It should be mentioned that many researchers refer to the
m ¼ 0:3. importance of 3D discretization for tunneling that accounts for
In HS model, the shear failure obeys Mohr-Coulomb (MC) fail- construction details, however, analytical solutions or 2D simula-
ure criterion and plasticity is governed by double hardening rules tions of tunneling process are still the most popular methods used
on cone-cap surfaces (Schanz, 1998; Schanz et al., 1999). The soil for design purpose. Thus, comparison of the results of these meth-
strength is described by three non-linear stiffnesses corresponding ods is essential to have a better insight into the realistic design
to the stress levels as: the primary loading stiffness (Eref concept. As seen in Fig. 4, three hierarchical construction proce-
50 ), the
dures are described as follows: In variant I, only soil excavation
oedometer loading stiffness (Eref
oed ) and purely elastic unloading/ and lining installation are simulated. This simplified numerical
reloading stiffness (Eref
ur ). Vakili et al. (2013) indicated that the best simulation is comparable to the conventional open face tunneling.
consistency between stress paths obtained by MC and HS models In plain strain condition, the model responses of analytical and
in triaxial soil element test is observed when the Young’s modulus numerical solutions can be evaluated under equivalent initial con-
in MC model is assumed to be equal to Eref
50 in HS model. As both MC ditions and boundary conditions. While in 3D simulations, it is
and LE models have linear stress-strain relationship in the elastic available to study the effect of staged excavation. In variant II, lin-
domain, it is supposed that the stress paths obtained by LE and ing segments are installed right after the TBM excavation. This kind
HS models are comparable when elastic parameter of LE model is of numerical model is similar to the present mechanized tunneling
same as Eref ref technique. One can study the influence of stress release induced by
50 in HS model. Within this framework, the value of E50
in HS model is assumed to be equal to the value of elasticity unloading (before lining installation) on the lining forces and
parameter E in LE model, soil properties for HS model are given deformations. In variant III, tunneling process with TBM excava-
in Table 3. tion, grout injection and final lining installation are considered.
As mentioned before, in HS model, the soil stiffnesses This is the most sophisticated construction method in this paper,
(Eoed ; E50 ; Eur ) are defined to be stress dependent. Accordingly, the which aims to model the tunneling process as realistic as possible,
stiffness increases with depth where the confining stress is higher. where the influence of backfill grouting on lining forces and
Such stress dependency of the stiffness is well proven in the liter- deformations can be analyzed. Moreover, Table 4 shows the 3D
ature. Several studies have indicated that the tunneling problems simulation scenarios conducted in the study which aim to evaluate
mainly deal with unloading-reloading stiffness (Eur ) as the main the effects of hierarchical construction procedures. For the 2D
deformations are imposed to the system due to soil excavation
(unloading) or the grout injection and face stabilizing process
(reloading). Since the linear elastic model includes a single stiffness Table 4
for all loading conditions, the elastic modulus in modified linear Combination of different constitutive models and construction procedures.
elastic model (LEM) is assumed to be correlated to Eur in hardening Construction procedure Constitutive model
soil at each depth. Accordingly, the profile of stiffness (Eur ) over
depth (z) is retrieved at geostatic stress condition (before the exca-
vation) for HS model and assigned to the elastic soil stiffness (E) as Variant I LE-1 LEM-1 HS-1
Variant II LE-2 LEM-2 HS-2
a linear function of depth (z), namely E ¼ f ðzÞ. After that, this depth Variant III LE-3 LEM-3 HS-3
dependent soil elastic stiffness is defined in the LEM model.
170 C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176
FE-model, as the staged excavation process cannot be simulated in 4. Results and discussions
correct manner, only variant I is employed.
4.1. Analytical and simplified numerical solutions
Fig. 5. Analytical and numerical (Variant I) lining forces and deformations for shallow tunnels; (a) axial forces N, (b) bending moments M, (c) radial displacements ur .
Fig. 6. Analytical and numerical (Variant I) lining forces and deformations for deep tunnels; (a) axial forces N, (b) bending moments M, (c) radial displacements ur .
