Fussl Et Al (2018)
Fussl Et Al (2018)
Fussl Et Al (2018)
Numerical simulation tool for paving block structures assessed by means of full-scale
accelerated pavement tests
J. Füssla , H. Hengla , L. Eberhardsteinerb , W. Kluger-Eiglb and R. Blabb
a Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; b Institute of Transportation, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
1. Introduction and motivation (1989), Everseries Pavement analysis programs (1999), Huang
(2004). With these approaches stress states due to edge load-
Block pavements are an ecological, economical and visually
ing, especially in the upper base courses, cannot be captured
appealing type of road surface. Especially in communal areas,
realistically. For this reason, numerical simulation tools based
the large number of design possibilities they deliver, such as
on the finite element method were developed. One of the first
shape, colour and texture, are greatly appreciated. Nevertheless,
numerical tools was proposed by Huurman et al. (1992), in
the use of block pavements is lower than one would expect.
which rigid elastically bedded blocks are connected with springs
One of the reasons is a lack of adequate performance prediction
and in a subsequent calculation the loaded concrete block is
tools, especially for predicting damage in areas with high ver-
analysed. Further on, some similar models were developed,
tical and horizontal loads due to brake and acceleration forces.
(Nishizawa et al. 1984, Nishizawa 2003, Hassani 2006,
Responsible for the performance of a paving block structure are
Huurman 2006) which all had in common a linear elastic int-
(i) the material behaviour and the thickness of the base courses,
eraction behaviour between paving blocks and a rather simple
(ii) the material quality and the shape/dimension of the paving
material behaviour of the underlying base courses. An interest-
blocks and (iii) the type of vertical joints, defining the interaction
ing model has been developed by Ascher (2003), where the non-
behaviour between paving blocks. In many engineering design
linear elastic Dresdner model (Gleitz 1996) has been assigned to
concepts this quite complex structural system is not captured
the base course and the performance of the model was evaluated
realistically enough.
by experiments in Lerch (2005). Within these works also the
Since some design methods have evolved from, and hence
horizontal resistance of paving block structures has been studied
are heavily based on, concepts for asphalt pavement structures,
for the determination of relevant stress states in the base courses,
This paper presents a finite element method-based numerical
blocks are modelled as continuous layer with an effective simulation tool for paving block pavements, with emphasis on
stiffness, e.g. in Janda (2004). In this procedure, stress states characterisation of the interaction behaviour between paving
within the base courses are obtained on the basis of closed- blocks. An orthotropic elasto-plastic material law in tangen-
form solutions for elastic half-space systems with infinite lateral tial direction and a non-linear elastic relationship in normal
dimension. The basic solution therefore was delivered by directions were finally used to describe the paving block int-
Boussinesq (Taylor 1963, Timoshenko and Goodier 1987), eraction within the numerical simulation tool. Additionally, a
which was extended by Burmister to multi-layered elastic sys- realistic description of all other parts of a paving block struc-
tems (Burmister 1943, 1958). The solutions of Burmister can be ture allowed for reliable stress predictions within the whole
found in a large number of software programs, e.g. in BISAR superstructure.
CONTACT J. Füssl josef.fuessl@tuwien.ac.at
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
3 cm sandbed
6.4 m
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Layout of one test section (Section 5) including position of SPC, and (b) pavement structure.
control generator
4 loading wheels
corner transport
jack wheels
7.2 m 65 kN
During testing the main problem was the rapid loss of joint- Section 6 exhibited a rut depth of 20 mm at the intended
ing sand, since the sand joints within the newly constructed number of load passes, but no damaged blocks could be iden-
slab test sections had no time to consolidate and to develop tified. Small horizontal deformations and contact between two
conventional inter-locking status. Therefore, it was necessary to pavers were observed in the touchdown of the super single tires.
add jointing sand during the maintenance stops of the MLS10. The joint width of almost all joints in the middle of the load line
However, inspection and refilling of joints are regular mainte- decreased to below 1 mm.
nance actions for paving block structures during their lifetime. The pavement structure with pervious concrete (Section 7) is
For further tests on these types of pavements it is, thus, recom- a relatively new construction method in Austria for which only
mended that new test sections are exposed to environmental limited knowledge and experience is available. For this reason, it
conditions (rain, dust) for a few weeks before the start of the was interesting to observe that the performance of this pavement
APT until the jointing material consolidates. Nevertheless, it was excellent. Only small deformations could be measured and
can be stated that the execution of the APT and the projected no visible damaged was observed.
