Fastener EurAsia Magazine 73
Fastener EurAsia Magazine 73
Fastener EurAsia Magazine 73
CS 513 TH
Carlo Salvi S.p.A.
SACMA Limbiate S.p.A • Viale dei Mille, 126/128 • 20812 Limbiate (MB) • ITALY • Ph. +39 02 99 45 21 •
Via Ponte Rotto 67,
23852 GarlateSACMA Limbiate S.p.A • Viale dei Mille, 126/128 • 20812 Limbiate (MB) • ITALY • Ph. +39 02 99 45 21 •
(LC), Italy
Tel. +39 0341 65 46 11
possessor Int. Fastener, Machining, Spring and Equipments Magazine
will hold
the Int. Executive Editor
Dear Fastener Eurasia readers, 2020 has been a tough year for all
of us. As an astrology student, at the same time, I wanted to write a
short article about what the year 2021 is waiting for us to come.
A new cycle begins on December 21, 2020. We can consider this
cycle of the next 180 years as a time when high social values gain
importance, declaring the end of materialism. Therefore, it is possible
to see this date as an important milestone.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will occur in Aquarius on December 21,
2020. This period of 180 years of emphasis on the air element indicates
that a great development phase will begin in the consciousness of
human beings, in technological and scientific themes. The element
of air is associated with aviation and space, as well as intelligence,
communication, and science. Therefore, this age can also be called
the "Space Age".
Well, in what subjects we can observe changes following this
important space event on December 21?
•This time, change will be experienced on people, consciousness,
communication and technology.
•There will be revolutionary developments in the fields of science and
technology, notably from 2023-2024 on.
•From 2026, we can expect incredible improvements in travel, com
munication and learning-teaching models. Space technologies and
space exploration will be especially important.
•Demand for information will increase significantly, education and
training will be one of the most important business fields of the
•The transition from money-based production to knowledge-based
production will intensified, and we will observe that knowledge
economy with the basic tool of knowledge, will gradually come to
the fore.
•Existing structures will collapse and transform, we can probably
observe the transition to new economic systems and the collapse
of capitalism. There will be a transition to a more social world order. YENİ DEVİR MATBAASI
•Data storage, knowledge accumulation and database creation will
be an important power.
•Cryptocurrencies will gain importance and regulations can be made
in this regard.
As Fastener Eurasia Team, we wish you a happy and healthy 2021!
Berardi Fasteners:
the fifth generation
T his is the message sent by
CEO Giovanni Berardi to the
Berardi Group’s employees, in
his customary simple and clear
style. Along with his brother
Francesco, he brought about the
steady expansion of the company,
founded back in 1919 by Giulio
Berardi. The two brothers made
the company grow and assert
itself as a leader on the market,
with the opening of as many as
12 branches on Italian soil, three
subsidiaries (Vibolt, Vitman and
VIBF) and even an international
branch in Morocco in 2017.
Today, the company keeps
expanding and deepening its
industrial synergies, and explores
the international market with its
From the left to the right: Cesare Augusto - Anastasia – Bernardino Berardi flexible and dynamic working
Center: Giovanni Berardi approach. Key to Berardi’s
development is the expansion of
the stock-ready product range, with dedicated technical
and logistical support.
“It is a great pleasure for When businesses pass from one generation to
me to inform you that my the next, people at different stages of their lives find
themselves together, with different levels of motivation
brother Francesco’s children, and professional success. Family businesses at their third
Anastasia and Cesare generation represent only 13% of the total, while only 4%
of them makes it to the fourth. Berardi is among the very
Augusto, have joined us at few to reach the fifth generation.
Anastasia works in the “Our company – highlighted the CEO
marketing office, while Cesare – is a dynamic heritage, an ever-
evolving process, where know-how
is in the Logistics department. and interpersonal relationships
My other nephew, Bernardino, are as important as the energy and
has already been working in innovation brought in by each person,
to safeguard a business model that
the technical and sales offices
responds to modern business needs,
for some time. while maintaining its historical roots”.
In such particular times, I put The fifth generation will continue
my trust in their determination writing the history of the Berardi Group
of companies.
and passion to bring on the
Berardi ‘family history’ along
with you all”.
Bologna / Italy Chennai / India Temara / Maroc
T. +39 051 41 71 111 T. +91 44 428 50 250 T. +212 661 379 765 / / /
SINCE 1973
CONDAT acquires
satisfaction, performance and innovation. It will therefore
benefit the 2 companies. First, by giving KEMNO new
means to expand backed on an international and stable
group. Second, by allowing CONDAT Group to strengthen its
diversification strategy in Italy, particularly in the fastener
& machining industry. Important synergies will be at work
in this merger.
As proof of its commitment in this new deal, CONDAT
group has decided to formalize this venture with the
creation of a 100% subsidiary, named CONDAT ITALIA. The
company will be committed to guarantee continuity and
optimum quality of service locally. With both ranges being
complementary, Italian customers will therefore benefit
from the largest choice of lubricants dedicated to their
CONDAT headquarters in France – near Lyon
specific needs, whatever the field of application. They will
also rely on strong services with high-tech lab, and on the
most competitive and reliable offer.
Atotech Group
Untergasse 47
65468 Trebur-Geinsheim
+49 6147 50130
common screws, washers and nuts for maintenance, • Ample Inventory — Provides consistent availability and
repair, and production applications with minimal quality pricing while reducing lead time compared to off-shore
documentation requirements. The service is part of its suppliers.
Manufacturing Solutions strategy and will better meet the • Agile Pick, Pack and Ship Process – Ensures fast turn-
existing and future requirements of its customers. around and instant online quotes for high-and low-quantity
The program is designed to provide availability and needs.
consistency for typical usage parts, plus more security • Expedited Shipping — Overnight, common carrier, air
from running out of stock or when lead times threaten shipping, and expedited service options, are available—de-
production. Available online at, the Stan- pendent on order size and customer timeline.
dard Fastener program offers a focused selection of 224 • Ease of Purchase — Blanket PO and online ordering
common fasteners (screws, washers and nuts), and targets capabilities support planned and unplanned purchasing
one business day to ship approved orders available from channels.
Optimas’ centrally located distribution centers in St. Louis, • Reduced Part Obsolescence — Replace fasteners with
MO and Monterrey, MX. The St. Louis facility was recently special secondary processing and reduce exposure to part
opened and is the distribution hub for all manufacturing obsolescence.
• Range of Production Options — In-house engineering,
“The Standard Fastener program applies directly to build- cold forming capabilities, licensed offerings and quality
ing an agile supply chain based on the 80/20 rule,” said labs provide a competitive range of production options
Marc Strandquist, president and CEO of the Americas for from a single source, centrally located near Chicago.
Optimas Solutions. “The vast majority of our customers rely
• Improved Usage — Vending machine options offer
on a core group of fasteners. Roughly 20 percent of those
complementary point solutions for usage accountability
items comprise 80 percent of their spend. We are focused
and automated replenishment.
on delivering those items quickly and competitively so they
• Regular Cadence of Deliveries — Tech-enabled (Op-
can concentrate on managing demand. This is another
tiTech), Just-in-Time (JIT) parts distribution and inventory
aspect of our Manufacturing Solutions strategy which we
management solutions are available for customers needing
have designed as an agile, flexible supply chain that gives
regular cadence deliveries.
our customer what they value most.”
