Microstrip Patch Antenna: A Review and The Current State of The Art

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Microstrip Patch Antenna: A Review and the Current State of the Art

Article  in  Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems · July 2019

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8 authors, including:

Abdullahi S.B Mohammed Shahanawaz Kamal

Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia


Zainal Arifin Ahmad Ubaid Ullah

Universiti Sains Malaysia Al Ain University


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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

Microstrip Patch Antenna: A Review and the

Current State of the Art
Abdullahi SB. Mohammed*, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal,
Shahanawaz Kamal, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Malaysia.
Mohd Fadzil Ain, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Malaysia.
Zainal Arifin Ahmad, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal,
Ubaid Ullah, School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Mohamadariff Othman, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Roslina Hussin, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Malaysia.
Mohd Fariz Ab Rahman, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Malaysia.
Abstract--- The mobile technology is fast-developing nowadays owing to its large impact on social life.
Accordingly, there is a need to study the progress of the antenna systems as they are considered as core devices for
wireless technology. The modern antenna designs allow a single element to be employed in many systems. The
microstrip patch antennas are essentially considered in the advancement of the latest communication mechanisms in
contrast to the conventional type because they offer the advantage of being low profile along with simple or
inexpensive manufacturing procedures. In the recent four decades, extensive research has been carried out on the
antenna systems. Consequently, this review paper provides a comprehensive account of the former and subsequent
research achievements of the microstrip patch antennas. The various types of systems considered for comparison
include millimeter-wave, broad banding, dual/multi-band or reconfigurable structure, size-reduction, compact, low
profile, impedance bandwidth, high gain or linear and circular polarization applications.

I. Introduction
Taking into account the presumptions of the near future, the data-hungry devices (smart-phone, tablet, sensor
and etc.) will lead to a shortage in the bandwidth. Hence, the advancement of wireless-based networks is essential.
The 5G technology employs high frequency bands and wide signal bandwidth in order to increase the transmission
bit rates, thereby providing better coverage with low battery consumption [1]. In the recent fifteen years, the
microstrip patch antennas (MPAs) are the most rapidly developing systems in the antenna field. They have received
creative attention from the researchers worldwide and several patents, articles or books have been published. Also,
multiple symposium sessions and short courses have been executed. As a result, MPAs have quickly evolved from
an academic novelty to commercial reality, with applications in a wide variety of microwave systems.
The conventional MPAs consists of a patch on one side of a dielectric substrate and ground plane on the other
side of the substrate which is basically fed by a microstrip line or coaxial probe [2]. MPAs offer a number of
advantages over the other antenna systems such as low profile, lightweight, simple fabrication process, low cost and
easy integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). They also demonstrate the inherent
resonant performance and efficient narrow bandwidth operation [2]. Moreover, the ultra-wideband (UWB) MPAs
have attracted more attention in recent years owing to their numerous benefits over the traditional antenna elements
such as reflectors, horns, slots, or wire antennas.
However, the electrical performance of the basic MPAs or array suffers from several serious drawbacks, for
instance, narrow bandwidth, high feed network losses, poor cross polarization, and low power handling capacity.
Consequently, in recent years, considerable attention has been paid by many antenna designers to enhance various
characteristics of the MPAs along with specific applications like millimeter-wave, worldwide interoperability for
microwave access (WiMAX), wireless local area network (WLAN) and UWB. This paper includes a review of the
different techniques presented by researchers for enhancing the bandwidth and the gain of the MPAs. It followed by
summarized discussion of design techniques and conclusion.

