Power System-II: Experiment 5 Title: Formulation and Calculation of Y-Bus Matrix of A Given System Using Software

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Indira Patole Power System-II Roll no 36052

Power System-II
Experiment 5

Title: Formulation and calculation of Y- bus matrix of a given system

using software

Aim: To calculate the Y bus matrix for the below given 4 Bus system
using MATLAB software.

Software Required: MATLAB

Problem Statement:

Figure 1 shows the one-line diagram of a four-bus system. Table 1 gives the line
impedances identified by the buses on which these terminate. The shunt admittance
at all the buses is assumed to be negligible. Find YBus.

Figure 1: Sample four bus system Table 1:

Line, Bus to bus R (pu) X (pu)

1-2 0.25 1
1-3 0.20 0.8
1-4 0.20 0.8
3-4 0.15 0.6

Power System-II 36052

Matlab Program

z=[1 2 0.25 1;

1 3 0.20 0.8; 1 4 0.30 1.2; 2 3 0.20 0.8; 3 4 0.15 0.6]

y=1./z; nbus=max(max(fb),max(tb)); nbranch=length(fb); ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus);

%formation of off diagonal elemets... for k=1:nbranch


ybus(tb(k),fb(k))=ybus(fb(k),tb(k)); end

%formation of diagonal elements... for m=1:nbus

for n=1:nbranch if fb(n)==m


elseif tb(n)==m ybus(m,m)=ybus(m,m)+y(n);

end end

end Y=ybus

Matlab Program Output:

Power System-II 36052

Scilab Program

z=[1 2 0.25 1;
1 3 0.20 0.8;
1 4 0.30 1.2;
2 3 0.20 0.8;
3 4 0.15 0.6]
//formation of off diagonal elemets...
for k=1:nbranch
ybus(tb(k),fb(k))=ybus(fb(k),tb(k)); end

//formation of diagonal elements...

for m=1:nbus
for n=1:nbranch
if fb(n)==m
elseif tb(n)==m
end end

printf('\n Y= ');

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Scilab Program Output:

Conclusion: Hence we have studied and programmed the formulation of Ybus

using software.

Indira Patole Power System-II 36052

Power System-II
Experiment 6

Title:Static measurement of sub-transient reactance of a salient-pole alternator.

Aim: To determine sub-transient reactance of Salient Pole Altenator.


S.no Name of Range Type Quantity

1 Lamp Bank 0-10 A - 1
2 Ammeter 0-10 A AC 1
3 Voltmeter 0-300V AC 1
4 Multimeter - - 1
5 Connecting Wires - - -

Circuit Diagram:


Static Impedance Method:-

1. Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Short circuit the field windings through a milli-ammeter.

3. Apply 1 Ø supply to 2- series connected armature windings through a

lamp bank, keeping one phase winding, open circuited.

4. Switching on few lamps, set the stator current such that it is below 50%
of the rated value.

5. Rotate the rotor slowly, manually and note down values of the current flowing
through stator windings and the voltage across the connected stator windings,
A] when the current flowing through the field winding is maximum and ,B]
when the current flowing through the field winding is minimum.

6. Switch on few more lamps and make sure that the stator current is below 50%
of the rated value. Then repeat the above procedure again.

Observation Table:

S. No. Condition E (V) I (A)

1 If max 30 1.2
2 If min 45 1.72
3 If max 44 1.89
4 If min 63 1.79


1. When If is minimum, the direct axis sub-transient reactance, Xd = E / 2I

2. When If is maximum, the quadrature axis sub-transient reactance, Xq= E / 2I

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Result Table:

S. No. Condition Sub-transient

1 If max Xd= 11.64 ohm
2 If min Xq= 17.59 ohm
3 If max Xd= 12.50 ohm
4 If min Xq= 13.80 ohm

Conclusion: Hence we have measured sub-transient reactance salient-pole alternator.

Indira Patole Power System-II 36052

Power System-II
Experiment 7(A & B)

Title: Measurement of sequence reactance of a synchronous

machine (Negative and zero).

Aim: To measure the negative and zero sequence reactance of a synchronous machine.


For Negative Sequence For Zero Sequence

Rheostat Single phase variac
Ammeter Ammeter
Voltmeter Voltmeter
Tachometer Connecting Wires
Connecting wires

Circuit Diagram:
A] Zero Sequence

B] Negative Sequence


For Zero Sequence:

1. 1. Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Increase the current in steps of 0.5A, varying the autotransformer till the rated
current is reached

For Negative Sequence:

1. Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Adjust the motor field rheostat to increase the speed of the motor to 1500rpm.