The program, which offers common size fasteners is de-
signed to make decision making fast, easy, and actionable “We realize that speed to market is critical to our cus-
while saving customers money. Parts available during the tomers,” Strandquist said. “So, we are truly embracing our
launch phase include: mantra of ‘Efficiency Up’ with the Standard Fastener pro-
gram to far exceed customer expectations. And, when we
• Hex Cap Screws
do, both Optimas, and more importantly our customers,
• Hex Nuts
will reap the rewards of greater business success through
• Socket Cap Screws efficiency and enhanced profitability.”
• Washers
Bulten’s Q3 report
Strong order bookings and increased market shares thanks to new
•Net sales amounted to SEK 2,115 (2,309) million, a
decrease of -8.4% on the same period last year, of which
SEK 240 million is attributable to the acquisition of PSM.
•Operating earnings (EBIT) totaled SEK 24 (71) million,
equating to an operating margin of 1.2% (3.1). Last
year, operating earnings amounted to SEK 105 million
adjusted for relocation in China and restructuring in
THIRD QUARTER Germany, which corresponds to an adjusted operating
•Net sales amounted to SEK 853 (718) million, an increase margin of 4.6%.
of 18.8% on the same period last year, of which SEK 117 •Earnings after tax amounted to SEK -13 (44) million.
million is attributable to the acquisition of PSM. •Order bookings amounted to SEK 2,419 (2,261) million,
•Operating earnings (EBIT) totaled SEK 40 (-8) million, an increase of 7.0% on the same period last year, of which
equating to an operating margin of 4.7% (-1.0). Last year, SEK 349 million is attributable to the acquisition of PSM.
operating earnings amounted to SEK 19 million adjusted •Cash flow from operating activities totaled SEK 271 (109)
for relocation in China and restructuring in Germany, million.
which corresponds to an adjusted operating margin of •Earnings per share were SEK -0.33 (2.08).
2.8%. •Net debt amounted to SEK 605 (596) million. Net debt
•Earnings after tax amounted to SEK 17 (-14) million. (excluding lease liabilities) totaled SEK 238 (328) million.
•Order bookings amounted to SEK 1,322 (776) million, an •The equity/assets ratio was 49.7% (54.8) at the end
increase of 70.2% on the same period last year, of which of the period. The equity/assets ratio (excluding lease
SEK 113 million is attributable to the acquisition of PSM. liabilities) totaled SEK 56.0% (59.9).
•Cash flow from operating activities totaled SEK 157 (114) •As of February 28, 2020, Bulten has acquired all shares in
million. PSM International Holdings Limited (PSM) for a purchase
•Earnings per share were SEK 0.91 (-0.75). price amounting to MUSD 24.5 (SEK 230 million) on a
•Bulten has signed a Full Service Provider (FSP) contract cash and debt-free basis.
for delivery of fasteners to a European OEM, which is •Bulten has acquired a minority stake in TensionCam
also an existing customer, worth in the region of EUR Systems AB (TensionCam) for a purchase price of SEK
60 million a year at full production. Deliveries began 6 million.
in July 2020 and start-up costs are estimated to total
approximately EUR 1 million.
•Bulten has recruited Markus Baum to the new role of
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) from November 1, The third quarter began cautiously following the
2020, Claes Lundqvist has been appointed Acting Chief pandemic, but there was a clear improvement towards
to a complete re-evaluation
of the concept of 100%
Inspection & sorting, which
has become a crucial step
of the production chain.
Today, every project to
produce a new type of
fastener includes the
final 100% inspection and sorting process with suitable
machines. Every new production line is designed including
the inspection machines which are necessary to check the
most important dimensional and functional features of the
fastener together with its aesthetical aspect.
Moreover, in the last 4 years the demand to perform NDT
checks for cracks and hardness / heat treatment with high machines with adaptive control stations and a very user
output rates has undergone a significant surge and most friendly teach-in man machine interface.
of the modern control machines can offer Eddycurrent Machines which could run unattended on a 24h/7 basis
stations as options for this type of verification. with very complex inspection technologies, operated by
The Eddycurrent technology has evolved a lot in this unskilled personnel for the setup.
sense, the equipment and the probes to detect cracks Artificial Intelligence algorithms have been introduced in
and material quality have become very sensitive and the these machines starting from 2019 to allow the inspection
software processing algorithms very sophisticated but also of surface defects which only the human eye could detect
very user-friendly and judge. Any cylindrical and flat surface of the product
With more than 20 years of experience and more than must be scanned with lasers and digital cameras to
thousand machines installed around the world Dimac is recognize any little deformity of the part.
challenged every day by the fasteners manufacturers to The objective is to replace the human manual sorting
design and study custom machines for the sorting of a which is still present in many production factories in order
wide range of products for different markets : automotive, to reduce the costs and obtain a more reliable inspection
aerospace, hydraulic, electronic, medical, appliances, for several products which can’t be controlled with
furniture and more. automatic procedures.
The fasteners manufacturers require Dimac to build Last but not least, many manufacturing companies are
high performant 100% automatic inspection & sorting developing their Industry 4.0 projects which involves every
single department of the factory, including the inspection
& sorting departments. Every machine in the production
floor is connected to the company network and monitored
through the MES and ERP in order to adjust the processes
in real time.
Inspection machines can provide a big amount of
data regarding every single batch of fasteners, including
measured features, defects by attributes and statistic
calculations which could be treated with the company ERP
procedures combined with algorithms to trace and to know
nearly everything about the quality of every single produced
establishes global
manufacturing platform for
medical devices business
Special Screws
Carlo Salvi’s branches in the world are 3: one located What message do you want to convey to
in United States, specifically in Toledo, not very far from
Detroit, home of the automotive industry; one in China in
your customers with your slogan "Our
Guangzhou to face a constantly expanding market and one Performance. Your Advantage.”
in UK to support the numerous local projects. A customer who choose Carlo Salvi meet a company with
over 80 years of global history behind it. Each request is a
starting point for us, a new challenge in offering an “ad hoc
Could you tell us about Carlo Salvi and solution”. The service is completed by a strong motivation
Hatebur product range (machine park) ? towards problem solving and customer satisfaction.
As Hatebur Group our machines can form parts strating As mentioned, in Hatebur we met a company with a past
from a wire diameter of 0.6 mm up to 90 mm. Carlo Salvi and a philosophy very similar to ours: 90 years of history.
production range reaches up to a wire diameter of 22mm:
tubular, semi-tubular and solid parts can be obtained on
1-die/2-blow, 2-die/4-blow and multistations progressive
What are the effects of the pandemic on
headers. The range is completed by warm forming your production and sales?
machines, able to form special materials and alloys that Certainly the pandemic has hit hard and upset our sector,
need to be pre-heated before heading. as well as many others. To date, it is difficult to predict
which challenges the future will bring. Every historical
period has been characterized by great crises which led
“Made in Italy is to the need for a reset to be restored. This is the current
example. However, I’m of the opinion that opportunities
for us synonymous arise from every reset and you must always be ready to
ride the wave.