ISSN 1943-023X 510

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

II. Historical Review

Microstrip is probably the most successful and revolutionary antenna technology ever. Its success comes from
very well-known advantages. And it also has some limitations, the most well-known being the inherent narrow
bandwidth, narrow impedance, low axial ratio (AR), small gain, lower power handling capacity and low efficiency.
Several techniques have been developed to increase the bandwidth and have been presented in [3-4]. Microstrip
antenna was conceived by Deschamps [5] in 1953 in USA. In 1955, Gulton and Bassinot [6] in France patented; I
'flat' aerial that can be used in the UHF region. The father of practical microwave patch antennas is regarded as [7].
Although the patch antenna was first theorized by [5], but it was not put to use for many years. The first on a data
link for side winder missile, then on sprintmissile's semi-active seeker in [8]. The construct of microstrip radiator
wasn't active till the first 1970s, once there was a right away would like for low profile conformal antennas on the
rising new generation missiles. The first microstrip radiator was constructed by Byron [7] in the early 1970's. This
receiving wire was a directing strip, a few wavelengths in length and half wavelength wide isolated from a ground
plane by a dielectric strip. The strip was nourished at intermittent interims utilizing co-axial connectors along the
emanating edges and was utilized as an array. Munson [8] in 1974 demonstrated new class of microstrip wrap
around antennas suitable for missiles using microstrip radiator and microstrip feed networks on the same substrate.
In the early 1980s, the state of patch antenna can be partially summarized; the bulk of the research focused on
the characteristics of rectangular, circular, annular-ring and equitriangular patches were largely established
theoretically (via cavity model) and verified experimentally. Typical characteristics of the lowest mode are
broadside radiation patterns about 6 dBi gain and 3% impedance bandwidth. Narrow bandwidth was widely
recognized as a problem and there was considerable interest in frequency tuning, broad banding techniques and full
wave methods were being developed. [9-16]. Beginning in the mid-1980s and throughout the 1990s, a lot of
research was devoted to broaden the bandwidths of patch antennas by using broad banding techniques. The methods
developed for efficient wideband patch antenna design have one or more of the following features: thick substrates
of low permittivities are used; a scheme is devised to reduce the mismatch problem associated with thick substrates;
by means of parasitic elements or slots, either new resonances are introduced close to the main resonance or existing
resonances are brought close to one another so that an overall broader band response is obtained. [17-41]
According [26], the four methods designated by a (stacked patches, aperture coupled patches, U-slot, L-probe)
are probably the more popular ones. Early papers on single feed circularly polarized patch antennas are [24-25]. It
was found that the small disturbance at the desired frequency must be exactly the right amount to produce two
orthogonal polarizations with the same amplitude, but 900 out of phase. The axial bandwidth ratio is therefore
extremely narrow, usually about 0.5%. Each feed excites a linearly polarized mode in the dual feed circular patch
antenna and the two modes are orthogonally polarized. A feeding network is designed to provide the two ports with
the same amplitude but phase quadrature excitation. Achievable bandwidth of about 10% while maintaining a thin
substrate. <3% λ0. Sequentially rotated circular polarization subarray, the elements are rotated in space and fed with
phase shifts. Radiation from higher order mode tends to be reduced because of symmetry, resulting in good cross-
polarization [26].
The proposed antenna configurations in Figure 1a, increasing the bandwidth of microstrip patch antennas as
large as five times a single rectangular patch is obtained while in Figure 1b; a wide operating bandwidth for a single-
layer coaxially fed obtained by cutting a U-shaped slot on the patch. This antenna structure with a thick substrate of
0.08λ0; has provided impedance bandwidths of 10% to 40% and high cross polarization in E plane.

(a) (b)
Fig. 1: Coaxial Fed Patches with Parasitics or Slot [17, 22] (a) Stacked Parasitic Patch (double-layer), (b) U-Shaped
Slot (Single-Layer)
The configuration depicted in Figure 2 above, is well suited for monolithic phased arrays, where active devices
can be integrated on, no radiation from the feed network can interfere with the main radiation pattern since a ground
plane separates the two mechanisms.

ISSN 1943-023X 511

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

The bandwidth achieved is approximately about 10% for non- resonant slot while about 20% resonant slot with
high back lobe radiation. While in the characteristic action of the resonators of several layers produces a greatly
enhanced bandwidth about (50-60%) achievable.

Fig. 2: Aperture Coupled Patches [19-20] (a) Non Resonant Slot, (b) Resonant Slot
Figure 3 shows the horizontal arm of the probe gives a second resonance in conjunction with the patch. It also
provides the ability to counteract the reaction of the probe. This patch has only one layer and one patch. The typical
bandwidth for foam/air substrates is about 30 %.

Fig. 3: L-Probe Fed Patch Antenna [12] (a) Perspective View, (b) Side View
As shown in Figure 4, the small disturbance at the desired frequency has to be exactly the right amount to
produce two orthogonal polarizations with the same amplitude but 900 out of phase. The axial bandwidth ratio is
therefore extremely narrow, usually about 0.5%.

