Exp 6 7 9
Exp 6 7 9
Exp 6 7 9
Exp no:6
To become familiar with modelling and analysis of power systems under faulted condition and to
compute the fault level ,post-fault voltages and currents for different types of faults,both
symmetric and unsymmetric.
Symmetrical Fault :
Unsymmetrical Fault :
Single line to ground fault :
Fault current If = Ia = 3Ia1
Ia1 = Ea
where, Ia1, Ia2 and Ia0 are positive, negative and zero phase sequence currents
Z1 ,Z2 and Zo are positive, negative and zero phase sequence impedances
The one line diagram of a simple power system is shown in figure. The neutral of each generator
is grounded through a current limiting reactor of 0.25/3 per unit on a 100MVA base. The system
data expressed in per unit on a common 100 MVA base is tabulated below. The generators are
running on no load at their rated voltage and rated frequency with their emfs inphase.
Determine the fault current for the following faults.
(a) A balanced three phase fault at bus 3 through a fault impedance Z f = j0.1 perunit.
(b) A single line to ground fault at bus3 through a fault impedance Z f = j0.1 perunit.
(c) A line to line fault at bus3 through a fault impedance Zf = j0.1 perunit.
(d) A double line to ground fault at bus3 through a fault impedance Z f = j0.1 perunit.
clear all;
Z133 = j*0.22;
Z033 = j*0.35;
Zf = j*0.1;
disp('(b)single line-to-grounf fault at bus 3')
I03 = 1.0/(Z033+3*Zf+Z133+Z133);
global sctm
sctm = [1 1 1;1 a^2 a;1 a a^2];
labc3 = sctm*I012
disp('(c) Line-to-line fault at bus 3')
I13 = 1.0/(Z133+Z133+Zf);
Iabc3 = sctm*I012
disp('(d) Double line-to-ground fault at bus 3')
Iabc3 = sctm*I012
P a g e | 52
To become familiar with various aspects of the transient and small signal stability analysis
of Single-Machine-Infinite Bus (SMIB) system
Stability: Stability problem is concerned with the behavior of power system when it is subjected to
disturbance and is classified into small signal stability problems if the disturbances are small and
transient stability problem when the disturbances are large.
Transient stability: When a power system is under steady state ,the load plus transmission loss
equals to the generation in the system. The generating units run at synchronous speed and system
frequency, voltage, current and power flows are steady. When a large disturbance such as three phase
fault, loss of load, loss of generation, etc., occurs the power balance is upset and the generating units
rotors experience either acceleration or deceleration. The system may come back to a steady state
condition, maintaining synchronism or it may break into subsystems or one or more machines may
pull out of synchronism. In the former case the system is said to be stable and in the later case it is
said to be unstable.
Small signal stability: When a power system is under steady state, normal operating condition, the
system may be subjected to small disturbances such as variation in load and generation, change in
field voltage, change in mechanical toque etc., The nature of system response to small disturbance
depends on the operating conditions, the transmission system strength, types of controllers etc.
Instability that may result from small disturbance may be of two forms,
(i) Steady increase in rotor angle due to lack of synchronizing torque.
(ii) Rotor oscillations of increasing magnitude due to lack of sufficient damping torque.
Reactive power Qe = sin(cos-1(p.f))
Stator Current It =
Pe - jQe
X1 X2
where, X3=
X1 + X2
Prefault Operation:
X1 X2
X = j X 1+ jX +
d tr
X1 + X2
E1 x EB
PowerPe= sino
Pe * X
o =sin-1
E1 *EB
Pe = PEii = 0
E1 x EB
PowerPe= sino
max = - o
Pe =
2H (cr- o)
tcr =
foPm Sec
1. Enter the command window of the MATLAB.
2. Create a new M – file by selecting File -New – M – File
3. Type and save the program.
4. Execute the program by either pressing Tools –Run
5. View the results.
1. A 60Hz synchronous generator having inertia constant H = 5 MJ/MVA and a direct axis
transient reactance X 1d= 0.3 per unit is connected to an infinite bus through a purely reactive
circuit as shown in figure. Reactances are marked on the diagram on a common system base.
