Ngoupeyou Tondji Lionel
Ngoupeyou Tondji Lionel
Ngoupeyou Tondji Lionel
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All content following this page was uploaded by Lionel Ngoupeyou Tondji on 13 March 2018.
31 January 2018
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of a Masters II at AIMS
It is always a pleasure to finish a research project on a high note. It gives extra pleasure while looking
back working with kind, humble and wise people.
First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty God for helping me to successfully finish this project. His
blessings guided me through some of the hard times in my life and showed me the correct path.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Pr. Ndeye Niang Keita for allowing me
to work with her, helping me to see it through to completion. She was very supportive, encouraging,
patient during the final thesis preparation. She took the pain of reading through the initial drafts of
my thesis during her busy schedule and I am greatly thankful to her for the suggestions regarding the
structure and content of the final document. I thank my examiner Dr. Franck Kalala for reading through
the final paper and making the necessary arrangements for the successful presentation. I would like to
thank the initiator of the AIMS program in the person of Pr. Neil Turok, I also thank the president of
AIMS-Senegal Pr. Aissa Wade for her many efforts, encouragement and advice that she has given me
throughout this stay. I say a thank you to the administrative staff in particular to Ms. Barbara Diagne,
Ms. Kadidjatou Dramé for their support. I would like also to express my gratitude to the tutors and
more particularly to Dr. Lamine and Mr. Ignace Minlend, who have had the patience to direct my work
to this day.
In May 2017, Mr. Momar Diop and Youssef Hassani, co-founders of the company African digital native,
trusted me to carry out the internship during which was conceived this thesis subject. I would like to
thank them and Mr. Pascal Elingui for allowing me to live this experience, from which I am out growing
both professionally and humanely. When I arrived, I did not imagine learning as much about business
life and human relations.
I would like to thank my teachers from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Yaounde 1,
thanks to them I have always had confidence in me and for the love of mathematics that they transmitted
to me in particular I thank Pr. Tonga Marcel, Pr. Blaise Tchapnda, Pr. Nkuimi C. Jugnia. I want to
thank Dr. Emmanuel Fouotsa. I thank all my classmates for my promotion of AIMS Senegal and the
University of Yaounde I for all these wonderful times we have lived together and this fraternity. I also
want to say a thank you especially to all those who from near or far contributed to the writing of this
I kept the best for last; the ones I love more than anything in the world my family, I say once again
thank you for your excessive support throughout my studies.
In general, looking for a job while scanning a lists of hiring positions on recruitment sites, which really
cost a lot of time and money is an annoying thing to do Althought most of the time those jobs are not
always suitable with users, or users are not satisfied. By doing this, recruiters waste their time by making
sure that they are qualified or not. This thesis seeks to address a very important issue in the recruitment
process which is about matching jobs seekers with jobs offers. Nowadays, the matching process between
the applicant and the job offers is one of the major problems companies have to handle. Shortlisting
candidates and screening resumes are long time-consuming tasks for the company, especially when 80
percent to 90 percent of the resumes received for a role are unqualified. We have designed and proposed
an hybrid personalized recommender system called skillake for job seeking and online recruiting websites
adapted to the cold start problem using a clustering predictive algorithms.
Keywords: Text mining, Recommender systems, Clustering, Cold-start problem, Unsupervised learning.
En général, la recherche d’un emploi tout en scannant un poste de recrutement sur des sites de recrute-
ments, qui coûte beaucoup de temps et d’argent est une chose agaçante à faire. Bien que la plupart
du temps ces emplois ne conviennent pas toujours aux utilisateurs, ou les utilisateurs ne sont pas sat-
isfaits. En faisant cela, les recruteurs perdent leur temps en s’assurant qu’ils sont qualifiés ou non.
Cette thèse vise à aborder une question très importante dans le processus de recrutement qui consiste
à faire correspondre les demandeurs d’emploi avec des offres d’emploi. À notre époque, le processus
d’appariement entre le demandeur et les offres d’emploi est l’un des principaux problèmes auxquels les
entreprises doivent faire face. Présélectionner des candidats et des curriculum vitae sont des tâches qui
prennent beaucoup de temps pour l’entreprise, surtout lorsque 80 à 90 pourcent des CV reçus pour
un rôle ne sont pas qualifiés. Nous avons conçu et proposé un système de recommandation hybride
personnalisé appelé skillake pour la recherche d’emploi et des sites de recrutement en ligne adaptés au
problème du démarrage à froid en utilisant un algorithme prédictif de clustering.
Mots-clés: Exploration de texte, Systèmes de recommandation, Clustering, Problème de démarrage à
froid, Apprentissage non supervisé.
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this essay is my original work, and that
any work done by others or by myself previously has been acknowledged and referenced accordingly.
Abstract iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Context and motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4 Experiments 30
4.1 Plateform insight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2 DataSet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3 Recommendation process on skillake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.6 Computational Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6 Appendix 45
6.1 Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.2 Linear algebra background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.3 Statistics Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.4 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
References 50
List of Tables
2.1 Methods of Hybridization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
List of Figures
2.1 A non personalized system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Taxonomy of Recommender Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Content based filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Collaborative based filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Content based filtering vs Collaborative filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
List of Acronyms
Iot : Internet of Things
RS : Recommender Systems, Recommendation Systems
CRM : Customer Reletionship Management
IR : Information retrieval
CBF : Content-Based Filtering
KBR : Knowledge-based recommendation
CF : Collaborative Filtering
CV : Curriculum Vitae
JRS : Jobs Recommender Systems, Jobs Recommendation Systems
KBR : knowledge-based recommendation
KNN : K Nearest Neighbors
SVM : Support Vector Machine
Tf-IDF : Term frequency-Inverse document frequency
IQ : Intelligence Quotient
PCA : Principal Component Analysis
SVD : Singular Value Decomposition
DBN : Deep Belief Networks
DBSCAN :Density-based clustering
LSH : Locality-sensitive hashing
LDA : Latent Dirichlet Allocation
CSV : Comma Separated Values
1. Introduction
Recent advances in technologies such as internet of things [1] and electrical devices have rapidly grown
for the last two decades allowing the creation of a large and variety repositories of information.This huge
quantity of information rises new challenges from the fact that users cannot exploit available resources
effectively when the amount of information requires prohibitively long user time spent on acquaintance
with and comprehension of the information content. Thus, the risk of information overload of users
imposes new requirements on the software systems that handle the information [2]. This problem of
overload of information can be solve by using Recommender systems (RS) [3].
Recommender Systems are software system which provide the most valuable and appropriate information
according to users preferences to avoid them to be overwhelmed by a large set of information.
Nowadays more and more journal articles, jobs offers, books, web pages, musics and movies are created.
