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(Q. No. 1 To 60) Multiple Choice Questions With One Correct Answer. A Correct Answer Carries 1 Mark. No Negative Marks

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CET Section

Subject Topic Crash2 Test Date

Nitrogen Compounds, Solutions, Co-ordination Compounds, Solid CET – 12 – CT
State, Biomolecules, Metallurgy, Polymers, Surface Chemistry,
Chemistry in Everyday life, Qualitative Analysis, Application of
C+M+P Integrals, Differential Equations, Complex Number, Properties of 31st Jul 2021
Triangles, Moving Charges, Magnetism and Matter, Atoms and C1220210731
Nuclei, Electromagnetic Induction & AC, Semiconductor Electronics,
Electromagnetic Waves

Max. Marks: 180 Duration: 3 Hours

1. This paper consists of 180 questions with 3 parts of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics

 Chemistry: (Q. No. 1 to 60) Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer. A correct answer
carries 1 Mark. No Negative marks.
 Mathematics: (Q. No. 61 to 120) Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer. A correct
answer carries 1 Mark. No Negative marks.
 Physics: (Q. No. 121 to 180) Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer. A correct answer
carries 1 Mark. No Negative marks.

2. The OMR sheet for 200 questions is to be used

3. Use of calculators and log tables is prohibited

4. Darken the appropriate bubble using a pen in the OMR sheet provided to you. Once entered, the
answer cannot be changed. Any corrections or modifications will automatically draw a penalty of
1 mark

5. No clarification will be entertained during the examination. Doubts in the paper can be reported
to the coordinator after the exam

6. If the details in the OMR Sheet are not filled, If the OMR sheet is mutilated, torn, white Ink used,
the circles filled and scratched, then the OMR sheet will not be graded

All the best!!

Useful Data
At. Wt.:
N  14; O  16; H  1; S  32; Cl  35.5; Mn  55; Na  23; C  12; Ag  108; K  39; Fe  56; Pb  207

Physical Constants:

h  6.626 1034 Js , Na  6.022 1023 mol-1 , c  2.998 108 ms-1 , me  9.11031 kg , R  8.314 J mol-1 K-1
CET Section

Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer. A correct answer carries 1 mark. No negative
mark. 60 x 1 = 60
1. A sugar syrup of weight 214.2 g contains 34.2 g of sugar (molar mass = 342). The molality of the solution

(a) 0.0099 (b) 0.56 (c) 0.28 (d) 0.34

2. A binary liquid solution is prepared by mixing n-heptane and ethanol. Which one of the following
statements is correct regarding the behaviour of the solution?
(a) The solution formed is an ideal solution
(b) The solution is non-ideal, showing +ve deviation from Raoult’s law
(c) The solution is non-ideal, showing -ve deviation from Raoult’s law
(d) n-heptane shows +ve deviation while ethanol shows –ve deviation from Raoult’s law

3. Each pair forms ideal solution except

(a) C2 H 5 Br and C2 H5 I (b) C6 H 5Cl and C6 H 5 Br

(c) C6 H 6 and C6 H 5CH 3 (d) C2 H 6 I and C2 H 5OH

4. 12 g of urea is dissolved in 1 litre of water and 68.4 g of sucrose is dissolved in 1 litre of water. The

lowering of vapour pressure of first reaction is

(a) Equal to second (b) Greater than second
(c) Less than second (d) Double that of second
5. 1.8g of fructose  C6 H12O6  is added to 2 kg of water. The freezing point of solution is

(a) 0.0093 C (b) 0.0093 C (c) 0.0186 C (d) 1.86 C

6. Which one of the following gases has the lowest value of Henry’s law constant?
(a) N 2 (b) He (c) H 2 (d) CO2

7. The solubility of O2 at a certain pressure P and temperature 298K is 0.18gL1. If K H of O2 is 35k bar,

the value of pressure P is:

(a) 1.0 bar (b) 1.58 bar (c) 3.5 bar (d) 35.0 bar

8. A 5% solution of cane sugar (molar mass  342 ) is isotonic with 1% solution of an unknown solute. The
molar mass of unknown solute in g / mol is:

(a) 34.2 (b) 136.2 (c) 171.2 (d) 68.4

9. 1000 g of a sample of hard water was found to contain 0.02 g of MgSO4 . The concentration of Mg 2 is

(a) 100 ppm (b) 20 ppm (c) 1ppm (d) 103 ppm

Deeksha House 2
CET Section

10. A salt dissolves in water if:

(a) Lattice energy  hydration energy
(b) Ionic product  solubility product
(c) Ions may not form hydrogen bonds with water
(d) Lattice energy > hydration energy

11. Which of the following dimensions of a unit cell represents a cubic unit?

(a) a  b  c;      90 (b) a  b  c;      90  

(c) a  b  c;      90 (d) a  b  c;    

12. The number of crystal systems in which a crystal can be classified is equal to
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 10
13. Wax is an example of
(a) Ionic crystal (b) Covalent crystal
(c) Molecular crystal (d) Metallic crystal
14. Atoms of elements B form hcp lattice and those of the element A occupy 2/3rd of tetrahedral voids. The

ratio of number of atoms of A and B in the compound is

(a) 2 : 3 (b) 4 : 3 (c) 3: 4 (d) 3: 2
15. What type of crystal defect is indicated in the diagram below?

