Content Based Structural Recognition For Image Classification Using PSO Technique and SVM

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 87 – No. 7, February 2014

Content based Structural Recognition for Image

Classification using PSO Technique and SVM

Abhishek Pandey Anjna Jayant Deen Rajeev Pandey, Ph.D

Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE
UIT-RGPV Bhopal (M.P) UIT-RGPV Bhopal (M.P) UIT-RGPV Bhopal(M.P)

ABSTRACT The shape of an object is a binary image representing the extent

The issue of SVMs parameter optimization with particle swarm of objects. In region-based considers the shape being composed
optimization (pso) provide the optimum solution. This new of a set of two-dimensional regions, while the boundary based
classification approach may be an efficient alternative, in representation presents the shape of its outline. Region-based
existing paradigms. PSO technique work with high dimensional feature vectors often result in shorter feature vectors and simpler
datasets and mixed attribute data. The structure of the image is matching algorithms. Object region features are recognized on
recognized through PSO technique which provide optimized the basis of pixel values in digital image processing.
parameter for SVM. This approach determines the performance Recently evolutionary algorithms are used for optimization &
of image classification after structural recognition based on Recognition:
content of image and comparing the obtained results with those
reported for various other classification approaches. 1. Genetic algorithm (GA).
PSO-SVM technique can be applied mixed-attribute, 2. Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
hyperspectral data, hyperdimension spaces & problem 3. Ant colony optimization (ACO)
description spaces and it can also be a competitive alternative to 4. Simulated annealing algorithm (SA)
well established classification techniques. The optimized process This Algorithm has been employed to optimize the SVMs
of data reduces the unclassified region of support vector parameters for their better global search abilities against
machine and improves the performance of image classification. numerical optimization methods[23]. PSO algorithm is
The feature of region of image is classified by PSO-SVM responsible for optimum solution for parameters selection.
technique in inside the image. Cassified features are increase Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is a global
recogniztion ratio because the feature of image is optimized. optimization method originally [1] [2]. It is swarm intelligence
algorithm that emulates swarm behaviors such as birds flocking
General Terms and fish schooling[3]. It is a population-based iterative learning
Pattern Recognition, high dimensional image classification et. al. algorithm that shares some common characteristics with other
evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms [25]. The PSO
Keywords algorithm works with noisy images. This algorithm efficiently
Structural recognition, PSO technique, SVM classifier, image work with edge detection, line detection and point detection[24].
For the classification of lower content of the image we used
1. INTRODUCTION support vector machine. Support vector machine is a linear and
Nowadays, Technology in digital image processing is emerging bilinear classifier [5]. Machine Learning is considered as a
rapidly. So, the accuracy and performance of images in the field subfield of Artificial Intelligence and it is concerned with the
of image recognition, image segmentation, image reconstruction development of techniques and methods which enable the
& image classification plays a vital role in digital image computer to learn. Image recognition is a basic step of Machine
processing. My research work in Content based image learning.
recognition then classification of images are a key part of digital Special attention is given to two major potential problems
image processing. The enlargement in the computer technologies encountered in the classification domain: datasets with high
and the advent of the Nation wise Wide Web, there has been an dimensionality and mixed attribute with noisy data[20]. Particle
explosion in the amount and complexity of digital data being Swarm Optimisation (PSO) is a population-based meta-heuristic
generated, stored, transmitted, analyzed, and accessed. In order method for solving global and local optimisation problems based
to make use of this vast amount of data, efficient and effective on social-psychological principles[22]. Compared with some
techniques to retrieve multimedia information based on its heuristic methods such as genetic algorithms, the most important
content need to be developed. Image recognition is challenging general advantages of PSO are ease of its implementation,
& new emerging field of image processing. This application memory for each particle and high speed of convergence[25].
importance in image analysis and design field.The image content
is color, texture and shape[11]. 2. RELATED WORK
The major image feature is the structure of the object contained Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is a global
in the image Shape feature of the image may be defined as the optimization method originally. It is swarm intelligence
characteristic surface configuration of an object; an outline or algorithm that emulates swarm behaviors such as birds flocking
contour[18]. Shape representations can be generally divided into and fish schooling. It is a population-based iterative learning
two categories: algorithm that shares some common characteristics with other
evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms. ACO makes
 Boundary-based, and probabilistic decision in terms of the artificial pheromone trails
 Region-based. and the local heuristic information. This allows ACO to explore