As you know, many fairs were postponed In which direction do you think the
during the pandemic. In this process, customer demands and trends in the
what kind of path do you follow to sector will increase?
establish dialogue with existing Demand is changing, preferring electric, high-strenght
customers and reach new customers? but ultra-light materials in sectors as automotive and
aerospace: it is especially on the latter field that the
I think that manufacturing companies first have to changes are very evident. The volumes of production
strenghten their sales network. It is very important to batches have significantly reduced and this is a trend for
find the way to support the customer with an efficient the next 3-5 years. The possibility of demand therefore
service ready to deal with any possible eventuality. We extends to smaller organizations, companies that are
have implemented and enhanced digital marketing and reorganizing to satisfy larger batches of products than
all related remote communication tools to the maximum. before. At the same time, big companies are making cuts,
Both for support and for the search for new customers, reorganizing themselves to meet these demands and still
these are the key strategies on which to rely and they will remain competitive. To face this new normality it will be
be values to be preserved even in the best of times. Some important firstly to develop strategies that allow to fullfil
examples were the creation of a “virtual booth”, which these requests, digitizing and automating all related
could replace the possibility to attend trade fairs, or the operations as much as possible.
creation of seminars via the web. Solutions necessary Furthermore, in my opinion the provision of a “Just in
today, which one day we hope will only complement the time” service is certainly a winning strategy. I also believe
return to normality and interpersonal relationships. that despite the pandemic, it is important to improve our
production processes more and more, optimizing them at
What do you think about the every stage.
development of the fastener industry on
a regional basis? Do you provide revisions and spare part
I must say that despite the times are not easy, but rather services to your old machines operating
uncertain, the fasteners market at regional and national
level has given us great satisfaction. We were very happy
in different countries around the world?
to support Italian companies that with great sacrifices Sure! The spare parts service for new and old machines
have decided to invest with determination towards better we guarantee, even with the support of our branches, is
scenarios. A partial reshoring and return of the production within 24/48 hours.
on a national level will certainly bring great advantages: We also offer customers the opportunity to overhaul and
first and foremost the gross domestic product benefits from refurbish their old machines like new.
it, than the risks and logistic costs will be reduced and the
quality standards will be improved.
Could you tell us about your R&D global interaction has made countries more vulnerable
from many points of view. The pandemic has hit the
studies in this period when smart processing chains with which raw materials, semi-finished
manufacturing, robotic technologies and and finished products travel around the world and the
digitalization are at the forefront? continuing contagion and the various lockdowns make
the situation worse. As already told, in my opinion the
Technology and automation are essential in this
pandemic will play in favor of a partial local return and
period, ensuring safe work, protecting ourselves and the
the redistribution of “made in” production.
customers. A very important role now is played by the R&D
Our company is completely “Made in Italy” and more than
teams. From a technological point of view, our company
95% of our products are supplied nationally. During the first
never stops investing in new projects and opportunities.
lockdown we suffered from a slight delay in the supply of
We are ready to present customers some news and
electrical equipment from Germany, but nothing serious
improvements: the new servo-electric linear infeed on
not to allow us to carry our normal activities. Thanks to
C, 725, the redesign of the clutch-brake combination for
this, even in such a difficult period we were able to offer
the AMP 20/AMP 20S Series and the introduction on the
customers services and spare parts on time.
market of the first 5 station combined machine model CS
513 TH. Our purpose would have been to present these
series of news during the recurring annual appointments, What kind of corporate strategy do you
unfortunately cancelled due to the health emergency. think is needed to keep and further
improve your position in the global and
“We never stop investing local market?
in new projects and I do not deny that this change may generate many
difficulties, but I am of the opinion that a “Made in Italy”
opportunities.” product has always been more attractive on the market
than others. We are talking about a phenomeon that could
In terms of reaching the market, are certainly be a good opportunity to bring back part of the
there any factors affecting you on the production activities related to this sector on a national
scale, actively contributing to the economic recovery of
matters arising from raw material supply, our contry also in terms of sustainability. Support and
customs policies and Italy's foreign encourage the reshoring can be a winning strategy to
relations? protect and further develop our position in the local and
then global market.
In a highly interconnected world like the one we live in,
the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted how the absence of
Healthy growth and strong increase in
profit. Strong cash flow.
January-September 2020
• Net sales rose by 9 percent to SEK 3,518 million (3,223).
Organic growth
was -10 percent and order intake was in line with net
• Operating profit (EBITA) increased by 16 percent to SEK
361 million (311) and the operating margin to 10.2
percent (9.6)
• Operating cash flow increased to SEK 391 million (255)
• Earnings per share rose to SEK 6.01 (5.72)
CEO´s overview rapidly, flexibly and decisively to protect our employees, our
customers and our business. This was key to maintaining
During the third quarter of 2020, Bufab delivered its stable deliveries with good quality to our thousands of
best ever net profit for a single quarter, as well as a strong customers worldwide.
cash flow. Secondly, we had already initiated a comprehensive
Results were also the best ever for the first nine months efficiency and savings programme during the autumn of
of the year. This is a sign of strength, given the coronavirus 2019. We were therefore able to rapidly expand it to SEK
pandemic, which continues unabated in most of the 100 million on a full-year basis, with full effect from January
countries where Bufab operates. It has led to a negative 2021. The programme is progressing according to plan and
organic growth of -10 percent for the nine-month period, will achieve its targets with comparatively low restructuring
the largest sales decrease since 2009. costs.
The strong earnings increase in spite of this is partly The third and most important reason is that Bufab,
due to good contributions from our two most recent as a trading company, has a flexible and agile business
acquisitions. But there are also three other important model, which has been an important asset throughout
reasons. First of all, we gained early knowledge of the 2020. In practical terms, this was apparent when our 43
coronavirus pandemic and how to handle it from our subsidiaries in a very short time initiated and implemented
subsidiaries in Asia. When the pandemic subsequently the measures necessary to adapt to the development.
arrived in Europe and North America, we were able to act
During the third quarter, we noted a gradual recovery in Our acquisition strategy has also been a strong asset
demand in all segments. Toward the end of the quarter, during the year with strong earnings contributions by
sales were in line with 2019. Combined with an improved our most recent acquisitions, HT BENDIX and American
gross margin and sharply reduced costs, the recovery led to Bolt & Screw. The current market creates many business
a strong increase in operating profit and operating margin. opportunities for strong companies with investment
The cost level deserves special mention. The savings capacity. Bufab has this capacity and sees many
programme of SEK 100 million generated very good opportunities in all markets. We are continuing to work
results during the quarter. The organization succeeded with promising acquisition candidates.