Na  Cl  Na  Cl  Na  Cl 

Cl  Cl  Na  Na 

Na  Cl  Cl  Na  Cl 

Cl  Na  Cl  Na  Na 

(a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect

(c) Interstitial defect (d) Frenkel and Schottky defect

16. Zinc oxides is white when cold but yellow when hot because it develops
(a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect (c) Metal excess defect (d) Metal deficiency defect

17. Ice crystallises in a hexagonal lattice having a volume of a unit cell as 132 1024 cm3 . If density of ice at

the given temperature is 0.92gcm3, then number of H 2O molecules per unit cell is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

18. The edge lengths of the unit cells in terms of the radius of spheres constituting, fcc, bcc and simple cubic

unit cell are respectively ………

4r 4r 4r 4r
(a) 2 2 r , , 2r (b) , 2 2 r, 2 r (c) 2 r , 2 2 r , (d) 2 r , , 2 2r
3 3 3 3

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CET Section

19. F-centre is
(a) Anion vacancy occupied by unpaired electron
(b) Anion vacancy occupied by paired electron
(c) Cation vacancy occupied by electron
(d) Anion present in interstitial site
20. The crystal with metal deficiency defect is
(a) NaCl (b) FeO (c) KCl (d) ZnO
21. Which of the following reagents can be used to convert primary amides into primary amines containing
one carbon atom less than the parent amide?
(a) Br2  NaOH (b) LiAlH 4 (c) Sn  HCl (d) Na  C2 H 5OH

22. The correct order of the basic strength of methyl substituted amines in vapour phase is

(a) CH3NH2  CH3 2 NH  CH3 3 N (b) CH3 2 NH  CH3NH2  CH3 3 N

(c) CH3 3 N  CH3NH2  CH3 2 NH (d) CH3 3 N  CH3 2 NH  CH3NH2

23. Which of the following is the strongest base?

(a) NH2 (b) NHCH3

(c) NH2 (d) CH2NH2


24. The bad smelling substance formed by the action of alcoholic caustic potash on chloroform and aniline is
(a) Nitrobenzene (b) Phenyl isocyanide (c) Phenyl cyanide (d) Phenyl isocyanate
25. Mendius method of preparation of amines consists of:
(a) Catalytic reduction of alkyl cyanides (b) Reduction of amide with LiAiH 4

(c) Reduction of nitroalkanes with Sn  HCI (d) Reduction of oximes with Na  C2 H 5OH

26. Acetanilide is prepared by the reaction of acetyl chloride on:

(a) Acetamide (b) Aniline (c) Acetaldehyde (d) Benzene

27. Substitution of one alkyl group by replacing hydrogen of primary amines:

(a) Increases the basic strength (b) Decreases the basic strength
(c) Remains the same (d) Cannot say

28. Which of the following is least soluble in water at 298 K ?

(a) CH3 NH 2 (b)  CH3 2 NH (c) CH3 3 N (d) C6 H 5 NH 2

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CET Section

29. Method by which aniline cannot be prepared is

(a) Degradation of benzamide with bromine in alkaline solution
(b) Reduction of nitrobenzene with H 2 / Pd in ethanol

(c) Reduction of benzamide with LiAlH 4

(d) Hydrolysis of phenyl isocyanide with acidic solution

30. The value of Kb is highest in case of:

(a) p  methoxyaniline (b) p  chloroaniline (c) p  nitroaniline (d) p  methylaniline

31. Denaturation of proteins leads to loss of its biological activity by

(a) Formation of amino acids (b) Loss of primary structure.
(c) Loss of both secondary and tertiary structure (d) Loss of both primary and secondary structures.
32. One of the different amino acids which can be synthesized in the body is
(a) Lysine (b) Leucine (c) Alanine (d) Phenyl alanine
33. Which of the following is function of proteins?
(a) Nails formation (b) Skin formation (c) Providing energy (d) Both (a) and (b)
34. Adenosine is an example of
(a) Purine base (b) Pyrimidine base (c) Nucleoside (d) Nucleotide
35. The two functional groups present in a typical carbohydrate are

(a) OH and COOH (b) C O and OH

(c) CHO and COOH (d) OH and CHO

36. Glucose does not react with
(a) hydroxylamine (b) conc. HNO3 (c) sodium bisulphate (d) acetic anhydride

37. Glycogen is
(a) a structural polysaccharide
(b) structurally similar to amylopectin but extensively branched
(c) a polymer of   D  glucose units
(d) structurally very much similar to amylopectin
38. Amino acids exist as zwitter ions at
(a) acidic pH (b) basic pH (c) neutral pH (d) isoelectric pH
39. The glycosidic linkage involved in linking the glucose units in amylose part of starch is
(a) C1  C4   linkage (b) C1  C6   linkage (c) C1  C5   linkage (d) C1  C4   linkage

40. Which of the following is correct about H  bonding in DNA?

(a) A – T, G – C (b) A – G, T – C (c) G – T, A – C (d) A – A, T - T
41. Which of the following has the highest molar conductivity in solution?