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 87 – No. 7, February 2014

larger number of solutions than greedy heuristics. Another xi(t) is the particle’s position at time t.
characteristic of the ACO algorithm is the pheromone trail ˆxi (t) is the particle’s individual best solution as of time t.
evaporation, which is a process that leads to decreasing the g(t) is the swarm’s best solution as of time t.
pheromone trail intensity over time. It is suggested by Qin Da et Each particle’s position is updated using this equation:
al[13]. xi(t + 1) = xi(t) + vi(t + 1)………………..(2)
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is a global
Addressing the issue of SVMs parameters optimization, this optimization method originally [1][2]. It is swarm intelligence
study proposes an efficient memetic algorithm based on particle algorithm that emulates swarm behaviors such as birds flocking
swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) and pattern search (PS). In and fish schooling[8]. It is a population-based iterative learning
the proposed memetic algorithm, PSO is responsible for algorithm that shares some common characteristics with other
exploration of the search space and the detection of the potential evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms [3]. However,
regions with optimum solutions, while pattern search (PS) is particle flying in the search space and adjusting its flying
used to produce an effective exploitation on the potential regions trajectory according to its personal best experience and its
obtained by PSO.This is worked by Yukun Bao et al[22]. neighborhood’s best experience rather than through particles
Support vector machine (SVM) is the state-of-the-art undergoing genetic operations like selection, crossover, and
classification method, and the doubly regularized SVM mutation [4]. Owing to its simple concept and high efficiency,
(DrSVM) is an important extension based on the elastic net PSO has become a widely adopted optimization technique and
penalty. DrSVM has been successfully applied in handling has been successfully applied to many real-world problems [8].
variable selection while retaining (or discarding) correlated PSO searches for an optimum through each Particle swarm
variables. However, it is challenging to solve this model.This is optimization (PSO) relies on its learning strategy to guide its
suggested by Dehua Liu[25]. This study initially aims at search direction. Traditionally, each particle utilizes its historical
optimizing the accuracy of SVM classifier by detecting the best experience and its neighborhood’s best experience through
subset of best informative features and estimating the best values linear summation. Such a learning strategy is easy to use.
for regularization of kernel parameters for SVM model[16]. In
order to achieve this PSO based optimized framework is used. 2.2 Support Vector Machine
PSO-SVM algorithm combines two machine learning methods Support vector machine is a linear and bilinear classifier[18].
by optimizing the parameters of SVM using PSO with fast Support Vector Machine (SVM) was first heard in 1992,
feature extraction metod. PSO starts with n-randomly selected introduced by Bose, Guyon, and Vapnik in COLT-92. Support
particles and searches for the optimal particle iteratively. Each vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning
particle is a m-dimensional vector and represents a candidate methods used for classification and regression [8]. They belong
solution. SVM classifier is built for each candidate solution to to a family of generalized linear classifiers. In other terms,
evaluate its performance through the cross validation method. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a classification and
PSO algorithm guides the selection of potential subsets that lead regression prediction tool that uses machine learning theory to
to best prediction accuracy[16]. The algorithm uses the fit maximize predictive accuracy while automatically avoiding
particles to contribute to the next generation of n-candidate over-fit to the data. Support Vector machines can be defined as
particles. Thus, on the average, each successive population of systems which use the hypothesis space of a linear function in a
candidate particles fits better than its predecessor. This work is high dimensional feature space, trained with a learning
Fatima Ardjani et al[16]. algorithm from optimization theory that implements a learning
bias derived from statistical learning theory[25]. It is also being
2.1 PSO Technique used for many applications, such as handwriting analysis, phase
PSO was first described by James Kennedy and Russell Eberhart analysis and so forth, especially for pattern classification and
in 1995. This algorithm apply in noisy feature of images. This regression based applications. The foundations of Support
algorithm is swarm intelligence based. The observatzion of Vector Machines (SVM) have been developed by Vapnik and
swarming habits of animals such as birds or fish. The PSO gained popularity due to many promising features such as better
algorithm maintains multiple potential solutions at one time. empirical performance.
During each iteration of the algorithm, each solution is evaluated
by an objective function . Each solution is represented by a SVM is a novel neural network technique, which can be applied
particle in the fitness landscape (search space).The particles in classification and regression analysis. Consider a training data
“fly” or “swarm” through the search space to find the maximum set {(xi,yi)}ni=1 where xi presents the input vector and yi ε {1,-1}
value returned by objective function. presents the class label. Determination of optimum hyper plane
can be used to solve the following optimization problem:
The PSO algorithm consists of just three steps:
1. Evaluate the fitness of each particle.
2. Update individual and global best. …………………………………(3)
3. Update velocity and position of each particle.
These steps are repeated until some stopping condition is met. Subject to
Performance of particle is fitness of each particle. (local best yi(w. xi+b) ≥ 1
value is the fitness value of particle). Each particle’s velocity is In order to solve the above optimization problem, two positive
updated using this equation: slack variables are introduced. Then, the optimization problem is
vi(t+1) = wvi(i)+c1r1[ i(t)−xi(t)]+c2r2[g(t)−xi(t)]………(1) given as follows:
i is the particle index.
w is the inertial coefficient. ……………………(4)
c1, c2 are acceleration coefficients. yi(w. xi+b) ≥ 1-ξi, ξi ≥ 0
r1, r2 are random values .
Regenerated every velocity update particle. where ξi, ξi’ are the slack variables; C is a regularization constant.
vi(t) is the particle’s velocity at time t. Finally, the classification function is written as follows:

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 87 – No. 7, February 2014

The SVM, BP neural network and RBF neural network are used
…………..(5) to compare with PSO-SVM with fast texture feature extraction
method. The correct rate is used to measure the classification
where αi
performance of PSO-SVM. The classification accuracy of PSO-
This research work aims at providing more accurate result Correct rate =
compare to other techniques. Proposed methodology used
following major steps: If the error number is less and correct number is more then the
I. Image Preprocessing- The dataset of images in standard size correct rate of classification is greater then the percentage of
through crops of images. Images are in normalized images recognition will be increased.
using preprocessing techniques.
Initialize the postions and velocity of all particles
II. Feature Extraction- Extraction of features of images are
based on content based image retrieval (CBIR) technique. A
typical CBIR system automatically extracts visual attributes
(color, shape, texture and spatial information) of each image in
Evaluate the fitness of each particle according to the
the database based on its pixel values and stores them into a
different database within the system called feature database desired optimiztion
[6,11]. The feature data for each of the visual attributes of each
image is very much smaller in size compared to the image data.
III. PSO-SVM Technique-Proposed PSO-SVM system of Update local best and global best
classification. This study initially aims at optimizing the
accuracy of the SVM classifier by detecting the subset of best
informative features and estimating the best values for
regularization of kernel parameters for SVM model.The PSO-
SVM with fast texture extraction feature is apply for Update the velocity and postion of the particles
classification. In order to achieve this PSO based optimized
framework is used. PSO-SVM algorithm combines two machine
learning methods of optimizing the parameters of SVM using
PSO [23]. PSO starts with n-randomly selected particles and
searches for the optimal particle iteratively. Each particle is a m- Is the Maximal
dimensional vector and represents a candidate solution. SVM
classifier is built for each candidate solution to evaluate its iterative gained? No
performance through the cross validation method[9].The
algorithm uses the most fit particles to contribute to the next
generation of n-candidate particles. Thus, on the average, each
successive population of candidate particles fits better than its Yes
predecessor. This process continues until the performance of
SVM converges. PSO is used to find optimal feature subsets by
discovering the best feature combinations as they fly within the
problem space from the processed data sets[23]. Figure 1: The process of support vector machine trained by
particle swarm optimization
The procedure is described proposed PSO-SVM approach is as
1. Initializing PSO with population size, inertia weight and The classification is tested on satellite, remote sensing and Land
generations without improving. Sat images. These are images taken by the satellite. Here original
2. Evaluating the fitness of each particle. image is taken first as input then the region feature extracted, then
3. Comparing the fitness values and determines the local best its interest is selected for training on the bases of region.
and global best particle.
4. Updating the velocity and position of each particle till the
value of the fitness function converges.
5. After converging, the global best particle in the swarm is
fed to the SVM classifier for training.
6. Training the SVM classifier. The PSO-SVM takes the
advantage of minimum structural risk of SVM and the
quick global optimizing ability of PSO.
The application of the algorithm of optimization by particulate
swarm, like any evolutionary algorithm, is influenced by factors
such as the criterion of the stop, the structure of the particle, the
objective function.
We testify the classification performance of the proposed
method. The selection of the parameters of support vector
machine will critically affect its results. The image used to
testify the classification performance of the proposed method.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 87 – No. 7, February 2014

Figure 2: Satellite image1

Figure 4: Region based classified image
Here figure 1 shows that the main satellite image, which is read
first, and in the next step the input query image is proceed for the Here table 1 shows that the accuracy, kappa coefficient value of
selected region of interest with accordingly similar classified the satellite and Land Sat image on the basis of confusion Matrix.
image. The analysis is done on the basis of existing work. The existing
technique is being trained using SVM training and hence the
accuracy is less. In the table shows the accuracies of different
image taken for the testing. Kappa value represent the categorical
value of features. Kappa coefficient (k), which is believed to be a
better representation of the general quality of an image
classification, because it removes the effects caused by
differences in sample size and accounts for the off-diagonal
elements in the error matrix. It also allows different
classifications to be compared statistically.