in delivering sales in line with last year despite an eight- The coronavirus pandemic is a unique event. We have
percent reduction in the number of employees (adjusted to accept that it brings uncertainty and new risks. We are
for acquisitions). This was due to systematic work on carefully monitoring the development, and we always
efficiency and investments in digitalization, a part of our prioritize health and safety. But we also want to offer our
Leadership strategy which we have accelerated during the customers, employees and owners stability and security
year. Moreover, all business units displayed highly effective moving forward. Our lower cost base, stable margin and
cost control. This resulted in major cost savings during strong cash flow generate flexibility and strength. In this
the quarter, despite the fact that we almost completely way, we stand well equipped for various potential market
abstained from government subsidies during the quarter. scenarios. And we can also continue the investments in
Bufab is a growth company. We have reported growth our Leadership strategy.
for seven consecutive years and do not intend to break The most important factor for our successful
this trend. We are now working intensively to continue performance to date is obviously our employees, who
building strong customer relationships, despite the comprise more than 1,300 “Solutionists” in 28 countries.
practical restrictions caused by the pandemic. We are also I want to extend my warm thanks to all of you who have
continuing to invest in our Sales Excellence programme, achieved outstanding results thanks to fantastic flexibility
which is important for the motivation and development of and a sound business sense. That’s what enables us to
the sales organization. These measures are included in our focus on our customers and to look forward to continued
“Restart” theme, with a primary focus on driving continued profitable growth.
2020 Export Target is 7 to 7,5 Billion Hardware Intustry to Meet in Istanbul via
Dollars Hardware Eurasia Trade Fair
Evaluating the export figures of the sector, Tecdelioğlu Speaking of their support as HISİAD for Hardware Eur-
said, “As the sector, we exported 6.6 billion dollars in the asia Trade Fair, Tecdelioğlu said, “Hardware Eurasia Fair
first 10 months. In this period, the top 3 countries that we will take place between 1-4 April 2021 at Tüyap Fair and
export are Germany, Iraq and Romania. The year-end export Congress Center. We aim to make the fair one of the most
target of our industry is around 7-7.5 billion dollars. When comprehensive hardware industry events in Eurasia and
we look at the world-wide hardware exports and rates, we then in the world. Important buyers from Turkey and abroad
get only 1.5 percent of the market of 551 billion dollars.” will be hosted in Istanbul to hold bilateral meetings with
Saying that they exported 8.2 billion dollars in 2019, Tec- participating companies in the fair environment. "It will be
delioğlu said: “We are an industry with a current surplus. the first international event of the sector and, in a sense,
Our export unit price per kg in the hardware sector was the new global showcase of the sector."
4.17 dollars in the first 10 months of 2020. Our unit price
is 3.2 times the average of Turkey. As we reached 2020,
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810 Union Ave. • Bridgeport, CT 06607 Te l : ( + 4 9 ) 0 2 5 9 1 / 9 1 9 4 - 0
Color Coded
ID Clamps
C olor Coded ID Clamps are made of pre-coated epoxy
steel, which has a color stripe on the band surface for
final visual inspection in the assembly line to differentiate
Product Features
- High color adhesion performance: ink is much more
driveshafts built in the car. stable on plastic (epoxy coated) surface than metal
Epoxy primer ensures ink adhesion that satisfies even surface
the most demanding customer applications, providing a - Wide variety of colors: 10 distinguishable colors available
semi-permanent mark that is suitable for mass production. for visual inspection purpose
Printing equipment is already available in almost all - Ink over 360°: a perfectly colored ink throughout the
locations which produce clamps from band, and can be whole circumference
transferred seamlessly between different production lines - Clamp characteristics: same mechanical and chemical
to accommodate almost every product group performance as 167 10.0 × 1.0 mm
Simply carry-on
tightening – with the
The high-performance
concrete screw for absolute
installation ease and external
• Guard rails
• Consoles/Base plates
• Metal profiles
• Steel constructions
• Façades
• Protection barriers
Select Hilti
Products For
2020 Pro Tool
New profile
clamp from
temperatures of
up to 900 ¯C
N ORMA Group, a global market
leader in engineered joining
technology, has developed the
VPP Compact High Temperature,
a new VPP profile clamp that
can withstand component
temperatures of up to 900 °C. The
VPP Compact High Temperature is
therefore ideally suited for use in
The VPP Compact High
vehicles with state-of-the-art petrol Temperature is very easy
engines that must meet strict to install
emission standards.
“The regulations for reducing emissions from
combustion engines are increasing worldwide,” said Dr.
Michael Schneider, CEO of NORMA Group. “This increases
the technological requirements for internal combustion
engines, which also lead to higher temperature ranges.
With the VPP Compact High Temperature, we have
developed a product that can also be used with rising
engine temperatures due to its extremely high resistance
to heat.”
Fuel combustion in petrol engines generates higher
temperatures than in diesel engines. In the wake of ever
stricter emission regulations, additional components, such
as particle filters, must be installed in combustion engines
as close as possible to the engine. This creates additional
heat sources in a very confined space, which further
increases the temperature inside the engine compartment.
Modern petrol engines are therefore dependent on joining
products that can withstand high temperatures, such as
the VPP Compact High Temperature.
NORMA Group’s VPP profile clamps are joining elements
that can be installed safely and quickly and are used in
the area of exhaust gas treatment close to the engine, in
particular. The VPP Compact High Temperature is mainly
used at the connection point between the turbocharger
and the catalyst.
New, innovative standoff installation
Technical data
Air pressure: 5 – 7 bar
Air volume required (5,1bar): 4.35 lt
Stroke: 30mm
Pull force: 3890N
Cycle time: 1 sec.
Weight: 1.92Kg
Total length (without head): 475 mm
parts when they are moved or lifted out. The tanks have
been designed so that they can be drained quickly and
completely, and that no pockets of dirt or contamination
can form. The same applies to the piping of the cleaning
system, which is designed for temperatures up to 70° C.
High flexibility through integrated electrical and control
The electrical and control technology is already
integrated in each module of the new UCMSmartLine. This
plug-and-play design plays a major role in reducing the
amount of space required for the ultrasonic multi-chamber
immersion cleaning system. It also eliminates the need for
a separate control cabinet. As a result, the systems can
be put in operation quickly and extra modules added at
any time.
Impressive design with health, safety and environmental
In addition to its performance and adaptability, the
fully-enclosed UCMSmartLine made from electropolished
stainless steel also impresses with its design. The standard
front panels are made of high-quality safety glass and
are not just an optical feature. They also prevent vapours
escaping from the system into the surroundings, which
could pose a health risk depending on the cleaning agent
used. Compared to the many open systems available in
the market, the panels also reduce heat loss, which cuts
energy consumption. The covered dryers reduced energy
costs even further and also increases throughput with
shorter drying times.
The system’s PC-based controller can be integrated into
higher-level Manufacturing Executive Systems (MES) via
Due to its modularity and high flexibility in terms
of system configuration and process design, the new
UCMSmartLine covers an extremely wide range of
applications in high-tech industries as well as in the fields
of MRO. At the same time, the modern modular concept
means that the cleaning system can be manufactured
cost-efficiently with short delivery times.