(a)  Pt  NH 3 6  Cl4 (b)  Pt  NH 3 5 Cl  Cl3 (c)  Pt  NH 3 4 Cl2  Cl2 (d)  Pt  NH 3 3 Cl3  Cl

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CET Section

42. IUPAC name of Na3 Co  CN 6  is:

(a) Sodium cobaltcyanide (b) Sodium hexacyanocobaltate(III)

(c) Sodium hexacyanocobalt(III) (d) Sodium hexacyanocobaltate(II)

43. The complex Co  NH 3 3 CI 3  is

(a) Neutral (b) Cationic (c) Anionic (d) Amphoteric

44. Which will give Fe3 ions in solution?

(a)  Fe  CN 6  (b) Fe2  SO4 3

(c)  Fe  CN 6  (d) NH 4  SO4 2  FeSO4  6 H2O

45. The hybridization of Fe in Fe  CO 5

(a) sp3 (b) dsp3 (c) sp3d 2 (d) d 2sp3

46. Which one is/are inner orbital complex?

(a) [ Ni( NH3)6 ]2 (b) [Mn(CN )6 ]4 (c) [Co( NH3)6 ]3 (d) both (b) and (c)

47. Which of the following ligand has lowest  0 value ?

(a) en (b) F  (c) ox (d) CN 

48. The number of unpaired electrons in d 6 , high spin, octahedral complex is:
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 0
2 2
49. Among  Ni  CO 4  ,  Ni  CN 4  and  NiCl4  species, the hybridization states of the atom are


(a) sp3, dsp2 , dsp2 (b) sp3, dsp2 , sp3 (c) sp3, sp3, dsp2 (d) dsp2 , sp3, sp3

50. Primary and secondary valency of platinum in the complex  Pt  en 2 Cl2 

(a) 4, 6 (b) 2, 6 (c) 4, 4 (d) 6, 4

51. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding physisorption?

(a) It occurs because of van der Waals forces
(b) More easily liquefiable gases are adsorbed readily
(c) Under high pressure it results into multi molecular layer on adsorbent surface

 
(d) Enthalpy of adsorption H adsorption is high and positive

52. A liquid which markedly scatters a beam of light (visible in dark room) but leaves no residue when
passed through a filter paper is best described as
(a) A Suspension (b) Lyophobic sol (c) A true solution (d) Lyophilic sol
53. On adding few drops of dil. HCl to freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide, a red colored colloidal solution
is obtained. This phenomenon is known as
(a) Dissolution (b) Dialysis (c) Protective action (d) Peptization

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CET Section

54. For a colloidal solution, dispersion medium-dispersed phase is Solid-liquid. This is an example of
(a) Emulsion (b) Aerosol (c) Gel (d) Solution
55. The stability of the dispersed phase in a lyophobic colloids is due to
(a) The formation of electrical layer between two phases
(b) High viscosity of the medium
(c) High surface tension of sol
(d) Common ion effect
56. The presence of colloidal particles of dust in air imparts blue colour to the sky. This is due to
(a) Absorption of light (b) Scattering of light (c) Refraction of light (d) Reflection of light
57. Adsorption is accompanied by:
(a) decrease in entropy of the system (b) decrease in enthalpy of the system
(c) T S for the process is negative (d) all of the above
58. Which property of colloids is not dependent on the charge on colloidal particles?
(a) Coagulation (b) Electrophoresis (c) Electro-osmosis (d) Tyndall effect
59. Which of the following cations will have minimum flocculation value for arsenic sulphide sol?

(a) K  (b) Sr 2 (c) Ca 2 (d) Al 3

60. According to Freundlich adsorption isotherm, which of the following is correct?
(a)  p1
(b)  p1/n
(c)  po
(d) All the above are correct for different ranges if pressure

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CET Section

Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer. A correct answer carries 1 mark. No negative
mark. 60 x 1 = 60

61. The area bounded by y  x2  2, X  axis, x  2 and x  4 is

y  x2  2 Y

O 2 4 X

16 17 68 20
(a) sq. units (b) sq. units (c) sq. units (d) sq. units
3 3 3 3

62. The area of the region bounded by the curve x3  y, the line x  1 and x  3 is

O 1 3

y  x3

(a) 1 sq. units (b) 20 sq. units (c) 80 sq. units (d) sq. units
63. The area bounded by the curve xy  4, x  axis and the ordinates x  2, x  6 is

XY  4

x2 x6

5 5 5
(a) 2 log sq. units (b) 4 log 3 sq. units (c) 5log sq. units (d) 3log sq. units
2 2 2
64. The area of the region bounded by the line 2 y   x  8 , x  axis and the lines x  2 and x  4 is