load applications were completed successfully (see Table 2). In summary, it can be assumed that the performance of
On Section 5 the APT was stopped before reaching the pro- the test sections showed a realistic behaviour during the APTs
jected load passes because of a rut depth larger than 20 mm, compared to real traffic situations. A significant amount of time
which is the threshold value in Austria and also the maximum could be saved compared to test sections on public roads with
tolerance for the operating of the MLS10. The largest defor- high traffic volumes. The only shortcoming of the MLS10 is that
mation was induced directly above the SPC installed at the no realistic breaking or acceleration forces, which often have
formation level of the unbound base course. It was concluded a major impact on the performance of a pavement structure,
that the compaction of the base course in the surrounding of can be applied on the road surface. In future, this disadvan-
the instrumentation was unsatisfactory. Although considerable tage could be overcome by using a numerical simulation tool,
deformation was measured, no blocks were broken and only where a variety of loads can be applied without much additional
minimal spalling on two loaded stones occurred. The width of effort.
joints in the middle of the load line after construction was less The obtained results from the installed measuring devices
than the allowable tolerances, which may have contributed to and their evaluation will be presented in the following
the exhibited performance. section.
2.3. Results of APT thickness direction (direction of joint width) δun was obtained,
As mentioned before, Section 5 was equipped with 4 SPC, ins-
σn = E0 δunn , (2)
talled at the top surface of the subgrade (U1 and U2) and
the top surface of the upper base course (O1 and O2) and where E0 denotes a secant-bedding modulus and n is a dimen-
Section 7 with 2 SPC at the top of the upper base course (O1 sionless parameter.
and O2). The position and arrangement of these measurement A detailed description of the test-setup, the test program
devices are shown in Figure 1. The SPC delivered measure- and the evaluation of all three experiments can be found in
ment values with a frequency of 100 Hz during the whole test Füssl et al. (2015a). The identified parameters as input for the
period. The obtained data within one illustrative second (100 numerical simulation tool are finally: ϕh = 1.21, ϕv = 0.58,
measured values per SPC) is shown in Figure 3, for the SPC τmax = 2.41 N/mm2 for the tangential joint behaviour, and
O1 and U1 of Test Section 5. It can be seen that the peak E0 =11.482 N/mm3 and n = 1.795 for the normal joint
values of the compressive stresses due to a load pass can be behaviour.
captured with sufficient accuracy, even if a higher frequency
could be recommended for the SPC O1. For further evaluation, 3.2. Concrete paving block properties
the maximum and minimum pressure values of each minute of
the whole testing time were used. Figure 4 shows this data for The stiffness of the concrete slabs were obtained by ultrasonic
the SPC U1 and U2 of Section 5. The obtained minute minima measurements. The ultrasonic measurement set-up and a con-
and maxima of the other SPC can be found in Figures A1 crete specimen with the two measuring directions are shown in
and A2 of the Appendix. In Section 5, the mean value and stan- Figure 7. By measuring the transit time T of the ultrasonic wave
dard deviation of the pressure amplitudes (difference between through the specimen, the wave velocity v was determined and
minute maxima and minima) are compared to values obtained further the modulus of elasticity E could be obtained by
from finite element simulations.
ρv 2 (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν)
E= , (3)
(1 − ν)
3. Identification experiments
Responsible for the overall performance of a pavement structure where ρ denotes the mass density of concrete, which was
with paving blocks are the following parts: (i) the joint behaviour measured for each sample (mean value 2.37 t/m3 ), and ν is
between blocks, (ii) the mechanical properties of the blocks itself the Poisson’s ratio assumed to be 0.15. From 24 measurements
and (iii) the behaviour of the base courses including the sub- on 4 samples a mean value of the modulus of elasticity of
grade. For a reliable simulation tool the mechanical behaviour 45,334 N/mm2 with a standard deviation of 7.3% was
of all these parts needs to be characterised. For this reason, obtained.