As each new piece of information catches our attention, we are quickly overwhelmed by a huge amount of
data and sometimes confronted to the problem of choices given the big number of options available, and
ask for help in identifying the most interesting items, the ones that are more valuable, worthy of interest,
or entertaining on which we should be spending our money and time. Many businesses including these
well-known examples: LinkedIn, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter embed recommendation
systems in their web sites, in order to study the tastes of their customers, and achieve some business
objectives. Among other objectives we have:
The role that plays RS becomes more and more important. This was highlighted in 2006 during the
competition organised by Netflix [4], a global provider of movies and TV-series. The purpose of this
competition was to predict users ratings on movies based on previous ratings without any informations
about the users or the movies. The price was based on the improvement of the Netflix’s algorithm. The
winner team has been able to improve the algorithm around ten percent and was awarded by one million
These systems also play an important role in decision-making, helping users maximize profits or min-
imize risks. Today, recommendation systems are used in many information-based companies. These
recommendations can be used in many ways depending on the business activity. The Google company
has an App called Google news [5] which recommend a list of news you may be interested in. The
world’s most popular online video community Youtube [6] and Netflix company recommend videos and
movies you may like based on your activity on the site.
In [7], companies such as Facebook or Twitter embed recommender systems which can suggest you a
list of people whom you might know, who are similar to you based on your friends list, friends of friends
in your close circle, a list of people in the same geographical location as you, people posseding same
Section 1.2. Problem Statement Page 2
skillsets as you, groups, liked pages, and so on. The LinkedIn company [8] embed on their website
recommender systems able matching job applicants with employers.
Today [9], a number of platforms which make easier the recruitment process are made available to
companies, from the posting of the advertisement to the management of the applications received. The
use of the Internet for recruitment has grown considerably since the last two decades, resulting in a
simultaneous increase in the number of recruitment channels and the volume of people that can be
reached by this media. One of the popular online services for job seekers as well as for employers is E-
recruitment. Nevertheless, the recruitment process is not easy, especially when it comes to searching for
profiles and talents, as many approaches are currently limited to keyword research, which is no longer
effective when the size of data becomes huge. In Senegal, these online recruitment platforms have
become the main channel for most companies. Beyond the fact that these platform reduce the time of
recruitment and the cost of advertising, they suffer from traditional methods, as a result many recruiters
missed the opportunity to recruit talent and job seekers missed the opportunity to be recruited.
1.3 Methodology
In this thesis, we are interested in the stage of diffusion of the announcement, and the follow up of the
recruiter during this phase [9]. However, most of the tools for analysis of the latter are limited in terms
of decision support.
These limitations are due to the existence of barriers to the processing and automatic analysis of job
offers. Indeed, the diversity of employment sites leads to a diversity of structures specific to these. Today
there is no uniform structure accepted by all actors in the field of human resources for the information
contained in job offers [9].
In this context, our work has two purposes:
• The analysis, through the restructuring of information from job offers and resume published on job
boards in particular the job board Skillake to make it easiest usable for our predictive algorithms.
This work will lead to the development of a decision support tool for recruiters. With the developed
algorithm, we will be able to provide the recruiter with a limited numbers of talents corresponding to
his job offer and in the same time provide the job seeker with the ideal advertisement corresponding to
his profile. To achieve this goal, our approach will require the automation of the processes used from a
global point of view.
The remaining part of the document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the internet recruitment market. Here we try to define the context
and the problematic related to the recruitment market, the problems facing by recruiters and job seekers
and the need for referral systems.
Section 1.3. Methodology Page 3
Chapter 2 begins with a formulation of the recommendation problem, followed by a state of the art for
the recommendation systems in general, by a literature review of the differents methods used to design a
recommendation system and the differents types of existing referral systems. This chapter also presents
the challenges encountered when designing a recommendation system.
In Chapter 3, we give a short review on jobs recommendation systems and we make a comparative study
on existing jobs recommendation systems then we present some prerequisites for the implementation of
a job recommendation systems. After we present some data mining methods for recommender systems
such as text mining, text processing etc.
Chapter 4, we present an overview of the data used for our model, the recommendation process used by
our predictive algorithm. We have described the materials and packages used for the implementation
of our recommender system, followed by a brief presentation of the results obtained by our prediction
Chapter 5 provides a discussion about the real usage of our implementation by recruiting website, a
conclusion of our work and perspectives.
In Chapter 6, we have writen an appendix which serves as mathematical background and a reference
for those who want to get the python code designed throughout this thesis.
2. Literature Review on Recommendation
Recommender systems are the software tools and techniques that provide suggestions. The main goal
of recommender systems is to provide suggestions to online users with a highly relevant set of items so
that they can make better decisions from many alternatives available over the Web [7].
Let U = {u1 , u2 , . . . , um } a set of all users and let I = {i1 , i2 , . . . , in } a set of all possibles items that
can be recommended such a jobs offers, jobs seekers, music files, images, movies etc. Here the space I
can be equal to the set U and it can be very large.
The recommendation problem can be formulated [2] as follows :
Let f be a utility function that measures the usefulness of item i to user u,
f : U × I −→ R
where R is a totally ordered set (e.g the set of ranking recommendation). Then for every user u ∈ U ,
we want to predict an item i ∈ I that maximizes the user utility function. In other words:
∀u ∈ U, iu = arg max f (u, i) (2.1.1)
Depending to the predictive algorithm used, the input to a RS belongs to one of these categories [2]:
• Ratings (also called votes), which give the opinion of users on items
• Demographic data, which refer to user’s informations, sometime difficult to get it. It is normally
collected explicitly from the user
The output of a recommender system can be [2] a prediction if it is expressed as a numerical value or
can be a recommendation if it is expressed in term of a list of N ranked items, where N ≤ n.
The following part reviews the state of the art of the main approaches to designing RSs that address
the problems caused by information overload.
There exist different algorithms and methods to construct recommender systems able to do personalized
recommendations or non personalized recommendations.
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 5
Despite the fact that this method is very simple it still presents advantages and drawbacks.
1. Easy to implement
2. Lack personalization
For [11], personalization concerns adapting to the individual needs, interests, and preferences of each
user, from a business point of view it is a part of Customer Reletionship Management (CRM). All of
the personalized recommendation approaches can be divided in these four categories which are widely
used: Content-based filtering, Collaborative filtering, hybrid filtering, Knowledge-based [see Fig 2.2].
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 7
The following session will give an insight into the first three approaches above mentioned.
2.2.2 Content-based recommender systems.
The recommendation process used in this method can be divided in three parts.
• Content analyzer : Here the main task is to represent the content of items and extract the
information or specific features from the item by feature extraction techniques.
• Profile learner : In charge to construct the user profile after generalizing data representative
collected from users preferences
• Filtering components: This process will try to match the features of the user profile with the
features of the items. And then, the system will recommend items that fit for the user.
This system is working with data provided by the users explicitly or implicitly, from these data is
constructed a profile of each user. Items are recommended to users by taking the similarity of items. In
other words, the system recommends items similar to those that the user has liked in the past, and this
situation is represented by the figure [2.3].
The accuracy of the recommandation increase with the quantity and the quality of informations provided
by users.