3. Adjusting the potential divider, increase the value of stator current in steps
of 0.5 and note down the values of voltage, current and reactive power of the
alternator till the rated value of stator current.

Observation Table:

For Negative Sequence:

S.no V I Z2 Sin X2 X0

For Zero Sequence:

Voltage I Xo(ohm)


A 50 MVA, 11 kV three-phase alternator was subjected to different types of faults.

The fault currents are as under:

3-phase fault = 2000 A ; Line-to-Line fault = 2600 A ; Line-to-ground fault = 4200 A

The generator neutral is solidly grounded. Find the values of the three sequence
reactance’s of the alternator. Ignore resistances.

Power System-II 36052

Scilab Program

clear; clc;

mva=50; kv=11;

//three phase fault I1=2000;

//line to line fault I2=2600;

//line to ground fault I3=4200;


X1=Eph/I1; X2=sqrt(3)*Eph/I2-X1; X3=3*Eph/I3-X1-X2;

printf("X1 = %.3f ohm \n\n", X1); printf("X2 = %.3f ohm \n\n", X2); printf("X3 = %.
3f ohm \n\n", X3);


X1 = 3.175 ohm X2 = 1.055 ohm X3 = 0.306 ohm

Conclusion: Hence we have determined the zero sequence and negative

sequence reactance of the given alternator.

Indira Patole Power System-II 36052

Power System-II
Experiment 8

Title: Simulation of Symmetrical fault of single machine connected to

infinite bus.


The selection of a circuit breaker for a power system depends not only upon the current the breaker
is to carry under normal operating conditions but also upon the maximum current it may have to
carry momentarily and the current it may have to interrupt at the voltage of the line in which it is
placed. In order to approach the problem of calculating the initial current we need to study the
behaviour of a synchronous generator when it is short circuited.

Single Machine Infinite Bus System (SMIB) is a test bus system where one can study the transient
response of Synchronous Generator and Effect of Faults on the transmission line. In this particular
case, the SMIB model is designed in Matlab Simulink Environment. This model can be used as the
base model for studying the transient response in various conditions and one can employ techniques
to improve the transient response of the Synchronous Generator. The infinite bus has been modeled
via 3 phase voltage source, this ensures that the voltage and frequency of the system will not change
during sudden load.

Infinite Bus

Definition: The bus whose voltage and frequency remains constant even after the variation in the
load is known as the infinite bus. The alternators operating in parallel in a power system is the
example of the infinite bus. The on and off of any of the alternator will not affect the working of
the power system.

The capacity of a parallel operating system is enormous. Their voltage and frequency remain
constant even after the disturbance of the load. The connection and disconnection of any of the
machine will not affect the magnitude and phase of voltage and frequency of an infinite bus. In
an infinite bus system

Synchronous machine on Infinite Bus

The performance of the synchronous machine varies on the infinite bus. When the synchronous
machine operates independently, variation in their excitation causes the changes in their terminal
voltage. The power factor of the synchronous machine depends only on their load. But when the

Power System-II 36052

synchronous machines are operating in parallel, the change in their excitation changes the
power factor of the load

Short Circuit of Loaded Synchronous Machine:

The analysis of Short Circuit of Loaded Synchronous Machine is complicated and is beyond the
scope of this book. We shall, however, present here the methods of computing short circuit
current when short circuit occurs under loaded conditions.

Figure 9.10 shows the circuit model of a Short Circuit of Loaded Synchronous Machine operating
under steady conditions supplying a load current I° to the bus at a terminal voltage of V°. Eg is the
induced emf under loaded condition and Xd is the direct axis synchronous reactance of the
machine. When short circuit occurs at the terminals of this machine, the circuit model to be used for
computing short circuit current is given in Fig. 9.11a for subtransient current, and in Fig. 9.11b for
transient current. The induced emfs to be used in these models are given

The voltage Eg is known as the voltage behind the subtransient reactance and the voltage
Eg is known as the voltage behind the transient reactance. In fact, if I° is zero (no load case),
E g=Eg=Eg, the no load voltage, in which case the circuit model reduces.