Table 6
Comparison of the analytical and numerical results for shallow tunnels.
Table 7
Comparison of the analytical and numerical results for deep tunnels.
compressive (positive). Nevertheless, the tensile force component influence of simplifying the 3D tunneling problem into 2D plain
induced by the tunnel uplift at the tunnel crown and invert causes strain model, comparison between the 2D and 3D model responses
a significant decrease in the compression. is presented in Figs. 7–9. As seen, the 2D model responses agree
According to the Table 6, the 2D and 3D numerical lining forces reasonably with the 3D model output for shallow tunnel. Axial
and deformations are comparable, especially the maximum axial forces and bending moments predicted by the bedding model are
forces are almost identical. While the bedding model and contin- very close to the more realistic 3D model response (3D-HS-1),
uum model under-estimate the lining forces and deformations. the maximum deviation value is about 10%. This indicates that
Based on the deviation values, the bedding model is more appro- the bedding model is feasible in the preliminary structural design
priate than continuum model for lining structural design of shal- of lining segments. For deep tunnels, in either 2D or 3D models,
low tunnels. For the deep tunnels, Table 7 shows that there is the model responses are almost same when employing HS or
huge discrepancy between 2D and 3D numerical results. This is LEM models, while LE model leads to higher axial forces, bending
due to the fact that three dimensional arching effect is more dom- moments and radial displacements due to lower soil stiffnesses.
inant in deep tunnels than in shallow tunnels. The detailed expla- This proves that the elastic parameter is the key constitutive
nations will be discussed in Section 4.2. According to the parameter that governs the lining forces and deformations. In
comparison of analytical and numerical results, although the axial other words, the analytical solutions can be trustful if a modifica-
forces of bedding model is closer to the 3D numerical results than tion on elastic modulus is applied.
the continuum model, neither bedding model nor continuum According to Fig. 7, for the simplified construction method
model can adequately predict the lining forces and deformations (Variant I), the axial forces distribution pattern obtained in 3D
in deep tunnels. Furthermore, it should be noted that, the maxi- model is rotated slightly to the lower part of the tunnel, the 3D
mum axial forces obtained by continuum model are comparable FE-model predicts higher axial forces and lower bending moments
to those of 3D FE-model (3D-LE-1) in both shallow and deep tun- compared to those of 2D model. As the 2D plain strain model over-
nels, the deviation value is around 10%. Therefore, the basic model estimates the arching mechanism, the higher lining forces in 3D
can be applied to have a preliminary view of the lining axial forces. model might be due to more realistic three dimensional soil arch-
ing effect. Zhao et al. (2015) also found that 2D simulation under-
4.2. Effect of 2D and 3D simulations with various constitutive models estimates the lining axial forces compared to those of 3D model,
and attributed this phenomenon to the arching effect. To be more
Figs. 7–9 show the numerical model responses with the three specific, there is no arching action in the soil domain before exca-
hierarchical soil constitutive models introduced above. Only soil vation. However, it becomes gradually influential after soil excava-
excavation and lining installation are simulated in the numerical tion and lining installation. In this process, the stress distribution
model (Variant I). The 3D model responses calculated with HS remains unaffected. Thus, less soil deformation around the newly
model (3D-HS-1) are taken as the reference lining behavior which installed lining segments is induced which leads to larger axial
is used to calculate the deviation values for the other models. forces and smaller bending moments. After tunnel construction,
This construction procedure (Variant I) indicates that unloading the system reaches an equilibrium state. However, the realistic
process dominates the systems mechanical behavior. This is con- step-wise arching the progresses with tunnel advancement is sim-
sistent with the result that lining forces and radial displacements ulated as an immediate artificial support in the 2D FE-model
are almost same in case of employing LEM and HS models in which (Möller and Vermeer, 2008). It means there would be same soil
same elasticity moduli are employed. When using LE model, lower deformations and stress state variation along the tunnel, which
stiffnesses around the excavation domain induce larger soil defor- does not depend on the progressive excavation. Within this frame-
mations. Consequently, radial deformations of lining segments are work, the 3D model is more realistic to simulate tunnel excavation
more apparent in case of employing LE model (see Fig. 9). via the sequential excavation process. In other words, the 2D FE-
Tunnel excavation changes the primary stress field into a three model is inadequate for the structural design of the deep tunnel
dimensional pattern at the tunnel face. When the tunnel head without simulating the arching effect in right manner. Although
advances far away from the monitoring section, the stress field the analytical bedding solution is based on the 2D idealization,
returns to an essentially two dimensional system. To study the the predicted lining axial forces at tunnel’s side are comparable
Fig. 7. Effect of constitutive model on lining axial forces obtained from 2D and 3D analyses (Variant I); (a) 2D shallow tunnels, (b) 3D shallow tunnels, (c) 2D deep tunnels, (d)
3D deep tunnels.