According to [8], content-based filtering is using the technique to analyze a set of documents and
descriptions of items previously rated by a user, and then build a profile or model of the users interests
based on the features of those rated items. Using the profile, the recommender system can filter out
the suggestions that would fit for the user.
This modeling user approach is called content based learning and it take into account the fact that user’s
behavior do not change through time, then the content of past user actions may be used to predict the
desired content of their future actions.
As an example, we can suppose that, if a user has positively rated a song that belong to jazz, then the
system can learn to recommend other songs from the same music genre.
Information filtering can be viewed as the process of filtering information relevant to an individual’s
information needs, in order to come to terms with the ever increasing amount of information whereas
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 9
Information retrieval is finding material (usually documents) of an unstructured nature (usually text)
that satisfies an information need from within large collections (usually stored on computers). Although,
IR has significant differences with recommender systems, however, content-based algorithms are driven
from IR [12]. Some IR technics such as Boolean retrieval, Rocchio’s algorithm or correlation-based
schemes, Probabilistic retrieval systems, Natural language query are useful for recommender systems
and can be used in content based filtering. Other techniques for content-based recommendation use
Pattern Recognition/Machine Learning approaches such as Bayesian classifiers [13], clustering methods,
decision trees, and artificial neural networks.
The questions we have to take into consideration while building content-based recommendation system
are as follow [7]:
Content based technics (CBF) are used in some recommender systems applications to provide recom-
mendations to users.
We have:
1. StubleUpon which is a recommender system that assist user in web browsing by providing some
web content to its users, they can discover and rate Web pages, pictures and videos that are
personalized to their tastes and interests using peer-sourcing and social-networking principles.
2. Last.Fm which is a music website using a music content based recommendation called Audio-
scrobbled and predictions are provided to users based on previous items that they rated over
3. Google News [5] which provide news recommandations by using both methods content based
filtering and collaborative filtering.
This technique doesn’t take into consideration the user’s neighborhood preferences. Hence, it doesn’t
require a large user group’s preference for items for better recommendation accuracy. It only considers
the user’s past preferences and the properties/features of the items.
So, compared to collaborative filtering, there are some advantages and drawbacks of content-based
filtering that we could note [[14],[15]].
1. User independence : Uses the item’s content to predict the user’s interest, no needs other users’
rating to find the similarity between the users and give the suggestions
2. Accurate method : recommendation quality improve as the review/items content data cumulates
5. Transparency : content-based method can tell you they recommend you the items based on what
features, in order word it can provide you explanation for recommendations
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 10
1. Limited content analysis: if the content does not contain enough information to discriminate the
items precisely, the recommendation will not be precisely at the end
2. Impossible to predict the totally distincts types of items the particular user has never expressed
interest in
3. Overspecialization : items that are highly correlated with user profile or interest are only recom-
4. Unable to use quality judgements from other users
5. Sparsity of data
Content based filtering works in a different way and Fig [2.5] try to highlight the difference between
these two approaches.
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 11
These ideas about collaborative filtering are based on the fact that similar users prefer similar items or
a user expresses similar preferences for similar items. If two users give the same rate n on an items or
have similar behavior then they will rate others item in the same ways. Collaborative methods could be
implemented with two approaches memory based or model based .
Memory based approach is based on the user database which is kept in memory and each recommen-
dation is perfomed on the whole database. In memory based collaborative filtering many metrics such
as pearson correlation metric or cosine similarity can be used to compute the similarity between users or
items. The pearson correlation similarity metric to estimate the proximity among users performs better
than the cosine similarity [16]. Memory-based CF methods can be further divided into two groups,
namely user-based and item-based methods.
User-based methods look for users similar (also called ”neighbors”) whereas item-based methods look
for similar items for an active user.
This approach have a good accuracy when the set of user preferences it is large but it is time consuming
when the database become huge. Among the first papers proposed with this approach, [17] stated
that Goldberg on 1992 developed certain type of memory-based CF system which is one of the earliest
recommender systems, a manual CF mail system called Tapestry.
[18] present a CF recommendation engine for finding news articles called GroupLens.
[19] present a personalized music RS called RINGO, similarities between the tastes of different users are
utilized to recommend music items. This approach have two majors parts Item/Object-based filtering
and User/Customer-based filtering.
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 12
Model based approach does not have limitations of memory based approach because its use the
underlying data to learn a probabilistic model such as a cluster model or a Bayesian network model,
using statistical and machine learning techniques. Then, they use the model to make predictions. For
[2], the clustering model works by clustering similar users in the same class and estimating the probability
that a particular user is in a particular class.
While dealing with collaborative filtering recommender systems, we will learn aspects like [7]:
So, compared to content-based filtering, there are some advantages and drawbacks of collaborative
filtering that we could note[[14],[15]] :
Apart from these four approaches, we also have hybrid approach wherein we can combine the above
mentioned algorithms to improve the performance of recommender systems.
Section 2.2. Background of recommender systems Page 13
1. By combining content-based methods, where the model fails because of the limited content, short
review history of the item, with collaborative filtering systems, where similar user patterns is
available, new items can be recommended more accurately and efficiently.
2. By combining collaborative filtering methods, where the model fails because of the cold start prob-
lem when new items don’t have ratings, with content-based systems, where feature information
about the items is available, new items can be recommended more accurately and efficiently.
In some cases where data are available, we have the possibility of using differents types of recommen-
dation systems for the same task, in such case many opportunities exist for hybridization where we
combined two or more types of systems to achieve better performance by dropping out the drawbacks
of each technique separately. Burke in [21] has categorized hybridization methods into seven different
types including: (1) mixed approach, (2) weighted, (3) feature combination, (4) cascade, (5) feature
augmentation, (6) meta-level hybridization approach, (7) switching.
The Description of these methods can be see in Table 2.1
Section 2.3. Collecting Knowledge About User Preferences Page 14
In this section, we present the issues and challenges that are common in recommender systems. These
include: : (1) Cold Start Problem, (2) Synonymy, (3) Polysemy,(4) Shilling Attacks, (5) Privacy, (6)
Limited Content Analysis, (7) Overspecialization, (8) Grey Sheep, (9) Sparsity, (10) Scalability, (11)
Latency Problem, (12)Evaluation and the Availability of Online Datasets, (12) Context-Awareness.
1. Cold start Problem: It arise when a new entity enters the system for the first time and in this situa-
tion the recommender system can not provide recommendation because of the lack of information
about the current entity which are : new items and new users.
4. Shilling Attacks : people may give positive ratings for their own items and negative ratings for
their competitors in a manner advantageous to them.
6. Limited Content Analysis : this method is based on text, but not all content is well represented
by keyword (picture, videos, music, blog, taste, etc.). It is a complicated task to generate the
attributes for items.
7. Overspecialization : recommends only items that match user’s content profile. People might have
multiple interests.