Fig. 4: Single-Feed Circularly Polarized Patch Antennas [28] (a) Almost Square Patch, (b)Almost Circular
(Elliptical Patch), (c) Square Patch with Truncated Corners, (d) Circular Patch with Indentations
As shown in Figure 5, It is found The incorporation of a U- slot in the patch can provide a flat input resistance
and a linear input reaction across a wider bandwidth than the conventional patch antenna The impedance matching

ISSN 1943-023X 512

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

frequency of the antenna can be varied by placing a variable capacitor and an inductor at the input of the antenna. It
is suitable for use in reducing the crosstalk from adjacent channels in multichannel system.

Fig. 5: Three Relatively Wideband Single Feed CP Patch Antennas [29-30] (a) U-Slot in a Square Patch, (b)Square
Patch with,(c) Modified E-Patch with Truncated Corners Asymmetrical
Figure 6. Orthogonal polarization is present in both modes. A feeding network is designed to provide the two
ports with the same amplitude but phase quadrature excitation. A bandwidth of approximately 10 percent while
maintaining a thin substrate (<3% λ0).

Fig. 6: Dual Feed CP Patch Antenna [28]

Figure 7. Elements are rotated in space and fed with phase shifts. Radiation from higher order mode tends to be
reduced because of symmetry, this uniquely formed array has the capability of generating excellent circular
polarization (CP) over a relatively wide frequency bandwidth and resulting in good cross-polarization.

Fig. 7: Sequentially Rotated CP Subarray 2x2 CP Subarray with Sequential Rotation [28, 31] (a) Each Element is a
CP Patch, (b) Each Element is a LP Patch
Figure 8. The size of the patch can be reduced by using high dielectric constant. However, the resulting patch
antenna will have narrow impedance bandwidth. This motivates the search for other size reduction methods. [42-
47] by placing a shorting wall along the null in the electric field across the center of the patch, the resonant length
can be reduced by a factor of two. The area occupied by the patch will be reduced by a factor of four if the aspect
ratio is kept the same.

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Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

Fig. 8: Size Reduction Techniques [42-47]

III. Frequency Range

Microstrip patch antenna have been widely used since last 50 years in various useful applications in the field of
communication [29]. And therefore many applications cover the broad range of frequencies roughly from (100MHz
to 100GHz). Various factor determines the practical range of operating frequencies over which an antenna can
operate. The physical properties of the antenna (size and weight) are often the limiting factors at lower frequencies,
while mechanical tolerances and electrical losses often dominate antenna designs at higher frequencies.
The antenna structure is shown in Figure (9) (a) Microstrip antenna consist of a very thin (0 t << λo, where λo is
the free-space wavelength), metallic strip (patch) placed a small fraction of a wavelength h << λo, usually 0.003λo ≤
h ≤ 0.05λoabove a ground plane. [29].

Fig. 9: Microstrip Antenna Structure from [29] (a) Microstrip Antenna, (b) Side View
The maximum radiation pattern of the patch is normal to the patch (broadside radiator). For a rectangular patch,
(L) represents the length of the patch which usually λo /3 < L < λo /2, which controls the antenna frequency and (W)
represents the patch width which is smaller than λ0 but it cannot be too small otherwise the antenna becomes a
microstrip line but not a radiator [29]. The width controls the input resistance of the patch antenna. The ground plane
is separated by a dielectric sheet (the substrate), as shown in Figure (9) (b) [29]. A patch antenna has a gain between
(5 to 6dB) and exhibits 3dB beamwidth between 70o and 90o [29]. There are many published designs of MPAs
operating at frequencies from 1 to 60 GHz, with dimensions ranging from a few centimeters down to a few
millimeters, and dielectric constant approximately ranging from 2.2 ≤ εr ≤ 12.
A frequency of 450 MHz is the lowest published frequency for which microstrip patch antenna has been
designed and fabricated [93]. The MPA has excellent signal propagation characteristics, which make them and ideal
choices for rural communication networks. The patch antennas design has been successfully developed with
unknown dielectric value. Is as shown in Figure 10. The highest published frequency for microstrip patch antenna is
currently 60 GHz [94] where the patch antenna dimensions are obtained by the size extension method in which the
antenna is exited with one of its higher order TEM modes whose attributes are closely matched with the
fundamental mode [94], where array antenna has A dimension of (5.54mm x 4.44mm x 0.127mm) was etched on a
low loss PCB substrate using symmetrical rectangular slits which are carved on the patch side in Figure 11.