Sergio Milatias
Editor, Revista do Parafuso
(The Fastener Brazil Magazine)
Tatiana Nolasco
ne of the most important Brazilian fasteners
industries, the Jomarca announced, in August 2020,
the acquisition of the entire industrial park of South Brazil
Furniture Accessories, owned by the Group South Brazil
(GSB). With 30 years in the market, the GSB opted for the
In the ArcelorMittal - Sul Fluminense, one of the Brazilians
industrial steel units, the position of Director Business to
long steel from, including products as steel bars and wire
sale to invest more in its activities in the nonwoven fabric rods used to fastener production, passed to be occupied
business. by a woman.
“This agreement consists of the acquisition of all lines of The announce was released at last August by the own
accessories from GSB, such as hinges and slides, except CEO of this business unit at Cia, Mr. Jefferson De Paula,
the plastic line of handles. In the coming months all this that said: "That news is a source of great pride for us
equipment will be moved from Caçador town, from Santa because the Tatiana Furtado Nolasco de Abreu are broking
Catarina State, to Jomarca's industrial plant in Guarulhos, barriers and paradigms within our traditionally male
São Paulo State. After the change concluded, we estimate segment. That post occupied by her including the Barra
that it will start operating in the beginning of 2021. Mansa and Resende industrial plants, both towns from
However, a part of it should already be in operation already the Rio de Janeiro State, that leading around 1,300 own
in 2020. As a result, our current number of employees and indirect employees, the majority of whom are men",
should jump from 1,000 to 1,200 people. We will expand De Paula.
the Jomarca portfolio of furniture accessories and deliver Degreed Production Engineering, Nolasco has been
even more variety to our customers and partners”, told working in the steel sector for 20 years, is married, has
Ricardo Marques Castelhano, the Jomarca superintendent 40 old age and are mother of Rafael and Paula (6- and
director. 4-years old age).
By Shun Otsuki
President § Editor in Chief
KINSAN Fastener News,
M izuki (Kanagawa) is building a status, the aim is to create added measuring instruments
unique system that monitors value by improving all productivity. such as digital calipers also connect
the operating status by connecting Currently, it has been installed in wireless devices to collect data. They
IoT equipment to the processing all 110 headers and rolling units in also manage whether there is any
machine, and is working to improve the factory, and They are promoting variation in quality by sending it to
production management using the cooperation with existing systems the system.
number data. and utilization of collected data. They President Mizuki said, "We will be
Since 2018, the company has have a system in place to monitor the able to perform statistical quality
been promoting visualization of the operating status from each machine control. If we accumulate detailed
operating status by installing IoT in real time from the terminal. data over the long term, we can use
devices in the header and rolling. By The key data for monitoring the it as big data. We would like to make
centrally monitoring the operating operating status is the number of use of this data for our business."
MinebeaMitsumi NejiLaw's L /
and Kyoto Uni R-ΔLoc adopted
start experiment for G-SHOCK
to wirelessly
supply power
to bolt sensor
M inebeaMitsumi (Nagan) and Kyoto University
(Kyoto) will start a demonstration experiment
of tunnel maintenance and inspection by wireless
power supply. For the purpose of monitoring the
collapse of the smoke exhaust jet fan that is bolted
to the tunnel structure, the sensor embedded in
the bolt is wirelessly supplied with power from the
traveling vehicle to collect information on the bolt
axial force.
There is a need for technology that efficiently
inspects aging and deteriorating social ejiLaw (Tokyo) has completed an "L / R screw" that has both
infrastructure by utilizing AI, IoT, and robot a right-handed spiral and a left-handed spiral by forming
technology instead of humans. The system a special thread shape with a three-dimensional structure on
developed this time brings together the the bolt surface without having a conventional spiral structure.
technologies of Kyoto University, which has been In recent years, various developed products have been rapidly
researching wireless power supply technology commercialized and adopted.
using electromagnetic waves for many years, The "L / R screw" developed by the company is different from
and MinebeaMitsumi, which possesses battery- the loosening prevention function by frictional force, and it is
less bolt axial force sensors and high-speed possible to obtain a mechanically structural and strong rigidly
image processing technology, to maintain social bonded state. The principle is that both right-handed spiral nuts
infrastructure. Technology that efficiently manages and left-handed spiral nuts are fitted to male-threaded bolts, and
maintenance. these nuts are mechanically connected to each other so that both
In the demonstration experiment, a high-speed nuts are tightened together. It is a mechanism that completely
vision sensor mounted on a traveling vehicle at a seals loosening by being guided by.
speed of 50 km / h captures and tracks the power In October 2018, "L / R-ΔLoc" (L/R Delta Lock), which applied
supply target, and wirelessly transmits microwaves this principle, was adopted as the flagship model of Casio
to the power supply target. An attempt to receive Computer's watch brand "G-SHOCK".
data from a sensor driven by power supply to the L / R-ΔLoc has a pin part to be inserted into the belt fixing part,
vehicle. and a male screw part forming an L / R screw structure is formed
MinebeaMitsumi's battery-less axial force sensor at the tip of the pin part. Screw the right-handed nuts in sequence
has a bolt-integrated type with a strain gauge and fasten. The rear end of the left-handed nut tightened first
embedded inside the bolt shaft and multiple has a triangular portion, and the cylindrical portion provided at
modules integrated on the bolt head, and a type the tip of the right-handed nut tightened later is fixed while fitting
with separate modules. It achieves low power to the triangular portion.
consumption and miniaturization. By sensing the The inner circumference length of the cylindrical part and the
axial force, it becomes possible to detect loosening outer circumference length of the triangular part are set to be
of bolts, which has the potential to be applied to approximately equal to each other in advance, and the cylindrical
bolts used in all types of infrastructure. part is gradually deformed so as to fit along the triangular part
At a joint press conference held at Kyoto according to the fitting of both. It is a mechanism that realizes a
University on October 9, they said, "Currently, tough locking state by being designed so that the deformation
roads and other infrastructure are required to of the part reaches the plastic deformation range and being
be visually inspected once every five years, but pressure-welded by residual elasticity. With the realization of this
this is an attempt to save labor. IoT in the world It mechanism, L / R-ΔLoc does not loosen even with severe shock
requires a lot of sensors, but we propose the idea vibration, and it can be removed non-destructively and can be
of supplying power wirelessly instead of installing reused repeatedly.
a battery. "
W ithin the company of the rolling machine manufacturer as an electric full-scale sales of PLB.
Nissei (Yamanashi), there is a division that develops guitar strep pin
Atotech’s high-performance
coating systems for
demanding OEM fastener
By Dennis Gündel
Global Product Manager, Zinc Flake Coatings
About Atotech
Atotech is a global leader
in surface-finishing solutions.
