Course Report Workplace Incidents: EHS4206 HLT04007NU1 7

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Course Report Workplace Incidents

Term/Year Term 3, 202130
Program Diploma in Environment, Health and Safety
Assessment Name Assessment 3 Date Week 15/16
Student ID Number Block Code FDDPEHS201

First Name Family Name

Student Declaration
I certify that the work presented is my own. It does not contain any material that is subject to copyright or that
has been submitted previously for assessment (Unless specifically requested by teacher).
Student Signature Date
Elements Assessed
EHS4206 – Report Workplace Incidents

Element 4: Explain the importance of analyzing incident information

4.1 Explain the importance of analyzing incident information
4.2 Outline the difference between surface and root cause
4.3 Describe the 5 “Why” process
4.4 Explain the concept of lessons learned

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Assessment instructions
Assessor: Jehan Faisal
 This is an assessment to be done individually , which will be carried out during class time.
 Copying is a serious offence and will be dealt with as per ADVETI policies.

 Total Weightage and marks: 30% of the course Grade

 Submission Dates

 If you are unsure about any of the assessment requirements, please speak to your teacher.
 Students will be given time in class to work on assessment. However, additional time for completion of
the assessment may be needed outside the class.
 Assessment documentation must be well organized and filed together when submitted.
 Use the marking criteria attached to make sure you meet the assessment requirements.

Assessment Case Study:

This assessment is a project based on an case at your workplace or at ADVETI institute.
Consider the following accident scenario;
On a sunny day in summer, some workers
cleaning the first-floor windows of our institute
using the portable scaffold ladder. One of
workers who was not wearing the required PPE -
helmet, safety glasses, safety harness, suddenly
fell and landed badly on the concrete surface. As
a result, his elbow was dislocated, and his leg

Assessment Tasks:
You are holding a vital EHS personnel role in an organization. You are the key member of the investigation
team, complete the following tasks as a part of the reporting and investigating the incident.
Task A
1. Explain the importance of analyzing incident information
2. Outline the difference between surface and root cause
3. Describe the 5 “Why” process
4. Explain the concept of lessons learned
Assessment PC atrix
EHS4206 PC 4.1 PC 4.2 PC 4.3 PC 4.4
Task A1 
Task A2

Task A3

Task A4

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Grading Rubric
Distinction Merit Competent Not competent
Criteria Comments
5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks
EHS4206 – Report Workplace Incidents
Task A1: PC4.1 - Explain the importance of analyzing
incident information Outlines 4 benefits of Outlines 3 benefits of Outlines 2 benefits of
Outlines 1 benefits of analyzing
analyzing incident analyzing incident analyzing incident
incident information
information information information

Clearly defines each with an

Task A2: PC4.2 - Outline the difference between Clearly identifies – with Defines both with examples
example linked to the Defines both without examples
surface and root cause generic examples. incorrect/ partial
project scenario

Describes the 5 ‘why’ Describes the 5 ‘why’ Describes the 5 ‘why’

Task A3: PC4.3 - Describe the 5 ‘why’ process process and gives an process and gives a generic process with no or few Gives an answer irrelevant
example using the scenario example examples incorrect/ partial

Gives a detailed explanation

Gives a detailed explanation Gives an explanation
Task A4: PC4.4 - Explain the concept of lesson learned with an example linked to Gives an unrelated answer.
with a generic example without example
the project

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Range Level
90 - 100% Distinction: Your achievement is outstanding relative to the course requirements.
75 - 89% Merit: Your achievement is significantly above the course requirements.
60 - 74% Competent: Your achievement satisfactorily meets course requirements.
0 - 59% Not Competent: Your achievement does not meet course requirements.
Assessment Result
Teacher’s Feedback and Comments

Student’s Comments

Assessment Event Feedback Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I have received and Student’s Signature
understood feedback from my teacher
about this assessment event. Date

I confirm that I have provided feedback Teacher’s Signature

about this assessment to this student.

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