The generator is delivering real power P e = 0.8 per unit and Q = 0.074per unit to the infinite
bus at a voltage of V = 1per unit.
a) A temporary three-phase fault occurs at the sending end of the line at point F. When
the fault is cleared, both lines are intact. Determine the critical clearing angle and the
critical fault clearing time.
b) Verify the result using MATLAB program.
clear all;
Pm = 0.8; E = 1.17; V = 1.0;
X1 = 0.65; X2 = 1.8; X3 = 0.8;
eacfault(Pm, E, V, X1, X2, X3)
function eacfault(Pm, E, V, X1, X2, X3)
if exist('Pm')~=1
Pm = input('Generator output power in p.u. Pm = '); else, end
if exist('E')~=1
E = input('Generator e.m.f. in p.u. E = '); else, end
if exist('V')~=1
V = input('Infinite bus-bar voltage in p.u. V = '); else, end
if exist('X1')~=1
X1 = input('Reactance before Fault in p.u. X1 = '); else, end
if exist('X2')~=1
X2 = input('Reactance during Fault in p.u. X2 = '); else, end
if exist('X3')~=1
X3 = input('Reactance after Fault in p.u. X3 = '); else, end
Pe1max = E*V/X1; Pe2max=E*V/X2; Pe3max=E*V/X3;
delta = 0:.01:pi;
Pe1 = Pe1max*sin(delta); Pe2 = Pe2max*sin(delta); Pe3 = Pe3max*sin(delta);
d0 =asin(Pm/Pe1max); dmax = pi-asin(Pm/Pe3max);
cosdc = (Pm*(dmax-d0)+Pe3max*cos(dmax)-Pe2max*cos(d0))/(Pe3max-Pe2max);
if abs(cosdc) > 1
fprintf('No critical clearing angle could be found.\n')
fprintf('system can remain stable during this disturbance.\n\n')
else, end
if dc > dmax
fprintf('No critical clearing angle could be found.\n')
fprintf('System can remain stable during this disturbance.\n\n')
else, end
Pmx=[0 pi-d0]*180/pi; Pmy=[Pm Pm];
x0=[d0 d0]*180/pi; y0=[0 Pm]; xc=[dc dc]*180/pi; yc=[0 Pe3max*sin(dc)];
xm=[dmax dmax]*180/pi; ym=[0 Pe3max*sin(dmax)];
d0=d0*180/pi; dmax=dmax*180/pi; dc=dc*180/pi;
x=[d0 x dc];
y=[Pm y Pm];
xx=[dc xx dmax];
hh=[Pm h Pm];
if X2 == inf
fprintf('\nFor this case tc can be found from analytical formula. \n')
H=input('To find tc enter Inertia Constant H, (or 0 to skip) H = ');
if H ~= 0
d0r=d0*pi/180; dcr=dc*pi/180;
tc = sqrt(2*H*(dcr-d0r)/(pi*60*Pm));
else, end
else, end
fprintf('\nInitial power angle = %7.3f \n', d0)
fprintf('Maximum angle swing = %7.3f \n', dmax)
fprintf('Critical clearing angle = %7.3f \n\n', dc)
if X2==inf & H~=0
fprintf('Critical clearing time = %7.3f sec. \n\n', tc)
else, end
h = figure; figure(h);
plot(delta, Pe1,'-', delta, Pe2,'r-', delta, Pe3,'g-', Pmx, Pmy,'b-', x0,y0, xc,yc, xm,ym), grid
title('Application of equal area criterion to a critically cleared system')
xlabel('Power angle, degree'), ylabel(' Power, per unit')
text(5, 1.07*Pm, 'Pm')
text(50, 1.05*Pe1max,['Critical clearing angle = ',num2str(dc)])
axis([0 180 0 1.1*Pe1max])
hold off;
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