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

65. The area enclosed between the curve y  cos 3x, 0  x   / 6 and the coordinate axes is

2 1 4
(a) (b) (c) 1 (d)
3 3 3

66. The area bounded by the curve y 2  4 x and the lines x  0, x  2 is

16 2 15 2 16
(a) 16 sq. units (b) sq. units (c) sq. units (d) sq. units
3 3 3

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CET Section

67. The area enclosed between the parabola y2  4ax and the lines x  a, x  3a is

8a 2 8a2 
(a) 8a2 sq. units (b) sq. units (c) 3 3  1 sq. units (d) a2 sq. units
3 3 

68. The area (in square units) of the region enclosed by the curves y  x2 and y  x3 is

(a) 1 / 12sq.units (b) 1/ 6sq.units (c) 1 / 3sq.units (d) 1sq.units

69. The area of the region bounded by x  1, x  2, y  4x  1, y  e x is

y  4x 1

y  ex

1 2

(a) 7  e  e2 (b) 5  e  e2 (c) 7  e  e2 (d) 7  2e  e2

70. The area enclosed between the curves y 2  x and y | x | is

2 1 5
(a) sq. units (b) 1 sq. units (c) sq. units (d) sq. units
3 6 6

71. The area bounded by the curves y 2  4x and x2  4 y is

(a) 32 / 3 (b) 16 / 3 (c) 8 / 3 (d) 0

72. The area bounded by the curve y   x  4 x  1 and the x  axis is

9 6 9 9
(a) sq. units (b) sq. units (c) sq. units (d) sq. units
2 5 5 4

73. The area of the region bounded by the curve y  sin x and x  axis 0,2π is

(a) 4 sq. units (b) 3 sq. units (c) 2 sq. units (d) 1 sq. units

74. The area bounded by x  4  y 2 and y  axis is

31 32 17 16
(a) sq. units (b) sq. units (c) sq. units (d) sq. units
3 3 3 6

75. The area bounded by the curve x2  4ay and the line y  2a is

2a 2 a2 8a 2 16 2a 2
(a) sq. units (b) sq. units (c) sq. units (d) sq. units
3 3 3 3
76. The degree of the differential equation 1   y'    y''
2 4
 

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

77. The differential equation satisfied by the family of rectangular hyperbola xy  c2 is

dy dy y dy y dy
(a)  xy (b)  (c)  (d)  y2x
dx dx x dx x dx

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78. Eliminating a and b from relation y  ae2 x  be3x , the differential equation is

(a) y " y'  y  0 (b) y " 6 y'  0 (c) y " 6 y'  y  0 (d) y " y'  6 y  0

79. The differential equation of the family of curves y  Ae3x  Be5x , where A, B are arbitrary constants, is

d2y dy d2y dy d2y dy

(a) 8  15 y  0 (b) 8  15 y  0 (c)   y0 (d) None of these
2 2
dx dx dx dx dx 2 dx

80. The general solution of x 1  y 2 dx  y 1  x 2 dy  0 is

(a) 1  x 2  1  y 2  c (b)
 1
 
log 1  x2  log 1  y 2  c

   
3/2 3/2
(c) 1  x2  1  y2 c (d) none of these

81. The general solution of the differential equation dx  xtanydy  0 is

(a) x  sin y  c (b) xsecy  c (c) tany  c (d) None of these

82. The solution of the differential equation (1  x2 )dy  (1  y 2 )dx is

(a) y  tan1 x  c (b) x  tan y  c (c) tan1 y  tan1 x  c (d) None of these

 dy 
83. The solution of the equation log    ax  by is
 dx 

eby eax eby eax eby eax

(a)  c (b)  c (c)  c (d) None of these
b a b a a b

84. The solution of the differential equation x2  xy dy  x2  y 2 dx is   
y y
(a) log x  log  x  y   c (b) log x  2log  x  y   c
x x
(c) log x  log  x  y   c (d) None of these

85. Integrating factor of sin x  y cosx  sin2 x is
(a) cosx (b) sinx (c) sinx (d) cosx

86. The solution of  y  e x is

(a) 2 y  e2 x  c (b) 2 ye x  e x  c (c) 2 ye x  e2 x  c (d) 2 ye2 x  2ex  c

dy 2
y   x  1 is
87. Integrating factor of 
dx x  1
(a) cos x (b) logsec x (c) sec x (d)  x  1

dy dy
88. The order and degree of the differential equation  4  7 x  0 are
dx dx

(a) 1 and ½ (b) 2 and 1 (c) 1 and 1 (d) 1 and 2

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89. The elimination of the arbitrary constants A, B and C from y  A  Bx  Ce x leads to the differential

(a) y  y  0 (b) y  y  y  0 (c) y  y  0 (d) y  y  y  0

90. The solution of the differential equation x  y  2 y is
yx x x x
(a) log  y  x   c  (b) log  y  x   c  (c) y  x  c  log (d) y  x  c 
x yx yx yx