Through a comprehensive
systems-and-solutions approach,
Zintek® 300 HP + Techseal® Black S T the company delivers chemistry,
equipment, and service to
support diverse industries such as
bright, deep black appearance, HP and Techseal® Black SL VA or
consumer electronics, especially
the organic top coat Techseal ® Techseal® Black S T are currently
mobile devices and computing;
Black SL VA provides outstanding the leading zinc flake processes for
global automotive; communication
coverage and excellent chemical VW TL 180. Not only have they been
infrastructure; and many other
resistance. Techseal® Black SL VA well received by manufacturers, they
industrial end-markets. Atotech’s
meets the challenging requirements have also been praised as the best
relentless R&D efforts and global
for multiple mounting on e-coat and approved systems with the highest
TechCenter presence allows
aluminum with low deviation while performance standards and ease of
it to deliver pioneering and
simultaneously providing limited handling.
sustainable products combined
heat-loosening properties. For parts
with unparalleled on-site customer
that require a lubricant-free finish in
line with the TL 180 specification, The perfect coating for all support – making Atotech a critical
Atotech offers Techseal® Black S T, an kinds of fasteners partner to over 8,000 customers
approved finish that provides excellent
Atotech pays special attention to Atotech, headquartered in
chemical resistance and features an
the needs and requirements of the Berlin, Germany, is a team of
attractive matt black appearance. The
automotive industry. The company 4,000 experts in over 40 countries
ductile coating can be used for clips,
continuously works with OEMs and the generating annual revenues of
clamps and other fasteners. Both of
whole supply chain around the globe $1.2 billion (2019). Atotech has
the approved top coats show minimal
to establish new coating and quality manufacturing operations across
signs of abrasion.
standards. Atotech offers a variety Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
The combination of Zintek® 300 of coating systems and solutions
What would be if
hadn't been the
by Jozef Dominik
CEO of Ferodom Ltd
What would be if hadn't been the Screws Whitworth (1803 -1887, UK), William Sellers (1827 – 1905,
USA) and many many unnamed pioneers have contributed
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty to the fact that screw, based on the spiral is currently one
of the most common elements used in construction and
everywhere. Nature always wears the colors of machine design. Without them and without the friction, all
the spirit. Look deep into nature, and then you machines and structures would fall to pieces.
will understand everything better.” Of course, they have made tremendous progress over
NN (Albert Einstein?) the years. This applies not
only to their construction,
but also to their materials
Anything short about and surface treatment.
“The screws hold our civilization together”, sounds a The first screws were
classic statement. In some sense this is true. Threadless Fig. 3 made of wood (Fig. 3).
connections are the exception rather than the rule. They were mainly used for
However, it should be added with one breath that the screw the pressing of olive oil or grape wine.
would not be a screw if there was no friction. This fact knew Prior to that, Johann Gutenberg used screws to fasten
well already Leonardo da Vinci. his printing machines (Fig. 4) and later the spiral principle
was used in the architecture (Fig. 5).
in medicine, the
armaments industry,
architecture, fine As can be seen, screws have played an important role
mechanics and in human life. And nothing has changed in this modern,
optics etc. pre-technological time. At first glance, a threaded joints
Hand in hand with may seem like a very simple element that holds things
the process of the together. However, appearances are misleading. In fact,
industrial revolution, it is a complicated structural highly stressed element
screws were also without which we cannot imagine life. It therefore deserves
Fig. 11 developed. A simple increased attention.
Fig. 12 square head and
a wood thread (Fig Ferodom`s screw theorem:
13) were no longer “The screw connection is not a soulless
enough. So-coled nut monster, but a living organism with its own
screws with different life. Only those who know and respect this
types of heads were life can count on a reward in the form of
created (Fig. 14), reliability and safety. Otherwise, he can
the head of the cruelly avenge”.
∠ 挀漀洀瀀愀渀礀 氀漀最漀
∠ 挀漀洀瀀愀渀礀 瀀爀漀漀氀攀
∠ 氀椀猀琀椀渀最 漀昀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀
∠ 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀 椀洀愀最攀猀
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䘀愀猀琀攀渀 琀漀 一攀眀 䴀愀爀欀攀琀猀
Expo Stages
Digital Event
The Land Of
Automotive Industry
Germany – The World’s Automotive Hub of
Germany is recognized the world over for its outstanding
automotive industry and excellence in engineering.
From Asia to the Americas, German cars embody highly
cherished values of innovation, reliability, safety, and
design. Germany is by some distance Europe’s leading
production and sales market. The country’s world-class
R&D infrastructure, complete industry value chain
integration, and highly qualified workforce create an
internationally peerless automotive environment. It enables
companies to develop cutting- edge technologies, which
perfectly address tomorrow’s mobility needs.
• One in every five cars worldwide carries a German brand.
Industry & Market Numbers • Germany is home to 43 automobile assembly and engine
• The automotive industry is the largest industry sector production plants with a capacity of over one third of total
in Germany. In 2019, the auto sector listed turnover of automobile production in Europe.
EUR 435.3 billion – around 20 percent of total German • In 2018, Germany‘s domestic internal automotive
industry revenue. industry R&D expenditure remained at EUR 25 billion
• Germany is Europe’s number one automotive market, – equivalent to 35 percent of total R&D expenditure in
accounting for around 25 percent of all passenger Germany.
cars manufactured (4.66million) and approximately 20 • Eighteen of the world’s top 100 automotive suppliers are
percent of all new car registrations (3.6million). German companies.
• Around 75 percent of cars produced in Germany in 2019 recording cumulated growth of more than 20 percent. More
were ultimately destined for international markets – a than 65 percent of German companies are already using
new record. or plan to use special Industrie 4.0 applications.
• More than 40 percent of patent registrations in Germany Continued double digit growth is forecast in the
originate from the automotive industry. respective software, IT services, and hardware segments
• R&D personnel within the German automobile industry that, taken together, constitute Industrie 4.0 solutions.
reached around 126,400. Around 833,000 are employed In Germany alone, extra value added potential of up to
in the industry as a whole in 2019. EUR 425 billion has been forecast for the period up to
2025. The main application industries driving Industrie
Market Trends 4.0 solutions uptake are the automotive, mechanical and
plant engineering, and electronics and high-tech sectors.
The German automotive industry is a substantial and
integral part of the global automotive industry. Suppliers
and OEMs in Germany are on top of the technological Digital Leader
market transformation. Automotive engineers are hard Digitalization and the use of digital technologies in
at work improving internal combustion engine energy German Industrie 4.0 are advanced in international
efficiency, developing alternative drive technologies comparison. Eighty-three percent of domestic companies
(including electric, hybrid, and fuel cell cars), and adapting believe that their value chains will be marked by a high
lightweight materials and electronics. level of digitalization by 2021.
Tighter carbon emission reduction targets and the More than 65 percent of German companies use or plan
government’s electric mobility initiative (“National to use special Industrie 4.0 applications.
Electromobility Development Plan”) are major innovation In the manufacturing sector, three in four companies
drivers for future growth. As a result, demand for use smart services like cloud computing solutions; one
connected cars equipped with driver-assistance systems third of which analyze large amounts of data using big data
and information components will increase significantly - analytics solutions. Technological leadership and vision
especially in the premium segment. in the fields of manufacturing, automation and software-
Smart technologies will revolutionize the driving based embedded systems, as well as historically strong
experience further. Germany’s industry strength in industrial networks, lay the cornerstone for the long-term
electronic technologies and software solutions allied to success of Industrie 4.0 in Germany.
its innovative business networks bolster technological
development in one of Germany’s major fields of expertise.