ISSN 1943-023X 514

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

The measured -10dB bandwidth for this antenna is 4.92 GHz which covers channels 2 and 3 of 60 GHz WLAN/
WPAN applications.
Figure 10; It shown at the operating frequency of 457 MHz and 471 MHz, the S11 measured results are -12.325
dB and -9.536 dB respectively. The designed prototypes simultaneously enhance the gain (14 dB), bandwidth (BW)
(12.84% of the operating central frequency) and efficiency (94%) of antenna and tested at X-band (8–12GHz) and
60GHz band (57–66 GHz) frequencies [94].

Fig. 10: The Lower Frequency Published Design (457MHz and 71MHz) for MPA [93]

Fig. 11: The Highest- Frequency Published Design (60GHz) for MPA [80]

IV. Compact Microstrip Patch Antennas

In recent years, wireless communications have progressed very rapidly and many mobile devices are becoming
smaller and smaller. Compact antennas are required to meet the miniaturization requirement. Many applications,
especially for consumer wireless applications, require the integration of compact antennas in small packages such as
handheld computer and smart phones or other portable device.
For compact and broadband patch antenna design, a variety of broadband techniques have been developed using
the three approaches Q reduction, impedance matching and multiple resonances. It is known that the main factors
affecting the bandwidth of a microstrip patch antenna are the shape of the radiator, the feeding scheme, the substrate
and the arrangement of radiating and parasitic elements.
This section examines some techniques for designing a compact MPA to improve the performance of different
researchers. A simple technique used by researchers is the grades of slots or patch or ground cuttings. There is a
number of antennas using this technique because slots of different shapes influence the current paths on the patch
and result in different modes at the resonant frequencies. [48-58].
Figure 12 showed that it is possible to use the proposed FSS structure as a stop bands filter. The proposed FSS
was then applied to a conventional patch antenna as a super rate to improve its gain and efficiency.

ISSN 1943-023X 515

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

Fig. 12: Compact MPA with FSS Cell [54] (a) Top View, (b) Side Views

V. Wideband Designs
Many existing and emerging wireless applications, as well as many radar applications, operate over wide
frequency bands, and thus require broadband antennas. Some researchers worldwide began to work to overcome the
inherent disadvantage of the narrow bandwidth of impedance and produced interesting results
Some works relating to broadband, multiband antennas, compact designs, circular polarization, increased
directional designs, reconfigurable designs and array design are presented in this section. The frequency of operation
in which the antenna resonates were also analyzed. The comparative analysis was shown in Table 1 – Table 3.
Figure 13; in this approach one starts with a broadband, patch antenna, which can consist of one or more patches.
When a U-slot is cut in one of the patches, a notch is introduced into the matching band, and the antenna becomes a
dual-band antenna. If another U-slot is cut in the same patch or in another patch, a triple-band antenna results. When
a U- slot is cut into one of the patches, a slump in the matching band is inserted and the antenna becomes a dual-
band antenna. If another U- slot is cut in the same patch or another patch, the result is a triple antenna. The patterns
and gains of the dual and triple band antennas are found to be similar to the original broadband antenna. Because the
band notches introduced by the U- slots occur without slots within the bandwidth of the antenna.

Fig. 13: Use of U-Slots to Introduce Band Notches in a Broadband Antenna [102]
Figure 14. The PASS concept was used to design an antenna with a sense of polarization that can be switched
between RHCP and LHCP. PASS designs with versatile functionality have great potential for different wireless
communication systems, such as GPS and WLANs

Fig. 14: Patch Antenna with Switchable Slot (PASS) [103]

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Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

Figure 15. This communication proposes a polarization reconfigurable E- shaped patch antenna with wideband
performance. The antenna can switch its polarization from circular right- hand polarization (RHC P) to circular left-
hand polarization(LHCP) and vice versa. The antenna radiation symmetry is maintained when the two circular
polarization modes are switched [104-105].