91. The conjugate of is
4  3i
1 1
(a)  4  3i  (b)  4  3i  (c)  4  3i  (d) None of these
25 25

 
92. If 1  i 3  299  x  iy  , then x2  y 2 =

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

z  2i
93. The complex number z  x  iy satisfying  1 lies on
z  2i

(a) The y -axis (b) The x -axis (c) The line y  2 (d) The line x  2

  3  2i sin 
94. The value of   0     if is purely imaginary is
 2  1  2i sin 

  
(a) 0 (b) (c) (d)
4 3 2

1  i 2  i3  i 4  i5
95. is equal to
1 i
1 1
(a) 1  i (b) 1  i (c) 1  i  (d) 1  i 
2 2

96. If z  x  iy, then Im   

2xy xy 2xy  xy
(a) 2 2
(b) 2 2
(c) 2 2
x y x y x y x  y2

1  3i
97. The amplitude of is

   
(a) (b)  (c) (d) 
3 3 6 6

1 i 3
98. The amplitude of is
1 i 3

 2 7 4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 3 6 3
99. The polar form of 1+i is

 3 3       
(a) 2  cos  isin  (b) 2  cos  isin  (c) 2  cos  isin  (d) None of these
 4 4   4 4  4 4

Deeksha House 11
CET Section

100. (1  i)6  (1  i)6 

(a) 0 (b) 27 (c) 26 (d) 2i3

1 i 
101. If    1, then least value of n 
1 i 
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 9 (d) 7

102. If 1  i 1  2i ....1  ni   x  iy , then the value of 2.5 10 . (1  n2 ) 

x y x y
(a)  (b) (c) x2  y 2 (d) x2  y2
2 2 x y

1 a
103. If a  cos  isin  , then 
1 a
  
(a) i cot (b) i tan (c) cot (d) cot 
2 2 2
104. The real part of is
1  cos  i sin 

1 1 1
(a)  (b) (c) 3 (d)
2 2 2

3 2

105. 2  i 3  i is

26 13 13 13
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 5 2 10 5

cosA cosB cosC

106. In any triangle ABC,   
a b c

a 2  b2  c 2 abc
(a) (b) 3abc (c) (d) 0
2abc 2abc
107. If in a triangle ABC ,  B  60 , then

(a)  a  b   c 2  ab (b)  b  c   a 2  bc (c)  c  a   b 2  ac

2 2 2
(d) a2  b2  c2  2c2  ab

108. The lengths of the two larger sides of a triangle are 10 and 9 . If the angles are in A.P., then the length of
the third side can be

(a) 5  6 (b) 3 3 (c) 5 (d) None of these

A C 3b
109. In a ABC , c cos2  a cos2  , then a, b, c are in
2 2 2
(a) A.P. (b) G.P. (c) H.P. (d) None of these

110. In the triangle ABC , if b  6, c  2 3 , A  30 , then a 

(a) 2 3 (b) 6 (c) 6 (d) None of these

111. In ABC a  18, b  24, c  30 then the value of cos A
3 4
(a) (b) (c) 0 (d) None of these
5 5

Deeksha House 12
CET Section

112. As observed from the top of a 75m high light house from the sea-level, the angles of depression of two

ships are 30 and 45. If one ship is exactly behind the other on the same side of the light house, the

distance between the two ships is:

(a) 75  
3 1 m (b) 25  
3 1 m (c) 75  
3 1 m (d) None of these

113. Two towers are standing on a level ground. From a point on the ground midway, between them, the
angles of elevation are 60 and 30 respectively. The height of the first tower is 100 mt. Find the height of

the second tower.

100 50 100
(a) mt (b) mt (c) mt (d) None of these
3 3 3

114. From an aeroplane flying vertically above a horizontal road, the angles of depression of two consecutive
stones which are 1 km apart on the same side of the aeroplane are observed to be 30 and 60
respectively. The height at which the aeroplane is flying in km is

2 3 4
(a) 2 (b) (c) (d)
3 2 3

115. The shadow of the tower standing on a level ground is found to be 60 meters longer when the sun’s
attitude is 30 , than when it is 45 . The height of the tower is

(a) 60m (b) 30m (c) 60 3m (d) 30  

3 1 m

116. If in a triangle ABC, A  2B, then a2  b2 

(a) ab (b) bc (c) ca (d) None of these

b2  c 2
117.  sin 2 A 
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) abc (d) 2s
118. In a ABC , if a  5, b  3, c  7 then 3cos C  7cos B 
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 7 (d) 3

119. The sides of a triangle are sin ,cos and 1  sin cos for 0    . Then the greatest angle of the
triangle is
(a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 120 (d) 150
120. a(b cos C  c cos B) 

(a) b2  c2 (b) c2  b2 (c) a 2  b2 (d) None of these

Deeksha House 13
CET Section

Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer. A correct answer carries 1 mark. No negative
mark. 60 x 1 = 60
121. Lorentz force is
(a) Electrostatic force acting on a charged particle
(b) Magnetic force acting on a moving charged particle
(c) The vector sum of electrostatic and magnetic force acting on a moving charged particle
(d) The vector sum of gravitational and magnetic force acting on a moving charged particle
122. The work done by a magnetic field on a moving charge is