8. Gray Sheep User Problem : most of users falls into the class of so called white sheep which are
those who have high correlations with others users, we have another class called black sheep which
correspond to the groups of users that have very few or no correlating users and Gray sheep which
correspond to the users that have their own unusual tastes and low correlations with others.
9. Sparsity : limited amount of historical information for each user and for each item.
Section 2.4. Fundamental Problems of Recommender Systems Page 16
10. Scalability : some algorithms require computations that grows with both the number of users and
the number of items.
3. Jobs Recommendation Systems
The fast growth of the Internet caused a matching growth of the amount of available online information
that increased the need to expand the ability of users to manage all this information. This encourages
a substantial interest in specific research fields and technologies that could benefit the managing of this
information overload [23]. The most important fields are information retrieval and information filtering.
Information retrieval deals with automatically matching user’s information and information filtering
aims to assist users eliminating unwanted information [24]. In order to solve this information overload,
scientist designed what we call recommender systems that originated from information retrieval. The
interest in this area still remains high because it is composed of a rich- problem research area and has a
wealth of practical applications. Recommender systems are being widely accepted in many areas such as
e-commerce, e-recrutement, social networks and so one in order to expand customer services, increase
selling rates, decrease customers search time and to improved the user experience. A wide range of
compagnies such as the online book retailer, the movies and series provider Netflix, the
professional networking LinkedIn or the social networking Facebook have successfully set up commercial
recommender systems and have increased web sales and improved customer fidelity.
Recently the increase of digital data and the emergence of e-business has led to a reform in the way
companies operate their business in different aspects. In the field of recruitment, job offers were posted
in the career session of the website for most companies. Due to the feedback received and the experience
gained, they developed platforms specifically designed for recruitment. These platforms are used by job
seekers to create profiles and to be able to apply whenever a new job posting is published. As a result,
for a job, thousands of applications are received by the company, resulting in a huge and significant
supply of jobs and CVs available online. This has caused a huge need for systems of recommendations.
In the other direction, looking for a new job is a difficult and time consuming process. The most common
approach for a user is to search for job offers by keywords on a job posting site and then is returned
a list of job postings containing the keywords whose he will evaluate according to his profile and his
preferences [25]. Although having obtained the results the candidate is unable to know if he is fit or not
for the proposed job offer.
A job recommender (JRS) is designed to match jobs to users, removing the need for manual search. The
recommender should evaluate a user’s suitability for jobs and recommend those that advance a user’s
career [26]. This section presents different research areas that are related to our proposed algorithm.
We start by presenting a brief review of job recommendation approaches, followed by a comparative
study for differents JRSs.
3.2.1 Review of Job Recommendation Approaches.
The JRS has been studied from many aspects both from academia purposes or business purposes, it has
attracted a lot of research attention and has played an important role on the online recruiting website.
Section 3.2. Related Work Page 18
Traditional recommendation systems recommend items to users whereas job recommender systems
recommend one type of users (e.g. job applicants) to another type of users (e.g. recruiters). A
comparative study of four online jobs recommenders systems is made in [27] by doing a comparison
and analysis at the product level. It also highlight the differences between a JRS and a generic RS and
develop a novel JRS by clustering the users and finding out the appropriate recommendation approach
for each user group. Different recommendation strategies are used by online recruiting systems.
Theses strategies include non personalized systems, content-based filtering (CBF), collaborative filter-
ing (CF), knowledge-based recommendation (KBR) etc. Among theses techniques, CBF is frequently
the most used by online recruiting systems, due to the convenience of collecting users’ demographic
information. However, we often use hybrid methods because it is difficult to achieve a good accuracy
only with one strategy. A comprehensive investigation is made in [27] on four online job recommender
systems from four different aspects: user profiling, recommendation strategies, recommendation output,
and user feedback.
The four well known online JRSs are Casper, Proactive, Prospect and eRecruiter, coming from Germany,
France and Hong Kong, we will make an investigation for a comparative studies. Casper is a classical job
application system used for enhancing the performance of JobFinder1 , a website which was developed
to help job seekers easily browse the best jobs, learn about employers, and get advice on applying for
those jobs. The Proactive has different recommendation modules applied to its own website2 , they
believe that having the right staff is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business
and understand the necessity of finding the right applicant within a tight time frame. The Prospect3 is
developed by analyzing and mining the resume. eRecruiter is designed for expanding the functionality
and improving the accuracy of the Absolventen.at4 .
3.2.2 Comparative Study on JRSs.
In this section, we make a comprehensive comparison of theses four above online JRS shown in Table[3.1,
3.2] and based on their related literatures [[28], [29], [30], [31]] and websites.
Section 3.3. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems Page 19
Data can be define as a collection of objects and their attributes, where an attribute is defined as a
property or characteristic of an object. Real-life data typically needs to be preprocessed (e.g. cleansed,
filtered, transformed) in order to be used by the machine learning techniques in the analysis step. In
this section, we will present popular data preprocessing techniques, data-mining techniques, and data-
evaluation techniques commonly used in recommender systems. The first part of this section deals with
how a data analysis problem is tackled, followed by data preprocessing steps such as similarity measures
and dimensionality reduction. The next part of the section is about data mining techniques and their
evaluation techniques.
Solving a data analysis problem : realizing this operation involves a bunch of steps such as:
variables and transformations, performing exploratory analysis to understand the data, mostly
through visual graphs such as box plots or histograms.
• Interpreting Results
After analyzing the data and possibly conducting further research, it’s finally time to interpret the
results. By following these five steps in our data analysis process, we make better decisions for
our research study, business or government agency because our choices are backed by data that
has been robustly collected and analyzed.
Data preprocessing steps : One of the core step for any data analysis problem is data preprocessing,
because by doing that we ensure about the accuracy of the model because it mostly depends of the
quality of the data. It involve data consolidation (collect data, select data, integrate data), data
cleaning (impute missing data, reduce noise in data, eliminate inconsistencies data), data transformation
(normalize data, discretize /aggregate data, construct new attributes), data reduction (reduce number
of variables, reduce number of cases, balance skewed data). After the well execution of these steps
the preprocessed data which is well formed data can be fed into a machine learning algorithm. In
this part, we will focus on data preprocessing techniques including similarity measurements (Pearson
coefficient, cosine distance, euclidean distance, Tf-Idf measure), sampling and principal component
analysis, singular value decomposition (SVD), Deep Belief Networks, Stacked Autoencoders which are
a part of dimensionality reduction techniques.
3.3.1 similarity measures.
Different measures of distance or similarity are convenient for different types of analysis, and they are
used in recommender systems to compute the similarity between items and users. In this section we
will explore some similarity measures such as : Tf-Idf measure, Pearson coefficient, cosine distance,
euclidean distance.
TFIDF weighting
TFIDF [32] is the most common weighting method used to describe documents in the Vector Space
Model. This weighting function has been particularly related to two important machine learning methods:
KNN and SVM.