Fig. 15: Polarization Reconfigurable Modified E Patch; Illustrating Four States of Polarization [104-105]
Table 1: Compact MPA designs
Center Frequency Feed Maximum
MSA Shape Constant Gain (dBi) BW (GHz) Ref.
(fc) GHz Type Dimension (mm)
(ε r )
Rectangular 10.15 Slot 4.3 20 x 20 x 1.6 4.09 0.575 [48]
28 Inserted 4.4 5 x 5 x 1.6 N/A 4.6 [49]
Slot 28.2 Slot 3 29.9×28.7×0.13 9 1.38 [50]
10 slot 4.4 20×18 3.19 5.8 [51]
T- Shape Slot 10/28/38 Slot 2.2 20 x 16.5 x 38 5.67/9.33/9.57 N/A [52]
Diamond Inserted 14.04 x 17.86 x
5.4 3.6 9.2 1.4 [53]
Shape slot 0.762
10 2.2 11.85 x 9.13 9.2 4 [54]
(Hexagonal) unit
Rectangular 24.25 & 38 2.2 6.3 x 6.0 x 0.787 7.23 & 3.69 N/A [55]
Staircase 2.44/5.33/7.79/9.39 Coaxial 2.2 4.35 x 49.4 x 1.6 6.49/6.05/9.98/8.55 0.06/0.34/0.28/0.78 [56]
Shaped MPA
Rectangular Inserted
2-12 2.2 22 x 27 5 - 26.5 1.1 [57]
Slots Slot
Multilayer 13 x 25.1 x
24 3.48 15.51 6.9 [58]
Yagi 0.762
Figure 16 to Figure 19showssome different enhancement techniques that, improvise the inherent issue of gain
and bandwidth in microstrip antennas at high frequency.
With reference to Table 2 and 3, all the antenna designs can be applied in radio, television, 5G mobile cellular
communications. Among the various antenna designs, the symmetrical rectangular antenna slits, the patch arrays
antenna and the Pharaonic broadband antenna ankh- key gives the best operation.

Fig. 16: An Example of Geometry and Dimensions of the Proposed Dual-Band 5G Antenna (a) 3D View, (b)Top
and Bottom Views: fc =28 /38GHz, Gain = 4.2/6.9dB; R = -29dB; VSWR= from [79]

ISSN 1943-023X 517

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

Fig. 17: An Example of 16 Element Antenna Cooperate Array fc =28.5/35, Bw] = 0.112/1.2121; Gain =
14.82/10.09; R = -21.7/26dB from [81]

Fig. 18: An Example of Dual Band Antenna (a) Dimension of Patch Antenna, (b) Side View of Antenna: fc =28/38,
Gain = 5.5/4.5dB; R = -40dB from [79]

Fig. 19: Sample Graph with Blue (Dotted), Green (Solid) and Red (Dashed) Lines (a) Subfigure 1, (b) Subfigure 2