C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176 173
Fig. 8. Effect of constitutive model on lining bending moments obtained from 2D and 3D analyses (Variant I); (a) 2D shallow tunnels, (b) 3D shallow tunnels, (c) 2D deep
tunnels, (d) 3D deep tunnels.
Fig. 9. Effect of constitutive model on lining radial displacements obtained from 2D and 3D analyses (Variant I); (a) 2D shallow tunnels, (b) 3D shallow tunnels, (c) 2D deep
tunnels, (d) 3D deep tunnels.
to the 3D model responses. This can be interrelated to the insignif- in comparison to Variant I. This is because the stiffer TBM shield
icant influence of arching on the tunnel sides. Despite of the good induces smaller deformation and higher loads on the TBM shield.
agreement on maximum axial forces, the bedding model is conser- Moreover, when the backfill grouting is applied after shield exca-
vative in predicting the bending moments and radial vation and before lining installation (Variant III), less lining axial
displacements. forces are generated. This is due to the fact that grouting pressure
is applied on the soil elements, the soil body can deform to reach
4.3. Effects of staged construction procedure an equilibrium. In this process, a slight stress release/redistribution
takes place that results in the difference of lining forces and defor-
As mentioned before, reliable prediction of lining forces and mation using difference construction procedures. However, the
deformations should take into account both the elastic and plastic influence of this stress redistribution/release around the shield
ground deformation. In order to study the influence of tunnel con- can be more pronounced in terms of ground movements due to
struction procedure on the model responses, elasto-plastic HS tunneling. It can be concluded that Variant III not only accounts
model is employed in the FE-model. The applied construction for the details of the construction, it more realistically captures
methods have been introduced in Section 3.3.2, and their influence the stress release around the shield.
on lining forces and deformations is shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The As seen in Figs. 10(b) and 11(b), by simplifying construction
deviation values of different methods are given in Tables 8 and 9, assumptions (Variants I and II) the bending moments are signifi-
here the model responses obtained by HS model in 3D simulation cantly under-predicted for both shallow and deep tunnels. Despite
(3D-HS-3) are assumed to be the reference values. Lining forces of using advanced constitutive model in 2D and 3D models along
and deformations highly depend on the applied construction pro- with Variant I, the accuracy of the results are in the range of ana-
cedures. In 3D numerical simulation of shallow tunnel, when the lytical bedding model for both shallow and deep tunnels. However,
TBM is simulated in excavation step prior to an installation of lin- the results obtained from Variant II are in a better agreement with
ings (Variant II), both axial forces and bending moments increase most sophisticated Variant III. According to Table 8, although the
174 C. Zhao et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64 (2017) 164–176
Fig. 10. Effect of staged construction on lining forces and deformations for shallow tunnels; (a) axial forces N, (b) bending moments M, (c) radial displacements ur .
Fig. 11. Effect of staged construction on lining forces and deformations for deep tunnels; (a) axial forces N, (b) bending moments M, (c) radial displacements ur .
Table 8
Comparison of lining forces and displacements in shallow tunnels for different numerical construction variants.
Table 9
Comparison of lining forces and displacements in deep tunnels for different numerical construction variants.