Tf-Idf [33] is a measure that is often used when dealing with textual data to information retrieval in
particular for text mining and to calculate document similarities or to find relevant documents among a
set of documents.
The Tf-idf word can be divided into two words which are: Tf and Idf.
Tf stands for term frequency and Idf stands for inverse document frequency.
Let us define:
1. TF: Term Frequency, which measures how frequently a term occurs in a document.
c(t, d)
T F (t, d) = (3.3.1)
N (t)
2. IDF: Inverse Document Frequency, which measures how important a term is.
IDF (t) = 1 + loge (3.3.2)
df (t)
According to [34], the tf-idf weight is a weight often used in information retrieval and text mining. This
weight is a statistical measure used to evaluate how important a word is to a document in a collection
or corpus.
In order words in [35], T F IDFt,d given by :
• Highest when t occurs many times within a small number of documents (thus lending high
discriminating power to those documents)
• Lower when the term occurs fewer times in a document, or occurs in many documents (thus
offering a less pronounced relevance signal)
Consider the table of term frequencies for 3 documents denoted Doc1, Doc2, Doc3 in Table 3.3
We will compute the tf idf of the terms t1 = wife and t2 = best in the document Doc3, but before we
need to have df(t), c(t,d), N(t) and M.
Refering to the table
• df (t1 ) = 3, df (t2 ) = 2
• M=3
1. tf − idft1 ,d3 = 70 × (1 + ln( 33 )) = 0.4143
2. tf − idft2 ,d3 = 70 × (1 + ln( 32 )) = 0.3413
This result tell us that the term t1 = wife is more important in the document Doc3 that the term t2 =
Another similarity measure is Cosine similarity. It considering items as document vectors and compute
their similarity by taking the cosine of the angle formed by these vectors. It is given by the following
< x, y >
Similarity(x, y) = cos(θ) = (3.3.4)
where < ., . > is the inner product and k.k is the norm. Similarity between two items can also be given
by the correlation existing between their variables. There are several correlation coefficients that may
be applied but the Pearson correlation is the most commonly used. It is given by
cov(x, y)
P earson(x, y) = (3.3.5)
σx σy
where cov(x, y) is the covariance between the data points x, y and σ. is the standard deviation.
Empirical studies showed that Cosine similarity performs well in item-based collaborative filtering whereas
Pearson correlation performs well in user-based collaborative filtering. In conclusion, we saw a variety
of similarities measures for data with diverses attributes but there is a suitable similarity measure when
the data has binary attributes.
First we define Mij as the number of attributes where x was i and y was j, so M10 will be the number
of attributes where x was 1 and y was 0. A simple matching coefficient between x and y is defined by :
M11 + M00
SM C(x, y) = (3.3.6)
M01 + M10 + M11 + M00
The Jaccard similarity is give by :
JS(x, y) = (3.3.7)
M01 + M10 + M11
In general, the accuracy of a RS does not depend on the choices of the similarity measure, as a matter
of fact [36] and in some context, using a random similarity measure sometimes yielded better results
than using any of the well-known approaches.
3.3.2 Data Sampling.
For [37], data sampling is considering as a statistical analysis technique used to select, manipulate and
analyze a relevant representative subset of data points in order to identify patterns instead of processing
the larger data set. It is used in data preprocessing and in data interpretation and it may be used because
processing on the entire data set is computationnally too expensive. Sampling allows data scientists,
Section 3.3. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems Page 23
predictive modelers and other data analysts to work with a small, manageable amount of data in order
to build and run analytical models more quickly, while still producing accurate findings. In big data
analytics applications where data sets are too large to efficiently analyze in full sample can be useful.
An important consideration, though, is the size of the required data sample. In some cases, a very small
sample can tell all of the most important information about a data set. In others, using a larger sample
can increase the likelihood of accurately representing the data as a whole. As sampling techniques we
have : random sampling, stratified sampling.
3.3.3 Dimensionality reduction.
High dimensionality and sparse data while building recommender systems are the faced problems most of
the time. In highly dimensional space notion of density and distance between points become meaningful
and this is critical for clustering methods and outlier detection, this problem is know as the Curse of
dimensionality problem. Dimensionality reduction techniques help overcome this problem by transform-
ing the original high-dimensional space into a lower-dimensionality and it is essential to increase the
efficiency of data analysis and handling. In this part we will summarize the two most relevant traditional
dimensionality reduction algorithms in the context of RS: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [8].
Visualising or interpreting data which have more than three variables is very crutial issues that disturb
statistician. Fortunately, quite often the problem can be reduced by replacing a group of variables which
measuring the same informations with a single new variable. PCA is one of the methods for dimentional
reduction, It has been called one of the most valuable results from applied linear algebra. PCA is used
abundantly in all forms of analysis from neuroscience to computer graphics.
Overview of the problem
Suppose we have n individuals, and on each of them we measure the same m variables. We say that we
have n samples of m dimensional data. For the j-th individual record the m measurements as a vector
xj belonging to Rm . For instance, we might ask 50 people their height(m), weight(kg), grades and
→ → 65.8
their IQ. In this case, n=50 and m=4 and the measurement x1 might look like x1 = 18
We could visualize this data as a plot of 50 points in R4
Here are some questions we aim to answer by way of this technique:
2. Which variables are correlated? In this example we would probably expect to see some correlation
between grades and IQ.
3. Which variables are the most significant in describing the full data set?
If we let A be an m × n matrix of data and AT its transpose. Then from proposition 6.2 in appendix,
the matrices AAT and the AT A share the same nonzero eigenvalues.
This previous result is very powerful in the sense that if m and n are very different in size, let us say
n m. For instance if A is a 700 × 2 matrix, then there is a quick way to find the eigenvalues of the
700 × 700 AAT by doing the following steps:
Section 3.3. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems Page 24
• We have the variance of the i-th variable at the i-th entry on the diagonal Sii of S.
• The ij-th entry Sij of S correspond to the covariance between the i-th and j-th variables.
According to the definition of S, it is a symmetric matrix, then by theorem 6.2 it can be orthogonally
diagonalized and thanks to proposition 6.2, S and S T = n−1 AAT share the same non-zero eigen values
which is exactly n eigenvalues because S T is a n × n matrix and n ≤ m.
Let λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ ... ≥ λn ≥ 0, the eigen values of S with corresponding orthonormal eigen vectors
→ → →
u1 , u2 , ...., un .
These eigen vectors are called the principal components of the data set.
On one hand, we can observe that the trace of S is the sum of the diagonal entries of S, which is the
sum of the variances of all m variables. On the other hand, the trace of a matrix is equal to the sum of
P n
the eigen values so Sii = λi
i=1 i=1
• The direction in Rn given by u1 which is the principal component account for an amount λ1 of
the total variance and it is P
n fraction of the total variance.
• The vector u1 ∈ Rn points in the most significant direction of the data set.
Section 3.3. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems Page 25
1. After ordering the eigenvalues from highest to lowest to get the components in order of significance,
the eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue is the principle component of the data. We want to
reduce the dimension of the data (to do compression for example).