Synchronous motors have internal emfs and reactances similar to that of a generator except that the
current direction is reversed. During short circuit conditions these can be replaced by similar circuit
models except that the voltage behind subtransient/transient reactance is given by

Whenever we are dealing with short circuit of an interconnected system, the synchronous machines
(generators and motors) are replaced by their corresponding circuit models having voltage behind
subtransient (transient) reactance in series with subtransient (transient) reactance. The rest of the
network being passive remains unchanged.

Power System-II 36052

Indira Patole Power System-II 36052

Case study: This demonstration illustrates a simple 200 MVA Synchronous

Machine with Governed System is connected to Infinite Bus (230 kV, 50Hz)

Circuit Description

A 200 MVA, 13.8 KV, 50Hz synchronous machine is connected to infinite bus of 230 KV Phase-to-
phase rms voltage. In this model the synchronous machine is governed by hydraulic turbine which
implements a hydraulic turbine combined to a PID governor system and also the excitation system
which Implements an IEEE type 1 synchronous machine voltage regulator combined to an exciter. The
output of the block is the field voltage vfd, in pu, to be applied to the Vf Simulink input of a
Synchronous Machine block. Connect the Vd and Vq measurements signals of the Synchronous
Machine block (signals 9 and 10) to the Vd and Vq inputs of the Excitation System block. In the
system, a 3- phase synchronous machine implements modelled in the d-q rotor reference frame. Stator
windings are connected in wye to an internal neutral point. The step up three-phase transformer is used
having 210MW, 13.8/230 KV, 50Hz delta/star (D11/Yg) configuration. This block implements a three-
phase transformer by using three single-phase transformers. Set the winding connection to 'Yn' when
you want to access the neutral point of the Wye.

The transformer step up the voltage and provide to the transmission line having 100KM long (π-
Model) which again connected to load and the infinite bus. The transmission line block models a
three-phase transmission line with a single PI section. The model consists of one set of RL series
elements connected between input and output terminals and two sets of shunt capacitances
lumped at both ends of the line. RLC elements are computed using hyperbolic corrections
yielding an "exact” representation in positive- and zero-sequence at specified frequency only. To
obtain an extended frequency response, connect several PI section blocks in cascade or use a
Distributed Parameter line.

Also, there are two loads are connected, one at machine terminal having 10 KW resistive load and
another at the end of the transmission line having 10 KW RLC load.

For symmetrical short-circuit analysis, three phase fault creator is connected between load and
infinite bus. The fault creator implements a fault (short-circuit) between any phase and the ground.
When the external switching time mode is selected, a Simulink logical signal is used to control the
fault operation.

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Notice that the system is discretized (sample time 50 μs). Setting, the sample time in to zero, will
change to continuous integration for the power system.

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Power System-II 36052

Conclusion: Hence we have studied the Simulation of Symmetrical fault of single machine
connected to infinite bus.

Indira Patole Power System-II 36052

Power System-II
Experiment 9

Title: Simulation of HVDC system

Aim- Study of 6-Pulse HVDC Transmission System


A high-voltage, direct current (HVDC) electric power transmission system (also called a power
superhighway or an electrical superhighway) uses direct current for the bulk transmission of
electrical power, in contrast with the more common alternating current (AC) systems. For long-
distance transmission, HVDC systems may be less expensive and suffer lower electrical losses. For
underwater power cables, HVDC avoids the heavy currents required to charge and discharge the
cable capacitance each cycle. For shorter distances, the higher cost of DC conversion equipment
compared to an AC system may still be justified, due to other benefits of direct current links. HVDC
uses voltages between 100kV and 1500kV.

HVDC allows power transmission between unsynchronized AC transmission systems. Since the
power flow through an HVDC link can be controlled independently of the phase angle between
source and load, it can stabilize a network against disturbances due to rapid changes in power.
HVDC also allows transfer of power between grid systems running at different frequencies, such as
50 Hz and 60 Hz. This improves the stability and economy of each grid, by allowing exchange of
power between incompatible networks

Bridge Circuit Function

Current flows through the valves when the voltage between the anode and cathode is positive. For
the valve to commutate the current, there must be a positive potential (voltage), and the thyristor
must have firing pulses. In the reverse direction, i.e. when the potential between anode and cathode
is negative, a firing pulse has no effect. The flow of current in a valve ends when the voltage
between anode and cathode becomes negative. The instant when current begins to flow through a
valve, or to commutate from one valve to another, can be delayed by postponing the firing. This
method permits the average value of the outgoing voltage of the rectifier to be changed. The firing
pulses are generated by synchronizing the network using an elec-tronic control device. These pulses
can be displaced from their ”natural firing“ point, which is the point where the two phase voltages
intersect. The method of firing- pulse displacement is called phase control.