different identification experiments have been carried out which
will be presented in the following. 3.3. Behaviour of base courses
Unbound base course materials often exhibit non-linear elastic
3.1. Joint behaviour and plastic material behaviour that cannot be described with
For the determination of the joint behaviour, three different the linear elastic model. The non-linear (due to the granular
new experimental set-ups were developed, which are illustrated material structure) elastic behaviour is often modelled by the
schematically in Figure 5. From the first and second test set- simple two-parameter k − φ model (Hicks and Monismith
up (Figure 5(a) and (b)), the frictional behaviour in vertical 1971), which suggests that the resilient modulus is propor-
and horizontal direction, respectively, was obtained. By varying tional to the mean stress raised to a power, or further devel-
the confinement force in normal direction to the joint and by oped models like the three-parameter model according to Uzan
assuming a frictional behaviour according to Mohr–Coulomb, (1022), the Dresden model (Gleitz 1996) and the isotropic or
a vertical and horizontal friction angle describing the tangential anisotropic Boyce model (Boyce 1980, Hornych et al. 1998). A
joint behaviour could be determined from these experiments. good overview of the basic models for the resilient response
Moreover, the amount of tangential deformation γe before plas- of unbound layers is given in Lekarp et al. (2000). The plastic
tic effects occur as well as a maximum shear stress τmax , which is material behaviour is either described by classical failure criteria,
independent of the confinement stress, were identified. With all according to Mohr–Coulomb or Drucker–Prager, or/and by the
this information the tangential joint behaviour can be described ‘shakedown’ concept described in Werkmeister et al. (2001).
by an anisotropic friction criterion, illustrated in Figure 6 and A comprehensive model for granular layers, from non-linear
reading elastic material behaviour up to plastic shakedown considera-
|τh |2 |τv |2 tions, and the implementation into a finite-element code can be
+ = 1, (1) found in Chazallon et al. (2009). The drawback of such com-
τhcrit τvcrit 2
plex material models is the large number of material properties
with τvcrit = ϕv σn ≤ τmax and τhcrit = ϕh σn ≤ τmax , where required for these models, which are mainly obtained from
ϕv and ϕh denote the vertical and horizontal friction angle, comprehensive static and cyclic triaxial testing programs, e.g.
respectively, obtained from experiments. presented in COURAGE (1999).
From the third experiment (see Figure 5(c)), a relationship For this reason and since the main focus of this work is
between the joint normal stress σn and the joint deformation in on the interaction behaviour between paving blocks, a simple
Figure 3. Data obtained within one illustrative second from SPC O1 and U1 of Test Section 5.
Figure 4. Data obtained from SPC U1 and U2, installed on top of subgrade, of Section 5.
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of identification experiments of mechanical joint behaviour in (a) horizontal, (b) vertical and (c) normal direction.
Figure 6. Anisotropic friction model implemented in Abaqus to describe the tangential behaviour between vertical joints.
oscilloscop measuring
16 cm
6 cm
Figure 7. (a) Ultrasonic measurement setup with dummy sample, (b) ultrasonic transducer with honey as contact agent, and (c) tested concrete samples.
(a) (b)
Figure 8. (a) Loading plate test results on the top of the subrade, the lower base course and the upper base course compared to the corresponding numerical results, and
(b) numerically obtained vertical deformation fields for a loading plate test at the top of the upper base course.
Figure 10. Exemplary finite element mesh, where the loaded blocks are finer discretised.
Figure 11. Vertical deformation fields of Section 5, for the two load cases (A and B) shown in Figure 9.
yet realistic approach was chosen to describe the constitutive model. In Figure 8(a), the experimentally and numerically obt-
relationship for the base courses in the proposed numerical ained load deformation relationships are compared with each
simulation tool. Five conventional loading plate tests were car- other. It can be seen that by assigning a modified Drucker–
ried out during the construction process on the top of the Prager cap model to all base courses, a calibration of the mat-
subgrade, the lower base course and the upper base course. erial properties allows for a very good reproduction of the
The experimentally obtained load deformation relationships loading plate tests numerically. The modified Drucker–Prager
were used to determine elasto-plastic material parameters of cap model and the required parameters are described in the
all three layers by reproducing the tests with a finite element Appendix.
Figure 12. Relevant vertical stress states σ33 at the top of the base courses and the subgrade for Test Section 5, and the position of the relevant SPC.
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Future applications of the simulation tool: (a) study of the horizontal resistance of block pavement superstructures, and (b) determination of the influence of
arch supporting effects on the load bearing capacity of paving block superstructures.
A lateral pressure is applied to the concrete slabs, describing course, respectively. At Section 7 two SPC were installed at the
the restraining of the test sections and to activate a low coh- top of the subgrade. The measurement data was consolidated to
esion within the vertical joints, as seen in joint experiments mean values and the associated standard deviation of amplitude
(Füssl et al. 2015a). values (min/max values).