2. Our aims is to project the n dimensional data on a p dimensional subspace (p ≤ n), minimizing
the error of the projections (sum of squared difference) meaning to project on the p eigenvectors
that corresponds to the highest p eigenvalues.
we add the mean to vector to A, to get B, and we can noticed that the variance along the Other
Component has gone (a lossy compression)
In traditional PCA and SVD approaches, it’s just the matrix factorization involved which is linear. But
in other non-linear techniques and deep learning techniques such as Deep Belief Networks(DBN) and
Stacked Autoencoders complex functions are used to deal with non-linear data and of course linear data
In [38], the advantages of deep learning techniques over traditional techniques are:
1. Uses unsupervised training which eliminates the need of labels for training.
Data scientists use many different kinds of machine learning algorithms to discover patterns in big
data that lead to actionable insights. At a high level, these different algorithms can be classified into
two groups based on the way they learn about data to make predictions: supervised and unsupervised
learning. Supervised machine learning is the more commonly used between the two. It includes such
algorithms as linear and logistic regression, multi-class classification, and support vector machines.
Supervised learning is so named because the data scientist acts as a guide to teach the algorithm what
conclusions it should come up with.
1. Regression : we are trying to predict results within a continuous output, meaning that we are
trying to map input variables to some continuous function
2. Classification problem : we are instead trying to predict results in a discrete output. In other
words we are trying to map input variables into discrete categories.
1. Nearest Neighbors
3. Ruled-Based Classifiers
4. Bayesian Classifiers
Most of the time we approach the data without any information about the data property. Unsupervised
learning allows us to approach problems with or no idea what our results should look like. We can
derive structure from data where we do not necessarily know the effect of the variable. The goal for
unsupervised learning is to model the underlying structure or distribution in the data in order to learn
more about the data. Scaling a classifier for finding the best k-nearest neighbors involve computing
distances with is done by a amount of operations. Dimensionality reduction is a possible solution to it,
but with that we still have to compute some distances, this is where clustering algorithms can come into
play. Unsupervised learning problems can be further grouped into clustering and association problems:
1. Clustering [8] consists of assigning items to groups so that the items in the same groups are more
similar than items in different groups: the goal is to discover natural (or meaningful) groups that
exist in the data. The goal of a clustering algorithm is to minimize intra-cluster distances while
maximizing inter- cluster distances. Amount clustering algorithms categories we have hierarchical
and partitional. We can cite k-means, density-based clustering (DBSCAN), Message-passing
clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) etc...
• How well the model fits the future data or test data
Under fitting, also known as bias, is a scenario when the model doesn’t even perform well on training
data whereas over fitting is a scenario when the model performs well on training data, but does really
bad on test data.
Any fitted model is evaluated to avoid previously mentioned scenarios using cross validation, regulariza-
tion, pruning, model comparisons, ROC curves, confusion matrices, and so on.
• Cross validation
A very popular technique for model evaluation for almost all models. In this technique, we divide
the data into two datasets: a training dataset and a test dataset. The model is built using the
training dataset and evaluated using the test dataset.
• Regularization
In this technique, the data variables are penalized to reduce the complexity of the model with the
objective to minimize the cost function.
Section 3.3. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems Page 28
• Confusion matrix
This technique is popularly used in evaluating a classification model. We calculate precision and
recall/sensitivity/specificity to evaluate the model.
Precision: This is the probability whether the truly classified records are relevant.
Recall/Sensitivity: This is the probability whether the relevant records are truly classified.
Specificity: Also known as true negative rate, this is the proportion of truly classified wrong
Positive Negative
Predicted Positive True Positive (TP) False Positive (FP)
Predicted Negative False Negative True Negative
(FN) (TN)
1. TRUE Positives (TP): number of instances predicted as belonging to class A that really belong
to class A
2. True Negatives (TN): number of instances predicted as not belonging to class A and that in fact
do not belong to class A
3. False Positives (FP): number of instances predicted as class A but that do not belong to class A
4. False Negatives (FN): instances not predicted as belonging to class A but that in fact do belong
to class A
The most commonly used measure for model performance is its Accuracy defined as the ratio between
the instances that have been correctly classified and the total number of instances:
A= (3.3.13)
TP + TN + FP + FN
Other common measures of model performance is Precision is a measure of how many errors we make
in classifying samples as being of class A. It is defined as:
P = (3.3.14)
Section 3.3. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems Page 29
we also have what we call Recall which measures how good we are in not leaving out samples that
should have been classified as belonging to the class, it is defined as:
R= (3.3.15)
4. Experiments
In this chapter, we describe the matching approaches that we have implemented. We developed a local
JRS on the platform of the skillake website. The RS can extract the user profile automatically and
provide the function of searching based on the database. Besides, the RS provides different lists of
recommended jobs for different job applicants.
Skillake is a new vision of Jobboard also called job portal that deals specifically with employment or
careers. It is designed to allow employers to publish job requirements for a position, also offering career,
job search tips by describing different jobs or employers. For their research, job seekers can through the
platform locate and fill out a job application or submit CVs to find the job of their dream.
Section 4.1. Plateform insight Page 31
The second part of this interface corresponds to the two buttons where the user can either upload his CV
if he is looking for a job offer or he can upload a job offer to find potential candidates who correspond
the requirements of the job offer.
The third part, allows the user to search for a job offer according to their requirements.
The figure 4.9 corresponds to the interface where the connected user or not can upload his CV and be
able to find the job offer that corresponds to the skills described in his CV. On this page the user can
see the latest job offers published on the website and if he is logged in he can see the offers he consulted
during his last visit on the skillake platform.
After this step follows the document processing step and the recommendation step. The uploaded
document will be parsed and vectorized to be passed in the model where it will make a prediction of
the cluster to which the uploaded document belongs. The existing model in the database is a model
created in advance by data that are present on the website built by clustering methods.
Then the model will find the best cluster corresponding to the documents similar to the one uploaded.
Then the elements of this cluster will be sorted in order of similarities, and then is send back to the user
one of the 4 best job offers in the case where the user is a job seeker or then return the 4 best profiles
in the case where it is a recruiter. Any time the user can modify information that is presented to him
to improve the recommendation according to his tastes and his preferences.
Section 4.2. DataSet Page 32
4.2 DataSet
To the best of our knowledge, there are no job offers in the literature which can be freely exploited.
Furthermore, as this work is conducted in order to meet the needs in the field of human resources, we
will conduct our experiments on an extraction of job offers from a public limited company with a base
of a few thousand people CVs of about eighty domains.
In order to test our algorithms, we need to use data sets that are realistic representations of the daily
operation of job offers.
As far as we know, [39] are explicitly discussed the challenges of creating and using data sets specifically
for testing recommender algorithms. They stress that it is ”very important that the tasks your algorithm
is designed to support are similar to the tasks supported by the system from which the data was collected”
The data set we used is collected from a job hunting website including 8868 jobs and 1000 jobs seekers
resume from 100 differents field of specialization. Its available on the popular website Kaggle1 .