(a) Zero because F acts parallel to v (b) Positive because F acts perpendicular to v

(c) Zero because F acts perpendicular to v (d) Negative because F acts parallel to v
123. An electric charge in uniform motion produces
(a) An electric field only (b) A magnetic field only
(c) Both electric and magnetic fields (d) No field at all

124. The resistance of a galvanometer is 50 and it requires 2 μA per two division deflection. The value of

the shunt required in order to convert this galvanometer into ammeter of range 5A is approximately
(The number of divisions on the galvanometer scale on one side is 30 )

(a) 0.2  (b) 0.002  (c) 3 104  (d) 4 106 

125. A charge q moves along positive direction of x - axis with a constant speed v . It encounters a region

where a magnetic field B of varying magnitude acts along  x direction. The path of the particle will be
(a) Helical (b) Circular
(c) Straight line (d) Straight line with decreasing speed

126. A wire of certain length carries a steady current. It is first bent to form a circular coil of one turn. The
same wire is next bent to form a circular coil of three turns. The ratio of magnetic induction at the center
of the coil in the two cases is
(a) 3 :1 (b) 1: 3 (c) 1: 9 (d) 9 :1

127. What is  B  dl for the path shown?

4A 2A

(a) 16 107 T m (b) 32 107 T m (c) 8 107 T m (d) 4 107 T m

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CET Section

128. In the diagram shown, current I is flowing. Radius of circular part is r and linear parts are
very long. Find magnitude of magnetic field at O .

3 /2 B I

0 I  3  0 I  3  0 I  3  0 I  3 
(a)   1  (b) 1    (c) 1   (d)   1 
4 r  2  4 r  2  4 r  2  2 r  2 
129. Three long, straight wires are carrying current as shown in the figure. Currents of 1 A, 2 A, 3 A flow

through these wires in the same direction. The ratio of F1 / F2 is ( F1 and F2 are the forces on wires

carrying currents 1 A and 2 A respectively)

1A d 2A d 3A
7 9 8
(a) (b) 1 (c) (d)
8 8 7
130. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and carries a current i. The magnetic field on its axis is

6.28 102 weber m2 . Another long solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it carries a current
.The value
of the magnetic field on its axis is

(a) 1.05 102 weber m2 (b) 1.05 105 weber m2 (c) 1.05 103 weber m2 (d) 1.05 104 weber m2

131. If m is magnetic moment and B is the magnetic field, then the torque is given by
(a) m  B (b) (c) m  B (d) m . B

132. An electron moves in a circular orbit with a uniform speed v. It produces a magnetic field B at the centre
of the circle. The radius of the circle is proportional to

B B v v
(a) (b) (c) (d)
v v B B

133. A proton moving with a constant velocity passes through a region of space without any change in its
velocity. If E and B represent the electric and magnetic fields respectively, this region of space may not
(a) E  0, B  0 (b) E  0, B  0 (c) E  0, B  0 (d) E  0, B  0

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CET Section

134. The variation of magnetic field B due to a long, straight current-carrying solid conductor of radius r
along a direction perpendicular to its length is


(a) (b)

x x
r r


(c) (d)

x r
135. A toroid has 1000 turns and a mean radius of 10cm . It has a soft iron core of relative permeability 2000 .

When a current of 1A is passed through the toroid, the magnitude of the magnetic field in the core is

(a) 4 T (b) 0.04T (c) 12T (d) 1.2T

136. Identify true statement.

(a) Angle of dip on Earth varies from 0 to 90
(b) Angle of dip on Earth varies from 90 to 90
(c) Magnetic declination on Earth varies from 0 to 90
(d) Magnetic declination on Earth varies from 90 to 90
137. A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane parallel to the magnetic meridian has its north tip
pointing down at 22 with the horizontal. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at the

place is known to be 0.35G . The magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field at the place is  cos 22º  0.93

(a) 0.376G (b) 0.304G (c) 0.280G (d) 0.310G

138. Magnetic intensity of 1600 A m1 produces a magnetic flux of 2.4 105 Wb in an iron bar of cross-

sectional area 0.2 cm2 . The susceptibility of iron is approximately

(a) 298 (b) 599 (c) 1192 (d) 1788

139. The strength of the earth’s magnetic field is
(a) Constant everywhere (b) Zero everywhere
(c) Having very high value (d) Vary from place to place on the earth’s surface
140. Magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet do not intersect because
(a) A point always has a single net magnetic field
(b) The lines have similar charges and so repel each other
(c) The lines always diverge from a single force
(d) The lines need magnetic lenses to be made to intersect

Deeksha House 16
CET Section

141. As per Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom,

(a) Orbits of electrons around the nucleus are circular
(b) Electron moves around the nucleus in orbits radiating energy
(c) Electron does not experience any force from nucleus
(d) Electron periodically gets captured into the nucleus and pops out of it radiating energy
142. Find the maximum wavelength of the Balmer series of Hydrogen atom ( R  Rydberg’s constant)
1 4 4 36
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R 3R R 5R

143. The radius of the 1st orbit of hydrogen atom is r0  0.53 Å and an electron is moving in it with a speed of

2.18 106 ms1 . The radius of 3rd orbit of Helium atom is

(a) 1.04 Å (b) 2.08 Å (c) 4.24 Å (d) 2.385 Å

144. A particular hydrogen-like ion emits radiation of frequency 2.5 1015 Hz when it makes a transition from

n  2 to n  1 . What will be the frequency of the radiation in a transition from n  5 to n  1 ?

