10.00 AM
1. The President adjourned the meeting by 30 minutes since required quorum was not
10.30 AM
1. Meeting started after 30 minutes as per provisions of bye laws.
2. Roll Call of Members Present: The President informed the gathering as follows on
presence of the members.
Total Members in the association 126
Members present 25
Members represented through Proxies 0
3. The president informed the members about proof of notice of the meeting and also
explained the reasons behind postponement of the scheduled meeting.
4. Secretary read out the minutes of the preceding meeting (16-Aug-2020) and it was
adopted as approved (proposed by Mr. Sudershan and seconded by Mr.
5. Treasurer read out the highlights of the income and expenditure statement, balance
sheet and auditor’s report. Mr. Lokesh proposed to approve the accounts and was
seconded by Mr. Venkatesh Murthy
Treasurer also updated the Members present on:
a. FDs moved to ICICI from Bank of India and update on closure of Account and
bank locker with BOI.
b. All the GST returns have been filed till June 2021. GST and income tax filing
with single agency for better coordination.
6. Secretary read out his report
a. Highlighted challenges faced by the Society during Covid-19 and thanked
Covid Action Team for their support
b. He thanked all members for coming forward with donations to Staff in
support of their families during the pandemic
c. Thanked MC, Support Staff and Service Providers for all the support extended
during his term.
7. President updated about Painting and Water proofing progress:
a. Main building painting is completed, working closely with Asian Paints for
faster closure
b. Water Proofing of planter boxes and fire sump is completed. Raw water
sump in progress, filter water sump water proofing will start after completion
of Raw water sump.
c. There are some additional areas which may require water proofing.
President proposed below areas for Waterproofing and Estimated cost for
the water proofing.
Water Proofing Estimated
Area Problem Area Cost (INR)
Leakages in basement near fire pump
Planter Box Block A room 74659
Planter Box Block B Anticipated leakages in basement 137996
Planter Box on First
Floor Boxes near to A 103 and A 104 211253
Joints of main Joints between slabs on North and South Estimate
building and of Main Building – leakages Near Sump Awaited from
adjacent Structure and Parking on South side Vendor
Misc Mud Work and Misc 75000
Proposal was proposed by Mrs. Sujatha Gopal and seconded by Mr. Sriram.
Members present unanimously approved the expenditure and agreed to use
available corpus fund for the expenditure.
d. President updated that Swimming Pool work not initiated due to delay in
identification of agencies to repair, covid lock down and non-operation of
swimming pool due to Covid restrictions from Government.
e. Members requested for additional cleaning of balcony and utility after spray
painting and in the common areas – President updated that cleaning will be
planned towards end of the completion.
f. Members enquired about painting of South side car park and President
confirmed that it will be done along with Club House and there are
discussions with Asian Paints regarding painting the Sheets as the sheets
were powder coated and not included on the scope.
8. The President informed the members that there were no proposals for modification
of bylaws
9. There were No Unfinished business from previous meeting to be discussed.
10. Following items related New Business were discussed as per agenda on notice.
a. Treasurer updated that Maintenance Collection Rs.2.36 + 44 paise + water
charges and same will continue for the next year with trends in current
maintenance expenditure.
b. Treasurer proposed adjusting the Swimming Pool repairs fund against the
upcoming maintenance charges as Swimming pool is shutdown due to Covid
and repairing will be planned in future after covid Pandemic.
i. Members asked about savings due to closing of swimming pool. Joint-
treasurer updated that it is difficult quantify it but it has come down
ii. Few members also proposed closing of main swimming pool and
converting it to play area. Deciding the fate of Swimming pool is a
larger topic involving other topics such as rental values, it was decided
to limit the discussion to current refund only
iii. One of the members requested to postpone the corpus collection by a
year since we have already paid 35000 for painting this year and due
to prevailing covid condition. The treasurer explained that the
proposed swimming pool offset will help to reduce the overall burden
on the members
iv. Treasurer proposed for additional collection of Rs. 1000 per month
and per flat – as Contingency Fund as per Para 54.5 of bye laws.
Monthly collection will help members to save GST @ 18% as
collection will be below Rs. 7500 per month.
c. Maintenance and Corpus collection proposal was Proposed to be adopted by
Mr. Lokesh and was seconded by Mr. Anand Jalakam. Proposals by Treasurer
for collection of maintenance fund and collection of contingency fund were
unanimously approved by members present.
11. President explained about rainwater draining system its effects on basement
overflowing. President proposed harvesting the water for domestic purpose.
a. Mr. Anand expressed his reservations regarding mixing of Rainwater with
domestic purpose. He explained about Magnesium content deficiency and
Bird excretion related to Rainwater. He said he will propose a plan for better
utilization of water.
b. Mr. Anand volunteered to support the MC with a proposal regarding
infrastructure for handling the overflow and regarding water utilization
c. Mr. Anand also highlighted about upcoming regulations related to STP and
requested the association to be prepared for the same.
12. Election of new Management Committee
a. As per the inputs of Election Committee, president updated members
present that no nominations have been received for any post for Managing
Committee 2021-22.
b. President requested members come forward form the new committee and
all existing MC members will exit as they have been part of the committee for
past 4 years
c. Existing MC will complete all the pending work by 15th Aug and continue to
support the new MC in all activities
d. Mr. Venkatesh Murthy, Election Officer, thanked current MC for excellent
contribution to the society and requested 50% members to continue for
smooth hand-over. He also proposed every member of the association to be
part of MC on rotation basis
e. Mr. Ramachandra, Mr. Sriram and Mr. Subramanya volunteered to be a
executive member from the members present.
f. Mr. Sriram suggested circulating a memo that sufficient members have come
forward for MC and asking for nominations. It agreed that all the
nominations will be sent to President and interested members will meet and
elect / select office bearers for year 2021-22 before July 23, 2021. President
was authorized to update MoM with the new committee based on the
nominations / candidature received from owners.
g. All the members present unanimously agreed for the proposal for Managing
Committee 2021-22.
h. Based on the nominations received at the end of day July 24, 2021, below
candidates are declared elected for Managing Committee 2021-22.
Name Apartment No. Designation
1. S A Ramachandra A1002 President
2 Subramanya B 704 Vice President
3. Harish A201 Secretary
4. Gopalan A 901 Joint Secretary
5 . Sriram A 1102 Treasurer
6. Rajaram A304 Joint Treasurer
7. Venkatesh Murthy B 802 Executive Member
8. Vinay Seth B 1004 Executive Member
9 . Krishnaprasad A 1602 Executive Member
10. Yogesh Pinglay B 1603 Executive Member
11. Harish A 1001 Executive Member
13. The President thanked all the MC members and association members for their
support during his term in the MC.
14. Durga Prasad thanked everyone for their excellent support during pandemic year
and said wearing a resident’s hat he feels MC has done a good job. He thanked Covid
Action Team. At the end, he thanked members joining the meeting and for giving
useful inputs.
President Secretary