As well as technological transformation, the automotive
industry is undergoing a continuous value shift from OEMs
to suppliers. According to a study conducted by Oliver
Wyman and the German Automotive Industry Association
(VDA), OEM share of global R&D value creation will decline
from 60% today to 47% in 2025 (Source: FAST 2025).
Strategic alliances between OEMs and suppliers - as well
as within the supplying industry - will grow in importance
and offer significant growth potential.
powerful manufacturing base empowers international The fourth industrial revolution is already underway
investors to develop cutting-edge technologies for thanks to the country`s ambitions Industrie 4.0 initiative.
tomorrow’s aviation needs. Compared with other major This landmark project is ushering in a new age of
aviation manufacturing countries like the US, Canada and decentralized production that is transforming industry.
France, Germany’s rare mix of a powerful manufacturing Automation technology developments will consolidate
base, ready availability of talent, and cost efficiency are Germany’s position as the lead provider and market for
unique competitive advantages for current and prospective virtual systems and highly developed production systems.
investors. Machinery and equipment is one of the technological
Besides its supply and manufacturing power, the country motors that drives Germany as a high-tech nation and
is also home to two major passenger airlines as well as combines all of the key future technologies (including
one of the world’s biggest freight and logistics carriers. electronics, robotics, materials, and software). The
domestic M&E sector is dominated by small and medium-
sized enterprises from the thriving Mittelstand economy.
Industry & Market Numbers These companies produce customized products and small
• EUR 40 bn turnover in 2018 production series to meet international manufacturing
• More than 7% average annual growth since the mid- industry demand.
1990s Impressive M&E industry and market data provide a timely
• 111,00 industry employees – of which more than reminder that the “Made in Germany” label still stands
50% are engineers or highly qualified professionals for the highest quality products and services in the world.
• 220 companies and related institutions
• One of Germany’s most innovative industry sectors –
10% (EUR 4 bn) of annual revenue spent in R&D Global Export Leader
• 16% share of global machinery trade making it world´s
leading supplier
• 79% of machinery turnover generated from international
• German manufacturers are the world market leaders in
19 out of 31 M&E sectors
1911 1911
TSE - ISO TS EN ISO 9001:2015
H ow Cleanliness Inspection of
Fasteners Is Made Easy for Novice
of contamination on the investigated
Next, a microscopic inspection
In a conventional cleanliness
inspection workflow, manually
operated microscopes are used and
Fasteners are essential parts in reveals the size and shape of the contaminants on filter membranes
production machinery and goods in microparticles. Cleanliness standards are classified individually and counted
major industries, such as automotive, define size classes and particle types by the operator. Yet, this is a time-
oil and lubricant manufacturing, to which each particulate must be consuming process that strongly
aerospace, and medical device assigned. If the number of particulates depends on the operator’s experience
equipment. One major challenge for in a size class exceeds an acceptable level and judgment. On top of that, the
fastener manufacturers, especially limit, the inspected part will fail the intensive manual work poses the risk
when the components are used to technical cleanliness inspection. This of contaminating the specimen during
manufacture precision instruments, often means a change is needed in the investigation.
is particle contamination. Since every the production process or handling of Fast decision-making is essential
industry has defined acceptance the part. Also, microscopic inspections in technical cleanliness inspection to
criteria for residual par ticle often reveal characteristics that signify give direct feedback to quality control.
contamination of their products to a potential problem. For instance, while Repeatable, comparable results are
maximize product lifetime and safety, smoother particles may have slowly also indispensable for consistent
fastener manufacturers face many abraded over time, edgy particles quality control across different
technical cleanliness demands. are often caused by a new problem production facilities. The results must
This article will explore the technical in a system that must be dealt with be presented in compliant, professional
cleanliness workflow for fasteners, promptly. reports.
its challenges, and how automated In addition to measuring the size Today, modern microscopes for
systems can simplify it—even for new and shape of particulates, identifying technical cleanliness inspection are
and inexperienced operators. metallic particles is important. fast, reliable, and easy-to-use with
Due to their hardness and electric consistent results independent of the
The Typical Technical conductivity, metallic particles are operator.
potentially more harmful to mechanical
Cleanliness Workflow for
Fastener Manufacturing
and electrical systems. The demand Easy Specimen Positioning
to identify metallic particles has
Microparticles can cause the become even more important with an and Maximized Automation
malfunction of technical products, such increasing market for electric mobility. Systems that maximize automation
as gearboxes, turbines, and engines, can help simplify cleanliness
or medical devices, such as syringes The Challenges of inspections from start to finish. For
example, modern solutions like the
and filters. Consequently, the technical
cleanliness of each component is
Technical Cleanliness OLYMPUS CIX100 technical cleanliness
an essential part of quality control Inspections system only require a simple specimen
and assurance. Specific inspection Even knowing the importance of positioning step before automation
processes and standards are defined technical cleanliness inspection, takes over.
for each application. the workflow can still be difficult to In the workflow, a prepared specimen
A common process to count and perform. is placed on the filter holder and
measure contaminants on the
surfaces of parts like bolts, screws,
or other fasteners is to wash the part
and then filter the rinse fluid through
a filter membrane. Particles larger
than the filter’s mesh size deposit on
the membrane. After drying the filter
membrane, a comparison of its weight
without and with contaminants yields
a first rough estimate on the amount Common workflow for technical cleanliness inspection.
User interface with organized thumbnail views of every detected particulate linked to the position on the filter membrane and classification.
International Hardware
Fair Cologne with New
Innovative Hybrid Format
From 21 to 24 February, the EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware
Fair Cologne will take place under the slogan “We’re starting the engine”.
TSE - ISO TS EN ISO 9001:2015
E urasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs, which have proven In addition to frequent maintenance periods, all
their reputation in the global arena and expected fairs of ventilation systems will be disinfected regularly after
the industry, continue their preparations to offer a safe expo the exhibition hours. In case of encountering a health
experience to both its exhibitors and visitors with the measures problem, the healthcare professionals waiting in the
covering all the requirements of the new normal period. "Isolation Room" established outside the fair area will
Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs, where New Generation immediately intervene.
Fair applications will take place, give the exhibitors the
opportunity to contact with all the visitor profiles they aim to Take Your Place in the Most
reach in all channels, both live and digitally, thanks to the hybrid
fair model where the power of the physical fair and the innovative
Prestigious Trade Event in the
face of digital applications are combined. Industry
Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs, which
hosted a total of 55,107 visitors, 9,762 of which are
Health First for Trade international, from 119 countries in 2020, will bring
Eurasia Window, Door and Glass fairs will be held within the together all the components of the industry and
framework of the "contact-free expo" application of TÜYAP FAIRS gather the exhibitors who are leaders in their fields
GROUP, which is the first and only fair organization company that and professionals who are decision makers of the
is entitled to receive the COVID-19 Safe Service Certificate of the building and construction industries under their roofs
Turkish Standards Institute. The fairs, where extensive measures once again. Take your place in this great trade meeting
taken will be implemented due to the pandemic, can be visited on March 3-6!