Table 1: Accuracy comparison of SVM and PSOSVM

kappa value With SVM With PSOSVM

0.4525 81.6551 89.5652

0.4752 82.5475 87.5641

Figure 3: Region of Interest 0.3954 81.6594 85.6621

Now here figure2 shows that the selected region of interest of the 0.4215 82.5475 88.2245
input taken image before. And figure 3 shows that the highlighted
region of the image taken for testing. 0.4712 82.7594 91.6583

0.3953 86.6547 90.5264

0.5445 84.3162 89.4545

As shown in the figure 4 is the result analysis and comparison of

the SVM method and PSOSVM proposed method. The analysis
shows the performance of the proposed PSOSVM, the proposed
technique has more accuracy as compared to the only SVM

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 87 – No. 7, February 2014

to other techniques. PSO Algorithm’s modification or alternative

Comparsion of Kappa vs Accuracy will be apply in the future.
92 The Limitation of the PSO approach when the number of classes
90 is important in multiclass databases. From the reported

88 classification performances for various datasets, the results

86 clearly indicate that PSO out performed other classification
84 methods in accuracy. Nevertheless, the time con- sumption of the
82 training stage is substantially higher than with other techniques.
80 The other alternative can be used in which time consumption
78 problem would be removed.
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[17]. He Yang, Qian Du “Particle swarm optimization-based 8. AUTHERS’ PROFILE
dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral image Abhishek Pandey (Birth Place-Rewa(M.P.) D.O.B.-
classification”, Geoscience and Remote Sensing 01.05.1987) received his Bachelor’s degree in
Symposium (IGARSS), 2011 IEEE International , 24-29 Information technology from SATI Vidisha,(m.p.) India in 2010.
July 2011, ISSN : 2153-6996 Page(s): 2357 – 2360. At present, he is pursuing M.E. degree in Computer Science &
[18]. Siu-Yeung Cho. “Content based structural reconition for Engineering from UIT- RGPV, Bhopal India. His research areas
flower image classification.” 2011 IEEE .Division of are Image processing, recognition & classification.
engineering.The university of nottingm, china. Prof. Anjna jayant deen (Birth Place- Bhopal, D.O.B.-
[19]. Manimala Singha and K. Hemachandran: “ Content Based 22.07.1973) has received her Bachelor’s degree in Computer
Image Retrieval using Color and Texture”, Signal & Image Science & Engineering from UIT (GEC)-RGPV, Bhopal India in
Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, 1993, and completed M.Tech., degree from Maulana Azad
February 2012 National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India in 2007.

[20]. Yu ZENG a, Jixian ZHANG a, J.L. van GENDEREN b, At present, She is working as an Assistant Prof. in UIT-RGPV
Guangliang WANG a, “SVM-based Multi-textural Image Bhopal since 2007. She has been published in various research
Classification and Its Uncertainty Analysis.” Chinese papers in National and International Journal. Her areas of
Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing 100830, interest include Computer Networks, Neural Networks and
P.R.China; b University of Twente, 2012 International Internet.
Conference on Industrial Control and Electronics Dr. Rajeev Pandey received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer
Engineering. Science & Engineering from IET, DR. B.R.A. University Agra,
[21]. Felci Rajam, S. Valli :” A Survey on Content Based Image U.P. India.M.E. (Computer Science & Engineering) from Dr.
Retrieval” Life Sci J 2013; 10(2): 2475- 2487]. (ISSN: B.R.A. University, Agra in 2004. Ph.D. in 2010 from Dr.B.R.A.
1097-8135). 343. University, Agra, U.P. India. He is also Pursuing Ph.D.
(Computer Science & Engineering) from RGPV, Bhopal, M.P.
[22]. Yukun Bao n, ZhongyiHu,TaoXiong “A PSO and pattern India. At present, he is working as an Assistant Prof. in UIT-
search based memetic algorithm for SVMs parameters RGPV, Bhopal since 2007.
optimization.” 2013 Elsevier B.V, in Neurocomputing.
Department of Management Science and Information


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