Kaggle is the world’s largest community of data scientists. They compete with each other to solve
complex data science problems, using the latest and varied applications of machine learning. All user
ids in the dataset are anonymized to preserve the privacy of the users. The fields in the dataset are
comma separated values (CSV). The structure of our data base is shown as fallow:
Field Description
1 OrganizationID
2 Posted by
3 Candidates
4 Job title
5 Country
6 City
7 Job Description
8 Employee role
9 Skills
10 Contract type
11 Deadline
12 Status
13 userID
2. Organizations
These data contain information about companies with the different fields present in the table
Section 4.3. Recommendation process on skillake Page 33
Field Description
1 Name
2 Sector
3 Logo
4 Size
5 Email
6 Address
7 Description
8 Country
9 Employees
10 OrganizationID
3. Users Profile
These data contains 1000 resume containing more than 90 trades.
Field Description
1 UserID
2 Picture user
3 Gender
4 Birthday
5 Phone
6 Country
7 Address
8 Hourly rate
9 Desired contract
10 Availability
11 Bio
12 Language
13 Skills
14 last viewed offers
15 last viewed profiles
The skillake platform has a recommendation system that makes it easier for users of the platform to
save time by offering them topics that may be of interest to them. This system presents job offers to
job seekers according to the profile and preferences of each user and presents profiles that most closely
match the job offers posted by employers looking for qualified staff.
In our system, there are four steps:
• Data Preprocessing : This is the step where we clean the raw data to filter useless data
• Data Understanding : The main goal here is to gain general insights about the data that will
potentially be helpful for the further steps in the data analysis process.
Section 4.3. Recommendation process on skillake Page 34
• Data Analysis : is a method in which data is collected and organized so that one can derive helpful
information from it. In other words, the main purpose of data analysis is to look at what the data
is trying to tell us. For example, what does the data show or do? What does the data not show
or do?
In the training part, the preprocessing of the data is done to make it usable by the machine learning
algorithms that were designed then the data analysis is done. At the end of this process a clustering
is performed on data for groups of information having the same characteristics and this clustering will
be registered as a model and it will allow us to make a classification of future data which plays a very
important role in the recommendations made.
At this step, a document may be represent as a vector with one component corresponding to each
term in the dictionary, together with a weight for each component that is given by Equation 3.3.3. For
dictionary terms that do not occur in a document, this weight is zero. This vector form will prove to
be crucial to scoring and ranking.
We have used the vector space model which consist to represent a set of documents as vectors in
a common vector space, it captures the relative importance of the terms in a document and it is
fundamental in information retrieval, text processing operations as well as on document clustering.
In the data preprocessing part an extraction sequence is made on the file to collect some information
that will be needed to make the recommendation. As a result, the different extraction algorithms were
built, first the extraction of the content is done, then this content is divided into lexical units, then from
this result is extracting important information like the name, first name, email address, phone number,
country, skills. With the obtained set of lexical units, the suppression of the stop words is done then
comes the vectorization step where each document is represented in a vector space by using the vector
space model where vector base is the set of lexical units. These transformations are made on these
documents to be able to transform them into vector and use a combination between the Tf-IDf and
cosines similarity to calculate the degree of similarity between the two documents.
We can not compute the similarity between all the elements available in the database because it will take
so much time and the user will have to wait for a long time to get the results of his recommendation,
instead we have adapted rather the Kmeans algorithm to group all the job offers and profiles present in
the database in different clusters. By doing so, the documents belonging to the same cluster are very
close to each other and this result is most closely to the output of a collaborative filtering results. This
method allows us to save time and make recommendations very quickly in a matter of seconds despite
the size of the data available in the database
Section 4.4. Implementation Page 35
4.4 Implementation
As we have seen in Chapter 2 , setting up a job recommender sytems faced us some challenges. The
materials, packages used and app structure have been choose, made and justified according to these
In this part, in a first hand we will outline the materials and packages used to build our predictive
In a second hand, we will present the app structure composed of front-end and back-end and others
framework that was used to implement our algorithm.
4.4.1 Materials and packages used.
Throughout this work we have for most of the time working mostly with .txt, .pdf, .docx files. We used
Pypdf which is a pure-python PDF toolkit. It can extract data from pdf files, or manipulate existing
pdfs to produce a new file.
We also use mimetype, the mimetypes module converts between a filename or URL and the MIME
type associated with the filename extension.
We used The Python re module provides regular expression support which are a powerful language for
matching text patterns.
Another useful packages that we used is python-docx which is a Python library for creating and updating
Microsoft Word (.docx) files. These librairies was used to perfomed tasks like keys words extraction
or features extraction on data which are the part of data preprocessing, data understanding and data
Others librairies are used more for data analysis like numpy and scipy which are fundamental package
scientific libraries for Python. We also used the pickle module, it allows to save in a file, in binary
format, any Python object.
We also used scikit-learn which is a simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis,
accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts.
The skillake platform was designed mainly with the Django framework and the python programming
language, the database to be integrated into the site is postgreSql which is the most advanced open
source database in the world.
4.4.2 App Structure.
Our App as shown in Figure 4.4 marries a Django front end with a Python back end to provide rec-
ommendations. Our product, Skillake, is a multiuser jobs and profiles recommendation engine. The
front end is built on Django, a Python web application microframework, in combination with templating
languages including Bootstrap, Jquery, CSS, and HTML.
Bootstrap which is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS was used to build
responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world’s most popular front-end component library.
Javascript was also used to employ Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn API into our application. On the
back end, we used both advanced machine learning framework, we also created some API to make the
recommendation work easiest and quickly regardless of the size of the data present in the database.
Section 4.4. Implementation Page 36
4.5 Experiments
The recommendation system implemented on skillake is an hybrid system. This choice has been made
and justified to fill the different weaknesses of each method seen in chapter 2.
The system in place is a hybridization of content based filtering and collaborative filtering, more precisely
the model based filtering,the memory based filtering which are both sub techniques of collaborative
filtering and user-based, item-based which are sub methods of content based filtering.
The memory based filtering still calls neighborhood based can be broken down into two parts: the user-
based and the item-based whereas the model based can be broken down into parts such as: bayesian
model, clustering, neural network etc. [Cf. Fig 2.2.]
We have developed a model using data mining, machine learning algorithms to find patterns based on
training data. This model has the advantage of better managing the sparsite than the algorithms based
on the memory and it improves the evolutivity and the prediction performances but is expensive during
the construction of the models.
The second approach used is the memory based collaborative filtering which uses the entire data of
users and jobs to make different neighborhoods.
These different neighborhoods of users are users with a similar profile and similar skills, the neighborhood
of jobs is similar job offers.