The discretisation is done with 20-node hexahedron ele- Figure 13 shows the comparison between the compressive
ments for the sandbed and 8-node hexahedron elements for all stress values obtained from the SPC and the corresponding
other parts. An exemplary mesh with the corresponding model numerical results. The FEM values represent the mean vertical
parameters is shown in Figure 10. pressure over an area of 200/300 mm, equal to the measurement
Subsequently, static calculations in Abaqus for different pos- surface of the SPC. The individual lower values denote the
itions of the super single tire were performed. The wheel load mean pressure of a fictive SPC built-in with an eccentricity
of 65 kN was applied linearly within a maximum of 10 steps, of 50/50 mm at the upper base course and 200/200 mm at the
and no more than 16 equilibrium iterations had to be carried subgrade, respectively.
out per step. The vertical deformation fields, obtained for the For all measuring points, the experimentally and numerically
two load cases (A and B), are shown in Figure 11. An analysis obtained pressure values are in reasonable agreement. For a
of Figure 11 suggests that the models predictions of the vertical profound validation of the simulation tool, however, additional
displacements fields are reasonable. Mainly responsible for this experimental data would be required.
is an appropriate implementation of the joint behaviour and the
interaction between the slabs and the sandbed.
In the following, the relevant load cases and the resulting 6. Summary and concluding remarks
stress states obtained from the finite element simulations, which Within this paper, APT using the Mobile Load Simulator
deliver extreme values at the positions of the SPC in the APT (MLS10) on block pavements with sand filled joints were pre-
test sections, are presented. Figure 12 shows the relevant vertical sented. Two test sections were equipped with SPC, allowing the
stress states at the top of the base courses and the subgrade. An recording of relevant pressure stress states in the base courses.
influence of the load case on the distribution of vertical pressure These stress states were then compared to values obtained from
can only be observed at the top of the upper base course. Under a numerical simulation tool based on the finite element method,
load case A, where the wheel load is directly above a continuous where the necessary material properties were acquired from dif-
transverse joint (see Figure 11), the maximum vertical stress is ferent identification experiments. The main results and findings
slightly higher compared with the one under load case B. The can be concluded as follows:
same effect was also obtained from the APTs and can be seen
in Figure A1. However, in contrast to concrete slab structures • The operation of the MLS10 on the three different test
(investigated in Füssl et al. (2015, 2015b)), the load position has sections worked properly, and thus, this testing method
no major impact on the vertical stress distributions in the base can be recommended also for superstructures with paving
layers. blocks. The installed SPC on the top of the upper base
In the next section, the measured stresses during the APT are course and the subgrade were able to capture compressive
compared to the numerically obtained results. stress peaks due to a tire rollover.
• On the basis of three different joint experiments, an app-
ropriate characterisation of the tangential as well as nor-
5. Comparison of experimental and numerical results
mal mechanical behaviour of the sand filled joints was
In the following, the results obtained from the two test sections possible. The obtained mechanical behaviour could be
(equipped with measuring devices) of the APT are compared to implemented accurately into the finite element model,
results from finite element simulations. Four SPC were installed using Mohr–Coulomb friction in tangential direction and
in Section 5, two at the top of the subgrade and the upper base a non-linear elastic material law in normal direction.
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Figure A1. Data obtained from SPC O1 and O2, installed on top of upper base course, of Section 5.
Figure A2. Data obtained from SPC U1 and U2, installed on top of subgrade, of Section 7.
(a) (b)
Figure B1. Yield surface of the modified Drucker–Prager cap model (a) along the hydrostatic axis and (b) in the meridial plane.
The modified Drucker–Prager cap model is illustrated in Figure B1. It consists of a failure surface describing shear failure, which reads
Fs = t − p tan β − d = 0 (B1)
and a surface defining the plastic behaviour under predominantly volumetric compressive stress states, reading
Fc = (p − pa )2 + − R(d + pa tan β) = 0, (B2)
(1 + α − α/ cos β)
Table B1. Cap hardening stress/strain relationship (derived from experimental data in Chiroux et al. (2005)).
Hydrostatic yield Volumetric plastic Hydrostatic yield Volumetric plastic
stress (N/mm2 ) strain (–) stress (N/mm2 ) strain (–)
0 0 0.10 0.0845
0.01 0.0141 0.15 0.1021
0.03 0.0373 0.30 0.1241
0.05 0.0551 0.40 0.1335
0.07 0.0690 0.50 0.1405
where p = −1/3σii is the equivalent pressure stress, q = 3/2(σ d : σ d ) the Mises equivalent stress and r = (9/2σ d · σ d : σ d )1/3 the third invariant of
deviatoric stress with σ d = σ + pI. A deviatoric stress measure is defined as
q 1 1 r
t= 1+ − 1− . (B3)
2 K K q
The evolution of hardening is derived from the experimental results in Chiroux et al. (2005). The implemented relation between the hydrostatic yield
stress and the volumetric plastic strain is given in Table B1. Finally, with the parameters shown in Table B2 the loading plate tests could be reproduced
very well.
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