- Bolts
- Anchor Bolts
- U Bolts
- Nuts
- Fasteners
- Catenary Pole Systems
- Spring washers
- Flat washers
- Rings
- R-Clips
- Split Pin DIN 94
Murat mah.İnan sok. No:83 Ka:t 1-2 - Custom washers
Bayrampaşa – Istanbul / TURKEY
+ 90 212 563 22 40-41
+ 90 212 563 29 20
- Automatic machines series for
the 100% inspection & sorting of
fasteners and special parts.
- Rotary table-based: MCV0, MCV1,
S.S. 10 per Voghera, 93/5/D - Slant tilting track-based: MCV2
15057 Tortona - (AL) - Transport belt concept: MCV_BELT
ITALY - Statistical Process Control, data
collecting and measuring: SPC-LAB
+39 (0)131 863447 and SPC-ROBOT
+39 (0)131 890624
- Zinc Flake
- Electroplating
- Coil Coating
- Special Solutions
Wetterstrasse 58
58313 Herdecke / Ruhr
+49 2330 63 243
+49 2330 63 100 243
- Special Screws
- Chipboard Screws
- Screws for Plastic
- Trilobular Screws
- Sheet Screws
Ramazanoğlu Mh. Kaynarca Cd. - Metric Screws
- Spiralform Screws
Kumru Sk. No:18 34906 Pendik
- Rivets
Istanbul - TURKEY
+90 216 378 36 64 - 65
+90 216 595 12 16
- Self-clinching Nuts
- Broaching Nuts
- Kalei Nut
- Cage Nut
- Studs and Standoff equivalent to
No.1, NiuRong Road, Niuhou Resident Group, PEM standard
Shajiao Community, Humen Town, Dongguan - Welding Studs based on ISO 13918
City,Guandong Province P.R. China 523936 - Brass Inserts equivalent to PSM
+86-769-8516-1020 - Customized part made by CNC
+86-769-8516-1021 - Turned Part and Cold Forging
- Nuts
- Washers
- Screws
- Hex bolts
- Threaded rods
Via Anna Frank, 5/7 - Studbolts
- Special Fasteners
26029 Gallignano(CR)ITALY
- Screws
- Anchors
- High Tensile, Bolts, Nuts, Studbolts
- Heat Resistant Studbolts
- Steel Bolts, Nuts, Studbolts
- Body Greinded Bolts for Machines
- Anchor Bolts
- T Bolts, U Bolts, Tie Rods
Demirciler Sitesi 2104. Sokak No:20/A - Stainless Steel Bolts, Nuts,
Yenidoğan Mah. Yüreğir / ADANA / TURKEY Studbolts
- Heavy Duty Hex Bolts, Nuts
+90 322 346 02 10 -13 - Track Master Bolts for
Consructions Machinery
+90 322 346 02 14
- Big Diameter Studbolts Bridges - Mill Bolts for Cement Firm
- Washers According to
DIN Standards
- Piston Shims
- Support Washers
- Conical Washers
Ömerli Mahallesi Tuna Sokak No 13/1 - Parts for Automobile and Tractors
- Molds
Arnavutköy/İstanbul - TURKEY
Tungsten carbide toolings for
fastener industry
- Heading die
- Pointing die
- Extrusion Die
C-7, Ansa Industrial Estate. - Trap extrusion Dies
Saki Vihar Road, Sakinaka,Andheri-East - Quill
- Cutt of Knife
Mumbai - 400 072, INDIA
- 1st puch
+91-22-28473766 - Die case
+91-22-66996916 - K.O.Pin - Nut forging Cutter
- Toolings as per Drawings
- Metric Screws
- Rivet Nuts
- Welding Studs
- Selfclinching
- Sheet Screws
Gazi Osman Paşa Mahallesi - Furniture Fasteners
Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 4.Cad. No:20 - PVC Fasteners
Çerkezköy - Tekirdağ / TURKEY - Special Products
+90 282 725 00 20
+90 282 725 09 09
- Nuts
- Bolts
- Special Products
- Pins
- Standard and Special Parts
RIVIT S.r.l.
- Blind rivets
- Rivet nuts
- Self-clinching
- Welding studs
- Lockbolts
Via Marconi 20, Loc. Ponte Rizzoli - Cage nuts
40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia - Rivet nuts for plastics
BO ITALY - Tools for fasteners
- Steel screw
+390514171111 - Stainless steel screws
+390514171119 - Latches - Anchors
- Machines for metal
- Cold and warm forming machines
- Thread Rolling Machines
- Nut Former Dies
- Segmented Hex Carbide Dies
- Die Case
- Cut-off Knife
- Transfer Fingers
Akçaburgaz Mh. 1585 Sk. Tem34 Sitesi - Transfer Grippers
No:2/13 Esenyurt – İstanbul / TURKEY - Dies
- Rollers
- Trimming Dies
+90 212 668 35 53 - 63 - Extrusion Dies
+90 212 668 80 01 - Punches - Ejectors
- Washers
- Aluminium Fasteners
- Assembly Machines
- Automotive Fasteners
- Brass Inserts
- Coiled Spring Pins
- Compression Limiters
17 Princewood Road, - Disc Springs
Corby, NN17 4ET, - Dowel Bushings & Pins
- Inserts for Plastics
+44 (0) 1536 444 800 - Metal Spacers
+44 (0) 1536 444 801 - Shims - Slotted Spring Pins
- Solid Pins - Special Fasteners
- Adhesives
- Sealants
- Lubricants/Torque/Tension
- Threadlockers
- Specialized Fastener Products
56732 Mound Rd - Masking and Anti Fouling coatings
Shelby Twp., - Retainers /Assembly Aids
MI 48316 - Specialty Cleaners
- Research and Development &
1-586-232-3999 Custom Formulas
1-586-232-3991 - Specialty Coatings - Private Labeled Items
- Encapsulants - Aerospace and Hi-Tech Materials
- Screws and Bolts
- Nuts
- Washers, Circlips, Seals, Rings
- Fasteners for Sheet Metal
- Fasteners for Plastic
Trifast House, Bellbrook Park, - Enclosure Hardware
- Plastic Hardware
Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QW - UK - Spacers and Pillars
- Security Fasteners
08454 811 800 - Pins and keys
0870 458 7851 - Tooling and Driver Bits - Other Hardware
- Tapping Screws
- Metric Screws
- Screws For Plastic
- Wood Screws
- Customized Products
- Rivetsself-Drilling Screws
Ramazanoğlu Mah. Kaynarca Cad. No: 62 - Screws For Aluminum
Şeyhli Pendik - Istanbul / TURKEY
+90 (216) 378 98 06
+90 (216) 378 98 09
Defterdar Mah.
Çırçır Sok. No:1 Edirnekapı
Eyüp - İstanbul / TURKEY
+90 212 635 95 37 - 3 hat
+90 212 635 95 39