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Fig. 1

The angle between the time at which the valve voltage becomes positive and firing time (start of
commutation) is referred to as the firing delay. Fig. shows that for a firing delay of 90°, the average
voltage equals zero. i.e. the positive and negative areas of the curve – voltage against time – cancel
each other out. No active power flows through the converter. When the firing delay is greater than
90°, the negative voltage/time areas dominate, and the polarity of the average direct voltage
changes. Due to physical reasons, the direction of the current does not change. (The thyristor valves
conduct current only in one direction.) When the direction of energy flow is reversed, the delivery
changes to the supply side. The rectifier becomes an inverter which delivers energy to the AC

The average value of the direct voltage as a function of the firing delay is given by:

Power System-II 36052

Fig: DC voltage of bridge

Fig: Six Pulse
converter as a function of ¼

Case study: This demonstration illustrates a simple 500 MW (250 kV-

2kA) HVDC transmission system.

Circuit Description

A 500 MW (250 kV, 2 kA) DC linter-connection is used to transmit power from a 315 kV, 5000
MVA AC network. The network is simulated by a LLR damped equivalent (impedance angle of 80
degrees at 60 Hz and 3rd harmonic). The converter transformer and the rectifier are modelled
respectively with the Universal Transformer and Universal Bridge blocks The converter is a 6-pulse
rectifier. It is connected to a 300 km distributed parameter line through a 0.5 H smoothing reactor
LsR. The inverter is simulated by a simple DC voltage source in series with a diode (to force
unidirectional conduction) and smoothing reactor LsI. The reactive power required by the converter
is provided by a set of filters (C bank plus 5th, 7th and high pass filters; total 320 Mvar). Open the
AC filter subsystem to see the filter toplogy. A circuit breaker allows to apply a DC line fault on
the rectifier side.

Power System-II 36052

The control system uses two main blocks: the Synchronized 6-pulse generator of the Extras/Control
library and a PI Current Regulator. Voltages sent to the synchronization system are filtered by 2nd
order band pass filters. The whole control system is discretized (Sample time = 1/360/64 = 43.4 us).

The DC line current at the output of the rectifier is compared with a reference. The PI regulator tries
to keep the error at zero and outputs the alpha firing angle required by the synchronizing unit.
Inputs 3 and 4 of the current regulator allow to bypass the regulator action and to impose the alpha
firing angle.

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Notice that the system is discretized (sample time 1/360/64 = 43.4 us). Setting, the sample time
in to zero, will change to continuous integration for the power system.

The system is programmed to start and reach a steady state. Then, a step is applied on the reference
current to observe the dynamic response of the regulator. Finally a DC fault is applied on the line.

Start the simulation and observe the following events on Scope1:


Trace 1 shows the reference current (magenta) and the measured Id current (yellow). The reference
current is set to 0.5 pu (1 kA). The DC current starts from zero and reaches a steady-state in 0.1 s.
Trace 2 shows the alpha firing angle required to obtain 0.5 pu of current (30 degrees).


At t = 0.3 s, the reference current is increased from 0.5 pu (1 kA) to the nominal current 1pu (2 kA).
The current regulator responds in approximately 0.1 s (6 cycles). The alpha angle decreases from
30 degrees to 15 degrees.


At t = 0.5 s, a DC fault is applied on the line. The fault current ( trace 3) increases to 5 kA and the
Id current increases to 2 pu (4 kA) in 10 ms. Then, the fast regulator action lowers the current back
to its reference value of 1 pu.


At t = 0.55 s, the alpha angle is forced by the protection system (not simulated) to reach 165
degrees when the Forced_alpha input of the current regulator goes high (1). The rectifier thus
passes in inverter mode and sends the energy stored in the line back to the 345 kV network. As a
result, the arc current producing the fault rapidly decreases . The fault is cleared at t = 0.555 s when
the fault current zero crossing is reached.


At t = 0.57 s, the regulator is released and it starts to regulate the DC current again. The steady-
state 1 pu current is reached at t = 0.75 s.

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Power System-II 36052

Conclusion: We have successfully studied a 6-Pulse HVDC Transmission System.


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