ISSN 1943-023X 518

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

Table 2: Bandwidths Achieved by MPAs for Wideband Application (fc is the Centre frequency, ε r
Material for Dimension BW Gain Return
MPA Type fc (GHz) εr Ref.
design (mm) (GHz) (dBi) loss (dB)
Dual-Band Printed Slot Antenna. 28/38 RT Duroid 2.2 8 x 7.5 N/A 4.2/6.9 -40 [59]
Dual-Polarized Patch Array 28.5 FR4 substrate 2.2 11.6x 11.6 1.5-2 10 -20 [60]
A Grid Array Antenna 28 FR4 substrate 2.2 15 × 15 2.2 12.66 N/A [61]
Mesh-Grid Antenna Array 10- layer FR4
28 4.2 N/A >3 10.9 N/A [62]
Wide Scanning Angle Phased 10-layer FR4
28 4.2 N/A 0.5 N/A <10 [63]
Array substrate
A Compact Millimeter-Wave single layer
28 4.2 29.9×28.7 0.7 13 N/A [64]
Slot Antenna Array (4 X 4) PCB
Antipodal Tapered Slot Antenna
28.5 substrate 2.2 25 x 30 1.42 12.2 N/A [65]
A Switched Beam Planar Array 28 substrate 2.2 N/A 1 12 <10 [66]
Conformal Tapered Slot Antenna
24 –40 FR4 substrate 2.2 65 x 130 14.8 >20 N/A [67]
Circular-Shaped DD Patch
24 Dielectric N/A 3.2 x 3.3 x 2.2 N/A 16 <10 [68]
Antenna Arrays
Microstrip Antenna Array 64-
2.2 substrate 2.2 2 12 [69]
Dense Dielectric Patch
28 RT Duroid 2.2 N/A 2.4 12.48 -29 [70]
Array Antenna.
Magneto Electric Dipole Leaky-
28-32 RT Duroid 2.2 N/A N/A 16.55 -25 [71]
Wave Antenna
Planar Antenna 22-40 PET 3.2 N/A 8.2 -18 [72]
Pharaonic Ankh-Key Broadband
60- 72 RT Duroid 2.2 7.5 x 7.5 N/A 8.4 -20.2 [73]
New Gridded Parasitic Patch
60 Taconic TLY 2.2 N/A 15.6 8.6 -10 [74]
Stacked Micro Strip Antenna.
Liquid Crystal 16.7/1
Patch Antenna Array 57/60 2.9 55 x 70 N/A -20/-20 [75]
Polymer 7.1
Single Band Antenna 59.93 RT Duroid 2.2 8x8 4.028 5.48 -40 [76]
Double F Slot Patch Antenna. 58.10 Silicon 11.9 0.984 x 0.62 N/A 5.99 -32.5 [77]
Microstrip Antenna Array 38 RT Duroid 2.2 2.5 x 2.25 8 -40 [78]
Dual Band Antenna 22.25/38 RT Duroid 2.2 4.9 x 7.6 1.5 - 2 5.5/4.5 -40 [79]
Printed Patch Antenna Array. 37 RT Duroid 2.2 30.25 x 9.5 N/A 13.8 -17 [80]
16 Element Array Of Microstrip 0.1126/ 14.82/
28.5/33 RT Duroid 2.2 34.265 x 34.265 -21.7/-26 [81]
Patch Antenna 1.2121 10.09

Table 3: Comparatives Analysis of different Feed Mechanism for 5G Applications System at 28GHz
Dielectric BW @
Operation Gain
Proposed Antenna Constant Technique Applied (−10dB) Ref.
Frequency (dBi)
(εr ) (GHz)
28 2 x 2 U- shaped Patch Array Antenna 2.2 Inserted Slot 3.35 12 [82]
28 U- shaped MSA 3.36 Inserted Slot - 4.15 [83]
28 Broadside Array MSA 2.2 Series-fed 0.5 15.4 [84]
28/32 4 x 1 - Elements Patch Array 4.35 Inserted - 11.2 [85]
28 32- Elements Patch Array 2.2 Inserted 1.12 21.1 [86]
28 8-Elements Helix Phase Array Antenna 1 Inserted Slot 7 5 [87]
28 Parasitic Element MSA 4.4 Coplanar slot 1.55 6.7289 [88]
28 Swarm Intelligence Algorithm MSA 2.2 PSACO 0.35 10.49 [89]
28 Patch Phase Array Antenna 2.2 Inserted 1.4 8.64 [90]
28 PIFA 2.2 Slot & shorting strips 1.5 4.5 [91]
Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide-
28 3.55 Aperture-couple 2.9 11.6 [92]
fed square MSA
4×2 element microstrip antenna array
28 2.2 Probe feed 0.84 16.1 [93]

ISSN 1943-023X 519

Received: 25 June 2019/Accepted: 02 July 2019
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 07-Special Issue, 2019

VI. Summary and Conclusion

In engineering, the discipline of the antenna has enjoyed an extremely fruitful period during the past several
decades. Responsible for its accomplishment has been the technical advances in certain novel antennas, for instance,
millimeter-wave antenna, broadband, dual/multi-band or reconfigurable structure, size-reduction, compact, low-
profile, impedance bandwidth, high gain or linear and circular polarization applications., and the like. An enormous
influence in the victory of radiating elements has been the innovations in 5G technology. Even though a confident
level of maturity has been accomplished, there are several problems to be worked out. The innovative miniaturized
footprint suitable for 5G applications system along with enhanced performance characteristics is until now a most
challenging problem. However, the microstrip patch antenna can be designed to integrated with much architecture to
develop patterns for the current and future 5G applications system. Utilizing novel materials and new fabrication
techniques for the antennas represent another approach to offer multiple prospects for the system performance. This
will make the MPAs at mm-wave an even more viable alternative to the conventional low-gain resonant antenna.

The authors would like to acknowledge Graduate Assistant Scheme of Universiti Sains Malaysia and research

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