(a) 3.5 1015 Hz (b) 3.8 1015 Hz (c) 3.0 1015 Hz (d) 3.2 1015 Hz

145. As an electron makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state of hydrogen-like ion
(a) Kinetic energy increases, potential energy decreases but total energy remains same
(b) Kinetic energy and total energy decrease but potential energy increases
(c) Its kinetic energy increases but potential energy and total energy decrease
(d) Its kinetic energy remains same but potential energy and total energy decrease
146. Identify false statement.
(a) Lyman series of hydrogen atom lies in ultraviolet region of electromagnetic spectrum
(b) Bohr’s model of atom cannot be applied to bulk material
(c) Energy difference between atomic levels n  2 and n  3 is more than that between n  4 and
(d) Angular momentum of an electron about the nucleus remains conserved when it jumps from one
energy level to another in an atom
147. A hydrogen atom in ground state absorbs 12.09 eV of energy. The orbital angular momentum of the

electron is increased by

(a) 2.10 1034 Js (b) 1.05 1034 Js (c) 4.22 1034 Js (d) 2.611034 Js

148. The Rutherford  - particle experiment shows that most of the  - particles pass through almost un-
scattered while some are scattered through large angles. What information does it give about the
structure of the atom?
(a) Atom is mostly hollow
(b) The whole mass of the atom is concentrated in a small centre called nucleus
(c) Nucleus is positively charged
(d) All of the above

Deeksha House 17
CET Section

149. Sun radiates energy at the rate of 3.6 1026 J s1 . The rate at which the mass of the Sun decreases is

(a) 1109 kgs1 (b) 2 109 kgs1 (c) 3 109 kgs1 (d) 4 109 kgs1

150. Four lowest energy levels of H-atom are shown in the figure. The number of possible emission lines
would be


n 1

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

151. Energy released in the fission of a single 92U 235 nucleus is 200 MeV . The fission rate of a 92U 235 fuelled

reactor operating at a power level 20 W is

(a) 3.12 1010 s1 (b) 3.12 1011 s1 (c) 6.25 1010 s1 (d) 6.25 1011 s1

152. Two protons are kept at a distance of 10nm ,then

(a) Electrostatic force  strong nuclear force

(b) Electrostatic force  strong nuclear force
(c) Electrostatic force  strong nuclear force
(d) Information not sufficient to arrive at a conclusion
153. The radius of a nucleus with mass number 16 is 3 fermi. The radius of another nucleus with mass
number 128 is
(a) 6 fermi (b) 12 fermi (c) 18 fermi (d) 24 fermi

154. If mass of a proton is 1.0078 amu , mass of a neutron is 1.0087 amu and mass defect for 6 C12 is 0.0990 amu ,

what is the mass of 6 C12 ?

(a) 12.100 amu (b) 12.200 amu (c) 11.900 amu (d) 12.000 amu

155. If the binding energy per nucleon in Li 7 and He4 nuclei is respectively 5.60MeV and 7.06MeV , then

energy of reaction Li7  p  2 2 He4 is 
(a) 19.6MeV (b) 2.4 MeV (c) 8.4 MeV (d) 17.3MeV

156. In the options given below, let E denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and n denotesneutron. Then
the correct option is

     
(a) E 92 U  E 137
53 I  E 39Y  2E (n)
     
(b) E 92 U  E 137
53 I  E 39 Y  2E (n)

(c) E  92
U   E  140
56 Ba   E  36 Kr   2E (n)
(d) E  92
U   E  140
56 Ba   E  36 Kr   2 E( n)

157. Work done by a battery to establish a current of 4A in a coil of inductance 0.04H is

(a) 0.18J (b) 1.0 J (c) 5 J (d) 0.32 J

Deeksha House 18
CET Section

158. The magnetic flux   in Wb  linked with a coil at any instant of time t (measured in seconds) is given by

 
  6t 3 100t  300 Wb . The emf induced in the coil at t  1s is

(a) 85 V (b) 85 V (c) 82 V (d) 82 V

159. An inductor experiences an increase in current passing through it. The induced emf in the inductor
(a) Increases the current (b) Decreases the rate of growth of current
(c) Increases the rate of growth of current (d) There is no induced emf
160. A copper disc of radius 1m is rotated about its centre with 10 revolutions per second in a uniform

magnetic field of 0.2 tesla with its plane perpendicular to the field. The e.m.f. induced across the radius

of disc is
 2
(a) V (b) V (c) 2 V (d) 2 102 V
10 10
161. In the magnet-coil arrangement shown, in which of the following cases, will an e.m.f. be definitely
induced in the coil?
(a) When magnet and coil both move towards left
(b) When magnet and coil both move towards right
(c) When magnet moves up and coil moves down
(d) When magnet and coil are both stationary
162. A coil of wire of radius r and length l has 800 turns and a self-inductance of 108 mH . The self-
inductance of a coil of 400 turns having radius 2r and length l will be
(a) 108 mH (b) 90 mH (c) 27 mH (d) 54 mH