Table 10
Comparison of lining forces and displacements in shallow tunnels for different soil-structure contact properties (2D-HS-1).
results obtained from 3D model in conjunction with Variant II staged construction procedure, and soil-structure interaction prop-
deviate about 20% from the most sophisticated 3D-HS-3 model, it erties. Additionally, the model responses calculated in plain strain
still offers far better results for lining forces and deformations in condition are compared to the results of 3D numerical models. The
shallow tunnels in comparison with the simple numerical and ana- general conclusions can be drawn as follows:
lytical models. The differences between analytical and 2D solutions
with 3D model with the same level of simplification can be attrib- 1. The basic model (Bakker’s method) appears to be too conserva-
uted to more realistic arching mechanism in three dimensional tive, the bedding model is more appropriate than the contin-
models while this influence can be more pronounced for deep uum model for the structural design of both shallow and deep
tunnels. tunnels. Especially the prediction of maximum axial forces is
reliable even if the soil is taken as a linear elastic material.
4.4. Effects of soil-lining contact properties The discrepancy between analytical solutions and numerical
solutions is mainly due to the assumption of analytical method
Table 10 shows the influence of contact properties on lining that depth dependent soil pressures are replaced by a constant
forces and radial displacements. Description of different scenarios equally distributed load.
has been given in Section 3.3.3. HS model is employed in numerical 2. The soil elasticity modulus is the key parameter of constitutive
solution and lining installation (Variant I) is simulated. According model that governs the lining forces and deformations. Harden-
to the description of FE-model in Section 3.1, the stiffness and ing soil model and linear elastic model with depth dependent
shear strength of soil-lining contact elements are assumed to be stiffness provide almost the same lining forces and
40% less than that of the surrounding soil (scenario 3). Within this deformations.
framework, the model responses on the basis of scenario 3 3. Construction method plays a significant role in structural
(reduced stiffness and shear strength) are defined as reference val- design of linings. The 3D numerical simulation is essential to
ues. It is excepted that lining forces and deformations are influ- model the three dimensional arching effect in right manner,
enced by both elastic and plastic parameters. which can not be adequately captured in plain strain
When the soil and lining elements are assumed to be fully con- conditions.
nected with no extra contact element (scenario 4), the radial dis- 4. It is necessary to model the soil-structure interaction for the
placements at tunnel side is under-estimated about 15%. purpose of realistic prediction of lining behavior. Plastic param-
Consequently the maximum axial forces at tunnel side are over- eters are more influential than elastic parameters when the
estimated about 7%. As in scenarios 2 and 3 the contact element contact element between soil and lining allows relative
between the soil and lining is assumed to have the same shear displacements.
strength as the surrounding soil, almost same lining forces and 5. There is no crucial disagreement between the 2D and 3D
deformations are obtained. Accordingly, it can be deduced that numerical model responses of the shallow tunnels when the
plastic parameters dominate the system behavior when relative construction details are not taken into consideration. However,
movement between the soil and structure is allowed. Comparing in case of the deep tunnels, the 2D model underestimates the
scenarios 2 and 3 indicates that the elastic modulus plays a less lining axial forces to an extensive degree due to inappropriate
significant role in the variation of the forces and deformations in arching mechanism in 2D plain strain model.
the lining elements.
Additionally, since both scenario 4 (no extra contact element)
and analytical bedding model do not account for the realistic dis- Acknowledgments
placements and mechanical properties between the soil and lining,
the forces obtained in the lining elements from these solutions are This research has been supported by the German Research
in the same level of accuracy. Accordingly, the soil-lining interac- Foundation (DFG) through the Collaborative Research Center (SFB
tion is essential to be taken into account to provide reliable prog- 837), and the first author is sponsored through a scholarship by
nosis of lining forces and deformations. China Scholarship Council (CSC). These supports are gratefully
acknowledged. Moreover, the authors appreciate the discussion
5. Summary and conclusions with Mr. Thomas Putke on the analytical solutions of tunnel lining
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