Next, user based collaborative filtering and item based collaborative filtering algorithms are used to
recommend users, so the profile and skills match best with the job offer proposition.
This part presents a simulation of a user’s interaction on the platform, which comes on the platform to
search for a job offer. At first the process of extraction is presented which is done in the back-end then
the recommendation process up to the display in the front-end.
The figure 4.5 shows an overview of the user’s CV header used to search for a job offer. this resume
contains almost all of the user’s information regarding his working, research experience and skills.
After the introduction of the file into the platform, the content is extracted automatically see figure 4.6,
then preprocessing is performed on this content see figure 4.7
Section 4.6. Computational Results Page 38
In the Figure 4.8 below, we can see that the extraction algorithms were able to extract:
Figure 4.9 shows the output of the result of the recommendation made by our predictive algorithm
where we can see the different percentages of matching between the user’s CV and the proposed job
This process allows the user to save time, to be sure that it corresponds to the recommended job offer
using the percentage rates displays and after these recommendations with one click the user will be able
to apply for the job of these dreams as shown in the Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.11
Section 4.6. Computational Results Page 43
5.1 Conclusion
The work presented in this thesis consists of two main parts: As a first step, we conducted a literature
review of four different online recruitment platforms, which allowed us to learn about the different
existing methods and the most popularly used for designing an online recruitment recommendation
We did a comparative study of the different techniques used to design the recommendation systems.
From this study, we decided to adopt the hybrid system for the design of the predictive algorithm, a
choice that was made to overcome the various weaknesses of each technique.
We explored various data mining techniques useful for the design of existing recommendation systems
by collecting CVs and job postings from various fields of specialization and similarity measures as well
as unsupervised learning methods.
At the end of this exploration, we were able to combine these different techniques to implement the
predictive algorithm used in the proposed recommendation system.
At first, the use of text mining techniques on CVs and job offers allowed us to structure the information
they contain thanks to the use of supervised algorithms. Resumes and vacancies are now categorized.
In a second step, methods of extracting information from textual analysis to extract a set of keywords as-
sociated with the document to enrich the description within a predictive algorithm because it contributes
to the performance of the prediction made by the algorithm.
For the implementation of the predictive algorithm, as an approach we have proposed a hybrid recom-
mendation system adapted to the cold start problem which the platform has faced, this method proved
superior during experiments on a real data set (collect initially) compared to standard methods.
5.2 Perspectives
Following these promising and encouraging results, our first recommendation concerns improving the
quality of prediction obtained by considering the social impact in the network constitute by job seekers
and recruiters. We want to improve the quality of keyword extraction combined with the use of similarity
We also want to improve the quality of clustering that will be done by combining the unsupervised
learning methods for example instead of using the Kmeans unsupervised algorithm we use the DBSCAN
algorithm that distributes clusters depending on the density of each data.
6. Appendix
6.1 Distance
6.1.1 Definition.
A distance d on a set E is a function d : E×E→ [0,+∞) which verify the following properties:
∀ x,y,z ∈ E
2. d(x,y) = d(y,x)
3. d(x,y) ≤ d(x,z)+d(z,y)
The simplest and most common example of a distance measure is the Euclidean distance
u n
d(x, y) = t (xi − yi )2 (6.1.1)
Where n is the dimension of E or the number of attributes for the dataset and xi and yi are the ith
components of data objects x and y, respectively. A generalization of the Euclidean distance is the
Minkowski distance defined as v
u n
d(x, y) = 1/p
t (xi − yi )p (6.1.2)
where p is the degree of the distance, for some value of p, the generic Minkowski distance is known
with specific names:
• For p=1, the generic Minkowski is the Manhattan distance also called the L1 norm.
• For p=2, we obtain the Euclidean distance also called the L2 norm.
• For p → +∞, the generic Minkowski is the supremum distance or the L∞ norm. It compute
the maximum difference between any dimension of the data objects.
Section 6.3. Statistics Background Page 46
If A is any m × n matrix of real numbers, then the matrix AAT and AT A are both symmetric.
We have (AAT )T = (AT )T AT = AAT and (AT A)T = AT (AT )T = AT A
Proposition 2
The matrices AAT and the AT A share the same nonzero eigenvalues.
First of all AAT and AT A are both symmetric so they have non-zero eigenvectors .
Let v be a non-zero eigenvector of AAT associated to the eigen value λ 6= 0 This means:
→ → → →
(AAT ) v = λ v ⇒ AT A(AT v ) = λ(AT v ) (6.2.1)
This means that the vector AT v is an eigenvector of AT A with the eigenvalue λ, the remain point is
to show that AT v is not the zero vector
→ → →
suppose by contradiction that AT v were zero, then λ v would be zero but neither λ and v are not
equal to zero. So AT v is a non-zero eigenvector
Proposition 3
The eigenvalues of AAT and AT A are nonnegative numbers.
Let v an eigenvector of AAT with eigenvalues λ Then
T →
2 → →
A v
= (AT v )T (AT v )
→ →
= ( v )T (AAT ) v
→ → (6.2.2)
= λ( v )T v
→ T
= λ
( v )
Since the lengths are non negative, we can deduce that λ is non negative.
Let us measuring a single variable A (such as the IQ of randomly selected individuals) n times(here,
m=1). Let B (m,n) be the data matrix , m is the number of data points, n is the number of dimensions.
We denoted by a1 , a2 , ..., an the n measurements. Despite of the fact that the mean is rarely known in
practice we can still estimate it as the sample average:
µA = (a1 + a2 + ... + an ) (6.3.1)
It tell us where the measurements are centered, we can also be interested in knowing how spread are
the measures. This is quantify by the variance which is also generally unknown in practice. The sample
Section 6.4. Code Page 47
Theorem 2
Given an m × n real matrix A, we can decompose it as
A=U ×Γ×VT (6.3.4)
Where :
The Γ diagonal matrix contains the singular values, which will always be positive and sorted in decreasing
order. The U matrix is interpreted as the ”item-to-concept” similarity matrix, while the V matrix is the
”term-to-concept” similarity matrix. This SVD decomposition is unique and the values of the diagonal
Γ are called singular values.
The inverse of an orthonormal matrix is its transpose.
Theorem 3
If S is a real and symmetric matrix, then S = U × Γ × U T , where the columns of U are the eigenvectors
and the eigenvalues are the values of the diagonal of Γ.
Let U be the matrix where the column are the eigenvectors of S. We have S × U = U × Γ
=⇒ S = U × Γ × U −1 = U × Γ × U T .
Let define D, the m × m matrix such that D = AAT , then by proposition 6.2, D is real and symmetric,
so by theorem 6.3, one can say that the eigenvectors of D are the column of U and the eigenvalues are
the values of the diagonal of Γ2 , which are the squares of the λi elements (The singular values of A).
The elements of the column of U are called singular vectors similar to the principal components in PCA.
6.4 Code
If you are interesting about the python code designed throughout this thesis and you would like to get
it, please do not hesitate to contact me at this mail address
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