200 103
163. An inductance of mH , a capacitance of F and a resistance of 10  are connected in series with
 
an AC source 220 V, 50 Hz . Then

(a) Phase angle of the circuit is (inductive type)

(b) Phase angle of the circuit is (capacitive type)

(c) Phase angle of the circuit is (inductive type)

(d) Phase angle of the circuit is (capacitive type)
164. The value of inductance required to operate a bulb rated 50W 100V on a 400V , Hz a.c.

line is (nearly)

(a) 1.5 H (b) 15 H (c) 3H (d) 2H

Deeksha House 19
CET Section

165. A coil, a capacitor and an a.c. source of rms voltage 24 V are connected in series. By varying the
frequency of the source, a maximum rms current of 6 A is observed. If this coil is connected to a battery
of e.m.f. 12 V and internal resistance 2 , then the current through it will be

(a) 2.0 A (b) 1.8 A (c) 1.5 A (d) 1.2 A

166. A step down transformer operates on a 3 kV line and supplies a load current of 50 A . The ratio of the
primary to secondary winding is 20 :1 . What should be the efficiency of the transformer so that the
current through the primary is 3 A ?
(a) 60% (b) 100% (c) 83.3% (d) 90%
167. In non-resonant L-C -R series circuit, what will be the nature of the circuit for frequencies lower than
that of the resonant frequency?


fR Frequency

(a) Resistive (b) Capacitive (c) Inductive (d) None of these

168. The time taken by AC of frequency 100 Hz in reaching from zero to maximum value is
(a) 2.5 ms (b) 5 ms (c) 10 ms (d) 20 ms
169. A series LR circuit is connected to an AC mains of 220V, 60 Hz . The resistance is 10  and the

inductive reactance is three times the resistance. The current in the circuit is
22 22
(a) 4 5 A (b) 5 3 A (c) A (d) A
10 5
170. The core of a transformer is laminated to reduce
(a) Flux leakage (b) Hysteresis (c) Copper loss (d) Eddy current

171. A piece of copper and the other of germanium are cooled from the room temperature to 80K . Then

which of the following would be a correct statement?

(a) Resistance of each increases
(b) Resistance of each decreases
(c) Resistances of copper increases while that of germanium decreases
(d) Resistances of copper decreases while that of germanium increases

172. If ratio of electron to hole concentration in a semiconductor is 4 / 7 and ratio of currents is 5 / 7 , then the
ratio of the drift speeds is

4 5 25 16
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 4 16 25

Deeksha House 20
CET Section

173. In the figure, assuming the diodes to be ideal,

(a) D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased and hence
R D1
5 V
current flows from A to B
(b) D2 is forward biased and D1 is reverse biased and hence D2

no current flows from B to A and vice versa B

(c) D1 and D2 are both forward biased and hence current

flows from A to B
(d) D1 and D2 are both reverse biased and hence no current flows from A to B and vice versa

174. A Zener diode having breakdown voltage equal to 15 V is used in a voltage regulator circuit shown in

figure. The current through the diode is

250 
20 V 15 V 1 kΩ

(a) 20mA (b) 5mA (c) 10 mA (d) 15mA

175. In the following combinations of logic gates, the outputs A , B and C are respectively
1 0 A


1 C

(a) 0, 1, 1 (b) 0, 1, 0 (c) 1, 1, 0 (d) 1, 0, 1

176. Energy bands in solids are a consequence of

(a) Ohm’s Law (b) Pauli’s exclusion principle
(c) Bohr’s theory (d) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
177. The structure of solids is investigated by using
(a) Cosmic rays (b) X - rays (c)  -rays (d) Infrared radiations

178. The electromagnetic radiations in the ascending order of wavelength are

(a) IR rays, radiowaves, X - rays (b) Radiowaves, IR rays, X - rays
(c) X - rays, radiowaves, IR rays (d) X - rays, IR rays, radiowaves

179. Electromagnetic waves travel in a medium with a speed of 2 108 m s1 . If the relative permeability of the
medium is 1 , then its relative permittivity is
(a) 1 (b) 1.5 (c) 2 (d) 2.25
180. Electromagnetic waves
(a) Travel with same speed in all media (b) Travel with same speed in vacuum
(c) Cannot be absorbed (d) Cannot pass through vacuum

Deeksha House 21

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